Criticisms of KDE 3 Release Process 201
An anonymous submitter sent in a link to a recent email from the kde-devel list,
criticizing the release process. Hopefully the KDE guys can work out any problems and keep up the good work that we've seen in the past. Update: 03/10 14:20 GMT by M : One of the comments below points out that another KDE developer has made an extensive response to the original criticisms.
Take it Easy on KDE! (Score:3, Insightful)
After all of the people recently complaining about the possiblity that previously open sourced software might have to succumb to the relentless tide of capitalism, I find it somewhat confusing that they are willing to find fault with KDE.
Right now, KDE looks to be the best hope for Linux to enter mainstream as a desktop OS. A VERY major portion of the impetus for users to not change is a lack of familiarity with the desktop. They don't care how it works, or what it does. They need their computer screen to be familiar to them the first time they experience their new OS. Once they're comfortable with it, they might abandon the "Windows look", but until then it will get users.
KDE could probably use not criticsism, but instead help from able computer scientists who want to see the open source movement triumph
Re:Take it Easy on KDE! (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Take it Easy on KDE! (Score:1)
Re:Take it Easy on KDE! (Score:2)
KDE != Linux. KDE can stand on its own, can Linux? I used to think so, but so many people beg to differ that I'm not sure any more.
I tend to think so, although KDE is an excellent choice for a windows manager, it is not the only game in town, beyond even Gnome. I do not use either KDE or Gnome as my desktop, I use ROX, so I could uninstall both and 90% of my apps would work fine. The issue is not now technical nor has it ever been. Instead it is an issue of user preferance. Certainly loosing either KDE or Gnome would be a hard blow, but I think Linux could survive loosing both. Though I think the chance of loosing even one is nonexistent let alone both.
KDE isn't inhibiting Linux in the desktop world... (Score:3)
I just wanted to mention that it wasn't the interface so much that makes me not us Linux, it's that I have no clue how to get hardware to work. Windows has me that spoiled. I'm so used to having neat little menu driven things I can run that allow me to get things up and running, that when I went to use Linux (KDE on Redhat, I believe), I was unable to find what I needed to get network and sound going.
You may chalk this up to me being a helpless newbie, but I don't have this problem with Windows or even Mac. I guess what I'm really saying is that KDE at 2.0 was fine, but tinkering with the hardware to make everything work was what turned me off. I admit that I didn't put all that much effort into it, but I only have so much time, you know?
Apple got the idea right, though. Look at what they did with OSX. They built upon the BSD Kernel (I think it was BSD... don't shoot me if I got it wrong. Please feel free to correct me, though) and made the interface with a target audience in mind. The result? I have a coworker who is able to tinker with his Mac, but he's never needed to know the root password to his machine.
Redhat's gotten close to this in 7.0. I really feel like 8 or 9 may be enough to get me going in the Linux world. A new version of KDE is icing on the cake.
Re:KDE isn't inhibiting Linux in the desktop world (Score:2)
SuSE is really the nicest desktop OS I've used, IMO, possibly barring OSX. (That's *just* talking about the desktop experience, and not apps or OS). It blows away Red Hat and has a leg up on Mandrake... I'm looking forward to their KDE 3.1 based setup.
Incidently, so many features are hanging on the feature freeze for KDE 3.1 that that is the release that I'm really looking forward to. 3.0 is an updated API and updates on the core apps with very few killer features, other than speed and core changes... 3.1 is when the nifty features (many of which are already written) get integrated. Several of the developers who have pretty much wrapped up their code for 3.0 are seriously looking at 3.1. Remember - 3.0 is primarily a port and rework to provide a faster stable core with more functionality. 3.1 will actually use this new functionality to add new features.
Re:KDE isn't inhibiting Linux in the desktop world (Score:1)
Yuch. Different strokes for different folks indeed.
Re:KDE isn't inhibiting Linux in the desktop world (Score:2)
3.1 will have a whole slew of honest new features at the application level. As I said, it's more of a judgement call and open to interpretation, but I'd still call it 80% port and rewrite to interface to the new underlying features, 10% new artwork and other graphics, 5% new flash (useless features like the sidebar to the kicker menu) and 5% new stuff. Plus a good portion of stuff like documentation and translation (which takes us well above 100%, but you get the idea).
I especially like that the 2.x config files conversion is being given a high priority, so the shift from 2.x to 3.x will be pretty much transparent (not that the beta is lacking some config translations, notably and dangeriously KMail).
