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Software Engineering Body of Knowledge 428

An Anonymous Coward writes: "The IEEE has a project going to establish a Software Engineering Body of Knowledge. I'd recommend that all Slashdotters read this and send comments to this since this project could lead to the officially designating Software Engineers as a real Engineering discipline. That could then mean that licenses could be required to practice software development and that this could to regulation and other legal ramifications." On the surface this looks like a fairly boring document/process, but this is a major step forward - turning software engineering from an art into a science.
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Software Engineering Body of Knowledge

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  • by LazyDawg ( 519783 ) < minus city> on Thursday November 22, 2001 @05:08PM (#2601490) Homepage
    I've found thousands of really detailed, useful pages about software engineering, design and manufacture at the Portland Pattern Repository. Why are they trying to make yet another big repository with a structure that doesn't neccesarily scale as well as a wiki?

    To see the PPR, surf to
  • by alen ( 225700 ) on Thursday November 22, 2001 @05:12PM (#2601507)
    Microsoft says I'm a systems engineer. I studied long and hard for the exams. And then had to relearn almost everything for the real world. You wouldn't believe my surprise when I found out that in the enterprise people don't use NT boxes as routers and use third party software instead of NT backup and a tape drive on each server. But getting back to the point. How come I'm not considered a "real" engineer? I got my license from Microsoft. Like developers are real engineers anyway. All they do is click, drag and drop code in until they say it's ready. Then the patches come out.
    • How come I'm not considered a "real" engineer? I got my license from Microsoft.

      Sounds like you answered your own question.

      If you think software engineering isn't any harder than administrating some NT machines or even a whole NT network, you're obviously without the necessary experience to accurately make that judgement in the first place.
    • Microsoft says I'm a systems engineer.

      No, Microsoft says you are an MCSE. They make no attempt to generalize your skillset beyond that which is required to pass their certification.

    • Cor, fsck me, the number of people who took this seriously. What's up with slashdot today?

  • by TimTipple ( 38663 ) <> on Thursday November 22, 2001 @05:13PM (#2601511) Homepage
    Hey, I'm all for recognising the science of software engineering. But don't let the pendulum swing too far the other way such that we end up forgetting the art of software engineering.

    • I dont want software engineering to become some esoteric type of thing like quantum physics, or math, I want it to be something everyone can take part in.

      Thats what open source is all about, allowing anyone with knowledge to contribute.

      We shouldnt even have "licenses" and so on and so forth because in the real world, its not how many licenses you have, but what you can contribute that matters.

      I say its an art and a science, and we shouldnt swing one way or the other, but if people are pushing it toward science, then i'm going to push it toward art, and i'm sure anyone whos a programmer for open source will agree that its an art, unless they work for microsoft and then perhaps its a science.
    • If you are going to loosely define "art" as the practices that produce elegant solutions, this applies to every branch of engineering. There are structural engineers who are sought out by architects for their ability to render a satisfactory strcuture in an artful manner, so for structural engineers, asthetics matter.

      For electrical engineers, the elegance may be in minimzing the number of transistors in a design.

      For chemical engineers, the elegance may come on the form of the safety or usefulness of the byproducts of a reaction.

      All engineering fields value elegance in method and design. The notion that "art" separates programming from other engineering endeavors is bogus.

  • Art and Science (Score:2, Insightful)

    by deggy ( 195861 )
    I still beleive that Software engineering is as much art as science. It's just less free-form. The biggest thing that most people miss is method and Structure (can you say SSADM? Aarrgh!). This is what leads to the failure of most software projects - the winning bidders (the lowest bidders) are often just a bunch of untrained amatures (Mostly "Microsoft Certified Professionals") who, while they can talk a good project don't know how to successfully complete a large task (only 20% coding time and all that) as they're only used to banging together a quick web-site/access back end. The art comes into making it efficient (Elegant code, a lost art to most MS programmers), The Science goes into realising that art in a functioning form.
  • by invenustus ( 56481 ) on Thursday November 22, 2001 @05:15PM (#2601520)
    ....this project could lead to the officially designating Software Engineers as a real Engineering discipline. That could then mean that licenses could be required to practice software development and that this could to regulation and other legal ramifications....

    Okay, correct me if I'm wrong, but Electrical Engineering is designated a "real Engineering discipline", right? Well I've never taken a course on EE, nor do I have any kind of license or certification, but I'm still allowed to take my radios apart and fix them when they break, right? Why would this official designation of software engineering affect anything? Am I the only one who doesn't get this?
    • but I'm still allowed to take
      my radios apart and fix them when they break, right?

      (Emphasis added)

      Yes, you can fix your own radios. You'd be allowed to write your own software. But would you be allowed to write it commercially?
      • Yes, you can fix your own radios. You'd be allowed to write your own software. But would you be allowed to write it commercially?

        Not a problem. An un-degreed SE would be "allowed" to write commercial software, just as an undegreed EE would be "allowed" to design commercial hardware. (Ever hear of a fellow named Wozniak? Or Dell, for that matter)

        Professional engineering licensing/accreditation issues tend to be relevant when government or military contracts are at stake. For instance, no municipality is going to accept a bridge-design proposal from some random dude calling himself a "civil engineer." Likewise, you're not going to work for JPL or NASA unless you can show the necessary professional credentials to indicate competency with metric and English units, for example.

        It's true that a few talented engineers have been held back by a lack of degrees and licenses. After WWII, Wernher von Braun had to send off for a mail-order doctorate degree before Congress would take him seriously. But for the most part, this action on IEEE's part isn't something that should scare anyone, IMHO. The IEEE is a rather toothless organization, and no commercial interests are going to let them threaten the supply of talent, accredited or otherwise.
    • If software engineers become a trade, they'll eventually get their own union. This union would control the engineers' work by setting standards for education, and defining how certain jobs will be done.

      I'll give a cookie to the first person who names a company that would be quite happy to control the board overseeing this as-yet imaginary union.
  • Someone please define the differences between, say... software developer, software engineer, and ummm... code monkey...

