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CGI Programming with Perl 65

In addition to all the other books he has insightfully reviewed, chromatic has written this review of CGI Programming With Perl. This books sounds like a great resource for the builder of dynamic Web sites with a Perl background. And isn't it nice to see a book with "an unapologetic Unix flavor"?

CGI Programming with Perl
author Scott Guelich, Shishir Gundavaram, & Gunther Birznieks
pages 451
publisher O'Reilly & Associates
rating 9
reviewer chromatic
ISBN 1-56592-419-3
summary Your guide to the protocols and practices of CGI programming, with a look at current tools, tips, and tricks.


The Scoop

Static web pages sufficed back when the web was young. Information flowed one way (like it does on most corporate sites today). Those days are long behind us -- if you want dynamic and interactive content, a whole host of technologies have appeared to fill in the gaps.

Enter Perl and CGI -- the original Swiss Army chainsaw of programming met the standard for exchanging data over HTTP and it was good. Thousands and thousands of programmers discovered this combination of power and simplicity, and the web has never been the same. Now, it's your turn to descend into the mysteries of query strings and stateless transactions, hoping to emerge successfully with the knowledge of simple -- yet interactive -- web programming.

In this second edition, the authors have gone far beyond CGI circa 1996. New topics include XML, search engines, security, and high performance Perl-based alternatives to CGI. How far we've come...

What's to Like?

The book begins with an explanation of HTTP. Understanding the underlying protocol gives a picture of the whole process. The same is done for CGI, examing the interface -- the environment, input, output, and headers. It's simple enough that the description never bogs down, but detailed enough to explain difficulties CGI authors must work around (session management being high on the list).

From there, it's on to forms and HTML and, before spending much time trying to write a custom decoder for form data, it's off to (That's important, because it's hard to get this right, even for authors of some other CGI programming books.) As befits the module, this chapter explains handling input, generating output, and handling errors.

Shift gears for a second, and think about embedding your code in your HTML. Try SSI, HTML::Template, or Embperl. (This is just a taste of the techniques available for templating -- see Template Toolkit or Mason for other nice ones.) Following that, grit your teeth and learn some of the JavaScript you've been putting off. Use it to add an additional client-side form input checker, hook it up to your Perl with WDDX, or discover the powerful Bookmarklet.

Consider security in chapter 8 -- now that you've learned some cool tricks but before you know enough to get into real trouble, discover the vulnerabilities and how you can program around them. Use Perl's Taint mode and your web server configuration to help you out. Do not skip this chapter -- read it, then read perldoc perlsec until you get it. (It's a good chapter, but security can be hard, so don't rely on just one source of information.)

The rest of the book is a tour of various tasks you might want to accomplish. They're good too, but things shine again in the last three chapters, with help for the new, curious, frazzled Perl CGI programmer. How do you get rid of that annoying 500 server error? How can you make your program worth using for the next three years instead of worth throwing away every three months? How can you write something that will handle a hundred users a day? A thousand? A front-page link on Slashdot? (The answer is more than just FastCGI or mod_perl, though they're definitely the heavy guns.)

It's definitely time for a second edition of this tome. The expanded coverage of and templating technologies is a welcome addition. Promoting the use of the existing well-tested, documented, and debugged tools will, hopefully, lead to more maintainable code. Unlike some other books, the example code is clean and worthy of emulation. Hit the references and recommendation section in Appendix A for more good information, including relevant RFCs. Really. (It's a good sign for a Perl book to mention both the CPAN and perldoc, as in Appendix B.)

What's to Consider?

Be careful about copying code blindly from the first few chapters without reading at least chapter 8 (and perldoc perlsec in Perl's included documentation)! Simple examples are appropriate for teaching and personal testing, but could have disastrous consequences on publicly-accessible servers. To the authors' credit, even the simple example code runs with warnings, taint mode, and the strict pragma.

You'll need to know some Perl -- at least enough to follow along with somewhat-idiomatic code. Platform and portability wise, there's an unapologetic Unix flavor to the examples. Nearly everything should work on Win32 and other operating systems, but be aware of certain differences. As for web server information, it's Apache-specific. (Configuration for other platforms will be similar, but is left as an exercise for the reader.)

