GNU/Hurd Gets POSIX Threads 382
An anonymous reader writes "Neal Walfield announced the first release of RMGPT, which is (or rather, aspires to one day be) a complete, portable implementation of IEEE Std 1003.1-2001 threads also known as POSIX threads. With this new pthreads library, it will soon be possible to run complex software packages on the Hurd, including the GNOME and KDE desktops, the OpenOffice suite, and the Mozilla web browser. Find more information here, including the humorous meaning behind RMGPT, and insight into a future Hurd release..."
Given the amount of work ... (Score:4, Funny)
We don't want to downplay their involvement now, do we?
Re:Given the amount of work ... (Score:5, Funny)
The operating system formerly known as, GNU Hurd is now:
<kernel name="Hurd">
<distribution name="GNU">
<distribution name="Debian">
<contributor name="POSIX" description="threading, apis">
<contributor name="K&R" description="programminglanguage">
<contributor name="Linux" description="actually running, and proving to the world that free software can produce an OS">
</os>Re:Given the amount of work ... (Score:2, Informative)
Sorry, but the start tag <os derived="unix" derived="mach"> clearly violates the XML well-formedness constraint of unique attribute specifiers; or, in the words of the XML spec, No attribute name may appear more than once in the same start-tag or empty-element tag. I guess a proper description of this OS will have to wait for another day and another DTD...
Good ! (Score:3, Interesting)
If they get that Hurd will start to become a world usable kernel, and it's always good to have some competition in kernel land
Re:Good ! (Score:2, Informative)
Slashdotted! (Score:4, Funny)
Oh my, looks like the server needs more POSIX/GNU/HURD threads itself
Darwin and MkLinux? (Score:4, Interesting)
Hurd is a multi-server (Score:4, Informative)
Also, they are based on different versions of Mach. I believe Darwin is based on 2.5, MkLinux on 3.0 and Hurd on 4.0 but don't quote me on that.
What about exokernels? (Score:2)
Re:What about exokernels? (Score:2, Informative)
Re:What about exokernels? (Score:3, Informative)
The main purported advantage to microkernels are stability and flexibility, along with all the other good stuff that comes from modularity of course. A microkernel can run different personalities which present what we generally think of as a kernel interface to the outside, as user processors. So for instance the same box, the same microkernel, could be running a Windows personality for one user, a Mac for another, *nix for a third, all with effective root priveliges if need be, but without actually being able to do any damage outside their virtual sandbox... from a developers standpoint it's an incredible potential, I really can't do it justice but you should read this [gnu.org].
The potential here has never been exploited, unfortunately. Every existing microkernel AFAIK has wound up ditching the microkernel design at some point down the road, aiming to produce a particular personality (whether win32, the near-BSD personality of Darwin, etc.) and integrating key features of that personality into kernel space for performance reasons, essentially nullifying the whole microkernel idea. The HURD is the exception, and yes it's been a long time making, and it's still not ready yet, but if it ever does hit primetime it will be a very interesting system.
As to the performance hits, you're right that they are there, however there is a long history of some very smart people working on that problem, and it's gotten a LOT better. I think the current performance winner among microkernels is L4 [tu-dresden.de] and you can run a Linux personality on it without seeing a noticeable performance loss over running real Linux on the same processor - that's some very nice optimisation. There has been talk of porting the HURD to run on L4 instead of GNU Mach at some point, I think actually some people working on the problem areas, but for the moment there is no need - HURD is still very much in the developers only phase, it's not for production systems yet so performance isn't critical.
Re:What about exokernels? (Score:2)
What I'd like to know is "are GNU going to have a burn the JPEGs day any time soon?"
Re:Darwin and MkLinux? (Score:2)
Also Mach offers functionalities that the BSD layer does not. Some parts of Mac OS X rely directly on Mach facilities - for instance for distributed objects. Posix threads are directly mapped to Mach threads.
Mklinux [mklinux.org] is a joint project between OSF and Apple. It is an implementation of Linux on top of Mach 2.5 (Darwin is based on Mach 3). It mostly ran on early PPC machines (x100 models, the so called Nubus Powermacs) Althought MkLinux was discontinued it served as a proof of concept that you could run a microkernel architecture on a Mac. Contrary to Darwin, MkLinux has the linux layer and the Mach layer in different address spaces.
