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How Would You Improve Today's Debugging Tools? 731

redelvis asks: "I recently came across an article by MIT's Media Lab on 'The Debugging Scandal and What to Do About It'. It's a few years old now, but it really got me thinking about how little the debugging process has improved over the last 5,10 or even 30 years. I have developed applications using modern IDE debuggers such as Borland's JBuilder, Microsoft's Visual C++, as well as standard tools like gdb and jdb. Despite the slick graphical interfaces, nice thread stack traces and local variable browsers, I still make sure I have on hand plenty of notepads, graph paper, pens and pencils so I can try to build up a picture of what state the program is in and to help me play detective in pinpointing what is going wrong with my (or other peoples) programs. Do other developers have similar problems? Do they find modern IDEs and debuggers have shortcomings in helping track down bugs? What would make a better debugger? Why do you think so much effort been invested in areas such as advanced modelling tools but so little in improving debugging tools?"
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How Would You Improve Today's Debugging Tools?

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  • by koali ( 175176 ) on Wednesday January 08, 2003 @03:07PM (#5041621)
    But I'd like to be able to create 'conditional' breakpoints (i.e.: stop at this line when i==47).

    Other than that, I'd like generalized hot-swapping of code and 'step back' (which I don't know if it's always factible); or at least be able to view a variable's history.

    Shame that my IDE of choice (Eclipse) doesn't (AFAIK) support those.
  • Forget the Debugger (Score:3, Interesting)

    by sohp ( 22984 ) <.moc.oi. .ta. .notwens.> on Wednesday January 08, 2003 @03:08PM (#5041630) Homepage
    Write unit tests. Write acceptance tests. Write regression tests. Give the customer the ability to execute the acceptance tests automatically and get immediate feedback on what's working an what remains to be done.
  • by UncleFluffy ( 164860 ) on Wednesday January 08, 2003 @03:08PM (#5041633)
    fprintf(logfile, ...

    and the mighty grep
  • by Greenisus ( 262784 ) <michael@mayoGIRA ... minus herbivore> on Wednesday January 08, 2003 @03:09PM (#5041640) Homepage
    My favorite debugging tool is to use watches while stepping through code. I think it would be nice if we could highlight a watched variable and get a list of every statement (with stack traces if you like) that changed that variable prior to the current line of code.
  • by exp(pi*sqrt(163)) ( 613870 ) on Wednesday January 08, 2003 @03:09PM (#5041643) Journal
    • Reversibility. I'd like to be able to step backwards through code. No, this isn't a joke. Only a small amount of information needs to be stored as each instruction is executed in order to have an emulator go backwards again. You don't necessarily want to run an entire application reversibly. You might want to run a small loop until it crashes and then work backwards to find the cause.
    • Easy plugins I want to easily be able to load my own custom code into the debugger. For example I might want a custom routine to conveniently display a custom datastructure, or even give a graphical representation of some data.
    • Program control. More cooperation with the code itself. I'd like the debugger to provide a library against which I can link my code so that the code being debugged can control things like which variables are being watched and which breakpoints are active. I could then easily have breakpoints that are enabled only under certain conditions. Especially useful when the best way to detect those conditions is for the code itself to figure it out.
  • by kvn299 ( 472563 ) on Wednesday January 08, 2003 @03:10PM (#5041660)
    Debugging is essentially problem solving and if you don't have well developed skills doing that, then it's not going to be very easy to do. However, every person thinks differently and hence approaches to problem solving varies. It seems to me that although computers can help narrow down the scope of this issue, in the end, it's the brain that is the most powerful tool.

    Remember those high school days of comparing the green text on your TRS-80 monitor to the print in your Softside magazine. Now that was fun... har har.
  • by mumblestheclown ( 569987 ) on Wednesday January 08, 2003 @03:11PM (#5041664)
    As much as everybody here likes to make fun of Visual Basic, I encourage all to have a look at VB's debugger. While there are a few improvements here and there that could be made, in general it far, far surpasses anything else that I have seen out there. (I have yet to play with am referring here to VB6).
  • by jimmc ( 543668 ) on Wednesday January 08, 2003 @03:12PM (#5041671)
    I want a debugger that can back up execution a line at a time. That way I can run my program until it crashes, then single-step it backwards until I find the problem.

    Back at Silicon Compilers, we actually had a hardware simulator that could do this. It was a pretty neat trick: it would checkpoint the entire system state every few hundred cycles, then when you wanted to back up, it would restore to the most recent checkpoint and run forwards until it got to the right clock cycle, the one just before where you asked it to back up.

  • println debugging (Score:4, Interesting)

    by kisrael ( 134664 ) on Wednesday January 08, 2003 @03:12PM (#5041675) Homepage
    I don't know if it's my greatest failing or greatest success as a developer, but I tend to be a println debugger all the way.

    Recently I remember seeing some justification/defenses of this technique, I think it's sometimes called "logging based debugging".

