Perl 5.8.0 Released 254
twoshortplanks writes "The latest version of Perl has been released, with new features such as better Unicode support, a new threads implementation, new IO layer support, and a whole plethora of bundled modules - plus a wonderful collection of regression tests and new documentation. The release notes and links to mirrors for download are on dev.perl.org." This is not a release candidate, it's the real thing, representing over two years of work by patch pumpkin holder Jarkko Hietaniemi and his merry band. Hugo van der Sanden is the new pumpking for perl 5.10.
Excellent! Now I have something to do at work :) (Score:1)
Re:Excellent! Now I have something to do at work : (Score:1)
Re:Excellent! Now I have something to do at work : (Score:2)
Re:Excellent! Now I have something to do at work : (Score:2)
Yes, I know.
Re:Excellent! Now I have something to do at work : (Score:3, Informative)
perl-5.8.0 is now completely 11.00 and 10.20 HP C-ANSI-C and GNU gcc safe. There are more 'README' pieces about Oracle in README.hpux and DBD-Oracle's README's have been extended, and probably will be even more in the near future.
I've already made a pa-risc-2.0 gcc version prepared for Oracle available on https://www.beepz.com/personal/merijn for HP ITRC forum members, and I cannot promise, but a 10.20-pa-risc-1.1 version is planned for the near future.
BTW, I seldom read this forum.
Explanation of Pumpking (Score:5, Informative)
This term comes from the Perl development community, but has been sighted elsewhere. It derives from a stuffed-toy pumpkin that was passed around at a development shop years ago as the access control for a shared backup-tape drive.
Re:Explanation of Pumpking (Score:1)
Re:Explanation of Pumpking (Score:2, Informative)
Time for Berl? (Score:1)
Maybe it is time to dump Perl and start designing Berl = the Beautyfull Extraction and Reporting Language
Re:Time for Berl? (Score:4, Interesting)
Frankly, Ruby has a lot of promise. I've been toying with it, and it feels like a pretty good compromize between java and perl.
Re:Time for Berl? (Score:1, Flamebait)
Re:Time for Berl? (Score:2)
I should feed troll posts such as above, but I can't resist. The entire gzipped ruby source code is 998k. That's small enough to fit on a floppy. Now how is that bloated?
I've programmed in Perl for 4 years and Ruby for 1 year. Ruby has become the _only_ language I need to get the job done at work(writing data aquisition and analysis software at an environmental lab).
Ruby's standard library is analogous to Perl's, and it's one-tenth the size. It's object system is extremely robust and mature. The fact that everything is a first-class object makes ruby great. It's consistent, and you're sitting here complaining about the fact that it does something right that almost all other Object Oriented languages do wrong! If you don't want to treat a literal like an object then don't, but don't confuse "well designed" with bloated.
Re:Time for Berl? (Score:2)
Re:Time for Berl? (Score:4, Interesting)
At Yet Another Perl Conference [yapc.org] this year there was a book auction [perl.org] to raise funds for Perl development. Tons and tons of O'Reilly, Manning, and other books, and not just Perl books. It was interesting to see where the interests lay. There were plenty of wisecracks and groans for Java, Python, and PHP books. (I picked up Learning Python for $10.) Interestingly enough, there was intense interest in the Ruby books, and no wisecracks. Went for a higher than average price, I believe.
Re:Time for Berl? (Score:2)
Someone: I thought python was an easy language. Why's the book so big?
Auctioneer: Must be all the whitespace
Re:Time for Berl? (Score:2)
Re:Time for Berl? (Score:3, Informative)
Done. It's called BRL: Beautiful Report Language [sourceforge.net]
Thread Question (Score:1)
Does this mean when you use fork() you must define a variable as global? I didn't think it was possible to declare a variable as global other than a "$var = 0". Also, does any one know if after forking how would a child return a variable to the parent?
Re:Thread Question (Score:3, Informative)
Request (Score:5, Insightful)
It seems to be the case that the perl language has actually evolved a bit since 5. I am continually finding out about "new" features in Perl that i were not aware were there (invariably, the only ones that make a difference to me are the extentions to the Regexp system: there seems to be a whole class of (?X) operators that are not in my copy of the perl book).