    Now who has to get certified, and is legally responsible? Being a code monkey, I already have too much responsibility... don't want more... where do I protest?
  • Licenses Required? (Score:5, Insightful)

    by aridhol ( 112307 ) <> on Thursday November 22, 2001 @05:18PM (#2601533) Homepage Journal
    The article is slashdotted, so this is based on the writeup.

    Requiring a license to be a programmer is a bad thing. If you think it will improve software quality, you're mistaken. Think I'm crazy? How many software contributers have an engineering certification? Sorry, no cert, no programming. No open-source software.

    OK, so let's change the rules a bit. "You must be certified in order to write commercial software". You think that will help anything? Who determines what classifies as commercial software? Is my Mandrake CD commercial software? If so, does that mean all the software on it, including the free software, is now commercial? Not good.

    However, what if there's a non-commercial certification process. Run, not by RedHat or Microsoft, but by a vendor-independent group of engineers. You prove to them that you are a capable engineer/programmer/whatever. They give you a certificate that actually means something. Perhaps require the certification to be re-written every N years.

    Now, companies can have a certification that says this person is a software engineer. Not a Microsoft-certified software engineer. Not a RedHat-certified software engineer. An engineer-certified software engineer. No commercial influence, transferrable skills, and a large skill set.
    • by Anonymous Coward on Thursday November 22, 2001 @05:38PM (#2601588)
      You're right. No, being licensed won't improve software quality. But, it does improve accountability.

      Take the bridge building analogy. If an engineer designs a bridge that falls apart and people die, they are liable. His company may also be liable. If a city engineer put his stamp on the bridge design, then he is also liable, and perhaps the municipality he works for.

      Why should software be any different? We get mad when MS Word dies on us and we lose an hours work. Can we sue Microsoft for lost revenue because we missed a deadline because of that, and therefore missed a contract? Probably not (well, I haven't read a EULA lately) but there's no reason why we shouldn't be able to. Actually that was a bad example. Lemme try again.

      How about a software firm contracted to write a control system for a city's traffic grid. A bug or poor design causes a set of lights to go on the blink, two people run an intersection and both die in the resulting collision. Who pays the damages? Not sure, perhaps the city... but its not their fault. But they can't pass that onto the software firm... not currently.

      But instead, if we had licensed software engineers, who in certain instances like the one above, who were now indefinately liable for their work, and who are required by the customer to "sign off" on it... well, it can only bode well for the quality of software.

      The big thing here is that the customer has to demand accountability --> Im sure that big e-commerce data centres demand guaranteed uptime from Microsoft.. .and if something bugs out, then Microsoft will foot the bill. As consumers we get told "dont use this in a safety critical system, a real time system, a system where you need X uptime or reliability" and worse, we buy it still! Would you buy a car if the dealer said "we think your airbag will deploy, but just to be safe, try not to get into an accident"

      As an engineer myself, Im constantly reminded of my responsibility to society. Alright, I don't write code for the space shuttle, or code that flys your 767 to Bermuda. In fact, I don't write code that even sees a customer. But I do write code that tests product (in this case radio systems for police and ems). If I screw up, don't properly test my code, then the product code is not properly tested, and perhaps at a critical moment a system will go down and a police officer facing a dangerous suspect will lose his life. That sucks.

      Consumer software should be no different, but we don't demand the accountability.
      • How 'bout a compromise?

        Commercial, off-the-shelf software, doesn't require licenced engineers. Shouldn't have the EULA restrictions, but that's a different kettle of fish.

        However, only licensed engineers and programmers are allowed to write critical software. They could write regular software as well; it could be a selling point to know that the software is written by someone who both knows what (s)he's doing, and is willing to take accountability for its failures.
      • If a city engineer put his stamp on the bridge design, then he is also liable, and perhaps the municipality he works for. Why should software be any different?

        Because a) building a non-trivial piece of software is lot more complex than building a bridge b) we currently lack the tools to verify the correctness of a software implementation.

        The city engineer can do the math to verify the bridge will hold and not collapse. A software engineer is not able to do the same. Testing will never guarantee 100% correctness of code.

    • This idea is just plain stupid. Its an attempt to make programming as esoteric as other scientific fields.

      Problem is, we need more programmers not less, why make it hard as hell now to become one by requiring people go to special schools like a doctor has to go to medical school, and requiring they pass all these overly difficult tests ?
      • That's why I suggested mandatory recertifications. Perhaps something besides a test can be used. What is the entire body of Joh Hacker's previous work? What has been written since the last recert board?

        I also don't like exams. Too artificial for me.
      • Its ridiculous to assert that there are no means by which you can qualify and test programmers. Haven't you ever applied for a job? Didn't they ask you any programming questions? Did you take the Computer Science GRE? There are numerous excellent methods available for ascertaining some basic metrics about the competency of a programmer.
    • I don't see any reason to require an engineering certification to write software, just like you don't need an engineering certification to build a bridge. However, certain projects can require certification if they want to have certain quality guarantees.

      Also, to continue the analogy, the engineer doesn't actually construct the bridge; he designs it and certifies it. Same could be true of software: if the appropriate practices are developed, an engineer could certify the work of a hundred non-engineers.
    • No one is pointing a gun at your head forcing you to get a licensed architect or structural engineer to design your house. Yet when you look up prospective contractors you are obviously going to ask them, and probably pick one who has his certification.

      So why not let it stand as a marketing device? If you want software from the lay-hacker, you can choose to buy from him. If you choose to buy it from the certified hacker, you may do so freely.

      Within a decade the marketing clout of the certification (if it is worth anything) would put the uncertified hackers out of business. Its just human nature - we look for a degree in the dentists office, don't we?

  • by javacowboy ( 222023 ) on Thursday November 22, 2001 @05:20PM (#2601540)
    So because I have no university degree I'm suddenly considered useless? I studyed long and hard to change careers from banking. I took a 9-month intensive IT course which was at times very hectic. The J2CP exam was no joke, neither was the 60% of my knowledge that I learned without formal training on the job in my first 2 months, or the first month of my new job, in which I had to learn yet ANOTHER new set of skills and development tools with almost no training whatsoever.