Some topics could use more treatment. It would have been nice to have more information on HTML::Mason (though admittedly complex, it's powerful and probably deserves more than a two page introduction) and XML and Middleware. New technologies like RSS and WAP need tools and users and programmers. There's also more to say on debugging CGI applications, though a pointer to the facetiously named Idiot's Guide could be helpful.)

The Summary

Newly updated, chock full of good advice and, above all, high-quality code, this book is a great place to learn how to focus your Perl skills in a popular direction. Follow the advice presented, ask around for help if you need it, and have fun. Don't bother spending 24 hours or 21 days or whatever it is now, learn CGI programming with Perl the right way.

special thanks to the amazing Simone at O'Reilly for her help making these and other reviews possible!

Table of Contents

  1. Getting Started
  2. The Hypertext Transfer Protocol
  3. The Common Gateway Interface
  4. Forms and CGI
  6. HTML Templates
  7. JavaScript
  8. Security
  9. Sending Email
  10. Data Persistence
  11. Maintaining State
  12. Searching the Web Server
  13. Creating Graphics on the Fly
  14. Middleware and XML
  15. Debugging CGI Applications
  16. Guidelines for Better CGI Applications
  17. Effeciency and Optimization
  1. Works Cited and Further Reading
  2. Perl Modules

You can purchase this book at ThinkGeek.
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CGI Perl

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  • by Anonymous Coward
    CGI programming with perl is fine, but remember that unlike with languages like java, you can't always take it with you. Going from sparc to x86 and vice versa has always been a headache.
  • by Anonymous Coward
    I wouldn't have put CGI in the title if I were them. I'd call it something like 'Web Programming with Perl' in order to avoid the feeling that it's an outdated book. It doesn't seem to be, and CGI information isn't outdated, it's just that anything that says CGI _sounds_ old. Then again, maybe there's already a 'Web Programming with Perl'?
  • The only problem is using Unix-specific functions (symbolic links, / as directory separator) on Windows

    I did some Perl CGI stuff, deployed on a Linux box but I was writing and testing it under Windows (at work, while slacking off and pretending to be working). I had a constant called DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR which I set to "\" under Windows and "/" under Linux, until one day I discovered that you can actually use "/" OK under Windows. It doesn't need a "\" as a separator - that's just a COMMAND.COM quirk, not a DOS thing.

    So there you go.

  • Yep. Perl is portable. With Microsoft working with the Perl team to add stuff like fork(), it will be even more portable on the non-POSIX Windows platform. The Perl compiler is finally becoming usable, and tools like perl2exe allow people to bundle Perl with their code into a single binary for a number of platforms.

    Regarding Perl modules, if you don't know about the CPAN module, do "perldoc CPAN". Installing a module can be as easy as "perl -MCPAN -e 'install Date::Parse'"
    ----------------------------------- --------------------

  • by madprof ( 4723 )
    There is - it is called CGI. You can write CGIs in C, Perl, shell script, LISP or whatever you want.
    BTW if you like ASP then try the Chili!Soft ASP add-on, or get Apache::ASP for ASP using Perl, or use the OpenASP module.

    I say stick with mod_perl and HTML::Mason for best results.

  • The bulk of the new material came from Guelich and Birznieks. They credit Gundavaram for some updated material, but he apparently didn't provide enough to write a new author preface.

    As for the examples, I've flipped through approximately half of the new edition, finding nothing that you described. The provided code is mostly short and sweet. The e-mail addresses used in the e-mail chapter examples are all fake, too.

    As for the affiliate payments, no one ever tells me if anyone makes any money off of the referrals. I don't care, either. They send me 10 pounds of fresh bacon every month if I like the books or not. Don't just take my word for it, though, flip through the book at your local bookstore on your own. Not everyone looks for the same things I do.


  • If you mean Perl 5.6, the current stable version, the 3rd edition of Programming Perl covers it in abundant detail. Expect that review to be posted sometime in the next couple of weeks.