Is there anywhere that summarizes the various changes to perl since version 5? there are the perldoc perldelta documents (here is the perldelta document for 5.8.0 [perl.org]). However, these are complete, technical changelogs, and cover everything from language changes to small inconsistency smoothings to changes to obscure library functions to bugfixes in internal perl functions. Moreover, they do an even poorer job of explaining the consequences to the coder of things like (?>) than the perldocs
Really, now that i think about it, i guess what i would like is a summary of what they've done to the regexps since version 5.0
If no such document exists, maybe someone can write one and post it on PerlMonks [perlmonks.com]
- super ugly ultraman
Re:Request (Score:4, Informative)
Re:Request (Score:2)
Secondly, and more importantly, the way I've managed migration is to simply reread the man-pages. If you've ever read the perl man pages, they're rather nice. Most importantly, you'll recognize a lot of material from previous reads. Thus for each new version, I simply skim certain man pages (like man perlre).
Next, I've noticed in the past couple releases, there's a man perl5005delta, and now perl56delta and perl561delta.
In terms of man pages for reg ex's, each feature stands out, and you'll quickly come to learn the (xx..) commands. There are definately a couple that stand out in terms of usefulness: (?=..), ?!, ?<=, ?<!, and possibly ?>. These involve look head and behind assertions (and their negatives). The last one is a non-backtracking forward expression.. Great for avoiding nearly infinite backuptracking issues.
And, in case you don't find a good collection of info. I'll throw this change.. "our" is now the global equivalent of "my". It replaces "use vars qw($x $y $z);". I say this because I wan't as much perl code to do this as possible.
Some problems are features :-) (Score:2)
I never liked autovivified hash elements in the first place. It's such a pain in the butt to put a if (exists $hash{index}) before trying to access everything if I don't want autovivification. Don't take this as a slam against Perl, I love the language and the concepts, but there are a couple little nooks and crannies that ought to somehow be fixed. I say "somehow" because to do it with backwards compatiblity may be impossible.
Re:Some problems are features :-) (Score:3, Informative)
Cocoa bindings... (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:Cocoa bindings... (Score:4, Informative)
Re:Cocoa bindings... (Score:2)
Re:Cocoa bindings... (Score:2)
It will be a nice update from 8.0. You will have more core widgets, full i18n support in Tk (including XIM/IME), many features enhancements to current widgets (auto-validating entries, text widget with built-in undo, compound buttons/labels,
Time to upgrade? (Score:2)
Re:Time to upgrade? (Score:2)
print ((rand()
Let the contest begin... :-)
Re:Time to upgrade? (Score:2)
print ((rand() < 0.5) ? "Definitely yes" : "Outlook cloudy"), "\n";
Let the contest begin... :-)
Re:Time to upgrade? (Score:2)
Re:Time to upgrade? (Score:2)
Even better,
print(("Definitely yes\n","Outlook cloudy\n")[2*rand])
Re:Time to upgrade? (Score:2, Funny)
Re:Time to upgrade? (Score:2)
rand($.) < 1 && ($line = $_) while <DATA>;
print $line;
Definitely yes
Outlook cloudy
Worthy upgrade? (Score:2)
Most of what I do is basic anyhow...so from what I've read, I'm not sure its worth an upgrade at this point. I don't think my projects would benefit that terribly much from it.
Re:Worthy upgrade? (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Worthy upgrade? (Score:2)
Easy upgrade (Score:2, Informative)
perl -MCPAN -e 'install J/JH/JHI/perl-5.8.0.tar.gz'
Re:Easy upgrade (Score:5, Informative)
That should probably be:
perl -MCPAN -e 'install perl-5.8.0.tar.gz'
NOT WORKING, please mod the working install up. (Score:5, Informative)
( perl -MCPAN -e 'install perl-5.8.0.tar.gz' )
Re:Easy upgrade (Score:2)
Any way to supress this?
Re:Easy upgrade (Score:2, Informative)
You have an old version of CPAN.pm.
Newer versions of CPAN won't try to upgrade Perl itself (or a few other critical dependencies, can't remember exactly which) unless explicitely requested (using a command like the one mentioned earlier in the thread).
To fix this, you need to upgrade only your CPAN module (not bundle-cpan) before trying to install other modules.
Then you can use CPAN to install other modules, and it shouldn't try to install the new Perl. It might, however, refuse to install a new module version that requires or depends on the new Perl.
