Return of the WaSP 173
No_Weak_Heart writes "After a brief hiatus, the Web Standards Project (WaSP) has returned. Here's the story at Wired about this grassroots coalition which works to promote the adoption of web standards by authors, tool makers and in browsers. In a related vein, the Boston Globe has a comfy chat with Tim Berners-Lee, the guiding force behind many of those standards."
too bad... (Score:1)
Re:too bad... (Score:2, Interesting)
I am not impressed (Score:1)
I laud what they're doing and approve of the content of the text.
On the other hand, they belie what they say with their front page. Oh, yeah, it may abide by all the standards. But, they don't abide by the spirit of the standards on their front page. The spirit of the standards is to keep the web accessible to everybody regardless of their choice of browser, so long as those browsers are also standards compliant.
It seems to me that a basic precept of web design should be that people choose their default font sizes because that's the size in which they bloody well want to read most of the "main" text on the web!! Resizing of fonts should be relative to that. Most of the text should be in the default size, and larger and smaller sizes should be reserved for headlines, "fine print", and other things.
These "web standards" people, however, seem to be using a font size a step down from standard for the main text on their page. Why? What possible excuse is there for doing that, while smiling and saying that they want to support browsers and web coding that is maximally accessible? It would be so bloody easy for them just to make their main text the standard font size that everybody chooses, instead of shrinking it down and requiring us to expand our fonts before reading the page!
That one fact makes it difficult for me to take this project completely seriously.
Re:I am not impressed (Score:2, Interesting)
I imagine the Web Standards site design team had to make a tricky compromise, between the theoretically correct step of sticking to the default browser font size and the more design friendly choice of using "font-size: small". At the end of the day the point of the project is to convince designers that they should be using web standards, and as such it is important that the site looks good. Had they used the default font size I imagine many designers would have been put off the site by the ugly size of the text.
Re:I am not impressed (Score:3, Insightful)
Your point is fine in theory, but you have to remember two things. Firstly, the vast majority of internet users don't even know that they can change their default font size (let alone how to do it). Secondly, the default font size on most browsers looks plain ugly.
Uh-huh. I'm not the slightest convinced. These are people who say "follow standards and everybody will be happy". Making tradeoffs to cater to the default font size on IE undercuts their message.
Re:I am not impressed (Score:2)
p.s. - I do web design, and when I need to see how everything looks, I fire up Galeon. If we could get more web developers on Moz we'd have a much better looking/behaving web.
Re:I am not impressed (Score:3, Insightful)
That's the sacrifice we as web designers have to make. IE holds the lion's share of the browser market, and we can't expect MS to change the way it behaves in regards to web standards just to please you communist Moz users - it's an integrated part of their OS!!!
That's fine. I have my differences with this argument, but fine, whatever.
It is also, irrelevant. The original message is about an outfit promoting web standars. They are not promoting "code to IE". They are promoting standards. Given that, they should be coding to standards, not changing the way it behaves in regard to standards just to please you IE users.
We're not talking corporations or banks supporting customers here. We're talking a web standards advocacy group.
Re:I am not impressed (Score:2, Interesting)
All too often i've been seeing trade-ins on design/coding_ease for standards compliance (particularly with fixed font sizes in css), better standards (WaSP) with more universal browser adherence to such standards.
Last comment (then i'll shaddap), the different browser interpretations of a particular piece of HTML has always been a problem and, though better, it is still an issue. Though this probably exists already, a good website identifying the differences on a case by case would be useful to the developer community. In addition, such a site could recommend lowest-common-denominator solutions and WaSP standards at the same time.
Re:I am not impressed (Score:1)
That's not a problem, that's the benefit a truely accessible world wide web offers. Its only seen as a "problem" by designers that insist that it is they that control the presentation to users.
When markup is authored to leverage the content rather than its layout, then the difference between interpretations is to the benefit of the end-users.
Re:I am not impressed (Score:1)
Re:I am not impressed (Score:2, Informative)
The problem is, support for these relative values are still too broken in IE6 and Opera (Opera is better though) for us to use them. Much as we'd like to, we can't be truly accessibility and standards-driven when the most popular browser on the web gets is wrong.
Theres only really 2 options open just now - use px as the font unit, or don't size at all. Most developers/designers aren't quite Zen enough to not size the text at all, as the default text size in most browsers is fucking ugly.
Re: font-size workaround (Score:2)
Re:I am not impressed (Score:2)
Am I really the only one to find 1em verdana to be just the right size?
