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Toss Me a Rope: Programming Yourself Into a Hole? 94

ksyrium queries: "Managers tend to think that once a project is out the door or 'live,' it's done and over with, and assigns developers new project. However, with each project, another portion of each developers' time becomes devoted to maintaining said project. I've seen co-workers reach thresholds where there can no longer take on new work for sake of maintaining existing code. How are Slashdotters (developers and managers alike!) approaching this problem? Obviously, well-written and documented code can allow for faster maintenance by both the original developer and others, but has there been any organizational research done in the area of managing this problem? While I code for a living, my degree is in business, and this was a question dodged in all of my Management of Information Systems and Project Management courses. Google and other search engines haven't turned up much in the way of research, so I'd like to know what Slashdot thinks!"
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Toss Me a Rope: Programming Yourself Into a Hole?

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  • Honestly - I've NEVER seen a manager take that approach. Amazes me that any engineering manager (software or otherwise) would be like that. Or maybe I've been fortunate to have a management well-grounded in software development practices.
  • I don't know how they can think it's done since they are the ones who told you to work the bugs out while it's in production. It went out the door buggy, and so it stays buggy, because some incompetent ass had no clue why you were begging him to wait to ship it.

    Anyone else have problems with this?
    • My situation is a little different. I work on internal development, so "customers" means other employees of the same company. Anyway, our customers give completely inflexible deadlines: Deploy what you have done, period. They control IT's budget, so we have no real say-so. We allegedly have a maintenance team, but since they have zero understanding of the system, even from an end-user's perspective, all the bug-fixing, etc., invariably falls back on us. Since the customer doesn't understand the concept of maintenance, they can't figure out why we aren't spending 100% of our time on the new project.

      An interesting corrolary (sp?) is that no money is allotted for maintenance, so all maintenance gets charged to the current project, which is already thread-bare as it is. In theory, if this keeps up long enough, we'll someday have a project whose budget is all spent on maintenance.

    • The main issue is that in shrink-wrapped software, you can say what a program does and doesn't do. You want this feature? Sorry, bucko, wait for the next version to come up.

      On the other hand, software that it is written for a particular company has to be changed and upgraded as the company needs it. And sometimes when changes are made to software, it has effects that reach beyond what the change was, and they're not always "bugs" or "mistakes."

      Also, even the most effective software testers are no match against users when it comes to discovering loopholes and sources of problems in software interfaces!
      • >Also, even the most effective software testers are no match against users when it comes to discovering loopholes and sources of problems in software interfaces!

        Not for me to argue about users finding bugs and all, but I've taken all that I've learned about OS software development and applied it to my internal project, which I've been hacking away at for the last eight months.

        Here's some things that'll help:
        - Enforce a strict release schedule. If there's a bug, find a work-around. Because it's internal or small-scale software it's tempting to go ahead and fix the problem, but you'll only through yourself into more trouble by releasing essentially untested code out the door.

        - Involve users at every stage of the development process you can. That way, there'll be no suprises when release time comes, and no manager/PHB saying, "Well, it doesn't cover X, so I'm not going to use it."

        - Learn to say no, and get your boss to understand the importance. You're in charge of the project. Many times users ask for things that just don't make logical sense or are not feasable to do. You know better than they do, so... "No."

  • Each programmer should have a good grasp of their assigned duties/tasks. It doesn't matter whether the tasks are maintenance, new work, documentation, training, etc. It all boils down to time and task management. If you are stretched too thin maintaining previous projects such that it's impacting current work you need to re-prioritize, often with your superior.

    The problem is that people don't leave time for these little tasks, and they accept them without rescheduling other (perhaps more pressing) tasks.

    Eventually you'll have to drop maintenance for a project, or reassign that task to another programmer. But most important is to listen to the sales person describe the problem, then point out that they need to go to your superior to have the 'new' project approved and let him push other deadlines around to suit his schedule. If it's your responsability to juggle all these tasks then you'll spend more time doing management than programming eventually, but you'll have to weight and prioritize each task.

    In other words, I suspect it's not discussed/researched because it's really a non-issue. The real problem is time and project management.

  • Change jobs (Score:3, Insightful)

    by crow ( 16139 ) on Friday September 06, 2002 @01:35PM (#4208072) Homepage Journal
    People wonder why tech workers have a tradition of changing jobs. This is one reason. When you move to a new job, you rarely have any legacy projects to support in addition to the one you're assigned to.
    • Re:Change jobs (Score:3, Insightful)

      by Kris_J ( 10111 )
      When you move to a new job, you rarely have any legacy projects to support in addition to the one you're assigned to.
      Ha! Not only do you have to try and repair other people's dodgy code you typically have to learn to do it with new tools and sometimes in a new language.

      Just keep working at the problems in your current job. If you're good, maintenance on prior jobs will slowly decrease.

      • And you run into amateur work. I was really quite fascinated, after much study, to realize that some goofball had used JavaScript to force radio buttons to work as combo boxes...
    • My friend, you are on the first step to becoming a contractor! No point in hanging around once the development work is done.
  • All incoming stuff went into a queue (whether it was new or old), and the next available programmer that had the knowledge to deal with the reuirements got the project.
    Sometimes I would be juggling 3 to 10 projects at once, but it wasn't a big problem. This method only works if some standards are agreed apon. When you have agreed apon standards, this method can be very good. Of course, it gets better when you have a couple of programmers who can get a lot of things done quickly.
  • Nah (Score:3, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward on Friday September 06, 2002 @01:38PM (#4208092)
    Products have life-cycles. Work on a product does not stop on the day of release - a good manager knows that. But a good manager also knows that nobody lives forever and software doesn't either. So when the product has reached its end-of-life status, programmers should not devote more time to the "dead" project and instead devote their time to new projects. Programmers and managers alike sometimes need a nudge to recognize this essential fact.
    • I disagree somewhat with your saying that the managers and developers need a nudge, its more the users who don't see the big picture, all the pending and future projects, but only their little piece of the pie. Sometimes there whole existence seems to be rooted in this project, despite the fact it's time to bury it once and for all.