Uh, none of these comments are about the story (Score:4, Insightful)
Arguments about programming languages on this level are pointless beyond belief. It's like arguing which pop band is better than another. Who cares? It's all opinion and hearsay.
Re:Uh, none of these comments are about the story (Score:2)
I haven't heard any of Opinion's songs yet, but Hear'Say definitely suck.
The Search for Quality is not Futile (Score:2)
Are we really supposed to believe that all languages are equally good/bad and that we might just as well choose any of them for any project? This is nonsense.
Languages do differ in clarity, maintainability, readability, and many other features, and, in the end, this will lead to fundamental differences on average in the engineering quality of the code. Little science (AFAIK) has been performed to study the relative quality of different languages, but there is no reason to believe that it could not be studied in principle. Nor is there much reason to believe that there wouldn't be substantial differences between languages.
Re:The Search for Quality is not Futile (Score:2)
But quality is often a personal opinion. Some people hate Perl and Ruby, but love Python. Some people hate Python and Ruby, but love Perl. Some people hate Perl and Python, but love Ruby. How can you get anywhere in such discussions?
Re:The Search for Quality is not Futile (Score:2)
As I said, "science". For example, in principle, one could set up studies to observe the various qualities (e.g., reliability, maintainability, readability, etc.) of code written in these various languages. These can be objectively measured--it's not just a question of opinion.
In practice, studies like this would be tricky and expensive to perform, which is probably why they're so rare. This doesn't negate the fact that languages can objectively differ in these properties.
My personal opinion is that languages with lots of sharp corners [mathdogs.com] cause grave problems in practice. I've certainly seen it happen an awful lot. Nonetheless, until the science is done, it's just anecdote and guesswork.
Re:The Search for Quality is not Futile (Score:2)
What fantasy world are you living in? Seriously. And it's all irrelevant anyway, look at the popularity of C++.
ActiveState (Score:3, Interesting)
I run the scripts on Linux, but I do my coding on a WinAMD machine.
Re:ActiveState (Score:4, Informative)
Re:ActiveState (Score:2)
Math class (Score:3, Funny)
Regarding Perl Criticisms... (Score:5, Insightful)
First off, let me state that choice of programming language isn't a reflection of the abilities of a developer.
I've seen dedicated, talented developers produce great apps with Perl, Python and even (gasp!) pre-.NET Visual Basic. On the other hand, I've seen careless, uninterested developers produce mounds of pure, unadulterated crap with C++.
The language used has little to do with the quality of thefinal result, and has a lot more to do with the person coding with it.
The language used for a product often isn't even up to the developer. Employers and clients mandate a language as often as not, sometimes for valid reasons, sometimes for moronic reasons ("The CEO plays golf with this dude who told him that using Java is gonna save big bucks").
Let's look at three factors we can use when comparing languages: Performance, Development Effort Required, and Maintainability.
C++ is a great language in experienced and knowing hands. When well-done its performance is good but it tends to be very effort-intensive.
Perl and other very high-level languages are less effort-intensive, but they have a corresponding performance trade-off.
Java and .NET languages are somewhere between the two, though they both seem closer to C++ on the scale than they are to VHL languages.
The maintainability of a language seems weakly related to individual languages. Most of the maintainabilty qualities of a product will spring from the all-too-often overlooked Planning, Design, and Discipline of the developers that worked on it!
I'll allow that Perl can really let you shoot yourself in the foot as far as maintainablity goes, but what languages aren't like this? Especially beloved C++?
Untrue (Score:3, Interesting)
On the contrary, if the choice was the developer's and he/she made a poor choice, that is very much a reflection of their (lack of) ability.
The language used has little to do with the quality of the final result, and has a lot more to do with the person coding with it.
Generally speaking, given the choice, a good programmer won't make a poor choice of language for a project. (We don't always have that choice, of course, but a good programmer knows the difference and will readily admit to suboptimal management constraints.)
The maintainability of a language seems weakly related to individual languages.
Most of the garbage code I see these days, both proportionally and in absolute terms, is written in Perl. I believe that this is due to design problems with the language itself [mathdogs.com], and due to the fact that the language is so popular, therefore drawing to it many unskilled programmers, and due to the compounding interaction of these two factors.
Perl was there first, and Larry Wall deserves accolades for it, IMO. These days, though, is there anyone that doesn't cringe at the thought of having another bale of newbie Perl code dumped on them to maintain?