I hate sites that force 11/12px fonts on me - my usual response is to turn off style entirely for these sites if my font-size: 1em !important user.css rule is overridden.
Some design bod on MSDN said people need small text to read comfortably, and that 1/6th of an inch was about optimal; it was ironic that in forcing 12px fonts, the text was actually more like 1/14th of an inch tall, and very tiring to read.
Re:I am not impressed (Score:1)
> remember two things. Firstly, the vast majority
> of internet users don't even know that they can
> change their default font size (let alone how to
> do it).
I don't see how this leads to the conclusion that they want the site font to be smaller. Or larger for that matter.
> Had they used the default font size I imagine
> many designers would have been put off the site
> by the ugly size of the text.
This implies that many designers (cough) don't know how to change the default font size of their own damn browser. If that's the case - if professionals authoring for the Web don't know how to use the most basic tools of their trade - then I'm afraid the Web Standards folks have a real uphill fight on their hands.
Frankly, I think the whole font-size issue is a red herring. The only people who care are "designers" and perhaps their clients. One or the other looks at the page, thinks "Gee, that font is too big" and starts slapping in font tags left and right without considering adjusting their own browser so pages look they way they prefer. To satisfy themselves, they muck with a parameter affecting nearly every visitor to their site. Brilliant.
Factoid: I run privately a small but reasonably well-visited mostly-text site: 50K page views a week. I make a factual error, visitors _love_ to let me know. A link breaks or some stupid browser bug renders part of a page illegible, and maybe someone will contact me about it, but probably not.
Not once have I received a comment about the font size used on the site: the browser's default.
The entire issue is an overblown non-issue.
Re:I am not impressed (Score:2, Informative)
Re:I am not impressed (Score:1, Informative)
These "web standards" people, however, seem to be using a font size a step down from standard for the main text on their page. Why?
Probably because (according to their stylesheet) they intend the main text to be displayed using the ubiquitous Georgia font and Georgia has a high aspect value, making it look "too big" when the default font-size is used.
See the W3C CSS spec [w3.org] (scroll down a bit):
Re:I am not impressed (Score:2, Insightful)
I've got that page open in the second tab of Moz as I write this. It is liquid from any browser width down to 410 px. Below that, it degrades acceptably (remains readable) until the columns are just a single word wide, well below the limit of reason. All text responds to user-agent changes in the font size, and the layout reflows without problems. I've looked at their stylesheet and it looks good (wsp/css [webstandards.org]).
There is no may about it; this page does "abide by all the standards."
Does it also abide by the spirit of the standards?
Yes. The standards are not intended to lock you into any design style. There is no "best" design style. The standards were developed to assure that material written to the standard will be presented to the reader no matter what his user-agent (so long as the user-agent also recognizes the standards).
The standards have nothing to do about good design. All they address is across the board functional design. IMO, I think that on this page WaSP has sacrificed some quality of design to showcase what can be done within the standards. That is a reasonable design trade-off, and it has nothing to do with standards compliance.
In this instance, you need to realize that WaSP's core audience, the group they are hoping to influence, is not the average guy using his browser in the usual way. Their audience consists of web designers and others who are pretty sophisticated in their use of the browser, and are likely to have their browser window set at around 700px width, in a corner of their 1600x1200 screen.
Re:I am not impressed (Score:1)
Well, let's see. Where to start?
Sir, I take issue with you saying that WaSP obey standards. WaSP historically have always been syntactically compliant; passing through validator.w3.org without issue, but time and time again they have abused the usage of w3c xhtml/html as per the spec.
You've expanded the subject of discussion from a relatively narrow focus on one web page to a much more global condemnation. I can't say I'm terribly interested in going along with this. But I suppose I can spare you my afternoon coffeebreak. So let's get on with then...
<snippage> I present exhibit 2, their default font size as mentioned in this very thread. Obeying standards - by definition - means coding to them - and not diverting from the standards to cope with implementation issues. Here WaSP use a smaller font-size than regular - when 'font-size:regular' is intended to be used for the body of the document. No syntax was broken - only standards.
Ah, replying to you isn't going to take much time a all!
Let me point out to those who aren't familiar with CSS that "regular" is not one of the allowed values for font-size property. There is no such thing. A forgiving user-agent will ignore this declaration, but there may be some that will give an error message and refuse to display the page.
