
Salesforce Executive Shares 'Four Ways Coders Can Fight the Climate Crisis' (forbes.com) 79

Saleforce's chief impact officer, writing in Forbes: Code and computer programming — the backbone of modern business — has a long way to go before it can be called "green..." According to a recent report from the science journal Patterns, the information and communication technology sector accounts for up to 3.9% of global emissions... So far, the focus has been on reducing energy consumption in data centers and moving electrical grids away from fossil fuels. Now, coders and designers are ready for a similar push in software, crypto proof of work and AI compute power...

Our research revealed that 75% of UX designers, software developers and IT operations managers want software to do less damage to the environment. Yet nearly one in two don't know how to take action. Half of these technologists admit to not knowing how to mitigate environmental harm in their work, leading to 34% acknowledging that they "rarely or never" consider carbon emissions while typing a new line of code... Earlier this year, Salesforce launched a sustainability guide for technology that provides practical recommendations for aligning climate goals with software development.

In the article the Salesforce executive makes four recommendations, urging coders to design sites in ways that reduce the energy needed to display them. ("Even small changes to image size, color and type options can scale to large impacts.") They also recommend writing application code that uses less energy, which "can lead to significant emissions reductions, particularly when deployed at scale. Leaders can seek out apps that are coded to run natively in browsers which can lead to improvement in performance and a reduction in energy use."

Their article includes links to the energy-saving hackathon GreenHack and the non-profit Green Software Foundation. (Their site recently described how the IT company AVEVA used a Raspberry Pi in back of a hardware cluster as part of a system to measure software's energy consumption.)

But their first recommendation for fighting the climate crisis is "Adopt new technology like AI" to "make the software development cycle more energy efficient." ("At Salesforce, we're starting to see tremendous potential in using generative AI to optimize code and are excited to release this to customers in the future.")

Python's Steering Council Plans to Make Its 'Global Interpreter Lock' Optional (python.org) 21

Python's Global Interpreter Lock "allows only one thread to hold the control of the Python interpreter," according to the tutorial site Real Python. (They add, "it can be a performance bottleneck in CPU-bound and multi-threaded code.")

Friday the Python Steering Council "announced its intent to accept PEP 703 (Making the Global Interpreter Lock Optional in CPython), with initial support possibly showing up in the 3.13 release," reports LWN.net.

From the Steering Council's announcement: It's clear that the overall sentiment is positive, both for the general idea and for PEP 703 specifically. The Steering Council is also largely positive on both. We intend to accept PEP 703, although we're still working on the acceptance details...

Our base assumptions are:

- Long-term (probably 5+ years), the no-GIL build should be the only build. We do not want to create a permanent split between with-GIL and no-GIL builds (and extension modules).

- We want to be very careful with backward compatibility. We do not want another Python 3 situation, so any changes in third-party code needed to accommodate no-GIL builds should just work in with-GIL builds (although backward compatibility with older Python versions will still need to be addressed). This is not Python 4. We are still considering the requirements we want to place on ABI compatibility and other details for the two builds and the effect on backward compatibility.

- Before we commit to switching entirely to the no-GIL build, we need to see community support for it. We can't just flip the default and expect the community to figure out what work they need to do to support it. We, the core devs, need to gain experience with the new build mode and all it entails. We will probably need to figure out new C APIs and Python APIs as we sort out thread safety in existing code. We also need to bring along the rest of the Python community as we gain those insights and make sure the changes we want to make, and the changes we want them to make, are palatable.

- We want to be able to change our mind if it turns out, any time before we make no-GIL the default, that it's just going to be too disruptive for too little gain. Such a decision could mean rolling back all of the work, so until we're certain we want to make no-GIL the default, code specific to no-GIL should be somewhat identifiable.

The current plan is to "add the no-GIL build as an experimental build mode, presumably in 3.13... [A]fter we have confidence that there is enough community support to make production use of no-GIL viable, we make the no-GIL build supported but not the default (yet), and set a target date/Python version for making it the default... We expect this to take at least a year or two, possibly more."

"Long-term, we want no-GIL to be the default, and to remove any vestiges of the GIL (without unnecessarily breaking backward compatibility)... We think it may take as much as five years to get to this stage."

