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Google Programming Contest Winner 229

asqui writes "The First Annual Google Programming Contest, announced about 4 months ago has ended. The winner is Daniel Egnor, a former Microsoft employee. His project converted addresses found in documents to latitude-longitude coordinates and built a two-dimensional index of these coordinates, thereby allowing you to limit your query to a certain radius from a geographical location. Good for difficult questions like "Where is the nearest all-night pizza place that will deliver at this hour?". Unfortunately there is no mention whether this technology is on its way to the google labs yet. There are also details of 5 other excellent project submissions that didn't quite make it."
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Google Programming Contest Winner

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  • if i'd only known (Score:2, Interesting)

    by oogoody ( 302342 )
    they wanted such boring submissions.
    The winning idea was cool, but the rest looks
    like free development for google rather
    than something novel.
  • Here's one [] i wrote earlier.

    Dosn't do the document lookup thing, but we were using it for finding the neariest piza on a now defunct e-commerce website.
    • click here - Afghanistan data half price.

      I suppose those maps are a bit out-of-date now, aren't they
      • It would be tempting to put some sarcastic rebuttal in here.
        Get a book on basic qauntum mechanics and it will tell you that your observations are always out-of-date.
        What's wrong with Afganistan anyhow, they seemed a nice bunch of people, with a strong religious following before the US regieme ousted there lovley government.
  • by Masem ( 1171 ) on Friday May 31, 2002 @08:34AM (#3616628)
    From the hon. mentions:
    Laird Breyer, for his project, Markovian Page Ranking Distributions: Some Theory and Simulations. This project examined various properties of the Markovian process behind Google's PageRank algorithm, and suggested some modifications to take into account the "age" of each link to reduce Pagerank's tendency to bias against newly-created pages.

    This may help to defeat the current practice of overloading the PageRank results of a given key word as to point to a given page by having people link to that page with a link containing that keyword, aka "Googlebombing". I do think that the winner is a very interesting and useful project, this latter one will probably be implemented ASAP.

    • Yeah, it's a pity things like this are less exciting, it's a much needed addition, just not as "innovative".
    • What does Markovian mean? Of course I tried searching on Google but I found more of its use than its simple "what is" definition.
      • by Anonymous Coward
        Try the Google Glossary [] to find definitions of words or phrases.

        Markovian Dependece []- The condition where observations in a time series are dependent on previous observations in the near term. Markovian dependence dies quickly, while long-memory effects like Hurst dependence, decay over very long time periods.
      • Markov processes (Score:3, Informative)

        by dukethug ( 319009 )

        A Markov process is basically a series of random variables where the value of random variable X^(i+1) only depends on X^i. The idea is that if you want to predict the value of X^(i+1), all of the information you could possibly use is in the value of X^i.

        Lots of processes are Markovian- for instance, a random walk. If you're at point x at time t, then you know that there's a fifty-fifty chance you will be at x-1 or x+1 at time t+1. Knowing all of the previous points along the random walk won't help you predict the next point any better than that.

    • I'm surprised that something like the Hon. Mention system for giving higher ranking to pages that contain "all of the keywords" hasn't already been implemented. It seems that Freshmeat already has this feature and it is quite useful.
  • by thedanceman ( 582570 ) on Friday May 31, 2002 @08:35AM (#3616633) Homepage
    But I guess they thought there was no need for -thedanceman- [] on the google site.
  • by TedCheshireAcad ( 311748 ) <ted&fc,rit,edu> on Friday May 31, 2002 @08:36AM (#3616636) Homepage
    If only more pizza restaurants in my area had web sites. Soon enough, I won't even have to pick up the phone to make my food come to me! I wonder if the delivery guy will bring the pizza up to me at my computer. Hmm...
    • Papa Johns - web ordering. remembers your last order, so getting pizza and breadsticks is roughly 3 clicks and a half hour away.
    • Or you could go to Yahoo! Yellow Pages [] and search for pizza places sorted by proximity to your house. I do it all the time with all sorts of locations.
    • Don't know where you live, but Pizza Pizza allows you to go to their site and order pizza online (after you register) for some regions, most notably Toronto. Unfortunately their app is some POS Oracle thing that takes forever to do even the slightest thing like adding a topping (good 10-30 seconds between clicking a button and seeing the order frame change - with my cable connect and decent comp (733 w/ 384 megs), so it can take 10 minutes or longer for a complex order, plus delivery.