      Another layer comes from people who don't understand the technology. I develop web apps and I have users who think its very easy to just add a chunck of funtionality in or change the way something works without giving any real though to how long it might actually take, or if it's even possible.

      For example, I developed an application taking an address. The postal code field was supposed to take US Zips 5 and 5+4 and validate them, but it was also supposed to take non US postal codes as well "ZXC 123". It wasn't until I showed them on paper that I can verify that something is there, but I have no way of easily checking which country's format this is, or if it is valid in that country or not! They eventually got the idea, but it took a few hours of meetings and email to get there.

      Adhering to specifications can be hard too when upper management changes them mid stream. Fortunately I have a boss who raises red flags and get's other projects pushed around, but are we all so lucky?

  • Development model (Score:4, Interesting)

    by Nyarly ( 104096 ) <nyarly&redfivellc,com> on Friday September 06, 2002 @01:41PM (#4208109) Homepage Journal
    The most evident source of the problem you're describing is that how you model development in your organization. There's an old model called the Waterfall, that basically says, you get requirements, you write spec, you design to spec, code to design, test the code, and release. It's called the Waterfall Model because each step assumes that the previous step is finished; in other words, you never go back.

    First of all, the premise of the Waterfall Model is just wrong. Of course you go back. You'll always find a flaw in the req's in mid-spec, and a flaw in spec in mid-design (and a flaw in req when you go back to fix the spec) etc. There's an entire class of development models that are just fixes on the Waterfall Model. But the basis is flawed, and any model based on it is going to be flawed as well.

    The solution to your specific problem is one that you've seen other companies use, possibly without knowing. Once a piece of software is feature complete and passes QA (so you release it), a certain number of developer hours need to be devoted to maintenance. Probably that means hiring a junior coder to maintain the well written code of more senior coders.

    There comes a point, of course, where software is no longer paying for its maintenance. It's always legitimate to move an old version to a "mature" state, where it's no longer supported. If Microsoft can do that to Windows98, I don't see why any other company can't do that with (say) their Win98 software.

    • by pthisis ( 27352 )
      There comes a point, of course, where software is no longer paying for its maintenance. It's always legitimate to move an old version to a "mature" state, where it's no longer supported

      Hopefully that doesn't mean deprecated. Most projects I've been involved with (I'm talking internal projects here) start from scratch, have a heavy design, development, and testing phase, and then launch live. The first month or two sees heavy maintenance work, and then the code stabilizes and requires basically no hands-on work.

      Obviously when new feature requests come in they destabilize the codebase for some time, but you can and usually do get equilibrium: projects that have no development going on generally need no maintenance after they've had a bit of time to mellow.

      And that's what I see as a mature project. The ultimate goal of every project I'm on is to reach maturity and just run.

    • Yes, I think this is hitting close to the head. If a project uses a more Agile methodology (and I use the word very loosely here) from the beginning, they can stop some of this. Check out Scrum or Extreme Programming and how they deal with this sort of thing.
    • Re:Development model (Score:2, Interesting)

      by ed1park ( 100777 )
      The Waterfall Method is a methodology of software development that exists because certain software projects have very little room for error. (think NASA, life support, avionic systems, etc.)

      Proponents of the waterfall method reason that for such critical software systems the normal write/test/debug cycle is too dangerous.

      To simply dismiss this methodology with such a blanket statement is irresponsible.
      • Waterfall is too risky for critical software. It assumes that you DO know all the requirements, that you design it right the first time, etc...

        Spiral or evolutionary is better -- relatively rapid reiterations of the waterfall cycle with feedback to the next iteration of the previous phase (i.e. requirements problems found during design are addressed during the next iteration of the requirements analysis phase, etc...).

        All releases at the end of each iteration are internal, until the end.
      • I disagree. Proponing the Waterfall Method in situations of life and death is irresponsible. It looks good on paper: we don't go on to step N+1 until N is perfect, but the ultimate seive for the quality of the result of step N is its use in step N+1. Waterfall says "Well, you have to deal with any imperfections, because there aren't any." Granted the exponential effect of errors in early stages (commented on everywhere from the Mythical Man Month to bleeding edge XP publications), making do with a less than perfect requirements document is going to result in grossly problematic results.

        A short development cycle is probably much better, since the problem with a previous step can be quickly apprehended and dealt with.

        • The Waterfall Method maybe the only choice in a project because time, cost, or some other critical parameter prevents a repeat of the cycle. This is scenario is not impossible to imagine or come across.

          For example: There is a small window of time that will not allow for a debug. You only get one shot. There is no testing/try again.

          Any errors at any stage may be unacceptable and/or costly. Human death or destruction of a system, etc.

          You don't "assume" that step N is perfect. You ensure to the best of your ability to complete and verify step N as comprehensively as possible. You don't rapidly jump in and out expecting to catch errors later. It's a method, not an algorthm. You have a very distorted way of describing such methodolgies. (eg:"Waterfall says...")

          if you are afraid of exponential complexity, you then reduce the scope of the project until you are comfortable. Of course, such an evaluation will depend on your ability and experience.

          A short development cycle does not translate to a program that will not fail/blow up and kill people/destroy expensive equipment on it's first test.

