First Thoughts on the Eclipse IDE? 266
OpenSourcerer asks: "Has anyone used the opensource IDE Eclipse. Initial impression is that of a slightly slow but very modular and configurable IDE. Anyone else has any experience using this?" I must say that the idea is novel enough, instead of building an environment around a specific language/compiler, you build a framework and have plugins support the specific features that you want. Java development tools have already been released and it looks like the C/C++ project is just getting under way. For those of you who have given the Eclipse project a quick look, what do you think?
Nice Idea (Score:1)
Re:Nice Idea (Score:3, Insightful)
Novel? (Score:2, Offtopic)
Re:Novel? (Score:1)
In fact, quite simple to do... (Score:2)
In fact, most of the modern professional GUIs are used for multiple languages. I have a theory as to why: the constructs of a language are basically the same, meaning that if a company wishes to create IDEs for multiple languages, then the best way would simply be to make a parser front-end that converts everything to data structures. It is therefore in their best interest to make IDEs modular.
But...I can think of a very good reason for keeping a GUIs language-independant. For languages that have it, introspection has allowed IDEs to detect structures far better than the traditional IDE - case in point is Borland's JBuilder, which can be used to modify a user interface using RAD which was hand-created (most IDEs can't do that). However, this requires that the RAD be written in the language - making it NOT language-independant.
My conclusion is that having an all-in-one IDE is kind of like having an all-in-one printer/scanner/fax. Sure, all of the features work, but none of them work really well.
Of course, I suppose we could have a GUI for C/C++, Fortran, Cobol, and Assembly, since all of those are strictly compiled (I know there are other compiled languages, but those are the ones that lots of people use).
M$ Visual Studio... (Score:2, Insightful)
VS.NET does it, too (Score:2, Offtopic)
Not On Linux (Score:4, Interesting)
Until the very latest devel builds, it was a Motif app (*gag*). They've just started work on a GTK+ version, but it's broooooken. In lots of ways.
I intend to start working/playing with it, but I'm not a C guy, I'm a Java guy, and can't contribute much to the core of the editor, I'm afraid.
Conceptually, it's brilliant, and the greatest thing since sliced kielbasa.
http://resumes.dice.com/objectnetworks [dice.com]
Re:Not On Linux (Score:1)
Umm...the core of the editor *is* in Java. That's the whole point. An open source IDE/platform written in Java.
Re:Not On Linux (Score:2, Informative)
Windowing-system specific features aren't Java -- they are implemented natively through a windowing abstraction called SWT (Standard Widget Toolkit) rather than using Sun's Swing toolkit. That's why the system looks different on different platforms, since the appearance of widgets is determined by the underlying GUI implementation.
Re:Not On Linux (Score:2, Informative)
Indeed, IMO SWT is the most interesting aspect of the Eclipse project!
Re:Not On Linux (Score:1)
Re:Not On Linux (Score:2)
Totally agreed. If only it runs as well on Linux as on W2K, I'll be using it everyday. And for god-sake, why Motif (when was Eclipse first developed)?
And, how about customizable key bindings? I want my Emacs keybindings in Eclipse too.
Re:Not On Linux (Score:2)
As for Motif? Probably to maximize platform cross-compatibility. Eclipse was first publicly announced/released (by IBM) late last year.
Finally the customized key bindings are probably a safe bet. Emacs key bindings are present in VisualAge and oft used so I can only assume that they'll be available immediately in WSAD (but I haven't checked in the builds I've run). If not, they should be addable with relative ease.
I can't believe a Java app looks this good (Score:5, Insightful)
What about Komodo from ActiveState? (Score:3, Informative)
I use Komodo for all my at-home development of Python/Perl/HTML/Javascript/etc, and actually quite like it.
Re:What about Komodo from ActiveState? (Score:2, Insightful)
Eclispe is free.
Expense is bad, Cheap is good, but free is better
Re:What about Komodo from ActiveState? (Score:2)
My first response to this was "WTF? Komodo is build on Mozilla, how are they selling it as a commercial app?".. I did some digging, and here are the relative parts of the MPL (available here [mozilla.org]):
If you look at the very bottom of this page [activestate.com] you'll find the link to download their patches against Mozilla 0.9.5. Good luck integrating them yourself with no documentation though.