Binary Incompatibility (Score:2)
Re:Binary Incompatibility (Score:3, Interesting)
No, Perl was removed becuase it has started to become very bloated, plain and simple. 5, 10 or even 20 MB could be handled, but it is starting to get a little bit bigger. Plus the language bigots had crept in too...:)
Atleast I got Perl in there, JKH and others were voting for TCL instead. (YUCK)
When I added Perl to FreeBSD 2.0 way back when, it came in very handy for things which needed to be written. In this day and age, FreeBSD has started to take more and more things out of the base installation and allow people to add them back in via a port. Which I agree with, why does a web server need Sendmail installed???
Re:Will it enforce readable code? (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Will it enforce readable code? (Score:1, Interesting)
I met a PIC chip coder last day... 16 instructions, things that work in less then 20k and that can be timed at the m.second, now that is beauty in code! It's when it works that the beauty is, not when you cut and paste cute lines of
Re:Will it enforce readable code? (Score:1, Insightful)
Yes, you'd never see
Object *pointer=new Object("foo");
Oh, wait. Yes you do.
Re:Will it enforce readable code? (Score:2)
Re:Will it enforce readable code? (Score:1, Flamebait)
Why use a complex structure when a simple one will do?
It's better to not branch at all, than to branch in assembly.
What actual evidence do you have that code is getting more sloppy? Or are you just waving your hands around making general statements, with the subtext that no-one can code as well as you?
Re:Will it enforce readable code? (Score:2, Interesting)
hello world [sange.fi]
I would include it in this body but it fails the lameness filter for having too many 'junk' characters, but its a program....
as you are not allowed comments and none of the operations are particularly obvious because of the lack of verbosity, its very hard to understand what it does even if you know brainfuck.
it prints out 'Hello World' by the way.
things are even worse when programming in machine code, because the commands' binary syntax is not very human readable, although at least you can put comments in machine code.
In short, some languages are better than others for promoting code readability, but I think the exact opposite of your statement is true : you can write unreadable code in any language.
I for one think Perl suffers from write-only tendancies, mainly due to the horrible mess that is called array access. Good clear types really help maintainability, and the last time I saw Perl's collection type(s) it was neither good nor clear.
I was happy to move over to Python mainly based on the quality of its type system, not that this was the only strength. But I must confess to being fully able to produce unreadable bits of Python that could make some Perl fragments look like angels.
why are brainfuck and machine code unreadable (Score:2, Insightful)
thankyou elflord for already getting the point
at one level brainfuck is extremely easy to read, it only has 8 characters, each of which corresponds to one of 8 simple to understand operations. Anyone could learn to read off the code operations given 10 minutes because there isn't very much to learn. brainfuck is still inherently unreadable because it is very hard to work out what a peice of code's functionality is when only given a list of low level operations. In brainfuck there are no function names to give a big clue as to what the function does, there are no variable names, and there are no comments.
Just imagine trying to write readable code in perl if you were forced to call all your functions f1, f2, f3.... and all your variables $v1 $v2 $v3.... and you are not allowed to create any comments, and you have to build your own strings at run time too, none of these abstract types thank you. Just to finish off remove all the whitespace from your perl script and tell me if it is readable. brainfuck forces all of those points, so although the operations are very readable, the functionality isn't.
machine code is also quite readable, it is perfectly possible to learn how to read machine code, but it is much harder to read machine code than it is assembly. Again this has nothing to do with the posibility of learning to read either, it is infact purely based on how quickly you can read them. There is a one to one translation between machine code and assembly (apart from label names)
but whereas I can read an assembly op in well under a second, I would have to spend a fair amount of time deciphering which op code is being used, with which options and registers and data. Even if I knew everything I needed to know to work out what the instruction is, I am still having to calculate it each time I read a code. In variable length instruction sets I have an even worse time as although I can see one assembly instruction followed by another, and I can simply skip looking at a few I am not interested in, in the machine code I have to work out every instruction before I know where the next intruction begins.
Now, for a stupid example that knowing how to read two languages does not imply equality in ease of reading them, as appropriate for a comparison of assembly to machine code: I pick english for one language and english with each letter offset by one for the second, so that 'a' is translated to 'b'.