    Are we suddenly going to stop rewarding initiative, independent learning, flexibility and gumption, and only give credit to people who were lucky enough to figure out their career paths in their late teens, unlike me? Proposterous!
    • by Ismilar ( 222791 ) on Thursday November 22, 2001 @05:44PM (#2601610) Homepage
      It doesn't mean your are considered useless.

      Electricians and electrical technicians aren't useless. They can get good jobs, they just can't legally design commercial electrical products (unless they work under a supervising engineer, of course).Electrical Engineers go through Ethics courses and Occupational Safety courses, and they have to take responsibility for the things they make.

      If a professional Engineer designs something, it _MUST_ work as specified. If it doesn't, the consumer can sue the engineer that made it. With software (which is not made by engineers) doesn't work, you can't do much about it. That's the difference between engineers and non-engineers.
    • Obviously there would be no prohibitions on non-CS grads getting certified. Why would there be? CS grads may have some inherent advantages, but I've never heard of a certification proposal that requires a CS degree.
    • by malkavian ( 9512 ) on Thursday November 22, 2001 @10:21PM (#2602338)
      Well, I don't think you'd be useless, and perhaps that's the wrong way to look at it.
      What you need to consider is:
      Do you really consider you know as much about the structure of programs (in general), putting software together, and have as broad an overview and experience as someone who's spent 20 years intensively studying and applying software, and trying to refine it to it's optimum, and is at least as talented as you?

      The idea of accreditation is that you take people with the talent, and subject them to several years of rounded exposure to the whole of the discipline, so they don't fall foul of errors caused by lack of understanding of associated areas. You then test these people to ensure that they don't make the stupid mistakes that can and frequently are made by people applying good methodology in a stupid way (it happens).
      What is being rewarded is people who went into a field because they liked it, and followed it, and gained experience. Don't call it luck, 'cos I don't buy that.
      You chose your path, they chose theirs, and perhaps, just perhaps, they're being rewarded for the initiative, independant learning, flexibility and gumption they showed in choosing their career because it's what they wanted to study in the first place!
      If you consider that in 11 months, you're on par with some of the old timers that HAVE been in the game for 20 or 30 years (I've worked with some in my time), then, I think you're exactly the kind of person that shouldn't be an engineer.
      These things take time. If you want full accreditation, you should be prepared to do the graft and sweat that the rest of the world put in, even if it means going back to study full time again for several years, to re train from another discipline.
      It seems that perhaps the move is partly to prevent the influx of people who've suddenly realised that there's a fast buck to be made in the computing world, and take a fast track that trains intensively in one area, to get them able to perform programming tasks, and these people pushing that envelope into areas they were never trained for.
      I'm sure you're very good at what you do, and I'm in no way trying to take away from you what you have achieved, and yes, I agree, it's quite an achievement. I just ask you not to belittle those people who had the insight to choose their career early and stick to it.
      As to the cries I hear here in the UK so often of "Oh, but that's so ELITIST!".. Well, yes. But I'd rather be travelling in a plane programmed by a set of guys who have proven themselves to be the elite by many years of peer review and monitoring, than a bunch of guys who thought maybe this would be the best way to assemble an avionics system, although they couldn't quite put on paper why that was so...
      Knowing the Slashdot of today, it's quite likely this will be modded down, but, I've worked with gurus claiming to be fools, and fools claiming to be gurus, and I say what I see.

  • At the university I attend there is already a Software Engineering curriculum, and if you take a look at places like the Carnegie Mellon Software Engineering Institute [], you'll see that this concept has been around for a little while now.
  • In Canada, the term 'engineer' is legally protected. Technically you can only use the term if you have be certified by the Canadian Council of Professional Engineers (CCPE) []. Check out their disclaimer:
    The terms engineer, engineering, professional engineer, P.Eng., consulting engineer, ingénieur, ing., ingénieur conseil, génie and ingénierie are official marks held by the Canadian Council of Professional Engineers on behalf of its Constituent Members.

    However, this dosn't stop everybody and their dog from calling themselves engineers! Not that I really care, I just find it one of the most abused words out there. How many people out there call themselves doctors who don't have a medical degree.
  • Important Subject (Score:2, Informative)

    by porterhouse ( 538431 )
    This topic will have huge ramifications. Too many people call themselves engineers these days. It wasn't a problem in the past because the general public could differentiate between a "custodial engineer" and a professional engineer. Now, professional engineering is becoming blurred by more and more technical types calling themselves engineers, without even close to the training and standards a professional engineer is held to. I'm not familiar with American laws, but in Canada, you are not allowed to call yourself an engineer without a professional license. The Canadian professional engineering bodies have successfully stopped Microsoft, Cisco and others from calling their technicians "engineers". "Software engineering" is the most dangerouse of all, and in my opinion, the most needing of the professional designation, if only to apply appropriate training standards, ethics and liability. Think about it: don't you want to know that the guy who designed the fly-by-wire software for your 767 or A300 knew what he was doing?
    • Think about it: don't you want to know that the guy who designed the fly-by-wire software for your 767 or A300 knew what he was doing?

      Would you prefer someone fresh out of a CSEng degree, or someone who has 10 years of real-world experience (equivalent to at least a Master's degree in the same field)?

      You do realize that real world experience is treated by most universities and employers as equivalent to education? eg. two years in the field will take you from a BSc degree to a Master's degree *automatically*, as far as any University is concerned.

      Just a thought...

      • I'm suprised that nobody has properly explained that being certified as an engineer has nothing to do with a degree. Here (not sure if it's a state (WA) or a federal (USA) thing) all that is required to be an engineer is to take and pass your PE tests (Professional Engineer, an evil 8hr long standarized test). It's not exactly common, but perfectly allowable to walk in without even having a HS diploma and get a PE, however getting an engineering degree helps provide you with the body of knowledge you'd be tested on. Having a PE carries far more weight than having a BS (or even a masters).

