Can You Create An Intelligent Haiku Generator? 211
BlueCalx- writes: "dotcomma has created a new programming contest: this time, to determine whether or not someone can create a program that can automatically parse an RDF file and generate a haiku based on its headlines or stories. Slashdot users such as 575 have essentially been doing the same thing for months: now, it's time to see if a computer program can do the same thing *g*. After witnessing the success of the AI Bots challenge a few months ago, it'll be interesting to see if a program like this is possible." Anyone who can generate intelligible, germane haiku from headlines without human intervention has my respect -- it's a lot thornier than it sounds.
Re:Difficult (Score:1)
si usamos español
usted conviene?
(haiku is easy
if we utilize spanish
do you acquiesce?)
umm...that was 5-5-5 (Score:1)
Would basho appreciate the effort? (Score:1)
I have written four stanzas.
Moderate me up.
Haiku by machine.
Unfeeling silicon chip.
Basho turns in grave.
Clever perl script hacks.
Create poem making code.
Basho comes around.
Basho buys PC.
Installs Linux and writes code.
Source is poetry.
Elegant program.
Basho's work makes Bill Gates cry.
GPL Haiku.
Haiku (Score:1)
Get moderated to 5
Better than 'first post'
Perl (Score:1)
Python is da bomb, for sure.
Die Perl, die, die, die!
Re:It's like this (Score:1)
Computer haiku:
Poetic rhythm down pat,
But lacking a soul.
Re:Haiku (Score:1)
Moderators have mercy.
Meant to drop plus-one.
hmmm? (Score:1)
DUDE, I have had one of these
for months, no - YEARS now
I'm working on it (Score:1)
Re:Intelligent filters - agents? (Score:1)
Unintelligable mess.
Preview is your pal.
Teach me to post too quickly... (Score:1)
I cannot count syllables
Six on the first line
Re:New form (Score:1)
Written words on a bathroom wall,
staring at the letters,
ink stained tiles beg you to call.
You scratch the number
in your palm.
Get to a phone and call her right now.
See if you can guess the form. The content is a clue.
Re:Perl Haiku Contest (Score:1)
Re:Perl Haiku Contest (Score:1)
Re:Computer-Related Haiku (Score:1)
Haiku? (Score:1)
Yay (Score:1)
Re:Hmm (Score:1)
8 +++ dummy = InitVocab()
Error 34 running "/home/mattc/bin/Haiku.rexx", line 157: Logical value not 0 or 1
Oops -- HTML-formatting ate some <> operators. :-(
I've put a copy of the original script here []...
Re:Computer-Related Haiku (Score:1)
While, because of the non-traditional subject matter, these would probably be considered senryu (which has its own long tradition), I posted the three that I thought best approached the spirit of haiku.
For what it's worth, you can tell her that.
Re:Perl Haiku Contest (Score:1)
It also seems to me that English loanwords try to preserve spelling first and worry about pronunciation later; also, more recent loanwords are pronounced closer to their foreign pronunciation.* This leads to haiku/haiku, at least for the time being. Once a loanword's been in common use for a while, the English plural appears. Then, the -s becomes preferred. Finally, the foreign plural is dropped in English. Some examples from
I personally have no problem with "haikus" -- actually, I was going to use "haikus" in post 54 [] until I remembered that Spanish adjectives reflect number. I was just going for the (+1, Funny) in my "Because!" post -- that song cracked me up, for some reason.
Enough rambling for now. :^)
* At least Standard American English does. Your kilometrage may vary. For example, SAE speakers rhyme "Paris" with "ferrous", but rhyme "Versailles" with the first two syllables of "bursitis" (i.e. "the French way, or close enough").
Re:Perl Haiku Contest (Score:1)
To be honest, though, I'm a believer in letting someone speak however they want as long as their message is conveyed. (Uh-oh! I used "they" as a 3rd person singular neuter pronoun! Call the grammar police!) I won't begrudge you your "antelopes" and "haikus". They just aren't what people (apparently) commonly use.