The languages are almost identical, and you have been given everything you need to know how to read both, but how long does it take you to READ AND UNDERSTAND e"readable" compared to e1"vosfbebcmf"?
machine code is harder (but possible) to read because you have to work more things out than you do with assembly.
brainfuck is harder to read than C like languages because you don't have any names or comments to give you clues as to the functionality. If you wrote C with random function names, random variable names, no comments and agreed to never use any number except 0, and never use any strings then your code would be on par with brainfuck : but brainfuck manadates this style, which is why it inherently difficult to understand.
Re:Will it enforce readable code? (Score:2)
And as I said... I could just as easily say that Russian is unreadable, simply because I can't read Russian.
Any language is unreadable if you don't know how to read it, regardless of how readable the code is. If you do know how to read it, then it is no longer an "unreadable" language, and any lack of readability is due to the writer, not the language.
Re:Will it enforce readable code? (Score:2)
So, which human language is inherantly the most readable, oh guru?
As to your examples... some people find all caps to be inherantly *more* readable. And throwing in pseudo-random sequences doesn't change anything.. that would increase the difficulty of learning how to read the language, not any inherant "readability" of the language (if there is truly a coherant, understandable structure, something that is pretty much required for the human concept of "language").
As I've pointed out twice already, Russian is entirely unreadable by my standards. The alphabet is gibberish to me, the words mean nothing (except for "goodbye", which I picked up from somewhere), and I don't even know enough to start thinking about the grammar of the language. Does my inability to grasp this language mean anything at all to the native Russian speaker who has grown up with it, and thinks that English is equally incomprehensible?
Re:Will it enforce readable code? (Score:2)
One important tradeoff is that between writability and readability. The two conflicting philosophies are:
You simply can't have it both ways, because to allow concise expressive syntax is to allow ambiguity. Perl consistently chooses writability over readability. A language that prefers readability over writability will require more effort to code in, but be more readable (Python is a good example of such a language).
Re:Will it enforce readable code? (Score:2, Interesting)
The fundamental point of perl is its a quick way to write one-off scripts to do quick repetitive jobs - therefore maintainable code is not necessary. I accept there are other times when it needs to be readable tho...
Re:Will it enforce readable code? (Score:2, Interesting)
Would you say
" quick way to write one-off scripts to do quick repetitive jobs"
Accurately describes the slashdot application?
I suppose it's only a 'real' language if you have to compile it? I'll never understand that mentality.
Re:Will it enforce readable code? (Score:1)
I didn't say this.
Would you say
" quick way to write one-off scripts to do quick repetitive jobs"
Accurately describes the slashdot application?
No. I did say it was suited for other things. But the fundamental entire basis for the whole point of perl is (and I quote from my O'Reilly Perl book) 'Perl is desinged to assist the programmer with common tasks that are probably too heavy
Re:Will it enforce readable code? (Score:4, Insightful)
I think it's easy enough to write readable code in perl, the great thing is that you have the option of writing horribly unreadable code to do in 3 lines what it would otherwise take 10 to do.
Re:Will it enforce readable code? (Score:2)
how about "piece of shit" then?
Re:Will it enforce readable code? (Score:3, Informative)
Perl is real programming language, and as for the readability aspect: Perl doesn't hold your hand. It's perfectly possible to write clear code in Perl. If I was to show you one of my scripts I'm sure anyone with basic programming knowledge would be able to understand it.
Re:Will it enforce readable code? (Score:2)
Sure Perl can be unreadable, and I'll admit if you want to write the most unreadable code humanly possible that actualy does something, Perl is probabaly the language for you. Try writing poetry in VB!
Re:Will it enforce readable code? (Score:2)
You are correct that it can be used for real, big, major, mission-critical applications, but that's not what it's original intent was. Quote from the O'Reilly book:
Everyone here understands that Perl can and is used for large applications, but that still wasn't its original intent. New features have made it appropriate for that but perl has always kept its vision of "keeping the easy things easy".
Re:Will it enforce readable code? (Score:2)
Seriously... the quote doesn't say "Perl is designed to make small jobs easy, without making the large jobs impossible." It says 'easy' and 'hard'. I contend that you can have large programs that are fairly easy to write and vice versa small programs that are very complex.
That quote says nothing about not writing large mission-critical apps in Perl.