        In many larger companies, each group is headed by a PE, who has to sign-off on the work of those below him. Having a certified engineer helps them if they run into any legal problems, as they could show the court they had a certified competant engineer say it was good.

        Comming from this angle, I don't really see any push towards having a -serious- software engineering licence until somebody gets sued for writing/releasing buggy code. The industry is going to need to be seriously afraid of releasing crap before they make efforts to change things, since they're making money and not putting themselves at risk.
    • I agree that the term engineer has been misused.

      Engineering is the practice of designing things based on underlying science. An engineer in theory deeply understands (or at least at one time understood) the principles upon which his work is based. A technician, by contrast, knows how to do specific tasks and knows specific information, but does not have the background to understand those techniques. An engineer can create by understanding... a technician by tinkering.

      I shudder to imagine a certification process of software engineers. It would either be so broad that you would need a post-doc education to get through it, or it would be too narrow to apply to the whole field. The past certification practices have really been technician certification, not engineer certification. An "MCSE" is an oxymoronic title - it should be a "Microsoft Certified Software technician!"

      In software, we do not have an underlying science. Instead, we have an eclectic mixture of abstract math, techniques, fads, management techniques, language design, artificial intelligence, etc. We don't have a cohesive definition or understanding of computer engineering.

      In many ways, I think computer science is more like a biological "engineering" area - such as pharmaceutical development. In both cases, there are pieces of the underlying mechanisms that are well understood, but there are large missing pieces in areas important to the task of reaching a solution.

      Furthermore, computer systems design is such a broad area that it could not become a single discipline. Designing business applications software is vastly different than designing neural net pattern recognizers (although the latter are actually used in the former). Not only are the techniques almost unrelated - so are the educational requirements.

  • My title cannot legally be "engineer".
    I'm a developer.
    I don't have the ring. (-:
  • I took the EIT exam which this first step tword becomming an "engineer". It was 4 hours and covered all of the engineering fields (electrical, mechanical, civil, chemisty).. It wasn't too bad, but tested my entire undergraduate schooling.

    After going through graduate computer science/software engineering, I can't see how a CS ciriculum is going to prepare students for this "engineering" test.
    The states make you an engineer, and unless they are all going to impliment a standard and separate cs engineering test, I don't see it flying.

    Computer science pay is much much higher than
    civil engeering..
  • by brunes69 ( 86786 ) <slashdot.keirstead@org> on Thursday November 22, 2001 @05:32PM (#2601573)

    Needing a license to practice only applys to CERTAIN types of engineers doing CERTAIN projects. I can tell you right now that if you go to work for Intel, but don't have an EE, you're not going to be arrested or anything. Sure, Intel may be taking a chance, but that's their problem. Now, Civil Engineers designing bridges is a different issue.

    I expect it would be the same for software engineering. Good (and neerly necessary) to have the certification, but it won't impede Free Software in any way.

  • Licensed to do what? (Score:2, Interesting)

    by pla ( 258480 )
    I see a *HUGE* problem with requiring licensure to practice software development, aside from the legal ramifications on open source work.

    I do mostly low level coding, firmware, device drivers, things of that nature. I can interface with anything I can get a spec for.

    I do not, however, know much at all about application development. I do not know much about writing an OS. I do not know much about game development. Yes, I can understand the concepts involved, but that differs from having the familiarity required to do those things with confidence in my abilities.

    I agree that making software less of an "art" would help large corporations take fewer risks in hiring coders. While not a big fan of "That which benefits M$ benefits America", I can also see the side benefit of helping to separate the real developers from the web weenies.

    Until we have only one platform, however, with only one API, only one programming language, and only one conceptual model (ie, OO, which I personally dislike), software development *MUST* remain an art.
  • by imrdkl ( 302224 ) on Thursday November 22, 2001 @05:36PM (#2601583) Homepage Journal
    • 1. Thou shalt not clothe thyself with stupid conference t-shirts.
    • 2. Thou shalt bathe.
    • 3. Thou shalt hold thy cube clean and pure.
    • 4. Thou shalt wash thy keyboard, and screen, occasionally.
    • 5. Thou shalt not allow the bottom of thy chair to collect undesirable, hardened objects.
  • by SimJockey ( 13967 ) on Thursday November 22, 2001 @05:38PM (#2601589) Homepage Journal
    Background: I am a chemical engineer, and I currently work in water treatment.
    To me an essential part of engineering has always been a sense of responsibility to society as a whole. Technology is harnessing natural forces in a way that provides benefit to someone or some group. Engineers try to ensure that this technology is used is as safe a fashion as possible. Minimization of risk. Planes stay in the air, bridges don't fall down, the water is safe to drink.
    The article is hopelessly /.ed, so I'm not sure entirely what the IEEE is up to. However I would think that there is a definite need for accredited software engineers for software systems that would pose a hazard to life or limb by their failure. A control system for an oil refinery, or medical equipment, for example are no place for feature rich bloatware that needs to be re-booted once a day.
    The other side of the responsibility coin is liability. Engineers must show due diligence and carry liability insurance. It would likely be easier to insure an accredited software engineer working on a mission critical system.
    I'm anxious to see what might come out as accreditation criteria for software engineers. I hope it would require some knowledge of the larger technological context and social responsibility.
    • Your statements are well thought out and valid, unfortunately the group-think of /. is so peversely self-contradictory that it really makes you wonder where common sense went. You see, /.'s rail against certification every time an article comes up suggesting it, but then they spend the rest of their time bitching about Microsoft's crappy software and how horrible it is that they "get away with it".
    • Planes stay in the air, bridges don't fall down, the water is safe to drink ... I would think that there is a definite need for accredited software engineers for software systems that would pose a hazard to life or limb by their failure.

