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Windows XP Embedded 382

Embedded Geek writes: "Embedded Systems Programming has a piece about Microsoft organizing its employees to advocate their embedded products in online newsgroups (part of "a new culture at Microsoft" making "an effort to shed the company's reputation as an incommunicative giant.") This is coordinated with Microsoft's launch of Windows XP Embedded at their Embedded Developers' Conference (the countdown clock on their homepage says Wednesday but the launch party is Thursday)." News.com notes that this will be used in slot machines and ATMs. Insert obligatory free-money joke.
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Windows XP Embedded

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  • by ralmeida ( 106461 ) on Thursday November 29, 2001 @09:35AM (#2630559) Homepage
    In a S/390?
  • by Junks Jerzey ( 54586 ) on Thursday November 29, 2001 @09:38AM (#2630574)
    Where smallness, understandability, low power consumption, and bullet-proof reliability are the key factors. I don't know who would put XP in a critical device. I don't know who would put Linux in one either, for that sake. "Embedded" in the Microsoft sense must mean "PDAs and museum kiosks" and such, and not the traditional embedded market.
    • Here in the UK they have been putting plasma screens in motorway service stations to show adverts and bits of news and travel info.

      I was there when the server rebooted. It showed a Windows 2000 desktop with an error message in a dialog box.

      Hmmm. Microsoft Windows: Suddenly everything sticks.


      • I've seen the Windows 2000 login screen at an ATM in the UK (with an error box behind it), which I have to say scared the willies out of me. I almost wish I'd had a camera with me at the time.

        Hmm this appears to be my (2^8)th post, glad I'm not a Pacman machine.

    • The Metrocard despencers in NYC use nt4. I had the privlage of watching one that was totally fubar. It kept rebooting, got everything from the bios to the boot screen info written down in my visor :). To show how great they are, I once kept pushing the coin return on a metrocard dispenser and it kicked out $20 in dollar coins. Can't wait for XP to get into ATMS :P
  • replaces embedded NT (Score:5, Informative)

    by martin ( 1336 ) <maxsec@gm[ ].com ['ail' in gap]> on Thursday November 29, 2001 @09:39AM (#2630579) Journal
    that already is running lots of ATM's out there. Do you ever see a BSOD on a cashpoint - I haven't?

    Given the increase in complexity and code size its going to be interesting to see how it goes into devices.
    • by betel ( 305269 )
      The classic one used to be on the Natwest cash machine at Charing Cross station (London, UK) - for weeks it displayed "a device driver cannot be loaded", but it still gave out cash with no problems (I can't remember if it actually came out of my account though).

      Or the Natwest ones at Manchester Uni which were rebooted every Monday morning.

      Or the Nationwide one at my local tube station, its spent most of the last fortnight moaning about something not being loaded and just generally not working.
      • Charing Cross station (London, UK) - for weeks it displayed "a device driver cannot be loaded"

        And the Natwest ATM at Waterloo Station (again London, UK) which BSOD'd on the lady before me in the queue, taking her card with it.

        She's probably the only person I know with a personal reason to hate Microsoft. Hehe.


        P.S. Did you know the term "Cashpoint" is copyright in the UK by LloydsTSB? wtf?

      • by King Of Chat ( 469438 ) <fecking_address@hotmail.com> on Thursday November 29, 2001 @10:48AM (#2630942) Homepage Journal
        If you're talking about the message "At least one service or device driver failed during startup. Check event log for details." then that's OK. All the NT systems I've ever seen (OK, the ones I've set up) do this - that's how you know it's working properly.
    • by Arjen ( 52387 )

      Do you ever see a BSOD on a cashpoint - I haven't?

      I have [blue-screen.org.uk]

    • lately I saw an BSOD'ed ATM.

      Well, it was the OS/2 Warp equivalent of a bsod. The machine rebooted, I saw BIOS messages.

      Then I went to another ATM, got my money, and out of curiosity, went again to the broken ATM.

      OS/2 was still booting, it looked very ugly and hacky (some errors in autoexec.bat or whatever it's called in OS/2) - it also told me several times to hit enter or something.
      Then something funny happened, it told me (as I was looking at the screen) to insert a disk. It beeped and *lighted the slot where you insert the card*!
      • Something similar happened to me a few years ago. An OS/2 based ATM crashed while I was making a withdrawal. The cash dispensor made funny noises for a little while and, just before it should have given me my money, it died.

        I was worried about my transaction and went to the next machine to see if the money was gone from my account. Sure enough, the withdrawal had been recorded but I had no money. Worried, I called my bank immediately.

        Then something neat happened. While I was on hold the crashed ATM went through it's startup sequence and apparently counted it's till! By the time I actually got through to a bank CSR, the machine had noticed that it had more money than it should and reversed my failed transaction, all without human intervention.

        That's some seriously cool programming.

    • At least five times a week, I see some sort of windows based kiosk type device screwing up.


      The information terminals at MCI Center (they have never worked properly, to my knowledge- they are always off, talkatively crashed, or frozen.)

      Newer Allfirst ATMs (which all use Windows 2000.)

      The terminals at the Baltimore Convention Center (the OS keeps forgetting it has a touchscreen, oops.)

      If I know what's running on something, that generally means I've seen it crash! The only Linux-based device I saw having problems was a group of web terminals at a New Jersey Turnpike rest area. But they were in a pretty deplorable state from all points, and those were just glorified PCs anyway (one was reporting a keyboard failure at the BIOS, no surprise since it seemed that someone had heavily worked it over with an ice pick)
    • Yes. Just because you've never seen it doesn't mean it doesn't occur. Maybe that's why that ATM seems to be running embedded DOS now...

    • ``Do you ever see a BSOD on a cashpoint - I haven't?''

      Heck neither have I (We usually call 'em ATMs on the Western side of the Big Swamp). But I have seen plenty of BSODed flight info displays at airports and other places.