Re:What about Komodo from ActiveState? (Score:2)
However, on a dual 1.2ghz, it's hardly noticable... q:]
Thoughts (Score:5, Insightful)
Eg: has anyone used Visual Basic? The interface is built around what the language is good at (and the interface is a main reason for its popularity). While the same functionality could have come via a plugin, likely it wouldn't have. Instead, a tool like the form editor would be bundled with the other resources, rather than front and center in coding. This makes coding other types of projects awkward, but they aren't VB's strengths anyway...
In short, I think there are advantages to building a UI solely around a specific language.
Re:Thoughts (Score:3, Interesting)
Yes, I have used VB extensively, and I disagree with you. When you use VB for a large project you spend most of the time in the code editor, not the form editor. In fact, many VB style guides recommend keeping the quantity of code in the form modules to a bare minimum (ie: just method, procedure or function calls in the event handlers). There's no reason why the same Visual Basic IDE interface couldn't have been developed from a generalized interface.
The reason that the VB IDE is so good is because the developers spent more time on improving the environment than on making the internals of the compiler work better. I haven't used it since VB5, but even then, you could compile the same code 2 times in a row and it would yield two different executable sizes.
I've never used an IDE that I liked aside from VB. The jump to function definition, code completion, and popup argument list features worked better than any other tool I've used. For Java (which is what I use for most programming these days) I like Vim + ctags + ant which is also pretty nice.
My dream IDE (which Eclipse may be able to become) would integrate a database design / er modeling tool, a UML modeling tool, a code editor, build system, database management tool, and version control. You should be able to put the cursor on a text string that's a stored procedure call, and press a keystroke that would bring up a Database window with the text of the stored procedure which you could modify and then replace on the DB server. Then another keystroke would jump you back to the client code where you call the stored procedure.
Good luck to those guys.
Re:Thoughts (Score:2)
I agree that dumping code in the
But it's not the sort of feature that would likely be in a plugin for a generic IDE. Why corrupt a perfectly good form editor by having it spew code into some linked module? The very idea of having code in a
Anywho, doesn't much matter. And I too hope that they come up with a good project.
it's great (Score:5, Informative)
during the past months i haven't experienced any crashes or loss of data even though i'm on the integration builds.
to sum it up. a great platform which improves with every release.
Great idea ... not so great in practice (Score:3, Insightful)
What was wrong with emacs? (Score:5, Insightful)
"an open extensible IDE for anything but nothing in particular...[value comes from] plug-ins that "teach" eclipse how to work with things"
Isn't that one description of emacs as well. Emacs has a, probably, justified reputation as being hard to use and extend. But is it really going to be that much easier to write extensions for Eclipse? And are those extension writers really going to make the extensions easy to use and with a consistant user interface? I have my doubts on both counts.
And the subject line was rhetorical.
Re:What was wrong with emacs? (Score:3, Informative)
Eclipse is also being used as the basis for a large number of IBM development products (Websphere Studio Application Developer, Websphere Studio Device Developer [for embedded systems], etc. The learning curve for Emacs is a bit steeper than Eclipse, as well.
Re:What was wrong with emacs? (Score:4, Insightful)
Eclipse is designed for a much broader audience than Emacs. In addition, it's a cross-platform app
This makes me giggle. Emacs is quite the cross platform app - it runs on just about anything that will run a display and the interesting bits of it are done in lisp - every bit as machine independent as java.
Don't be absurd! (Score:2)
> than Emacs.
So, like Emacs, it is also designed to be used for non-programmers? Emacs is not just designed to be an IDE, it is designed for all tasks that can somehow be conceived to be related to text editing. Aiding programmers is just one aspect.
> In addition, it's a cross-platform app, written
> almost entirely in Java (with the exception of
> JNI hooks for access to "native" widgets for
> Windows/Motif/GTK+).
You mean it is written in a propritary, unportable language, using propritary, unportable hooks, which Sun marketing have somehow managed to convince a generation of inexperienced programmers is a synonym of "portability"?
There is only one usful definition of portable, and that is ported. I bet Emacs runs on platforms that does not and will never run Java applications, certainly not ones relying on Windows/Motif/Gtk+ calls. Emacs can ustilize thes libraries, but doesn't rely on them.