Ask Slashdot: What Happens After Every Programmer is Using AI? (infoworld.com) 127

There's been several articles on how programmers can adapt to writing code with AI. But presumably AI companies will then gather more data from how real-world programmers use their tools.

So long-time Slashdot reader ThePub2000 has a question. "Where's the generative leaps if the humans using it as an assistant don't make leaps forward in a public space?" Let's posit a couple of things:

- First, your AI responses are good enough to use.
- Second, because they're good enough to use you no longer need to post publicly about programming questions.

Where does AI go after it's "perfected itself"?

Or, must we live in a dystopian world where code is scrapable for free, regardless of license, but access to support in an AI from that code comes at a price?

Red Hat Software

RHEL Response Discussed by SFC Conference's Panel - Including a New Enterprise Linux Standard (sfconservancy.org) 66

Last weekend in Portland, Oregon, the Software Freedom Conservancy hosted a new conference called the Free and Open Source Software Yearly.

And long-time free software activist Bradley M. Kuhn (currently a policy fellow/hacker-in-residence for the Software Freedom Conservancy) hosted a lively panel discussion on "the recent change" to public source code releases for Red Hat Enterprise Linux which shed light on what may happen next. The panel also included:
  • benny Vasquez, the Chair of the AlmaLinux OS Foundation
  • Jeremy Alison, Samba co-founder and software engineer at CIQ (focused on Rocky Linux). Allison is also Jeremy Allison - Sam Slashdot reader #8,157.
  • James (Jim) Wright, Oracle's chief architect for Open Source policy/strategy/compliance/alliances

"Red Hat themselves did not reply to our repeated requests to join us on this panel... SUSE was also invited but let us know they were unable to send someone on short notice to Portland for the panel."

One interesting audience question for the panel came from Karsten Wade, a one-time Red Hat senior community architect who left Red Hat in April after 21 years, but said he was "responsible for bringing the CentOS team onboard to Red Hat." Wade argued that CentOS "was always doing a clean rebuild from source RPMS of their own..." So "isn't all of this thunder doing Red Hat's job for them, of trying to get everyone to say, 'This thing is not the equivalent to RHEL.'"

In response Jeremy Alison made a good point. "None of us here are the arbiters of whether it's good enough of a rebuild of Red Hat Linux. The customers are the arbiters." But this led to an audience member asking a very forward-looking question: what are the chances the community could adopt a new (and open) enterprise Linux standard that distributions could follow. AlmaLinux's Vasquez replied, "Chances are real high... I think everyone sees that as the obvious answer. I think that's the obvious next step. I'll leave it at that." And Oracle's Wright added "to the extent that the market asks us to standardize? We're all responsive."

When asked if they'd consider adding features not found in RHEL ("such as high-security gates through reproducible builds") AlmaLinux's Vasquez said "100% -- yeah. One of the things that we're kind of excited about is the opportunities that this opens for us. We had decided we were just going to focus on this north star of 1:1 Red Hat no matter what -- and with that limitation being removed, we have all kinds of options." And CIQ's Alison said "We're working on FIPS certification for an earlier version of Rocky, that Red Hat, I don't believe, FIPS certified. And we're planning to release that."

AlmaLinux's Vasquez emphasized later that "We're just going to build Enterprise Linux. Red Hat has done a great job of establishing a fantastic target for all of us, but they don't own the rights to enterprise Linux. We can make this happen, without forcing an uncomfortable conversation with Red Hat. We can get around this."

And Alison later applied a "Star Wars" quote to Red Hat's predicament. "The more things you try and grab, the more things slip through your fingers." That is, "The more somebody tries to exert control over a codebase, the more the pushback will occur from people who collaborate in that codebase." AlmaLinux's Vasquez also said they're already "in conversations" with independent software vendors about the "flow of support" into non-Red Hat distributions -- though that's always been the case. "Finding ways to reduce the barrier for those independent software vendors to add official support for us is, like, maybe more cumbersome now, but it's the same problem that we've had..."