IMO, there is no point in conducting discussions about standards with persons who lack a fundamental understanding of the area the standards govern, or who are too sloppy in their work to cross-check critical details in their arguments. Come back again when you are better prepared to talk about the subject. I expect, though, that in your preparations you will discover that there is a big difference between a codified standard and any of the myriad of (often conflicting) rationales that came into play during its discussion.
Just for the record, the WaSP style sheet uses
, which sets the font relative to the user-agent's default. This is generally considered to be good practice by those concerned with browser ergonomics.Well yes .. but ... (Score:5, Interesting)
Well, yes, I don't think many people but the most hardcore of standards purists could claim that IE isn't pretty good at following the rules. Thats not the issue.
The issue is that it's not very good when the code doesn't follow the rules. The problem here is that IE "guesses" what you're trying to do.
This in itself isn't a bad thing and from an end user perspective is a damn good idea. If I go visit a site that someone has made a basic error then at least I can still view the content, their mistake doesn't prevent me from getting what i want.
The problem comes when people start getting used to writing sloppy HTML because it works on IE (yes, I made that mistake before I found the w3 validator and Opera) and when Microsoft products start producing sloppy HTML (Words and Powerpoint being two apparant examples, although I've not looked personally).
So yes, web-standards great idea. But there should be a standard on what to do with badly formed HTML too.
From the Amaya (w3 broswer) FAQ... (Score:1)
So let's all stop whining and poking at IE for trying to correct errors, hmmmmmm?
Re:From the Amaya (w3 broswer) FAQ... (Score:3, Insightful)
I work in a web agency, and have had real problems in the past with certain designers writing/editing pages that look fine in IE, but don't actually work in either browser (or, on occasion, display at all in Netscape). They then proclaim the page to be finished, never having checked it in Netscape (despite a contractual obligation to support it), leaving it for the rest of us to fix.
I would like to see a "debug mode" in all browsers, whereby any badly-formed HTML is clearly flagged as such. Then you could tell at a glance if there was a problem, and what it was.
Re:From the Amaya (w3 broswer) FAQ... (Score:1)
> I would like to see a "debug mode" in all browsers, whereby
You can use the w3.org validator for that.
What i thought of now is whether the validator's results page is HTML valid...hm...practice what you preach, hehehehe
Re:Well yes .. but ... (Score:1)
Call me a standards purist if you like but IE has improved form poor to merely passable in its standards support. They fixed several annoying bugs in IE5 but they still have a hell of a long way to go. It took them until version 6 to get difficult concepts like 'width' and 'height' correct.
Just error out. (Score:1)
I'd like the browser to halt with a 'Error: Page invalid' myself. If IE (and all browsers) would do this for nonvalidating HTML and CSS I'd say we'd see things improving pretty fast.
This is on my Opera wishlist, actually. Can we please have finer granularity on disabling popups and plugins too, and add right-click image/plugin-output to blacklist source server? Thanks.
Re:Just error out. (Score:2)
Unfortunately the end user might see this as broken and therefore decide not to update. Personally, I'd avoid updating if it meant that i was going to be denied access to some content because of someone elses cockup.
Maybe what would be better is a javascript error style pop up window informing the user that the page contains invalid HTML, telling them it can guess what the content is, but it might be illegiable and would they like to do this?
At least then, the annoyance of a pop up on your site would force you to do something about it but at the same time not prevent people from not viewing what you've put.
Of course there should be an option to disable this but it definately shouldn't be the default and there shouldn't be a "don't show this again" option on the menu.
If people want it off, they have to hunt for it.
Corrections in Google cache? (Score:1)
Why would they?
It might annoy microsoft
Why would they not?
It might annoy microsoft
No seriously:
They may have 'better' [google.com] things to do with their development and marketing time. Also it would not work for dynamic pages. Foiled again.
Re:Corrections in Google cache? (Score:1)
Re:Just error out. (Score:2)
It doesn't halt on invalid HTML, but iCab has an indicator [www.icab.de] on the address bar that tells you if a page uses valid or invalid HTML and/or CSS. Something similar in Mozilla would be nice.
(BTW, iCab doesn't think much of /.'s HTML, but that comes as no surprise.)
Re:Well yes .. but ... (Score:2)
I could not agree less. This would simply reinforce, encourage, and -- even institutionalise -- bad markup.
