The Easy Way To Work With XML. 10
dahoba writes: "'The xsbrowser (XML Schema browser) aims at creating a human readable XML document model from a given DTD (REC-xml-19980210) or XML schema (REC-xmlschema-1-20010502) by means of an HTML browser. The user needn't understand the DTD or XML Schema syntax.'
A very interesting approach which may lead to a wider acceptence for XML."
And this would be useful for...? (Score:2, Insightful)
Data is data. Presentation is presentation. Mixing them for no good reason is a waste of effort.
This seems like an odd thing to do... (Score:1)
Humans are great information analyzers. If all the information is on a page, your brain sorts it out and makes you understand even if the information is in an unfamiliar order. In XML, by definition, all the information is there... Your brain gets it pretty easily.