Sun Announces Java Executive Committee Members 71
Sun Microsystems today announced the members of their Executive Committee which will oversee the Java Community Process (JCP) program, the community-based process for developing Java technology specifications, reference implementations and associated compatibility test suites. These ECs will serve in full capacity in guiding the JCP program until the first general EC election. Of particular note is the inclusion of various Open Source leaders, including Caldera and The Apache Software Foundation.
Sorta standards.... (Score:1)
Glad to see posts at 3am+
Interesting article (Score:2)
Re:Sorta standards.... (Score:1)
3am (Score:1)
Interesting Omission... (Score:3)
Considering how much muscle IBM are putting behind Java at the moment (porting it to AS/400 and AIX, producing their own v1.3 JDK's for those platforms, plus Linux and NT, moving most of their e-business software over to Servlets and EJB's, and so on), you'd think Big Blue would have a few nice things to say about the Executive Committee.
Yet more evidence of bad blood between the two biggest players, I guess.
Re:Sorta standards.... (Score:3)
Anyone *could* run away with perl, but they haven't. Nobody other than Larry makes a version of Perl, and that's why it's successful.
It gives me the impression that Sun wants to maintain that 'Brand' recognition (i.e. Sun's Java). Such is the way of corporations. You would think that that would have learned. Totally unfair, what Sun is rightfully afraid of is that Java will go the way of Unix - 57 different flavors, each of which requires a modifications to a Makefile to even compile, much less run. The fact that Microsoft has already attempted to pollute Java is more than enough justification to keep the language centrally managed.
The only argument I could see for decentralizing the standard is if the managing body were too slow to update it to meet new needs, which would result in proprietary (and incompatible) vendor extensions to meet user demands, but so far that's not even close to being a problem.
Java's development process ain't broke.
What It Really Means (Score:3)
Interesting Note: It is still nice to see Apache and Caldera (or other Linux vendors) listed among other big players in the industry, as they are in the complete list of the Committee: Apache Software Foundation, Apple, BEA, Caldera, Compaq, Fujitsu, HP, IBM, IONA, Inprise, Insignia, Matsushita, Motorola, Nokia, Novell, Oracle, Palm, Philips, Siemens, Sony, Sun Microsystems, and Wind River.
Also, since this is only a press release (Sun's website also has it available [sun.com].), I wonder when we can get some comments from Caldera and Apache on what their gameplan/goals are for this committee. (other than the quick blurb in the press release)
Cant get my account validated through hotmail(arg) (Score:1)
I feel that this is potentially a cool thing. However, I never really saw specifications/apis as a weak point in java.
It would be cool if someone could address the more pressing issues such as JIT support for more operating systems and bug fixes for the the jre stuff that is already released. Most of the JIT efforts for linux are ragtag at best. There are plenty of improvements that can be made to the existing apis as well, ala AWT/SWING.
Also, it doesnt seem like it is being opened up, at least not in the way that the blurb implied. The community seems to consist of large corporations that have some sort of stake in java.
Maybe i missed something, I am tired.... The best news to me is that it isnt owned by micros~1 and that java is getting more press. I probably wont starve anytime soon. Haha.
Re:Interesting Omission... (Score:2)
Unfortunately I have to agree with you.
Usually, I'm an avid Sun supporter, but there's just no way this makes sense. IBM are indeed getting behind Java, and for that they must be congratulated. Their JDK kicks Sun's cleanly and soundly, not that Sun's is a bad one, but IBM's just seems to have more going for it. I use both of them and although there are a lot of things I still prefer about Sun's, IBM's takes the cake.I guess that could be part of the reason Sun are so annoyed with them. Showing them up in JDK/JRE development. IBM's Jikes compiler is truly awesome.
Come on Sun, this doesn't make sense. This is very Microsoftian of you, the way you're treating IBM.Re:Interesting Omission... (Score:1)
This brings Java to the next level in computing (Score:1)
Open Source leaders ? (Score:1)
I mean, last time we've heard of Caldera on
More ontopic : they say in the article that these are interim comimittee who will work on Java specs "until the first general EC election, which is scheduled for later this fall.". Who's gonna vote for that ? Can I vote against Caldera ?
Article timing on circular surfaces (Score:4)
We live on a planet that is, as planets often are, shaped roughly as a round ball-like thingy. Not only that, but it tends to whirl around, giving us our praised days and nights. Think about it: I live in Eastern European Timezone. I wake up like, what, seven long hours before U.S. citizens. Not to mention Indian
We from the other side of the globe would very much like to see news posted before we have to get to sleep
Re:Sorta standards.... (Score:1)
Sun already [sun.com] provides the code to their various software technology products.