      Hmm... I wonder. I've seen a few photos of prominent BSOD displays pop up from time to time (here and on other web sites). Anyone know of a web site that specializes in those? Could be good for a laugh.

    • Never seen a BSOD on my ATMs... but one time it went into a "load-money" operation or something like that in front of me... and what I saw [geocities.com] was, quite amazingly, Microsoft OS/2 1.3!

      There is a lot of inertia among banks against replacing systems that work. XP will have to prove itself many *years* before a hardnosed banker will reconsider.

  • Impressive (Score:4, Funny)

    by Knunov ( 158076 ) <eat@my.ass> on Thursday November 29, 2001 @09:40AM (#2630584) Homepage
    Wow. It turns out you only need 512 MB RAM, 1 gig of storage and a 900MHz CPU on your embedded device to run this.

    Wait a minute...

    • The 1GB hard drive is the best. Hmm, we'll just put a hard drive in our embedded system slashing its MTBF by about 99%!!!
  • they have no chance (Score:4, Interesting)

    by Lumpy ( 12016 ) on Thursday November 29, 2001 @09:43AM (#2630599) Homepage
    Embedded means small and fast, both of which cannot be done with Windows CE,Embedded NT, Embedded XP.

    This is why 60% of all embedded systems are DOS and then Linux (The linux side is growing fast.... and I mean really fast) and then specalized.

    If Microsoft can demonstrate a single floppy version of XP that needs only 4 meg of ram or less to run and leave room for my app then I'll take them serious.

    Until then Microsoft products are not looked at as a serious alternative or solution, they are too expensive to impliment in the hardware requirements.
    • Comment removed (Score:5, Insightful)

      by account_deleted ( 4530225 ) on Thursday November 29, 2001 @10:06AM (#2630731)
      Comment removed based on user account deletion
      • Last I checked, QNX was tiny and fit on a single floppy with a GUI and a web browser.
      • Actually, there are devices which have embedded operating systems but aren't necessarily "rich" in the Internet Appliance sense. High speed data and phone switches are a prime example--and yes, from what I understand (up until early this year I was at the engineering group of a fairly major CLEC), some of them really do run Embedded NT. And they're actually pretty stable. As one wag put it, "The 'NT' part isn't the problem, the 'Windows' part is."

        I'd really say that QNX's market is more along those lines, too. The QNX "Realtime Platform" has obviously been targeted for internet appliances, but its sibling, QNX RTOS 6, isn't.

      • First off anything with that much storage is not an embedded device. It doesn't even fit the term.
        and QNX is lumped into my linux comment as it is a Unix dirviative(sp?) also.

        QNX can do things that no embedded Microsoft product ever can. 1 floppy OS with GUI,TCP/IP stack and HTML browser. this put's QNX in a place that micrsoft cannot compete. The mebedded market is not Kiosks or palm or pocket devices. These are by no means embedded devices by any stretch of anyone's imagination, these are pocket computing platforms, which are nothing but toys or tools for the rich/geeks/salespeople/ceo's and are toys. Embedded systems control heavy equipment, run microsat's, perform datalogging and control the real world from your toaster-oven to your town's water filtration plant (both drinkable and sewage plants), Car stereo's, mp3 players, your digital cable box, routers, security systems.

        microsoft cannot compete in this realm, they cannot get their bloat down to the size needed to run our every-day devices and critical devices.
      • MS doesn't care about the market for headless, extremely small embedded OS's

        But that's the tragedy, actually they do. They're looking to leverage the foothold they have with SMB, borked Kerberos, ActiveDirectory etc. to make devices that appear on Microsoft networks nice and easily.

        They've been at this for ages, since the early days of NT4 believe it or not. Luckily the embedded arena generally regards Linux as being a bit lardy (but is coming around real fast) and hence has basically no interest in attempting to embed NT.

    • Embedded could be thought of as 'a computer inside something that's not a computer'.

      The computer that handles the engine in modern cars, for instance.

      Embedded does not mean 'small and fast'.

      Where on earth did you get the '60% of all embedded systems are DOS and the Linux??

      Most embedded systems are QNX, VXWorks, and other, traditional real-time operating systems, or hand-written from scratch.

      RTLinux is a relative newcomer.

      Or do you think 'embedded' means 'small PC' or 'handheld pc'? It doesn't.
    • by MosesJones ( 55544 ) on Thursday November 29, 2001 @11:04AM (#2631072) Homepage

      What embedded systems do you work on ? Most embedded systems (controllers, switches etc etc) run a very very small RTOS, DOS is not an RTOS (Real Time Operating System).

      DOS is not an RTOS, Linux is not an RTOS. These systems are not really talking about embedded stuff at all, they are talking about small PC architectures, which have their place. But embedded is about small footprint and 100% reliability. I wouldn't like to know that the medical controller my life relied upon was using DOS.
    • No way, CE on iPaq is pretty fast. We use it to show our trading demo to our investors.

      Their only question was that why did we need to reset the iPaq every time we run the demo.

      (Anyone would kindly advise how to prevent the iPaq from giving the loud *DING* sound while resetting would be greatly appreciated)
  • by s20451 ( 410424 ) on Thursday November 29, 2001 @09:45AM (#2630609) Journal

    That perception, Microsoft says, is precisely why everyone on the development team of its Talisker embedded operating system now logs hours every week, chatting about the OS in news groups, checking out "bug reports" on a dedicated Web site and meeting with users face-to-face at "plugfests," where they discuss Talisker programming experiences.

    Congrats to Microsoft for inventing web based [gnu.org] bug tracking [sourceforge.net]. Truly this is a great day for software.

  • "this will be used in slot machines and ATMs"

    So a Microsoft product is going to be responsible for a machine that takes a whole bunch of money. Who else is a little nervous about all of this?
  • by Carnage4Life ( 106069 ) on Thursday November 29, 2001 @09:48AM (#2630628) Homepage Journal
    While I was at MSFT over the summer, a friend at work asked me why Open Source projects had such a community around them no matter how small they were while it seemed harder for MSFT products to build a community around them (as opposed to users which they had plenty of). He mistakenly assumed that the availability of source code was what built the community which from my minor participation in a number of Open Source projects was incorrect.