I'm sure Eclipse is useul, it provides an alternative to people who dislike the Emacs UI, and probably even have unique features. But broadness in either application range or platform range are not among these.
Just used the java (Score:3, Insightful)
I think that the IDE still really needs to understanf the language to be effective, but maybe the plug-ins will solve that.
The cool things in IDEA, and I would love to see in Eclipse, is the refactorings, the ability to have multiple configurations for running and debugging in a single project (nice for unit tests), and the ability to run one program while debugging another, great for client-server type programming (If you view Servlets as the client, and EJBs as the server, but would work for other stuff as well.)
Yes I looked at netbeans. I just don't have the desktop programming power to make it run fast enough,especially doing a JBoss recycle. but I'll periodically re-evalute the options for my shop.
Re:Just used the java (Score:2, Informative)
Make no mistake - Eclipse is the next generation IDE, the direct decendant of IBM:s VisualAge Java. It's fast, extensible, comes with excellent documentation and with an eager development team.
Re:Just used the java (Score:2)
So I'm hoping Exlipse will evolve into something as good as IDEA. The thing that really bugs me about Eclipse is that you have to use the mouse for everything. IDEA has all the time savers!
First Impressions (Score:4, Informative)
Frankly the features may be better than anything else (free) on the market, but they can't make up for the UI. Currently I am using a demo of IDEA, and am quickly falling in love with it. Fastest Java IDE I have used to date, which isn't saying a lot.
IBM has to come up to speed a bit with the UI in order to compete on linux. Until they do, I will be staying well away from it.
Re:First Impressions (Score:1)
netbeans.org (Score:1, Informative)
Re:netbeans.org (Score:2, Informative)
screenshots? (Score:1)
Re:screenshots? - HERE! (Score:3, Informative)
Eclipse (Score:3, Interesting)
I have used it for a little while now and I have to say it is pretty nice. It includes allot of the best features of Visual Age for Java and makes those available for other langauges. It is a bit slow, but as Java apps go its not bad at all. Compared to JBuilder or Forte its veritable speed deamon (althow start up is rather slow).
bah, best "IDE" is X-Windows (Score:1)
Thus, the only time your hands need to leave the keyboard is to make a vague mouse "gesture", moving to a general area of the screen to place the cursor in an xterm. None of this hunting through pulldown menus for the cryptic command that does desired variation of "Make (force | clean | all | libraries | autogen)".
A side benefit is that you're using gnu-make to do your builds (unless you're an idiot), so there's no bullshit build dependencies on somebody's favorite IDE.
Re:bah, best "IDE" is X-Windows (Score:1)
Re:bah, best "IDE" is X-Windows (Score:1)
I have gone without using a word processor on Linux for well over a year now.
Re:bah, best "IDE" is X-Windows (Score:1)
Except for the fact that make is inherently evil. If you meant ant for Java related development, then I'd mostly agree with you. The upside to Eclipse is that it has ant integration, meaning you can develop both from within Eclipse and a command-line framework.
Re:bah, best "IDE" is X-Windows (Score:1)
Getting off-topic here, but what's so evil about gnu-make w/ java? I've been using it for a couple years with java, including EJB-based projects. Ant kind of looks like a solution in search of a problem.
Re:bah, best "IDE" is X-Windows (Score:2, Insightful)
This is because it invokes javac (or whatever compiler you're using) once for every changed file, and javac is slow as hell to startup (create a new VM, load the compiler classes and so on).
Ant only invokes javac once, reusing the same VM, thus saving you tons of time.
Re:bah, best "IDE" is X-Windows (Score:2)
my 'build.pl' invokes javac once for all the files that need compilation - it checks my source folders for changed timestamps and recompiles all the changed files with one invocation of 'javac'.
NEdit is a hell of a lot faster than JBuilder's editor, stdout isn't as slow as molasses like it is with both netbeans and JBuilder (haven't tried Eclipse yet) and i don't miss the 'IDE' features at all, though during initial development the auto-completion and GUI interface builder might come in handy.
My litte psuedo-IDE doesn't have all the features of JBuilder,Netbeans or Eclipse but its only about 100-200 lines of perl altogether and gets the job done perfectly.