Again... it's a matter of opinion - this is a very complete port and rewrite (for speed) of the core libs. The apps have been adjusted to take mild advantage of the new underlying layer. I say that's part of the port process. You might disagree... we'd both be right.
Re:KDE isn't inhibiting Linux in the desktop world (Score:2)
No, but a good chunk of it, like the Javascript and rendering engine, new file dialogue, improved printing and support for streaming I would call "core changes", which moves them to that 80% I spoke of. It affects apps across the board, but aren't really new features at the app level. Noatun's new features are mostly derived from changed to the aRts underlying engine. KMail did get some substantial app improvements and new features.
Take a look at the feature list for 3.1, however, and where the changes occured for 3.0, and it's pretty much core changes (including rewrite for speed and port) in 3.0 and app level changes generally got pushed into 3.1.
Re:KDE isn't inhibiting Linux in the desktop world (Score:2)
Go back to my original message - if I wasn't clear, my point was: "KDE 3.0 is a port and core rewrite for speed and new API. The apps are rewritted to expose those changes, but no really new features at the app level that aren't directly related to the core changes (with some exceptions like KMail)".
The phrase "Now you" implies that I changed my position during this thread. Untrue - read my original posts in totality. Maybe I mislead, but my position has been pretty durn solid. I'm going by what I read in the dev-list and by watching the CVS commits, not in what gets published.
Re:KDE isn't inhibiting Linux in the desktop world (Score:1, Insightful)
it's just a damn OS, nothing to get upset about.
I use win2k and linux, they are both allright, neither one has turned my machine into a magic box. Linux is neat and isn't as mind numbing as Win2k to use, hell, I'll be damned if I would spend $2000.00 for the privlage of using a mac with OSX on it. so Linux is great in that respect.
For an OS that has been developed by contributers from around the world I would have to say that in that respect Linux is amazing. Win2k on the other hand for an OS that has been developed by one company in a tightly controlled environment should be more stable.
screw it, I'm just babbling now, I need more coffee.....
Why GNOME? (Score:2)
In every discussion of KDE, there is at least one person who comments that GNOME is better, but without providing support for the statements. I'm not saying this is wrong, but I don't understand it. What about GNOME strikes you as so much more advanced than KDE?
WHy? (Score:2)
KDE is developing FAST (unlike Gnome it seems), it was here before Gnome was. Why should people support Gnome instead of KDE?
It's funny, Gnome was started as a "free" alternative to KDE (back when Qt still had licensing-issues). But now it seems that of those two, KDE is the "more free" one. Gnome is influenced by corporations. Hell, one of it's chief developers (Ximian) is a for-profit corp! And certain chief-developer of Gnoma has openly suggested that Gnome should use *gasp* Microsoft-technologies!
Hello! (Score:4, Interesting)
1) Packages missing from the release entirely (1)
2) Rampant compile problems
3) Last-minute changes to build requirements that cannot be met by
many developers without an operating system upgrade (2)
4) Many outstanding bugs (3)
of course there's going to be problems with the software.
no one has made a post about the development of Woody and there are a lot more problems in it than KDE3. isn't this all part of the sotware development proccess? (emphasis on development)
Re:Hello! (Score:1)
i don't think you should be checking in code that doesn't compile...
Re:Hello! (Score:1)
clarification (Score:1)
Re:Hello! (Score:1)
Re:Hello! (Score:2)
Re:Hello! (Score:1)
This is on woody, and the only thing I've had to upgrade was Qt (from 3.0.1 to 3.0.2)
Re:Hello! (Score:5, Insightful)
Release Candidate != Release
2) Rampant compile problems
Really? Compiles fine here and elsewhere. Of
course, if it doesn't compile for you the proper thing
to do is report the specific problem to
the mailing lists immediately.
3) Last-minute changes to build requirements that cannot be met by
many developers without an operating system upgrade
Hehe, this one was funny. He was complaining
about a requirement for developers compiling
out of cvs to upgrade to gnu autoconf > 1.50.
Those compiling from the release tarballs won't
even be affected, and the "operating system upgrade"
consists of downloading autoconf and
compiling it. Took me literally 3 minutes.
4) Many outstanding bugs
Well sure, all software has bugs, even when released.
Released software shouldn't of course have
critical bugs so when you find them, you
should report the specific problem to
the appropriate forum (mailing lists at this late
date in the cycle) immediately.