    When something goes wrong I figure out the related assumptions I'm making, and then test 'em by output to STDOUT or STDERR or a file. It avoids some of the "Heizenbug" problems debuggers can bring on (so long as dumping output can be reasonably expected to be reliable w/o bringing on crossproblems) and by thinking of your assumptions, you're tying into principles similar to "write tests first", part of XP practices.

    One set of things this doesn't handle well is memory leaks and bottlenecks and looking out for runaway object creation and the like, but garden variety debuggers usually don't cover that too well either, you need special profiling tools anyway.
  • by Shaleh ( 1050 ) <shaleh.speakeasy@net> on Wednesday January 08, 2003 @03:13PM (#5041682)
    a) it is hard to make money on debuggers

    b) making a good debugger is definately not easy

    c) many developers prefer puzzling out the code on pen and paper then walking it in a debugger. Quite a few I have talked to believe that they make better code if they can solve the problem without resorting to debuggers. This BTW is why Linus does not like kernel debuggers.

    d) most of the debuggers are good enough and as we all know from open source, a good enough solution will live forever. The existence of a debugger that mostly works gives most people a reason to spend their time elsewhere.

    In my experience I have truly benefited more from programs like Purify or Insure (and now the great valgrind) than I have from a debugger.
  • by doi ( 584455 ) on Wednesday January 08, 2003 @03:15PM (#5041703)
    A debugger does nothing to improve software, commercial, professional, or otherwise. All you have to do is look at Bugtraq to prove it.

    The best way to learn how to write bug-free code is to NOT use a debugger at all. Every programmer should begin writing code in Notepad or some other basic, no-frills text editor. Just like everyone should learn how to type on a typewriter and not a computer. It forces you to NOT make mistakes, instead of correcting them (you don't have to "debug" a program if you don't put the bugs in in the first place!) It forces you to slow down and think about what you're doing, instead of blasting through a procedure and then run the debugger on it. If everyone programmed for at least a year without ever using a debugger, the quality of their code will improve far greater than any fancy IDE debugger will improve it.

  • Reversable debugger (Score:3, Interesting)

    by mahlen ( 6997 ) on Wednesday January 08, 2003 @03:16PM (#5041713) Homepage
    For Java coding, take a look at RetroVue [], which indeed lets you wind back the clock and see exactly HOW that reference became null (among other things).


  • by stratjakt ( 596332 ) on Wednesday January 08, 2003 @03:17PM (#5041721) Journal
    I use it every day, and take it for granted sometimes. I miss it when I'm using another language and lacks its features.

    The call stack is at your fingertips, I add/remove conditional watches with a couple keystrokes, stepping into, out of, and over functions, and the immediate pane makes a great scratchpad/interface to the internals of the program. You can break on all errors, unhandled errors, or arbitrarily.

    It wouldnt be nearly as easily to quickly put together apps in VB without it's debugger. It truly turns a half-assed language into a really good tool for rapid prototyping.
  • by Jack Wagner ( 444727 ) on Wednesday January 08, 2003 @03:17PM (#5041722) Homepage Journal
    I think we will come full cycle on this and start to have success when we are able to peel away the abstract levels of encapsulation and stop attempting to hide the data away by using high level constructs.

    I've seen that most of the high level languages (java, Visual Basic, c#) promote RAD via lack of formal trainging. Thus the real problems start to show up when someone who has learned the syntax but knows nothing about how IPv6 packets handle little endian sockets tries to debug a complext multi threaded app and spend all their time basically guessing instead of analytically and systematically debugging the application.

    Fred Brooks in the "Mythical Man Month" stated that unless a language is written in the same language that you increase the time to debug it by Olog(n) and that's true today when you look at java (not written in java) or perl or c# as opposed to languages like C and Fortran that are optimzed for debugging by being written in C and Fortran. Much of what Fred wrote about is not pertinat any more that this one still stands the test of time.

    Basically it's a low level problem and not a "debugging tool" problem as I see it.

    Warmest regards,
  • My Dream Debugger (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Rary ( 566291 ) on Wednesday January 08, 2003 @03:18PM (#5041734)
    Some of these features exist in current debuggers, and some do not. What I want is all of them.

    1) The ability to set conditional breakpoints.
    2) The ability to see not only a variable's current value, but a stack of all of its previous values.
    3) The ability to select a variable's previous value and jump to the line of code that set it to that.
    4) The ability to change the value of a variable at any point.
    5) The ability to add/change code on the fly.
    6) The ability to jump into the debugger at any point in the program, even when I hadn't planned to before running it.
    7) Auto-logging of method calls and (optionally) variable values, to be started and stopped as I see fit either while stepping through code or running it.

    That's all that comes to mind off the top of my head.

  • by RelentlessWeevilHowl ( 451367 ) <weevilhowl&celia,serv,net> on Wednesday January 08, 2003 @03:22PM (#5041779)
    Why do you think so much effort been invested in areas such as advanced modelling tools but so little in improving debugging tools?