I think this is a good indication of how big companies are seeing the light in regard to Open Source methodologies. Certainly, I'll agree that the SCSL isn't quite as Open-Source like as the GPL, BSD, or Python licenses, but it shows that the company is willing to go the Open Source route, and with the reputation that Sun has built up, I've no doubt that they will further embrace the Open Source philosophy in the future.My feeling is that they're keeping their source code technologies, especially the revolutionary Java, more closed than those of stauncher Open Source models for a while longer, to allow them to mature, before releasing them fully. I have no doubt that this is what they're planning. It's not some evil Corporate Conspiracy like you're suggesting, schwap.
Re:Write Once, Run Anywhere(TM) (Score:2)
You know, I think it was more, "Crash Once, Write Everywhere". Have you ever looked at what Windows does to memory after a BSOD?
Looks like SUN is smart. (Score:2)
On the other hand, Tolkien springs to mind, a little melodramatically: "only one hand can bear the ring" , and if they do, "another dark lord will appear"
No comment from Apache either (Score:2)
Probably their comments just didn't arrive in time for press. I can't see how a "yippee! we'er so happy to be here we're at risk of spontaneous combustion!" comment would be important
Why Apache probably is too busy to comment at the moment (from their web site): "The Apache Software Foundation has just begun its reorganization from the Apache Group to a not-for-profit corporation."
Re:Can Java be made to run faster... (Score:1)
Certainly Microsoft's implementation of Java is faster than most, but it's somewhat tied to Microsoft's own platforms. IBM's still comes out on top, and my personal second favourite is the Sun implementation, which, admittedly, I still use more than the IBM one in some cases.
Re:Can Java be made to run faster... (Score:1)
Re:Sorta standards.... (Score:1)
Re:Sorta standards.... (Score:1)
Wow this does look GOOD!
Re:3am (Score:1)
I question Sun’s commitment to open standards... (Score:5)
Sun walked away from the ISO several months ago because the ISO would not let them retain complete control, including imposing a licensing scheme, on the proposed ISO Java Standard. Sun merely did not want Java established as a standard, but they wanted to supercede the ISO when it came to formulating, monitoring, and enforcing the standard. This would have included huge licensing fees for anyone who used the ``standard''. It was little more than an attempt to get the ISO to become the licensing enforcement arm of Sun. When the ISO said no, Sun walked away.
So they tried to make an end run around the ISO through the ECMA (until Sun realized that Microsoft was and ECMA member), and now they are apparently forming an Executive Committee, (comprised primarily of corporations, as opposed to developers). If this is supposed to be the Java community-based Process program, where are the real members of the community, the developers!
Mr. McNealy, you cannot have your cake, and eat it too! Either Java is a copyrighted product, which you are free to license to third parties, or it is a standard. NOT BOTH! This is nothing more than another uncommitted publicity stunt by Sun that will accomplish nothing. Java will remain without standardization.
Re:Can Java be made to run faster w/ Transmeta (Score:2)
Obligatory Transmeta comment
Certainly, if we have a processor that can be modified to run any processor's code, it could be made to run the JVM "processor's" code. And since it does run-time optimization, it would run the applications faster.
Sun has been pushing its Java processors, but I haven't heard anything of them for years.
This is excellent news. (Score:1)
+4 Interesting? (Score:1)
"gcc will include gcj, a native Java compiler" (Score:1)
Whoa, cool! Confirmation?
Most of the JIT efforts for linux are ragtag? (Score:1)
Of course, none of this is much reassurance if you're running Linux on Alphas or PowerPCs, but nobody would think of running Linux on non-Intel hardware, would they? ;)
Re:"gcc will include gcj, a native Java compiler" (Score:1)
Literature on it:
here [gnu.org].Re:This is excellent news. (Score:1)
Re:Obligatory Devil's Advocate Post. (Score:1)
Re:Can Java be made to run faster w/ Transmeta (Score:1)
I have to agree with you that using Transmeta's code-morphing technology and its ability to do software instruction set implementation could be a Big Thing for the robust Java platform. The question is, will a total Java chip include other instruction sets? Java's great, btu unless you had it co-processing with other , more traditional IS's, I don't know how much acceptance it would gain *outside* the staunch Java followers.
That said, it would be an enourmous speed advantage and potentially ground breaking technology.Re:Sorta standards.... (Score:1)
what Sun is rightfully afraid of is that Java will go the way of Unix - 57 different flavors, each of which requires a modifications to a Makefile to even compile, much less run. The fact that Microsoft has already attempted to pollute Java is more than enough justification to keep the language centrally managed.
I would like to make a few points about the above qoute:
Haiku (Score:3)
They believe Java's open
Creep silently, strike
Re:Haiku - great!-) (Score:1)
ku^H^Hmods for that.
Re:"gcc will include gcj, a native Java compiler" (Score:1)
Darn, that link was correct, but there is a better link: Cygnus's page [cygnus.com]
Re:Can Java be made to run faster w/ Transmeta (Score:1)
"will a total Java chip include other instruction sets?"
