Professional Linux Programming 194
Professional Linux Programming | |
author | Neil Matthew, Richard Stones, et. al. |
pages | 1155 |
publisher | Wrox |
rating | 8 |
reviewer | WrinkledShirt |
ISBN | 1-861003-01-3 |
summary | A brilliant book for anyone wanting to gain new Linux programming skills. |
Large programming books have a special sort of gravitational pull to them. It's a sort of siren's song for us techie types, with lyrics promising an endless fountain of information, more than you could ever possibly hope to use, superfluous only in the same way that you don't plan on reading the Encyclopaedia Britannica cover-to-cover anytime soon, either.
Unfortunately, this branch of the publishing industry responsible for these books is well aware of this, and as such there's a veritable critical mass of crap in that corner of the bookstore, some of it reading like blood being squeezed from a stone, with any number of useless chapters thrown in there just to meet some predefined page quota. Which is why it's such a relief to get a book like Professional Linux Programming that's 1155 pages long and contains a ton of material, with very little of it page-filler. Unless you already know it all, there is something valuable in this book for just about every Linux developer out there.
The Good
This book is loaded. Go straight to the table of contents if you need to see what I mean. The book's sheer ambition almost makes it worth picking up a copy. We need more like this -- not just for Linux, not just for programming, but for computer references in general.
If you've thought about developing for Linux, you've probably rubbed up against the impression that Linux and C go together like a wink and a smile. This book delivers on that impression, and it delivers huge. There are chapters on how to use C with PostgreSQL and MySQL databases, LDAP services, GTK+/Gnome/libglade and Qt/KDE, Flex and Bison, XML, sockets, RPC and CORBA (using ORBit). There are also sections on applied professional development theory, like design, debugging, security, deployment, and encryption.
If C isn't your bag, you might not find as much to get out of this book, but there are still sections on PHP, Python, documentation, package deployment, internationalization and shell database manipulation. Ever wondered how CVS or patching worked? It's in there. There's even material on device drivers and Beowulf clusters. By the end of this book you'll have more than just proof-of-concept familiarity with just about all the topics. For all but the more exotic subjects, you start at the simplest example, and the complexity gets increased with subsequent scenario, until the point where the chapter gets applied to the book's ongoing case study, which is the development of a hypothetical system to track a DVD store's business operations.
To give you an idea about what sort of depth to expect from this book, I'll talk about what it does with PostgreSQL. It shows you how to install it and maintain it from the command line; walks you through how to create basic databases; gets you comfortable with running SQL queries from the command line or scripts from a file; shows you how to interface with it using C (using both libpq functions and embedded techniques); shows you how to handle different kinds of transactions and cursors; talks about bringing it into PHP; and uses PostgreSQL for the core engine for the case study. Now, database work is obviously going to be getting special treatment when it comes to commerce development, but that's still only one of many subjects that this book tackles, most of which are designed to get you on the ground running before needing to resort to supplementary material.
As an aside, from a coordinating standpoint, this book is a marvel. Content was contributed from 15 separate authors and yet continuity is practically a non-issue.
The Not-So-Good
Typos. Oy vey. It's like getting a buddy to lend you his Ferrari, only to discover that there's a little bit of bird crap on the windshield that nobody can wipe off. Nice car, shame about the bird crap. Now, this book isn't horribly bad for it, but you shouldn't be surprised to find the odd error at the rate of one or two per chapter, usually in the form of an incorrect diagram symbol here or there or a formatting character that didn't quite translate into a code listing. Not too bad, but it's enough to be a mentionable problem. The Wrox people were good about putting up an errata page, but, unfortunately, it's empty. This may speak to the fact that the intended audience are hackers who can probably figure out the problem for themselves anyway.
Then there's the timeliness factor. This is a review of the first edition, which came out in September 2000, and it's unfortunate that with all the new technologies coming out (Bonobo, KParts, Mono, etc.) there isn't a second edition in the works as of yet. As such, people hoping to find useful information on programming with the more volatile APIs (specifically the GUI stuff) might want to look elsewhere. The information in this area isn't completely obsolete, just not as cutting edge as it was when the book first came out. Most of the other chapters are still current, and had this review been done near the publication date, the rating would easily be a 9 out of 10. That it still merits a review at this point, after being out for almost a year and a half, hopefully says something.
There's also the fact that even though this book contains so much, it doesn't really act as a definitive reference in any area that it describes. For instance, I was toying with the idea of making a code mangler for an XML-type language, so the chapter on Flex and Bison had me drooling. It wasn't long after reading it, though, that I found myself needing to go to GNU's Flex website just to get a better listing of all the regular expressions I'd need to use. That's symptomatic of pretty much all the chapters here -- it doesn't take long to outgrow the material when you need to apply it to your personal project. In this sense the title seems misleading; if you wanted to program in some of these areas at a professional level, this book would only be a starting point to another, deeper reference.
The huge breadth of knowledge also makes some omissions seem glaring. There is nothing on Perl or some of the other popular shell languages. Outside of two chapters, C++ is avoided like the plague. The section on deployment using automake is tiny enough that it's practically not there, which is surprising given the amount of time a reader spends churning out source code throughout the rest of the book. There's also a brief section on multimedia that, given the context of the rest of the topics, just feels out of place. Some of these shortcomings are made up in the intended predecessor to this book, Beginning Linux Programming , so you might want to give that book a whirl as well (TCL, BASH, and Perl all get treatment there).