Re:Perl Haiku Contest (Score:1)
This might compile... (Score:1)
might help you qualify it
as a true haiku
Jim in Tokyo
Re:Perl Haiku Contest (Score:1)
Re:Perl Haiku Contest (Score:1)
croak if not defined $threelines;
require $seasoning; }
(yes, do use that preview button!
Snot's not American! (Score:1)
AI Bots contest a success? Hardly! (Score:1)
After witnessing the success of the AI Bots challenge a few months ago, it'll be interesting to see if a program like this is possible.
I'd hardly call their AI Bots contest a success; far from it, as a matter of fact. The entire contest died on the launching pad---they generated a fair amount of excitement, then proceeded to completely drop the ball.
Based on that precedent, while this haiku generator contest is an interesting idea, I don't feel inclined to join in, based on my expectation that the dotcomma guys will forget about the whole thing in a week or so.
dotcomma contest
flurry of activity
soon is forgotten
I'm out... (Score:1)
Can't help on this project...
Re:I'm out... (Score:1)
Re:Computer-Related Haiku (Score:1)
I remember an Isaac Asimov story (one of the "Tales of the Black Widowers") where it was argued that the limerick is to English what the haiku is to Japanese. Japanese is a tonal language, and fixed patterns of syllables stand out very well. It's also mildly difficult but not impossible to assemble coherent phrases with fixed syllable-patterns in Japanese.
English, on the other hand, is not a tonal language, and has a grammar that consists mostly of a collection of exceptions. Patterns of syllable-stress and rhymes stand out. And it is similarly mildly difficult but not impossible to form coherent phrases with fixed meter and rhyme.
Haikus don't stand out in English very well, and from what I gather it's (a) difficult to construct a limerick in Japanese and (b) doesn't sound terribly unsual when you do.
What else would the subject be? (Score:1)
Slashdot Story on haiku
Self-fufilling post
Personally, the only two haiku I'm really proud of are on the Olestra/Olean Haiku page [] and are thus:
How did Zappa know?
'Voodoo Butter Underpants..'
Olestra vision.
Olestra Facists;
They have tainted my Fritos!
Fudgie underwear... (Score:1)
Re:Computer-Related Haiku (Score:1)
The best book I can think of to undo the damange done by the 5-7-5 haiku pundits is:
The Haiku Handbook - How to Write, Share, and Teach Haiku
William J. Higginson (with Penny Harter)
Or a few related URL's:
Re:Great idea (Score:1)
Microsoft broken
Not quite yet but maybe by
Summer after next
Re:Something more usefull (Score:1)
Best distribution.
Linux with office apps on desktop.
Kick microsofts ass.
Re:Something more usefull (Score:1)
Best distribution
with office apps on desktop.
Kick microsofts ass.
Preview should spell check.
syllable count would also help
575 wannabes.
Re:Something more usefull (Score:1)
Indicates the irony
you misunderstood.
Alas, the poor Haiku (Score:1)
Depths of insight and beauty
But this one does not
Re:Perl Haiku Contest (Score:1)
(this is all in reference to an earlier
575 had better watch out... (Score:2)
Re:Haiku (Score:2)
That's damned amusing.
I could have taken offense.
But AC's kick ass.
Lucky Kaa? (Score:2)
From one who will emulate
David Brin's dolphins
Re:Perl Haiku Contest (Score:2)
Read the docs:
"It guesses correctly about 80-90% of the time,
but it's smaller and faster than a dictionary
lookup. So you can't really use it for
writing random haiku."
Dang, these guys are _way_ ahead of me!!
Re:Perl Haiku Contest (Score:2)
I don't know any Japanese but I'd guess that in a typical sentence, the number (singular or plural) of the word haiku can be worked out from the context. But English doesn't always have that context, and English speakers are used to just having the pluralness of a word thrust in their face. It doesn't sound right to use exactly the same word for singular and plural; English just doesn't work like that.