    A debugger is going to help you find and fix the bugs that got through:
    • Requirements analysis
    • Specification analysis
    • Design analysis
    • Code analysis

    Studies have shown repeatedly that the cost of fixing each bug increases at each stage. So if you are going to invest $1000 in new development tools, is it more economical to buy tools to detect bugs when they're cheap, or when they're expensive?
  • by repetty ( 260322 ) on Wednesday January 08, 2003 @03:22PM (#5041782) Homepage
    The original poster's questions are all loaded with the presumption that something is wrong with using graph paper, pens and pencils.

    Why on earth do so many people feel all development tools need to be built into a software debugger or they are inferior???

    One great tool he did not mentiong is the napkin.
  • by theonetruekeebler ( 60888 ) on Wednesday January 08, 2003 @03:24PM (#5041803) Homepage Journal
    Okay, so debugging hasn't gotten any better in the last couple of decades. I gotta say it's because the focus of methodology research has been on the development process itself, and that's an extremely good thing.

    The more work goes in before you get to the debugging stage, the less buggy your product will be. A well-designed system does not need as much debugging later. I know I'm idealizing, but I've seen this bear out, especially when version N > 1 comes out and it's been hacked to smithereens because of poor design choices in the previous iteration.

    Probably the most amazing bit of self-fulfilling prophecy you'll ever hear on a software project is a manager saying, "We'd better start coding now, because we're going to have a lot of debugging to do."

    As for catching things ahead of time, I've always put breadcrumbs in my code to spew to stderr or a Java error console class or wherever. Very easy to #ifdef out later and trivial to turn back on later.

  • by Greenisus ( 262784 ) <michael@mayoGIRA ... minus herbivore> on Wednesday January 08, 2003 @03:26PM (#5041823) Homepage
    In that case, it would also be nice to be able to test other system conditions: such as memory allocated/remaining. Then when you're about to run out you can pause and get a history of where all the allocations are coming from.
  • by torpor ( 458 ) <ibisum AT gmail DOT com> on Wednesday January 08, 2003 @03:29PM (#5041857) Homepage Journal
    Been writing code since 1978, and the only debugging tool I've ever needed is:


    Seriously, an over-reliance on debugging tools is something I've *definitely* seen come into this industry.

    Bah. Chimps.
  • Re:Perhaps.++ (Score:2, Interesting)

    by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday January 08, 2003 @03:30PM (#5041869)
    One of the reasons debuggers are so far behind, is that they attempt to make the vonNeuman paradigm real for debugging programs.

    I write CPU simulators. In this kind of environment, there may be hundreds of threads each performing one little iota of work per (simulated CPU) cycle. When a bug is encountered, the code that encounters the bug is not in any way related to the code that created the bug. And the cod that created the bug may have made its mistake thousands of simulated CPU cycles (billions of actual CPU instructions) before the code that stumbles over the bug-incarnate.

    Stack back traces, and other vonNeuman-like debuggers are totally useless in this kind of programming environment. I am simulating real parallel things (circuits) on a sequential turing machine. Its no wonder that a debugger is useless--it is based on the wrong mental model of what I am programming.

    I have to build the degugger into the actual simulation code--which I proport--is the right way to debug programs anyway.
  • by leecho ( 627827 ) <> on Wednesday January 08, 2003 @03:33PM (#5041909) Homepage
    Is a stuffed frog I've got from my gf that sits on top of my monitor. When I need to ask something about a hard bug, I ask him first, and just by asking most of the time the problem gets solved.

    It's interesting to note that a lot of those day-to-day bugs can be solved by simply straightening out your train of thought by posing a question in a manner that someone who doesn't know the system can understand.
  • Re:Perhaps.... (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Titusdot Groan ( 468949 ) on Wednesday January 08, 2003 @03:41PM (#5041982) Journal
    I found that as I started using OO languages and techniques (Objective C and Java + MVC and Design Patterns) I almost stopped using debuggers. I almost always know exactly where the bug is as soon as I see the behaviour and can find it by inspection in a few seconds.

    This is also experienced based -- as I get older I use debuggers less and less but my code output has remained constant or improved (even though I don't put in all nighters any more :-)

    I'm finding it really hard to get excited by the fact that there is no effort being put into debuggers where as 10 years ago it would have been a big deal.

    Perhaps that's also part of the problem -- when I evaluate tools etc. I don't spend a lot of time looking at the debugger these days ...

  • by Coward Anonymous ( 110649 ) on Wednesday January 08, 2003 @03:42PM (#5041992)
    You might want to add execution history to the list.
    A stack trace gives you the current calls but what were the previous 5 calls made?
    An execution history would tell you what the last N calls were and in what order they occured.
    It would be easy to implement as a series of stack snapshots.
  • by dcuny ( 613699 ) on Wednesday January 08, 2003 @03:44PM (#5042002)
    Years ago, I programmed in a Forth shop, and there was a "mysterious" problem somewhere in the code that was bringing the system to a halt.