Re:Darwin and MkLinux? (Score:2)
MkLinux was first built by an Apple team on x86 hardware, then ported (to prove how portable the Mach kernel and the Linux kernel are) both Mach and their Linux server to powerpc
Re:Darwin and MkLinux? (Score:4, Insightful)
You aren't the first to think that was odd. I've been interested in that question myself for awhile. I'm no authority, but I'll pass on what I've learned. First Matthias' post is fairly accurate with one major exception. He wrote:
Right so far, although I'm sure that Linus, among others, disagrees with the notion that you can't do even nicer design in a monolithic kernel if you pay attention.
BTW, what Apple has done with Mach is basically the same way MS went with NT (yes I know this week they call it XP, but I don't feel any obligation to obey the dictates of their marketing department so I'll keep calling it NT thanks,) starting with a microkernel but then moving certain systems back into kernelspace for performance reasons.
Here's where I think he's wrong. What he's describing here is how it works in Darwin (and NT) yes, but only because they moved those systems back into kernel space. But the way it works on a proper microkernel system (like the HURD) doesn't just run these things in a separate address space but at a different privilege level, so instead of crashing the kernel you simply crash a daemon and have to restart it. This does mean drawing the lines a little differently than they have, of course.
You wrote:
OK, my best guess is that it's simply a historical relic. When Jobs started work on NeXT, it was damn near universal opinion in CS that Microkernels were the way to go, so that's the way he had it done. NeXT, of course, went bankrupt, and was bought at fire-sale prices by Apple, which has now reworked that system into OS X. At no point along the way did it seem clear to the development team that there was any compelling reason to build a new core - the performance problems are minimised by violating the 'microkernel ethic' and moving the personality into kernel space, without actually rewriting the kernel from scratch. So there you go... probably not the way they would write the thing if they had to start over from scratch, but they don't, and it's good enough. Software development is like organic evolution in that way, even though people usually misquote 'survival of the fittest' what Darwin (as in Charles Darwin) actually said was 'survivor of the fit' - it doesn't matter if something's optimal, as long as it's good enough.
Re:Darwin and MkLinux? (Score:3, Informative)
I don't know if the Hurd can manage this kind of recovery. What I'm sure about is that such an recovery mechanism would be complex - and implementing it hard work.
I'm not convinced that the effort needed to enforce this kind of fault tolerance would be reasonable - on one hand you could tolerate failures of the Unix personality, on the other this would add complexity to both the kernel (to be able to restart demons/servers) and to the servers (they would need to be able to restore their state at restart) - IMHO, for a single OS machine, it sounds overkill.
One case where I think such an architecture makes a lot of sense is if you implement many virtualised OSes on one single machine. For instance you would have n logical servers that share one micro-kernel - in this case, if one of the virtual servers fails, the others are not affected.
Re:Darwin and MkLinux? (Score:2)
Which is a very good example of why Linux got the mindshare among developers. The Hurd takes an approach that many think is 'too correct' whereas Linux is more associated with pragmatism. However:
Exactly the point. This is why I say that Hurd has incredible potential. Think of it from a kernel hacking standpoint for a moment - no more needing a separate developers box, once the core is worked out and stable all personality aspects can be hacked and tested at will, even on a shared machine, without special permissions...
Sponsoring Stallman (Score:2)
In 2001 he shared the Takeda award, [gnu.org] with Linus Torvalds, and Ken Sakamura. Stallman's share was worth approximately $268,000.
It says here [hawaii.edu] that Stallman also received the Grace Hopper award from the ACM, in 1991. In 1998 he shared the Electronic Frontier Foundation's Pioneer award with Linus Torvalds. And in 1999 he received the Yuri Rubinski Award. I don't know if these awards have any cash component.