Re:Well yes .. but ... (Score:1)
Browser predictability. (Score:3, Insightful)
For example, IE tries to guess what to do with a remote resource based on the contents of the file, rather than following the Content-Type header. Not only is this insane, as the server should be telling the browser what kind of file it is serving, not vice versa, but it has caused serious problems when trying to actually make IE treat a file with a particular content type differently. Want IE to download the file rather than display it? Well, unless you want to create stupid workarounds which break other browsers, you may have a hard time with this.
What WaSP should be pushing, and what I feel is one of the important parts of a web standard, is that a browser's behavior is as predictable as possible. When the browser tries to guess everything itself, rather than doing what the code actually says, it causes situations such as the one above. Sure, let the browser correct simple errors, but today's browsers are too "sloppy" when it comes to sloppy code. They should be more strict and unforgiving. This would make things a lot easier for web designers, as the browser would show clearly when there are errors in the code.
I generally find that it is a lot easier to "design for" (bad way to do it, but still) browsers that allow less sloppy code. Opera is excellent to check your code with, as it is even more unforgiving than Mozilla. Although this can lead to more "broken sites" when browsing the web, I find it to be of tremendous help to keep my own pages written properly. Mozilla has strong standards support, and seems to sometimes handle pages better than both Opera and IE (since IE's implementation of various standards has serious flaws), but it allows too much garbage code.
Then again, we have to live in the real world, and with clueless Frontpage users out there, we should back WaSP and try to make both browsers and authoring tools behave better - for a more open and accessible web. Sadly, because of IE's sloppiness, we are currently trapped in web designer hell. And viewer hell if the browser isn't "MSIE compliant".
Re:Browser predictability. (Score:2, Insightful)
Mozilla has been of excellent quality for a long time now, and Opera remains one of the leading browsers today.
IE is not "the web standard", and it should not be. Why? This is outlined in my previous message.
Re:Browser predictability. (Score:1)
The ISP distribution strategy might have worked in the beginning, but IE would have never been as widespread if it hadn't been included with Windows. No, Netscape does not have a lower market share because Mozilla took a long time to develop, but because when the people who used Netscape previously, and got it on a CD with their ISP, upgraded to a newer Windows version, a browser was already included with the operating system. So why download another browser. Casual users just used IE, and it seemed to work for them, so they didn't bother with downloading another browser.
A platform independent browser needs to be largely independent of the operating system (duh!). And since they want Mozilla to be usable on a wide range of systems, and highly customizable, they did what you are describing.
Nobody cares, you say. Well, tell that to AOL, who have, what, 30% of the US Internet users? What about their move to Gecko?
And what about the fact that Pocket IE is a dreadful piece of unusable crap, while both Mozilla and Opera have excellent embedded solutions. Opera for embedded devices is exactly the same as the desktop versions! Pocket IE is stripped of all functionality.
And the embedded market is growing.
Your comment about "a few loudmouths" is a bit silly, considering the fact that those who do know about alternative browsers are the ones with knowledge, and the power to change the web. Ignorant people who think IE is the world will lose in the end.
More dot.com deaths will come because some "web designers" ignore open standards and paint themselves into a corner by writing specifically for a dying "standard" - IE's proprietary extensions. The browser market is fragmenting, and IE is not able to catch up. The only way forward is to support WaSP's efforts. Those who don't will hopefully go out of business. Darwinism, if you will.
Re:Browser predictability. (Score:1)
I'm not talking about Netscape 4-specific sites (although some still code specifically for this browser), but about MSIE. I naturally hate Netscape 4, but it is dying, and MSIE is currently in control of the desktop market. It isn't entirely Microsoft's fault that things are the way they are, but having a near-monopoly would have allowed them to push through proper standards compliance. It could actually be in their best interest.
I can't speak for Slashdot's HTML, as I am not responsible for the site. It would be nice if it had fewer errors and didn't use any IE-specific attributes (leftmargin, topmargin...), but I doubt there's anything I can do about that. At least Slashdot works in, well, every single browser out there? But why don't you mail them and ask them to consider a small cleanup of their HTML code?
Re:Well yes .. but ... (Score:2)
there should be a standard on what to do with badly formed HTML too.
There is such a standard for XML [w3.org]:
I suspect it's there because of the reasons you mentioned.
Re:Well yes .. but ... (Score:2)
Call me a standards purist, but last time I tried to make web pages work in IE6, I had a hell of a time. I ask it to draw a dotted border, it draws a dashed border. I scroll down and up again, lo, the border has become partially solid (a rendering bug).