      BTW, this isn't O/T in the context of this thread.
  • by iramkumar ( 199433 ) on Friday May 31, 2002 @08:38AM (#3616654)
    Search => Osama Bin Laden
    Latitude/Longitude => 37/180, Pak
    Capture ...

    If this would have come out before we could have saved a country ...
  • by ReelOddeeo ( 115880 ) on Friday May 31, 2002 @08:39AM (#3616658)
    Where is the nearest server in my jurisdiction where I can download....
    • MP3's
    • Warez
    • Pr0n
    • Explosives making instructions
    And worst of all....
    • DeCSS
    We've got to stop all of the terrorists in the categories mentioned above!
  • It really seems to me like the "Google Sets" feature recently made available at Google Labs [] is an implementation of Zhenlei Cai's submission(although the details are extremely sketchy in the Google announcement). If this is true, I wonder why they couldn't implement the winning idea too?
  • more details (Score:5, Informative)

    by Alien54 ( 180860 ) on Friday May 31, 2002 @08:40AM (#3616665) Journal
    Daniel's project adds the ability to search for web pages within a particular geographic locale to traditional keyword searching. To accomplish this, Daniel converted street addresses found within a large corpus of documents to latitude-longitude-based coordinates using the freely available TIGER [] and FIPS [] data sources, and built a two-dimensional index of these coordinates. Daniel's system provides an interface that allows the user to augment a keyword search with the ability to restrict matches to within a certain radius of a specified address (useful for queries that are difficult to answer using just keyword searching, such as "find me all bookstores near my house"). We selected Daniel's project because it combined an interesting and useful idea with a clean and robust implementation.

    This is impressive bit of database manipulation. Somehow I didn't think that all of the datatypes, etc would be so easily parsed.

    Although I do recall telephone directories that used to give you results for a specified radius for certain types of businesses

    • Re:more details (Score:3, Insightful)

      by Matey-O ( 518004 )
      There's code available now that does this for zipcodes. see (And using Mapquest as the black box, street addresses too.) Tieing it into google is a nifty bit o kit tho'.
    • Re:more details (Score:5, Insightful)

      by Lars T. ( 470328 ) <[moc.liamelgoog] [ta] [regearT.sraL]> on Friday May 31, 2002 @09:44AM (#3617103) Journal
      Sounds like this improvement isn't much use outside the US.
      • Sounds like this improvement isn't much use outside the US.
        His current implementation wouldn't be of much use outside the US, but the code could be used with non-US data elsewhere. The TIGER & FIPS data is just geographical & address information commonly used in GIS. I know the UK has similar data available, other countries probably do too.

        Google chose his project because his code was clean and robust. It shouldn't be to difficult to get it to work with other data.
    • Re:more details (Score:4, Informative)

      by Chester K ( 145560 ) on Friday May 31, 2002 @08:49PM (#3620992) Homepage
      This is impressive bit of database manipulation. Somehow I didn't think that all of the datatypes, etc would be so easily parsed.

      Although I do recall telephone directories that used to give you results for a specified radius for certain types of businesses

      That's just a standard spatial query. It's easy to implement an R-Tree to be able to do (relatively) quick "give me points within x meters of this one" type of searches on a database. There's nothing extremely revolutionary about Daniel's project, anyone with some basic geometry knowledge and the patience to download the 33GB of TIGER data could have done it within the course of a few weeks. (Ironically enough I've been doing the same thing with 1.2 million addresses against TIGER data for the past month.)

      But that's the true genius and beauty of it. Now that it's been said, it's such a mindbogglingly obvious and useful application of web search and spatial search technology that it's hard to believe nobody thought of it before.

      I'd be honestly surprised if Google doesn't run with the ball and fold it into their main search engine. The only thing standing in the way is the storage space and CPU time to do it.
      • I'd be honestly surprised if Google doesn't run with the ball and fold it into their main search engine. The only thing standing in the way is the storage space and CPU time to do it.