This whole thing was just an overation from 3
developers who felt left out when they weren't
invited to the recent KDE hacking session. It's
unfortuate, but the sky is not falling.
The best way to help KDE is not complain but
to download the release candidates, compile
them (yeah, you can do it -
make install), test, and report bugs.
Re:Hello! (Score:1)
Uninstalling is Easy :-) (Score:3, Informative)
>>How do you uninstall?
This is a good question. It's really pretty easy,
acutally to try out things like this without interfering
with the package management system you use.
The key is using the "--prefix" configure option to
choose the target install directory.
1) Create your own target location
export QTDIR=/usr/local/qt3
export KDEDIR=/usr/local/kde3
cp qt-copy-XXX.tar
tar xvf qt-copy-XXX.tar
ln -s
./configure (+ options listed in README.qt-copy)
tar xvf (kde-whatever-pkg.tar)
cd kde-whatever-pkg
./configure --prefix=$KDEDIR
make install
Now all the kde3 software you install like this goes
under $KDEDIR
If you want to uninstall it, just delete everything in
that directory. Simple, eh?
Re:Uninstalling is Easy :-) (Score:2)
Re:Hello! (Score:2)
hard, eh?
Re:Hello! (Score:1)
What does it mean? newer kernel?
Useless Star Wars Reference (Score:1)
the community [...] New leadership for KDE 3.1 is needed. I call for a vote of no-confidence in Senator Mueller's leadership."
Re:Management issues (Score:2)
My Point presumes that you can have a rational system of managing a development process. It presumes that the QA process can be applied to life outside of dev issues.
Now I can see that the idea of putting in a bug report on a boss or supervisor is going to sound a bit funny. Sort of like putting in a bug report on Clinton or Bush.But what happened has to be documented someplace, it has to be analysed someplace, the fix has to be made somehow, And it has to be tested so that screw ups don't happen again. and of course, it has to be the right fix.
Now of course, the typical attitude this is the energetic use of a middle finger accompanied by shouting. Along with the conviction that damn well no-one should ever try this, because somebody will put a stop to this nonsense. No-one should ever change jobs, and everyone is always peechy keen.
God forbid that the process used to make sure that a software system works smoothly were ever used to make sure a human system runs smoothly. Besides, everyone knows that it is not needed. Everything always runs perfectly.
The major problems for most folks in something like this are on the points on making sure you have the right fix, and actually getting the fix rolling.
Of course this is unbelievable to many folks. What do you mean fix the System? everyone knows that it can't happen! Gee, what a maroon ...
Of course, if you don't fix it, it goes to hell.
Enjoy your handbasket.
Re:Management issues (Score:1)
Of course, but these guys were clueless on the basic concept. which would explain how their projects probably go.
Professionalism == Bad (Score:5, Insightful)
So the KDE guys got together and were inspired to perform lots of last minute hacking. More power to them! So what if the 3.0 release is delayed or has a few issues. I think these three guys who signed the letter were just jealous because they weren't involved in the process.
I don't use KDE, and never liked it, but I have to stand up for the developers here. Just enjoy developing the software and stop bitching because there aren't 'hard freezes' before a release.
Re:Professionalism == Good (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:Professionalism == Good (Score:2)
True, but if you don't do that, there will always be a few developers saying the code is not ready, and there's still work to be done. That's how releases end up getting ridiculously delayed.
It comes down to the responsibility of the developers. If there's a freeze coming up, have enough common sense to know that it's not arbitrary, and it's for the good of the project. Don't barf all over the code 2 weeks ahead of time just to get a whiz-bang feature in.
Re:Professionalism == Good (Score:1)
It helps if you have three freeze points, one to stop features, one to stop minor bugs, and one to stop everything but the mandatory bugs. You also need a release manager with very thick skin armed with a spiked club.
Re:Professionalism == Good (Score:2)
A lot of the time, developers like to blow things a bit out of proportion and that's all well and good when your just around developers, but it is very bad to make such public comments.
We always had a general rule of thumb that we follow. Within a month of a release of our project, we never use the word 'core dump' around the management. Dumps are no big deal most of the time but it doesn't give management a warm and fuzzy feeling to hear the words 'core dump' so close to deadline.
Re:Professionalism == Bad (Score:1)
Before I saw the light (WindowMaker/slackware), in the very beginning, I used Gnome. I liked it. I mean, after all, KDE _does_ have that windows wannabe look about it. Also there's that whole QT thingy.