    Being the junior member of the programming team, I was naturally the primary suspect. And my boss was quite vocal about it.

    Finally, he broke down and brought in a logic analyzer. It only had something like 32K memory, so by the trap triggered, the error was typically out of the buffer. And each time, my boss would again loudly complain about my poor coding skills, and how much money it was costing him because of some bug in my code.

    After many attempts, he finally trapped the bug. It turned out to be a trivial error in his code, of course - we were working with zero based arrays, and he allocated n slots. So when message number n came along, it offset just beyond the jump table and grabbed some random address.

    Of course, he never apologized for the weeks of insults - just changed the n to n+1, and went back to his office.

    The moral: a good debugger is worth its weight in gold.

  • Write-time debugging (Score:3, Interesting)

    by JohnFluxx ( 413620 ) on Wednesday January 08, 2003 @03:58PM (#5042137)
    How about instead of not using any debugging tools, you debug at write time?

    For a lot of code, the compilier should be able to work out the pre and post conditions of a function, and then just check that when you call that function you don't violate them.

    Also I'd like to be able to hover my mouse over a variable and see what range of values it could have. From here you can check that you never go outside the bounds of a variable, and so on.

    Obviously you can never get it to work on all cases due to the halting problem, but it will work with a lot of code - and on confusing code you can manually add the special comments for the post and pre conditions - a good idea anyway for complex code.

  • Re:Perhaps.... (Score:4, Interesting)

    by dubl-u ( 51156 ) <2523987012&pota,to> on Wednesday January 08, 2003 @04:13PM (#5042292)
    Well, when you combine enough of your small functions/methods together into one big monolith of a program problems tend to surface. What then?

    Then you haven't written enough tests. Or you're trying to integrate too much at once.

    If you do test-first development [] and continuous integration [] (backed up with good black-box integration testing), then the number of bugs you get should be low. In my experience, that's circa one shipped bug per man-month.

    If I run all the tests frequently as I develop and check in often, I rarely need a debugger. If I break a test, I generally know exactly what the problem is.

    If I forget to run all the tests and check in, then the automated build box will send me email promptly, so it's still pretty easy to find the problem.

    It is essential, like an x-ray / CT-scan / ultrasound is to a surgeon.

    Note that the only time you see a surgeon is when something is pretty seriously wrong. Isn't it much better to make sure that things don't go so far wrong that a surgeon is necessary?
  • by defile ( 1059 ) on Wednesday January 08, 2003 @04:19PM (#5042346) Homepage Journal

    But I only use debuggers for two purposes.

    Purpose 1. Segmentation Fault (core dumped). Uhm, now where did that happen? Whip out gdb, find the line that generated SIGSEGV, and it's usually obvious how it happened. If not, I have it print out a stack backtrace. If I really can't figure it out then, a 5 minute walk around the block and I'll have figured it out as soon as I sit back down.

    When writing in high level languages, I'm finding that debuggers are wholly unnecessary. In fact, I can't remember the last time I spent more than 20 minutes trying to track down a bug. *shrug*

    It'd be nice if debuggers solved my problems automatically, but I'm really finding that I don't need them. I might even go so far as saying use of debuggers encourages dependency on debuggers, which in turn discourages thinking about the program itself. Not saying that EVERYONE does this, just that some of the best work gets done remarkably well even without debuggers.

    The Linux kernel, for example, was largely developed without the aid of a debugger, and the core developers seem to eschew them. Here's a good thread [] on why the developers don't want to include a debugger.

    Purpose 2. On the other hand, debuggers are remarkably good at helping you break program code. With having almost no experience using gdb, I was able to break the license key check on Intel's C Compiler in about an hour. I was amazed at how easy it was to attach a debugger to the compiler and skip the subroutine that performed the license key check. With no debugging symbols to work with. Disassemblers rule. It took another 10 minutes to turn this into a script that could be distributed as a wrapper for icc (called xicc), so all you had to do was set CC=xicc in the Makefile.

    Sure I could have used LD_PRELOAD so that time() always returned a date within the trial period, but breaking program code with a debugger is just so gosh darn fun.