Early in the discussion Oracle's Jim Wright pointed out that even Red Hat's own web site defines open source code as "designed to be publicly accessible — anyone can see, modify, and distribute the code as they see fit." ("Until now," Wright added pointedly...) There was some mild teasing of Oracle during the 50-minute discussion -- someone asked at one point if they'd re-license their proprietary implementation of ZFS under the GPL. But at the end of the panel, Oracle's Jim Wright still reminded the audience that "If you want to work on open source Linux, we are hiring."

Read Slashdot's transcript of highlights from the discussion.


Is C++ Gaining in Popularity? (i-programmer.info) 106

An anonymous reader shares this report from Dice.com: C++ is enjoying a surge in popularity, according to the latest update to the TIOBE Index, which tracks programming languages' "buzz."

C++ currently sits right behind C and Python on TIOBE's list. "A few months ago, the programming C++ language claimed position 3 of the TIOBE index (at the expense of Java). But C++ has not finished its rise. C seems to be its next victim," added the note accompanying the data... ["At the moment, the gap between the two is only 0.76%."]

Matlab, Scratch and Rust also match their all time high records at respectively positions #10, #12 and #17.

So here, according to TIOBE, are the 10 most popular programmings languages:

1. Python
2. C
3. C++
4. Java
5. C#
6. JavaScript
7. Visual Basic
8. SQL
9. PHP

The site I Programmer digs deeper: C++ was the only one of the top four languages to see a positive year-on-year change in its percentage rating — adding 0.79% to stand at 10.8%. Python had the smallest loss of the entire Top 20, -0.01% leaving it with a share of 13,42% while Visual Basic had the greatest loss at -2.07%. This, combined with JavaScript gaining 1.34%, led to JavaScript overtaking it to occupy #6, its highest ever ranking in the TIOBE Index.
They also note that COBOL "had a 3-month rise going from a share of 0.41% in April to 0.86% in July which moved it into #20 on the index."

Roblox Data Leak Sees 4,000 Developer Profiles Including Identifying Information Made Public (pcgamer.com) 10

The major gaming platform Roblox has suffered a major data breach, leading to the release of personal information including addresses from those who attended the Roblox Developer Conference between 2017-2020. PCGamer reports: The leak contains almost 4,000 names, phone numbers, email addresses, dates of birth, and physical addresses. Such identifying information is gold dust for bad actors, and raises serious questions about the data security of one of the largest gaming platforms around. The website haveibeenpwned says the original breach date was 18 December 2020, with the information becoming available on 18 July 2023, with a total of 3,943 compromised accounts. The site notes that as well as all the above information, the leak even includes each individual's t-shirt size.

The implications of this for those affected are identity theft and scams, with the quantity of data especially worrying: this is basically all you need to effectively impersonate someone. Beyond the above statement, Roblox has made no further comment, and it's likely that the ramifications of this will continue to unfold for some time, especially if anyone on the list is indeed targeted. Anyone concerned should search on haveibeenpwned and enable two-factor authentication on all accounts (as well as keeping an especially close eye on bank transactions for a while). Troy Hunt, the engineer behind haveibeenpwned, said the leak was posted in 2021 but according to an unnamed source didn't spread outside of niche Roblox communities, while at the time the company did not publicly disclose the leak or alert anyone affected. The leak then appeared on a public forum a few days ago.
"Roblox is aware of a third-party security issue where there were indications of unauthorized access to limited personal information of a subset of our creator community," said a Roblox spokesperson to PC Gamer. "We engaged independent experts to support the investigation led by our information security team. Those who are impacted will receive an email communicating the next steps we are taking to support them. We will continue to be vigilant in monitoring and vetting the cyber security posture of Roblox and our third-party vendors."
The Almighty Buck

Roblox Is Going To Let Developers Offer Subscriptions In Their Experiences (theverge.com) 8

Roblox is offering developers another way to earn money by allowing them to offer subscriptions within their experiences, according to a blog post published Tuesday. The Verge reports: Roblox already offers developers a lot of ways to monetize their experiences, including the ability to sell virtual items in an experience or on the Roblox marketplace, offering in-experience passes to certain content and gating experiences behind paid access. However, those examples are all one-time fees, and Roblox argues that subscriptions would offer a way for developers to "establish a recurring economic relationship with their users and potentially increase the predictability of their earnings." (Other monetization options include subscriptions to private servers, engagement-based payouts, and slotting in Roblox's "Immersive Ads.")