Then I used WindowMaker. I still have kdelibs and all, just because the distro came with it. I use their nifty kmahjong and my brother still loves kspaceduel. And kword once in a while too. Do you know how much better kde apps look, compared to gnome apps? In windowmaker, (and NeXT, OS X) we have this thing called AppIcon. Some bad acting apps (like SDL programs and XEvil and xpdf just off top of mind) doesn't make AppIcon, so I have to emulate it. Most all of x apps just have AppIcon with (ugly) default icon. Some x apps (_all_ of kde programs included, also staroffice and gv from top of my mind) even supply it's own icon so that I don't have to hunt through
My bro covets my linux installation and wants to try linux out (maybe this summer). When he does, I would recommend KDE, just because it would make later transition easier. (He really likes windowmaker too.)
I don't know anything about X11 programming, so I don't know what the nature of these AppIcon is, but I know that they are a good thing. I may not like the whole K _desktop_ environment, but KDE apps surely are a Good Thing!
Re:Professionalism == Bad (Score:3, Informative)
Also there's that whole QT thingy.
What exactly is the "thingy" about Qt? Some of us happen to think that Qt is a very professional, elegantly designed toolkit. It's been GPL'd for something like 1.5 years, so FSF zealotry shouldn't be an issue either...
Seriously, I have a hard time figuring out why so many people bash Qt. Maybe someone can enlighten me.
Re:Professionalism == Bad (Score:1)
If you didn't get my post, it was pro-KDE. In fact, I type this on Opera which uses QT.
Re:Professionalism == Bad (Score:2)
Sorry if my previous post came off a bit flamish--that wasn't my intention. I am simply curious why Qt continues to have a bad reputation amongst many slashdotters. I guess I was asking the wrong person.
Re:Professionalism == Bad (Score:1)
Re:Professionalism == Bad (Score:2)
No it couldn't. "There's" means "there is" or "there has," but never "there was." In the context of "there's that qt thing" it can only mean "there is that qt thing."
Ummm, I'm not an english major or anything, but I think you're full of shit... "There's" is a contraction of there and some short word ending in "s". As far as I know, there is no law saying that that word cannot be "was". Note, there may be stylistic guidelines saying that, for clarity, you shouldn't use it for anything other then "there is". Nonetheless, I don't believe it is grammatically incorrect. Normally, I wouldn't be this pedantic, but, well, you started it...
Re:Professionalism == Bad (Score:2)
It was written in Norway, where they eat fish for breakfast, fish for lunch, and fish for dinner also. No good red-blooded American would have anything to do with such a fishy product. (Seriously) it's just ordinary American xenophobia.
PS no, I'm not American... but then I understand irony and like Qt.
Re:Professionalism == Bad (Score:1)
Re:Professionalism == Bad (Score:1)
Bah! WindowMaker was too much a resource hog when I first installed so many years back... I could only open one window and then if I tried to open another, I would run out of memory. Those were the good ole days
I'm not much a GUI person. I use gnome-terminal, Emacs (not XEmacs, but GNU Emacs), and mozilla and that's about it. The Gnome stuff seems more light weight to me and I like the fact that it works well with Sawfish (since I was able to do some lisp hacks to sawfish to add macros and some other neat stuff).
Give me a few terminal windows, and a display to bring up emacs on, and I'm happy as hell.
Re:Professionalism == Bad (Score:1)
The Gnome stuff seems more light weight to me
I assume you don't mean Gnome environment vs WindowMaker.
If you mean Gnome apps, I guess they could be lite. But that's not WindowMaker's problem. Just use gnome apps in WindowMaker.
WindowMaker is known as a lite desktop itself while providing pretty cool environment. Sawfish w/o Gnome seems pretty spartan to me.
Re:Professionalism == Bad (Score:2)
Not Release Problems (Score:5, Insightful)
It's a failing of leadership (if the criticism is true). I think it's important to remember 2 things here:
In light of this lack of management discovery, maybe a couple programers will start to see all the recent criticizm's of software managers (as in recent stories [slashdot.org] here) may be not as useful as trying to actually support managers of projects (espically OSS ones) a little more.
This happens in large projects. (Score:5, Insightful)
I'm not a KDE user myself (I prefer gnome), but I'm confident and hopeful that the KDE development team will get past these problems and produce another good release. They've done very good releases in the past, and there's no reason for them not to do it again.
Whew... (Score:3, Funny)
Early KDE (Score:1)
Maybe kde needs something like mozilla's tinderbox - then whoever breaks something in only some environments would be "on the hook" to fix it.