  • by ckline ( 265882 ) on Wednesday January 08, 2003 @04:22PM (#5042378) Homepage
    I believe you are referring to the Omniscient Debugger []: "A software tool written with Java[TM] technology allows developers to step backwards through the execution of a program to determine where and how programming errors occurred. By recording each state change in the target application, it allows the developer to navigate "backwards in time" to see what the values of variables and objects WERE, enormously simplifying the task of debugging programs. "
  • by uw_dwarf ( 611383 ) <wjjordan@oakencr ... minus physicist> on Wednesday January 08, 2003 @04:23PM (#5042396)
    While knowledge of a debugger is useful, it is only a part of the debugging arsenal. You can't beat the wisdom gained by experience. Some people are better at finding bugs than others. Some people have a broader knowledge of the interactions of various layers of software than others. The more bugs one finds and fixes, the better one gets at finding and fixing them. But move from one environment to another, and only the thought process is portable--you need to re-learn the context (which gets easier the more contexts you've worked in). And sometimes that environment doesn't have the debugger you're most familiar with. So again, the tool itself is devalued, and the ability to "debug outside the box" is emphasised. Sometimes you can't put a debugger on a system (live telephone switch); sometimes you can use a debugger but can't put a debuggable image on (same example--how's your hex and 68x00 assembler?). In short, a better tool isn't going to make debugging easier. It may shorten the time to identify the problem area, but it doesn't make the process of removing the bug easier, especially in huge systems with many interacting layers and heterogeneous nodes. That being said, I use stack traces, breakpoints, variable/parameter dumps, and registers when I can get them--and that's about it. The other features don't provide value to me (my opinion, but I'll share without imposing it). Design for debuggability--somebody will feed your software something that's out of spec. Controllable tracing is useful here, but put the control flags in a piece of shared memory that a utility can toggle on and off, because you can't modify environment variables for a running process outside that process. And if your execution environment is guaranteed to have a debugging environment available, master the debugger if you can, but make sure it doesn't master you so you can't debug without it. The best debugging toolset is, in order of importance, your mind, the source code, the occasional invitation to others to look at the code with you, a whiteboard or notebook, and a room free of distractions. Surface for air and refreshment every 45 minutes or so, and food every few hours (there's a reason the Jargon File has an entry for "rotary debugger"). Debugging software will inform this process, but feature-rich debuggers will not speed it up much.
  • GDB the millstone (Score:3, Interesting)

    by DrXym ( 126579 ) on Wednesday January 08, 2003 @04:25PM (#5042414)
    I don't know about others but I find it an immense pain in the backside to debug anything on Linux. The reason is GDB which has to be the biggest hinderance to development on Linux. Arcane, slow and unintuitive would be words best used to describe it. You could grow a beard while waiting for a backtrace when debugging a stack overflow in an app like Mozilla. I've seen GDB page my system to death before now, such must its memory requirements must be for some operations.

    Even front end tools are little help. DDD is much better than the cli but it still suffers the same performance faults as GDB and introduces some fun issues of its own. Even a 'commercial' tool such as Project Builder on Mac OS X groans to a halt with GDB running underneath and has some very odd concepts concerning when breakpoints are hit or not.

    All this would be understandable if Win32 were the same but it isn't. Debugging on Win32 is a snap - just in time debugging, compile in time debugging, a debugger that works, integration with the editor and more. It is sad to say that if asked and irrespective of open / closed source issues, which OS were the better for development I would say Windows. In fact, if I'm faced with a bug in Mozilla, I'd rather fire up Windows and replicate the problem there than wade through the shit that GDB throws in my face.

    Die GDB! Linux really needs a decent debugger and all the mod cons that Windows developers have benefited from in the past decade.

  • by Lumpish Scholar ( 17107 ) on Wednesday January 08, 2003 @04:29PM (#5042453) Homepage Journal
    Recently I was given some Java code and asked to port it to C++. At the time, my knowledge of Java was pretty much at the "Where is the bathroom, please?" level. In particular, I could see where the reflection package was being used, but not how the program went from one particular bit of client code to another. I loaded the code into the debugger, started the program, set a few breakpoints at the really puzzling parts, and ran through it a few times. At that point, the student achieved enlightenment.

    As I've gotten more skilled at software development, I've become better able to read a bunch of code and analyze it ... and become more likely to run the darned thing and see what it really does. Sometimes, in this job, inspection is theory, and debugging and testing are experimentation.

    An MIT animal physiologist is said to have told his students, "The animal is always right. When in doubt, ask the animal." Ask the code; the code is always right. (It may be right in knowing what the bug is, but sometimes that's what you need to ask.)

    P.S.: I've learned more Java since then. Running some programs through its debugger was one good way to help learn it.
  • by sir_cello ( 634395 ) on Wednesday January 08, 2003 @04:37PM (#5042531)

    Most of this discussion seems to be about interactive debugging tools, but as an individual concerned with mission critical telecommunications software where an outage can take out customer private networks, I tend to find less need for interactive debugging, and greater need for post-mortem diagnostic analysis that results from the following:
    - faults generated in house system / integration testing
    - faults generated in house automated unit / component testing
    - faults generated in house automated system / scalability / performance testing

    I need to isolate sometimes highly obscure run-time failures and discover what went wrong, then resolve the issue, which I do with:
    - high levels of run-time instrumentation using (a) method / object / runtime c++ trace style classes, (b) trace back mechanisms for exception handling and, (c) assertion handling and (d) run-time verification mechanisms; all of which generate output to debug logs (sometimes when returned to support, these logs are multi-gigabyte in size, fortunately our development workstations are very high spec)
    - post-mortem analysis scripts to interpret the contents of debug logs and look for faults, inconsistencies and other issues
    - application level mechanisms to allow testing, deployment and other experts to enable run-time debug instrumentation (if it were enabled all the time, it would constitute considerable performance loss) sometimes at the direction of developers or deployment / field support personnel, and sometimes these personnel don't have access to machines where the components are installed (because the components are distributed CORBA components, and these personnel have access to host / user interfaces, but not to components in a silo in another country)