      Planes stay in the air and bridges don't fall down, not because the engineers who built them were "accredited," but because if that were to happen, the engineering firm that built the plane or the bridge would be in breach of contract and would be sued into oblivion.

      The role of government in a free market society is to enforce legally binding contracts, not to make a straw-horse licensing scheme to make us all feel warm and fuzzy about the people who manage our water and build our bridges. Believe me, if engineers were held accountable directly to the people for the quality of service they provided, they would provide a good service not for some sense of responsibility to the people around them, but because they would want to save their own hides. Let's use the strongest motives in the best possible way.

      "It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their self-love, and never talk to them of our own necessities but of their advantages."

      - Adam Smith, The Wealth of Nations
    • Engineers try to ensure that this technology is used is as safe a fashion as possible. Minimization of risk. Planes stay in the air, bridges don't fall down, the water is safe to drink.

      I think engineers are also driven by the cost/economy of the designs they create. It's a balance of conflicting requirements.

      For example, if you study the history of bridge building, you'll find that Galileo's formula for the strength of the cantilever bean was wrong. Yet bridge builders used it successfully, because of large safety factors they used.

      But the requirement to reduce costs, reduced the safety factors, until bridges started failing. Only then someone reexamined the formula they all used and discovered an error.


  • Disclaimer: I haven't been able to read the article yet; it's taking a while to load up. (Plus, I bet only half of the people that post don't even bother reading it before posting anyways) Computer Science and computers have always been well ahead of the people that create and develop laws. IF this ever became a law, very few people would actually follow it. I mean, how many top-notched computer programmers actually have official title education? I mean, probably a quarter of the very best programmers out there started doing it BEFORE computer science even existed. Secondly, the only possible use that this would be would be if the government or a top-tier company needed a developer to develop a fail-safe application. Let's say NASA needed an application, this might be a benchmark for them to identify talent. Lastly, to some extent, I agree that software engineering should be come a little more structured. There is a major difference in the code style and programming style of programmers that have proper education and those that are self learned. With education, coding becomes a more structured practice. This is a valuable asset in a corporate or group environment. If a certain person write code that only he or she understands, it costs the company even more because of the greater amount of time that it takes for other people to learn his code and style. However, on the other hand, some self-learned individuals, not learning structured development styles, are able to take shortcuts or find optimizations to produce better codes. (As always, this is a generalization. There are obviously exceptions to these two rules.) So to sum it up, this IEEE proposal would benefit schools and corporations because it creates structure in programming style. However, something like this could never become law in the same way that you need a medical license to practice law.
  • by Anonymous Brave Guy ( 457657 ) on Thursday November 22, 2001 @05:44PM (#2601612)

    We have had some discussion on the C++ newsgroups recently, regarding the possibility of getting a decent C++ certification scheme started in the industry. Bear in mind that we're talking about a major language here, and one that has an incredibly high number of "users" who don't really know the first thing about it -- or worse, get that first thing wrong -- but think they're experts. There is no single commercial body that "owns" C++, so no political spin needs to be put on things. Basically, this is a prime candidate for certification.

    Except that we concluded viable certification was not going to happen. Without a major industrial sponsor, and without a large body of experts who are actually qualified to administer the necessary tests, you'd never get it off the floor.

    And what would "certified in the use of C++" mean, anyway? There are many different areas of C++ programming, and while some projects use most/all of them, other projects would never use, for example, much of the STL. To have any practical use, any certification would have to be more precise than just "good at C++".

    Remember, this is just one language, and still the expert population felt it would be impossible to provide an effective recognition in today's environment. What hope can anyone have of effectively regulating software engineering as a whole in this today's development world, then? There are more contradictions in this industry than anywhere else I've ever seen, with some companies successfully using development methods for years where other companies have failed completely using the same methods. Who's to say, with any justification or authority, which methods a "chartered software engineer" should use?

    • No one is claiming a certification exam would be perfect. Is the SAT perfect? The GRE? The GMAT? At some point you are going to have to comprimise and assume that no one will get everything right or everything wrong, regardless of their state of knowledge.

      What is so difficult about going through Stroustrup's book and picking three or four topics per chapter and formulating questions from them? Some could be true/false, some multiple choice, and some requiring you to "write" code snippets. It seems pretty straightforward.

      The problem is when most "expert" groups discuss this topic, they typically look for a test they could get perfect in, based on the fault assumption that their perfect mastery of C++ must result in a perfect score.

    • As a C++ programmer, I agree, it would be nice to see some sort of accreditation, but it won't happen. Not with C++, and not with programming. Not anytime soon.

      Why not? Because programming is no more science than art and no more art than science. Yet.

      I have big dreams for programming. I dream of one day it being an engineering discipline. Today it isn't. At least not as practiced by most software developers.

      A chemical engineer posted earlier talking about responsibility to society. I agree, but he's also talking about a very small percentage of programmers. I write database systems. If someone uses my DB system for a life-critical function without my knowledge, well, their bad. If they ask my opinion, I'll say, "Don't use it for a life-critical system."

      It comes down to this. It's art, with some science, until it becomes life critical. At that point, it MUST be engineering. That's the difference, though. The application, not the skill. Programming will always be on the fringe of engineering with a lot of "art" involved. At least in the forseeable future.

      Is this a bad thing? I don't know. Aspiring to engineering is, in some ways, a good thing, but look at all the good stuff that came out of lone programmers, working out of their basements, with no degrees, writing cool software. It's happened, and it will continue to happen.
  • oh my

    science is about trying things out understanding things

    Very little to with enginering
    (yes they work on many of the same concepts and engineers would not exist without scientists)

    engineering is boring repeatable stuff churning out things at the same standard how many software releases are of EXACTLY the same quality


    john jones
    • science is about trying things out understanding things

      Aren't philosphers trying to understand things? Isn't everyone? This is a flawed definition.

      Simply put, science is defined as a field that uses the scientific method.

      The scientific method is hypothesis-experiment-result-conclusion.

      This is why math is not a science - there are no "experiments" in math.