Even though he is not a polished presence, he may be able to supplement his savings with speaker's fees. Google tells me he was chosen for the "EECS CITRIS distinguished series", next month. I wonder whether it offers more than a token honorarium?
acronym (Score:4, Interesting)
Regarding the name, RMGPT, Neal explains, "Most new program names are a bunch
of letters stuck together. Only later does it become an acronym and the words
become bound. This is boring; each new release of RMGPT will offer a fresh, new and
exciting expansion of the 'acronym'." For this first release, RMGPT stands for
"Rubbish, I asked for mine with Minced Garlic, Please Take this back".
Re:acronym (Score:2)
Come to think of it, that's the only thing they're particularly good at.
Re:acronym (Score:2)
Earth to GNU/Crew: if you want people to use it, at least name it something that someone can understand.
Re:acronym (Score:2)
Favorite acronym:
Re:acronym (Score:2)
Fast Update Control Knob...
Re:acronym (Score:2)
Re:acronym (Score:3, Interesting)
Isn't it? :-) I snuck that one into a software product helpfile once (Sendit ICSA/SPICE Instant mobile e-mail client for Windows, since bought and killed by Microsoft).
Re:acronym (Score:2)
an adjective to describe slow/fast (whichever
way it works out in the end) thread performance,
thus thwarting the "no default interpretation"
intention of the authors.
Re:acronym (Score:2)
RMS Mandated GNU/POSIX Threads.
an excerpt (Score:4, Informative)
Re:an excerpt (Score:2)
Shouldn't that be -1 Redundant rather than 5 (Informative?!). There is no problem following the link to read the article. The site is not slashdotted.
How rude.
If you're real... (Score:2)
Re:parent is a fake (Score:2)
My apologies to RMS (Score:3, Insightful)
Without being insulting, I'd just like to ask, what's the point of putting further effort into the Hurd, rather than concentrating on advancing Linux and or the BSDs?
Re:My apologies to RMS (Score:5, Informative)
If you're interested, take a look at Towards a New Strategy of OS Design [gnu.org] - It explains what we're doing different with the Hurd, and what the core servers are used for.
Jeff Bailey
Re:My apologies to RMS (Score:4, Interesting)
That, and rest, means you are not aware of the research done in the last 5 or 10 years in the field of micro-kernel, with what we called the 'second generation micro-kernels', like L4. The cost of "message-passing" (or IPC to use a correct term) can be minimised and reduced by a factor of 10. With fast IPC, a lot things become possible, that are not in monolithic kernels, and even in many micro-kernel based systems. Look at some papers on http://www.l4ka.org/publications/ for more informations.
Re:My apologies to RMS (Score:2)
Could Userland Linux be configured to give capabilities back to the HURD?
I feel like some type of linux-like client to the HURD kernel could give the HURD the ability to use Linux drivers.
Does anyone know if this is a design goal? If it's possible? If it's desireable?
Re:My apologies to RMS (Score:2)
Just as well, because you'd be shocked to find out that it's no more expensive than in a monolithic kernel.
The Hurd currently uses Mach, which is an "old" microkernel design, so you would be correct in noting that Mach's message passing is expensive. Not so in a modern microkernel, such as QNX or L4. They don't use SysV IPC to communicate; message passing is an OS primitive, and the building block on which all other communication is based. As such, they go to a lot of trouble to optimise it, copying data directly between the address space of the sender and the address space of the receiver, which is very cheap.
Monolithic kernels, on the other hand, do not copy large slabs of data between user space and user space. Insetad, they copy large slabs of data between user space and kernel space. A few moments' thought should be sufficient to convince you that the cost in each case is the same.
Re:My apologies to RMS (Score:4, Informative)
However I hope that one day HURD will be able to hit the stands. It has been a pitty to see such a good idea living such a sad life. Frankly, we have been quite poor in kernels for the last years...
we need more alternative kernels (Score:2)
For example, on Linux, there are very few drivers that are shipped separately from the kernel. Lots of hardware can only be used if you pull over the kernel source tree, patch it, recompile it, and install it. That makes it unusable for many potential users and applications. Even for people who know how to do that, it's a big pain. Similarly, there are many things people would like to do with networking, file systems, and other kernel functions that are just hard to do in Linux.
I don't know whether the Hurd addresses any of these issues. But there is definitely a need for more kinds of free kernels. We shouldn't be locked into a single approach to free kernels.