There is a similar situation with pronunciation of words borrowed from French. Although French nouns do change their spelling in the plural form, the pronunciation is usually the same. But you can instantly tell whether it's singular or plural by looking at the article. For example, 'objet' and 'objets' sound exactly the same most of the time, but you have 'un objet' and 'des objets'.
So what do we do when borrowing these words for use in English? Take cafe for example (which should have an acute accent, but Slashdot's HTML posting doesn't seem to allow them). Most people pronounce this the French way, or close enough, as 'caffay'. (We'll ignore caffs for this discussion.) But although the singular in English sounds like the French word, the plural cafes is prounounced with an s on the end, because 'the' and 'a' do not indicate number as their French counterparts do. People do not say 'I walked past two caffay', because that would sound silly.
To say 'I wrote two haiku' sounds just as silly. English is not Japanese, so there's no reason for it to follow Japanese grammar.
Re:Perl Haiku Contest (Score:2)
As for the trend being towards -s plurals in the long run, what about words like 'antelope', which used to have a plural form but don't seem to any longer? It looks to me as if people are pretentiously discarding the plural for any vaguely foreign-looking word.
Re:Perl Haiku Contest (Score:2)
An IRC bot... (Score:2)
The bot's owner collects semi-interesting 5- and 7-syllable quotes and stores them in a database. Then, when someone types .haikux in the channel, the bot spits out three random lines in the appropriate order. It is more often interesting than not, and sometimes very amusing.
The channel's name starts with an R, it's on EFNet, and is currently -s and -p. Good luck! :)
Re:Great idea (Score:2)
Steeled for early winter.
Hello Canada!
Re:This might compile... (Score:2)
Doh! That was a last second typo; I should have cut/pasted from my xterm. :-( So that should have been:
Thanks for pointing this out; sorry for the silly error.
Well, this is being *posted* from Missourah...but even though I'm not from the Midwest, "fire" is basically monosyllabic in my dialect. So I reject your criticism here. Hah! :-)
In any case, both are well-formed perl, and now also proper haiku. Thanks for your help.
Re:This might compile... (Score:2)
I agree with you here, but for the sake of the Perl as Haiku Movement, I think we need a definitive ruling on the pronunciation of other punctuation. Especially #!, ', ", and ;. I think it's only fair to suggest that perl as haiku be executable, like other perl poetry, but I'm less sure that we can all agree on how to pronounce it correctly.
So is this a haiku?
Obviously, I pronounce the first line "shebang bin perl five", but I'm not an authority on this. I'm a bit squeamish about pronouncing "quote", though, although that would be consistent. If ' is silent, then the haiku could be:
The seasonal reference is to midsummer fireworks (duh...).
Dang; where's Tom Christiansen when you really need him here. :-(
Re:Addidtional requirement?? (Score:2)
Further, embedded Carrollian logic puzzles/references, puns, or other forms of wordplay would each double the score. (I'll think about this tonight - I haven't tackled a really clever word puzzle since I unravelled the new answer to "Why is a Raven like a writing desk?" []
Of course now we're well beyond anything computers are likely to do in our lifetimes, so this will be a warmware competition to write palindromic, anagrammatic(?!), pun-filled, self-describing haiku riddles. Whoa... dain bramage. (Yeah, Spoonerisms should count, too!)
Or, this could just devolve into something like Finnegan's Wake, which would require artificial insanity rather than (or is that in addition to?) artificial intelligence - the former is probably much more difficult to produce...
Seriously, it would be really fun to see how many of these aspects one can cram into the haiku form, creating true meta-haiku.
Re:Rorshack Text != Intelligent (Score:2)
the sound of coffee pouring
Maxwell House morning
Re:Addidtional requirement?? (Score:2)
Feds with autos storm
Sieze cow'rin boy in closet
It's OrwElian
And yes, cow'rin ("cowering") is legitimately two syllables on the authority of Rrrabbie Burrrns, [] who probably never wrote a haiku in his life, although apparently, there is a Scottish haikuist(?) [] of some note.