    The problem is that we've had to design all of this from scratch: (a) general purpose c++ based debugging / tracing modules with command line / run time configuration options, (b) tools to stimulate the debugging facilities to do things [set / change debug trace levels / activation tags / identifiers], (c) tools to capture / wrap up and return trace logs back to support, including capturing host information (processes, memory, installed modules, environment, configuration) and other debugging items (debug stack traces, core dumps) and version information (component version, etc), (d) tools to analyse / work with / process logs for developers, (e) work instructions / process / documentation to educate developers, deployment experts and others about the use of these facilities, (f) make sure that there's a balance between getting the right level of detail, yet avoiding gigabytes of detailed code / method level information

    Typically, once I have a debug log returned to me (as I am developer), I need to look at what was going on, and try to reproduce the fault with a unit test case, then inspect the component for faults of a similar type, and correct those with appropriate unit tests as well, then verify regression test for the component, make changes to multiple development branches, and wait for the scheduling of scalability / system / automated testing to ensure no other significant side effects, then safely know that the next release will have corrections.

    We shouldn't have had to develop all of this in house: there should be standards for this. Other companies that I have worked with have the same adhoc construction of debugging facilities - for these situations were you need to analysis a running system, or obtain post-mortem results.

    Interative debugging dwindles in comparison: unless you are working with obscure hardware, or related sorts of embedded systems, I think that an excessive need to use interative debugging says more about the lack of design / defensive coding / other engineering approaches to reliability of the constructed software. Interative debugging consumes about 10% of my debugging efforts (not including time spend on unit / component / system test design).

  • by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday January 08, 2003 @04:52PM (#5042679)
    Spending money on a good debugger is well worth it. The same is true for a good compiler, lint, tracer, profiler, etc. but like all good tools you need to use them and use them well. Lint will find some problems a debugger will not and vice versa and most programmers generate all kinds of bugs at one time or another. The problem is always to find the bug and fix it. It may require thought and a redesign but if you make the changes, improve the program but do not fix the bug then you still have a buggy program.
  • Must be nice (Score:2, Interesting)

    by Tintin ( 3789 ) on Wednesday January 08, 2003 @04:53PM (#5042686)
    It must be nice to be one of you folks who work on one of those projects where you can just use your brain to understand all the relationships among data structures and various pieces of code or where you can make sure that you only ever work on code where you can be sure that it's structured cleanly with nice small functions that can be tested individually.

    Out here on the wild frontier we're stuck working on code that was written many many years ago by people who weren't quite so clever as the average slashdot poster. These people left behind badly structured code with inelegant data structures and comments that don't accurately describe how the code works. This code consists of several tens of thousands of lines in the component I'm directly involved with and several hundreds of thousands of lines in the larger project.

    So while it sure would be swell if all the functions were small, the data structures elegant, the code tidy, and the comments accurate, that's just not the way it is for many of us.

    And it pains me to say, but much of the debugging we do is done using printf() because most debuggers are such unredeemable sacks of $#!].

    I do much of my debugging using msdev from VC++ v6, and I find it to be even less useful than the CodeView debugger that I used in 1987. There's a few things that are better but there are a lot of things that are worse. How can I get msdev v6 to show some of my variables in hex and some in decimal? Is this such an esoteric request that the developers at MS couldn't be expected to anticipate it?

    The number of things that the MS debugger can't do that I could do in 1992 using IBM's VisualAge C++ debugger is even longer. Is this progress?
  • Savestates. (Score:3, Interesting)

    by RyanFenton ( 230700 ) on Wednesday January 08, 2003 @05:11PM (#5042849)

    If you've ever followed the popular system computer simulators known as emulators, you've likely seen savestates. It's effectively saving all the variables of a system en bulk, to be leaded back again later so another approach might be taken. They have been very useful to emulator developers who often need to return to an exact point where a virtual machine breaks down, without having to re-run to a certain point.

    It would be nice if debuggers could automate the process of saving the state of functions (and everything they immediately touch), so you could go "back in time" rather than need to restart a program in order to return to a non-bugged state. On small programs, it would also be very convenient to be able to save the state of the entire program.

    Possible extentions of this idea would be a breakpoint-like auto-savestate at a certain line, and a "step back" feature to be able to rollback one line.

    Of course, there would be many possible complications involved in using savestates - but I believe the potential dangers are far outweighed by the opportunities for quicker and more comprehensive testing and code-observation.

    Ryan Fenton
  • Superdebuggers (Score:5, Interesting)

    by jimfrost ( 58153 ) <> on Wednesday January 08, 2003 @05:23PM (#5042918) Homepage
    Well, it just so happens that there have been a few debuggers much more functional than the likes of Visual Studio.