Re:My apologies to RMS (Score:2)
Why should it have anything to do with Linux and BSD?
Re:My apologies to RMS (Score:2)
Someone at my LUG [swflug.org] demo'd Hurd and it looked very intriguing. The kernel was tiny and everything interesting happened on userspace. He mounted ftp sites and so on into the filesystem under his home dir without superuser privileges.
I believe in competition. If they think this is a better way to design a kernel, more power to them. I'll even switch to Hurd if they make it inticing enough.
Re:My apologies to RMS (Score:2)
This article has one selling point: The Hurd has POSIX threads. Linux doesn't. I'm not kidding and this is not FUD. You try fork()ing a process in one thread and wait()ing for it in another thread if you don't believe me.
Re:My apologies to RMS (Score:4, Insightful)
Linus is not for free software? Then why the hell did he release his code under the GPL?
No. Non-Free software is NOT needed to devlelop Linux. Linus and the bitkeeper folks have gone our of their way to make sure that it's even easier to sumbit patches the old way than it was before. And as he has stated he is willing to consider a free tool instead of Bitkeeper should one become as good.
And if you read his book he explains that he in fact tried calling it GNU/Linux for a bit then gave up realising that even he can't fight what's become the defacto naming standard.
Linus has done more for free software than the GNU folks want to admit. How many people would even be using free software if not for Linux?
I wouldn't be.. "hey lets lose the useabillity battle but we can still win the war?"
The fact that stallman has been moved out of the spotlight is pretty much his own doing. Reporters tend not to like people who side track press confrences to argue over naming.
Linus on the other hand had to be coerced into having a book done and has a notable dislike for politics and correctness. I never see him grabbing the spotlight from someone else and demanding attention.
While the GNU folks were busy trying to fight the whole battle at once and having press confrence Linus managed to build a working kernel and kickstart the free software movement.
Yeah I run non free software from time to time.. no I don't like it. But I'd rather run one or 2 non free apps than be forced to use windows on my office desktop and run ENTIRELY non free software.
I'm all for the free software ideals and I know it will bring a better age of software if it manages to take over.
But seriously.. lets fight this one battle at a time and spend less time arguing views. Buisness seem to have an apathy for ideals.
Linus pragmatic approach has brought the entire movement into the public software and he deservs more respect than he has been getting from the GNU people.
RMS vs. Linus (Score:3, Interesting)
Bottom line is that both of them and their "followers" (if this term can even be used in this context) have done a lot for free software. The RMS camp will continue to exert an important influence within the community and their work will be highly valued, but as you say "business seems to have and apathy for ideals."
Pragmatism is very important for bringing useful things into the market quickly, and naturally that is where many people are coming from. On the other hand, in the long run, ideas (and ideals) do matter.
It is important that the GPL is widely adopted, and there isn't a lot of confusion from variations on license terms, but that doesn't mean you should get religious about it. In the long run, these things will settle out, and they already are.
The microkernel ideas behind Mach and all of its derivatives are an important advance in Computer Science, and the HURD project is where these ideas are being devoloped in full. They are not ready for full scale deployment, but when they are, they will be adopted quickly. That is the beauty of a single clear Free license (GPL), because there is no reason that these two projects can't exchange large pieces of code. If the Linux team wants to pull in the HURD microkernel in a major release cycle, there is no licensing issue. The only issue is whether it make technical sense. Nobody should worry that the HURD doesn't have many drivers, since it should be possible to import drivers from Linux. In fact it should be possible to import them wholesale if the interfaces can be matched.
Re:My apologies to RMS (Score:2)
But my point is that Linus(mostly by accident) popularised them and for that the GNU folks should give him alot more respect than they seem to.
They should be thanking him instead of questioning his ideals and comparing his mindset with those who created the atomic bomb. (see the why it should be GNU/Linux faq - very childish)
The link is /.ed (Score:3, Informative)
Mr. Hanky, is that you??? (Score:2, Insightful)
It's a baby gnu (Score:2)
does the GNU/HURD icon bear a startling resemblance to South Park's Mr. Hanky?