My next project will be developed using Project Builder on OS X, which while not super-fast for java development , is complete, with a decent editor (though it lacks auto-complete, unless i have missed the menu option to turn this on) and stable with a very nice GUI interface builder.
Re:bah, best "IDE" is X-Windows (Score:1)
keyboard is to make a vague mouse \"gesture\",
moving to a general area of the screen to place
the cursor in an xterm."
man, when I'm in code-mode, I push the mouse tray
under the desk (and use L_META+TAB to cycle focus)
after I get my 6 xterms spread properly on the
workspace. Sawfish
manager around -- http://www.sawfish.org/ -- try it
out and watch your efficiency increase.
Don't get me wrong, there is a place for gui
things, but once the brain gets fully engaged,
I do not want anything more than the keyboard
between me and my design.
so, uh.. (Score:1)
They advertise that this program has the ability (given proper plugins) to read any content type, modify it, and keep everything in a tidy package to present a uniform interface to a user. You could seriously modify their product description and replace "plug-in" with "application" and you could describe pretty much any OS in existence.
Maybe I'm just hard to impress. But it seems to me the last thing anyone needs is yet another monolithic application that tries to do everything.
Initial impressions on the IDE (Score:1)
I was also thinking about trying to fetch the source code to gcj, in order to have a more responsive app. Has anyone tried this yet?
Re:Initial impressions on the IDE (Score:2)
I ran a micro benchmark (not the best way to test something BTW) and it ended up causeing the gcj garbage collector to fail with a seg fault because I created too many objects ( millions ).
Re:Initial impressions on the IDE (Score:2)
I'm not brave enough to venture into the wilds of gcj.
NetBeans (Score:3, Informative)
And, worst of all, despite Eclipse's much-vaunted "It's not Swing/Awt!" approach, I've found that the Netbeans Swing UI actually seems to be pretty good on my Linux box, while I've been hearing reports of Eclips'es GUI sucking on Linux.
In Eclipse's favour, it'll probably inherit VisualAge's GUI Beanbox from IBM, and that's much better than forte's Beanbox.
So far I haven't seen any evidence of cooperation between Eclipse and NetBeans. Sigh.
Re:NetBeans (Score:1)
Re:NetBeans (Score:2, Insightful)
For a short period, I found Eclypse interesting, but it has the same problems as NetBeans (SLOW!!), and it doesn't have has much features : Netbeans has synchronization between an interface and the classes that implement it, an import statement wizard, integration with Gentlware's Poseidon UML, etc...
I know it is good to have many different alternatives (otherwise why Linux?), but in that case I'm afraid it will take away some developpers from Netbeans, which would really be a mistake.
This reminds me of the old Gnome vs KDE flameware (not to talk about emacs vs Vi).
It's nice, but... (Score:3, Informative)
It has a cool feature of saving your recent changes. You can go back and diff the current file with all the changes you have saved and insert a previous change on a per-method basis, for example. Way better than unlimited undos, which a lot of editors have. Kind of a mini-source control available for those "oh shit" moments of deletion. You can set how long previous changes are saved. Neato.
Appending the classpath was unintuitive. I had to add a variable in a pref somewhere and then reference it in my
The views were very cool. You could switch among different views of your project at the click of a button. But I couldn't get the font small enough for my liking.
Only one real refactoring tool, extract method, is available. I can't remember if I got it to work or not.
But, in the end, I am going to spend actual $$ for Idea's IntelliJ - http://www.intellij.com. It's only $200 until 1/10. This is truly the Java editor of the gods.
Try it, you'll see. (I don't work for em.)
(this is my first post to
IntelliJ (Score:2)
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/sun/jdi/connect/Connector
at com.intellij.debugger.a.t.a(t.java:1)
at com.intellij.project.a.b.a(b.java:14)
at com.intellij.project.a.e.d(e.java:4)
at com.intellij.project.a.e.c(e.java:15)
at com.intellij.project.a.e.a(e.java:14)
at com.intellij.idea.a.a(a.java:125)
at com.intellij.idea.Main.a(Main.java:17)
at com.intellij.idea.Main.main(Main.java:19)
Their site doesn't seem to have a knowledge base or anything either.