          Some projects dictate the method. And there are projects that will have zero tolerance for error at any stage. Therefore, you will not be given a chance to "test and see." So you will have no alternative.
  • Fred lays out the data that was, even then, industry wisdom. According to the research IBM did, an average programmer can maintain 3 existing projects or work on 1 new one. But that's just an average. If the programmer is under 30 he can only maintain 1 (or be one of 3 junior programmers on a new project). If under 25 he is only fit to write documentation.
    • (* Fred lays out the data that was, even then, industry wisdom. According to the research IBM did, an average programmer can maintain 3 existing projects or work on 1 new one. But that's just an average. If the programmer is under 30 he can only maintain 1 (or be one of 3 junior programmers on a new project). If under 25 he is only fit to write documentation. *)

      Is this the same IBM that periodically boots their "Geriatric Club" and replaces them with fresh meat?

      The IT industry simply does not value experience for some odd reason. I think it is because it is hard to fake enthusiam forever for every buzz-concept that mamagement reads in the trade rags and believes all. s/ story/0,10801,73959,00.html
    • According to the research IBM did [...] If the programmer is under 30 he can only maintain 1 (or be one of 3 junior programmers on a new project). If under 25 he is only fit to write documentation.

      Interesting. I've just turned 25, and modesty aside, I'm an above average developer. I consistently generate well over the "20 finished lines of code per day" metric, and I've been asked by senior developers to take on some of the more difficult development work, because they knew I'd make a decent job of it. But apparently, I'm only fit to write documentation? At least I do write documentation, which is often more than those 30+ guys who rate "principal engineer" titles do.

      Mercifully, I now work for a company with a rather more enlightened approach. I guess the average developer is in his/her mid-late 20s, and the vast majority of the employees are development staff, not overheads. This development team manages to keep year-on-year growth at a level that would make most of the big corporations jealous, mostly by avoiding pretentious and ageist attitudes, playing to the strengths of each individual, and just getting on with it.

      • Interesting. I've just turned 25, and modesty aside, I'm an above average developer.

        of course - 80 percent of all developers consider themself as "above average" ;-)
    • I maintained about 6 projects (the ones everyone else buggered up an I was given to sort out) when I was about 22.... There's nothing like maintaining 6 projects, it's a great way to make you write nice code and get the projects as mature as possible as quickley as possible!
    • Fred lays out the data that was, even then, industry wisdom. According to the research IBM did, an average programmer can maintain 3 existing projects or work on 1 new one. But that's just an average. If the programmer is under 30 he can only maintain 1 (or be one of 3 junior programmers on a new project). If under 25 he is only fit to write documentation.

      I have read M3. Multiple times. In fact, I have a copy of the anniverary edition right here. I neither recall, nor can find, any such thing. Please tell me what chapter you found this in, if in fact it is in there. The most likely candidate would be chapter 8, but I just reread it, and there's no such data or discussion.

      In my own experience, most (but not all) developers need a fair amount of hand-holding when they first enter the industry, no matter what their age. As the years go by, most of them eventually get up to speed, but many never do.
  • We don't have enough time to "maintain" or older code, and at the same time creat the next must-have version of our software. Our lame solution: Our customers get perpetual upgrades for free. As there is only one code base to be work on - it frees up time and resources.

    I'm sure were losing money, and that were bone-headed. But, the payoff in simplicity is worth it - to us. YMMV.

    • We don't have enough time to "maintain" or older code, and at the same time creat the next must-have version of our software.

      Surely the 'next must-have version' is based on the old code? And if so, the bugs will be fixed (Hopefully!) and should be able to drop into the old/current version with out to much hassle?

      I'd hate to even think about someone creating each new version from scratch..

    • Our customers get perpetual upgrades, too. And since it's a web-based service, everyone gets upgraded to the latest version at the same time!
  • Minefields (Score:5, Interesting)

    by 4of12 ( 97621 ) on Friday September 06, 2002 @02:01PM (#4208308) Homepage Journal

    This issue has so many facets I don't know where to begin.

    1. Some people program conscientiously, with maintainability in mind, writing lucid code that is easy for them and others to understand. It is easy to change, to extend, and is less likely to need changes or fixes.
    2. Some coders have twisted minds unlike anyone else's. They code in a fashion they believe makes perfect sense, but heaven help the person appointed maintainer of the project. "Whaddya mean the codes broken and hard to fix? Fred's one of our sharpest programmers, as evidenced by him critiquing everyone else and no one able to understand his high level of intellect!"
    3. Some people hack in a straight line to the destination in the shortest amount of time. Then, they or their successors spend inordinate amounts of time patching leaky pipes with bubble gum, baling wire and duct tape.
    4. Some people delight in being indispensible for a project's existence. The code complexity becomes job security.
    5. Some managers err by seeking to fix the unfixable and appointing poor slobs to a task that really shouldn't be done. Scrap it and rewrite would be the better option.
    6. Some managers err by neglecting maintenance completely. If it's not a brand new shiny project, then they don't think they'll look sufficiently cool to the C level folks. The bread and butter applications are left to languish while the glittery new buzzword compliant project gets showcased up the wazoo.
    and that's just for starters.