Make sure to get both sides of the story (Score:5, Informative)
http://lists.kde.org/?t=101566017800001&r=1&w=2 [kde.org]
And specifically, Dirk Mueller's response:
http://lists.kde.org/?l=kde-core-devel&m=101567612 207504&w=2 [kde.org]
I'm not saying one side is more right than the other -- merely that there are certainly two sides to this issue.
Neil Stevens blowing things completely out of prop (Score:3, Interesting)
Others are having *excellent* experiences with KDE3. Just check the "fucking amazing" (sic) post, for example.
So yes, there are two sides to the story
Re:Neil Stevens blowing things completely out of p (Score:2)
What post are you talking about?
Now I'm going to have to start looking through your past posts to figure out just who you are. From the name I have to guess you're one of the dot.kde.org editors, but I'm not sure.
Re:Neil Stevens blowing things completely out of p (Score:2)
Maybe I owe an apology to Dre, Navindra, and the rest.
Re:Neil Stevens blowing things completely out of p (Score:1)
Re:Neil Stevens blowing things completely out of p (Score:2)
There have been some questionable events and changes in the past week within KDE development and the upcoming release. Since noone had yet the courage to express concerns about these changes, Neil stood up and did, with a firm voice.
The result is some strong but constructive discussions to improve the situation and do what is best for KDE. A second RC has been created and the results of testing it will decided if there will be a final 3.0.0 release next or a delay if necessary.
Yes, us KDE developers disagree sometimes. We're not always best friends. But we respect other opinions and keep our common friend in mind: KDE itself.
I don't buy it (Score:3, Informative)
I have found the KDE guys' release scheduling and management of high quality in the past, and judging from the minimum of hiccups I got building 3.0 RC1, I can say they're still top notch.
Re:Make sure to get both sides of the story (Score:2, Insightful)
Hallelujah! Now, could someone beat the Slashdot and Newsforge *kaf* "editors" with a cluebat so they'll figure that out?
If they have to post crap like this, the least they could do is give a direct link to the actual mail archive and a link to some of the rebuttal.
Assorted things... (Score:2)
I personally don't use KDE because it feels cluttered and slow. I usually use Enlightenment 0.17 CVS (when I can compile it). It looks great, is lightening fast, and is already very stable.
Anywho, whatever happened to Katabase, of KOffice? I have been waiting for that before I try a switch from OpenOffice to KOffice...
Re:Assorted things... (Score:1, Interesting)
From what I can gather, KWord and KSpread should be usable* beginning with their next official release. They won't be feature-competitive with OpenOffice until quite a bit later, but they'll be nice enough for regular use. Katabase has a long long LONG way to go before it is usable. I have no idea about the other KOffice apps because I haven't been following them. I frankly think KWord's frame-based DTP design is going to be the thing that puts it on top in the long run. Then again, OpenOffice works NOW, and there's something to be said for that...
* my definition of "usable" may not be the same as yours. Same goes for most things.
It's almost as if... (Score:1)
Vote of non-confidence (Score:1)
New leadership for KDE 3.1 is needed.
Beware the new Chancellor doesn't become and evil Emporer!
Re:Vote of non-confidence (Score:2)
Well, the vote of no confidence won't come on Dirk until after 3.0 is out, for better or worse.
Question is, which one of Ryan, Charles, and myself is Padme?
Re:Vote of non-confidence (Score:2)
This isn't just an Open Source problem... (Score:2, Insightful)
Although I've been coding for almost 16 years now, I've never been involved as a project manager for something this big. (our main app is rapidly approaching 100,000 lines) We have found through trial and error that code freeze/documentation periods are essential to ensure that we are all still using the same vesrions of the core libraries. This is especially critical for web page design as each page can almost be considered an object with a specific interface. If you change the interface on a page, you just broke every page that connects to that page. I'm sure the various components of KDE are no different.
KDE dev team, don't shoot the messenger! I think this is a fantastic opportunity for you to have your development practices analyzed by the slashdot community. I don't even think you could hire a consulting firm this honest and experienced.
I see the problem... (Score:1, Offtopic)
You can't re-code what you can't read.
Wow (Score:2)
I didn't realize Adrian Bunk had decided to "participate" in the KDE release process too...
Re:Wow (Score:1)
He did a _lot_ of work for Debian QA. He did maintain more packages than most (or perhaps any) other developers and was one of the No.1 Bug fixers. This guy here is just a troll.
