Java RMI 106
Java RMI | |
author | William Grosso |
pages | 545 |
publisher | O'Reilly |
rating | 8 |
reviewer | amoon |
ISBN | 1-56592-452-5 |
summary | Solid practical insight into the nitty-gritty details of RMI. |
The Scoop
Remote Method Invocation (RMI) is the object-oriented remote procedure call (ORPC) facility for distributed programming in Java, since the 1.1 days. RMI also served as motivation and a proof-of-concept for jini, javaspaces, and numerous other solid distributed networking technologies. Of course, anyone from the academic distributed programming world knows Wollrath, Waldo, and Riggs.
Yet, despite a myriad of books over the past five years on network programming, RMI always seemed to be the stepchild: relegated to a single chapter (buried on page 496, of course) that always said that RMI was "better" than sockets and "worse" than CORBA. Now, granted that RMI is operationally rather trivial compared with CORBA and was (prior to RMI/IIOP) a unilanguage distributed ORPC technology -- but still. For those of us who have to interoperate with RMI (whether welcome from the Java world or not), the lack of in-depth technical analysis (beyond the spec) has been a hindrance.
Fortunately, this trend is finally starting to buckle with the release of several in-depth RMI books including: Java RMI, Java.rmi, and Mastering RMI: Developing Enterprise Applications in Java and EJB. As evidence of this problem, Grosso states the same in his introduction – and actually pulls it off without sounding self-serving.
I chose Grosso's text because of the cute squirrel (aka the O'Reilly brand), Grosso's recent series of articles on the hashbelt algorithm, and his unadulterated academic knowledge management and mathematics bent. Fortunately, I was rewarded: this animal returns to O'Reilly's pre-bubble quality. Koodoos to both Grosso and his editors (Knudsen, Loukides, and Eckstein) for getting the train back on the track.
What's to Like
Bottom line is that Grosso simply covers the topics and does so with solid conceptual and code coherence – even by O'Reilly standards (over 40 animals grace my shelves). His prose and explanatory patterns make it clear that he has actually gotten into the real-world of RMI, and doesn't hesitate to highlight both good and bad parts. You cannot be dozing off when you read this (at least not if you expect to understand it) -- this is written by someone with solid analytic thinking skills and it shows. After too many years of "there are no caveats" journalism and publishing, this is a nice reversion. Further, I can only imagine that his current employment is a testament to his real-world knowledge of RMI.
Grosso hits on a vein which is not well-appreciated: when not smoothed over by marketing people, RMI is actually a mostly-capable ORPC technology. Certainly activation and RMI/IIOP really began to make things interesting, from Java2 and EJB respectively. Discussion of reference-counted distributed garbage collection, a feature missing from CORBA and other popular ORPC standards, also contributes a nice bonus (although Grosso's ardent attempt to debunk the "RMI doesn't scale" argument is rather weak, even going so far as to rehash the definition of Threads and threadpools – this complexity mismatch is an ugly giveaway that a well-intentioned editor went astray).
What sets this text apart is the tight focus on nitty-gritty implementation details of RMI itself. After all, these RMI texts are way too late to the game to reteach how to write "baby RMI" code: 5 years after the original spec, you either know how to write RMI or you don't. Grosso simply gives you a solid in-depth analysis of all the obscurities of the RMI runtime, custom sockets, dynamic classloading, activation, MarshalledObjects, and HTTP tunneling. In other words, all the interesting real-world topics whose official documentation is poor and which the various RMI tutorials (written many years ago) ignored.
While canonical, the single banking example followed through the text was well-executed, although authors continue to underestimate the prevalence of readers who consume textbooks non-linearly.