    All I can say is:

    "Be careful out there!"
    • Re:Minefields (Score:5, Interesting)

      by rgmoore ( 133276 ) <> on Friday September 06, 2002 @05:23PM (#4209690) Homepage

      And one goal of good management should be to encourage everyone to be in a useful category. So given the categories above, one might suggest the following approaches:

      1. [Consiencious programmers] Reward these people. Given them raises, praise them publically, and encourage other people to look at and understand why their code is good.
      2. [Smart but difficult programmers] Force these guys to work together with somebody else. Pair programming might be a good idea. It might not make the code that much better, but at least there will be a second person who understands how it works and can explain it to everyone else.
      3. [Straight line programmers] These might be a good type to pair with those in group 2. Other than that (and trying to train them to be more like group 1) they may not be easy to work with. Perhaps they should be used as code maintainers, where they'll be working on smaller, more discreet problems where a straight line approach might be less harmful.
      4. [Job security by obscurity] Force these people to maintain their own code until their projects become obsolete and you can fire them. Even better, route around the problem by putting them in teams where they can't get away with their tricks.

      These are obviously just suggestions and ideas, but they get the general picture. Part of the job of a manager is to figure out how to use the strengths and weaknesses of his subordinates to best effect.

      • 'Force these guys to work together with somebody else'
        Ok, You've identified them as 'Smart but difficult programmers'
        I probably fall into that category from time to time. I certainly come up with, what at first seems off the wall to people 'inexperienced' in data systems, but obvious to them once they see how everything fits together.

        I'm also a little difficult, in the "I'll do it, but with reservations" kinda way.

        Well onto my point, these people are smart and possibly a little too abstract for a lot of people to cope with. There also 'difficult' so forcing them to do something is going to make them obstinate.

        I suggest the best way to get 'Smart but difficult programmers' to write cleaner code with good explanations is to get them to cross train and give talks to people, that way they'll have to make them-self's at least a little more comprehensible and they'll certainly think about the way there code is presented. If not then there probably not that smart and just difficult.

        I started to write nice, well designed, clean code because no-one in the company could be bothered, the managers were very for the moment, and I though I'd be difficult and make a point. A bit of cross training went on, people knew everyone elses strengths and weaknesses and the standard of code and management increased.
    • Points 2 and 4 sound so much like the people I was working with when I was just starting to learn how to program. At the time, I didnt know enough to see anything wrong with this, I was 'learning' from these people, so had no idea there was a better way to do things, and been the junior on the team, when ever I started brining up things like creating reusable solutions/code, it was said there was no time for such development.

      The problem later becomes a double edged sword, all the 'safety projects' become boring, they don't want to spend this time fixing them, and the code is so fragile that any changes risk causing more bugs because the coder cannt trace back /why/ something works, it just did.

      The biggest problem of all is, what to do when you wake up one morning and realise just how bad the situation is.
  • Where I work, the maintainance of existing products is typically transitioned (slowly) to the more junior members of the team. This allows them to aclimate to the way things are done around here and, hopefully, learn from the way the more experienced coders work. As they grow in skill, the ration of new product work to maintainance work grows with them.
    • Yes, I try to let my code be maintained by the newcomers. I try to create clear and well-documented code so anyone can fix or improve it later.

      I often end up writing documentation for some other components in the project, as if it's not documented when my code has to interface to it...I figure it out and document it.

      Besides, it might be me who has to fix it in six months after several other projects...

  • simple, sorta (Score:2, Insightful)

    by budalite ( 454527 )
    There is, of course, a "simple" business solution. Rule 1. The only things that get done here are the things that we have been paid to do. We only do things that will get us paid (X times) more than it costs to do. (or, at least, *think* we will get paid to do. If we think wrong, too big or too often, we go out of business.)
    Rule 2. The only things we pay to get done are those things that (we think) will get us more money than we spend to do it.
    If you are a developer, see Rule 1.
    Your customer should be using Rule 2, unless it is a public entity, where they use Rule 3: Is the action perceived as contributing to a final goal or thought to contribute to a realized goal (support) that still has money on the contract? :)

    You may now shoot holes in my explanation...

  • by pthisis ( 27352 ) on Friday September 06, 2002 @03:28PM (#4209039) Homepage Journal
    Managers tend to think that once a project is out the door or 'live,' it's done and over with, and assigns developers new project.

    That is a problem. You need to get managers to understand that once a project launches, there's going to be a stabilization period that's just as intense as the development period. It can be short or long depending on the project, but it needs to happen.

    And you need to get programmers to believe that they _can_, in fact, get the code to a state where it just runs. That means having watchdogs to monitor it rather than people (sending email when it dies, and avoiding false positives). That means taking the 2-3 (or 20) hours to fix things that require "just 5 minutes" of attention every day. It also means isolating the system into as many independent parts as possible so that it's manageable and easy to work with.

    As an example, I worked on developing a massive dynamic content system for a past job. It required a GUI for content authors to do input with, a way to schedule and deploy changes, a server to select content based on user parameters, a way to track content to see what was served where, inventory analysis of what web space would be available, etc. It took over a year to develop, had more than 15 seperate executables built from 75,000 lines of code, and was hell when it launched in terms of making sure it ran happily with all the other systems in place. One daemon needed to be restarted occasionally; sometimes unforeseen log data screwed up reports; etc. We could have just gone ahead and restarted that daemon when it needed it, fixed the logs by hand, and so forth--instead we put the up-front time into fixing the root causes of each of the tiny maintenance chores as we identified them.

    Within 3 months it was pretty much hands off, and would send email alerts when something went wrong that the watchdogs couldn't handle. Moreover, because it was 15 seperate components, feature enhancements were generally easy: change one small program instead of a huge monolithic one. We went through several iterations of feature requests over the following year, each one followed by a stabilization period, and eventually got it to the point where it does everything we needed done and did it without needing handholding (and serves 6 billion requests per year).

    That's what you need to aim for as a programmer--ongoing maintenance tasks when you don't have feature requests coming in is a sign that the code needs to be more robust.