    The main reason users tend to form a community around Open Source projects is that there is direct communication between the users of the product and the developers of the product without the layer of bullshit introduced by marketing and management. If I post to the dbXML, Scoop or JDEE mailing list, I know I'll get at least one response from an actual developer of the product who will make a solid attempt to solve my problem as opposed to paying umpteen dollars to be put on hold by some pimply faced teenager who probably couldn't code his way out of a paper bag.

    While at MSFT I planned to evangelize such a user-centric view of interaction but never got around to doing it on as large a scale as I liked. I did however try my best to make sure that as many questions to the newsgroup of our product [google.com] were answered by someone at MSFT, if not me then someone whom I felt could answer the question. It looks that finally some like minded people are springing up in other parts of MSFT.
    • Why do you want to support microsoft's corperate policy of monopoly maintainence and slowed innovation. They've stated that the best way to control your business environment is to dictate the pace of innovation (both slower and faster).

      I mean you seem like a nice guy, but you do realize that Microsoft want's to control software universe and be the gateway to your wallet, dont you? Do they really need your help? You seem like a bright guy.

      People say you have to separate the company from the employees - that MS has really nice, bright employees. I think you can say that the employees who avidly support Microsoft's world-domination strategy (Ok, maybe the janitors in redmond dont quite grasp that point) should maybe be held responsable (ethically) for their complicity in it. I pray (wish, hope) that MS will fail in their global domination strategy. And I hope talented people dont further their evil ways.
    • IMO, the main difference between the MS and Open Source/GNU community is the OS/GNU folks are passionate about the technology itself. The MS people want a solution to their problem. MS provides that solution quickly and easily.

      One of the genius things MS has done is to provide one and only one solution to the problem. Speeds up development for people who want to get the project *done*. Most businesses aren't interested in beautiful technology or ideal code. The have a problem and need a solution, quickly and easily.

      Communities tend to form around people who enjoy a particular activity at least partially for the sake of the activity itself. OS/GNU people enjoy computers. I'm not sure MS's efforts will create a community with members that have any interest other than their own problems.

      When there is only one solution to the problem, why get together and discuss it? People will pop up, ask a question, get The Answer, then disappear. The most frequent posters will be the flamers with an axe to grind and MS employees.
    • Are you sure that's the reason? Amiga nuts, BBSers, and Apple II users all had communities in their day.

      I think the main reason for a Linux community is that many Linux users actually enjoy working with their OS. Tinkering is an end unto itself. MS products just aren't as much fun to play with, so the technical people that would build a community don't use it.

      I know I'm biased, but honestly it's been my experience that highly technical people - the ones who enjoy their work - prefer Unix and Linux. Most of the MS administrators are just in it for the money. If street cleaning paid as well then they'd be doing that.

      • >Most of the MS administrators are just in
        >it for the money. If street cleaning paid
        >as well then they'd be doing that.

        Oversimplification. Just MS admins != greedy capitalist b******d.

        There are many sysadmins I know of who take great pride in their being able to manage a AD system spread over 4 continents with ease. Who keep it secure from day one. Who maintain 16- and 32-way Datacenter systems.

        And: there are a number of MS oriented *developers* I know who would not even consider consider the CLI-centric Unix tools to be real programs. Like you put a premium on power and expressiveness, they put a premium on ease of use, visual slickness and usability by your grandmother.

        So all it boils down to is different worldviews.
    • What is really frightening is that Microsoft is actually one of the more developer-friendly of closed-source companies.

      But speaking as someone who has used Microsoft development products for over a decade now, the trouble has always been that the information flow was one-way. They provide you with reams of information, but when you report a problem (and in one case, I was even able to give them a source line and fix for a bug in the ATL), it usually goes into a black hole. I still remember how shocked I was the first time this happened to me. I was used to the way Borland actually let you talk to an engineer and gave you an answer in a timely fashion, even if it was "well, we'll fix it in the next release".

      And while I am talking about failings of Microsoft's developer support, I'll mention the other big one: They have a tendency to focus too much on the technology du jour and not enough on older stuff. You find lots of stupidities like sample code that no longer works (just ran into this the other day with the "SAMPLE.DSM" macros that come with Visual Studio). The people at Microsoft need to understand that developers can't just instantly jump to whatever new technology is out there even if it is superior. When you've got a million lines of code that use DDE, the answer "Use COM" is not sufficient.

    • The main reason users tend to form a community around Open Source projects is that there is direct communication

      No The reason users for a community around Open Source is beacue Open Source doesen't try to scew them with vendor-lock in, buggy software and illegal business practices. Face it, Microsoft is not liked amung computing profesionals due to Microsofts bad behavour to its customers.

      We are jelous of the popularity of Microsoft either: Apache is the most used web-server and everybody likes them. Cicso is popular, and we like them as well. Hell, we like Nintendo of all companies, better than Microsoft.
  • by YU Nicks NE Way ( 129084 ) on Thursday November 29, 2001 @09:49AM (#2630639)
    It's just that we don't identify ourselves by our names. Most of us have always been like me: when we comment, we acknowledge our association with MS, but we don't give out any identifying information. I pass on the commentary that I pick up here to my product group. Frankly, I think that the Pocket PC is stronger for it.

