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Perl Programming

The Perl Journal Archive Back (and Online Too!) 74

mccormi writes "The Perl Journal is back. It's been rolled into Sys Admin Magazine as a quarterly supplement for the print publication. On the web side, the archive articles are all up now here. See articles from Vol 1 Issue 1 on regex by Tom Christiansen and cgi programming by Lincoln Stein" I'll take it any way I can get it. TPJ was one of just 5 publications I subscribe to (and 2 of them are comic books so I don't think that counts ;)
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The Perl Journal Archive Back (and Online Too!)

Comments Filter:
  • I'm Obfuscated! (Score:3, Interesting)

    by ekrout ( 139379 ) on Thursday October 04, 2001 @09:58AM (#2388229) Journal
    @P=split//,".URRUU\c8R";@d=split//,"\nrekcah xinU / lreP rehtona tsuJ";sub p{
    @p{"r$p","u$p"}=(P,P);pipe"r$p","u$p";++$p;($q*= 2) +=$f=!fork;map{$P=$P[$f^ord
    ($p{$_})&6];$p{$_}=/ ^$P/ix?$P:close$_}keys%p}p;p;p;p;p;map{$p{$_}=~/^[ P.]/&&
    close$_}%p;wait until$?;map{/^r/&&}%p;$_=$d[$q];sleep rand(2)if/\S/;print

    Explanation []
  • $ tar -zxf perljournal.tgz
    $ cat perljournal >> sysadminmag
    $ more sysadminmag

    As far as I can see, it just wraps two excellent information sources into one big bundle of joy. Both are excellent (and somewhat related depending on how much of a PERL purist you are) magaizines for their genres.
  • I picked up SysAdmin/TPJ at a newsstand a few days ago, and was dissappointed that TPJ was only 28 pages.

    I hope this is not indicative of the size of future issues.
  • Sysadmin is boring (Score:2, Informative)

    by Alex Farber ( 16133 )

    That's funny, because I actually was going not to prolong my subscription to Sysadmin: I subscribed to it a year ago and am disappointed how boring it is. No good shell scripts, no information about my favorite operating system [], lots of annoying commercials. Only Merlin's articles were good. They should look at some german magazines and learn how to do an interesting and enthusiastic Unix-publication. I mean Linux Magazine [] and iX [].

    But now since the excellent TPJ is back, I'll extend my subscription of course :-) Great news

    • Your link is broken: it is Linux Magazin [] (without the -e). Understandable, as they also publish an english version.

      And yes, that magazine rocks.

    • Umm, in the past year, there have been at least 3 how-to articles in SysAdmin using OpenBSD. You need to get your eyes checked.

      Read OBSDJ [] or the cvs-commits if OpenBSD is all you care about. Personally, I've found several of the articles (eg. on Snort and Cisco ACLs) quite useful, and the high-availability jury-rigging tips are invaluable.

      The Perl Journal had gone downhill quite a bit (IMHO) as of last issue. I hope it will return to its former glory, but I'm not holding my breath.
      • doesn't work. I read
        since long time, thank you pal. I haven't seen
        a worthwile BSD-article in Samag since long time.
        WOuld you care to list the 3 articles?
  • Has anyone mentioned anything about reimbursing old TPJ subscribers for the issues that they were not sent (but had paid for) when the the old TPJ was vaporized?

    It amounts to a small dollar value but it's the principle of the thing. Potential new 'n' improved TPJ subscribers might want to think about the way old (loyal?) subscribers were treated.
    • You probably won't be reimbursed, because your subscription should continue where it left off. If you didn't get the latest issue, contact TPJ and let them know. I suppose if you aren't interested in receiving the new issues you might get a refund though....

      In my opinion, continuing the subscriptions where they left off treats us old TPJ subscribers better than any other magazine in my experience. I know I'm happy, and plan to renew my subscription well in advance of it expiring.

  • I recently started read TPJ and was totally ready to subscribe and buy all the back issues. I think if buy enough things that say Perl on them then I'll learn it by osmosis (which, btw, isn't going too well.)

    I just bought SysAdmin the other day (despite my being an NT Sys Admin which isn't exactly the same thing as being a Sys Admin -- it's like Sys Admin Lite) to get my sweaty hands on TPJ. It was kinda thin. What 30 (?) pages? Seems kinda chinsy. And I have this SysAdmin Magazine which near as I can tell (I do use Linux and OSX for fun) kinda blows.

    Someone needs to make TPJ its own mag again.

  • this is the second time I ordered back issues online and they don't even send out a receipt. Pretty lame... I hope I get the back issues, a receipt and confirmation of my order. Can't they set up a better "shop" ?
  • I was under the impression that Perl's patterns are more than regular, but not quite context free. Does anybody know where they are in expressiveness?

    Also, does anybody know why Perl doesn't implement a full regular transducer? It seems like that what they are having to hack at in the regex article. The full transducer can then pull at the already derived theory. I don't know what the theoretical power of the Perl's replace facility is, not being a big Perl person, but I imagine that the transducer would be more expressive and at least have well defined semantics.

    By the way, can anybody explain how Perl's matching expression are implemented? I tried looking at the code, but was quickly lost (At my last job, I even implemented a full transducer, too).


If a 6600 used paper tape instead of core memory, it would use up tape at about 30 miles/second. -- Grishman, Assembly Language Programming