    • Yep. I think everyone's development habits have an implicit minimum maintenance effort to which they eventually converge. If that minimum is not zero, you either need to (a) put a limit on how many projects you do during a lifetime, or (b) keep actively maintaining each project until it has no more users. Neither is all that appealing.
  • by xagon7 ( 530399 ) on Friday September 06, 2002 @03:42PM (#4209116)
    Here is how it works in the REAL world...

    Developer is hired by the company.

    Developer maintains legacy code left by previous employee.

    Developer gets ancy and an opportunity to perform new development.

    The new project is released.

    Developer has to maintain "his" project while performing other duties and gets burned out.

    Developer finds another company, and the whole cycle starts over again for both parties.
  • Mine actually has a Solutions and Services department for each large scale application. So teams are formed to build new solutions for the application and to maintains the current code-base. Services does all "non-project" length work also, so we keep our minds and fingers busy with coding from time to time so it is not just one liners and/or debugging all the time.

  • Code Complete -- Steve McConnell, Microsoft Press ISBN# 1-55615-484-4 Great book on the programming aspects of the development process. This book is NOT about writing code, it is about managing and programming within large software projects.
  • Fact 1: Software requires maintenance. A sane management team plans for this. Your project plan for "the next release" should account for time that may have to be spent on debugging, patches, or maintenance releases for "the current release" and any previous release that is still supported.

    Fact 2: People leave. A sane management team avoids the "truck factor" by making sure, through cross-training and knowledge transfer, that there is more than one person around who can perform maintenance of legacy code. This is also a good thing because, if there is only one person doing all the maintenance, he/she may get tired of doing it and find another job.

    Being put on maintenance is also a good way for a new or junior developer to learn the product and the code. Even if they sometimes have to call in the developer who wrote the code, they can often fix the simpler problems, which at least partially offloads the original developers, and it is a great learning experience. This is working well in my company. Of course if you leave someone on this for too long you run the risk that they get fed up and leave (see Fact 2).
  • For external maintance or not is a choice way over your head. If the company should be charging for mainance and isn't there isn't much you can do about it.

    For internal you'll just need manager buy in. The best thing to do is during project budget to make sure that there is a reoccuring fee attached to the project. Something like $1m for development + $100k per year for maintance. The internal customer can increase this amount if they want more features or decrease it if they want no maintance. But make it clear that no maintance means no maintance, you groups doesn't work without an internal charge code. If it stops working either ask who to charge your time too before you fix.

    If your company doesn't use internal charge codes then you can emulate the same situation by calling a meeting with customers and getting them to agree to timeframes on new projects with maintance requirements on old. It may be that they want more focus on new projects than they are getting, or it may be that they don't understand that your department is understaffed to handle the workload.

  • Refactor (Score:3, Insightful)

    by Webmonger ( 24302 ) on Friday September 06, 2002 @09:57PM (#4210812) Homepage
    The solution to this sort of problem is easy to say:

    You will get feature requests, and sometimes you'll just have to bolt them on. But look for the general case that this new feature is a specific instance of. Sure the feature may be "change the text on the cover page", but the general case may be "make it easy to customize the text on the cover page".

    Sometimes the generalizations aren't easy to find, even though you intuit a connection between things. Flip through Design Patterns, and see if anything sparks. You may have to just bolt it on for now, but keep thinking.

    Refactoring will reduce the number of lines in your code. And it will make the code easier to understand and maintain.
    • Re:Refactor (Score:2, Troll)

      by Tablizer ( 95088 )
      (* The solution to this sort of problem is easy to say: Refactor. *)

      "Refactor" is simply a buzz-euphemism for "rework the code to make it cleaner". Many managers are not too fond of this because there is a risk that you will break something that used to work. The official solution is unit regression testing, however, that practice may not be approved.

      Regarding GOF design patters, in my very humble opinion, GOF patterns are for people who don't know how to properly use a database, and would rather hand-knit nodes (classes) together the old fashioned way rathre than use relational commands/techiques to automate that process.

      • Whether or not it's approved by management, reworking code to make it cleaner is the only way to keep the program from turning into a Big Ball of Mud [].

        One of us is seriously wrong about GoF patterns, since IMHO, hardly any of them are better handled with databases. Representing a resource as a single, constructed-when-needed object (Singleton)? Distributing functionality by method rather than subclass (Visitor)? Having a collection of objects expose the same interface as any one of those objects(Composite)? None of these seem to involve databases. Most of the examples in the GoF book are of GUI systems and text editors, and these don't imply databases.
        • Re:Refactor (Score:1, Troll)

          by Tablizer ( 95088 )
          (* One of us is seriously wrong about GoF patterns, since IMHO, hardly any of them are better handled with databases. *)

          Perhaps "better" is a subjective thing, barring some good metrics being put forth.

          (* Most of the examples in the GoF book are of GUI systems and text editors, and these don't imply databases. *)

          Well, GOF is repeatedly "sold" as the be-all-end-all of everything. If they are only meant for building text editors, then they should say so.

          (* None of these seem to involve databases. *)

          I have used databases for all kinds of (self-used) utilities, including editors. (Note that not all DB's are as bulky to use as Big Iron Oracle-like stuff.) I just find it easier to organize, find, view, filter, sort stuff when in relational databases.

          Putting the "noun model" in code is a recipe for speggetti in my book.

