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Which Freelance Developer Sites Are Worth Your Time? 55

Nerval's Lobster writes: Many websites allow you to look for freelance programming jobs or Web development work. (, for example, offers links to several dozen.) The problem for developers in the European Union and the United States is that competition from rivals in developing countries is crushing fees for everybody, as the latter can often undercut on price. (This isn't a situation unique to software development; look at how globalization has compelled manufacturing jobs to move offshore, for example.) With all that in mind, developer David Bolton surveyed some freelance developer marketplaces, especially the ones that catered to Western developers, who typically need to operate at price-points higher than that of their counterparts in many developing nations. His conclusion? "It's my impression that the bottom has already been reached, in terms of contractor pricing; to compete these days, it's not just a question of price, but also quality and speed." Do you agree?
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Which Freelance Developer Sites Are Worth Your Time?

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  • None (Score:5, Insightful)

    by AuMatar ( 183847 ) on Wednesday February 11, 2015 @02:55AM (#49027287)

    But the problem isn't the 3rd world developers, its the unrealistic buyers. They aren't companies that understand tech, they're mostly individuals who don't understand that programming is work and want the sun, moon, and stars for a hundred bucks. Worse they don't know what they want or need, they just know they want/need something. You have to be designer, project manager, and developer in one, for a 3rd world salary. I don't think very many of the projects there are successful, and those that are tend to be the very simplest ones. If you have access to any job in the US, its just not worth doing. You'll make more per hour job hopping or putting the extra time into your real job in hopes of a raise/bonus.

    • I would agree.
      I glanced at these requests. I have 30+ years of developing experience, and a lot of these requests are red flags request where you are expected to read the guys mind, to give them something that is often simple to explain, however requiring a lot of completed development process.
      I need a program that takes some input (from the User, from the network, or from a file) do some processing, then provide an output. Sounds easy, you can do that under $1000 right?

      In general for this type of work, we

      • by jp10558 ( 748604 )

        Hmm, the problem I see is for many organizations, if we're going to pay someone hourly, we'd basically need to hire them anyway, so why bother with freelancing. Otherwise, we just worry (and have been victim of) people just dragging out their tasks to raise billable hours.

        For outsourcing, we have to get set amounts approved. So per milestone or per project. Of course, that's not universal, many places could do per hour open ended.

  • So this topic is somewhat relevant to my business. I don't really have any talent for or interest in coding, but I am what I guess you'd call a Freelance Technician. I do a lot of what I'd refer to as 'smart hands' jobs that don't really require a huge amount of technical know how, provided you can read directions. In-Warranty repair of items that can't be easily shipped is a common case where companies need someone who can swap a bad part for a good one, but don't really want to hire a dedicated person fo

  • Comment removed (Score:5, Insightful)

    by account_deleted ( 4530225 ) on Wednesday February 11, 2015 @03:52AM (#49027431)
    Comment removed based on user account deletion
    • by MrMins ( 3943483 )
      I think a real issue in those sites, is that you can get a comfortable living for some months, years inclusive . But you could have a real issue with the the "specialization", here you need learn all the possible technologies, all the technologies and in a big numbers of times "discounts" and the competition . And the competition outside from a niche could generate reduction in the prices, because the comfortable salary could be very different in some countries. For example, a salary of 2k, is good for a co
  • If sites like those are your primary sales vector, you're better off at a counter at McD's. Seriously.

    As a freelancer, a website (your own!) is mostly or even - most of the time - *only* an amplifier for contacts established in person. You want to do projects for people who couldn't be bothered to look into the internet. You talk to them, give them your card and when they check you out on the web they find this awesome site that underlines and emphasises every positive impression you made. Then they grab the phone and call you. That's what you want. Anything else is non-sense.

    Project websites are scooping territory for shady headhunters at best and at worst and most of the time the software developments equivalent of a used-car-sales lot or a flea market.

    Exception (sort of) / When registering with a project site might be feasible:
    There is one thing were some of the more respectable sites - often those that cost a monthly fee to joing - are a good sales vector: When you are a specialist who's exotic or rare field can easyly be searched for. For instance, if you're particularly good as a Java Developer for some specific environment like JBoss or an SAP ABAP developer or some ultra-certified Oracle person, then the more professional project sites might get you the one or other Gig and the one or other stream of projects going. But even then, these are only a side-orchestra.

    Never rely on such sites as your main soucre of income. Stretch out your feelers and get in contact with folks in the real world, that's where the money is anyway. As a specialist freelancer - and in IT you always are a specialist - networking, paperwork and relations is at least 50% of the work.

    Good luck from a fellow (former/semi) freelancer.

  • by tlambert ( 566799 ) on Wednesday February 11, 2015 @08:12AM (#49028069)

    All of these "marketplaces" typically suffer from what I call "Chinese restaurant syndrome".

    Every month or so, a new Chinese restaurant opens in this little office park my area. The undercut prices by as much as 20% the existing Chinese restaurant in the same office park, and attempt to lure in customers with a lower price. Which they do successfully. The restaurant that was already in that little office park goes under, not having any float to carry themselves over, since they spent all of it establishing themselves the same way.

    Then you end up with one Chinese restaurant in the office park.

    Then, having established customers, and eliminated their competition, they raise their prices. Which is OK, they are the only game in town, and their prices were absurdly (read: loss-leader) low in the first place. They surprisingly believe that in establishing a customer base, they have also bought those customers future loyalty - which they have not.

    Then a new Chinese restaurant opens, and the cycle repeats: a long daisy-chain of new Chinese restaurants. I imagine them stretching, down through time, until Deckard from Blade Runner eats at one of them.

    The point is, that the "consultants" on these sites are all new Chinese restaurants. There is always someone who will take a loss on a project in order to "establish themselves", and then try to raise their bid price, based on whatever passes for a "reputation scoring system" on the site in question.

    Consumers of the site, however, look at everyone who bids on their job as fungible, and unless someone with a terrible "reputation score" is stupid enough to believe they will ever be hired by anyone, ever again, the lowest bidder always wins the bid.

    A long chain of Chinese restaurants, stretching down through time...

    And the only kind of jobs that are on that site are going to be jobs where the outcome is "nice to have, but not required", meaning they'll be happily surprised if the bidder produces something usable, but they really don't care if they totally screw up, since it's a slot machine pull anyway, and they only invested a nickel in the slots to begin with.

    It's basically a sucker bet for the bidder, and a sucker bet for the person bidding, with the only winner being "The House" - the site hosting the arrangement.

    • It's a "chinese restaurant" among the marketplace, too.

      A few years ago I set up seller accounts on three of them. One of those marketplaces bought out the other two, so now I have one account (luckily they allowed me to merge the accounts, with some loss of history).

  • As the saying goes...

    Price, quality, speed - pick two. The article doesn't seem to say any more than this. The foreign consultants apparently are very good at the price aspect.

  • Loved scriptlance but it was a very long time ago. It was bought by and haven't been there since.
  • We work extensively with Freelancers. As long as they are based in the USA, EU, Eastern Europe or Russia. Fees are higher, yes. But so is the quality of work, and the quality of the freelancer overall. We pay from $20 up to $65 per hour, depending on length of contract, experience and type of work. Working with Freelancers is hard, and very risky. Currently our aim is to hire more in house, something we can afford now, but hiring perm staff is _also_ very hard - a very limited talent pool, extremely unreali

Physician: One upon whom we set our hopes when ill and our dogs when well. -- Ambrose Bierce