      Computer science does use experimental methods from time to time - I know of one case where sorting algorithms were applied to real-world data to test the hypothesis that a quicksort using a randomized pivot would be superior. Since the pivot was randomized, the only way to tell if it was better was to test it.

  • by blair1q ( 305137 ) on Thursday November 22, 2001 @05:58PM (#2601656) Journal
    A certified engineer can still make a mistake.

    Certified software is tested and putatively immutable, and you can always throw more testing at it if you think it needs it.

    DO-178B [] procedures require that all software designs and implementations be reviewed and tested, the tests reviewed, and the reviews reviewed, by different engineers--or companies--wherever practicable. And it comes with different levels of certification, to allow cost reduction where lower levels of risk are involved.


    (Note to web surfers, if you want to go to, say, to find standards links, do not mis-type the domain as "". Trust me on this. I also advise everyone to use Panicware's free Pop-up Stopper []. This node is getting wrapped right now.)
  • Professionalizing software development entails:
    1. Codifying a set of "best practicies" that, when applied, assure a solid product.
    2. Codifying educational programs that teach these best practices.
    3. Certifying people who graduate from the educational process as "Software Engineers".
    The big problem with this idea is step 1: Sure, we have best practices, but they do not assure a solid product. By far, the highest assurance practice to date for developing working software is to make sure the developers have a lot of talent and dedication. There are software engineering best practices, but when goobers apply them, they are fully capable of producing bloated non-working crap. This is characteristic of an art, not an engineering discipline.

    It is very nice that people are sufficiently concerned about software quality and its impact on the real world (e.g. comp.risks). But this in no way means that we actually have best practices that will assure that mediocre developers can produce working product. Wishing for it (or mandating it) will not make it so.

    Crispin Cowan, Ph.D.
    Chief Scientist, WireX Communications, Inc. []
    Immunix: [] Security Hardened Linux Distribution
    Available for Purchase []

    • The big problem with this idea is step 1: Sure, we have best practices, but they do not assure a solid product.

      The goal is failure avoidance.

      There are software engineering best practices, but when goobers apply them, they are fully capable of producing bloated non-working crap.

      I think you're blowing smoke. What are these best practices that produce crap? No one said best practices would make stupidity obsolete, so please don't tell me about people misapplying or misusing well-defined practices.

      It is very nice that people are sufficiently concerned about software quality and its impact on the real world (e.g. comp.risks). But this in no way means that we actually have best practices

      The two are completely independent in any what are you saying? Obviously we know some best practices in software engineering...don't use GOTO, comment your code, use a debugger...come on, are you telling me that in fifty years of programming we haven't learned anything?????

    • What you say has the feel of truth because it fits the reality that we experience today. The only people I've met so far that believe process fixes all software development issues do not code themselves. Those that code know there is a fundamental talent+attitude aspect to this whole thing.

      In traditional engineering disciplines, the laws of physics apply and do not change. On these laws, best practices have been built. No matter where you apply these practices, you can be sure the laws supporting them are just as they were before and will be tomorrow. This covers most of the work we consider "engineering."

      In software development, there is less solid stuff to build our rules on. Heck, the very hardware changes all the time

      I agree 100% that it is premature to expect software engineering to match mechanical/electrical/civil/chemical engineering in predictability today. However, it is self eviedent that there are some things we should expect all professionals to apply as a best practice. (e.g., Document your d*mn code, apply good naming conventions, get user buy in, keep backups, etc.)
      • In traditional engineering disciplines, the laws of physics apply and do not change. On these laws, best practices have been built. No matter where you apply these practices, you can be sure the laws supporting them are just as they were before and will be tomorrow. This covers most of the work we consider "engineering."

        Even in traditional engineering disciplines knowing the laws of physics may not help much. For example, consider civil engineers who try to control floods. We understand the basic physical process (i.e. gravity pulls water down), but the system of rivers etc, interacting with the weather is chaotic, and there is no scientific theory that tell us where to build dams to stop floods.

        The problem is that engineers are asked to build things, whether the science to help them exists or not.


  • I did a quick search in the list and found very few people from big name universities, with all the four big names in the field (software engineering is not my cup of te) that I know missing.

    This makes me wonder if this process has any credibility then... Anybody out there who can comment (intelligently) on this?
  • I'm a fairly experienced system architect as well as faculty in the CS/COE department of a major university, yet I have never received a degree in CS or engineering, nor any professional certifications in engineering. I fail to see how these would make me a better developer.

    In fact, I've often found that my lack of formal background is a help rather than a hindrance. I'm often able to think outside of the traditional engineers paradigm. Because of that, I often see other developers being surprised at something I though up, that they never would have tried just because their training told them that sort of thing doesn't work. Since I work in distributed middleware and DB research, coming up with new things is kind of the point.

  • After being a software engineer for ten years, I have found one constant in this field of work: disappointment and disgust.

    If you allow anyone to program professionally, then you must be prepared for more terrible code.

    And please spare me the anecdotes about the English major who is the world's best programmer - we don't architect our socirty on corner cases. Added to which, there would be ample opportunity for non-CS grads to gain the certification where it to become required.

  • By Steve McConnel. I used to fear licensing software engineers until McConnel explained what being an engineer *really* means.

    You can still write software, even for commercial purposes. In fact, there would be many situations why a sotware engineer is not what you need.

    In any given engineering shop, there's only a handful of licensed engineers. There are still other engineers there who do the work, but the licensed engineer oversees the work and ensures due dilligence and best practices are used. In electronics, there are electronic technicians who don't have engineering degrees who design electronics. Instead, those places have a single licensed engineer who will oversee the final design and inspect it.

    Do not fear software engineering: embrace it!

    For the record, I do not qualify for licensing as a software engineer, but a licensed software engineer wouldn't mind hiring me to work on his team.

  • It is simply something engineers use to do their job. Programming is a tool, not an end in itself.

    The next thing you know, people who write will want to be known as 'book engineers.'