It might, but that's not even close to what was intended. It's a baby GNU [gnu.org]. Slashdot uses the "GNU" topic [slashdot.org] mostly for HURD stories and for GPL violation stories.
HURD is taking the wrong direction (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:HURD is taking the wrong direction (Score:2)
hm... i bet you got an A+ in your OO-101 course last year, huh?
Re:HURD is taking the wrong direction (Score:2)
From what I have read, the HURD tries to go to a direction that no other O/S has gone before.
Perhaps, but I remember hearing about HURD which was "coming real soon now" around the same time I first heard about Linux back in early 1992. They may have been going in a direction that other OS has gone, but they've being doing that for such a long time you shouldn't be able to see them anymore.
Instead, (some) people are still talking about HURD as the "next big thing". They were doing that back in 1992, HURD has been the vapourware of the Open Source community, only briefly eclipsed in recent years by Mozilla, who at least have finally turned out a decent product. A lot of people have lost faith that the HURD project will ever produce something you can run on a production system.
This is good because innovation is needed, but they should get rid of all the notions of the past: processes, filesystems, users, groups etc. all these things are for O/Ses of the past.
Perhaps, but they're notions that have served us well, we're used to them and we can actually get some work done by using them. I've yet to find anybody with a decent user interface design for an OS based (purely) on an object model. The underlying technologies may be OO, but as soon as you start talking about the user interface the old metaphors start to show up again.
I'll be conviced that (pure) object model operating systems are a good thing when someone can give me an idea of what sort interface you're actually going to present to the user, and when that interface actually offers significant advantages over the more mature systems we have now.
Al.Re:HURD is taking the wrong direction (Score:3)
The kernel _should_ implement more technical things like processes and filesystems, leaving the interface into this data up to the programmer that writes the abstraction that lives above the filesystem and process layer.
NT/Win2K and POSIX (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:NT/Win2K and POSIX (Score:2)
Re:NT/Win2K and POSIX (Score:2)
The POSIX subsystem was put there so that Microsoft could compete for government contracts that specified POSIX compatibility in the RFP's.
I could be wrong, but I doubt that Microsoft's POSIX subsystem gets much use. First, there are many POSIX standards [pasc.org], which were designed as a base reference for UNIX-like compatibility. Microsoft only implemented support for POSIX 1. If you try and imagine how loose these standards must be in order for Windows NT 3.51 to meet them, you'll be understanding how meaningless this level of compatibility is. The base level POSIX standards say nothing about the X Window system, for instance.
In practice, Microsoft got NT in to the bidding process for those contracts, and won some of them. Once Windows is selected, the (extremely limited) NT POSIX interfaces are generally ignored in favor of building more robust Win32 code.
Re:NT/Win2K and POSIX (Score:2)
I can't say much about this thing, but before MS bought it up, it was UNIX(tm) certified by The Open Group.
SFU/Interix is being sold as a migration solution, not a development platform, but in theory there's no reason one couldn't use it that way. According to MS, SFU was used in the Hotmail migration from FreeBSD.
Rapping MS's knuckles for something that's been rectified for a few years is unfair. I would expect the built-in POSIX to go away with the next server release, because according to MS it's a security best practice to remove it.
Re:NT/Win2K and POSIX (Score:2)
Now this post comes along and it becomes obvious to me that POSIX is a big deal in the UNIX-like-OS world.
Pretty much, if it doesn't implement POSIX, it isn't really UNIX.
Did MS just screw up their implementation or is it something potentially useful that nobody happens to use?
They screwed up...
Al.Hard thoughts on GNU/HURD (Score:2)
Re:Hard thoughts on GNU/HURD (Score:2)
As if every open source program isn't an overextended ego trip. But just because some people from GNU are working on it, it's open to attack, eh?
I Think It Should be "GNU Hurd" (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:I Think It Should be "GNU Hurd" (Score:2)
Anyway, I'm sure we all understand what is meant here.
Re:I Think It Should be "GNU Hurd" (Score:2)
We're talking about a version of GNU, the operating system, distinguished by having Linux as the kernel. A slash fits the situation because it means "combination." (Think of "Input/Output".) This system is the combination of GNU and Linux; hence, "GNU/Linux".
