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2012 Free Software Award Winners Announced 43

jrepin writes "Free Software Foundation president Richard M. Stallman announced the winners of the FSF's annual Free Software Awards at a ceremony held during the LibrePlanet 2013 conference. The Award for the Advancement of Free Software is given annually to an individual who has made a great contribution to the progress and development of free software, through activities that accord with the spirit of free software. This year, it was given to Dr. Fernando Perez, the creator of IPython, a rich architecture for interactive computing. The Award for Projects of Social Benefit is presented to the project or team responsible for applying free software, or the ideas of the free software movement, in a project that intentionally and significantly benefits society in other aspects of life. This award stresses the use of free software in the service of humanity. This year, the award went to OpenMRS, a free software medical record system for developing countries."
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2012 Free Software Award Winners Announced

Comments Filter:
  • 2012: Dr. Fernando Perez, (IPython)
    2011: Matz (ruby)
    2001: Guido van Rossum (python)
    1998: Larry Wall (perl)

    Rasmus Lerdorf (php) must feel a little left out.
  • by supertrooper ( 2073218 ) on Saturday March 23, 2013 @09:31PM (#43260849)
    As someone who writes software for living, I admire these people.
  • Stallman cracks me up.. I just love the paper hippie poster award that he is handing out. It's also funny because besides smiling the recipients look as if they barely want to touch it..

  • I realize it's Sunday morning, yet after reading the above comments, might I suggest you offer a new moderation option of dipshit. About as entertaining as an Ellen Degeneres marathon.
  • ipython (Score:4, Insightful)

    by Beetle B. ( 516615 ) <> on Sunday March 24, 2013 @10:17AM (#43263043)

    The Ipython notebook, although not an original idea (I think they were inspired by the Sage notebook), is just fantastic. I do a fair amount of exploratory analysis and it's so much better doing it in a notebook than in a standalone script - I get to see all the plots, and document as I go along. Most importantly, it lets me experiment with commands as one would in a regular interpreter shell, but without the clutter of all my faulty commands.

    If anyone wants to help open source, I would strongly recommend helping improve ipython, scipy or matplotlib. Fernando Perez pointed out in a recent conference that while on the surface these all seem like excellent, well polished projects, if one looks at the committers, they'll find most commits are being done by 2-3 people (for each project). It's not healthy for it to depend on so few people. As a case in point, the main committer for matlplotlib passed away recently and everyone's nervous about its future.

    • "everyone's nervous about its future"

      As sad as John's passing was to our community, he did an excellent job of passing the torch on before he left us. There was only one unresolved pull request from him (we are still working on it, actually), and he selected an excellent person with almost as many commits as him to take over. Michael Drottenboom has been doing an excellent job, and our developer base has actually grown a bit. Of course, we would love to have some more people involved, but there is abso

[Crash programs] fail because they are based on the theory that, with nine women pregnant, you can get a baby a month. -- Wernher von Braun