And just to leave no superficial stone unturned, the cover is just awful -- it looks like a police lineup. Although I suspect there's a focus group somewhere that needs to answer for this, maybe it bodes well knowing that, considering the slightly expensive nature of this book, none of that money went into its outer design.
There are some people who aren't going to want to buy this book. Specialists, or people who want to specialize, likely won't get enough of what they want on any of the subjects here. Also, this isn't so much a learning guide that will give you exercises and quizzes, so if you're still at the stage where you need that sort of thing, this book might be a bit rich. If you're hoping for bleeding-edge stuff, wait for a second edition.
Also, it's taken for granted that the reader understands C pretty well, so if you don't, invest some time in that area first.
However, if you've got the fundamentals of Linux programming down pat but don't know where you want to go next, buy this book. If you're a seasoned developer and just need to get the basics of a new area in order to apply it to your ongoing projects, buy this book. If you're a generalist or a hobbyist, buy this book. If you need to design application prototypes for the Linux platform, buy this book. If you want to compare different APIs without having to commit to buying different textbooks, buy this book. If you get off on knowing you can do more Hello Worlds than any of your friends, buy this book. And if you like your references so big and fat that they bend light, buy this book.
Table of Contents
IntroductionChapter 1: Application Design
Chapter 2: Concurrent Versions System (CVS)
Chapter 3: Databases
Chapter 4: PostgreSQL interfacing
Chapter 5: MySQL
Chapter 6: Tackling Bugs
Chapter 7: LDAP Directory Services
Chapter 8: GUI programming with GNOME/GTK+
Chapter 9: GUI Building with Glade and GTK+/GNOME
Chapter 10: Flex and Bison
Chapter 11: Testing Tools
Chapter 12: Secure Programming
Chapter 13: GUI programming with KDE/Qt
Chapter 14: Writing the dvdstore GUI using KDE/Qt
Chapter 15: Python
Chapter 16: Creating Web interfaces with PHP
Chapter 17: Embedding and extending Python with C/C++
Chapter 18: Remote Procedure Calls
Chapter 19: Multi-media and Linux
Chapter 20: CORBA.
Chapter 21: Implementing CORBA with ORBit
Chapter 22: Diskless systems
Chapter 23: XML and libxml
Chapter 24: Beowulf Clusters
Chapter 25: Documentation
Chapter 26: Device Drivers
Chapter 27: Distributing the application
Chapter 28: Internationalization
Appendix A: GTK+/GNOME Object Reference
Appendix B: DVD RPC Protocol Definition
Appendix C: Open Source Licenses
Appendix D: Support, Errata & P2P.Wrox.Com
Related Links
- Wrox website
- Sample chapter from the book
- Wrox's P2P page for this book
- Linux Journal's Review of this book
- ACCU's Review of this book
You can purchase Professional Linux Programming at Fatbrain.
View from 30,000 feet (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:View from 30,000 feet (Score:3, Informative)
There are plenty of books and web sites that go into specific topics in as much detail as you could want, and often more. These books are good for giving a very broad overview of lots of things, and teaching you a little about everything and making it easy for you to get into more detail if you like from other sources.
In other words, I like this series. :-)=-
Re:View from 30,000 feet (Score:1)
Its a damn fine book. (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:Its a damn fine book. (Score:2, Informative)
Undocumented Linux in 21 Days Unleashed Black Book (Score:2, Insightful)
This sounds to me like a "shovelware" book, albeit too late to have any impact on anything other then the trees that died to print it. Do they pay the authors of these tomes by the pound?
The fact of the matter is anything Unix programming related or C related has been done already and done well. These attempts to cash in by vendors like WROX (and their ilk, like QUE) by slapping "Linux" on the cover are just that, attempts to cash in.
You want a decent Linux book, make sure it's in a nutshell and/or has a funky animal on the cover.
Re:Undocumented Linux in 21 Days Unleashed Black B (Score:2, Funny)
Probably as good as O'Reilly, which can sometimes be a little too terse (when I want documentation that only makes sense when you understand the topic anyway, I'll read a man page).
The one thing I can't stand about Wrox is the author pictures on the covers - definitely prefer the animals...
Re:Undocumented Linux in 21 Days Unleashed Black B (Score:2)
Re:Undocumented Linux in 21 Days Unleashed Black B (Score:3, Interesting)
I wrote some of Professional Oracle 8i Application Programming [wrox.com], and was paid by the page.
The fact of the matter is anything Unix programming related or C related has been done already and done well. These attempts to cash in by vendors like WROX (and their ilk, like QUE) by slapping "Linux" on the cover are just that, attempts to cash in.
Unix and C, perhaps, but there are all the layered products to consider also.
Re:Undocumented Linux in 21 Days Unleashed Black B (Score:5, Interesting)
Almost. I wrote a few chapters for an "Unleashed" Linux book by Sams which they canned unfortunateley, and they pay by the chapter which has to be around the 20 page mark (given a standard font, ruler settings etc.). They don't pay very much either - it was about $600/chapter back in 1999 (and they never paid anyway)and it was taking me about a week to 10 days to do one - as it's not like you're just offering your $.02 in a web forum - every claim, and fact has to be checked as much as possible.