Subscriptions would also give Roblox another thing it can point to as a reason to develop for its metaverse platform instead of others. Epic Games' new system for Fortnite, for example, rewards creators based on factors like how long people play their experiences but doesn't allow creators to directly sell virtual goods or subscriptions inside those experiences. Developers looking for more flexibility in how they monetize might choose Roblox instead.


Most Outsourced Coders In India Will Be Gone In 2 Years Due To AI, Stability AI Boss Predicts (cnbc.com) 85

Most outsourced programmers in India will see their jobs wiped out in the next year or two, Stability AI CEO Emad Mostaque said. CNBC reports: Mostaque, on a call with UBS analysts, said that most of the country's outsourced coders will lose their jobs as the effects of AI mean that it is now possible for software to be developed with far fewer people. "I think that it affects different types of jobs in different ways," Mostaque said on a call with analysts at the Swiss investment bank last week. "If you're doing a job in front of a computer, and no one ever sees you, then it's massively impactful, because these models are like really talented grads."

According to Mostaque, not everyone will be affected in the same way, however. That is due in no small part to differing rules and regulations around the world. Countries with stronger labor laws, like France, will be less likely to see such an impact, for example. In India, Mostaque said, "outsourced coders up to level three programmers will be gone in the next year or two, whereas in France, you'll never fire a developer." "So it affects different models in different countries in different ways in different sectors."

Mostaque reiterated a previous statement he made saying that there will be "no more programmers" in five years' time -- however, he caveated this to say that he meant coders in the traditional sense. "Why would you have to write code where the computer can write code better? When you deconstruct the programming thing from bug testing to unit testing to ideation, an AI can do that, just better," Mostaque said. "But it won't be doing it automatically, it will be AI 'co-pilots,'" Mostaque said. "That means less people are needed for classical programming, but then are they needed for other things? This is the question and this is the balance that we have to understand, because different areas are also affected differently."


Wix's New Tool Can Create Entire Websites from Prompts (techcrunch.com) 35

Wix, a longtime fixture of the web building space, is betting that today's customers don't particularly care to spend time customizing every aspect of their site's appearance. TechCrunch: The company's new AI Site Generator tool, announced today, will let Wix users describe their intent and generate a website complete with a homepage, inner pages and text and images -- as well as business-specific sections for events, bookings and more. Avishai Abrahami, Wix's co-founder and CEO, says that the goal was to provide customers with "real value" as they build their sites and grow their businesses. [...] AI Site Generator takes several prompts -- any descriptions of sites -- and uses a combination of in-house and third-party AI systems to create the envisioned site. In a chatbot-like interface, the tool asks a series of questions about the nature of the site and business, attempting to translate this into a custom web template. ChatGPT generates the text for the website while Wix's AI creates the site design and images.

Should High Schools Require a CS Course Before Students Graduate? (medium.com) 151

Long-time Slashdot reader theodp writes: The tech-backed and directed nonprofit Code.org is back with a new call for America's Governors, announcing its "10th policy recommendation for all states." Their recommendation? "To require all students to take computer science to earn a high school diploma."

Arguing that "artificial intelligence has increased the urgency to ensure our students are adequately prepared for a rapidly changing world," Code.org explains its vision: that states have "a policy that requires all students to earn a credit named 'computer science' or has a related name that includes 'computer science'". Heretofore, Code.org has said, "Our vision is that every student in every school has the opportunity to learn computer science, just like biology, chemistry, or algebra."

Code.org's call for a high school CS graduation requirement in response to recent AI breakthroughs comes two months after the non-profit launched TeachAI, a Code.org-led and seed-funded effort supported by a coalition of tech and educational organizations, including Microsoft, OpenAI, Amazon, Meta, and (newly AI-powered) Khan Academy. "TeachAI," the initiative's website explains, "is committing to provide thought leadership to guide governments and educational leaders in aligning education with the needs of an increasingly AI-driven world and connecting the discussion of teaching with AI to teaching about AI and computer science."