The last sentence states a combination between GNU and Linux. Well in this case Hurd is a GNU package and the combination is not necessary. In addition, if we follow the FAQ it also states:
Following the rules of English, in the construction "GNU Linux" the word "GNU" modifies "Linux". This can mean either "GNU's version of Linux" or "Linux, which is a GNU package." Neither of those meanings fits the situation at hand.
Which clearly indicates that the GNU Hurd is the only correct way to state the kernel's name.
It's not that I completely disagree with your points Michael. Common sense indicates the pattern is System/Kernel like you said. My beef is with GNU's ambiguity. I would also say there is some confusion on GNU's side because based on their actions they have not clearly articulated to us when to use the slash. Based on the evidence in the Linux FAQ the use of a slash on any GNU package is incorrect. However, the evidence on the Hurd page is contradictory... I dunno... and I don't think they do either.
new scheduling terminology too... (Score:5, Funny)
Humorous (Score:2, Funny)
what a pity (Score:2)
for instance CSP [navy.mil] has a reasonable theoretical foundation and is infinitely nicer to program with than those locks and semaphors invented in the '70s...
here's [bell-labs.com] a brief history and more accessible explanation. plan 9 [bell-labs.com] has a nice C implementation [bell-labs.com].
so much nicer to program with!
Doggy-dog (Score:2, Funny)
Re:Doggy-dog (Score:2)
Re:bad news for Linux? (Score:2, Troll)
Besides, since you're pretty much -1 Flamebait after the first paragraph, I'm not even sure why I bothered to make sure to bring this point up...
Re:bad news for Linux? (Score:3, Interesting)
It's good to have variety. I don't care if Windows gets destroyed or not. It's rubbish, but I don't care, I don't want to see billg thrown to the lions, I just want to use softs that don't suck.
Sooner or later, we will have machines that work properly - and it might even be that the HURD is the first one to get there.
Fitness through diversity, my friend.
Re:bad news for Linux? (Score:2)
Re:bad news for Linux? (Score:2, Interesting)
As for rallying around Linux, that would also be a bad idea. If you know anything about software development, youll know that the progress of a project is NEVER proportional to the number of developers. Infact, often its inversely proportional.
Also, there are a range of applications for which I would not consider Linux but would consider FreeBSD ideal.
I dont think this is a wasted effort by any stretch.
programmers per project (Score:3, Funny)
Unless, of course, there aren't ANY developers, in which case it is directly proportional. ;)
Re:bad news for Linux? (Score:2, Informative)
I believe the idea is to replace Mach in the end by the more advanced L4 kernel, which is an area of active research. [gnu.org]
Re:bad news for Linux? (Score:2)
Furthermore, there's no reason to think that Linux development would go better with more people. Linux is on the border of being a large project with all of the management problems that causes. Linux development is actually helped most, probably, but the existence of separate projects which try different approaches, so that Linux developers can then look at the results and consider different techniques.
I don't think you understand the nature of OS (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:The HURT (Score:5, Interesting)
The problem, I think, is that people really haven't taken a whole lot of interest in it so far, because in general it doesn't really do anything that Linux doesn't already do better.
On the other hand, if it's really going to be able to run modern desktop environments now, perhaps people will start taking a bit more interest in it, and then developers will start to show up. I think it's just a matter of reaching critical mass.
Re:The HURT (Score:4, Insightful)
Development is meant to be fun and Linus clearly put that and pragmatism ahead of the stupid pigheaded politics that the FSF (& RMS) is associated with.
Re:The HURT (Score:2)
Re:The HURT (Score:2)
As for gcc, I think the project leadership and necessity gave the drive for its development. Even so, gcc has been stuck in the mud for a long time too. I'm looking forward to trying 3.2 which is long overdue.
Re:The HURT (Score:2)
Re:The HURT (Score:2)
If RMS & the FSF had been putting there effort into HURD rather than the rest of GNU, then Linux would not have attracted developers, because there would be no Linux - just a useless kernel sitting on some unknown Finn's hard drive.