Yes indeed - C is still C when it's in a Linux environment. I think there is a place for these "lets cover everything" books but I think it's more appropriate at the "introduction" end of the market - I have a copy of Wrox's "Beggining Linux Programing" and its good - I still look in now if I need to see how to do soemthing simple in a language I don't really use that often - say like "what's the syntax of an if statement in Perl then?" a quicj flick through to an example will often provide the answers.
Yes - the funky animal books are more in line with what I want: just the facts.
Re:Undocumented Linux in 21 Days Unleashed Black B (Score:2, Insightful)
The best book I've (re)read recently is _The AWK Programming Language_, which I bought for 1 buck at a library sale of old books. I wonder why a library would sell such a classic, but now at least it has a loving home. This book is 220 pages including index and content listing, and quite a bit can be learned from it - and it is a joy to read. I look forward to the day I dig up a copy of _The UNIX Programming Environment_ in a heap of cheap books.
Small is beautiful!
Re:Undocumented Linux in 21 Days Unleashed Black B (Score:3)
I co-wrote Pro VB 6 XML for Wrox, and choose royalties. (Paid better, long term, than the flat rate!) If you're writing just one or two chapters for a book you're likely to be offered only flat rate, which is per page. But the editors don't encourage cruft.
Also, I don't think Wrox is merely trying to "cash in", though they are in business to sell books. The folks I've dealt with are sincerly interested in developing atttention to Linux and open source development.
Is it me or? (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:Is it me or? (Score:3, Insightful)
Here, I think because we have readers submitting book reviews, the reviewers are buying and reviewing books that would be of interest to them, and because of that, most of these books would already rank somewhat average-like because of the content. In addition, the reviewers have the ability to pre-review books at a store...if they're considering a book based on title alone, and open it up to see crap, they're not going to buy it nor review it. Thus, because these non-professional reviewers are only buying books that will already have some interest to /. reading in content and quality, I would expect very very few "less than average" books to be reviewed.
Maybe /. ought to solicate some of these reviewers with $40-50 and ask them to go out and review a book that most here would expect to be crap, just so that we see what those reviewers say about the opposite end of the spectrum. Or maybe the reviewers should consider that a 0-10 scale on /. is not the same as a 0-10 for any book review, as our bottom rung would probably fall around a 3 or 4 on a normal scale, with our average expection (our 5) being a 6 or 7 on the unadjusted scale.
Re:Is it me or? (Score:1)
Not about books, but The Filthy Critic [bigempire.com] does call movies the way he sees them.
Re:Is it me or? (Score:2)
And those ones that are reviewed and given low marks are more likely to be a public safety warning than anything else.
e.g. "I bought this book, please don't make the same mistake..."
feel free to submit your rated-2 and -3 reviews :) (Score:4, Informative)
It's true that most Slashdot book reviews fill the 7-9 range, but that shouldn't be *that* surprising -- how many people *bother* with the time and hassle of finishing a book they think is awful (or just well below par) in order to write a review of it? Paid reviewers on a contract, assigned books whether they like 'em or not, Yes -- but that's not how we do it
We may decline book review submissions that are hard to read, abusive, don't fit our book review guidelines well enough, etc, but never for a low rating. That rating is up to the reviewer.
Re:Is it me or? (Score:1)
Some periodicals don't want to print negative reviews. One editor at a local paper said she had limited space and more reviews (and books to review) than she could fit, so she just printed the positive reviews. Her attitude is that it is better to promote the good authors than warn against the bad.
I think she may be right. Remember Sturgeon's law: 95% of anything is crap. Finding the pearls is a more difficult task and more valuable service.
Re:Is it me or? (Score:1)
To be honest, the rating is a bit of an afterthought. The first book review I did for Slashdot had a rating assigned for me.
It's easy to say whether or not a piece of work is good or bad. It's much harder to evaluate it in terms of who it would be helpful for, since all but the crappiest of the crappy books are helpful to somebody. Not speaking for other reviewers, but I try to read the book and review it in terms of what the book is trying to be, who it is geared for, and how close to success it gets.
when a rating is assigned ... (Score:1)
However, it's an oversight to have not mailed you on that one -- usually, this has happened only when reviewers submit a review lacking a valid email address. Many reviewers send in reviews that lack (nearly) all of the information in the table at the top of the review. (Not Wrinkled, though!
Admittedly, the numbers are somewhat subjective (even though they're *numbers* and people therefore try to assign them sometimes a great deal of objectivity), and obviously different reviewers have different takes on what a "5" means, or a "9"
If anyone would like to come up with a perfectly fair way to assign ratings, I'd add it to the book review guidelines, too
Re:Is it me or? (Score:1)
Now if they had magazine reviews, I'd drop a dime on the new XML Journal. That's definitely a 2.
Typos (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:Typos (Score:3, Interesting)
Knuth still offers a bounty for every error-- typographical, factual, logical, whatever-- found in any of his books. If I recall, the bounty for errors in TAOCP is up to $2.56 per item.
The result? Pretty damn near error-free books. Go, capitalism.
Re:Typos (Score:2)
Re:Typos (Score:2)
since very few people who actually get a check from Knuth cash it
Yeah. I'd frame mine.