    There are two classes of reasons that we don't use our real names. First, we as individuals don't want to get spammed any more than we already do. Individuals from MS have been targeted and stalked in the past; none of us wants to be the victim of some kook. Second, the company has a right to manage its own messages. Sometimes, obviously, that's a bad thing; our quiet lets the company get away with lying. Usually, though, there are a number of of people who have the right to know before the public does. (Our partners, for instance, may need to adjust their strategies in response to changes that we make along the way in our own. There's nothing so humiliating as not knowing some key point about a change, and having some reporter tell you that he just read all about it in a newsgroup.) We need to protect that orderly flow of information.
    • by FreeUser ( 11483 ) on Thursday November 29, 2001 @11:02AM (#2631057)
      Most of us have always been like me: when we comment, we acknowledge our association with MS,

      ahem. Some of you acknowledge your bias, however many, many of you do not. So much so, and on so many occasions, that Microsoft astroturfing has become a cliche on slashdot, kuro5hin, and numerous other forums.

      We need to protect that orderly flow of information.

      Which underscores Microsoft's philosophy (and to be fair, others. Let's not forget Disney's cosponsorship ... excuse me, cosupport, of a bill that would have banned most free software, not to mention other activities by the RIAA and MPAA as well) of why they are trying to hijack the internet and sqelch the "unorderly" information that has abounded since the formation of the Internet and in particular the world wide web, empowering anyone to speak out and share their opinion and whatever information they may have in a very organic and most unorderly fashion.

      Please, spare us the insult to our intelligence by trying to rewrite Microsoft's most recent history in its interaction with this site, the free software community, and the internet at large. Such flimsy attempts to mislead the public are only amusing for so long and I, for one, grow weary of such nonsense.
  • Passport? (Score:5, Insightful)

    by s.a.m ( 92412 ) on Thursday November 29, 2001 @09:50AM (#2630647) Journal
    Now I know this probably won't happen..but the mention of ATM got my attention.

    Wouldn't the use of and embeded version of XP, which will be used for authentication and disbursement of monies, be an incentive for MS to get people and banks to use it's Passport service for authentication/verification etc?

    Think about it. They want to get spending data etc, so this would be the perfect opportunity. Now I'm not bashing MS for making an embeded version of XP.

    We all know CE wasn't the best...but still are making money out of it and they can most likely capitalize on XP's new features.

    Personally I'd stick w/ whatever was already out there for the banking systems...I trust them more than I do MS.
    • Because embedded XP probably has nothing to do with the user-interface features of Windows XP.

      Embedded operating systems provide a framework for custom applications to run.

      And before you 'trust' them more than you do MS, do you even know who they are? Bold statement.

      Embedded systems in ATM's are rigorously programmed applications. THe fact that they move to a different OS is no big deal.
    • by Dog and Pony ( 521538 ) on Thursday November 29, 2001 @11:57AM (#2631412)
      In Sweden, some ATMs are already running NT.

      And yes, they did *actually* get those "Low on Virtual Memory" errors (try to hit CTRL-ALT-DELETE to reboot on an ATM) and even a few bluescreens back then. I kid you not.

      On the other hand after those child diseases, they are actully seeming to behave, and I know of noone that has actually lost (or gotten) money due to this.

      The banks just needed two service packs, is my guess. :)

      Well, so this product, after troubles unheard of in other systems, finally made it "stable" and "reliable".

      I would not like to bet my money once again, just because I got the winning ticket once. Would you?
  • ...as historically, slot machines have often been found to be controlled by criminal organizations. After they were affirmed guilty by the appeals court, MS realized that slot machine control was a natural extension of their business plan.
  • As the quote on M$s site: "We wanted to have all the rich features of Windows XP for the desktop but in a small footprint. Windows XP Embedded enables us to build our device image in a small footprint and gives us all of the features we need to support our design."

    This is what users have been screaming for on their desktops. Food for thought.

  • So, like, how does this XP embedded fit into an overall strategy that has seen WinCE and even NT embedded?

    This seems to be one of those corporate gaffes.

    Remember 1994 and Java?

    "What a great programming language - I know! - let's tie it in as Web client!"

    Along the same lines 2001:

    "I know! This .NET is such a great thing we'll shove into those hot new "embedded devices" everyone is talking about!"

    <forehead wrinkles>

  • http://www.newsfactor.com/perl/story/13046.html : August 23,2001: "Utah attorney general Mark Shurtleff says that at least two of the more than 400 letters his office has received in support of Bill Gates' Microsoft were from people who had died.
    Microsoft Corporation (Nasdaq: MSFT), in its quest to sway states' attorneys general into settling antitrust charges still filed against it, has apparently orchestrated what was originally thought to be a grassroots letter-writing campaign in support of the company, the Los Angeles Times has reported."

    Methinks they doth communicate too much.
    [I'd rather have linked to the /. report of this story, but searching /. on "Microsoft" and "phony" brought up too damn many references.]
  • [RANT]

    the last thing we need is a slowr cash machine with pretty colors.

    my bank just replaced all their old, green screen, keypad operated cash machines with new, color touch screen cash machines.

    guess what. it takes twice as long to get cash from the new machine.

    guess what. visually impaired people can't use the new machines, because there is no brail facility.

    sure they are pretty.

    I don't want pretty in a cash machine, I WANT CASH!

    I don't want slow in a cash machine, I WANT FAST!

    now, on top of slow color touchscreens, they are going to add winXP???

    it will take 3 days and an air conditioned 8Ghz pentium4 to get my $20, when 30 seconds and a z80 used to be sufficient.

    • I've seen this with a lot of stuff lately. Honestly, I think computers and networks were generally faster 8-10 years ago than they are now.
      I remember using Unix email over slow modems years ago, and it was much faster than reading my work email on Outlook is now. Doing anything over a network was instantaneous; now it's ridiculously slow even though network speeds are much greater and computers are much faster. Just doing an 'ls' on my work computer can take 20 seconds to get a directory from a networked drive, whereas on the Unix systems 8 years ago, I couldn't tell if a directory was on a local drive or NFS.

      Bank machines back in the 80's were better too: I remember using machines that had small "viewports" that could be swivelled up and down (useful for tall and short people). These machines had all-text displays, but worked very reliably. Now, machines have buttons next to the display whose function changes depending on what you're doing, but if you're very tall, you have to stoop to see which button corresponds to the arrow on the screen due to parallax. Plus, it's easy for bystanders to watch the screen while it's showing your account balance.