Quoth Sam&Max:
"Does it include wanton destruction?"
"We can only hope."
I certainly hope they will at some point be able to switch processor contexts quickly. Imagine a combination of Linux/x86 robustness with fast Java applications... and native perl!^)
Then again, embedded Java... mmm... And you can hardly talk about any kind of "small insider group" with Java. It is slowly making its way.
Incorrect (Score:3)
Rational is not taking over J++, they're just producing a Java compiler that will run inside the next Visual Studio, along with, as their press release even mentioned, "Visual Basic, Visual C++, and Visual J++." (Yet another reason not to rely on Slashdot headlines for your information, although at least they didn't claim that Rational was also taking over VB and VC++.) You should know that ActiveSt ate is doing the same thing [activestate.com], joining the VS Integration Program so that Perl and Python will be integrated with the next version of Visual Studio. (Oh, and it's kinda silly to say that J++ isn't in widespread use.)
Re:Can Java be made to run faster... (Score:1)
The main advantage of Java is a well defined class library (especially the GUI) which is missing from C++ but that's a different matter, the _language_ Java is nothing special (in my opinion at least)
Re:Interesting article (Score:1)
The flap was about totally submitting control of the Java spec to an official international committee (ISO maybe? Something like that anyway). The new deal lets Sun keep a (hopefully) benevolent dictatorship over the process.
One issue with an ISO type committee is that they tend to be very slow - how often has the C++ spec been updated? Twice? This encourages compiler vendors to come up with proprietary extensions to meet developers' needs. Java is currently moving far faster than an ISO committee could possibly handle.
Re:Interesting article (Score:1)
Sun had spent years developing those documents (and making them freely available on the web), and didn't want to give them up.
Re:Interesting article (Score:1)
They forgot... (Score:1)
Re:Can Java be made to run faster... (Score:2)
I want to be able to write simple applications that work on a variety of operating systems. Stability, development speed and flexibility are more important to me than raw execution speed, so I'd rather develop in Java. Having a huge standard library is a great help, but it's not the only reason I choose Java over C++.
Re:I question Sun’s commitment to open standards.. (Score:5)
Re:Obligatory Devil's Advocate Post. (Score:1)
Since VJ++ is stuck at Java 1.1, people who were once foolish enough to believe there was a future in a Java IDE from a company that despises Java seem to be migrating away from it. There are better products out there now.
What's the use of a nice standard if there is no easy way to get it into the hands of the end user? The problem seems to be in getting the Java 2 platform on an end user machine (without having to cajole them into downloading a 5Mb plug-in). There are swing applets yearning to be free.
Even better would be forcing Microsoft to put OJI into IE. Yeah, that's going to happen.
Re:Can Java be made to run faster... (Score:1)
Re:Interesting Omission... (Score:1)
Re:Incorrect (Score:1)
I think that the most you can say about J++ is that it has been widely distributed, since it is distributed with Visual Studio with VB, VC++, etc. However, I have seen very little evidence that there is much usage of J++. Part of this is aversion to anything Microsoft, part of this is due to standards non-compliance, some of this is due to non-support of Java 1.2.
Re:Sorta standards.... (Score:2)
But remember, they also have released stuff as true open source, like http://jakarta.apache.org [apache.org] which they donated to the Apache Software Foundation. There are quite a few projects springing up on there, actually, but the orginal ones they donated were jakarta-tomcat (implementation of the servlet spec), jakarta-tools, and Ant (cool build tool, much easier to use than Make!). That alone deserves some kudos IMO.
Re:Write Once, Test Everywhere(TM) (Score:1)
Re:Article timing on circular surfaces (Score:1)
Re:Interesting Omission... (Score:1)
More power to them, I guess. I'm not RMS. Whether a company frees its code is entirely up to the company. Their half-hearted Linux support disappoints me, on the other hand. Websphere's still a major version behind, and you can't get VAJava Enterprise Edition at all.
Alphaworks is a special case. The licenses are stricter than production products because they're _not_ production products. It's alpha software. You get to play with it, but on the understanding that next month it may suddenly have become a commercial product, or it may no longer be being developed at all. So the site is neat if you want to scrounge new toys from the bleeding edge, but don't use it for anything serious.
[offtopic] My favourite IBM free-beer package at the moment is their developer program where you can book in to spend time testing your apps on Big IBM Boxen. It looks pretty cool for those of us who can't afford an AS/400, or who don't have the resources to do huge load tests.
Caldera and Apache (Score:1)
Re:What It Really Means (Score:1)
I think they would be more likely to ask for an Apache-style license.
Re:What It Really Means (Score:1)
Three interesting websites:
The Jakarta project includes the servlet engine Tomcat, which is partially based on Sun's old servlet engine, and Apache's servlet engine JServ.