        . . . Two things Google should have no trouble finding. []

  • 404 Page Not Found ? (Score:5, Interesting)

    by bigmouth_strikes ( 224629 ) on Friday May 31, 2002 @08:40AM (#3616667) Journal
    I'm surprised that there are so many 404 Page Not Found errors in Google's search results, even on the top hits.

    Shouldn't Google automatically check results that a user follows and flag those that cannot be displayed ?
    • #

      Thomas Phelps and Robert Wilensky, for their project, Robust Hyperlinks. Traditional hyperlinks are very brittle, in that they are useless if the page later moves to a different URL. This project improves upon traditional hyperlinks by creating a signature of the target page, selecting a set of very rare words that uniquely identify the page, and relying on a search engine query for those rare words to find the page in the future. For example, the Google programming contest can be found using this link.
    • Yea, I've realized that, but then you realize that Google caches most of the web and nearly all of the links produced in search results. So if you get a 404 error you go back and click on the cache link.
    • Google's links are not redirected via their server, and a lot of people would object to them "gathering data on their users' browsing activities". However, automatically checking the top link after each search (or scheduling it for checking) should be possible.

      What should they do if a page is unavailable, though? What if it's only down for a few seconds?
    • by LinuxHam ( 52232 ) on Friday May 31, 2002 @09:12AM (#3616869) Homepage Journal
      Shouldn't Google automatically check results

      I would much prefer to see them improve the ease of browsing their cache. Specifically, if a cached site is 404, then present a cached version of the site where all clicks within the site simply link to the cached version, unlike today where all clicks are native (and therefore lead to more 404's). Granted that wouldn't be of any use for links to dynamic pages, but anything is better than what they have today.
  • by room101 ( 236520 )
    The winner is... a former Microsoft employee.
    Let me guess: he "rebranded" a piece of software that was under a BSD license?

    All kidding aside, sounds pretty neat.

    • n0 u 533, h3 0wnz0r3d g00g13 w14h h15 31337 m1cr0$0f4 h4x0r1ng 5ki11z!!!

      God, help us all... I *knew* we couldn't go an entire story without someone freaking out about the whole "used to work for Microsoft bit."

      Ho hum, back to my OBSD boxen...

  • I don't think the Pizza delivery analogy will pan out. They can pin it down to a country (usually), and maybe even a region of a country(rarely), but beyond that, it won't be possible to get very close. For example, in the country I work for, the whole class B address shows up as being in the UK, but it is broken up accross each european country, so even if you are in spain or france, it looks like a UK address. I'm sure many companies do the same. Also, the IP addresses from the cable ISP will cover a wide area of several cities or sometimes a whole country.

    • Sounds like it wasn't doing IP Addresses or hostnames , but addresses found in text on pages. Using enough rules, and a funky algorithm, you could probably get pretty accurate for a number of pages, enough to produce good results on searches at least.
    • You need to spend more time in the Big Blue Room, man. This guy's project uses PHYSICAL addresses, not IP addresses. So if your address is on your webpage as 1337 Lamar Dr., San Dimas CA, he would use publically available geographical data to determine your physical coordinates and the places near you.

      Dig it?
  • Credit to the guy for thinking of it. It could save a person the hassle of looking up all the address in mapquest. I've never had the need to do such a search on google, since it's easier to just do a yellowpage search. Most yellow page sites like superpages and switchboard already provide that kind of functionality. Google's directory search doesn't have search by distance yet, but I'm guessing it will be added in the future. They kinda have to considering the other directory sites have those features.
  • There is already a service like this at [] This service lets you enter an address and a business type, and will find all instances of that business within a certain radius of the address.

    Last time I used Lasoo was on Mother's Day, to find the closet florist to my mom's house.

    • The difference is that the service you're thinking of probably works from a pre-specified list of locations for the businesses it covers.

      The cool thing about the winning google entry is that it actually deduces the location of the search result by finding and parsing any address information that appears on the site!

      I think that's pretty clever. - Does anyone know if it's limited to the US?

  • Nice (Score:3, Interesting)

    by Mr_Silver ( 213637 ) on Friday May 31, 2002 @08:52AM (#3616746)
    Whilst I'm very impressed with the winner the entry "Robust Hyperlinks" is something that do like a lot.

    What would be cool, would be the option to right click on the hyperlink and have the option "Find alternative location".