      Computers may be faster than they were 10 years ago, but are they more functional? I don't think so.
    • I don't want pretty in a cash machine, I WANT CASH!
      I don't want slow in a cash machine, I WANT FAST!

      While you are standing at a cash machine, waiting for your money, the new pretty screens can flash you information about your bank's available services. People's attentions are harder to draw these days and a marketing opportunity to a captive set of eyeballs could not be passed up. Yes, it sucks. But if it's important enough for you, vote with your feet and switch banks.



  • by MongooseCN ( 139203 ) on Thursday November 29, 2001 @10:06AM (#2630734) Homepage
    How long until Sircam starts transfering money from one persons ATM machine to another?

    I send you this financial transaction in order to have your advice.

  • NO. I sincerely doubt you can imagine a Beowulf cluster of these. And if you can, you're a retard.
  • <soapbox>Maybe I am still living in my cave (urr, office) but how many devices did actually have CE in it. Outside of the normal PDA. I have seen and heard about Linux (and BSD) being in things like, printers, "plug-and-play" servers (like those toys from Colbalt), etc.

    There is a machine at the family business called a Holtzma. Its a German made saw. Its made to cut entire books of plywood (MCP, pine, or whatever). They have 3 of them, one with simple switches which is *VERY* old. The second has a digital display but looks like a custom OS. The newest one has a Windows machine build in. (I can't wait for the day when I walk by, see the blue seen of death, and get to say those famous words :)

    Anyway, the point behind the saw is that this would be the perfect place for Linux. The PC running it currently has to be a fast machine, becuase of the Windows requirements. Linux however, could use much lower requirements. Plus, take a window manager like blackbox, or other small window manager, to make it simple, small, nice user interface. Since people aren't using things like office suites, you could rip a lot of crap out of it.

    Security on such a machine is also a big concern. Wouldn't it be great if your employee didn't feel like working that day, fired up regedit and made a few small changes ? You could imagine all of the other things that could be done. Since its Windows, theres always a false sense of security.

    I assume in a few years companys like them would start getting smarter about it. People don't want propritary systems, they want something simple and small. Windows, has too many toys built into it that can't be removed. Plus, when you start looking at the outrages licensing ammounts for Windows. Linux, starts looking VERY nice.

    To get Linux being used in a serious way, alls it would take is for a large PDA company like Palm to start offearing it on a few Palm Pilots. (Maybe create a few models with it, just to test the waters). People would start fogetting about Palm OS pretty quick. Other companys would surley follow.
    • The PC running it currently has to be a fast machine, becuase of the Windows requirements. Linux however, could use much lower requirements.

      Thing is, when you're making an automated saw for $100k, you don't give a toss about what kind of computer is needed to run it. You care about:
      a, Making people buy the saw.
      b, Making sure it doesn't break down.

      And point b is where Linux wins. Even if we assume that NT doesn't fall over, you're still going to need a hard drive purely from a bloat point of view. In the embedded arena one huge advantage Linux has is that it can be put on 2Mb of flash that is soldered to the board. No moving parts = very happy automated saw manufacturer. Reducing the number of cables, connectors, fans etc. must also not be overlooked as a major way of increasing reliability of embedded systems.

      Wouldn't it be great if your employee didn't feel like working that day, fired up regedit and made a few small changes ?

      Not a problem, NT embedded wouldn't even have regedit on it.

      Plus, when you start looking at the outrages licensing ammounts for Windows. Linux, starts looking VERY nice.

      NT Embedded is $70/licence. Again, nothing in the $100k saw, especially if it reduces development costs. The good thing is that Linux is getting such a stronghold in the embedded arena that it looks very unlikely that developing for embedded NT would prove cost effective.

      a large PDA company like Palm to start offearing it on a few Palm Pilots

      Problems with the design requirements for low power kernels. A low power kernel basically has to get the processor back to sleep ASAP. Multi-user requirements (for instance) take a major back seat here. Luckily processors are getting much more efficient and moore's law is looking to pick up Linux on it's curve as it goes past. Go look at the power consumption vs mips figures for the Intel Xscale. Bloody stunning.


      PS. Check out this bitch [axis.com], then rejoice, for Linux rules in embedded.
  • ---
    new advisory posted XX-XX-XXXX (date censored due to DMCA violations).

    description: new bug in IE version 12, default on all windows embedded applications (including ATM, slot machines, car stereo systems).

    quick description: by using some malformed ATM-cards, an attacker can inject a code that will make IE cross-jump between bank accounts, and therefore access the internals of the account. The string has been sent to microsoft for further analyzation, and hopefully they will give an Obscure Patch within the next eight months.

    personal considerations: perhaps in a world of full-disclosure, microsoft would give a patch in few days and save zillions of ATM users, but surely this system could be used by terrorists to subvert the US banking system. so censoring advisories is a good idea.
  • I get spam from them all the time! How can you say uncommunicative?
  • 20$ rebate on all windows xp purchases! Just find an XP enabled ATM machine, call microsoft on your cell phone, and type in your registration key into the ATM, and you get 20$ free! (Microsoft will not steal personal information from you, such as your bank account number or which ATM machines at which banks you go to. However Microsoft is not responsible if your money is stolen due to security holes in the ATM's embedded operating system.)
  • And this is bad? (Score:2, Interesting)

    by tachyonflow ( 539926 )
    Honestly, I hope this isn't a complaint that Microsoft developers are interacting with users in newsgroups. This is a *good* thing. The article in Embedded Systems Programming was completely in a positive light. Microsoft has actually been much better at most companies at providing a forum for users to interact with each other and with Microsoft employees. This interaction can be a great boon! (Assuming developers know when to draw the line and not let it consume all their time.) This sounds exactly like what Christopher Locke, the author of [cluetrain.com]
    • The Cluetrain Manifesto
    , advocates as being the next evolution of business. (I haven't actually read the book yet, but I listened to him speak in Boulder once, and his argument was extremely convincing.) This is my first time posting in slashdot, so forgive any stylistic errors. :)
  • by ackthpt ( 218170 ) on Thursday November 29, 2001 @10:29AM (#2630853) Homepage Journal
    News.com notes that this will be used in slot machines and ATMs. Insert obligatory free-money joke.