On a related note (Score:2, Interesting)
Whats the problem here?
word of reason from waldo bastian: (Score:5, Informative)
To: kde-core-devel@mail.kde.org
Subject: Thoughts about releases.
Date: Sat, 9 Mar 2002 15:47:53 -0800
Releases are a funny thing, you know, we love them and we hate them. Before a
release everyone tends to get all excited and some people see a bunch of bugs
and problems and then go into panic-mode. I have seen it happening with about
every KDE release. Psychology must be playing tricks on the human mind.
Looking back though, KDE releases have all been pretty ok. 2.0 could have
been a bit more stable, but it is questionable whether delaying it would have
helped much.
Instead of going in panic-mode it is usually more constructive to check for
remaining problems and either fix them yourself, or report them to one of the
lists. Based on such reports a release coordinator will be able to get an
impression of the overall quality and make an informed decission whether to
release or to postpone.
Unlike popular believe there is no shame in delaying a release till it has
reached a quality that is desirable. It is up to the release coordinator to
decide when that point has been reached. The sole purpose of release
schedules is to coordinate develoment _WITHIN_ KDE itself. Distro's like
Conectiva, Mandrake or SuSE may find it inconvenient that a KDE release
happens later than originally planned but quite frankly that's their problem,
not KDE's.
(And in my case that's partly my problem because I happen to work for SuSE,
but I disgress).
I would also like to make use of the opportunity to thank Dirk for his hard
work on this release. Thank you Dirk!
And now let's have some fun finding those last remaining bugs....
Advanced technology only happens when people take a basic idea and add to it.
-- Bob Bemer
Bah! (Score:5, Interesting)
lists.kde.org and dot.kde.org are where he trolls most.
He has:
Criticized *many* KDE developers good work, even though they are working for free in their spare time.
Would rather see Microsoft go off scott free and end up killing KDE than have Microsoft be punished for being a monopoly.
Has sabotaged KDE CVS because people didn't agree with him.
He now wants to lead KDE.
The guy has an agenda to cripple KDE anyway he can, by sowing discord and criticizing everyone. He shows no respect for peoples work and never apologizes even when he is completely wrong. Its a miracle KDE has put up with him so far.
Re:Bah! (Score:1, Informative)
for everyone who has used both of them, kinkatta is a SHITLOAD better.
Re:Bah! (Score:1)
I am not sure what you meant to say.
Re:Bah! (Score:2)
And how has Neil sabotaged KDE CVS in any way?
Re:Bah! (Score:1)
I think the underlying issue seems to be how "dictatorial" the open source process should be. My view is that for a highly integrated project like a desktop environment, where other people will rely on the libraries you code, it should be very dictatorial. KDE has prospered because it has had tough rules on code quality. Gnome - I have heard - is slacker and has had problems. (No disrespect tho, I am looking forward to 2.0) The same with Linux itself, Linus has admitted he is a bastard, and his tough, blunt management style has worked well. Open source gives you lots of free code, but it is important to select the _good_ free code. That in turn gives the coders more self-respect as part of a disciplined project.
Just my uninformed 2c.
Re:Bah! (Score:2)
So Neil took that as a sign that he could include his well-tested Hayes module (it encountered and caused fixing for lots of KDirLister and KFileTreeView bugs) into kdemultimedia. It was then removed again by Dirk, against his words earlier.
Re:Bah! (Score:2)
* Yup, plenty of people do get annoyed with me. But is that in itself a bad thing? I'm reminded of the Peter Principle, in the part where it's shown how bad processes get reinforced when those who make waves are tossed out.
* Yup, I criticize things. I also beg for my work to get tested and criticized. What I *don't* like are vague criticisms with no hint about what to *do* about them. My criticisms on the matter of KDE 3.0 have not been vague, and certainly have included suggestions on what to *do* about them, even including my volunteering to handle it myself the next time around.
* Microsoft is irrelevant to KDE.
* Sabotage? I botched one import, which briefly cluttered kdemultimedia with an extra dir before Dirk fixed it. Yes, the same Dirk. Yes, I apologized for the error. Sabotage usually implies that something breaks. I broke nothing.
* Lead KDE? Well, yes I said leader. When it's used in this manner, maybe leader was the wrong word. You need the context - when the RC proposes a schedule, anyone and everyone comments on how it can be improved, and it's the developers collectively who make the decisions. The RC just enforces the decisions that everyone else made.