What's Not to Like
RMI/IIOP is shaping up to be a fascinating contributor to the "cleanup the EJB mess" discussion. Dedicating a measly 13 pages (beginning on page 503, no less) to this critical topic seems a bit of an oversight – but maybe that is just my CORBA sentiments speaking. Either way, the mechanics of CORBA are sufficiently intricate in real-world deployments that saying "if you can build an RMI system, you can build a CORBA system" (p. 511) is a bit brazen (or naïve) for my tastebuds. I can only chalk up this oversight to deadline pressure, which is probably a Good Thing, since the book was supposedly in production over almost 2 years.
A minor point: the top-level organization of the book (Part I, II, III) is arbitrary, ignore it -- use the chapter organization instead.
The Summary
Quality: solid practical insight into the nitty-gritty operational implementation details of RMI in the real-world. You simply are not going to find solid O'Reilly-quality coverage of the topics elsewhere.
Relevance: If you are responsible for making RMI actually work in production systems, this might well be the next animal on your shelf – either now or later. If you want a breezy afternoon saunter around RMI, skip this. Instead, google one (of the many) free tutorials online."
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Re:And this relates to XML how? (Score:4, Interesting)
Judging from the TOC of the book, I'm surprised that the author didn't deal more with the "why should you use RMI over some other technology?" He does cover the CORBA vs. RMI choice, but that was it. I also don't know how "new" this book is--especially if those topics (SOAP, XML-RPC) weren't covered.
Re:And this relates to XML how? (Score:2)
Love it or hate it, there is a good chance that there will be a lot of
One of the disadvantages of XML-RPC and SOAP in commercial software development is that they are very human-readable: they pass XML documents between systems. Many times this is a good thing, of course, especially when you are debugging your system. But if you are passing confidential information (say your customer's bank records) then you will need to work at obfuscating (and de-obfuscating) the XML that is actually sent.
There are also some overhead concerns with (particularly) SOAP, but careful design and use can overcome these.
Re:And this relates to XML how? (Score:2)
SOAP is at a lower level than RMI, and it is designed more for simple method calling. RMI provides complex object graph serialization, remote object reference passing, distributed garbage collection, network failure detection (through the Unreferenced interface), and more.
SOAP is great for loosely bound, occasionally communicating processes. RMI is great for taking a Java application and splitting it into pieces for execution on various machines.
Re:And this relates to XML how? (Score:2)
Whoa, that's a bad idea. It is not a security risk to label your data in a clear way; its a security risk to think that 'obfuscating' that data is safe. For example, if you pass this around:
it is no less secure than:
What you really need to do is encrypt the data somehow, so you end up with:
<bankAccount>encrypted bank account</bankAccount>
Anyway, it doesn't matter if you are sending XML or comma separated values: if you are sending confidential information as clear text, then you are screwed.
Re:And this relates to XML how? (Score:1)
Re:And this relates to XML how? (Score:2)
Ooops, you are absolutely right. I wrote that before I had my morning coffee. I was using "obfuscating" in a very loose sense to encompass "encryption". Sorry, must remember to engage brain before posting...
XML-RPC spec (Score:2)
Re:XML-RPC spec (Score:1)
I think that most implementors ignore the ASCII string requirement because it is impossible to transmit all ASCII characters anyway e.g. NUL is an ASCII character but it is not an XML character.
My (and others') interpretation of the spec is:
- ASCII string
+ XML Char [w3.org]*
* Avoiding the use of the Unicode strings is recommended because many languages that use XML-RPC (e.g. C, PHP) don't have terribly good Unicode support.
Re:And this relates to XML how? (Score:1)
XML-RPC is used to have some applications talk to each other over the wire, CORBA is used to allow objects to talk to each other. That's a completly diffrent granularity. You can not really compare those two.
SOAP is heading into the direction of CORBA, but it is missing a lot of features CORBA offers (like object activation, etc.).
Can't determine client from the server side (Score:4, Interesting)
The book itself is excellent - I purchased it after starting to work on a large project with RMI, and realizing that a couple online tutorials wouldn't cut it. The advanced section isn't quite as advanced as I had hoped, but overall the book is a decent reference.