Re:Typos (Score:3, Interesting)
Anyhow, there were a few fubars on his part, but the editors(?) introduced a lot of bugs in the code when they horked around with the format. Deadlines prevented a solid review of the changes. A second revision fixed it, but just like us in the field - some times you have to hit a deadline.
It was a hoot hearing him sigh that while the second revision was "patched", he liked the artwork on the first revision....
Re:Typos (Score:3, Funny)
They would have done even more damage if it had been a Python book.
Re:Typos (Score:1)
Certainly the case with PLP (Score:2)
There were indeed some deadline issues, which makes it difficult to generate a flawless product.
This is going to be a problem with any situation where there is urgency in getting the book pushed out. Donald Knuth may have the "clout" to get Addison Wesley to wait for him to be happy with the results; that is definitely not going to be the case for these sorts of books with garish red covers.
Re:Typos (Score:1)
Another slunk of dead tree for the shelf (Score:1)
I have had acouple of the MONSTER programming volumes for years, there are great for refrence, altohug admittedly Ive never read a monster like this cover to cover.
Looking at my bookshelf, well, I can honestly say I am single handedly responsible for the deforestation of the Amazon, oh well, call me a collector of things paper......
Re:Another slunk of dead tree for the shelf (Score:1)
am I the only one (Score:1, Interesting)
Notice the link to Fatbrain.com... it has a "from" parameter, which almost certainly gives slashdot a kickback for any purchases.
Without that link, I still might suspect product placement, but with it this article counts mainly as an advertisement, it seems.
Re:am I the only one (Score:1)
No, and I applaud Slashdot for taking on the entrepreneurial spirit and helping our capitalist society move along smoothly by using sound, honest business practices. This was a well thought out review, with good points and bad points for people that might be interested in buying something. This is nowhere akin to some obviously biased ZDNET review of some Microsoft product. What's more, it's written by a Slashdot member who thought he could share his thoughts on this subject. Anyhow he explicitly states whom he believes this product would help, and sent his review to slashdot because it would reach the largest target audience. What, so you don't believe slashdot should be trying to make money? Do you think Slashdot should host this site for your amusement and live in boxes to make sure you're false idealism is satisfied? Welcome to the real world you communist, hippie-dumbfuck.
The NEW DOORSTOP IS HERE!!!! (Score:3, Funny)
A plethora of similies (Score:3, Funny)
typos = training tool? (Score:2, Interesting)
Really though, I suspect Wrox doesn't have a proof-reader. Or, their proof-reader is drunk all the time.
Re:typos = training tool? (Score:1)
Re:typos = training tool? (Score:1)
Re:typos = training tool? (Score:1)
That would be a LOT of work... without any compensation? No thanks.
Oh, I did get a reply, saying something like it'll be forwarded to someone concerned, blah blah blah, but I never heard back after that. Oh well.
Re:typos = training tool? (Score:1)
Publishing errors, then not rewarding those (IMHO really helpful) readers who submit corrections are the 2 best ways to drop a book review from a 8 to a 7.
I never did like Wrox (Score:2, Informative)
Am I alone in thinking Wrox generaly sucks? Their Beginning Java 2 [wrox.com] book was used in my Java course last year. The book is OK if you're just learning Java, but is almost useless as a referance (possibly because they want you to buy the referance [wrox.com] as a seperate book). Don't get me started on that Ivor Horton guy (aka, "Evil Horn").
Re:I never did like Wrox (Score:2, Informative)
But their Professional series, especially Professional Linux Deployment, are pretty good if you just need to look something up and actually would like to see worked examples. For example, PLD is as far as I know the only book that actually takes you line by line throuh setting up Samba, or installing and configuring a ftp demon from scratch. While we are gerneralizing shamelessly, I like O'Reily or AW, but the first often decribes things in the same amount of detail as the help pages and AW usually turn the description of minor tasks into a 100 page CS class.
Re:I never did like Wrox (Score:1)
I think you are too hard on wrox. I thought they really sucked to, until I actually started using them. The vast array of topics ina given field make it totally worth the money, IF you need the information. I have good eye sight, so the small print is actually more comfortable for me to read than other books.
Re:I never did like Wrox (Score:1)
I esp. like
Beginning Linux Programming,
Beginning Visual C++
and a delphi book I had
Re:I never did like Wrox (Score:1)
C is great..but looking for good C++ Linux book (Score:4, Interesting)
I have a good C++ book that covers the fundamentals of OO programming and the language, but I would like a book that is a bit more Linux-specific. Makefiles, QT, gtk-- (perhaps), database programming would all be nice. I have seen QT books, but I am looking for something a bit more general/comprehensive. Any recommendations?
Re:C is great..but looking for good C++ Linux book (Score:2, Informative)
Re:C is great..but looking for good C++ Linux book (Score:2, Interesting)
My advice:
Use the STLPort, not the GNU Standard C++ Library. It actually conforms to the spec, and has fewer bugs. This is huge if you're going to be doing multithreaded programming.
Use the Boost libraries. They're gonna be put into the next generation standard, and it is good stuff.