* Agenda to cripple KDE? I'm sorry, I just can't answer that one. I don't know where to begin.
I have to say it... (Score:2, Insightful)
Now it's guaranteed to be picked up by other "news" sources and generate a bunch of useless controversy. Sometimes when I see what Newsforge (gag) puts out, I wonder if they have a secret agenda to discredit Open Source development. A quote from someone (Tina) at Newsforge about their policy of posting any and everything:
we assume that our readers are smart enough to separate the sheep from the goats [tuxreports.com]
I've gotten this response from them before, and they don't seem to understand the difference between filtering crap and saying that they shouldn't post critical or negative commentary. Yes, by all means, run a negative story if it's important, but don't run crap -- positive or negative. Posting a diatribe by three KDE developers -- folks, that's crap.
In other words "don't look to us for news, because we don't do perform any kind of quality checking or the typical gatekeeper function you'd expect from real journalists. Someone submits it, we'll post it somewhere."
I'm not saying that it's wrong to report on genuine conflicts or negative stories when they're important, but this really doesn't qualify IMHO. When a site purports to be a news site, there should be some quality checking and filtering going on. Stories that are comprised of nothing more than a rant or stories that are obviously biased or outright false should not be picked up -- or at the very least have a disclaimer attached.
Microsoft must love the fact that Free and Open Source software development discussion takes place in the open where everyone can examine and dissect every personality conflict and internal bitchfest. It makes the Linux and Open Source community look like a bunch of fractious losers while no matter what Microsoft PR's department spews everyone marches in lock-step to it.
Does KDE... (Score:1)
KDE 3.0 and 2.4 series kernel (Score:2)
The 2.4 series kernel and recent Patch penguin broohaha could be criticised for the same. In fact the 2.4 kernel has been called the "Kernel of pain" because of the problems. What this has done is force the development community to work harder, and even Linus is trying new things (automated patch integration into the tree). I believe that constructive criticiscm is always helpful, and a good sanity check BEFORE KDE 3.0 is released does not in any way take away from KDE. Perhaps the can avoid the pitfalls of the 2.4 series Kernel.
Re:KDE 3.0 and 2.4 series kernel (Score:2)
bzzzzzzzzzzzzzt. KDE 3.0 is *not* in beta. It has passed the beta stage, at least officially. It is a release candidate, which is something that is supposed to be release worthy.
Don't believe me? Before the Nuernberg meeting, the schedule had KDE 3.0 final coming out just a few days after RC 1. That's how bad a failure RC 1 was.
KDE is the most unstable thing in the Linux world (Score:1, Troll)
Re:KDE is the most unstable thing in the Linux wor (Score:1)
Re:KDE is the most unstable thing in the Linux (Score:2)
Re:KDE is the most unstable thing in the Linux wor (Score:2)
The biggest change needed to port this time are
perl -pi -e "s,QList,QPtrList,g" *.cpp *.h
KDE 3 isn't the radical jump that KDE 2 was. Porting isn't hard. And there's a nice large doc in the kdelibs sources describing the changes from 2 to 3 in kdelibs.
Systemic throughout the industry (Score:1)
and other smaller campsites)
over the last 10 years, i've observed that fewer and fewer teams are able to meet schedules. one of the biggest problems faced by todays teams is that the time to market have been reduced significantly, yet the infrastructure needed to support these teams is still dependent on tools and practices from 20 years ago...
another key problem that large product teams face, is that the software is not architected to support the kind of rapid change that is required to compete in todays markets. this results because of the fact that the software industry has architects of technology, but are lacking in architects of product.
when was the last time during a software design review, anyone has seen how the product was going to be supported, and what impact that has on the architecture...
Neil here (Score:3, Interesting)
I'm glad people have noticed that this isn't a criticism of KDE, or the direction KDE's taking or anything. It's just a criticism of the breakdown of the policies that were followed for the 2.x releases.
Some have questioned whether this is even newsworthy. I figure it is in the same way an internal Microsoft memo would be considered newsworthy: It's the fact that it's one snapshot of things people don't normally follow that makes it interesting.
And of course, conflicts make headlines.
I encourage all users and fans of KDE to make a good backup and test KDE 3 RC 2, following the tips on http://www.kde.org/kde2-and-kde3.html and http://www.kde.org/install-source.html to help make KDE 3 the best release it can be, whether a beta 3 is released or not.