The cocoon framework (http://xml.apache.org) was founded by Stefano Mazzocchi (who rocks BTW), who has his say in the JSDK and JSP specs. Apache has lots of interesting Java projects in the making, I'm not at all surprised to see them in the committee. I believe IBM supports the Jakarta project as well, I know that Xerces is based on their XML4J XML. Xerces is now an Apache project, and is the parser shipped with Cocoon. IBM creates a tremendous amount of delicious Java (related) software, I think they couldn't care less, whether they get quoted or not, as long as they have their say in the business.
Also see http://jakarta.apache.org/credits/whoweare.html
Re:I question Sun?s commitment to open standards.. (Score:1)
I hate committees of companies / organizations. (Score:1)
Re:I question Sun’s commitment to open standards.. (Score:2)
Can you point me to those specs? I can't find anything on Sun's Java site.
Nooooooooooooo! Not B.C.!!!! (Score:2)
Well folks, there you have it. Any last doubt of the B.C. government having a deal with the devil should be completely eliminated.
Coming from the B.C. lower mainland myself, where could they move? Burnaby? Richmond? (As the building is destroyed in th eearthquake and the soil liquifies). Chilliwack? Victoria?
My personal vote: Fort Saint John... (about 1000 miles NE of Vancouver..
Worst possible scenario: Stanley Park.
Reading further...
Gordon Wilson!?! Attracting Microsoft to B.C. That does it. We're all doomed...
Trevor, from B.C., Canada
Re:Sorta standards.... (Score:1)
Another Interesting Omission (Score:1)
Even more interesting: the IDE community is represented by Borland. This bypasses Oracle (their IDE is based on Borland-licensed code, but is a separate product) and Symantec, both big Sun partners.
More like Write Once Wait Everywhere (Score:1)
Re:Article timing on circular surfaces (Score:1)
Honestly, having /. posters in other timezones would only be for the good. Slashdot is a creature of the Internet; it could take advantage of the different timezones and make a bug into a feature :).
Re:JDK speed (Score:1)
To be fair, Sun generally produces reference implementations for their JDKs where speed and accuracy of development, not performance, is the key factor. The exception to this is Solaris where at one point JDK on Solaris was the most scalable around in terms of threads (IIRC).
But yeah, IBM's Java stuff is great.
Specs (Score:1)
Of course, even if the published specifications are complete and consistent enough to let you write your own implementation (believe me, I haven't tried), being able to call the result "Java(tm)" is something else entirely.
Re:Specs (Score:2)
Re:Interesting article (Score:1)
Re:Interesting article (Score:1)
What do you mean hopefully? Its never a good idea to let any company maintain a dictatorship over a technology that will be broadly used. Part of the reason C++ is as popular as it is - is because its a standardized language. Without open discussion and input from multiple parties - you would have one entity guiding the language in any direction they feel - and this direction is usually towards facilitating the sale and development of their own products. That's why standard bodies exist! In this particular case, i find it amusing that Sun would like Java to become a standard but is very cautious to do so out of fear that they would lose their current autocratic control. Although i don't deny that some standards exist in the control of a private/corporate party, the majority (and popular) of standards are the result of open forums and standardization bodies.
One issue with an ISO type committee is that they tend to be very slow - how often has the C++ spec been updated? Twice? This encourages compiler vendors to come up with proprietary extensions to meet developers' needs. Java is currently moving far faster than an ISO committee could possibly handle
I disagree here. While it is true that you have a lot of political infighting that occurs in standards committies (as each company involved tries to manipulate (or work in some proprietary royalty oriented IP) the standard to its own advantage) - and as a result you have a lot of blocking that occurs because no one agrees, i think the reason (in the case of) the c++ spec hasn't been updated as often as you claim (i have no knowledge of how often its been updated) is probably because there really isn't anything that needs changed. How long has it been around now?
Re:Write Once, Test Everywhere(TM) (Score:1)
Firstly, any program the size of a JVM is going to have bugs. And due to the nature of these things, they'll be different bugs on different platforms. Which you may have to work around on those platforms. This is a problem that I've come across with real-world applications, and that even applies across different versions of the same JVM.
Secondly, in some cases the Java language spec is not tight enough to guarantee WORA. It can't be: there are some things that just won't work the same on all platforms. These will always lead to the potential of an obscure 'feature' which causes your program to fail on some Java platforms, but not others. Again, in theory it's possible for this to take place across multiple versions of the same JVM.
Does this make Java's multiplatform capabilities useless? No, of course not - it's still <EM>easier</EM> to write multiplatform applications than in most other languages. But you need to test them on all platforms you plan to deploy on, rather than assuming that the magical promise of WORA will get you by. 99% of the time it will, but you can bet that the customer's only going to remember that 1% where your program suddenly goes wrong...
Re:Specs (Score:2)