    Free money, or FEE money?

    A Fee of $4.00 will be charged to this transaction for customer support, legal fees and continued lobbying to prevent Microsoft from being punished for monopolistic practices.




    Sorry, CANCEL has been disabled, please call 1-900-UGO-MSFT for customer support, first 30 minutes $75, mininum charge 30 minutes.

  • by Zeinfeld ( 263942 ) on Thursday November 29, 2001 @10:43AM (#2630918) Homepage
    ...refuse to accept money fro Windows XP based ATMs...

    The embedded devices market is not all about small and fast. And even where the issue is small and fast, the XP kernel may well prove to have more to offer than many UNIX designs.

    There is a wide range of embedded devices, from washing machines to cars, to industrial process machinery. Until recently only a small fraction of those systems had anything as sophisticated as an operating system.

    If on the other hand you want to build a next generation audio system you are likely to find that you need an O/S, you need some sort of file system to store your MP3s, you have an ethernet and possibly a WiFi interface to support, you may even support PCMCIA or compactflash. XP has major advantages in that space since you are guaranteed to have a driver available.

    The bloatware charge is and always has been bogus. People don't seem to understand that the value of a 3 year old PC is $150 and so there is no particular reason why Microsoft should limit a $100/$200 O/S so that it can run under the constraints of that machine. 512Mb SIMMs are on sale these days for the price of 16Mb SIMMs a couple of years back, nobody actually makes 20Gb 3.5" disks any more, they are too small to bother with.

    RAM and disk space are not constrained resources on the PC, so don't expect companies in that space to constrain them in their products. The O/S kernel is kept small because the performance of the machine depends on large parts of it being in primary or secondary cache most of the time.

    The features of XP that will be much more relevant to the embedded systems space are its multi-tasking and scheduling control. I don't expect any traditional UNIX kernel to do well there, the UNIX architecture was never designed for and is simply not up to RT tasks. Thats why the RT Linux varieties have major mods to the internals to support features such as guaranteed scheduling etc.

    • by Anonymous DWord ( 466154 ) on Thursday November 29, 2001 @12:48PM (#2631758) Homepage
      The bloatware charge is and always has been bogus. People don't seem to understand that the value of a 3 year old PC is $150 and so there is no particular reason why Microsoft should limit a $100/$200 O/S so that it can run under the constraints of that machine.

      Because people don't buy OLD computers to run new operating systems, they buy NEW ones. And NEW computers are not $150. So not only do you have to shell out another $200 for a bloated OS, you have to spend 2000 bucks for a system that'll run it.
      • Because people don't buy OLD computers to run new operating systems, they buy NEW ones. And NEW computers are not $150. So not only do you have to shell out another $200 for a bloated OS, you have to spend 2000 bucks for a system that'll run it.

        Last year you could get a new machine (sans monitor) for $450 at Micro Center. This year you can get name brand, 1.2 GHz plus machines for less than $1000. The system requirements for Windows XP are easily met by all the machines currently on the market. The only possible exception being some of the year old models being sold by the discount outlets.

        PCs are disposable equipment, they are not durable goods by any stretch of the imagination. Users want a fat O/S distribution.

        Even if you have an older PC you can now get 256Mb SIMMS for $30 and huge disks for $100. It is not at all unreasonable for XP to expect a high performance machine.

        Of course if your idea of computing is to use a Dec Vt100 attached to the serial port of your 386 box, then go ahead. Just don't expect the rest of us to adapt because you choose to use a museum piece.

      • Speaking of people running new software on old computers. I just got a brand new computer from the garbage in Broadway&Wall street here in New York City. It only needed a new cdrom drive which I fortunately had a spare. I actually did purchase a new OS for it (progeny Debian). People in Wall Street are so stupid. They upgrade there systems for no reason at all. Consumers are waking up to the fact that they do not need hardware upgrades. Also Kids today seriously underestimate the power of older machines like my brand new pentium90. Courtesy of some wall street firm. :-). With the right network connection, I can have a serious webserver with it. You do not need state of the art equipment unless you expect lots and I mean lots of hits. Slashdot is one of the busiest servers on the web so it does not represent the needs of the average web server.

        I think Microsoft as well as OEM's are in trouble because of this.

    • "you may even support PCMCIA or compactflash. XP has major advantages in that space since you are guaranteed to have a driver available. "

      Yeah, right. Who guarantees this? I want it in writing.
      And then I want a driver for my PCMCIA network card which is neither supported with Windows 98, nor with 2000, nor with XP. It is, though, under Linux.

      When did Microsoft ever guarantee anything? They say in their own EULA that their OS is unfit for 'mission critical' applications, and with the last couple months, most e-mail users and web server admins knew what itreally meant not to be able to properly fix your machine, no matter how much support contracts you had.

      "People don't seem to understand that the value of a 3 year old PC is $150 and so there is no particular reason why Microsoft should limit a $100/$200 O/S so that it can run under the constraints of that machine."

      no, You don't understand. People don't understand why they should buy a machine whose cost is 50% the software it runs. They don't understand why (to take your example) a simple MP3 player would need hundreds of MB of of hard disk just to drive an operating system, and the manufacturer wouldn't understand why they wouldn't be able to modify the OS to their own taste, but have to rely on the company to provide what is supposedly best for them.
      And I personally don't believe that anybody can strip down XP to a level that makes it run satisfactorily on a 386 class CPU from a 4MB flash ROM that needs close to no electrical power, when the application this system is supposed to run doesn't need Gigahertz and Gigabytes.