    Or even cooler, have IE (or your favourite browser) on putting up the 404 message have a hyperlink which does the same. Hell, easy enough to do with apache.

  • by Byteme ( 6617 )
    I was looking for a similar tool yesterday when I was doing research for low power FM transmitter placement. I have a street address for the tower and was looking for an easy (or more accurate, as I am not an adept map reader) tool rather than looking at the USGS maps.

  • I was thinking about doing exactly the same thing, a common thought?

    But the idea of using it just to find business within a certain radius is very limited thinking.

    Mobile phones will soon be broadcasting their position. You want interactive guided tours of a city? How about playing full size monopoly? Driving directions? Any sign you currently see could be removed and replaced with a virtual sign? Any number of VR worlds played out in meat space? etc etc

    I think that the ability to automatically tell someone where you are will prove to be a boon.

    Kudos to the developer for carrying through, rather than my lazy ass postulating :-)
  • the runner up entry

    Zhenlei Cai, for his project, Discovery and Grouping of Semantic Concepts from Web Pages with Applications. This effort processed a corpus of documents and found words and phrases that tend to co-occur within the same document, producing a list of pairs of terms that seem to be closely related (such as "federal law" and "supreme court", or "Bay Area" and "San Francisco").

    sounds a lot like Google sets []

    Robust Hyperlinks has to be my favourite.

  • NetGeo (Score:5, Informative)

    by *xpenguin* ( 306001 ) on Friday May 31, 2002 @09:01AM (#3616800)
    There's a public database called NetGeo [] which will convert IP addresses to latitude and longitude locations. I created a script called IP-Atlas [] to get a visual location of the lat and lon coords.
    • Nice site, but unrelated to the winner's entry. The IP address will only tell you where the server is, and not the location of, say, a remote business whose site is hosted on that server. In fact, an IP-address-derived location would only get in the way of his project.
  • Does this mean that when the time comes to leave this planet and move to Mars that we can still visit our favorite places via Google's Cache?

  • More uses (Score:5, Funny)

    by parad0x01 ( 549533 ) on Friday May 31, 2002 @09:19AM (#3616902)
    Search => Nearest horny drunk college girl
    Results: Apt 2D
  • just had an idea for how to implement this using meta tags. I should probably submit it to the w3c if no-one else has already...

    have a new meta tag class for "location" which would include the GPS (or long/lat, etc.) co-ordinates for the business, etc. along with human readable country, such as UK, FR, NL, US, NL, etc. and region.

    then have another tag for how far the service provider/company does business for with rules for excluding and including areas.

    so if a copmany operates, i.e. delivers, within a 3 mile radius then a search engine will know. if they operate in their local state/county it will know. if it operates regionally such as Europe wide or Globally it would be easy to locate a provider of goods and services which will be able to help. The exclusions could cover things like states which the product is deemed illegal or that the merchant doesn't wish to do business with.

    Of course you'd need to let the search tools know where abouts you are in order to refine the results. But this needn't be the source of any privacy issues as the engine could submit a complete set of results and be filtered out at the client end dynamically if the user is paranoid.

    what do you think?

  • "Potentially run your prize-winning code on Google's multi-billion document repository (circumstances permitting)"

    so as a former microsoft employee he's going to run his code on the google servers.
    Nah, this one's too easy!
  • by chrysalis ( 50680 ) on Friday May 31, 2002 @09:34AM (#3617024) Homepage
    is something that prevents cheating.

    So you think that Google's results are fair? You're wrong. The best ranked results are from sites that heavily cheat.

    Since Google has aggressively removed fake generated sites linking to each other, new ways of cheating have been immediately adopted.

    Apart from cloaking (what the Google crawler sees is different from what user see), generated sites now include fake generated english-like sentences in order to make Google think the text is real. Spam indexing is now distributed on multiple IPs. Content is dynamic, it changes everyday (random links and texts are generated) . Temporary sites are hosted on external (yet non-blacklisted) cheap colocated servers. Invisible frames are added, etc.

    I'm not innocently talking about that because the company I'm working for is actively doing it. And it works. And they say "Spam? Uh? Who's talking about Spam? It bring us money, so it's not spam, it's our business".

    There are ways to prevents cheating on Google. It's probably very complex, but it's realisable. If any human looks at our 'spam site', he will immediately discover that it's not a real site. It's a mess, just for keywords and links.