Why not Renga? (Score:2)
The conventions governing the content of Haiku come from the its origin as a starting point for linked poetry (renga). Linked poems were like a medieval Japanese drinking game. These would start with a 575, to be completed by the next poet with a 77 and a 575, and so forth. Like all games, it had to have rules, and they were elaborate. Each new link had to take the poem in a direction agreed upon by the contestants based on a predetermined sequence or algorithm (e.g. Winter/Winter/Nonseasonal/Moon/Autumn
The initial 575 verse of the Renga was called a Hokku. To be functional, it had to fit into one of the standard forms (e.g. refer to a season); to be good, it had to set up a twist the next player would have to build upon. Making a good starting place became an art form in itself, and people began to anthologize good Hokku -- thus the origin of the Haiku form.
It would be really cool to write a program that would "play" renga against a human co-author!
Japanese poetry liberally uses not only standard word lists, but liberally allusions to well known prior works in longer forms. An image, like dampened sleeves or straining to see through falling leaves, carries a well known meaning established in poems stretching back over a thousand years (in this case both images imply tears). This is like the difference between programming everything in one routine, and having a well staocked standard library. Thus, I suspect Japanese authors can squeeze a lot more information into a 575 than an English author can. Also, the 575 pattern sounds utterly different in Japanese than it does in English. In other words, an English Haiku is hardly a Haiku at all. Nonetheless, there have been some English poets who've had pretty good success with the form. My favorite is Richard Wright (best known for writing Native Son). Here is a sample:
With a twitching nose
A dog reads a telegram
On a wet tree trunk.
And another:
Burning autumn leaves,
I yearn to make the bonfire
Bigger and bigger.
... (Score:2)
computers compute
words are delicate
haiku haiku (Score:2)
is software up to the job?
oops, buffer overflow
Re:AI Bots contest a success? Hardly! (Score:2)
One Haiku, every situation. (Score:2)
printf("This Haiku was made\n
In response to your query.\n
Have a nice season.);
Where's mah prize?
Yes, you did see this coming (Score:2)
I don't suppose the on-the-fly error haiku generated by ...I forget the name of the Perl module... doesn't count for this does it? Too bad, that's some funny stuff -- especially the abstract which itself is written in 5-7-5 form. I'd post a link but forget where it is offhand -- try CPAN I guess...
One of my favorites (Score:2)
Everyone (incl me) seems to be posting favorite haikus (what is this, an excuse or something? :), but I'll post a *picture* of one of my favorites instead! hahaha
Re:Rorshack Text != Intelligent (Score:2)
"Sweet creeping zombie Jesus!"
the word is "senryu" (Score:2)
If I've got the distinction right, a haiku is a poem about nature, whereas a metrically similar poem about human nature is called a "senryu."
Yours WDK -
Re:Difficult (Score:2)
haiku ::= sentence sentence sentence ::= noun-group verb-group ::= noun | adjective noun-group | ... ::= verb | adverb verb-group | ...
and start generating. Make sure that syllable count is right, and words are more or less associated with each other. This is of course easier said than done.
Most of these aren't haikus. (Score:2)
Main Entry: haiku
Pronunciation: 'hI-(")kü
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural haiku
Etymology: Japanese
Date: 1902
: an unrhymed verse form of Japanese origin having three lines containing usually 5, 7, and 5 syllables respectively; also : a poem in this form usually having a seasonal reference
Third post Haiku (Score:2)
I wanted first post and you
only gave me third
Re:Edited Kaa Tribute (Score:2)
From one who will emulate
Brin's clever dolphins
Your BASIC Haiku (Score:2)
10 PRINT "This is a"
20 PRINT "Haiku program!"
30 GOTO 10
Here's my first attempt... (Score:2)
segmentation fault: core dumped
damn you, Borland C
You can't really do that.. (Score:2)
however, i haven't even seen that many living, breathing, human beings create good haiku. in non-english graduate student terms...just because it rhymes doesn't mean it's poetry. (if you are going to flame me with "hey asshole, haiku don't have to rhyme" then please smack yourself, and tell your head it's from flux.