      "I don't expect any traditional UNIX kernel to do well there, the UNIX architecture was never designed for and is simply not up to RT tasks. Thats why the RT Linux varieties have major mods to the internals to support features such as guaranteed scheduling etc."

      Windows "wasn't originally designed to be" multi-tasking, multi-user, not to mention even being network capable, either. And I don't think you have actually seen RTLinux yet - or MS have achieved something MUCH better than their various embedded forks of Windows since I last checked.

      My point is that RTLinux is making headway fast, and I don't hear much about Windows in the embedded market. And for this, there must be a reason.

  • by CaptainZapp ( 182233 ) on Thursday November 29, 2001 @10:45AM (#2630929) Homepage
    The accusation of astroturfing is just untrue, those are lies and FUD spread by /.

    In fact, embedded XP is the best thing since sliced bread and the Stinger platform will rarely crash your phone. The XBox kicks ass and Steve "Fester" Balmer is the nicest guy you can imagine.

    In essence, it's really not true that Microsoft employees subvert discussion groups. I can prove it if you send mail to captainzapp@microsoft.com.

  • is best embedded in a block of concrete and dumped in the ocean.

    You'll note that it is touted for use in "ATMs and slot machines". That is because it cannot be used for hard realtime, low latency applications like flight controls, robotics, or medical devices. It is also sure to be bloated and inefficient compared with something that is designed from the ground up to be an embedded OS.

    I'd highly recommend QNX [qnx.com] instead, it is POSIX and QNX sits on the realtime Linux committee. Hard Hat Linux [mvista.com] and cousins are looking better and better as well. These solutions do support hard realtime scheduling, thus providing across the board solutions for all your embedded needs. QNX, in particular, is also very well engineered. It provides a highly modular architecture, allowing you to deploy only the functionality you need, minimizing system cost.

    299,792,458 m/s...not just a good idea, its the law!

    • ``...embedded in a block of concrete and dumped in the ocean.''

      I like that one. I was going to suggest a place where one could embed WinXP but it'd get someone an assault conviction. Or worse.

      ``...touted for use in "ATMs and slot machines". That is because it cannot be used for hard realtime, low latency applications...''

      Hmm... I'm having difficulty seeing what the need for any sort of realtime OS would be for an ATM or slot machine. (Probably because I'm more used to real realtime systems like navigation and landing systems.) Heck, MVS or VMS could be considered realtime enough for ATMs and slot machines. Personally, I suspect MS is recommending WinXP for those applications because they see that equipment being used in industries they think have lots of money laying around that can be spent on MS products or royalties. Maybe I'm just jaded... Nah!

      • Hmm... I'm having difficulty seeing what the need for any sort of realtime OS would be for an ATM or slot machine. (Probably because I'm more used to real realtime systems like navigation and landing systems.)

        That was exactly my point - why use an OS that's restricted to only the 'easy' embedded projects? You're much better off gaining expertise with something that'll address the entire gamut of systems.

        Sorry if I wasn't clear.

        299,792,458 m/s...not just a good idea, its the law!

  • by TheCrunch ( 179188 ) on Thursday November 29, 2001 @11:02AM (#2631058) Homepage
    Welcome to WinXP for ATM
    Please wait.
    Enter your card.
    New hardware found! Installing card-reader, please wait.
    Please remove card from ATM.
    Welcome to WinXP for ATM
    Please wait.
    GPF, press "1, Clear + Enter" to reboot.
    Welcome to WinXP for ATM
    Please wait.
    Scandisk found errors on card-reader.
    Enter your card.
    Errors on your card have been found. Would you like to create a recovery-card?
    It looks like you have never used this ATM before, would you like to transfer your profile?
    "How do you know that?? No!"
    You have selected withdraw cash.
    Access Denied. Only a user with administrative rights may perform this action.
    "F***.. Gimme back my card!"
    Unable to remove card, there has been a sharing violation. This card is in use by another user.
  • In Portugal... (Score:2, Flamebait)

    by sh4na ( 107124 )
    there is one ATM network for all banks, managed by an independent group. They are all in color, and some talk and everything. They all used to run OS/2, and there was never a problem, but now they've switched to NT.

    Boy, you wouldn't believe the things I've seen popping up on the screen. Everything from "driver failed to load" from "multimedia is on, press ok to continue"! hehehehehe! (how do you press ok on an ATM?)

    Oh, and, of course, blue-screens galore!

    Next thing you know, the money comes out before you even put in the card...
  • buy why? (Score:2, Insightful)

    by abes ( 82351 )
    Okay, I can see why misguided developers might want to place XP in hand helds like palm, but I can't imagine what you gain from placing it in a _completely_ non-windowing system. As a previous poster pointed out [blue-screen.org.uk], (a) you can get BSOD, and (b) I wonder how you click 'OK' on that dialog box.

    The display you see for example on ATMs I suspect is just as easy to draw regardless of the OS you use. You're writing embedded systems, which means you are likely to write your own drivers anyways. If you are going to run XP, you certainly have the space/power to run a library like SDL which can do everything XP can do graphically AND remain much less dependent on your platform.

    I am not trying to bash windows (okay, I am kinda), but just point out that an OS used primarily as a windowing system, may not be the best pick for a non-windowing system. Its like having windows on PDAs. The screens are barely big enough to show just one window, why would someone want overlapping windows?

  • heh.. and does MSN Messenger insessantly load on all the machines. That'd b great, i can check my hotmail while waiting 5 min for my transaction to complete.

    Better yet, maybe they leave the remote adminstration enabled by default :->
  • "News.com notes that this will be used in slot machines and ATMs. Insert obligatory free-money joke."

    see subject line.
  • So is this like the embedded Windows NT from about four years ago, which required 48MB(!) of ROM or disk space, and an x86 processor? I don't know how anyone could think of embedded devices with such a monster running on them.
  • "To his chagrin, Morris learned that the debate, and the debater, simply wouldn't go away. Each day when Morris returned to the same news group, his adversary was there, armed with more ammunition. The two continued their exchange for more than a week, in full view of other Talisker beta customers who felt free to chime in about who was right.

