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PHP Programming

PHP Poetry & T-Shirt Design Contest 28

LetterJ writes "I've started a contest to get some clever PHP poetry and other T-shirt designs over at Designs and entered code should be licensed under an OSI aproved license. Details are available at PHP Geek."
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PHP Poetry & T-Shirt Design Contest

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  • by Anonymous Coward
    First there was C
    * obfuscated C contest
    * then, C++
    * then Java

    First there was perl
    * perl poetry
    * and now php

    why abuse those clever ideas?
    obfuscating, or reciting a given language for the
    first time, is a sign of fascination.
    When the workalike languages copy this, it be comes
    stupid copycatation. Stopit

    you can make the t-shirts all you want, slashdot
    is after all, a front-end ad host for thinkgeek
  • If you don't want your email on them, I don't care. I just wanted to provide a way to let people claim credit for their designs on the shirts in some way and have a method of contacting the designer after seeing the shirt.

    Head Geek
  • It would be unfair if I asked for all submissions to be signed over to me and only handed over a shirt. Because I'm asking for entries to be open source, no one has to buy one from my site in order to get a shirt with a entered design. They can grab the graphic and have their own made up. On the other hand, buying one from my site gives someone who wishes to support my efforts something in exchange for their contribution. Ever notice that PBS gives away something for every donation?

    Head Geek
  • I don't get it. . . PHP has a following that will do ANYTHING to promote it. Why?

    This article is a great example of what I'm talking about. PHP vs. Servlets vs. perl CGI? come on!? Any fair comparison would be PHP vs. JSP vs. HTML::Mason. And, you know what? THE CODE EXAMPLES WOULD HAVE LOOKED ALMOST EXACTLY THE SAME! Furthermore, relevant issues like CPAN library strength, DB support, and exceptions could have been discussed

    Slashdot needs a mechanism so that people can vote down innappropriate top-level articles like this so that it can save its reputation from these stinkers.

  • A similar contest for Python. There's nuthing more amusing than what a buncha sex starved geeks would come up with for clever python jokes
  • Copyleft has some PHP Merchandise []. But it'll be nice to have some more options for cool PHP wear.
  • PHP has a following just like Linux, or Java, or Macs have a following.

    If you don't wish to read articles about PHP, go to your preferences and disable the PHP-related posts. It's as easy as one, two, click.
  • Roses are red
    Violets are blue
    PHP rocks
    And Microsoft's ASP really sucks a whole bunch, achoo!
  • So we release a linux distribution under an open-source license so that you can sell them and make money? Shouldn't the programmer get something out of it?
    I'm trying to hemorrhage karma, but it seems a little obvious. - Music, Open-source style. You've got to see this.

    s/see/hear/ surely? And where perchance does the Amazon affiliate cash go?

  • PHP is good Much better than ASP Death to Microsoft ;)
  • "cool PHP wear" ? hahaha.

    while (phpwear == "cool") {
    echo("you'll never see this message!");
  • do the shirts or the poetry have to incorporate the letters P and H in any way?

  • If you don't wish to read articles about PHP, go to your preferences and disable the PHP-related posts. It's as easy as one, two, click.
    It could have been one step easier, but Amazon would have sued.

  • For those times at night when I feel cold and scared, I like to wrap myself in PHP and know that I have my security blanket :-)
  • All the more reason that it is a time where I snuggle up in it... I mean Microsoft does it all the time ;-0
  • Bah! A true geek can type fluently with only one hand!
  • So we release a t-shirt design under an open-source license so that you can sell them and make money? Shouldn't the designer get something out of it? I'm not trying to flame or troll, but it seems a little unfair.
  • Amazon affiliate cash?

    The day someone actually orders something through that is the day I win the lottery. And of course if we did actually get a dollar or two from someone buying something, it would just to towards paying for hosting (and little help that would be). And what is wrong with using this imaginary money to help cover our costs? We are poor college students who pay the fees our of our own pockets.

    And I think "see" applies because it is a site where we post stories/etc. Unless you are using text-to-speech software, its mostly a "See" thing.

    As for my earlier comment, Linux came first. Then companies formed to provide the service of packaging, managing, and supporting their distro. They didn't say "Hey, we need an operating system to sell, go write us one for free so we can make some cash." And most of these companies have given something back to the community. I just thought the original post sounded a little weird. But if people feel that the php site is providing them a service and they want to design a t-shirt, then go for it. Or maybe they just want to donate a shirt to the community. Sorry if I was unclear before.

  • No offense, but that isn't actual code - I think I can call the doohickeys (orignally wrote objects, but changed to eliminate further offense) in my pseudocode whatever I feel like.... cocksucker :)

    If I was trying to look smart on Slashdot I would have a far grander problem than a mediocre bank of programming knowledge.
  • by zhensel ( 228891 ) on Saturday April 21, 2001 @02:42PM (#274965) Homepage Journal
    Some programming philosophy (brackets changed to parenthesis to counter lameness filter):

    function am(self)
    if self.think then
    return 1;

    Of course, in the mean time, we should all hope that no program ever enters this if loop - lest we all perish at the horrible might of sentient computers!

    Man, listening to Tortoise makes me come up with some wierd Slashdot postings...

    Some poetry:
    if then, etc... really though, shouldn't violets be, uh, violet?
  • Actually, to be honest, I think it's a good idea. But if I won, I would make sure the address was an alternate one and not too important to me.
  • ...will be put on a PHPGeek shirt with email credit...
    If these shirts become popular, the winner should be looking forward to lots of spam. Great!
  • by cyn004 ( 257590 )
    I guess my ditty didn't earn me should give up trying to be witty *sigh*

    PHP isin't good for me

  • Jeez, what's with all of these contests?!? I feel like I'm in 3rd grade again! Before you know it, IBM's gonna run a "Color Tux By Numer" contest...
  • If you're bored (and you must be to be reading this), go check out my rendition of Blake's The Tyger in PHP [].

    I've discovered this is an excellent way of wasting large amounts of time - reasonably correct syntax/semantics in English and strict correctness in PHP makes for more of a challenge than most menial PHP tasks. I should be writing C++ code for my finals... grr...

  • _Homepage URL_ on T-Shirt would be better.
    I think nowadays everybody has a hompepage.
    Wait ... D'oh!
  • People wonder why PHP has such a great following in the OS world...well, apparently they've never used it heavily before. Sure it's still not as mature as some of the other web languages out there, but there are people that push it to the limits daily and email the PHP crew asking about features and reporting bugs. The PHP community is so involved with each other that it's hard not to like it. Of course, the free aspect doesn't hurt things much.

    Now, as for these shirts and poems and such - it's a cool idea, but what happens if all of them suck and he has to take the best of the sucky ones. I mean, come on...most of us are programmers and the like anyway. How are we supposed to come up with something cool enough for a shirt. I'd say that we let Thinkgeek [] or Copyleft [] worry about the cool duds and let us worry about making our code run just that little bit faster.
    And, yes, if you're wondering, I am a PHP developer and I love it. I love how flexible it is and how fast it makes development. You don't get caught up so much in syntax that you can't code your way out, and it's developed enough to where just about anything can be done with it (including things like an IRC bot and large database driven websites). -enygma
    Daily PHP News, Tutorials and Forums

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