    I used to work for a company called Saber, who later changed their name to Centerline. We produced a product called Saber-C (and later Saber-C++, and the products were renamed CodeCenter and ObjectCenter).

    This product was a C/C++ superdebugger. It started out as a C interpreter developed at Harvard. Now, an interpretive environment allowed a lot of neat features: You could tell whether or not variables had been initialized at reference time, you had complete stack and context information, it was pretty easy to unload and reload code in source modules (dynamic reloading). You also got dynamic type checking, which caught errors in downcasting (for instance). And everyone's favorite, array bounds checking.

    With this tool debugging C code often meant: Loading the code, running your test case, and seeing where the debugger complained. The first time you ran your code through it was a humbling experience ... almost all production code has serious (but normally benign) errors.

    Unfortunately the tool didn't scale well because it took time to load the interpreted code into the debugger and the heap and runtime requirements of interpreters stressed machines of the time (this was when Sun3s were common, and 3/50s couldn't even have more than 4MB memory).

    I think it was 1990 when we released version 3, whose big new feature was object code debugging (it's not really that easy to have object code debugging as well as interpretive code, although we could certainly have implemented it more easily than we did). We of course maintained the ability to dynamically reload code fragments, so you could do a "make", reload the affected modules, and be on your way in a few seconds. This sure beat the several minute wait you normally had with the linker and debugger restart. But what you lost was some of the runtime checks -- including most of what made the product interesting. Still, the ability to have superdebugger capabilities on some code and still scale to large programs was very valuable.

    About a year, maybe two years later we got visited by the people who eventually started Purify. They had a neat approach where they'd get most of the benefit of our tool, but in object code, by disassembling the object code, adding extra code to perform checks, and putting it back together. This would give about 80% of the functionality of our debugger but with much lower runtime costs and work even if you didn't have source code.

    We ended up re-implementing this functionality such that we had a Purify competitor (and getting sued, and losing, even though Sun later patented the same technique we used).[1] Integrating it into the debugger allowed you to fine-tune the debugging capability you wanted on a module-by-module basis. This was a superb tool.

    Now, what are the raw capabilities that made this stuff really neat?

    1. Incremental reload of modules. That removes the debugger restart cost (symbol loading is a huge time sink).
    2. Supply worst-case scenarios for code. In our tool, we'd initialize heap and stack memory to 0xbfbfbfbf patterns, which tended to trigger bugs in code that had intitialization errors.
    3. Track heap allocations. Knowing who allocated something is remarkably valuable, particularly for tracking down memory leaks.
    4. Augment the code with error checks that are sensible for the source language. For instance, we knew the type that was assigned to memory so we used that to detect all manner of type mismatches.
    5. Augment the code with bounds checking for arrays. The bounds checkers worked with the heap system, which of course tracked the size of all allocations. This caught a lot of off-by-one errors.

    The tool also provided two additional interesting features. One was called "action points". Since we had a C interpreter in the product it was no big deal to allow you to type C code into it and run it at arbitrary times. We'd allow you to attach any code you wanted to any line in the program or to just type code at the debug prompt and it would run in the current scope. This was useful for things like adding print statements without recompiling, for instance, and for adding assertions, and many other things.

    The other feature was a graphical heap inspector. All this did was display structures as tables of their internal values and allow traversal of references to other structures, which would be displayed (including links between the structures). This made the shape of data a LOT easier to determine.

    Several people talked about adding reverse execution. That was actually done for Java by a tools company back in 1996 (maybe 1997). It didn't always work, but it was pretty neat. The problem is that the recording code was pretty expensive and there's a limit to people's patience and what they'll spend on hardware (although I grant that hardware is a lot less of an issue today than it was even in 1997, to say nothing of 1989). Anyway this feature is a lot less interesting if your debugger can find errors at the point they occur.

    Anyway, back in 1995 when I started to work with Visual-C++ on a regular basis I was appalled by what Microsoft was calling a "state of the art" debugger. Feh! It was 1985 technology with a pretty face. It really has not improved much since then either, although they do at least have a pessimistic heap allocator now. With their ability to hook in with the compiler they could do a phenomenal job with heap allocation tracking and instrumentation of code with error checks but they don't bother (because, I suppose, they make their money even without it).

    Now, using a language with runtime error checking built in - such as Java, C#, or Visual Basic, seriously undermines the amount of effort you have to put into the debugger. Still, I'd like to see a lot better heap debugging features built into compilers and runtime environments.

    Hope this gives people some ideas, and that they lead to tools I can use.

    [1] One thing that could be done to avoid the Purify patents would be to have the compiler emit the instrumentation. For the OSS world, where you always have the source code, that is eminently practical. Furthermore you can get all the benefits of an interpreter but at higher performance. A big problem with Purify's technology, and the technology we came up with, was that you're doing a lot of heuristics during code inspection. It's easy to miss code or misinterpret code, and of course the code inspector is VERY architecture and compiler dependent. What I would like to see is a gcc/glibc/gdb combination where the compiler, libraries, and debugger all worked together. That wasn't possible back when the vendor controlled the compiler and you didn't have access to library source. Today it is, at least for the OSS world.