Re:It's nice, but... (Score:3, Informative)
Try right clicking on the Java Project, and selection Properties. There should be a Java Build Path option allowing you to add stuff to your .classpath file with a GUI, if that makes you feel better.
Re:It's nice, but... (Score:2)
I'll give you an amen on that.
Although I've tried a lot of IDEs for Java I always stuck with a good text editor and a command line. IntelliJ's Idea is the first one that I thought was worth the trouble.
I paid $400 for my copy and it was entirely worth it just for the refactorings. Heck, the cross-project rename was worth the money you can click on a method or variable and safely rename every use of it, while leaving other symbols with identical names untouched.
As a bonus, it doesn't have a single "wizard", "bean generator", or other crutch for soft-headed developers. It seems to be made by geeks and for geeks, without a single marketing person involved. I'm sure once somebody with an MBA gets control of it the project will be doomed, but for now it kicks major bootay.
Gawd awful slow (Score:2, Interesting)
I heard similar things from other people trying to use it under Linux and decided to leave it for a while. Have any workarounds been found?
How is this different from Netbeans/ Forte? (Score:1)
Tried it for an hour, went back to XEmacs. (Score:1)
However, there's a feature of the Java and/or JDE modes in XEmacs that I've become unable to live without:
When you hit Tab, it doesn't necessarily insert some fixed number of spaces or tabs. It simply indents the current line properly. You know immediately that you're missing a bracket or a semicolon when you hit Tab and:
It would probably only take me a few days to adapt to a new editor, but why would I bother? :)
Screenshots (Score:1)
Some of these open source projects really need to get their rear in gear and start trying to sell their stuff. And I don't mean sell it for money, i just mean convince people that they should use the program. How am I supposed to know if this program is right for me? Sometimes it seems like we (the open source community) go to the other extreme from Micro$oft. They focus 90% of their efforts on convincing you that their stuff is right for you, and only put like 10% effort into the actual product. Open source projects constantly produce better quality products than Microsoft, yet so many people still use MS-Crap. Pay a little less attention to who is reading your source code, and a little more attention to who is actually USING YOUR SOFTWARE.
Personally, I am not going to go through the TROUBLE of compiling Eclipse, or meeting all of the DEPENDANCY requirements of an RPM before I have a taste of the interface.
Re:Screenshots (Score:1)
Re:Screenshots (Score:1)
Hiding until the slashdotting is done?
Re:Screenshots (Score:3, Insightful)
The people using this software should currently be the ones reading the source code... or at least ones capable of doing it. That's the way these projects reach a user-friendly state, rather than sinking into the negative murmurings of a thousand well-meaning users who aren't qualified to touch alpha code.
Of course, previous versions of the Linux-based UI were based off of Motif... would >you post screenshots of a Motif-based app?
Couple thoughts from an IBM developer (Score:5, Insightful)
Heh, I just can't get over the fact that the IDE we've been using internally for the last 6 months is getting so much play on slashdot and in the world-at-large.
One thing that's important to remember about eclipse is that it is a great deal more than your basic IDE. The pluggability really means that anything you can do in Java (or in principle, any language), you can make eclipse do. My department is focused entirely on using eclipse as an *application platform*. Think big. Yes, you can make it into a C/C++/Scheme/ML IDE, think bigger. Yes, you could definitely write a word processor plugin, and maybe plugin-ize an existing product. Think bigger. There's no reason in principle why you couldn't make a set of plugins that, for instance, made eclipse into something like zope or websphere -- your IDE could let you edit your php/jsp/perl, and then act as your development webserver too, for rapid prototyping. I dunno, I'm just pulling random things out of the air :) The point is, calling it modular might not be... emphatic enough. :)
As an IDE, it's pretty solid, I definitely encourage java developers to check it out, and as the C/C++ plugins solidify, I expect I'll move to it for my own C/C++ development too, if for no other reason than that I use it at work all the time. :) One thing that is both a blessing and a curse is that it does not (at least, our internal versions do not) come with a repository system a la Visual Age (IBM's older, less extensible Java IDE) -- instead that's up to you - we have teams using basic file system, cvs, cvs over ssh, and CMVC (a defect tracking and team file management tool that I imagine few outside IBM have ever seen. :) A curse in that out-of-the-box, you don't have team-managed repositories working like in VAJ, but a blessing in that you get to set up whatever fool system you like, maybe even keep whatever system you're already using. :)
Anyhow, just a few thoughts, the previous posts I've seen on eclipse seem to understate its extensibility. It's got the potential to be this decade's emacs - the application that is almost an operating system. :)
Re:Couple thoughts from an IBM developer (Score:1, Troll)
The lack of a repository is definitely a blessing for no reason other than the fact that no one will be tempted to use it.