          • (* Well, GOF is repeatedly "sold" as the be-all-end-all of everything. If they are only meant for building text editors, then they should say so. *)

            It wouldn't say Gof is the answer to everything. I would say that it's a useful thing to add to your toolkit. The fact that they use GUI systems and text editors as examples should show that databases aren't necessarily a 1:1 replacement for design patterns. And they do use other examples, such as networking libraries. We're using some design patterns with our software which bears no resemblance to a text editor or GUI system. Frankly, I don't see a lot of overlap here: design patterns are about how you structure your code, and databases are about how you manage your data.

            Anyhow, I wasn't pushing Design Patterns as some kind of holy writ, just a resource that might trigger inspiration.

            (*I have used databases for all kinds of (self-used) utilities, including editors. I just find it easier to organize, find, view, filter, sort stuff when in relational databases.*)

            More power to you. Sounds like you use databases the way they're meant to be used. And your familiarity with them helps you avoid reinventing the wheel.

            (*Putting the "noun model" in code is a recipe for speggetti in my book.*)

            Hardly anything that's good in moderation is still good in excess. Even vitamin C can kill you if you take enough of it.
            • Re:Refactor (Score:1, Troll)

              by Tablizer ( 95088 )
              (* The fact that they use GUI systems and text editors as examples should show that databases aren't necessarily a 1:1 replacement for design patterns. *)

              If I had my way, most of the GUI management would also be in databases. This could help make the GUI builder language-neutral.

              (* Frankly, I don't see a lot of overlap here: design patterns are about how you structure your code, and databases are about how you manage your data. *)

              Well, I see this as somewhat orthogonal. One can move a good portion of what GOF handles into the database tools. Thus, simpler code. It is more or less choosing to shift the complexity into the code structure, or into database structures. There are a lot of leeway for which way to go.

              (* Hardly anything that's good in moderation is still good in excess. *)

              Well, what sounds like more excess: A system that uses 50 percent code and 50 percent databases to manage complexity, or a system that uses 100% OOP to manage complexity?

              Thanks for your feedback.
              • Okay, so if I understand right, you're advocating moving control of program or object behaviour into data. That makes sense to me. Our program flow is controlled by data. Our user interface is a mix of templates, functions, and data.

                And using data to control behaviour is complementary to patterns like Factory Method, Interpreter, State, and Template Method.

                Regarding excess, the tradeoff between pure code and data-based control has to be made based on the need for flexability versus the complexity of programming for data control.

                Anyhow, interesting discussion.
                • (* And using data to control behaviour is complementary to patterns like Factory Method, Interpreter, State, and Template Method. *)

                  I am not that up on those patterns, for they seemed paradigm-specific, but IIRC, they manage the *instantiating* of something. In table thinking you don't "instantiate" because the record is an instantiation itself. Instantiation is doing it the OO way instead of the DB-centric way. Instantiation means that you are moving (or duplicating) your noun modeling into the code realm.

                  (* the tradeoff between pure code and data-based control has to be made based on the need for flexability versus the complexity of programming for data control. *)

                  Complexity? Perhaps that is a subjective issue again. For the most part tablizing stuff *simplifies* it in my book. I agree that there is a point where one can go overboard with tablization, but the limits are usually due to vendor tools not geered well toward it or specific languages, and not the technique itself.

                  I suppose we would have to explore a specific example together.
                  • (* IIRC, [patterns] manage the *instantiating* of something *)

                    No, there are "Structural" and "Behavioral" patterns as well as "Creational". It's only the Creational that focus on instantiation, though pretty well all of them are OO.
                    • The purpose of design patterns is not to specify an absolute framework to work from, but to describe a way that collections of code can work together to provide a solution for a type of problem... You can translate OO solutions in to non-OO environments, go see Cuj [] for an example involving UnitTests.
                    • (* You can translate OO solutions in to non-OO environments *)

                      Yes, but when I do this I usually end up moving most of the equivalent into relational schemas. Any given schema deserves its own special name as much as any other schema. So why whould some schema layouts get GOF names and others don't? Who does the frequency surveys to decide what gets named?

                      It seems kind of arbitrary. I could take a bunch of random schemas that I encounter, give them names, and put them in a book and call them the "next big thing" also.

                      I don't get it. Seems like Yet Another Fad to me.
              • Do you have any suggestions as to lightweight relational tools (like keyed lists) (lightweight as in don't have to pay royalties for Oracle or whatever)? Are there collections in C++ STL that you like? Anything else?
            • Relax, This guy just isn't programming at a level where patterns matter to him... He's not creating Archituecture and Frameworks. He's down in the details of putting data in and out of forms. When he's been programming longer he'll get it... my 2 cents.
      • > GOF patterns are for people who don't know how to
        > properly use a database

        It is difficult to imagine the narrowness of perspective that could result in such a statement.

        There is more to software than business applications. There is a whole universe of application domains where relational database technology is not the solution to most design problems. Even in heavily database-oriented enterprise applications (I work on one) there are generally business object and user interface layers where OOP and design patterns can be essential tools.

        Either you are confused about what design patterns are or you are confused about how to build complex systems.
        • > > GOF patterns are for people who don't know how to
          > > properly use a database

          > It is difficult to imagine the narrowness of
          > perspective that could result in such a statement.

          Then you've never seen Tablizer's web site.

          He is a crank par-excellence. Or a troll with a level of committment that the world has seldom seen. Anyway, he firmly believes that every data structure in the world can be reduced to tables. Check out his web site sometime.

          • (* Anyway, he firmly believes that every data structure in the world can be reduced to tables. *)

            How is this more sinister than thinking everything should be reduced to OO classes?

            Double standard.

            (* He is a crank par-excellence. *)

            Bullshit! I stand by my claims. OOP is the crank. OOP has no objective evidence that it is better for all or most domains. None. Only the claims that roll out of the mouths of OO fans. That is *all* you got. Even some diehard OO fans admit that individual authoritative evidence is all there is right now.

