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COBOL IDE, Compiler for Linux 26

Grizzly writes "Okay, go ahead and laugh. But there's a lot of COBOL out there, and that has kept a lot of businesses, especially outside the United States, from even looking at Linux. Linux and Main has a story on KOBOL and how it might make bringing those COBOL apps over to Linux possible."
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COBOL IDE, Compiler for Linux

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  • TinyCOBOL ? (Score:1, Informative)

    by Anonymous Coward
    Are you aware of the TinyCOBOL project? They are at version 0.58 and producing a true COBOL compiler, no translation to C first. They are targetting COBOL 85 first with an eventual production of a compiler with the most current standard available.

    The project is hosted on at [], check it out for more details.
  • PerCobol LegacyJ (Score:3, Informative)

    by Gaetano ( 142855 ) on Thursday June 06, 2002 @05:53PM (#3655485)
    Another very attractive cobol tool that runs on linux (and windows, and Solaris, and so on) is PerCobol from LegacyJ.As the name would indicate its a java solution.

    My agency has had a developer trying to get Merants Cobol working on a Solaris system for some time now and hasn't had any luck getting it to connect to Oracle. All the instructions we could find refer to DB2, even those where incomplete. Merant was not willing to support us since we purchased the software directly from Sun.

    I couldn't find any instructions on getting Kobol to connect to Orable either, but its still a pretty new product so I will be revisiting it later. But with PerCobol it took about 1 hour to figure it out. (this is including the 30 minutes it took to download the 100mb evaluation copy).

    The cost of PerCobol is MUCH higher than Kobol's $39.95. Its more like 5000 dollars per developer (if you are deploying to a Solaris server which we are). But it still looks really good compared to what we have experianced with Merant and we can redeploy the mainframe applications to java applettes on our intranet with PerCobol with little trouble.

  • Well... (Score:3, Funny)

    by vegetablespork ( 575101 ) <> on Thursday June 06, 2002 @06:15PM (#3655668) Homepage
    ...if obsolescence implies security, then your apps won't get much more locked down than with this!

    • Cool Now YOU can keep your legacy, outdated programs when you migrate to state of the art systems! Wait, how did my insurance plan expire in 1902? It was supposed to do so in 2002 ;)
  • by PD ( 9577 ) <> on Thursday June 06, 2002 @06:43PM (#3655874) Homepage Journal
    Or at least don't disrespect the programmers. Someday when we're all creaky it'll be hard to find a job doing C++ or Java or Perl or C#. Sure, we know those are fine languages for many things, and we've got 40 years of experience using them. Sure we are still sharp and can code rings around almost anybody. We even probably still feel young inside and if we're lucky only need the regular strength viagra. (EXTRA strength viagra is for OLD people).

    But there it is on the resume - you did C++ programming 25 years ago, and in the eyes of the young'ins, that makes you unemployable. I've worked with enough people with many decades of experience to know that these people can be the sharpest ones in an organization, even if their experience includes COBOL.

    I know this is offtopic, but I can predict what some of the comments are going to say.

  • good for linux (Score:4, Insightful)

    by larry bagina ( 561269 ) on Thursday June 06, 2002 @09:55PM (#3657142) Journal
    I'm sure a lot of people will say "Cobol is dead. Who cares".

    While it's true that cobol is often associated with legacy programs, cobol programs are a niche market, one that linux could exploit (recompile your cobol app for linux and save!). So far, linux growth has mostly been at the expense of other unix rather than cutting into the desktop (windos) market. I'm not suggesting that linux or x86 hardware can compete with mainframes, but a modern x86 box running linux could replace a mainframe for some cobol apps.

    Additionally, scary as it sounds, ne wCobol development is still being done. A company I used to work for sold (and still sells) expensive bank software written in cobol and using Tandem SQL.

    If it gets the job done, it gets the job done. That applies to linux and cobol.

  • by MrBoring ( 256282 ) on Friday June 07, 2002 @11:05AM (#3659620)
    Unfortunately a COBOL compiler isn't enough. Other applications which are specific to mainframes would also need to be implemented. Here's two examples:

    * VSAM -- IBM's keyed file format. It's simplistic in concept, but manages keyed files very well. A relational DB might be better, but you'd still have to convert the code.

    * IMS -- IBM's hierarchical database. The syntax isn't declarative like SQL, but much more intent on moving a pointer throughout the database.

    * Other OS calls.

    • Indexed files are supported in Kobol. Not exactly VSAM, but close enough for most applications.

      As for IMS, there is a command level preprocessor available for it. It is just rarely used. In fact, it is the same preprocessor that is used for command level CICS.

  • PowerCOBOL (Score:1, Informative)

    by Anonymous Coward
    I was turned off to COBOL in the beginning, until I tried Fujitsu PowerCOBOL for Win32. Programming with it is much easier than I imagined it to be. I made an interesting GUI in a couple of hours. The code is pretty readable too. I really think it's a myth that COBOL is dead and legacy only. The recent COBOL book from Sams was what got me started, and came with this compiler on CD.

    It's not perfect however, there are some annoying bits about the IDE, at least in the demo that I tried (based on an older release). I had to close the editing window before I could compile. It becomes annoying opening and closing the same window during tests. Hopefully this issue is solved in newer releases.

    I'm pleased that there will be KOBOL for Linux. I hope it measures up to PowerCOBOL eventually.
  • by Garg ( 35772 ) on Saturday June 08, 2002 @11:51AM (#3664947) Homepage

    I've been in computers 20+ years, and worked with all sorts of different platforms and languages. For some reason, there are more women who program in COBOL than in any other language.

    You guys in the ultra-geeky C++ shops, look around. What's the ratio of males to females? In most COBOL shops, it's equitable. I've even worked in places where there were more women than men.

    I've recently interviewed for a job elsewhere in my organization where I'd be swapping mostly COBOL and a little Java for full-time Java, SOAP, etc. Sounds like a much cooler job... but this group is off in another building, and there's only one woman. Don't get me wrong, I'm happily married... but I like having women around.

    So what if all the women will look like Grace Hopper soon? I'll look like Hume Cronyn.

    Programming needs women. Go COBOL!

    • I've had the same experience, and I have a theory about it. Cobol programmers, especially the long timers, are by and large not CS geeks. They are people whol came from the business side and recieved corporate training. C++ (and most other languages) geeks tend to be people that studied CS at

      Therefore Cobol programmers represent the heterogeneous make up of the business world, while other computer disciplines represent the nearly all male world of University CS classes.
  • COBOL is a great language for business/financial applications. I wouldn't write an OS in it, but I wouldn't recommend C for banking software either.
  • Micro Focus is going to eat the Kompany's lunch on this one. Mainframers know Micro Focus like C++ developers know Rogue Wave. Their Object COBOL developer suite [] has been here longer from a company Mainframers know and trust.

    I have nothing against the Kompany, in fact I like them quite a bit, but this seems like a stupid move.

"Love is a snowmobile racing across the tundra and then suddenly it flips over, pinning you underneath. At night, the ice weasels come." --Matt Groening