    The 4th edition of the Camel will cover Perl 6, which is still in the design stages. Don't expect even a beta release for a year.


  • I really doubt there's any mention of perl 6 in there at all. Given the standard lead time with books, it's likely this thing was set in stone before Larry even announced that perl 6 development had been set in motion.

    Besides, even if it did mention per 6, there'd not be a whole lot to it. Larry's still churning away on the language spec and, while we've started designing bits of the guts that aren't dependent on that design, the guts are nowhere near designed, let alone written.

  • Do not get the first edition! It was horrible. Form the review, it seems like they got the second edition right.
  • Not only was th 1st ed outdated, it contained massive amounts of blatant errata, and even worse, abhorrent coding practices that stuck with me for a LONG time (I learned my first Perl wrestling with the 1st ed examples to get them to work).
  • I'd say so. The main (and very big) fault of the first edition is the lack of coverage.
  • by ukpyr ( 53793 )
    I can't believe you're actually recommending ASP in lieu of cgi/perl. If he wants to do a perl guestbook, chances are he's not on NT anyway. I really don't want to start a NT vs Unix thing but ASP???!? Gasp shock etc etc

    Excluding language goals, both can be equally powerful server side programing languages. It really boils down to matter of personal taste if the programmer is sufficiently skilled. If you like PHP that's cool and nice but don't claim ASP is a better alternative!!! ICK ICK ICK

    For most sites, plain old cgi works JUST fine. If the fellow wants to do a guestbook I'd say it's a personal low-traffic site, in which case perl/cgi works just fine. Proffesional sites should always be done in mod_perl.
  • While I do know what you are getting at, you should probably be more specfic. "the future of web programming" should probably be changed to "the future of professional web programming". It seems nit-picky but I never want to disuade hobbiest from making some neat interactivity on their site by forcing them to do mod_perl, CF, PHP or some other more complex method of server side programming.

    Additionaly : ) CGI as a protocol is not outdated. It is inflexable, inefficent and some other adjectives but it still fills it's role nicely.
  • by ukpyr ( 53793 )
    What's so exciting about a language neutral "Way" to run server side code? Are you by change refering to mod_asp or something? [insert personal attack here]
  • First I'm wondering what this has to do with the book review... : )

    Second, If you have problems going from x86 to sparc with perl, you're a poor perl programmer, if that's the case stick to something you (quite obviously) are more familiar and happy with: Java.

    Don't spread your FUD about a great programming language though.
  • No, because in order to get anything done in cgi, you have to use lots of those "unix-specific functions" you allude to

    Just in case you've not seen this, there's a project underway to re-implement most common UN*X commands in Perl

    Find it here []

    These tools can be used on multiple systems, and can be used if you think you need a Unix command...

  • Perl, when strictly speaking about the language, is portable.

    It is however more specifically designed to be more portable among various UNIX platforms, eg. the inclusion of the fork() function, STDOUT, etc. and thus my opinion is that the standard bread and butter Perl is leaning towards UNIX.

    Java on the other hand has no platform specific language constructs. It has neither fork() or STDOUT, nor any other language features that lean to Windows or Unix.

    Perl libraries are great, but the trouble is that they are not always portable. This is where the portability issues with perl get ugly, and java really shines. For example, have a look at all the Win-32 modules available on CPAN that do not run on UNIX versions of perl and vice-versa.
    With java, the library is always guaranteed to run on one platform (the JVM).

    As for java being unportable from 1.1 to 1.2, The difference between 1.1 and 1.2 (in theory) is only the library! So in order to port 1.2 apps to 1.2 all you have to do is download 1.2 libs for your 1.1 JVM. However, if you want to port your app from 1.1 to 1.2 then you do not need to do anything, since 1.2 is backwards compatible.

    I'm not saying that Java is better. I believe that both languages have their uses for their own specific tasks, and should be mostly compared for that!
  • Does it use/mention Perl 6? Is there a good book covering Perl 6 yet? I've had the camel head book for awhile and like it, but haven't delved deeply into Perl yet. If the new features in 6 are worth learning, which book would you recommend? Or maybe someone could summarize the changes here, and I can decide for myself whether I want to look for a book.