So I say, okay, screw that, back to solid borders. Then I find it doesn't do transparent PNGs. One evil DirectX-using hack later, that's working too.
Next up is the fact that it doesn't seem to like XHTML, or I was doing something wrong. It worked just fine in Mozilla though, so I'd guess I'd got it at least mostly right, as Gecko is fairly strict. So I drop the XHTML aspect of it.
Finally I find the text is too big, IE doesn't understand the "small" text sizing keyword, so I have to specify it in point sizes, which is now too small on Linux.
No, though 6 is much better than 5, IE is still a long long way off being anything other than a half-arsed attempt to follow the rules.
Sorry, rant over :) Other than that, yep, agree 100% with your post.
Re:Well yes .. but ... (Score:2)
It should look exactly like this:
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">
If it isn't right. IE will go into quirks mode.
But yes. IE still has some really annoying bugs. IMO it's still behind in standards when compared to any Mozilla based browser.
Tim Berners-Lee's favourite web sites (Score:1, Funny)
Courtesy of SatireWire [satirewire.com]
W3C for dummies (Score:2)
An organisation that sums this up, cannot harm anyone - atleast as it does not start pushing only the will of a selected vendor.
Oh yes, I remember WASP (Score:2)
Re:Oh yes, I remember WASP (Score:1)
i've been following the WaSP closely for years and i don't recall them ever having any problems with mozilla.
please post a link if you think i'm wrong.
Re:Oh yes, I remember WASP (Score:1)
Re:Oh yes, I remember WASP (Score:2)
Care to back that up with something? If not. I think you must have missinterperated something they said. 'Cause I've followed WaSP closly, and I find it hard to belive they'd say something like that.
Re:Oh yes, I remember WASP (Score:2)
Well, I guess it would have been possible IF the Mozilla team had written just a browser, just for Win32.
But that was never mozilla's plan - look what we have now, a fully featured, cross platform browser suite, we have bugzilla, tinderbox and bonsai as well.
The point that was made at the time was that the WaSP should have been supporting mozilla, not piling critisism on it. It was very, very short sighted off them, and I won't let them forget it.
Wait till Microsoft deviates from the standard... (Score:1)
They already did (Score:2)
Re:They already did (Score:2)
How difficult is it to get that through people's heads? WaSP doesn't support Mozilla just becuase it is not IE. They support it because it is standards compliant. WaSP congratulated IE 5 on Mac when it was released becuase of satnards adherence.
Sheesh. Are you a troll or what?
Ridiculing (Score:4, Funny)
Standards will never be imposed in this industry (Score:1)
Standard HTML (Score:1)
Re:Standard HTML (Score:1)
'Standards' is a one-word oxymoron. If there's more than one covering the same domain, then each is:
It's not that hard, really.
Standard HTML for slashdot? (Score:1)
While you're at it .... (Score:4, Insightful)
Getting to level A is not hard at all, anyone hit AAA yet?, I'm finding XHTML1.1 and WCAG-AAA a little bit to unwieldy for everyday web use
Re:While you're at it .... (Score:2)
Re:While you're at it .... (Score:2)
I'm working on it for my site. I've got all of the ugliness done (I had no idea how many acronyms I used), there's just a few small AAA level things I have to fix up now.
Slashdot (Score:2)
Re:Slashdot (Score:5, Interesting)
Slashdot relies on tables for layout which is a big sin for WaSP. Not only do table-based layouts violate the structural markup that is the basis of HTML (and XML derivatives) it causes problems in browsers designed for the sight impaired (and therefore violates Section 508).
Slashdot also uses deprecated tags such as (font) and (b) rather than use CSS to change text presentation. I also don't see any structural flow such as using (H)eader tags to enable things like search bots to more accurately determine page content and weighted analysis.
So no, I would suspect Slashdot wouldn't stand up to WaSP scrutiny.
Re:Slashdot (Score:2)
First, tables, provided they are coded correctly, are HTML, and XHTML compliant. They would have to be, as tabular data (what tables were made for) still has to be displayed on some sites.
WASP is saying that to make a layout like their site does not require tables, and it doesn't. You can use some fancy positioned div's, and spans and you'll have a very nice site.
Also, the (b) tag is not depricated. However, (strong) should be used in place of it in most places.
No, the HTML behind
Re:Slashdot (Score:2)
As for (b) correct again, but WaSP would suggest you use a SPAN or DIV rather than a (b), which is a presentation tag rather than a structural one.