Databases: check out the OTL (Oracle Template Library) for interfacing with Oracle. I haven't done too much with other DBs. The OTL web page makes it look like a "make money fast" scheme, but it works, and the mainainer apparently has no life, and has nothing better to do than patch it whenever a user whines or Oracle changes versions :)
Makefiles: look at the man/info pages for "make", or look at the (old but still good) O'Reilly book on Make. There's really no difference between C and C++ there.
I haven't done much with GUI dev, so I don't know of a good ref for QT or gtk--. I can say that FLTK has good online docs, and is quite easy to use.
As many others have said elsewhere: the best documentation is usually on the project page for the tool you're interested in. Finding the right tool, though, can be hard.
Re:C is great..but looking for good C++ Linux book (Score:2)
You'll have a hard time finding such a book, and there's a good reason for this -- Linux books tend to document the POSIX and X/Open APIs. Basically, the traditional APIs are all C based. There are books for C++ libraries like Qt and KDE, but the Qt documentation is so good that you're better off just using the online version. If you're fond of dead trees, I suggest you print out the tutorials.
Regarding learning C++ on Linux, I'd suggest you focus on mastering C++ (BTW, one book is NOT enough. Not even close), and try to learn some of the C APIs. It's also interesting to try things like wrapping things in classes (eg Sockets)
Re:C is great..but looking for good C++ Linux book (Score:2)
What I really want to see... (Score:5, Insightful)
I've seen lots of lists that say:
0. Get the latest version of the code from CVS.
1. Read and understand the code.
2. Make changes.
3. Send your patches to the maintainer.
4. Hope they get accepted.
There are a lot of programmers out there who don't have the minimum set of knowledge to perform the admin part of steps, but do have the technical know how to write solid code.
How many people have code but don't know how to set up a good makefile, but could if a decent template were explained? How many people would like to have configure scripts, but aren't sure how the magic works? How many people aren't sure how to put their code in CVS or upload it to SourceForge? How many people want to know how to build packages, whether by RPM or some other means? How many people don't know what questions users need answered in documentation, nor how to put it in a man/info page?
Simply making a breadth, but shallow, offering consisting of nicely printed man pages that are indexed hasn't helped much. It'd be nice if someone took a simple project and followed it end-to-end.
(At serious risk to my inbox, if enough contributors send me suggestions, tidbits, or the process as _they_ see it, I'll make a decent effort and putting something together.)
Re:What I really want to see... (Score:1)
Re:What I really want to see... (Score:1)
Re:What I really want to see... (Score:1)
Let's use your CVS example and assume that I've been using PVCS successfully for a decade.
I want to make the switch from PVCS to CVS. So, I bought the reference card, the reference book, the O'Reily book, and an OpenSource book that covers CVS.
First thing these things tell me to do is seek out "the Cederqvist." Let's furthermore assume I get past this and realize it's the bible of CVS. I may run into another problem... how do I read a TeX file, a PS file, or such. So, let's assume I get past _that_ and have HTML, Text, or PDF. (There is implicit knowledge needed to perform a primitive level of fundamental tasks.)
Going straight to CVS's Cederqvist v1.11.1p1 -- section 1.1 tells us it's a version control system and it can record the history of our source files. This statement assumes we already know what we're looking at, have an idea of what the software does, and we're trying to learn the commands to it.
Back out a level... why would I want version control? What real world reason would make me want to use it? Many colleges don't address that, as many students don't work in teams for credit. They tend to encounter version control the moment they get assigned to a development team, and never having to do it before, they view it as overhead.
A good manual should show parallels to real world problems and solutions, in addition to documenting every featured option.
It's not until you get bitten in the butt by your own actions or those of your co-workers, that you start to see value in it. It's not until you use version control to identify and resolve a really hideous bug that you get an awe and sense of appreciation of it. It's not until you have to produce a production level patch that you get a sincere respect for it. And it's not until you start doing parallel development that you realize how much you should have had this back at day one.
By section 1.3.2 we see some examples -- we're shown the solution without knowing the problem it's designed to solve.
By section 2, on page 7, we're instantly in the guts of how the repository works. Details that never need be known -- unless CVS has limitations that we have to compensate for manually. Much later we learn this is the case. This goes on for pages and pages.
I'm glad the information is covered, but is this was a _user_ is looking for when he picks up a all-text 166 page manual and hits page 7?
As life goes on, we learn about tags and stickiness. We still are left to extrapolate why we need them. Life would come together in a snap if someone said "users of PVCS and SourceSafe may recognize sticky tags as static labels; the reason we use _these_ terms instead are...."
But just because you know what a tool does, or how to invoke commands doesn't mean you're using it right. There are at least five different kinds of branching I can come up with off the top of my head, depending on what goal you're trying to accomplish.
Anyone who's inherited a version control system and seen a branch of a branch of a branch of a branch of a branch and no one could justify why knows what I'm talking about.
Just as the argument is made that "because you learned the language doesn't mean you know how to program" extends to configuration management, too. "Just cause you know how to do CVS doesn't mean you know how to do CM." And this equally applied to using autoconf, make, rpm, LaTeX documentation, etc.
There are right ways, wrong ways, and the effective way. Let's be honest here, our admired gurus are gurus because they know not just how to play by the unwritten rules, but also when and how to break them.
What I really want to see is a book that doesn't discuss the tool, but discusses the real world best OpenSource practices, and uses the real tools we use as examples to teach it.