  • Thanks much. I saw a reference to Perl 6 recently and thought it had been released. Maybe Larry's just been thinking out loud.

  • srand(time() ^ ($$ + ($$ <&lt 15)));
    $random = int(rand 10); # random number, 0-9

    Alternatively, use the CPAN module Math::TrulyRandom

  • My usual reference text is 'Building Apache modules with Perl and C', but this book still has some tricks to teach even the experienced mod_perl developer

    The mod_perl book doesn't cover http file upload in any way, and I'd been looking around for ages for a book that covered the topic. After reading the section in The Rat Book - File Uploads with (p.97) - I was able to quickly build my image upload facility.

    Last time I looked, the guys at slashcode [] still hadn't worked out how to do this. Perhaps chromatic should donate his copy to pudge?!

  • When I took cgi programming in college we used the first edition of CGI Programming with Perl and Introduction to Perl (whatever the oreily intro to perl book is).

    The first half of the quarter we did not even look at cgi, it was all the standard hello_world programs in any introduction to /insert language/ programming class using the basic perl book.

    The second half of the quarter we focused on implementing what we had learned about basic perl programming and using that for cgi.

    I still have my cgi programming with perl (first edition) and open it every once in a while. The thing is that i use my perl black book (by coralis) more than any other book on perl programming.

    If you want to learn perl for cgi, buy a basic perl book and study that.

  • A combination of this book(previous version), Programming Perl, and a deadline taught me perl (medium background in C++ going in).

    Programming Perl is one of the better O'Reilly books ever written, IMHO, and that is saying a lot. If you want to use Perl, get it, Love it.


  • How are you doing, Merlyn? ;-)
  • At the same time, Perl itself has an unapolagetic unix flavor

  • We took a perl webmail script running on Apache, Linux and stuck it on IIS, NT server (after installing Perl), and it worked. I daresay any perl program is about as portable as an equivalent java program.

    And unlike Java, we don't need to upgrade to Perl 5.6.0 or whatever comes next because the basic Perl 5.0 functionality is already so high. In contrast, with Java 1.0, everybody really had to move to 1.1, and then they really want to move to 1.2 (aka Java 2). And many popular things (APIs, calls etc) were broken/incompatible each step of the way.

    And those version problems with Java are even worse when you crazy enough to use applets. So much so that I think all that write once run anywhere is still bullshit. When people say "Ah but it's not like that for serverside", I tell them: Who needs portability with server-side? Plus almost any Unix stuff is just as portable to other Unix O/Ses as Java is, so what's the big deal.

    BTW those that say C is more portable than Perl/Java etc between x86 and Unixes are probably hardworking folk who don't mind writing their own O/S from scratch, and who think that it's still considered portable because they only had to spend a week figuring out an undocumented O/S behaviour.

    The reason why Perl and Java are portable is because of these hardworking folk porting perl/java to these O/Ses, providing the abstraction layer so that we don't have to do much other than copy our stuff over.

    So Perl is about as portable as Java. Same goes for any decent scripting language (Tcl etc). As long as the hardworking folk port the VM/interpreter/compiler across, us lazy folk can copy our scripts over.

    Don't be blinded by the Sun.

  • I assume I already have the first edition of this book (one I highly recommend BTW) as I've had it around a year - but the question is, is it worth buying this edition (the second) if you already have the first?

    Richy C. []
  • that this book would replace taking a class on perl? My perl skills are weak and I am looking to strenghten them. Hell, I cant even use a cgi script to host my own guestbook.
  • Although I mainly develop in Cold Fusion (mock me now, but my project will be done in 1/2 the time), the reality is that Perl (esp with mod_perl) is still one of the most robust scripting languages around. There are situations where scripts that incur heavy load the only good solution for me is Perl as it will run better than ASP,CF,JSP etc. I highly recommend not only this book, but also Programming Perl from Orielly (now in it's third edition). The combination of these two books will enable anyone with web development knowledge to kick out good Perl in a matter of days.