Re:Couple thoughts from an IBM developer (Score:1)
Doesn't emacs still fill this role?
Re:Couple thoughts from an IBM developer (Score:2)
Eclipse looks like it's well suited for use on windows, which Emacs really isn't.
Re:Couple thoughts from an IBM developer (Score:1)
VisualAge for Java's insistence on doing its team repository its own way is precisely the reason my company didn't buy it.
One of the most important features for any development platform, be it merely an editor (although you can't call emacs 'merely' an editor!), up through something like Eclipse, NetBeans or JBuilder, is integration with current practices. Especially in cases where people have potentially invested a whole lot of money in the way they do things already.
As a more off-topic aside... from the IDE evaluation work I've done, to come up with that recommendation, I'd have to say that the key to that level of integration isn't even pluggability, though that's nice. It's just one simple principle: source code should always be plain text. VAJ's primary, number one sin, right there, was getting that wrong. Everything, absolutely everything, works with plain text.
Re:Couple thoughts from an IBM developer (Score:2)
Take a look at IDEA. It manages to do far more nifty things than VisualAge (refactoring!), and still works with text files alone. Sure, it eats up RAM, but that's cheap ;-)
I remember CMVC from my days at IBM!!! (Score:2, Funny)
CMVC was unbelievably painful to use.
Ok, that's the end of my nightmare flashback.
Re:Couple thoughts from an IBM developer (Score:2)
Re:Couple thoughts from an IBM developer (Score:2)
C# plugin-in? Hello Ximian? (Score:2, Interesting)
Forte for Java / aka Netbeans? (Score:1)
Huge potential (Score:1)
#linux? (Score:1)
Has anyone used the opensource IDE Eclipse?
Cliff: probably
First Look (Score:1)
I find it very userfriendly and some of the features like the plugable JDK's are a god send for testing on multiple vendor JDK's. The ablilty to assosiate source and API documentation with libaries to trace back exceptions or the javadoc info for classes within the editor makes working with new API's a greate deal easier.
On a comparison note the only other Java IDE i've used was Oracle's JDeveloper which i found a lot harder to get to grips with.
Thats jsut my 2p's worth
Re: First Thoughts on the Eclipse IDE? (Score:1)
Novel? Apple's MPW has been around for many years and is the same. It is an ide with modular plugins for pascal, java, c, c++ and anthing else you want to use.
I like it (Score:5, Interesting)
For instance, VAJ was always difficult to use with CVS, but Eclipse support for CVS could not be better. Really outstanding.
Eclipse does need more memory than VAJ did (I run both on an IBM Aptiva with 64 mb of memory and the difference is notable) but given enough memory it runs fine. For those reporting stability problems remember that Eclipse runs under Java and all Java IDEs under Linux are not equal. IBM's tend to work best but they aren't flawless. The IBM JDK does work better than Sun/Blackdown for running Eclipse so try that and see if you don't like Eclipse better.
Eclipse so far lacks a GUI design tool but there seem to be several people at IBM and elsewhere working on one, so we should have several to choose from in time.
I like very much that Eclipse is the base for IBM's commercial offering WebSphere Application Developer (the successor to Visual Age for Java). This means that most plugins written for Windows should also be available on the Linux side and that IBM should be able to offer a Linux version of WSAD without much extra effort (something that probably wasn't true of VAJ.)
I find Eclipse very useable on its own and it has been a great help to my own free software project.
This is novel in what way? (Score:2, Informative)
Guess what? Metrowerks has been doing this for years. CodeWarrior was modular and allowed the user/developer to extend the IDE in pretty much unlimited ways.
More modular IDE's (Score:1)
Better yet it is freely downloadable ($20 for a few 'advanced features'). One of my required apps with any windows install.