Re:What I really want to see... (Score:1)
Re:What I really want to see... (Score:1)
Re:What I really want to see... (Score:1)
It's got a fairly good CVS overview, then goes into a bit about OpenSource, and then hops to advanced CVS stuff.
Still, there's a gap -- what's the RIGHT way to use a tool. Or, assuming I now know CVS, how could this apply to SourceForge?
Show me a project, show me how you made a patch, show me how you submitted it.
Re:What I really want to see... (Score:2)
I remember the first patch someone sent me. I was overjoyed that someone was actually using my program! Then I realized I didn't know how to apply a patch. So I patched it manually through cut-n-paste. Never again.
(at least I knew how to write a makefile rather than letting some IDE do it for me)
Re:What I really want to see... (Score:2)
I doubt if you've actually tried doing this stuff, and failed for lack of documenation. Yes, make, autoconf, etc are difficult programs, but there are many books and web sites on the topic. I'm sure if you allocated 8 hours and a 6-pick of Dew to the task, you'd get the basic idea.
CVs and sourceforge are *much* easier than they appear. There is a book called "open source development using CVS" which covers CVS in excruciating detail. If you want to learn CVS I'd suggest just diving in with the basic functions, and don't worry about learning how to use a more difficult feature (like branching) until you feel the need for it.
These issues:
1. Read and understand the code.
2. Make changes.
4. Hope they get accepted.
Are all specific to the project and the development community you want to join. I think that as you get into open development, you will most likely find that projects always want help, and they don't expect (or even want) everyone to be a seasoned hacker. If you're a beginner, lurk on the mailing list for a while, read the code, then introduce yourself. Read the bug tracker on sourceforge and see if there's any housekeeping you can do there, or any small bugs that need fixing. Send a diff against the current source. Or send a big diff. Get involved. Answer people's questions. Ask for CVS write access.
You're asking how to join a community. The answer is listen & learn, introduce yourself, make some friends, find something to do. It's no different than real life.
Re:What I really want to see... (Score:1, Redundant)
0. Read the front page of Slashdot
1. Wait till a story if posted by Timothy or Michael
2. Submit the exact same story, but with a different title.
3. Celebrate.
Re:What I really want to see... (Score:5, Insightful)
> I very much doubt that. The former is generally easier than the latter.
I've written a number of various utilities and applications for the public domain. Some shareware was successful enough it still results in checks in the mail, some applications I personally witnessed in use by over 300 people each day over the course of four years, and many others have just faded away with time and platform changes. On the commercial front, I've written a lot of flagship products, directed development efforts, and been highly involved in QA and SCM. I like to think I can code my way out of a paper bag.
Naturally to do all those things, I've needed to know various languages, compilers, bug tracking tools, version control systems, build automation, and documentation. I like to think I've successfully been involved with much of the software lifecycle.
But, when I first dipped my foot in the Linux pool, I was trying desperately to map my prior experience from PC to Linux.
I knew Microsoft and Borland's C++, but couldn't get certain parts of the STL to work with gcc. Oh, that part was broken (it's hence been fixed).
I knew SourceSafe and PVCS inside and out and had been the CM manager of 70 people. Just mapping the terminology from those products to RCS/SCCS/CVS was a small barrier of its own when I first started. Things didn't help when the some standard CM tasks required implementation knowledge of CVS and tweaking the repository directly.
In corporate environments, we had access to the version control system directly; we were immediately responsible for the code. There was no need to generate patches for submission, or apply them.
In cases where the software wasn't designed to be portable, people never took that into account. The general philosophy had to change for Linux.
Tired of Microsoft's or Borland's make? Use OpusMake. Want to build an installation package? Use InstallSheild or another varient. Hard core debugging? Soft/ICE. Powerful tracing? Any NuMega product. Documentation? Word. PageMaker. FrameMaker.
But assuming I've got GNU Make, autoconf, RPM, gdb, LaTex, and a number other things under my belt -- everything has to be done in a way that's acceptable and receptive to the community.
The point I'm going with is this: there's a lot of untapped talent out there, because of the transitional Rosetta stone is kept too close to our chest.
We share our code, but not our process and techniques. We assume that just because people haven't cut their teeth on Linux, know GNU utilities inside and out, and know how to do things the way we do that they are neophytes. That needs to change.
If the Linux and OpenSource community wants to tap the knowledge and talent of the commercial world, we need to not just provide software tools and grass movement marketing, but we need to provide the intellectual resources as well.
Confusing tutle! (Score:1)
Twice I fell for the same mistake, $quot;Beginning/Prof. Linux Programming"
Linux is of course more than just the kernel, but the subjects covered in these books are mostly not Linux specific.
On the other hand, good books about beginning/advanced Linux Kernel Programming are hard to find or don't exist at all.
Or can someone recommend some good books on how to program (modules/networking/drivers) for the Linux Kernel?
Kernel programming books (Score:1)
Heartily recommended
Re:Confusing tutle! (Score:1)
'Index of Documentation for People Interested in Writing and/or Understanding the Linux Kernel'
http://jungla.dit.upm.es/~jmseyas/linux/kernel/hac kers-docs.html [dit.upm.es]
This should keep you going for a few day's :)
Just another overview (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:Just another overview (Score:2)
The books are intended as a primer to get you up to speed, so that you'll be able to work with the reference docs once you're done with their tutorial. You won't find this much in the way of good tutorial material on the web. And in my experience, it works. I don't know why you're going to the web all the time, most of the stuff in this book has reasonable reference documentation.