EJB provides this... (Score:2, Interesting)
Enterprise JavaBeans [sun.com], and Session Beans in particular, provide these services. RMI is used as the transport layer, and the application server (EJB container) handles authentication and session tracking, often along with redundancy, administration, and a host of other goodies...
Re:EJB provides this... (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:EJB provides this... (Score:3, Informative)
Yes, I looked into that option (and even looked at the JBoss sources to see how they were implementing authentication/sessions over RMI), but EJB was simply too heavy duty for my purposes. The app had to run on people's computers, not on central servers.
You might look at Ganymede [utexas.edu]. We implemented a session layer using RMI long before J2EE existed. It's not really that hard to do.
Re:Can't determine client from the server side (Score:3, Informative)
Try this:
Implicit contextual info in 1.2-RMI calls
RMI over SSL? (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:RMI over SSL? (Score:3, Interesting)
Here's 'the scoop' from sun [sun.com]. It refers to JDK 1.3 - as far as I know, everything you need is in JDK 1.4 now, no need to get the JSSE ppackages.
Re:RMI over SSL? (Score:1)
2. Sockets
**--> Using SSL
Of course, we are talking about RMI (streaming remote methods and parameters over a network socket) over SSL (secure socket layers). There isn't really much magick involved.
Supposed "review" link in parent is goatse.cx (Score:1)
over complicated (Score:5, Insightful)
The familair paradigm of users and groups has been deliberately leveraged because that's what is familiar, after all it's stood the 30 years test of time. This extends to which processors on the network you an run processes on etc. etc.
It's worth studying if nothing else.
Re:over complicated (Score:2)
Most but not all. Check out XML-RPC [xmlrpc.com] which is an extremely simple yet useful remote procedure call protocol. As its name suggests it passes XML documents between server and client, in this case over HTTP.
There are good XML-RPC implementations for several languages, including Java, C, C++, Python, PHP and TCL (see here [xmlrpc.com] for a full list). I implemented the RPC part of a fairly a simple client-server Java application in under a day, without any previous knowledge of XML-RPC.
Re:over complicated (Score:2)
However it's pretty asymmetric. It can only deal with client requests, an issue pretty much covered the other day. [slashdot.org]. The server can't delay a response or let the client know when it's finished a lengthy request. As an illustration imagine if you wanted to monitor new
I'm just waiting for native java in FreeBSD (*sigh* we're told Sun is stalling, come on Sun, sort it out!!!) before I can really start exploring XML/RPC (I have an app in mind already).
There's also the issue of tunnelling through port 80. Some people like it (hey I can get through the firewall by using port 80!) and some people hate it (if only I could stop all that goddam non http traffic on port 80, it's killing my load balancing)
Re:over complicated (Score:2)
The way I deal with this is having the "client" also include an XML-RPC server so it can register with the "server" and receive callbacks that way. Of course, the server has to be coded to do this too, but its relatively straightforward. There is also asynchronous XML-RPC [userland.com] although that is mostly a polling routine that's pre-wrapped for you.
There's also the issue of tunnelling through port 80. Some people like it (hey I can get through the firewall by using port 80!) and some people hate it (if only I could stop all that goddam non http traffic on port 80, it's killing my load balancing)
Absolutely no reason you have to use port 80. You can specify any port for the XML-RPC server to listen on.
Re:over complicated (Score:1)
Why don't you just start a new thread for each of your requests?
Re:over complicated (Score:1)
Say it takes 30 minutes, I suspect that my ISP's in-line cache might not let me keep the connection open for that long. Plus if I'm hosted somewhere the web server might also time-out the script after a few minutes (30 secs even).
I *know* you don't have to use port 80.
I *know* you can change the timeout.
I *suspect* there are other solutions while keeping XMl/RPC your transport
but there are also a finite number of ports. If each one of
I would just use a different machanism for problems in this domain, that was my point. XML-RPC offers great marshalling of dynamic parameters.
