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New iOS 9 Features Mean System-Wide Tor Is In the Works For the First Time ( 34

Patrick O'Neill writes: At a time when privacy and encryption on mobile devices are the subject of political storm, last month's iOS 9 release means that Apple devices will finally get what Android has had for years: System-wide Tor anonymity. A handful of security experts recently set to work on projects to bring more powerful anonymity to iOS. “There are a bunch of pieces in the works,” Tor developer and Guardian Project leader Nathan Freitas told the Daily Dot. “We just started to work on it and think about it. Tor knows we can’t ignore all the iOS 9 users in the world.”
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New iOS 9 Features Mean System-Wide Tor Is In the Works For the First Time

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  • by Hadlock ( 143607 ) on Friday October 16, 2015 @03:32AM (#50741897) Homepage Journal

    I thought this was a new OS 9 feature.
    I think that means I am officially old. Welp.
    Hello Slashdot, I'll be here for another 15 years...

  • by Anonymous Coward on Friday October 16, 2015 @03:44AM (#50741913)


    You are holding a Google tracking device and you think you have anonymity?


    • by Anonymous Coward

      Quiet, infidel! Thou dost not speak ill of the Annointed System!

    • That's right , but no one is forcing anyone to use android. There's no point bitching about something you don't really have to use.
  • by phayes ( 202222 )

    Ahh, the hubris of people who think that THEIR project is so important. Only a small minority of iOS users even know what TOR is and only infinitesimal percentage of iOS wants it on their devices.

    • Ahh, the hubris of people who think that THEIR project is so important. Only a small minority of iOS users even know what TOR is and only infinitesimal percentage of iOS wants it on their devices.

      Speak for yourself, infidel!

      • by phayes ( 202222 )

        Sorry, I don't worship at the church of TOR.

        Given the minuscule number of downloads of TOR browsers which cover 99% the needs that most people have for TOR, it's safe to say that those who want TOR for all their traffic are few in number. I'll add to that that people who truly care for their security will use a TOR browser anyway because routing all iOS traffic through TOR only makes the user more visible as there will be cookies & other identifiable info being routed through both TOR & in the clear

  • Does that include DNS? Are we aware that NSA and North Korea control some exit nodes and the implications of that?
  • Yeah, so this is just an app, it's not exactly built into iOS9. Also, what happens when joe-shchmo installs this and realizes it makes their browsing a whole lot slower, tells all of their friends it sucks and no one uses it. People are better off with a strong VPN client anyway.

  • by Anonymous Coward

    Is it a feature, or a BUG that apple just stumbled over and decided to develop with some 3rd party outfit, since clearly Apple cant get its self out of a paperbag, for example..
    They are turning to Cisco to make their computers compatible in the enterprise..

    SO, With all of apples money, resources, pull, and bastardness really they couldn't pull it off.
    they have to rely on a 3rd party which will blunderfuck it as well, in keeping with apple's rich tradition of testicle advancement..

    Here is a new box, Shiny,,

We gave you an atomic bomb, what do you want, mermaids? -- I. I. Rabi to the Atomic Energy Commission