            Trolling: making repeated claims without evidence.
        • There is more to software than business applications. There is a whole universe of application domains where relational database technology is not the solution to most design problems.

          Well in the entire GOF book, I never saw a disclaimer about when and where not to use GOF patterns.

          Many OOP practicioners have horror stories about newbies who "over-GOF" designs because they don't know why and when, and there is very little info on why and when of GOF. There's even a 5-level joke about "hello world" GOF-style around on slashdot somewhere motivated by observing overzealous newbies.

          There is too much "how" in this industry, and not enough "why".

          (* or you are confused about how to build complex systems. *)

          I have full confidence in my skill to build complex business systems.

          I admit my claim about relational technology was a little flamey, but I simply substuted "relational" for "oop" based on some of the insults directed my way.
      • "Refactor" is simply a buzz-euphemism for "rework the code to make it cleaner".

        It's also much faster to say and write. :-)

        Many managers are not too fond of this because there is a risk that you will break something that used to work.

        That is a reasonable point; any time you touch code that was working, you risk breaking it. OTOH, if you adopt a policy of rigorously avoiding change wherever possible, you dig yourself a deeper and deeper hole, until one day you fall in. I've seen both camps; in the long run, those who maintain a design in small increments wind up with far fewer bugs and can adapt far more quickly to change.

        • (* That is a reasonable point; any time you touch code that was working, you risk breaking it. OTOH, if you adopt a policy of rigorously avoiding change wherever possible, you dig yourself a deeper and deeper hole *)

          Note that I did *not* complain about the practice of reworking code over time, so please don't go saying, "Tablizer is against refactoring". My complaint was mostly about misleading terminology and dealing with bosses who don't want code changes for the sake of internal cleaning alone.

          Refactor used to mean to eliminate redundancy by centralizing repeating patterns or algorithms and then referencing that central copy instead of repeating it over and over.

          However, "refactoring" has grown to mean *any* code rework. Thus, it has drifted away from its mathematical roots.

          Also, my comment about some managers not liking rework of functioning code was hinting that perhaps alternatives to large-scale rework should be sought. If the boss does not want you do to X, then you have to find an alternative. That does not mean that *I* am against X.

          (I still think that OOP requires more code rearrangment than p/r because p/r does not put the noun model into code, while OOP does.)
          • Note that I did *not* complain about the practice of reworking code over time, so please don't go saying, "Tablizer is against refactoring".

            Um... I didn't. :-)

            My complaint was mostly about misleading terminology and dealing with bosses who don't want code changes for the sake of internal cleaning alone.

            I don't see how saying "refactor" rather than something like "making code changes to centralise common features and remove redundancy" is misleading... As for the bosses, I think they're quite right; you should never normally change code just to tidy it up, as it risks introducing unnecessary bugs. By all means do the job properly, but once something's done, tested and signed off, leave it until you need to do something with it.

            However, "refactoring" has grown to mean *any* code rework.

            It has? Perhaps it's overgeneralised on occasion, but by and large, I think refactoring still basically comes down to your "eliminating redundancy..." definition.

            • (* As for the bosses, I think they're quite right; you should never normally change code just to tidy it up, as it risks introducing unnecessary bugs. By all means do the job properly, but once something's done, tested and signed off, leave it until you need to do something with it. *)

              Many tend not to agree with that.

              (* It has? Perhaps it's overgeneralised on occasion, but by and large, I think refactoring still basically comes down to your "eliminating redundancy..." definition. *)

              Well, it seems to have drifted in my observation.

      • Re:Refactor (Score:3, Insightful)

        by shoppa ( 464619 )
        GOF patterns are for people who don't know how to properly use a database

        That statement, my dear sir, is a glowing example of a specific anti-pattern: Golden Hammer.

        Yes, relational databases are one way of solving a problem. The instant you decide that it's the only way to solve the problem, you become part of the problem.

        • Yes, relational databases are one way of solving a problem. The instant you decide that it's the only way to solve the problem, you become part of the problem.

          OOP and GOF patterns are often implied to be the only and "proper" solution to anything and everything if you read the trade rags.

          I rarely see a disclaimer that describes the limitations of OO and GOF. Yet, when I appear to do something similar, I am royally chewed out. A double standard.

          The industry is trolling, not me.

          • Yes, the GOF has a certain world view. That view doesn't embrace relational databases as the solution to every problem.

            I disagree that there are no disclaimers that describe the limitations of OO and GOF. There are profuse apologies for the difficulty of persistent data in OO designs everywhere I see. Beautiful OO stuff becomes ugly the instance you add persistence. And databases are perhaps the other extreme - persistence comes naturally, but everything else is made ugly.

            But clearly any real-world application has a little bit of beauty from both and a little bit of ugliness from both.

            • (* And databases are perhaps the other extreme - persistence comes naturally, but everything else is made ugly. *)

              Well, show me an example of "ugly DB-centric" code, and perhaps I can help you clean it up.
  • 1) Don't work alone.