3.0 is 3-dot-zerio for a reason (Score:1)
Re:3.0 is 3-dot-zerio for a reason (Score:2, Interesting)
Read the fine print (Score:2, Informative)
Taken from 3.0 release schedule [kde.org]:
What's the deal with that feature-plan?
In the past, there were a lot of complaints about a rather long "freeze period", so this is an attempt to address this issue. Basically the idea is that you add an entry about what feature you want to finish in the 3.0 timeframe and mark it as done when you completed it. This helps me to get an overview about the outstanding changes and in return allows you to work on the missing parts even in the "freeze period". The feature-plan is open for commits till November, 2nd. Later additions require reviewal first. I will try to respect outstanding entries in the release schedule. Please understand that although this gives you greater freedom over CVS, it also requires more discipline in making sure that your additions don't have unwanted side effects.
I think what's said above can explain most of the bugs and other problems that still exist in 3.0 Beta/RC
One very important point (Score:4, Insightful)
But as the letter proves, they have now failed in two incredibly important ways. First of all they don't manage package upgrades well, which is a mortal sin in my book. But further more, they absolutely number one sin is to commit anything to the reposatory that doesn't build. This is a very fundamental way of working, you will waste a large number of hours if the central build doesn't build. All of a sudden everybody has to fix this somehow, and just for the sake of argument say that 50 developers got a broken build. They find the problem and fix it (I know that some might wait for a patch), there you have 50 potential other bugs that could have been fixed instead. Make sure everything does build before you commit. Use branches and make it safe.
And even worse, 100s of users that wants to live on the bleeding edge and help find bugs are all of a sudden faced with build problems (which can be avoided, there are commercial projects that excel at this. There is nothing that says that free projects can't as well). Wasted hours and sour faces for everybody.
Give some (light) punishment to the last person who broke the build, this works, and motivates. One just can't make a true punishment, because that is quite frankly stupid. Something like having to answer user mail until the next one comes along and breaks it or something along those lines.
Re:One very important point (Score:1)
two areas that need to be addressed.
Complaints are exaggerated, I think... (Score:2)
I noticed this complaint reported on Sourceforge yesterday. All I can say is, based on my experimentation with RC2 and relatively recent CVS's, things don't seem to be anywhere near as bad as the complaint implies.
Realistically, what I found was only ONE serious bug that keeps me from using the KDE3 CVS release as my current desktop - and the reply to the complaint mentioned it:
Except for khtml problems I would say KDE is in a pretty good shape right nowThe big problem right now, from what *I* have noticed (there may be others, but I haven't stumbled on them) is the broken focus. I couldn't write this post in KDE3, for example, because while in the textarea, the "focus" is actually still on the links in the page. Pressing the Enter key while typing here in KDE3 would cause the browser to jump to the currently focussed link (the first one on the page) instead of putting an "enter" into the textarea...
While the fact that this huge focus problem has been in khtml for so long and (as far as I can tell from what I get out of "cvs update kde" from anoncvs.kde.org) isn't being addressed at all disturbs me (bugs.kde.org now even has a bug entry set up to track all of the 'duplicates' that are all permutations of "keyboard focus in khtml is broken"!), the fact is that other than this ONE bug (which may conceivably only still be there because of the feature freeze preventing a reworked set of khtml focus code from being committed to fix it), KDE3 was looking like it was actually in quite good shape...
Re:*sigh* (Score:1)
Re:*sigh* (Score:1)
The work is done in your video adapter. (Score:3, Interesting)
When you run into problems with GUI speed, consider your video adapter. Most of the processing needed to make things jump onto the screen is done by the video processor.
I consider Matrox to be the best video adapter for business (non-game) use. (Hitachi monitors are very sharp.)
I have a 200 MHz Pentium II with a Matrox adapter that is acceptably fast with KDE 2.
Re:*sigh* (Score:2)
The major cause for slowness in KDE is caused by the linker in GCC. To ky knowledge, the fixed linker is order of magnitude faster, and that directly shows in startup-times in KDE. Unfortunately that fixed linker is not ready for release yet.
If you want more speed in KDE, go talk to GCC-team. KDE-team is well avare of the speed-issue, and they are working hard to make things faster in their end. However, ther's nothing they can do about the linker.
Re:Page Widening criticism (Score:1)
If you use mozilla this dude's crap won't widen your pages... it's a feature of IE ;)
forgot qt-copy (Score:1, Informative)
README.qt-copy for instructions
(any other packages you want)
Re:forget about the release process... (Score:1)
i figure if you troll you should at least troll well