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Programming IT Technology

Revving Up The Motor IDE 7

Konstantin Klyagin points to this article on on the current state of Klyagin's Motor IDE. While he says it "can easily be considered a status report," this is certainly more comprehensive and readable than the context-free bulleted lists which seem to accompany many software releases, and gives a good overview of Motor. Any users care to comment on Motor's useability compared to other IDEs?
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Revving Up The Motor IDE

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  • Man, why does this guy get free advertizing from /. in the form of an article? Post the damn thing on freshmeat. Motor doesn't seem like a big enough project to warrant an annoucement like this.
  • The brief update mentioned nice features, and the screenshots on the webpage looked ok, but there was no info on how it performs as an editor.

    Can it open multiple files at once? Can it display multiple files on screen? Can it display multiple parts of the same file at the same time? (That's something I use a lot when programming, checking definitions of one thing or another.) Can it show where something was defined, or what calls this function? Can it operate in multiple windows or consoles and not stomp on its other instances? Does it have regexp search and replace? What are the max file sizes it can handle? Does it have syntax highlighting or autoindentation? If so, for what languages? Is there an extension language, or does adding capabilities require recompiling it? Can you use an external editor with it?

    These are just a couple things I'd like to see answers to....
  • Motor looks like a well thought out IDE with lots of handy features. It seems like it is "the way it should be done." My only criticism is the antiquated text mode. I'm not trying to start a holy war. I'm just curious. Why text mode? Why not X-windows, or even KDE or Gnome? Why not one of the various multiplatform window kits? Obviously lots of people out there still use text mode development and I'm wondering why. (Personally, you'll have to pry my xemacs out of my dead hands before I'll switch IDE's)
  • A lot of people don't run X. Myself, I ssh into my Linux boxes from my workstation and have no intention of using or programming graphical applications. I think this is great as I look to using console based applications that I can run from anywhere.
  • how is this better than emacs?
  • I really like the Motor IDE. It's pleasant to work with. Its integration of cvs and ctags support is second to none.

    As for all you GUI users who say "why not X this, Gnome that, etc" -- You obviously never had to operate a computer without these flashy things.

    I prefer to keep my hands on the keyboard, where they belong, rather than move a mouse around and click.
  • is smaller ;-P

The Tao is like a glob pattern: used but never used up. It is like the extern void: filled with infinite possibilities.