Re:over complicated (Score:1)
This statement is a bit deceptive. The purpose of the XML-RPC protocol is not to allow you to exchange XML documents with your own grammar between a client and server. It's purpose is to define a grammar of simple, cross-language types that can be used to marshal the arguments and return values of most simple method calls.
Re:over complicated (Score:1)
Strange Review (Score:3, Insightful)
I have used both CORBA and RMI. I don't know why they are shown as competitive products.
CORBA is used when you wan't cross language compatibility. (c / Java / C++, etc.)
RMI is used when you want Cross platform compatibility give by JAVA.(windows, Linux, Mac)
DCOM is used when you are working on M$ Windows.(windows, C++)
To me these 3 are complimentary, with CORBA being one of the hardest but most dynamic. So naturally I expected to see in the review a statement about where the XML thingy fit into this puzzle. Why would you mention these 3 technologies without mentioning that?
Re:Strange Review (Score:1, Redundant)
Alternate reading (Score:1, Informative)
It covers much of the same material and may be useful reading for those less familiar with RMI as it has a longer lead in to the advanced material.
Dr David Kennedy
Senior Software Design Engineer
Nortel Networks
Not so much anonymous as just infrequent at posting.
RMI works well! (Score:4, Informative)
The problem: Run pricing routines on very large CDR (Call Detail Record) sets. This involved a very complicated process of aggregating calls into time slots and then pricing them according to very complicated long-distance contracts. Pricing very large amounts of data sometimes took as much as two days to price and discount.
Solution: The implementation (at least in Java) of the RMI standard is simple. In order to avoid purchasing an expensive CORBA implementation we extended our c++ client program with JNI. The client program then called a local wrapper class that used RMI to spin off the pricing call on the remote RMI server. We had big-iron machines running an in-house RMI application server. The application server really just worked as a multi-threaded container that loaded RMI servers from the disk and registered them, allowing a person to order servers to be loaded and/or dropped from the registry via a console.
The solution was cheap and worked very well.
Re:RMI works well! (Score:2)
>> The client program then called a local wrapper
>> class that used RMI"
> THAT SUCKS! Such program is fragile, non-portable,
> pain to support and debug, no fault tolerance
> and load balancing available with CORBA,
> not extendable... As an architectural solution it
> is ugly...
He said it was cheap and worked well. Those are very important redeeming qualities.
You are probably the kind of person that think that MS Access isn't used anywhere in critical applications. Ofthen in practice you have to make compromises. You can't always start from scratch, and you can't always do it the `clean, academic way'.
Mastering RMI (Score:3, Interesting)
Re: (Score:1)
Re:Bah (Score:1, Insightful)
Re: (Score:1)
response to RMI scalability (Score:2)
Re:response to RMI scalability (Score:2)
Sun has not reworked RMI to take advantage of the new NIO (next-gen I/O.. i.e., 'select') classes in 1.4.
Refreshing (Score:1)
I am still waiting for a Common Lisp revival - many abusers of XML/XSL will kick themselves.
Re:Refreshing (Score:2)
RMI being deprecated (Score:1)
Re:RMI being deprecated (Score:1)
Oh really? Why don't you give a URL.
Re:garbage collection (Score:1)
You should post these questions on the java developer forum on sun.
Re:garbage collection (Score:3, Informative)
Yes, RMI has distributed garbage collection.
When one host passes a remote object reference to another, the RMI classes on the receiving host track the remote object reference in a client-side data structure. As long as the user-level client code is referencing the remote object, the client will occasionally 'ping' the server with an RMI message that tells the server that the client is still using/referencing the object.
If the client drops reference to an object, the client will send a release message to the server, which will decrement a distributed reference count. Alternatively, if the client dies, the server's RMI layer will decide after a certain period that it hasn't heard from the client in too long, and will assume that the client dropped off the network.
Programmers can implement an unreferenced() method in remote objects that will be called by the RMI layer on the server when the object is no longer referenced by a client. This can be used to intelligently handle cleanup on client death, etc.