Idunno, this is a neat little programming assignment. Create a program that generates haiku, but i'm not sure that it's anything more than that. Something on the order of a programming assignment for CS students who got an %88 on their "game of life" homework. There's no way (at least not any time soon) that a program is going to come up with any meaningful haiku any time soon.
It may be 5-7-5, but it's sure as hell not going to be poetry.
when i look into
the grasshopper's eyes, i see
the mountains behind
After 16 years, MTV has finally completed its deevolution into the shiny things network
Re:Haiku (Score:2)
But his job will be replaced
By a small shell script
Re:Difficult (Score:2)
Lamentablemente, no
Por qué lo crees?
(I am forced to say
Lamentably it's not so
The last line's a bitch!)
Re:This might compile... (Score:2)
Interesting... if "include season.h" is 5 syllables, does that mean that you don't pronounce the dot? I've always said it, "Include season DOT h", not "Include season h"...
Something to ponder...
Re:Your BASIC Haiku (Score:2)
You should give the above post
Karma as follows:
Plus one, insightful
Plus one for humor as well
Minus one, BASIC
Jargon (Score:2)
But then AOL
Created the Septemb er []
That never ended.
Re:Difficult (Score:2)
The start of senryu [5-7-5 poems, of which haiku is a subclass]
Was in Japanese, which is
As bad as Spanish.
Ever watched subtitled anime and noticed how darn _fast_ those people talk?
Re:what about macros (Score:2)
"The axiom 'An honest man has nothing to fear from the police'
Observations (Score:2)
Write code to do nifty things
Beats doing real work
Haiku program needs
Lexical analysis
Black Magic coding
Look in Chapter Five
The AWK Programming Language
Simpler than Knuth
Brian Kernighan
Created Unix, AWK, C
Hacker Deity
Too many haiku
Turns brain to guacamole
Must get a real life
"The axiom 'An honest man has nothing to fear from the police'
Re:Cultural insensitivity (Score:2)
Thinks he speaks for all Nippon
Mail the man a clue
Hate Americans?
Bigots and fools should unite
Join the Taliban
An armed populace
Defends against Tyrrany
Freedom's last safegaurd
"The axiom 'An honest man has nothing to fear from the police'
Cool (Score:2)
No good, cpu dead now
Always end sadly
Slashdot is populated by quite a few jackasses.
Yet another (yet another haiku) (Score:2)
Computer poet
Lacking sense of esthetics
is oxymoron
John Searle made good point
AI may be Chinese Room
Made in Japan--NOT!
Perl does haiku... (Score:3)
There is a Perl module written by Damian Conway called Coy which performs error handling in haiku. It has an extensible grammer...
The Problem with coy (Score:3)
not consider the line as a barrier between
parts of the haiku that mean something. That is,
each line in a good haiku should ideally be a
valid sentence, or failing that, each line in an
ok haiku should at least be a seperate clause.
Perl Haiku Contest (Score:3)
Addidtional requirement?? (Score:3)
Now for tiebreakers, they should have the additional requirement that your coding statements are in Haiku form.
Embeded Haiku,
Hidden within the sourcecode.
It should break the tie.
And now for a Meta-Haiku:
Using five, seven, and five
A haiku is formed.
A wealthy eccentric who marches to the beat of a different drum. But you may call me "Noodle Noggin."
Difficult (Score:3)
Syllables of English words
It's even harder
To get correct grammar, from
Arbitrary words
Re:Most of these aren't haikus. (Score:3)
Children studying
The forums are congested
With cries of "Me Too"
The Real Challenge (Score:3)
A forgotten rule for classic Japanese Haiku, in addition to the usual 5-7-5 syllable rule, is that the Haiku must contain at least one reference to a season.