Size of book bends light? (Score:1)
Large size does not equate to super-massiveness. A nebula is not a black hole.
Size * density, on the other hand
Any mass bends light (Score:2)
Of course the detectability of it spacial warp is dependent on total mass, perhaps that is what was meant by the author of the book?
Too big, but otherwise good (Score:3, Informative)
On the other hand, it sure would be nice to have this in a 3 or 4-volume boxed set. I'd pay a few bucks more for that format -- smaller (300-400) page books are a lot easier to handle.
Bends Light? (Score:2)
As it's only a book, though, I would challenge anyone to measure the effect it has on a passing light ray
</physics nerd>
Re:Bends Light? (Score:1)
alpha = 2 * G * M / (c^2 * R)
R in this case is the distance of closest approach of the light, measured from the center of mass. G is the gravitational constant, c is the speed of light, and M is the mass of the object. Of course, this only holds if the object bending the light is a sphere, but approx. the book is a sphere. It will not affect the result that much
(g / c^2) is a constant = approx. 10^-27 m/kg
So the only thing we need to measure is the ratio of the mass to the radius...assume thats about
To compare, the Sun has a mass to radius ratio of about 2.86x10^21 kg/m and thus bends light by about 4.2x10^-6 radiens, which is measerable. For the earth, m/r equals approx. 10^18 kg/m
1155 pages? Not that big a deal... (Score:2)
Re:1155 pages? Not that big a deal... (Score:2)
This is part of the "telephone book" trend. Because C++ is popular, there are a lot of heavy C++ books written by incompetents. I wonder if they think anyone's going to actually read all of those pages ?
FYI, if you're looking for a more concise, yet readable intro to C++, see "Accelerated C++", Koenig and Moo. The book is 300 pages long, and it covers all the essentials. Accelerated C++ has introduced iterators, exceptions, std::string, std::vector and std::list by page 100, whereas most books are still explaining if/then at that stage.
I'm gonna wait for the Computer Book BLOWOUT!!! (Score:1)
Although a lot of the stuff is outdated (Win95 Resource Kit?, please.) much is suprisingly up-to-date and a valuable reference.
The fun part is paying C$9.95 for a book that has a list price of C$79.99 on the back.
I have a couple of wrox books (Score:1)
Re:Want a brand new car for free? (Score:3, Offtopic)
Actually, it's a much better analogy than you realize. The cost of the materials and labor that goes into producing a single car is nothing-- a few thousand dollars at the very most, and the vast majority of that in labor costs-- compared to the tens of millions of dollars spent to conceptualize and design that car model.
To my knowledge, nobody's ever done a cost-accounting for, say, Red Hat Linux 7.2. Let's say it cost a grand total of $6 million to produce Red Hat 7.2, going all the way back to Linus's spare time. Your plan for recouping those costs and eventually making a profit is called a business model, and the jury is still very much out on whether it can be made to work.
But really, who cares? After all, you can't spell analogy without anal.
Re:Want a brand new car for free? (Score:2)
What do you mean by work? If the people doing the work and happy and the people using the products are happy then it works. Who else matters?
Re:Want a brand new car for free? (Score:2)
I think a business that works can be pretty clearly defined as one that survives. A business can't lose money and survive; if it does, then it's not a business. It's a church or a dot com or something.
The socialist ideal (don't flame me yet!) of a world in which we all work for love and money isn't important is a neat idea and all, but that's not the world we live in. In order to live, I have to make money, because despite my constant protestations to the contrary my bank won't give me my car and my house for free. Can't understand it myself. I explained to them how residences and transportation should be Free (as in libre) and free (as in gratis), and I forwarded them some of Stallman's writings, but they just don't seem to get it.
So I'm stuck being a part of this whole "economy" thing. Therefore I must wedge myself into a situation in which somebody gives me a fairly substantial amount money on a regular basis. We call these situations "jobs."
Jobs are provided by companies to people based on the premise that the company will be able to take more money in than it gives out. Come to think of it, maybe that's why my house wasn't free....
Anyway, if the company that pays me (say, Red Hat, although it isn't) gives out more money than it takes in, eventually it will run out of money. The people who work for the company (say, Red Hat) will be faced with the sudden, unpleasant realization that their houses aren't Free (as in libre) or free (as in gratis). They've gotta find another one of those "job" situations so they can make their mortgage payments.
Poof. The company (say, Red Hat) disappears.
I'd say that's how I define "works." If it doesn't do what I just described (the "poof" part), then it "works."
Re:Want a brand new car for free? (Score:2)
Clearly a business has to pay as much as is neccesary to hold on to their developers. In some cases though, that amount just happens to be zero and the developers are very happy with that.
The child workers you talk of are NOT happy with their level of pay. Many of the developers whose code gets used by Redhat etc earn money in other ways.
It seems (correct me if i'm wrong) that you have this idea that all useful work MUST be financially compensated else it doesn't "work"
Well, in my mind that is nonsense. Financial compensation is something that is only neccesary to provide a motive to get people to do things that otherwise nobody would do. It just happens to be the case (sadly) that this currently includes almost everything.