Check this code to see why RMI is cool (Score:1)
FooClass foo = new FooClass();
Now in RMI to call a method on a REMOTE class you simply do this:
FooClass foo = new FooClass();
Yes, it's the same. I admit I left over about 2 lines of code needed in your declarations (basically a URL pointing to the remote server), but this simple pseudo code example gives you a glimpse at the simplicity of working with RMI: basically all remote objects look like local objects, which makes programming EXTREMELLY simple. Try that with SOAP/CORBA/DCOM. Note that I do admit SOAP has its uses in Web Services, but for transparent programming, RMI is amazing.
On a side note, XML and its siblings (SOAP, UDDI, WSDL, etc) are being implemented in such a way as to make working with XML/SOAP as simple as the RMI example above (another great reason to use Java).
Re:Check this code to see why RMI is so dangerous (Score:1)
It is a fact that remote calls are more expensive in terms of network bandwidth, latency, and response time compared with a local in-process procedure call.
The problem is that RMI makes expensive remote calls look like cheap local calls. This can lead to performance problems which are hard to find, since the offending code looks so innocuous.
Neither too dangerous nor tremendously cool. (Score:1)
I agree though that such syntactic sugar should be taken with a pinch of salt! The overstatement of the virtues of transparency leads many developers to believe that they REQUIRE transparency in everything, leads to (for example) lots of time wasted in writing persistence layers, O/R mappings and so forth whilst waiting for JDO to be released.
Re:Use command objects to encapsulate remote calls (Score:2)
Most of the time, I wind up using command objects to encapsulate remote method calls. I wound up writing a three part series on this techinique for O'Reilly'd java web site.
Yeah, I wound up using the command pattern to handle the Ganymede monitoring console. Actions on the server lead to events being generated. Each attached monitoring console has a thread on the server that loops through command objects on a queue. If the server generates events faster than the monitoring console can handle them, the server will replace obsolete events from the queue with the new version of the data. Other events, such as textual logging, can be coalesced.
Works *great*, lets the monitoring consoles be relatively asynchronous with regards the server, and dramatically improves overall performance.
I don't use the command pattern for everything in Ganymede's use of RMI, but where I do use it, it's absolutely essential.
And, say William, you should get yourself a slashdot account. ;-) Jooooooin us!
Most Acronyms stuffed into a sentance... (Score:1)
SOAP & APEX are NOT RPC!! (Score:1, Insightful)
Come on people, stop talking about things you don't know anything about! The specs are public, READ THEM!
Messaging (Score:3, Insightful)
I've only fooled around with it, never used it in a real project, since message-driven beans are pretty new. Does anyone know of a project that makes extensive use of Java messaging, particularly using message-driven beans?
Re:Messaging (Score:2)
Re:Messaging (Score:1)
Example: travel agent says, "Give me current flight status information - only send changes; keep me updated."
Use publish/subscribe; information comes in the form of SOAP; guaranteed delivery doesn't need resends; message-store is implementation-dependant, and anyway, who stores RPCs?
This is better than RPCs because no polling is needed.
As for your other points:
I don't know what you mean by point 3.
Point 5: I agree there is a performance hit with publish-subscribe. Point-to-point is better, but pub-sub has some great advantages.
Final point: message order is not guaranteed, so far as I know. Obviously, if you're doing multi-part transactional updates where ordering is critical, don't use messaging.
Well, we differ on a few things -- I like EJBs. Your "log updates" solution lacks a few things -- like scalability, authentication, security, etc. It's all roll-your-own; expensive and time-consuming. EJBs are around so you don't solve the same problems over and over.