For example:
Under the blue sky
I take a dip in the pool
To wash off my sweat
Hopefully, my reference to summer is obvious enough ... I admit freely, I'm no Basho
I challenge any of the serious contenders for this Haiku contest to write their code taking into consideration this 'seasonal reference' rule.
I would be interested in seeing the Haiku generated by such a code ... especially since Cyberspace is rather devoid of seasons ... much like most of California (hmmm, coincidence?)
Re:Haiku (Score:3)
He is quaint but cumbersome...
DOS batch file perhaps?
creating something really intelligent takes time (Score:3)
You could just use a random generator that matches the words, but that program doesn't have a clue about the content, what it's saying.
When you want to know what's some text about, you have to feed it all words of the dictionary and give extra information for each word. Creating sentences is even more difficult as there are linguistic rules, and they must sound normal to a native speaker (although haikus may be more simple).
The company I work for (DMP - []) is busy in this field.
One of our applications is able to create a summary of a text.
The sentences of the summary aren't created, but are those sentences that represent the content of the text most. Feed it a txt/doc file, say how many lines/words you want and you'll have your summary instantly. Sounds simple but it is impressive when you use it.
What's behind it is even more impressive. Every word and sentence is analysed (what is subject, verb, adjective, ...) and using a dictionary of weighted words we know what word is more important and what not.
There's a lot of manual work involved, feeding the databases. One of the databases consists of words with the relations to other words. So if a words has synonyms, homonyms, is stronger, is the contrary, ... all these relations are marked in it. Without this you can't start to analyse the content of a text. When a word has more than one meaning/usage you also have to look at the context of the sentence and figure out the correct meaning.
It's a very interesting technology. The strenght is when you combine applications. Throw a multilingual search engine in it. So you type your question, it gets analysed (what exactly do you want, not just a keyword search), looks into the files in multiple languages, returns you the hits, and translates and summarised the results you want to see. Nice.
Haiku (Score:4)
The art of haiku
Rests not in strict meter, but
In the final line.
...the above being a perfect example of a VERY bad haiku.
Making an observation in a 575 triplet is simple. What makes a haiku stand out is the twist given to the final line. Consider it an Eastern version of the hoary joke format:
Three people are in a situation. The first one does something interesting. The second one does essentially the same thing. The third one says or does something surprising enough to qualify as funny.
The haiku works the same way: setup, setup, punchline. Not necessarily in the comic sense -- some good haiku are funny, but others are sharp, witty, insightful, probing, and so forth.
But no really excellent haiku is just taking input information and spitting out a formatted version of same. What makes a quality haiku is the same quality of thought that makes a good joke, the sideways-thinking free-association that no algorithm can even approach.
Seasonal Reference (Score:4)
"Me too"s and much spam
Dominate mighty Usenet
It must be Autumn...
Re: "Eliza Effect" (Score:4)
It's not as damaging to the Turing test as one would think. Turing unknowingly rules out the Eliza Effect when he specified that the test should be done as a comparison, not just asking someone "do you think you're talking to a human or a computer", which people would answer "human" very easily.
It might also have something to do with the predictability of people. Eliza only reacts appropriately when you play her game. Ask about something not related to your psychological problems, and it collapses.
It's like this (Score:4)
Poem rhythm is down pat,
But it lacks a soul.
(not to mention that true haiku requires a seasonal reference, but I doubt that's a condition of this contest...)
Haiku Code (in C) (Score:4)
int haiku(char x)
{ x = x + 16;
if(1) return x; }
Not very useful, but... Oh, you mean they wanted a compter program that generates haiku! Darn.
Haiku (Score:4)
There can be no contesting...
Haikus on-topic!
Five Seven Five grins
His knuckles crack, his eyes gleam
Code to be written
Re:Haiku (Score:4)
Posting two haiku at once
Forgets to split them
Genhaiku. (Score:5)
Who wrote generator of haiku.