    Of course, to be a REAL master, don't forget to purchase "Mastering Regular Expressions" from Orielly as well!
  • What was the point of the review. Everyone knows that the best books come from O'Reilly. What else is there to say? I personally own the Camel for Perl, I use it for all my reference needs. All that really needs to be said is: "there is a good book you don't have. the title is x. go buy it."
  • OK allow me to make a quick rant about the whole serverside java thing. Many people are extoling the virtues of EJB and servlet solutions to replace the existing CGI solutions. The constantly extolled virtues of which are that you dont have continuous startup times. You start your WebSphere/WebLogic/Whatever server, it loads your EJBs and servlets once and they get recycled.

    However IMHO this has one major flaw versus the one request/one process CGI methodology. Suppose someone decides to submit crap input to you. Your CGI starts up, bombs out and cant return a response. When the next request comes in a new process is started so the error from the last request has no effect, it starts over with a fresh slate. However with the EJB solution you now end up with one of the EJBs in your pool trashed, and it is still sitting around to be recycled for more requests. So if anything happens that your java bombs the "broken" EJB is still kept going to cause more problems. This means that you have to do an awful lot more testing for EJBs and Servlets than you do for CGI.

    There is also the problem that java wont crash (bear with me here for a second). If someone sends a load of crap to your CGI causing something invalid to happen it will core dump. Do the same to java and it throws an exception and hangs there. So if you write your server in C/C++ whatever and it bombs, well theres a cron job that restarts it straight away, clean slate and off it goes. Your java app will never die. So if anything happens then it is likely to keep slogging along in its corrupted state until someone spots it and restarts it.

    Now a fully tested java solution can be great but it needs a lot more bulletproofing than other similar solutions. For commercial enterprises thats probably ok (after all it is great to brandish the java/ejb/servlet buzzwords) but for anyone without the extensive testing resources that corporations have it can be a lot of work.

  • Portability isn't something that should be left up to the individual programmer. It's something that should be imposed by the language itself, like top-down design and object-oriented behavior.

    But that's the Java philosophy. What would be the point of Perl imitating it when Java already fills that niche?

  • This is interesting . Can i have more information on this ? I understood but maybe i'm wrong that mod_perl modifies some of the perl libraries.
  • I bought the earlier edition of this book a few years back and can say that I will never again, ever buy a book that had Gundavaram as an author. The book was pure garbage. It contained tons of examples which were little more than whitespace, and the rather favorable review makes me more than hugely suspicious of how much I can really trust /.'s book reviews, given how bad the earlier edition was, and the spectre of affiliate payments.
    Most annoyingly, he seemed obsessed with seeing his name in print, so that there were lots of examples - and I mean what seems like several dozen - where his name was gratuitously placed, such as

    code with $webmaster="shishir\@bu\.edu", where $webmaster was never referenced later,

    where his name was in <ADDRESS> tags, for no apparent reason, except that we get to see his name again,

    At one point I entertained making a "shishir gundavaram sucks" page, detailing every single offence, it drove me so mad.
    This book was the single worst O'Reilly book I have ever read, and if I hadn't bought so many good ones in the past, I would probably never so much as pick up another one.
    I would be afraid that the addition of two more authors would just mean two more names repeated ad infinitum in every piece of example code. Aaargh! After 3 or 4 years, Just when this book got out from under my skin, there it is.