Great idea but hardly novel (Score:2, Interesting)
It's the magic of O-O when applied properly. And those tools existed at least as far back as 1989!
What about www.jedit.org (Score:1)
Or am I missing somthing, does Eclipse offer something more?
Screen Shots? (Score:1)
I just switched to it and I love it! (Score:1)
For the previous two months I was using Jbuilder 4 from Borland (the free one) and found it quite limiting. Jbuilder claims to have an emacs keymapping, but it wasn't close enough, and didn't allow me to customize. Plus Jbuilder was fairly slow compared to Eclipse.
Eclipse has very nice window support, allowing me to position my workspace how I'd like. The remote debugger was very easy to attach to my weblogic instance, and I've found the editor to be acceptable so far. (I haven't tried switching to using Emac's shortcuts yet... ).
Unfortunately Emac's just isn't integrated enough for me to do Java development. I still use it for my regular editor and quick cleanups though.
Features I Love About Eclipse (and some I don't) (Score:3, Interesting)
I'm quite happy with the painless CVS integration. Eclipse has the easiest CVS/SSH setup I've ever seen. I'm able to reference multiple CVS repositories from my workspace without even thinking about it.
The different perspectives take getting used to. I still get lost from time to time. I don't know which one I'm in and I don't know it until I get the "wrong" context menu. It doesn't help that all the perspective icons look alike.
Overall, I'm fully supporting Eclipse--even to the point of recommending it to my clients.
Eclipse Rocks! (Score:5, Interesting)
The technology is very well thought out. What seperates it from things like NetBeans is that plugsins are beyond first-class objects: they are the only type of object.
Let me explain. Everything in Eclipse is a plugin. Plugins publish (as XML) things called "extension points" that other plugins hook into. All that XML is processed at bootup time, and it allows the basic Eclipse engine to do a lot without loading much Java code. Plugins declare new menu items, tool bars, editors, actions, whatever but no Java code is loaded until the user actively selects on of those new options.
I'm personally looking forward to writing some plugsin related to by own open source project, Tapestry [sf.net].
I've also been very impressed by their very open process. They have an open Bugzilla and very quick response times to bugs and issues. Several suggestions I've made have already made it into the project, and they don't know me from Adam. Eclipse is not perfect, but they are very keen on improving the rough edges.
The interface is very clean and configurable, it really molds to how you, the user, want to run things. All those draggable views and all.
There's already a C/C++ plugin. I'd love to see a Python plugin (perhaps using Jython?). There's a huge amount of functionality that hasn't been documented yet (do I smell an O'Reilly book?).
I find it to be about has fast as Netbeans on my work machine (PIII 1ghz, 512MB) and a lot easier and more intuitive to use and configure. The UI is snappier (and prettier), and its loaded with features. It's like Emacs, you keep discoverring new things it does.
Great on Windows for Java Dev... (Score:3, Informative)
I've been using Eclipse now for a couple of weeks, and have managed to bring an existing Java project consisting of a couple hundred source files into it, and compiling fine.
Things I Like:
1> Great code editor. Nice highlighting of matching parens and curly braces. Fairly instantaneous pop-up of attributes and methods when you press the period.
2> JUnit integration is strong. JUnit is good -it won't solve all your problems, but it's a nice safety net.
3> CVS Integration. Good source control integration is a must, otherwise I won't use it.
Things I'm not so keen on:
1> Seems to be good for Java, but not much else. I know it's still early, but I'd like to see more support for web targetted development.
2> Since it's supposedly using Ant behind the scenes, where's the XML config, and a GUI editor for said config? That would go a long way toward fixing #1 above.
Anyhow - with CVS integration, and JUnit, I'm not looking back. NetBeans was OK - but slow as heck, even if it bundles in more functionality. I'm betting Eclipse will gain rapidly.
- Porter
I've only used the Linux version (Score:2)
When this was first discussed months ago on
Best thing that happened, was it got me looking around for a Java IDE, and discovered that NetBeans had gotten infinitely better since the last time I had looked at it. I've been using it ever since. NetBeans smokes it.