    "It can be a bit of an ego blow sometimes," Morris recalled. "But it comes down to this: We're trying to sell our product to these people, and sometimes they give us very valuable feedback."

    Indeed, Morris said that Microsoft incorporated that customer's feedback in its second beta edition of Talisker, which will ultimately be called Windows CE.Net when it debuts as a full-fledged product later this year.

    That's good. Communication is always good, whether the product is open or not.

    Now do it with all of your products (including Windows XP) and I will might consider go back to Windows full-time. And stop hiding features in the registry! You listening Microsoft!?!

  • Now we know how little John Connor did it!
  • Microsoft seems re-defining the term "embeded". In my experience, embeded means a device who's OS is completly invisible to the end users.
    To me a sales/Internet kiosk is not embedded, a PDA is not embedded. Embedded systems are not necessarily small, but the user is not required to know abut the system at all. For instance, a telephone switches, PVR, heart-rate monitor, automotive control.

    These devices run with minimal system resoures for years on end without errors, reboots or upgrades. Frequently, the OS is coded in ROM. T
    I used to use an OS called OS/9 from Microware on my 6809 based Tandy Color Computer. This OS ran in 64K (not Meg) or RAM and a single 360KB floppy drive. It's a real time, protected memory, secure operating system. OS/9 runs on quite a few low-wattage CPUs with significant processing power. While not free, it is a mature, reliable OS. And I mean OS, not kernel.

    Probably everone in the United States interacts with and OS/9 embedded system on a regular basis, but they'll never know it.

    MS on the other hand is providing an OS that will still run on a high power consumption system with tremendous resources that is built in to, or controls some other device or structure. In most of the applications this "embeded XP" would target, the OS would be the front end that interacts with the end user.
  • XP should be imbedded in those machines you usually find in train stations that will weigh you and tell your fortune.

    That way, Microsoft can honestly say XP "scales".

    {mmph, snort, BWAAAHAHAHAHA}
  • ...this will be used in slot machines

    How many times do you pull the handle before the BSoD signifies your Jackpot?

    P.S. Simple way to BSoD XP -- Use the disk manager to create and format a new drive. While drive is formatting, attempt to open an Explorer window on the drive. Kaboom!

  • Okay, I can fully see why they're doing this: Slot machines are getting more and more advanced these days to bring in more consumers who aren't traditionally attracted to the "one armed bandit". So they make them more advanced with sound, video and everything else you can name. This is fine with me since I don't gamble.

    But, to be fair, the Windows product line has been rightly derided for it's stability (though, IMO, Xfree is even less stable :) ) and there is the problem. Most multi-media slaot machines run on proven embedded OS's (especially QNX) and a pretty much bullet-proof becuase they are so single-focused.

    I'm not sure of the size of Embedded XP, but I have feeling it will be like embedded NT and have loads of cruft that you'll never need in an embedded system -- and that just gives more stuff to go wrong.

    An issue arises: GO to Las Vegas and look at the legal notices posted around, usually around the change cage -- one of them will be a big sign saying something like "in the case of mechanical or elelctronic failure or error, all payouts are declared void and all wagers are considered forfeit." What this is saying is that if your eXP multimedia slot machine BSODs and spits out 50k dollars at you, you don't get to keep it -- what's more is that any money you put into the machine as a bet is lost.

    Casino aren't in this business to loose money.

  • by kevin_butler ( 147276 ) on Thursday November 29, 2001 @01:15PM (#2631996)
    You keep saying that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

    System requirements [microsoft.com]

    • You keep saying that word.

      Embedded? It means that the kiosk weighs so much by the time you've got it all optioned up to work acceptably, that it embeds itself in the pavement.

      512MB plus gigabytes of disk for basic OS plus database components? Suuure... I can probably give you that in 512K of RAM and on one floppy! Give me a superdrive floppy and and 16MB and you can have a complete, all-singing, all dancing diskless kiosk (Galeon on FB on Linux) built out of commodity OSS components.

      You want me to do embedded XP? No worries, but you supply the shovel.
  • by timdaly ( 539918 )
    I was under the (obviously wrong) impression that XP was a single pile that had to include IE. At least that is what the court testimony said. (I know it isn't true). Now we are told that one can build XP from small components. So why can't we unbundle XP and IE (and WMP, etc)? Can I get the parts and build an acceptable alternative pile? Can we get the court to require that XP be shipped as components?
    • eXcess Pieces?

      eXtra Pieces?

      comes in X Pieces, some assembly required?

      you've heard about bits, well here they are... the XP From Scratch distribution... (-:
  • Look, I'm no genius, but I do pay attention in classes at college these days. The first chapter of my Digital Circuits book gave the definitions of a microprocessor versus a microcontroller. Embedded devices, even "really big ones" like ATM's, don't need lots of fluff. They do one thing, and one thing only, and they HAVE to do it perfectly 99.99% of the time.

    So how is WinXP, THE biggest bloatware out there in terms of an OS (who needs all the media crap they stuffed in it when I've got all the media programs I could ever want for free on the 'net?), going to even come close to competing in an 'embedded' market place? It is THE quintessential definition of a "microprocessor of OS's" versus something like PalmOS, which I would consider much more of a "microcontroller of OS's." Microsoft is making some stupid moves, and their shareholders had better realize that MS has a good (albeit, evil) business model for making money, but they're just not going to rake in the dough with this 'latest, greatest' XP system like they hope to. It's not new or revolutionary, just shitload's worth of bug fixes to what people wanted out of Win95 originally. And I, like most people who want to be on the cutting edge of technology, am not seeing a need, or even a want, to make the upgrade to WinXP for a long time.

I do not fear computers. I fear the lack of them. -- Isaac Asimov