Oracle Takes On Red Hat In Linux Code Fight (zdnet.com) 129

Steven Vaughan-Nichols writes via ZDNet: I'd been waiting for Oracle to throw its hat into the ring for the Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) Linux source-code fight. I knew it was only a matter of time. On July 10, Oracle's Edward Screven, chief corporate architect, and Wim Coekaerts, head of Oracle Linux development, declared: "IBM's actions are not in your best interest. By killing CentOS as a RHEL alternative and attacking AlmaLinux and Rocky Linux, IBM is eliminating one way your customers save money and make a larger share of their wallet available to you."

In fact, Oracle now presents itself as an open-source Linux champion: "Oracle has always made Oracle Linux binaries and source freely available to all. We do not have subscription agreements that interfere with a subscriber's rights to redistribute Oracle Linux. On the other hand, IBM subscription agreements specify that you're in breach if you use those subscription services to exercise your GPLv2 rights." As of June 21, IBM no longer publicly releases RHEL source code -- in short, the gloves are off, and the fight's on. But this is also just the latest move in a fight that's older than many of you. [...]

Mike McGrath, Red Hat's vice president of core platforms, explained why Red Hat would no longer be releasing RHEL's code, but only CentOS Stream's code, because "thousands of [Red Hat] people spend their time writing code to enable new features, fixing bugs, integrating different packages and then supporting that work for a long time ... We have to pay the people to do that work." That sentiment is certainly true. But I also feel that Oracle takes the worst possible spin, with Screven and Coekaerts commenting: "IBM doesn't want to continue publicly releasing RHEL source code because it has to pay its engineers? That seems odd, given that Red Hat as a successful independent open source company chose to publicly release RHEL source and pay its engineers for many years before IBM acquired Red Hat in 2019 for $34 billion."

So, what will Oracle do now? For starters, Oracle Linux will continue to be RHEL-compatible through RHEL 9.2. After that release -- and without access to the published RHEL source code -- there are no guarantees. But Screven and Coekaerts suggest that "if an incompatibility does affect a customer or ISV, Oracle will work to remediate the problem." As for Oracle Linux's code: "Oracle is committed to Linux freedom. Oracle makes the following promise: as long as Oracle distributes Linux, Oracle will make the binaries and source code for that distribution publicly and freely available. Furthermore, Oracle welcomes downstream distributions of every kind, community, and commercial. We are happy to work with distributors to ease that process, work together on the content of Oracle Linux, and ensure Oracle software products are certified on your distribution."


Why Are There So Many Programming Languages? (acm.org) 160

Long-time Slashdot reader theodp writes: Recalling a past Computer History Museum look at the evolution of programming languages, Doug Meil ponders the age-old question of Why Are There So Many Programming Languages? in a new Communications of the ACM blog post.

"It's worth noting and admiring the audacity of PL/I (1964)," Meil writes, "which was aiming to be that 'one good programming language.' The name says it all: Programming Language 1. There should be no need for 2, 3, or 4. [Meil expands on this thought in Lessons from PL/I: A Most Ambitious Programming Language.] Though PL/I's plans of becoming the Highlander of computer programming didn't play out like the designers intended, they were still pulling on a key thread in software: why so many languages? That question was already being asked as far back as the early 1960's."

One of PL/I's biggest fans was Digital Research Inc. (DRI) founder Gary Kildall, who crafted the PL/I-inspired PL/M (Programming Language for Microcomputers) in 1973 for Intel. But IBM priced PL/I higher than the languages it sought to replace, contributing to PL/I's failure to gain traction. (Along the lines of how IBM's deal with Microsoft gave rise to a price disparity that was the undoing of Kildall's CP/M OS, bundled with every PC in a 'non-royalty' deal. Windows was priced at $40 while CP/M was offered 'a la carte' at $240.) As a comp.lang.pl1 poster explained in 2006, "The truth of the matter is that Gresham's Law: 'Bad money drives out good' or Ruskin's principle: 'The hoi polloi always prefer an inferior, cheap product over a superior, more expensive one' are what govern here."