About Eclipse, NetBeans and IDEA (Score:2, Informative)
IBM's Software Donation: Move To Eclipse NetBeans? [theserverside.com]
NetBeans IDE 3.3 released [theserverside.com]
IBM to open source WebSphere tools [theserverside.com]
threads on Eclipse [theserverside.com]
threads on NetBeans [theserverside.com]
threads on IDEA [theserverside.com]
Eclipse is a product [oti.com] of Object Technology International Inc. [oti.com], which also produced VisualAge for Java.
And as the article "Refactoring with Eclipse" [ibm.com] mentioned, "...Erich Gamma is the team lead for Java tools for Eclipse. Gamma was one of the Gang of Four known for creating the book Design Patterns...". I think that Eclipse will be a high quality software.
No Code Completion in Eclipse?? (Score:2, Interesting)
If someone can point me to a plug-in which rectifies this for Eclipse I would be grateful.
Code completion is one of the reasons I am currently sticking with JBuilder 5 (though I am rapidly beginning to like Intellij IDEA, its refactoring support is awesome)
Re:No Code Completion in Eclipse?? (Score:2, Informative)
Why I'm not using Eclipse (Score:2, Insightful)
When I first tried Eclipse, I was very impressed.
First of all, it looks good. Much better than any other Java program I tried.
Second, it used a single main window instead of multiple floating ones. Us stupid Windows programmers find multiple floating windows visually confusing. There is nothing worse than seeing one's desktop bitmap with all those shiny icons in betweens one's editor and one's toolbar. (Even MDI is dying out as a concept and being replaced with a single window with tabs representing open files at the top. The only people still prefering MDI are traders, because they generally set their workspaces up to view as much info as possible and then just monitor them.)
Third, it's the first well-made piece of software I've ever seen from IBM. IBM has a history of producing inferior software on the PC platform. I once heard someone from IBM refer to his colleagues as "ninjas". If they spent more time working on their programs and less time dressed in black pajamas throwing metal stars, maybe their code would be better.
Fourth, the plug-in concept is well executed. Usually abstraction and usability don't go well hand in hand, but using Eclipse was just as comfortable as using JBuilder which is a Java-only IDE.
So why an I not using Eclipse? Because their Java plug-in is still not robust enough.
I had a rather large project that I was working on. It worked fine in JBuilder and JDK with Ant. But when I loaded those same files into Eclipse, simply touching some of them caused Eclipse to puke.
Must have been some programming construct I used. But if a tool doesn't offer a simple migration path, most people are not going to switch. More to that point: Why can't Eclipse import JBuilder and Forte project files? That would also ease the transition.
www.jelovic.com [jelovic.com]
Re:Where the heck? (Score:1)
Re:screenshots.... (Score:1, Informative)
Re:Java? (Score:3)
FWIW, Borland knew this would happen to them if they did JBuilder entirely in Java, so most of it is done in what I assume is C++ (or Delphi, whatever. Anything that compiles). IMO JBuilder is the best dedicated Java editor, hands down (for Windows).
FWIW (sarcasm) JBuilder is written in 100% Pure Java. This, of course, completely refutes your entire point. Sorry. ;-)
Java is _plenty_ fast on modern machines.
299,792,458 m/s...not just a good idea, its the law!
Re:Java? (Score:2)
Re:Java? (Score:2)
Do us all a favor and check your facts before trying to "educate" people. JBuilder is not "100% pure Java" by any stretch of the imagination - not any more than my cup of Starbucks with cream is "100% pure Java".
Re:Java? (Score:3, Informative)
I have quite a bit of familiarity with JBuilder (I've been using it daily for about two years, primarily on Linux), further the information is readily available on Borland's JBuilder website [borland.com] in the "Features and Benefits" PDF document. To quote:
"The Borland JBuilder environment ships with the Java2 SDK 1.3 and is entirely implemented in Java for excellent platform interoperability and performance on Windows, Linux, Solaris, MacOS, and any operating system that fully supports the Java SDK 1.3."
Emphasis mine. You can apologise now. :-P
(It has been that way since JBuilder 4.)
Do us all a favor and check your facts before trying to "educate" people. JBuilder is not "100% pure Java" by any stretch of the imagination - not any more than my cup of Starbucks with cream is "100% pure Java".
Would you care for any salt with that crow? :-)
299,792,458 m/s...not just a good idea, its the law!