    If such a project had been made for the Google content, it would have been wonderful.

    Google is still the best search engine out there. Their technology rocks, and they are always looking for innovation. But what could make an huge difference between and other search engines is : fair results. Same wheel of fortune for everybody.

    Yet this is not the case. Trust me, all well ranked web sites for common keywords belong to a few companies that are actively cheating.

    • chrysalis writes: Yet this is not the case. Trust me, all well ranked web sites for common keywords belong to a few companies that are actively cheating.

      This statement is easily refuted. Type "linux". The 10 sites you see all belong there, and I can guarantee you that most of them are not engaging in cheating.

      But since you admit that you work for a company that engages in this practice, perhaps it helps you sleep at night to believe that "everybody does it".

      • The company I'm working for produces, hosts and promotes adult web sites. Keyword we are cheating with are related to sex. All our competitors are doing the same thing.

        Linux is not a common keyword. Linux is not something that bring money. Therefore people don't need to cheat for Linux-related sites.

  • This is actually a nifty way of getting real good ideas from people. $10000 seems a bit cheap for an idea that can make google helluva lot more than that.
  • So does this now make it easier for governments to limit their citizens ability to get information than ever before?

    As well as any other of the many geography based rules, laws, taxes, restrictions, etc that we have seen talked about on /. before???
  • by po8 ( 187055 ) on Friday May 31, 2002 @11:13AM (#3617760)

    In a weird coincidence, I just spent a half-hour last night lecturing about Daniel Egnor's Iocaine Powder [], winner of the First International RoShamBo Programming Competition []. Credit this guy with two award-winning pieces of extreme programming cleverness!

  • by td ( 46763 ) on Friday May 31, 2002 @11:39AM (#3617931) Homepage
    I've met Dan Egnor, and this isn't the only cool thing he's done. He's the author of Iocaine powder [], the world champion rock-paper-scissors program. He's also the proprieter of sweetcode [] a web log devoted to innovative open source projects (i.e. projects that don't just clone or tweak existing software.) But his best hack (not described on line, as far as I know) is a version of Pac Man that runs on a PDA and uses a GPS for a user interface -- if you run around an open field carrying the GPS+PDA, the pacman correspondingly runs around the maze chasing Blinky, Stinky and Dinky (or whatever their names are.)

  • How many hosts implement their coordinates in their info any more?

    5%? 10%?

    80% omit it because admins are lazy, and 10% omit it for security reasons.

    So Google just gave an award to a tool with half the batting average of a bad baseball player.

  • Smooth Move Google (Score:3, Insightful)

    by Uttles ( 324447 ) <> on Friday May 31, 2002 @12:40PM (#3618336) Homepage Journal
    Did you all read the honorable mentions? Google stands to make some good money off of the ideas and implementations these folks have come up with. I'm assuming that all entries now are owned by Google, and man they might have some really cool new features after seeing the projects that were submitted. I only hope that they give at least some royalties to the developers.
  • Daniel received a bachelor's degree in Computer Science from Caltech in 1996. He has worked for Microsoft Corporation and XYZFind Corporation, and currently resides in New York City working for a large investment bank.
    I was hoping the contest would create new opportunities for some young unknown, like: "Bob is a high school sophomore and currently resides in his parents' barn in Fargo and earns his keep stocking shelves at Toys 'R Us." Oh well, maybe next year.
  • They have a product called Streets and Trips. You can enter in your address, and find out what is within a 5 mile radius lets say. Sounds pretty much like what this guy did.
  • Zhenlei Cai, for his project, Discovery and Grouping of Semantic Concepts from Web Pages with Applications. This effort processed a corpus of documents and found words and phrases that tend to co-occur within the same document, producing a list of pairs of terms that seem to be closely related (such as "federal law" and "supreme court", or "Bay Area" and "San Francisco").

    Am I the only one who thinks this would be useful for speech recognition? If you just detected a "federal" and you have two possibilities for the next word, "law" and "paw" say, the software would know it's more likely to be "law". Federal paw is probably fairly uncommon and yet this is exactly the mistake that current software makes.

  • Here is a Wired article [] on it.

"Say yur prayers, yuh flea-pickin' varmint!" -- Yosemite Sam