  • by BrodieBruce ( 575127 ) on Wednesday January 08, 2003 @05:38PM (#5043030) Journal
    Also I'd like to be able to hover my mouse over a variable and see what range of values it could have. From here you can check that you never go outside the bounds of a variable, and so on.

    Try using DDD. It's a graphical frontend to gdb. Also, it's open source.

  • Re:Perhaps.... (Score:3, Interesting)

    by Shamanin ( 561998 ) on Wednesday January 08, 2003 @05:40PM (#5043041)
    "Note that the only time you see a surgeon is when something is pretty seriously wrong. Isn't it much better to make sure that things don't go so far wrong that a surgeon is necessary?"

    I would call a bug a serious problem. I made no statement about abandoning unit and integration testing, only that the utility of a debugger is essential for the development process. And, to be precise, I should have said a radiologist rather than a surgeon since this would be a pre-screening before any manipulation is done to the body, I mean code.
  • by ry4an ( 1568 ) <ry4an-slashdot@ry[ ].org ['4an' in gap]> on Wednesday January 08, 2003 @05:41PM (#5043048) Homepage
    In The Practice of Programming Brian W. Kernigan and rob pike said:

    As personal choice, we tend not to use debuggers beyond getting a
    stack trace or the value of a variable or two. One reason is that it
    is easy to get lost in details of complicated data structures and
    control flow; we find stepping through a program less productive
    than thinking harder and adding output statements and self-checking
    code at critical places. Clicking over statements takes longer than
    scanning the output of judiciously-placed displays. It takes less
    time to decide where to put print statements than to single-step to
    the critical section of code, even assuming we know where that
    is. More important, debugging statements stay with the program;
    debugging sessions are transient.
  • by Jamie Zawinski ( 775 ) <> on Wednesday January 08, 2003 @07:58PM (#5043745) Homepage

    Yes, I could really use a debugger that runs backward for a problem I'm having recently. I wrote about it here [] last month:

    Shaver pointed out
    this message []. Apparently Michael Chastain wrote the very program I'm looking for [], back in 1995. Nobody cared, the kernel APIs kept changing underneath it, and it died on the vine.

    [...] The replayer is the cool part. It takes control whenever the target process executes a system call, annuls the original system call, and overwrites the target process registers and address space with the values that I want to be in there.

    [...] If I put memory-access rule checking in at replay time, I can do better than e-fence, on stock binaries with no recompilation. Hell, I can do better than Purify on stock binaries and without tangling with their object-code-insertion patents.

    I have enough information available in the proxy ptrace filter to implement PTRACE_SINGLESTEP_BACKWARDS. How would you like to have that capability in gdb? "Execute backwards until this data watchpoint changes." Imagine a graphical debugger with a scrollbar for time, where the top is "beginning of execution" and the bottom is "end of execution."

    Yay progress.

    Ok, the rest of his message [] reads as a ``why does my genius go unappreciated'' whine, but still, I want this program! The code is still available, but I'm sure not feeling motivated to try and port it to run on a modern kernel (it doesn't even support ELF binaries...)

    It looks like after this message was sent to the linux-kernel list in 1999, there was a whole lot of talk, then three years of zilch. I mailed to ask if any progress was ever made. The answer was no: nobody ever made it work on modern systems.

  • by alonz ( 21571 ) on Thursday January 09, 2003 @02:54AM (#5045513)
    ... Only people are not adopting the new ideas.

    For example, I used to work with a tool called BugTrapper from MuTek Solutions (it's now called AppSuite, and the company is now called Identify Software []). It can record an application's runtime trace, replay it, rewind it and provide many more helpful debugging tools. Unfortunately it never caught on (maybe because of its price), and nobody has copied the idea to open-source tools :-(
  • OO Debuggers (Score:2, Interesting)

    by Ripplet ( 591094 ) on Thursday January 09, 2003 @04:23AM (#5045714)
    One of my bugbears is that debuggers don't seem to have caught up with object oriented programming yet. For example, often when I want to set a breakpoint, it would be really useful to be able to specify which object I want to break on as well, as I can usually narrow the problem down to a particular bit of code with a narrow set of objects. Now if there are thousands of identical objects like the one I want to debug, I have a problem. At the moment I have to solve it by finding a unique objet that will be activated just before the one I'm really interested in, breaking on that, then setting the breakpoint I really want, then running to that. Each time I do this I have to unset the breakpoint again, run to the first one, set it again etc.
    This one single feature would greatly improve my productivity.
    Also, simply generating a list of objects of a certain type would also be useful, so I can see how many there are in the system etc. And I'm sure there could be lots more OO-specific features other than these too. Come on debugger designers - please!

This restaurant was advertising breakfast any time. So I ordered french toast in the renaissance. - Steven Wright, comedian