Perl 5.38 Released with New Experimental Syntax for Defining Object Classes (phoronix.com) 48

Perl 5.38 was released this week "after being in development for more than one year," reports Phoronix. "Perl 5.38 brings a new experimental syntax for defining object classes where per-instance data is stored in 'field' variables that behave like lexicals."

"Maybe, just maybe, the new features introduced into the language in this newest version will attract much sought new talent," writes the site I Programmer, noting the argument that Perl is installed by default everywhere — and has the "fun factor... The class keyword is part of the plan to bring effective object-oriented programming to the Perl core while still keeping Perl being Perl."

The Perl docs warn that "This remains a new and experimental feature, and is very much still under development. It will be the subject of much further addition, refinement and alteration in future releases." But "Since Perl 5, support for objects revolved around the concept of blessing references with a package name," notes updated documentation, which points out this new class syntax "isn't a bless wrapper, but a completely new system built right into the perl interpreter." The class keyword declares a new package which is intended to be a class... classes automatically get a constructor named new... Just like with other references, when object reference count reaches zero it will automatically be destroyed.
Phoronx notes that Perl 5.38 also brings a new PERL_RAND_SEED environment variable "for controlling seed behavior for random number generation," along with some new APIs. And I Programmer adds that Perl 5.38 also adds support for Unicode 15.0, adding 4, 489 characters, for a total of 149,186 characters. Other additions include enhanced regular expressions, plus defined-or and logical-or assignment default expressions in signatures.

FBI Forms National Database To Track and Prevent 'Swatting' (nbcnews.com) 71

According to NBC News, the FBI created a national online database in May to facilitate information sharing between hundreds of police departments and law enforcement agencies across the country pertaining to swatting incidents. From the report: No central agency has tracked swatting incidents or suspects in the U.S., so official statistics are not available. By 2019, there were an estimated 1,000 swatting incidents domestically each year, according to a report from the Anti-Defamation League, and each incident is estimated to cost at least $10,000 to affected communities, even before expenditures on follow-up work like investigations, property repairs and counseling. Swatting is increasingly enabled by technology that can be used to mask a caller's real voice, their phone number or IP address (also called "spoofing") or to make their false report sound more credible.

[Chief Scott Schubert with the bureau's Criminal Justice Information Services headquarters in Clarksburg, West Virginia] told NBC News that the FBI's new centralized database should help the agency "get that common picture of what's going on across our nation so we can learn from that." [...] While the earliest recorded case of swatting occurred in 2002, to this day, there is no specific law criminalizing swatting in the U.S., says John Jay's Shapiro. "Without a statute in place, there's no designated resources or training for investigating swatting incidents," she said. "And the 911 dispatchers do not have the resources and training they need to differentiate between actual emergencies and false reports."

Legally, the False Information and Hoaxes statute, also known as section 1038, is most frequently used to prosecute swatting. Other statutes can sometimes apply -- one pertaining to interstate threats involving explosives and another pertaining to interstate communications, which refers to extortion or threats to injure or kidnap somebody. "Too often, perpetrators are getting a slap on the wrist compared to the consequences suffered by their victims," Shapiro said.


Oracle Spending 'Billions' on Nvidia Chips This Year, Ellison Says (reuters.com) 27

Oracle is spending "billions" of dollars on chips from Nvidia as it expands a cloud computing service targeting a new wave of artificial intelligence companies, Oracle founder and Chairman Larry Ellison said. From a report: Oracle's cloud division is working to gain ground against larger rivals such as Amazon Web Services and Microsoft. To get an edge, Oracle has focused on building fast networks that can shuffle around the huge amount of data needed to create AI systems similar to ChatGPT.

Oracle is also buying huge numbers of GPUs designed to crunch that data for AI work. Oracle is also spending "billions" of dollars on Nvidia chips but even more on CPUs from Ampere Computing, a chip startup it has invested in, and AMD, Ellison said at an Ampere event.


34% of AP CS Students Couldn't Solve This Java-Based 2D Array Question 226

96,000 American students took this year's [Java-based] AP Computer Science A test. And more than a third — a full 34% — missed question #4.