However, I do applaud Slashdot for at least use a DOCTYPE header, which reads as 3.2. WaSP would most likely encourage them to move to HTML 4.01 or and XML/XHTML DOCTYPE. That would allow the separation of content and layout.
Re:Slashdot (Score:1)
It's true that layout tables are to be avoided (it's actually a form of lying: you're indicating tabular relations between the cells and rows of the table, while in reality there are no such relations - that's the main problem).
But, Slashdot is in good company: the W3C themselves use tables for layout! That's really the pits... Just check out "www.w3.org".
Unfortunately "b" is not deprecated.
comments on Semantic Web (Score:3, Interesting)
As someone who has spent lots of time in the last 5 years trying to automate extraction of information from the web, I welcome wider use of RDF (I have used it for years on my site) and separation of content and layout.
While the web as we know it is all about supporting human readers, the Semantic Web is all about supporting software agents.
No ad money in the Semantic Web (Score:1)
the Semantic Web is all about supporting software agents.
Software agents do not have purchasing patterns that can be influenced by advertising. Therefore, in order to recoup the costs of hosting a Semantic Web site, almost all commercial Semantic Web sites will have to be subscription sites.
Re:No ad money in the Semantic Web (Score:1)
Important not for what they standardize... (Score:2, Informative)
Anyone or anything that stands up to prevent the next BLINK tag from running rampant on the net deserves some respect...
Re:Important not for what they standardize... (Score:1)
Flash -- if Macromedia's Usability drive [macromedia.com] doesn't take off.
Standards and Reccomendations (Score:3, Interesting)
I tried creating a web page that used the ISO HTML DOCTYPE declaration:
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "ISO/IEC 15445:1998//DTD HyperText Markup Language//EN">
The W3C validator page [w3.org] complained about it: Fatal Error: unrecognized {{DOCTYPE}}; unable to check documentIt seems standards are not so standard.
Re:Standards and Reccomendations (Score:2)
Re:Standards and Reccomendations (Score:1, Informative)
What about Slashdot being standards compliant ? (Score:1)
There is no 'a' in "WEB" (Score:1)
i know acronyms can be a stretch (Score:2)
Re: Modern Browsers (Score:3, Insightful)
IMHO, standards are great, but only if they are, in fact, standards. Thus, everything I write for the web follows the LCD (lowest common denominator) philosophy. Heck, I don't need tricks to put something that looks good on the screen (I'll do the alpha blending during graphics production, not at runtime). I don't like rewriting everything for a new browser (neither do the WaSP gurus), and that is why I'll stick to plain ole' minimal tag set HTML.
HTML is not the problem for me; the problem in getting a site to work properly on any browser comes in when you try to use JavaScript. An standard object model for *JavaScript* is what I really need, and that is just not a reality yet.
Some have pointed out IE's tolerance for mistakes is a problem, and I couldn't agree more. As a development browser, IE is a big mistake, unless you don't care about users of other browsers at all. Thank goodness for Mozilla.
duh? (Score:2)
Most major websites can also be improved by removing intricate table layouts and superfluous markup
Uh, how the heck would you set up your layout without tables? For instance, how would you generate a page that looks like Slashdot without using nested tables?
I also don't understand how they can claim that web designers should design a single page that can be used both on desktops and handhelds. OK, maybe if it's just plain text that would work. But any more complicated layout is going to have to be redesigned completely for a handheld.
Re:duh? (Score:1)
Re:duh? (Score:2, Insightful)
Cascading Style Sheets. HTML was meant to represent the structure of the content, not its presentation. Style Sheets are the suggestions of layout and style.
I also don't understand how they can claim that web designers should design a single page that can be used both on desktops and handhelds. OK, maybe if it's just plain text that would work. But any more complicated layout is going to have to be redesigned completely for a handheld.
That's because you are stuck in the mindset that layout is done in the HTML. By moving layout suggestions to the stylesheet, there's a clear seperation between the content and the layout/presentation. That means the same content can be displayed on both devices, the browser making full use of the style-sheet, while the PDA uses a minimal or no stylesheet at all. The HTML just encapsulates the structure of the content (in that _this_ is a heading, _that_ is a paragraph), while the style sheet describes how to display it (headings should be bold, red and s_so_ big).
By a clear separation, accessibility to an HTML page is increased.