Re:Messaging (Score:2)
This virtually never happens. The set of objects (Flights) of interest has to be communicated from receiver to sender, and an initial snapshot still has to be provided, ergo RPC still needed.
guaranteed delivery doesn't need resends
Formally, there's no such thing as asynchronous guaranteed delivery. Practically, one needs resends because a receiver can still lose or mis-process messages.
message store is implementation dependent
Any implementation which is not the same storage resource as the sender needs 2PC. This is a fundamental problem of the paradigm, not an implementation problem.
better than RPCs because no polling is needed
In the very rare cases where polling is a significant load on the network (basically where your Max Desired Lag Time << Average Msg Interval) you can add a pub/sub or other notification mechanism on top. The point is that the notification is just advisory - this is a well-established event model dating back to Multics.
point 3
Most msging systems end up needing a state-monitoring system on top, resembling a workflow system. The problem is that a msg queue represents a black hole - you don't know whether your msg is still in the queue, or being processed downstream. Tracking the overall process state is perfectly possible, and many JMS vendors sell process mgmt frameworks on top of their basic tools, but it requires RPC between the components and the process manager, so you haven't really moved to an async model.
pub-sub has some great advantages
Such as?
message order is not guaranteed
It is guaranteed within a subject, but not across subjects. The problem is that the model encourages you to divide your transactions across subjects (customer updates, order updates), so setting you up for order-dependent problems later (cancel order, fix error in customer record, re-enter order - oops). Most apps have these dependencies, so JMS has a pretty narrow field of applicability.
your "log updates" solution lacks a few things - like scalability, authentication, security
On the contrary, I think it's clear that the 'receiver has control model' scales much better (can get many messages in a single call; no 2PC overhead; no need for queue to maintain each receiver's position), and can make use of standard secure transports such as SSL. Messaging, on the other hand, requires per-message signing/sealing, which is much more expensive than session-based encryption, while the pub/sub model is practically unsecurable (the message must be readable by all recipients, therefore must be encrypted under a common key).
Well, we differ on a few thing
I think that's a fair summary
Are we missing the point here? (Score:2)
So what does this mean in shops that produce high-volume, high-throughput, high-userbase apps? You usually find that dist. object implementations have their object-to-object interactions up-levelled (artificially) to ensure that 'messages' (as opposed to granular method calls) become the implemented design-point.
This is why RPCs (home-grown, SOAP/XML, or otherwise) make a lot more sense (to me). The technologies might be new, but the concepts are old and useful. Bottom-line (for me), is that RMI and CORBA do not implement service-based architectures very well. RPC-style solutions are a more natural fit from both the business requirement and technical design perspective.
Re:Are we missing the point here? (Score:1)
Re:Are we missing the point here? (Score:2)
I don't pretend that SOAP/XML is pretty or easy. What I AM saying is that the direction is, by and large, a saner one for IT folks to manage because it suggests a more component-based, message-oriented design-point that does CORBA or RMI. My persprective is that of a corporate IT guy who needs to architect large-scale app infrastructure accessible (and simple) for hundreds of developers. Individual mileage may vary...
Until the industry settles, check out ACE/TAO (Score:2, Interesting)
So check out ACE (It's Open Source of course) at http://www.cs.wustl.edu/~schmidt/ACE.html
and TAO at http://www.cs.wustl.edu/~schmidt/TAO.html
Here's some blurb:
TAO is an open source product with zero cost licensing.(Development and run time.) TAO is a C++, CORBA 2.3 compliant ORB designed for real-time but equally applicable in general-purpose situations. TAO runs across multiple O/Ss and chip architectures enabling a wide integration capability, for diverse elements, within a single ORB implementation. TAO's baseline design for real time considerations ensures end to deterministic behavior and leverages both system and network characteristics.
Re:Until the industry settles, check out ACE/TAO (Score:1)
Why not horb? (Score:1)
Wow! (Score:2)
I remember looking at Horb in early 1996. The design for Ganymede was inspired by what Horb was promising, but once Sun released RMI, it seemed that all the distributed object support necessary was bundled into every JDK, so why use Horb?
Still, it's exciting to see that Horb has gained and kept an active user community.