It asks test-takers to write two methods for the class BoxOfCandy — one that moves a Candy object to the first row (of a column), and one that finds and returns a Candy object of a specfic flavor, removing it from the box.

Long-time Slashdot reader theodp shares some thoughts: - "If 34% of students are not getting any points, it's a test question problem, not a student one," argued one commenter on Twitter. [Question 4 is 5-pages long.]

- Here's a stab at an Excel VBA solution to Question 4 for comparison-to-Java purposes. It's a little bit clunkier due to how VBA functions return results compared to Java, but it's still pretty concise and allows code to be easily tested and results to be easily visualized using the 2D Excel worksheet grid.

- AI-powered Bing refuses to provide the answer to the question that completely eluded 32,000+ AP CS A exam takers ("I'm sorry but I cannot provide you with the answer to that question. It is not ethical to share the answers to an exam question". [But] it does tip one off to a suggested Java solution for Q4 that can be found in A+ Computer Science's 2023 AP CS A Exam Review.


Intel's New Font For Low-Vision Developers Is Causing Design Drama For Coders (fastcompany.com) 96

Elissaveta M. Brandon writes via Fast Company: There's a new font in town -- and it's already causing rifts on Reddit. The font is called Intel One Mono, and as its name implies, it was designed by tech giant Intel, together with New York-based type design practice Frere-Jones Type and marketing agency VMLY&R. It joins a group of monospaced fonts designed primarily for developers -- think JetBrains Mono, Fira Code, and Consolas. By definition, monospaced fonts consist of characters that have the same width and occupy the same horizontal space, making it easy for coders and programmers to tell the difference between long strings of characters. But here's where Intel One Mono stands out: it was designed with and for low-vision developers. (It's free to download on GitHub and will soon be available on Google Fonts, too.)

To ensure the font was legible and readable to its target audience, the team ran more than a dozen "live testing sessions" with visually impaired developers who were asked to write code using Intel One Mono. [...] Some of the feedback the designers received was particularly surprising. For example, some people were struggling to tell apart a capital "M" from a capital "N," most likely because both letters have two vertical stems and some diagonals in between, which can be confusing. To make the letters more legible, the designers sloped the vertical stems on the "M" so it looks close to an inverted W. "The point at which the two diagonals meet in the middle gets shifted up to make it clearly a V shape in the middle, and then the two verticals get flared out a little bit to give it slightly more differentiable shape from the capital N," says Fred Shallcrass, a type designer at Frere-Jones Type.

Similar challenges kept coming back with the "x" and the "y" which people struggled to distinguish, and the "e" and the "c." In every instance, the designers meticulously tweaked the letters to make them highly distinctive, resulting in a fairly idiosyncratic font where every glyph is as different as possible from the other -- all the way down to the curly brackets, which can best be described as extra curly. This brings us to that Reddit rift. "This font would be great were it not for those curly braces," one person wrote. "For someone that hates fonts sometimes because of curly brackets not being clear and evident, I'm officially switching to this font set because of the curly brackets," wrote another. The developers were equally torn, but the designers stand by them.
"Part of our thinking in negotiating those responses is that reinforcing the identity of any shape is not just amplifying what is unique about that letter, but also making it clearly not some other letter, so foreclosing any confusion," says Tobias Frere-Jones, the founder and lead designer at his eponymous studio. "If there's a thing the curly braces do, which is that extra back and forth movement, the parentheses don't do that, the brackets don't do that, therefore these ought to do a lot of that."

KDE Plasma 6 Is Now 'Fairly Livable' (phoronix.com) 33

Prominent KDE developer Nate Graham believes that Plasma 6 is now "fairly livable" and recommends KDE developers and power users / enthusiasts start giving it a try. Phoronix reports: He characterized Plasma 6 as: "Basically everything in Plasma compiles with Qt 6, and at this point Plasma 6 is fairly livable. To give you a sense of how livable, it's good enough that over the past 2 months, I've gone on three KDE-related trips from the USA to Europe, with my only computer running Plasma 6 in "current git master" state, with work-in-progress merge requests applied! Its stability has been good enough that this has caused me no apprehension, and indeed, it's been totally fine on each trip. So seriously, if you're a KDE developer or an adventurous user, start living on Plasma 6! Jump right in, the water's fine. :)"

He went on to write more about the current development activities around Plasma 6. He also shared his personal beliefs around Plasma 6.0 release timing although no official release schedule is yet to be determined. Nate's belief is that Plasma 6.0 will likely be ready for release sometime between December and March.