  • This post is insightful? Give me a break, this guy is totally ignorant, he collected some ideas from different sources, combined and posted here...
  • I read it and I recommend this book; quite easy to read. Don't expect it to teach you some breakthrough perl technique, it is only about web page programming using perl.. You need to have a good understanding of perl basics to make use of this book. I have been programming CGI for about a year and I already discovered most tricks in this book by myself.
  • I would not reccomend Programming Perl for a beginner to Perl. Some of the info. in Programming Perl assumes not only that you have programmed before, but also that you are (somewhat) familiar with compiler internal basics. If you have programmed before or you are familiar with Unix tools such as grep/sed/awk (or if you are pretty smart), buy Learing Perl. Otherwise, take a class and ask the instructor which book to buy after the class. If Perl is confusing at first, don't sweat, it can be difficult for a beginner.
  • There's been a small debate about this book around the net because of its heavy emphasis on (Great and wonderful and all that, but uses a lot of memory and loading it can add a brief delay).
    The previous edition had lots more on dealing with CGI without Fortunately, O'Reilly has been good enough to post the old version on the net (free):

    CGI Programming on the World Wide Web - 1st ed. []

  • I appreciate your checking some numbers yourself, but I have to say, your tone is kind of surly.

    But, anyway, what I had read about optimizing mod_perl [] said in the first sentence: is a big module that by default postpones the compilation of its methods until they are actually needed.

    On the other hand, if you're running mod_perl (which you would to speed up that CGI lag you mentioned), as that page points out, you would want to
    use CGI;

    And that would increase the memory for each child process (apache) you might be running.

    Of course, if you're running a nice fat system without heavy demands on it, who cares?

    If you're optimizing a system and really aren't making heavy use of's convenient features, you might care. CGI is the only game in town for a lot of things, and for the most part, apache/mod_perl makes it pretty efficient.

  • This is the funniest reply I have ever read.

    l33t j03, posting anonymously because Taco has banned me.

  • Great and wonderful and all that, but uses a lot of memory and loading it can add a brief delay


    Here is the "delay" myth.

    [FHBTA@thepen]%time perl -MCGI -e ''
    0.09user 0.04system 0:00.13elapsed

    Man, thats a long time. CGI doesn't export anything unless you make it.

    And about all that memory...

    [FHBTA@thepen]%ls -l

    Oh my, 190K file size. Now, one of the nice things about is that over half the size of the module is POD. The real size of the module is closer to 60K. My, that's huge.

    If you're implementing CGI in Perl, you're a fool not to use If runtime speed is the issue, you're a fool to implement in CGI, in any language.


  • I get surly whenever I read sillyness like "it's got this memory overhead" and "there is a lag when you load." It's cargo cultism at it's worst. People knock for all the proplems that are associated with any CGI application.

    If you are worried about performance, don't use CGI at all. Use something else.

    If you're running mod_perl, you aren't running CGI.

    mod_perl != CGI.


  • by Anonymous Coward
    If you're looking for a handholder with an easy writing style (yes, it covers some CGI), get the Llama book (Learning Perl) [].

    If you're more of a do-it-yourself-er, pick languages up easily, and want a more complete Perl reference, get the Camel book (Programming Perl) [].

    If you just want some scripts to copy, look on the web or get the Perl Cookbook [].

    And if you want to learn advanced Perl stuff, and enjoy extreme pain and an awkward writing style, get Advanced Perl Programming [].

    I recommend the Llama book, but then, I'm biased. ^_~

  • srand() is not necessary in perl (as of 5.004, IIRC). rand is auto-seeded, and essentially you get the same seed as you did above without calling srand().
  • Use the File::Spec module and you don't even need to remember a path separator if it is different. See the perlport [] manpage for all your portability needs.
  • I was doing HTTP file uploads when this book was still in diapers! :-) It is just something that hasn't been a priority. Rob already had the code in there, it was just not tested, not used, etc.
  • Actually, he is and has. Perl has been ported to just about everything out there. And portable perl scripts are easy to write. Then again, non-portable perl scripts are easy to write too. Which is all part of the perl philosophy.

    As for the unix-specific funtions, what kind of CGI scripts do you write? I've been doing a lot of CGI programming over the last 2-3 years and 99% of the time all the CGI does is take the form input, process it a bit, and stick it in an SQL database (or take data from an SQL database and display it, as the case may be). All this requires is using the DBI module, which is perfectly portable.

  • I do own my code that I write on my own time. On my employer's time, watch me ask him "Do you want me to spend twice as much time on it to make it portable?" The point is that there are other goals than portability - there's speed, maintainability, ease of implementation (and that *does* matter when the client says "I want it in a week").