    Hardware is engineering. Software is simply telling the machine what to do. An engineer designs ACS. An engineer does not write the specifications to mill the parts created by the ACS, although he might be involved in the *LOW LEVEL* programming that controls the physics of the thing.

    If there is to be a software engineer, it should be limited to the software the directly interacts with physical systems (ie, ACS).

    As always, just my opinion.

    SCH - Aerospace Engineer.

  • I think that there are significant problems with relying on legal issues or tests alone for establishing or maintaining requirements for software developers, coders, managers, database people, etc...

    There are a number of theories regarding why software fails. There are many studies, papers, etc... I have even been involved in a few of them. I don't know of any study or organization who feels that - at the very heart of the problem - is a shortage of licensing. At best, some sort of licensing -- might -- be of some benefit, but I don't believe that should be the first or foremost solution towards addressing software quality problems.

    Many years ago, Scientific American magazine had an article on software; this article cited complexity as the reason software fails. I disagree. There are arguments about how complex software is - the difficulties associated with testing all computation branches and [execution] flows through a program (exponention, NP-C problems), testing software and module linkages, data typing and related matters, and many other issues. My experience and understanding is that most software problems relate to poorly thought out requirements, poorly documented changes, work done under time pressure, and a host of what I will call "fundamental" failings from software developers.

    I think that advanced training in software - degrees with math components, and formal software engineering training can be genuinely helpful. A great problem is organizations that do not know or care about the consequences of flawed work going out the door.

    Ultimately, with or without any form of licensing, I see one major step that would help software quality - ACCOUNTABILITY. There must be legal liability for software that doesn't work, or is purely dangerous. The onus must be on the producers of software to do the job properly.

    I know software can be large, and can be complex - but it also often sloppy, poorly thought out, and problems are considered post-release headaches.

    My presentation at H2K (Hackers on Planet Earth, 2000) addressed some of these issues. The presentation focused on Ethics in Military and Civilian Software Development. You can find this online from, and then following the link to the presentation. I have other papers that discuss this and related issues, also on my web site.

    Sam Nitzberg
  • I'm currently enrolled in a Software Engineering program [] at Lakehead University [] in Canada. The Software Engineering program is undergoing examination by the Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board (CEAB) [] If the program is approved and work for four years under a qualified Professional Engineer, I too can be come a Profession Engineer in Software Engineering.

    I was speaking to one of the members of the CEAB who visted LU on Monday. He recieved his P. Eng designation first in Electrical Engineering then later in Software. He said that the purpose of the Software Engineer should be for critical systems, namely those that if the fail, would put people in danger. The same as Electrical, Chemical, Mechanical or Civil or other Engineering professions.

    This doesn't mean that only software engineers can work on such projects. It means that before the software is used it must be approved or 'stamped' by a Software Engineer with a P. Eng designation.

    This is not currently required by law in Canada (AFAIK).

    Again, this doesn't mean that all programs have to be written by software engineers, or approved by engineers. It is just proposed for software that is life-endangering.

    For more information:

    P.S. Education alone does not an engineer make! It is the combination of education and engineering.

    P.P.S It is also possible to become an Professional Engineer without attending an accredited program. Several requierments must be met but it is possible.

  • There's a lot of worry about all kinds of irrational things here - some people even seem to be saying that programmers won't be able to programme without having some kind of cert - absolute FUD!

    All the IEEE seem to be doing is codifying current 'best practices' in software engineering in a similar manner to the Project Management Institutes [] (ANSI std) "Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge"

    SE *is* project management as far as I've experienced it, or a subset. No-one with any sense would ever suggest that stds will prevent cockups in projects - but being totally ignorant of what many considers best practices will make you more likely to stuff things up.

    I really can't see why developers get so upset about groups trying to put up hand-rails and guidelines for managing large projects.

    If you're sitting coding up a wee access database for a mate or writing a little bash script to check your logs then you don't need them - but projects of a larger scale, involving many organisations and multiple teams DO benefit from guidelines.


  • No more licensing! (Score:3, Insightful)

    by omnirealm ( 244599 ) on Thursday November 22, 2001 @09:57PM (#2602269) Homepage
    That could then mean that licenses could be required to practice software development and that this could to regulation and other legal ramifications.

    No, no, no, no, NO, NO, NO!!! Keep the government AWAY from it all, for pity's sake! We don't want legislation to dictate who can and cannot write software. In my county, my wife and I are not allowed to cut each others' hair in the privacy of our own home. Because beauticians got together some time ago and petitioned the government to make it illegal to cut hair without a "license." To get a license, you have to go to a qualified beauty school and then spend so many hours cutting hair in professional, and authorized, salons.

    Of course, they then artificially limit the number of beauty schools that they allow to train for such licenses. The same thing happened in the medical profession. This sort of thing is routinely done by factional groups to pressure the government to create a stranglehold on the market, reducing supply and thus letting them charge more for their services.

    In the long run, it only winds up hurting us all by driving the price up while not increasing the quality of the services we receive. Do you really think that having an "official license" makes doctors better than they would be otherwise? Are "certified" Microsoft Engineers any more qualified to work with Microsoft products than the rest of us?

    Bad and good beauticians and doctors can be singled out by this little phenomenon called reputation. We don't need a piece of "official" government legislation to be mandated on all who want to enter the market in some lame attempt to make things better than they would be without the artificial intervention (do a search for "Adam Smith and invisible hand").

    Let anyone who wants to write software professionally, whether or not they have a degree, license, or whatever, and let the buyer beware. Let each entity build a reputation, and the market will pick the best man for the job.
  • That's what's going to happen. And it will be because of all of you lazy programmers out there. You know who you are.

    You're the ones who think that bug-free code comes from testing and debugging, rather from design.
    You're the ones who say "with today's processors, I can afford to waste resources here," not realizing that inefficiency accumulates.
    You're the ones who don't bother to make sure you're checking return codes properly, or checking them at all.
    You're the ones who spend more time programming and less time planning a large project.
    You're the ones who think there is such as thing as a "releasable hack", a "production-quality kludge."
    You're the ones who think open-source is immune to all this.