Use CSS to create 3-columned tableless layouts (Score:5, Informative)
These sites have different tutorials for various column combinations and even backwards compatibility with Netscape 4.
http://www.glish.com/css [glish.com]
http://www.saila.com/usage/layouts [saila.com]
http://homepage.mac.com/realworldstyle [mac.com]
The beauty of not using tables is that you're seperating structure from presentation. Basically, around some content, you specify what it is (structure). In the case of Slashdot's side navigation, in the XHTML/HTML you'd might surround the content with a DIV tag and give it an id/class of "sidenavigation".
With tables, you're already forced to predetermine that you want to use it on the left column when you mark up the whole table in TD and TR tags.
So how's CSS better than tables? Well, once you've defined the structure in XHTML/HTML, you can use CSS to define the presentation to say, I want anything tagged as a "sidenavigation" to be a vertical box on the left side that's X pixels wide.
This presentation can be easily be altered by changing the CSS. You can tell CSS to move things to the right, maybe center it or whatever. And you can define a CSS specifically for handhelds. You can tell it to hide data, change font sizes, redefine colors, or anything you want. For the sight-impared, you could define the CSS to display it all in a simple, column-less layout. And since you have not predetermined the presentation in the HTML, the user could have defined their own stylesheets to override your CSS to present the content in the way they want it.
With HTML and CSS (and also the XML and XSLT recommendations), websites can be so much more flexible.
Good CSS tutorial (Score:2, Informative)
Replace nested tables with nested divs (Score:1)
how would you generate a page that looks like Slashdot without using nested tables?
Put the left side bar into a div and float:left it. Then put a wide left margin on the left side of the main content div, wide enough to skip the left side bar.
Then use nested divs to indent the various comments with a wide left margin.
Re:Replace nested tables with nested divs (Score:1)
Re:duh? (Score:2)
It really wouldn't be all that hard to redesign this layout without using tables for the major page structure. At it's simplest you've basically got a single, fixed-width column running down the left side and a content area that takes up the remaining page width, with a header and footer and little bit of margin around the edges. Even the nested threading of the comments and replies wouldn't be all that hard to replicate.
The idea is that if you mark up the content of your page structurally and use CSS to create the layout, a device can display the content as best as it's able. Not that a handheld will reproduce the exact same layout as the desktop, but that it is able to present the information in a way that is appropriate for a handheld.
Re:duh? (Score:2)
Like this [soupisgoodfood.net].
It's not a perfect example, it won't fit in a small screen. But that's totaly fixable. It's just something that I've thrown together and played with. Adding indents for a comments layout (which I plan to do) is easy.
If you look at the source code. You will notice that it's very lean. Even the CSS file is lean. Much smaller than the /. HTML anyway. Also, if some of the code in there looks different (like the first artical), like I said before, this is only something I've been experimenting with, and there will be lots of bugs. Just want to make sure no one goes away thinking that CSS is crap or anything.
You'll also notice that I haven't got CLASS="foo" in all the tags, only some because of the way CSS can be used.
The other great thing is, if you wanted to put the side bar on the other side. It would take you less than 2 mins to do it. And you wouldn't even have to dick around with messy HTML, or in this case, even messier HTML within Pearl scripts.
Also, save only the HTML page to you disk. And open that file. Now you can see what it looks like without the CSS. Perfect for any browser including a PDA. And you can always have another CSS sheet for them if you want to change it.
BTW. You will need something like IE 6, Mozilla, or Opera 6 to view it properly. It will just look like plain vanilla HTML to NN 4.7 etc.
It's a lobby for style sheets (Score:2)
Why should there be "abstraction" at the presentation level? It might help the content creator, but it doesn't do much for the reading end.
Speaking as someone who decodes elaborate HTML material with programs (I wrote an engine which, among other things, reads financial statements expressed in HTML), adding a layer of abstraction doesn't help when extracting the meaning of the content. It might if you were guaranteed that all content of a given type used the same style sheet. But you're not, so it hurts, rather than helping. Decoding programs have to expand out all the style sheet stuff, like macros, then work on the expanded form.
At least we know what tables mean in a 2D sense. I can machine-parse HTML with tables and determine that one item is above another item. Rows and columns can be extracted. You can tell what's adjacent to what when seen by the end user. Abstraction breaks all that geometric structure, and the geometric structure is what the user sees.
CSS is for separating structure from presentation (Score:4, Informative)
With proper HTML and CSS use, the abstraction at the presentation level doesn't actually break the structure. It merely seperates presentation from structure, while keeping structure together with the content/data.