You don't have to "compensate" me for writing code in the same way that you don't have to for playing football with my friends. I do both for fun. It just happens that one is useful to others without any extra work from me and instead of trying to keep it all to myself and extract as much money from everyone else as possible using strict licenses etc, I chose not to be greedy.
Re:Want a brand new car for free? (Score:2)
I want nothing from you. Will e-mail my bank acount #. Or my snail-mail address, if you prefer sending a check.
nobody's ever done a cost-accounting for, say, Red Hat Linux
Linus's spare time cost nothing to Red Hat. What he does in his spare time is his own choice. Compared to other alternatives, creating software is one of the less costly ways of spending one's spare time. And the pleasure of having created one of the most famous softwares in the world surely brings as much "profit" as, for instance, surfing a "perfect wave"?
What the business model studies fail to take into account is that open source software goes both ways. A company that develops it may not be able to recover some costs directly, but, on the other hand, that same company may also use free software created by others without paying anything for it.
Re:Want a brand new car for free? (Score:2)
Net economic result: zero.
Which explains why lots of people believe it's impossible to make money in Free Software.
Re:Want a brand new car for free? (Score:2)
To my knowledge, nobody's ever done a cost-accounting for, say, Red Hat Linux 7.2.
Actually, a cost accounting like that was done, once, but I can't seem to find it anymore. It was very interesting; showing how many lines of code were produced by GNU, how many were in the kernel, how many were in X, and so on. It included an estimate of the cost to produce "Linux" (i.e., a GNU/Linux system). I'm guessing it was based on an earlier version of RedHat, like 7.0, or maybe Debian.
Re:Want a brand new car for free? (Score:3, Informative)
A quote for the impatient:
It is also shown that if Debian had been developed using traditional proprietary methods, the COCOMO model estimates that its cost would be close to $1.9 billion USD to develop Debian 2.2..
Note that Debian stable is very conservative and now quite out-of-date. I hesitate to think how much unstable, or something like Mandrake, would have cost.
Re:Want a brand new car for free? (Score:2)
Thank you! I was hoping some kind soul would post the link.
I also see a link to this [dwheeler.com], which may be the article I remembered. Both are very interesting.
The practical upshot is that Linux (the system) represents more than a billion-dollar development effort.
Re:Want a brand new car for free? (Score:1, Interesting)
Re:Want a brand new car for free? (Score:1)
Nobody has to crash a Linux distro to prove that it passes Federal standards for front, side, and rear collisions (although the SSCA would be similar on the software side). Very few software companies will be threatened with class-action lawsuits because their software design exploded in a rear impact (the Pinto distro, anyone?). There's no Corporate Average Software Efficiency requirement that the operating system be able to perform 25.5 MFLOPs across a variety of loads, applications, and system configurations.
So the relative scale of procuding a single additional instance of a car may be comparable to the scale of producing a single additional copy of a Linux distribution, or other free software - but the cost basis is very, very different.
Re:Want a brand new car for free? (Score:1)
What about all the money that AT&T invested to develop Unix?
Re:Want a brand new car for free? (Score:2)
If you'll check the articles mentioned in the post below, you'll see that six million dollars is a few orders of magnitude too small.
Re:Want a brand new car for free? (Score:1, Informative)
Except for the 99% or so of the workforce that doesn't produce any intellectual property and who have generally seen their standard of living decline since old grandpa's time. I guess you forgot about those people.
Re:Want a brand new car for free? (Score:1, Offtopic)
Stupid "can't comment and moderate in the same topic" rule....
Re:is it me... (Score:2, Funny)
Re:is it me... (Score:1)
Re:is it me... (Score:1)
Slashdot is run by Linux users and a large part of the reader base uses Linux.
And an ENORMOUS percentage of the user based DOESN'T use Linux, but rather uses *BSD, or egads, Windows. Some people who've done link tracking from links referenced on Slashdot have noticed >75% of referred users running IE on Windows.
Lots of Linux users use it because they don't like what microsoft has to offer. It's always been this way. If you don't like it, find another source for your news.
Funny to see this after another story not long ago about how the Internet brings people of all types together so that we can debate and share knowledge, when the reality is, as you pointed out, that people usually want to get together with people with the same extremist views and perspective to bitch about how dumb everyone else is and how they need to be enlightened, and how the USPO is evil for letting Microsoft pay them money to advertise. Blah.
Re:true but, (Score:2)
Re:This book was published 16 months ago (Score:2)
It's not meant to be news, it's meant to be a book review. I've seen plenty of Slashdot book reviews that weren't of recently minted books. I don't see why it's a problem. As long as the book is still relevant in it's subject area, a review is beneficial.
Hell, the review may be beneficial even if the book ISN'T still relevant, if the book review brings that point out, thereby helping somebody avoid a useless purchase.
Re:What no PERL ? (Score:1)
The Beginning book has great chapters on Shell script, C, Terminals, Curses, Semaphores, Pipes, GTK, Tk, Perl, and some other goodies.
Re:What no PERL ? (Score:1)
Re:What no PERL ? (Score:1)
Or perhaps they assumed everyone already knows Perl....
Re:What no PERL ? (Score:1)