Re:Will it enforce readable code? (Score:2)
Your fanaticism seems to be clouding your vision
For the Swedish pension system, it is completely wrong to say that Perl powers the entire thing. If you had to choose only one thing, that would have to be Oracle. Slap bang, right in the middle, Oracle keeps the data. Most of the surrounding application is Perl - but not all of it - they also use JScript, VB and PL/SQL.
All this information is from the interesting link you posted. It's worth a read.
Re:Will it enforce readable code? (Score:2)
Re:Will it enforce readable code? (Score:2)
I seem to remember that it was the principal development language for Interwoven TeamSite [interwoven.com]... which is many things, but not a quick one-off script.
Average 1st time install price for Interwoven customers? About US$250,000 for licenses. Development time and hardware are on top.
Re:Will it enforce readable code? (Score:4, Insightful)
I could not disagree more. I keep a copy of all interesting scripts I write. I often give them to friends or peers. In addition, I may not look at a saved script for some time in the future. Well written, documented code is key to being able to remember just what it was that you were doing and communictating these ideas effectively with others.
Re:Will it enforce readable code? (Score:3, Funny)
"A Perl script looks like an explosion in an ASCII factory"
I know I saw it on
Re:pumpkin pumpkin whos got the pumpkin (Score:1, Interesting)
The following three commands will correct the above issue by removing
the current Storable and replacing it with a recompiled version. These
commands must be executed as the superuser. After these commands are
executed the aforementioned issue will be resolved.
fink rebuild storable-pm
It IS first necessary to do the mv's, before the rebuild, since fink is
a perl script that explicitly adds
the behavior mentioned above.
You will need to execute the above commands for every XS module that
is contained within
Re:pumpkin pumpkin whos got the pumpkin (Score:5, Informative)
This is David Corbane the fink developer over at Apple.
I just wanted to give this warning, since the post above seem to be a well constructed trolling.
Fink is an apt-get (Debian) application for packagemanagement on Apple OS X platform. It works just like apt-get.
The three lines given above would not solve any of the issues, rather this would launch your workpod into a highly unstable state, since perl is used extensively within OS X.
Fink manages aplications outside the base installation of OS X and no third party package mangement should in any way bother with base OS X applications.
If you try the above, you will not be able to run any sort of cron applications (which are run by default and most of which involve perl scripts).
Also doing this removes some glue security bindings that are controlled by perl.
Please be aware that fink is only used outside the base system of OS X and the first two lines of the code above are deceptive and highly dangerious.
Please write me if you need any more info.
Re:pumpkin pumpkin whos got the pumpkin (Score:1)
Dave, this is your boss. Get back to work!
Re:pumpkin pumpkin whos got the pumpkin (Score:2)
From there, the remedy suggested roughly matches that which Ellem posted earlier, and which you are objecting to now. In his .sig footer, Folson identifies himself as "CPAN Tester for Mac OS X", and the advice he gives sounds credible.
If the advice summarized in these postings is unsound, do you have any counter suggestions that address the issues raised by Foxson's post? Or are those issues themselves phantoms? I didn't realize that Apple had a dedicated Fink developer, but seeing as that seems to be a part of your job description, a clarification of this matter would be very much appreciated -- and you might want to include the mailing lists mentioned above so that the users/developers will know what's going on "from the horse's mouth", so to speak.
Thanks a lot.
Re:pumpkin pumpkin whos got the pumpkin (Score:2)
Easy now slugger. I merely offered up what is going arounf the Mac OSX Perl mailing list. No need to get all nuts on me.
It has been claimed to "fix" the Fink issue. Now Max Horn from FINK says "Thanks for the detailed reoprt. We are aware of this potential problem for anybody who installs a custom perl, however, I believe there is nothing we can currently do about this (besides posting instructions similar to your to our web page someplace)"
The article is from Adam J. Foxon who says he's a CPAN tester for Mac OSX:
So maybe you should take a look at the thread and yell at them.
This is the thread title: perl 5.8.0 issue on Mac OS X w/ fink
Go read it.
Re:pumpkin pumpkin whos got the pumpkin (Score:2, Informative)
Thank you for your post. First, I'd like to say that I hoping you are who you claim to be. The fact that you're posting as an AC, and that google doesn't know about you [google.com], and that you're not listed as a fink developer at the fink project member list [sourceforge.net], and that no reference of you exists at the fink-devel archive [mail-archive.com] gives me pause. Appologies if my skepticism turns out to be unwarranted. For the sake of this response, I will assume that you are not trolling and are who you claim to be.