Scott Andrew [scottandrew.com] said it best here [scottandrew.com]:
"...this illustrates a common misunderstanding about CSS. CSS is for separating structure, not content, from the presentation. Markup is meant to give meaningful structure to content. The content can come from a database or text files; the structure from page templates, a CMS or XSL transformation. Keeping your content free of meaningless structural elements allows you to pour your content into another structure suitable for different devices. CSS allows you to apply client-appropriate and easily-varied visual style to that structured output, without having to alter your markup."
Re:CSS is for separating structure from presentati (Score:2)
But you don't get proper HTML and CSS use. You get whatever somebody used to get the thing to look the way they wanted it. Correct semantic structure is not near the top of most web designers' priority lists.
Re:It's a lobby for style sheets (Score:3, Informative)
Tables are meant for tabular data - no-one is saying not to use tables for tabular data. What they are saying is not to use tables for _layout_.
Given a table - how do you tell whether its for layout or tabular data? I doubt you could always get it right.
adding a layer of abstraction doesn't help when extracting the meaning of the content
The meaning of the content is in its document strucutre, not in whether its left or right aligned. Presentation just makes content look presentable, not add meaning to it.
a h1 element will tell you more about some text than a font-size.
Decoding programs have to expand out all the style sheet stuff
No they don't. Presentation doesn't add anything to the content. How a heading is displayed gives no more significant information than knowing a piece of text is a heading.
The only time your statement could ever be slightly accurate is if people insist on using tag-soup instead of logical HTML markup.
Yes, you can make something _look_ like a heading by sticking it in a paragraph and alter the attributes of that paragraph to _look_ like a heading. There's no point in doing so, since the structure of the elements doesn't describe the structure of the content adequately -- that's tag soup.
Abstraction breaks all that geometric structure
Disagree. Abstracting the presentation (those bits that don't add value to the content structure but only describe style attributes) will clarify the geometry of a document right down to a clean hierachial list of nodes that are easily traversed.
Parsing an XML file is much easier than a random tag soup. And it can be done with standard freely available tools.
Speaking as someone who decodes elaborate HTML material with programs
These programs will be common accessories to the normal web user (transparent to them of course), precisely because of the direction WaSP and others want to go.
The Semantic Web is just an extension of the WWW.
Re:It's a lobby for style sheets (Score:1)
Re:It's a lobby for style sheets (Score:1)
Re:It's a lobby for style sheets (Score:1)
Yes, yes. Tell me more [xml.org].
Return of the wasp? (Score:1)
Same Old WSP Crap (Score:2)
They tell us that browsers are free for the downloading -- because they are not paying telephone charges by the minute.
They tell us that Browser X is a "light" download, but don't consider that it won't run on a tired old 80386 with four meg of RAM.
They tell us that supporting old, tired machines and the poor people who use them is "holding back progress" -- only because it holds back THEIR progress. They simply refuse to consider the little girl in South Africa whose progress we're supporting by not adopting the latest standards. Her father is proud to be able to provide her with that unreliable dial-up that tops out at 18kbps.
Not me, thanks. Until the older technology falls out of use, I'll continue to do the things that Zeldman's Disciples hate.
It's only accessibility if real people using real equipment can make use of the content.
Re:No errors! (Score:1)
You can add a bookmark to your toolbar that checks the current page in your browser if clicked.
What's their objective though? (Score:2)
Anyone with any ideas?
Re:What's their objective though? (Score:2, Informative)
Re:What's their objective though? (Score:3, Insightful)
The W3C designs recommendations. They are not a standards organization (such as ISO or ANSI).
Re:What's their objective though? (Score:1)
Re:stoopid validator (Score:1)
Re:stoopid validator (Score:1)
A lot of errors are a result of earlier problems, in your case for starters, the link element is incorrectly terminated with a / (you have specified HTML4.01 Transitional, not any XHTML flavour).
W3 Link element spec [w3.org]
Not much point specifying one HTML recommendation and following another!
Re:No errors! (Score:2)
I'd swear they returned six errors (all "references to non-SGML characters") when I tried it.
(BTW, the moderator who marked the parent offtopic is a fucking retard. In what way is a comment on the validity of the HTML used by a website that purports to stick to standards offtopic?)
Re:iCab browser (Score:1)
Re:iCab browser (Score:1)
The idea is that HTML is given to the relevant user agent, and if they want to use a style sheet to "enhance" the layout, they can. User can also decide to ignore all web-author specified styling.