    If you want to argue that portable code is a basic human right, then obviously, you believe that Free Software (free as in speech) is a basic human right. Since it's possible to make a code unportable (if you have the source and the time), and since it's one reason Free Software is good (you can make stuff faster by doing it in assembly language) - you've hit a contradiction. The way to resolve it is: portable code is merely good, while Free Software is an absolute right (the other alternative, that portable code is an absolute right, doesn't work, because software must be Free to be portable)...

    Also, if you get payed for cleaning up unportable code, why are you complaining? Would you prefer to be unemployed?

  • Boy, no kidding. I'm glad I didn't have to learn Perl/CGI just from this book. That, and if I recall correctly, about all that was said about security was along the lines of "Er, yep, security is good. You should write secure scripts." Feh.
  • If you want to support the "*NIX is for servers, Windows and Macintosh are for desktops" party line, then buy this book.

    Actually, having screenshots from a Windows box provides a ready answer to any questions about whether Perl CGI scripts will interoperate nicely with Windows clients. We know they will. That's the whole point of open, standardized protocols. But for managers who are firmly entrenched in the Windows' Proprietary Standards world, this is an issue. They are used to products that won't talk to the rest of the world. The idea that there is software out there that plays well with others is a new one to them. This may be the way to get your foot in the door.
  • I have this book, and it is good, but it requires a larger investment in time then many people who need to whip out a project have.

    There's another book I have that's better suited for helping someone who needs to produce a CGI app over the weekend, and that's CGI101 by Jacqueline D. Hamilton.

    Check out their website, it has the first few chapters online, and it's really well written.

    (I don't work for these people, but I benefited from this book when I needed to get something written from scratch and didn't know Perl or anything abuot CGI)
  • No, because in order to get anything done in cgi, you have to use lots of those "unix-specific functions" you allude to

    Having just spent the last month or two messing around with perl on win98 and SuSE Linux I reckon that you're talking crap. I have had next to no problems with cross-compatibility and have found that if i need to make calls to the shell then there is probably a better way to do it within perl. But as I said, I'm not very knowledgeable about the intricacies.

    The second thing is that if you are writing something that you can't port without much difficulty then you should perhaps consider writing it natively in C in the first place.

  • I got that book for my web designer girlfriend who had expressed an interest in learning what goes on ``behind the scenes'', and to be honest, after reading it I was way south of impressed. As a resource for the absolute novice to learn the language perl, I guess it's OK (although I still think the Llama book is better). As a reference for the absolute novice to learn CGI programming with perl, it blows monkey ass.

    I feel this way becuase it mentions exactly once, in the context of ``it's too hard, just ignore it.'' Uhhhhh.... Yeah. Riiiiight. Programming CGIs in perl without using is about two incrememnts easier than just doing it in C. Using, it's about 100 increments easier. A tiny example is parsing form variables: it's a pain in the ass to get right by hand, it is one very short line of code with (see the param() function). I guess maybe she was trying to avoid mentioning what modules were, but how hard is it to understand that ``use CGI; $r = new CGI;'' makes $r hold a whole bunch of functions and stuff to make CGI easy? You don't have to be an OOP expert to use objects...

    Now, I think Ms. Castro's HTML book by peachpit is pretty good. So evidently she just got in over her head or something with the perl book.


  • Definitely not. I have and use this book all the time, but I use it for specfic cgi questions and problems. To learn Perl, I wouldn't really bother with a class. I'd just get the O'Reily Perl CDROM bookshelf and start with Learning Perl. This is a good deal, there's six books on the cd that will take you from novice to adept and provide enough quick reference material to solve any problem. The cgi book on the other hand is a great book for someone who's got a pretty good foundation in Perl, but is new to cgi programming.

  • We're talking about constructing web sites. The "best desktop OS" discussion is down the hall.