That being the case, I'm afraid you've been misled by the comment that you initially responded to. That comment was posted by someone who extracted out a small section of a report that I sent to various mailing lists last night. The comment to which you responded has effectively deprived you of the relevant context surrounding the issue. My full report can be found at the archives for the three lists I sent it to:
This is caused by fink setting PERL5LIB to /sw/lib/perl5 which contains one or more compiled XS modules. Since perl 5.8.0 is not binary compatible with any prior perl release all XS modules will have to be recompiled in order to not experience the show-stopping dyld issue.
At this moment in time there have been several replies. One was a reply from Max Horn [mail-archive.com], a senior developer at fink. And, another reply was a reply from Michael Schwern [develooper.com], quality assurance manager for perl. Both acknowledge this as an issue and further outline the cause of this as well as possible permanent solutions.
The steps outlined in the 'RESOLUTION' section of the report are sane and well tested. They do indeed correct the issue that the report details, and should absolutely not cause any peripheral problems.
I'd like to request that if you further reply, please also do so on one of the three lists mentioned above so we can keep everyone in the loop.
Thank you!
Re:pumpkin pumpkin whos got the pumpkin (Score:2)
Re:pumpkin pumpkin whos got the pumpkin (Score:2)
Right. I too prefer companies whose employees make no effort to get out into the development community, but will give me mediocre support for $50K.
Party on, Dave.
Re:Yay! (Score:2, Informative)
No. It was released today. You're thinking of the last Release Candidate which was released on Monday.
Do you speak Esperanto? (Score:2)
Where you see piled-on hacks, I see evolution at work. Perl is richly expressive, and allows you to code in whatever style works best for the task at hand, rather than trying to force the solution-space of the problem into the modeling-space of the language.
That's why Java and other B&D languages suck so badly - they trade flexability for orthadoxy.
But spoken languages have proven to be stubbornly resistant to the imposition of bondage and discipline in the name of "simplicity", and attempts at creating new, simpler spoken languages from scratch - like Esperanto - have failed miserably. The parallel with programming language should hold true as well. What is a programming language but a way of communicating with your computer, your users, and other programmers?
It should be at least as expressive as your spoken tongue, not less.
"A foolish consistancy is the hobgoblin of little minds" and nothing illustrates that point better than a discussion of Perl by those who don't actually use it.
whitespace-is-syntax (Score:2)
I also found Python conciderably more opaque than Ruby, although I strongly suspect that had more to do with the documentation I found on it than anything else.
That most of the examples of Python apps I looked at were pretty messy didn't really help either
Unfortunately for Python, Ruby's filled my requirement for a clean dynamic language; I expect my next language to be more along the lines of SmallTalk or Lisp. Python just doesn't look that interesting anymore
<eagarly awaits a flood of examples and docs that'll make me change my mind and fall in love with it>
Try Erlang (Score:2, Informative)
Erlang is a general-purpose programming language and runtime environment. Erlang has built-in support for concurrency, distribution and fault tolerance.
In other words, it's a small concurrent functional programming language developed by Ericsson after their experiments with Lisp and Prolog.
Although, you will not love it if have already poisoned by OO "snake oil" [erlang.org]
If it's a case then try Dylan [gwydiondylan.org]
Re:Which is better? Perl or HTML? (Score:2, Informative)
HTML and Perl are two completely different things. HTML is a way of representing (textual) data, while Perl is a way of processing and/or creating data.
Re:Call me an idiot but.... (Score:2)
Re:Pseudohashes? (Score:2, Informative)
Yes, pseudohashes are deprecated in Perl 5.8.0. They will be removed completely in Perl 5.10.0.
Re:Will perl ever compile? (Score:3, Informative)
Yes, it will -- starting with Perl 6.0. This is a complete rewrite that compiles to a bytecode called Parrot by default. You can compile Parrot bytecode into binary, or almost anything.
Re:Will perl ever compile? (Score:2)
Re:RedHat Limbo (Score:2)
So, you got Perl as a package, version is 5.8.0 and build 29 of the stuff thats inside the package. Now, if its 29, it doesnt really mean that its 29th *public release*. Maybe the maintainer made testings with different build configurations or so on ...
Re:finally (Score:2)
Why do you need to urge others to do the same? use the right tool for the right job.. it's that simple.