But an error he made,
And the program instead
Generates bad limericks. Gosh, how come?
Rorshack Text != Intelligent (Score:5)
The Haiku, being a very minimalist form, allows the brain of the reader to fill in so many gaps in the sense of the language that there is room to create entire meaning where none is intended.
Thus, as with Elisa, the cleverness of haiku generators lies less in the programming, and more in the linguistic observation regarding the nature of the text produced.
Not, of course, to say that writing haiku generators isn't fun and worthwhile. But's let's not call them intelligent, because firstly they aren't, and secondly we should marvel more at humans' ability to synthesise meaning and pattern and less at computers' ability to imitate it.
Haiku generator written in REXX (Score:5)
/****** Haiku.rexx ************************************************* * ******************/
/*w = word(list,random(1,words(list)))*/
/*tem.7 = "#Never Always# a1, but a1,+H2 knows #no all# a1 n2s.+#Angry Gladdened#, #he she# v1s."*/
* $VER: Haiku 2.0 (6.5.95) -- Generates pseudo-random Haiku poems
dummy = InitVocab()
dummy = time('l')
rseed = right(dummy,length(dummy)-lastpos('.',dummy))
dummy = random(,,rseed)
say '0A'x || GenHaiku()
exit 0
t = random(1,num_templates)
parse var tem.t line.1 '+' line.2 '+' line.3
out. = ''
do i = 1 to 3
do while length(line.i)>0
parse var line.i cmd 3 qual 4 line.i
c = left(cmd,1)
ucmd = translate(cmd)
if v.ucmd "" then
w = word(v.ucmd,random(1,words(v.ucmd)))
if datatype(c,'u') then
w = translate(left(w,1)) || substr(w,2)
c = translate(c)
if c = 'V' & qual = '@' then
w = add_ing(w)
else if c = 'N' & qual = 's' then
w = pluralize(w)
line.i = qual || line.i
else if c = '#' then
parse value cmd || qual || line.i with '#' list '#' line.i
say list
wordslist = words(list)
say wordslist
rand_word = random(1,wordslist)
say rand_word
w = word(list,rand_word)
say w
parse value cmd || qual || line.i with w 2 line.i
out.i = out.i || w
return translate(out.1 || '0a'x || out.2 || '0a'x || out.3 || '0a'x, ' ', '_')
index: procedure
haystk = arg(1)
needle = arg(2)
do idx = 1 to length(haystk)
if substr(haystk,idx,1) = needle then do
return idx
return 0
add_ing: procedure
exc. = 0
exc.whisper = 1
exc.wander = 1
exc.flutter = 1
exc.wither = 1
exc.wonder = 1
exv = translate(arg(1))
parse value arg(1) with 100-3 l3+1 l2+1 l1
if index("mbgprndlt",l1) > 0 & index("aeiou",l2) > 0 & index("aeiou",l3) = 0 then
if exc.exv 0 then
w = arg(1) || l1
w = arg(1)
else if l1 = 'e' then
w = left(arg(1),length(arg(1))-1)
w = arg(1)
return w || 'ing'
pluralize: procedure expose v.