    A web application needs to be tested. You can test it in your own favorite environment, but if you have some unusual hacked up thing (say, Englightenment running on Slackware, with your own private mutation of Mozilla, all with lots of customization) you're just going through the motions. You have test it in whatever environment your users are likely to use: Windows/IE, Windows/Netscape, Lynx, Opera, WebTV. Hey, if your typical user is running wget on Linux/Nintendo, get out your joystick and fire up the virtual keyboard. If you want to lecture the user on his stupidity, fine, but don't pretend that it's part of the design process.

    Remember Thorvalds Law: the user is always right.

    I'm getting pretty tired of slashdotters accusing each of being "kneejerk", "party line", "PC", etc. That itself is a kneejerk reaction, and a pretty lame one at that. If a post begins by accusing somebody of thoughtcrime [], please reconsider. At best, you're being unnecessarily rude. At worst, you're thinking with your spleen.


  • I hope that's flaky English!


  • Oh, come on, moderators. AC expresses an honest opinion, although he's pretty crude about it. That doesn't make him a troll. He maybe deserves an "offtopic" for that link.

    I agree with him on two points: Unix browsers are pretty pathetic. (But I think Konqueror deservers a chance to mature a little.) And 11223 is most definitely a troll, as a browse of his recent posts [] will quickly confirm.

    One question: is "GUNT" just a pun, or does it stand for something?


  • Oh come on. You and I use *nix on our desktop but you have seen the numbers we have all seen the numbers. The simple fact is if you take time to look at what they publish and what they put on their website O'Reilly are some of our best friends out there and they put out great books. Yup the screenshots are from winders and macs but guess what most of the people who look at the site that you run on your *nix server are going to be looking at it on winders or a mac. If you have looked at their pages and other books you would understand that this is just pragmatic it shows us where we are at. The website talks about where we can go.
  • if a book with an "unapologetic unix flavour" would actually use screenshots from UNIX machines, not from Windows and Macintosh machines, to show off their CGI scripts.

    If you want to support the "*NIX is for servers, Windows and Macintosh are for desktops" party line, then buy this book. If you don't, then go elsewhere with your money.

  • I've been using Elizabeth Castro's Peachpit Press published (that was a mouthful) PERL and CGI: For the World Wide Web and it has served me well. It really only takes you through a novice and intermediate level, other resources are helpful when you're a full-on pro, but it is a very well-crafted resource on the subject.

    1. humor for the clinically insane []
  • It's not really a Perl book - it's a CGI with Perl book, covering things like JavaScript. If you want to learn Perl get Programming Perl [].

    OTOH, if you just want a cgi script for your guestbook, you should reject Perl - that is unless you have, and want to learn how to use, mod_perl - otherwise it's very slow. Learn PHP by reading the excellent manual []; see also the HOWTO [].

    Of course if you want to become an expert in some of the seriously sick bits of perl (it's oo functions, etc.), then you'll need a book (not this one though - AFAICT, this book is redundant - wouldbe Perl hackers should get a dedicated Perl book, while everyone else should use PHP or ASP).
  • > unlike with languages like java, you can't always take it with you.

    I think you mean 'unlike languages like java, you can almost always take it with you.'

    > Going from sparc to x86 and vice versa has always been a headache.

    No, there's no problem there, since Perl is a highlevel scripting language.

    The only problem is using Unix-specific functions (symbolic links, / as directory separator) on Windows and vice-versa (e.g., using COM).
  • Maybe he is one of those people who has no choice but to use Windows at work, and he doens't want to look at it unless he absolutely has to.
  • by mfx ( 197290 ) on Tuesday November 28, 2000 @07:03AM (#596349)
    In my experience, perl is just about the most portable language around. Problems come up when you call external programs (e.g., unix tools) or assume the existence of specific system calls (e.g, fork), but most perl CGI scripts can be ported by changing a few config parameters (location of log files; document url).

    Compared with this, java is nearly un-portable: many environments are still in the migration toward java 2; and parts of the language can be a major headache, even if they work as announced (ever tried to store BLOBs via JDBC in Oracle? ;-)

    last not least: Perl Modules are, on the average, very easy to install, and with CPAN there exists a simple method to find relevant modules.

We are not a clone.