    The reason you're getting swamped is because _you_alone_ wrote and understand the code, so _you_alone_ are the sucker stuck maintaining it. Don't fall for this. Use the "buddy system". Involve a co-worker in every project you do, whether they're willing or not. You don't have to join the extreme programming fad. But just share what your working on with a co-worker, so they have more than a passing idea what you've done. Then return the favor. Take an interest in your co-workers' projects and learn how they work. Then when something breaks on your co-worker's project when he's out sick or on vacation, see if you can solve it without bothering him at home. Eventually, they may return the favor when you're trying to get some downtime. And if they don't reciprocate, then you've learned your co-worker is a worthless fool, if you didn't know that already. Find another buddy then. It's basically the same idea as what managers mean by "cross-training". But if your manager was doing any cross-training, you wouldn't have this problem. So don't wait for your manager -- ban together with your peers, and fix it among yourselves. If some of your co-workers also don't/can't pull their fair share of the workload, teaming up on projects will throw that into high relief. Not that I've ever seen anybody get fired from an I.T. job for being too dumb or unwilling to learn to read/write simple scripts, but you could get (un)lucky.

    2) Automate every stage of your work with scripts.

    Get a scriptable text editor. Write macros to generate comments, common loops, subroutines. Write scripts to version/revert files, run them in a debugger, build executables, make notes about progress or bugs, insert date/time stamps, call up the manual page, etc. Use script or templates to generate new source code files, so that 99% of what you need is there. Many IDEs do most of this already, but you may not be using all the features. Or if you notice a feature that you're IDE lacks, write a script to add it in yourself. And share your scripts with a co-worker who's likely to share his scripts with you. After a while you should be able to create and maintain project with a series of single keystrokes and copying/pasting. Adding and testing new features then becomes much less of a frantic typing exersize, letting you focus on getting the solution right.

  • to only accept the projects you know are going down in flames long before 1.0 release!
    Of course, this only works well for consultants :-)

    Seriously, though... This is not a problem that needs solving.
    Maintaining code, my own and others, is a large part of my job. Code not having to be maintained is code not being used. If you're happy to write such code, you're just in it for the money, and would probably be happier working with something else.

    Maintaining code is part of being a successful hacker. Take pride in doing it well .
    Otherwise, you'll do it left-handedly, always being tempted to do a "quick hack" and be done with it so you can do some "real programming" (which you have fooled yourself to believe is the only thing that justifies your position / makes you happy / whatever). Until next time you have to maintain the code, and have to reap the hacks (hm...) you've sown, etc.
    Then you begin feeling like you're in that hole. And you dug it all by yourself.
  • switch jobs every 3 projects or become a consultant and enjoy the revenue!
  • I've seen co-workers reach thresholds where there can no longer take on new work for sake of maintaining existing code.

    Do these programmers actually NOT take on additional work? In my experience, the current job is always put on the backburner when the job with the most revenue associated with it, needs to be maintained.

    ...but has there been any organizational research done in the area of managing this problem? While I code for a living, my degree is in business, and this was a question dodged in all of my Management of Information Systems and Project Management courses.

    Probably because there is no real answer. It all depends on complexity of the end product and how much money said product generates directly or indirectly.

  • The management at my company always want quick fix solutions and don't seam to respect the development cycle.

    As a result the design ends up being awful by my standards, the code is not commented enough and documentation is either left out or incomplete. We end up spending more time maintaining and fixing the software down the road then if they just simply given us the proper time to design!

  • I've seen this problem happen. Typically when people start to assume that "old" code requires increasingly less maintenance. My experience is that code tends to follow a bathtub curve for maintenance effort. Initally it has a high level of maintenance required, then this drops off to a low level, then at some point in the future it requires a high level of maintenance again. (look at all those late peaks around y2k for an example!) This leads me to think that any released code should come with a "best before" date stamped on it. So if you have 100 people write code for a year, and it's all "best before" 5 years from that time - you _know_ that you are going to have more maintenance effort 5 years after release - even though in the 4th year there may be less. Of course in the real world individual components have different best before dates from each other - but at least it highlight's it's never over.....
  • I had this problem at work until I learned to make it work for me...

    1) Don't express launch dates as dates, no matter what. Express them as dedicated weeks of work.

    2) When bug-fixes/feature creep occur, indicate that the work will take 3 times as long as it will actually take.

    3) Require manager to sign off everything you do that distracts you from your current project before you touch it.

    In this fashion, you can reach a point where as far as management is concerned, you have been making zero progress on your core project because they told you to do these other tasks, while in actuality, you're getting ahead of your "adjusted" schedule. And if it starts to get too much for you, you have some accounted for hours to look at porn on the company paycheck.
  • (for me).

    After a project has gone "live", we maintain a bug-fix team for a short while to do the hand-holding. Once this team starts to look bored, the people get assigned to new projects.

    Any new work is carefully analyzed - only critical bugs are fixed without delay. All non-critical bugs, feature requests, and other bits'n'pieces (documentation, testing for new platforms, end-user support etc.) is put into the great big "new work" pot. It's then prioritized alongside all the other stuff.

    This forces the business guys to consciously trade work on existing software against new projects, and it avoids the situation where a developer is inundated with trivial bugs and/or feature requests - we found that many "bugs" were actually new features that nobody had thought about during the main development cycle. This is not necessarily a bad thing - many of the features were terrific ideas which added a lot of value. However, by forcing the business to trade off between those features and all the other stuff they wanted, developers can concentrate on the areas business had explicitly stated were the most important.

    We also introduced the concept of "ideal days" in our project planning. This comes from eXtreme Programming and basically requires you to measure roughly what proportion of your time you spend on your "main" project; projects are planned using this ratio, so if we know that Joe can only contribute 30% "ideal" time to the project, we can plan accordingly. It's not a reflection on Joe - it might mean he's stuck maintaining someone else's sucky code - but it avoids squeezing Joe like a lemon.

    The book "Planning eXtreme Programming" is very useful in this respect - you may want to get your boss to read it.

"The Avis WIZARD decides if you get to drive a car. Your head won't touch the pillow of a Sheraton unless their computer says it's okay." -- Arthur Miller