    You're the ones who will quickly dismiss what I'm saying, or nitpick me to death.
    I don't know why I bother.

  • by Zero__Kelvin ( 151819 ) on Thursday November 22, 2001 @10:27PM (#2602351) Homepage

    "On the surface this looks like a fairly boring document/process, but this is a major step forward - turning software engineering from an art into a science."

    On the surface viewing Software Engineering as all science and no art makes for boring documents and processes. When people are bored, they naturally don't do nearly as good a job. Indeed, the best Software Engineers have the science part down cold, but also have a natural instinct that is the direct manifestation of their artistic inclination. Art and Science are the Yin and Yang of Software Engineering, and to remove or diminish the role of either is to diminish the effectiveness of the software developer(s), regardless of which one you mistakenly choose to emphasize.

    If one wants to improve the overall quality of their software they must develop both their left and right brain. To shun one in favour of the other is folly. It is no different than strengthening one leg and cutting of the other in an attempt to be more mobile. Hopping around on that one remaining leg will certainly make it big and strong, but mobility will suffer almost detrimentally. I guess that makes it a major unbalanced hop toward the different, and less effective, not a major step toward anything.

    Perhaps these people have never heard of the Software Engineering Institute [] and the Capability Maturity Model? Then again, what do I know? I'm too artistic to be any good at Software Engineering ;^)
  • by Animats ( 122034 ) on Thursday November 22, 2001 @11:00PM (#2602435) Homepage
    Those documents are about process, not engineering content. There's a strong bias towards a waterfall approach (first the requirements, then the design, then the code). They're really documents on how to manage.

    The Association for Computing Machinery withdrew its support [] for this SWEBOK effort, after deciding that their approach to licensing practioners was inappropriate. So this probably isn't going anywhere.

    In comparison with other engineering disciplines, the real problem is that we don't have a good handle on how to build software with huge safety margins so that it doesn't need to be engineered.

    This seems confusing, until you look at, say, structural engineering. If you want to build something, there are standard handbooks that will tell you how to build something that's much stronger than it really needs to be, but won't fall down. That's how most houses are designed. Only when you get into more complex construction (steelwork, arches, laminated wood beams, etc.) do you need a licensed professional engineer to sign off (literally) on the blueprints.

    We don't explicitly make that distinction for software. With fifty years of computing behind us, it may be time to do that.

    A good place to start would be control software for anything with more than some minimal amount of energy. (For example, programming a VCR control CPU wouldn't require certification, but a garage door opener control would.) We could then go on to, say, software that handles the money of others, and perhaps to networking software that can affect more than 100 users at a time.

    A formal distinction of which software matters and which doesn't is the first step. The industry needs to take that step.

  • Engineering is not science. Engineering uses science, if it is available, to accomplish it's goals. Here are some relevant quotes. First from To Engineer is Human:
    Structural engineering is the science and art of designing and making, with economy and elegance, buildings, bridges, frameworks, and other similar structures so that they can safely resist the forces to which they may be subjected.

    And the second from the current (Nov 19) issue of The New Yorker from an article about the chief structural engineer of the World Trade Center:

    "It is a tremendous responsibility, being an engineer," he said, his voice breaking. "It's a very imperfect process. It's not so beatiful as science."

    But my favorite quote about engineering and science is the one that says:

    A scientists discovers what is, an engineer builds what never was.


  • by carlfish ( 7229 ) <> on Thursday November 22, 2001 @11:34PM (#2602534) Homepage Journal
    What worries me most is what you see on the front page of the site, namely the logos of a bunch of companies like Rational, Construx and SAP, who have vested interests in software engineering processes. If the committee goes away for a couple of years, comes back with a carbon copy of the Rational Unified Process and tells everyone they need to buy Rational Rose to get a certification, I'm going to be more than a little annoyed.

    The basic problem is that there is simply no consensus in the industry as to what constitutes "good engineering" in software, beyond a certain very basic level. We're a very, very young discipline, and unlike structural or electronic engineering the mathematics does not exist to prove what we are doing is right.

    In the absence of any real proveability in our craft, all you can do is make broad pronounciations, and then quibble about their interpretations. You can say "testing is good", but you'd never get a room full of programmers to agree whether test-first programming is better than testing completed code, and nobody's yet been able to determine which is more efficient under which circumstances. Similarly, you can say "well-designed code is good", but who's going to moderate the dispute between the CMM waterfall three month design phase group, the moderate Agile "design the module just before you code it" group, and the eXtreme "design is something you achieve as a by-product of merciless refactoring" party.

    I have little faith in the mission of this group, as I can't ever see it coming up with a satisfactory document. Either the qualification for being a software engineer will be so broad as to be useless, or (more likely) it will mean that the industry will continue on as it always has, we'll just go back to being called programmers, and spend our time scoffing at certified "software engineers" as followers of an arcane, broken methodology.

    Charles Miller
  • This article by Robert Glass is relevant to this discussion: Programming in Practice [].


  • Wrong, as usual. (Score:3, Insightful)

    by pixel_bc ( 265009 ) on Friday November 23, 2001 @12:18AM (#2602636)

    That could then mean that licenses could be required to practice software development

    Sigh. No.

    It would mean you couldn't go calling yourself a Software Engineer if you're NOT, but nobody is going to card you trying to buy a copy of VC++.

  • Several years ago, many states attempted to enforce the laws on their books to require anyone acting as a professional engineer to be licensed as such by the state. As anyone who has ever achieved a Professional Engineering (PE) license can attest, there is no comparison between a PE and a MCSE. Comparing the exams would be like comparing middle school to college. The PE exams in most states are brutal. As far as I know, Texas is the last state to enforce the law as it applies to software. Many of the companies in "Silicon Valley" threatened to relocate of California enforced the law there. So, California (like many other states) changed the law to apply to structural and electrical engineering disciplines.

Hackers are just a migratory lifeform with a tropism for computers.