exc. = 0
exc.rose = 1
exc.breeze = 1
exc.branch = 1
exc.beach = 1
exc.glance = 1
exc.thrush = 1
exc.child = 1 = 1
exc.moss = 1
exc.sunrise = 2
exc.lotus = 2
exc.gecko = 10
exc.cry = 11
w = arg(1)
uw = translate(w)
do while exc.uw > 0 & exc.uw list = value('v.n'exc.uw)
w = word(list,random(1,words(list)))
uw = translate(w)
if datatype(left(arg(1),1),'u') then
w = translate(left(w,1))substr(w,2)
when exc.uw = 0 then w = w || 's'
when exc.uw = 10 then w = w || 'es'
when exc.uw = 11 then w = left(w,2) || 'es'
inform("Invalid pluralize exception" exc.uw)
return w
v. = ""
v.a1 = "quick wild small hot white green blue pink thin old light dark"
v.a1 = v.a1 "sad deep lost free far slow sharp blunt hard soft damp dry"
v.a1 = v.a1 "bare tight loose low cold clean proud swift gnarled flat"
v.a1 = v.a1 "strong weak young dull ill"
v.a2 = "open lofty empty eager even weary leaden fallen dismal serene"
v.a2 = v.a2 "languid potent silver awkward shallow pliant simple wrinkled"
v.a2 = v.a2 "falling waiting sighing smiling dreaming sleeping dying"
v.a2 = v.a2 "almond jasmine mournful leaping supple"
v.n1 = "oak tree grove stream brook hill branch rose leaf breeze pool"
v.n1 = v.n1 "root thrush song moon cry glance flame child fox lamb shell"
v.n1 = v.n1 "moss cave cliff rock beach shore wave sea hand path bark fern"
v.n2 = "shadow forest clearing hunter sparrow mountain cavern shelter"
v.n2 = v.n2 "seagull lantern sunrise gecko welcome egret doorway water"
v.n2 = v.n2 "prison temple valley spirit soldier blossom lotus maple"
v.v1 = "walk write sing play look fail stray climb grow speak flow live"
v.v1 = v.v1 "soar crawl creep stand wake sink swim turn sit jump stink"
v.v1 = v.v1 "dive strive shine glow fade move crave spin hide writhe"
v.v2 = "wander desire return whisper decline accept withdraw contend"
v.v2 = v.v2 "rebel retire despair arise wither wonder bubble flutter grumble"
v.v2 = v.v2 "enchant descend ascend command"
v.p1 = "in near past through from"
v.p2 = "under over behind beyond above below around"
v.r1 = "where when while as"
v.l1 = "the this my your his her the the the"
v.h2 = "Gichin Koshi Raiko the_man a_maid Tanto the_queen Moki R.J. Gorby"
v.h2 = v.h2 "Sanka the_monk Glad_Child Yoko"
tem. = ""
tem.1 = "A1 n1, a2 n1.+L1 a1, a2 n2 v1s.+A1 n1, a1 n2."
tem.2 = "P2 the a1 n1,+R1 the a2 n2 v1s,+I v1; the n1 v1s."
tem.3 = "The a1 n1 v1@;+It is the a2 n2.+V2@, I v1."
tem.4 = "The a2 n1 v1s+R1 a2 n2s v2.+Does the a1 n1 v1?"
tem.5 = "Not a1, not a2,+H2 comes to the n2.+L1 a1 n2 v1s."
tem.6 = "A1, a2, a2,+H2 v1s. H2 v2s,+V2@, v1@."
do i = 1 while tem.i ""
num_templates = i-1
return 0
** EOF
It will generate haikus along the line of:
Swift lamb, shallow rock.
This hard, waiting prison hides.
Low moss, damp mountain.
Computer-Related Haiku (Score:5)
but the water has moved on.
This page is not here.
-- Cass Whittington
First snow, then silence.
This thousand dollar screen dies
so beautifully.
-- Simon Firth
The ten thousand things
How long do any persist?
Netscape, too, has gone.
-- Jason Willoughby
I know this is all in fun so I'm posting these three that I found at some online contest (posted without permission, sorry).
The idea, however, that what you are all making are actually haiku is just silly. Yes, there is generally a turn at the end (more of a spinning outward), and yes, there is traditionally a word indicating a season (kigo), but not just the words fall or spring, there were whole catalogs of words with their traditional seasonal indication. Cats, for instance, indicate a haiku about Spring.
Also, remember the whole 5-7-5 thing comes from Japanese, a language very different from our own. You would be better off trying to write three lines that you could say smoothly in one breath (in other words, not 7 one syllable words). There is so much more involved, though, like alliteration and literary allusions.
I highly recommend you all go read some *real* haiku by the masters: Basho, Issan, Buson, and Shiki, they will explain what haiku is all about far better than I can.