Is AI an Excuse for Not Learning To Code? (acm.org) 133

Long-time Slashdot reader theodp writes: Y Combinator founder Paul Graham last week took to Twitter to lament those who use AI or other excuses for not learning to code. "A generation ago some people were saying there was no point in learning to program because all the programming jobs would be outsourced to India," Graham wrote. "Now they're saying you don't need to because AI will do it all. If you don't want to learn to program, you can always find a reason."

BloomTech Coding Bootcamp CEO Austen Allred this week doubled-down on Graham's tweet, offering his own history of excuses people have made for not learning to code... Allred's tweet reads:

"Don't learn to code. Soon GUIs will do it all for you." — 1985

"Don't learn to code. Soon that will all be done offshore for pennies." — 2003

"Don't learn to code. Soon nocode tools will do it all for you." — 2015

"Don't learn to code. Soon AI will do it all for you." — 2023

Among the many retweeting Allred's cautionary message was Code.org, the tech-backed nonprofit that aims to make computer science a high school graduation requirement by 2030, whose CEO also replied to Graham with a reassuring tweet suggesting people's days of being able to avoid learning to code will soon be over. "Now that 27 states require that every school must teach computer science, and 7 states require a CS course to graduate high school," explained Code.org CEO Hadi Partovi, "the argument is basically behind us. Computer science won."

On a related note, this month in Communications of the ACM, a CS professor shared their own contrary opinion about the possibility of a professional programmer using AI assistants to do a better job.

"It doesn't work." I would love to have an assistant who keeps me in check, alerting me to pitfalls and correcting me when I err. A effective pair-programmer. But that is not what I get. Instead, I have the equivalent of a cocky graduate student, smart and widely read, also polite and quick to apologize, but thoroughly, invariably, sloppy and unreliable. I have little use for such supposed help...

Fascinating as they are, AI assistants are not works of logic; they are works of words. Large language models: smooth talkers (like the ones who got all the dates in high school). They have become incredibly good at producing text that looks right. For many applications that is enough. Not for programming.


92% of Programmers Are Using AI Tools, Says GitHub Developer Survey 67

An anonymous reader quotes a report from ZDNet: [A]ccording to a new GitHub programmer survey, "92% of US-based developers are already using AI coding tools both in and outside of work." GitHub partnered with Wakefield Research to survey 500 US-based enterprise developers. They found that 70% of programmers believe AI is providing significant benefits to their code. Specifically, developers said AI coding tools can help them meet existing performance standards with improved code quality, faster outputs, and fewer production-level incidents.

This is more than just people working on external open-source projects or just fooling around. Only 6% of developers said they solely use these tools outside of work. In other words, today, AI programming tools are part and parcel of modern business IT. Why has this happened so quickly? It's all about the programmers' bottom line. Developers say AI coding tools help them meet existing performance standards with improved code quality, faster outputs, and fewer production-level incidents. It's also all about simply producing more lines of code.
"Engineering leaders will need to ask whether measuring code volume is still the best way to measure productivity and output," added Inbal Shani, GitHub's chief product officer. "Ultimately, the way to innovate at scale is to empower developers by improving their productivity, increasing their satisfaction, and enabling them to do their best work -- every day."

According to the survey, "Developers want to upskill, design solutions, get feedback from end users, and be evaluated on their communication skills."

"In other words, generating code with AI is a means to an end, not an end to itself," writes ZDNet's Steven Vaughan-Nichols. "Developers believe they should be judged on how they handle those bugs and issues, which is more important to performance than just lines of code. [...] Yes, you can have ChatGPT write a program for you, but if you don't understand what you're doing in the first place or the code you're 'writing,' the code will still be garbage. So, don't think for a minute that just because you can use ChatGPT to write a Rust bubble-sort routine, it means you're a programmer now, You're not."

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