Re:The HURT (Score:2)
There are, for the record, a few notable exceptions to this... Mozilla being the most prominent. If you measure success solely on how well their program works, then the Mozilla Project has been very successful. They've created a browser suite built on top of their own open development platform, and this development platform is now being used by other people to build more applications on top of Mozilla.
Unfortunately, what these massive, ambitious rewrites usually cost is time. If you measure success solely by user adoption rates, then Mozilla is a dismal failure. (I should point out that I use Mozilla as my primary browser, and love it.)
Hurd may very well turn out to be the ultimate OS kernel, but it spent so long in the vapor stages that people don't take it seriously. It may still gain a foothold, but there's a long road ahead.
Re:The HURT (Score:2)
When that last one happens, the shit will hit the fan for Microsoft
Re:The HURT (Score:2)
Re:The HURT (Score:2)
Better (Score:2)
The kernel "Linux", since that's what the kernel makers call it.
The distro whatever the distro maker calls it: "Red Hat Linux 8.0".
The POSIX utilities whatever their authors want to call them: "GNU grep".
Emacs whatever the emacs author wants to call it: "GNU emacs".
If everyone just named things what their *creator* wanted them called, life would be a lot simpler. It would also get rid of the stupid GNU/Linux debate.
Re:The HURT (Score:4, Insightful)
Ten years later and HURD still isn't practical (what's the big deal I wonder) while Linux can drive anything from palm devices to super computers and mainframes.
It's no wonder RMS is so bitter and twisted these days
Re:The HURT (Score:2)
Re:The HURT (Score:2)
Re:The HURT (Score:2)
And it's not some unimportant parts we're talking about here. Massive chunks of Linux which make it a useful operating system are non-FSF and often non-GPL, this list would include the kernel, MySQL, Perl, Python, OpenSSH, Apache, XFree86, Mozilla, Ghostscript and more. Some might *use* the GPL but the copyright most definitely isn't FSF. I think it is utterly indefensible to tar the lot as GNU/Linux.
No one is denying GNU/FSF authors their credit or recognition - they should get it in the same way as the rest of us. There is no need for this outrageous and selfish glory grabbing. If RMS wants a wholly and holy GNU operating system he should pull his finger out of his arse and ship HURD. Until he'll have to make to with Linux which is a blend of all kind of copyrights and licences.
Re:The HURT (Score:2)
As for calling why it should be just called Linux... it is for the same reason that Windows is called Windows, Unix is Unix, FreeBSD is FreeBSD and Mac OS is Mac OS irrespective of what other software is installed. Everyone except the FSF seems to manage fine with this concept.
Re:necessary flame (Score:4, Funny)
These guys. I think that's all.
Re:necessary flame (Score:2, Funny)
Re:Marx would be proud (Score:5, Funny)
Too many connections
Socialism at its finest. .NET servers wouldn't have this problem.
Good point. A .NET server would say, "Not enough licenses."
Re:yay. (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:yay. (Score:2)
This is hard to believe, given that no one had made such tools available before GNU, and no one has really created such tools since.
Like that aren't at least 5-10 other compilers that are just as mature or capable as gcc?
Baka (Score:2, Informative)
(By the way, sorry to burst your bubble, but MORE PEOPLE THAN LINUS WORK ON LINUX. Most of the really fun threading stuff has been in Ingo's domain, of late. I really need an old, cheap computer to run 2.5 on and hack around
Re:yay. (Score:2)
Hurd is targetted much more for 2015 then for 2005.
Re:And in other news... (Score:2)
"The Hurd can only support partition sizes of up to approximately one gigabyte; anything much larger than this will not work. This limitation is a design decision that was made several years ago in which the file system server maps the entire partition into virtual memory."
As an example of the braindead design that went into the HURD: To configure the network here is the command you have to run:
"# settrans -fgap
-a a.b.c.d -g e.f.g.h -m i.j.k.l"
Not to mention the fact that HURD has just gotten thread support. Give me a break. HURD was started long before Linux and it still hasn't made it to Linux Kernel 2.0 levels of compatibility. This is nothing less than pathetic. Why does the free software community continue to waste their time on these projects?
From http://www.gnu.org/software/hurd/faq.en.html
Heres another Filesystem quote:
"The filesystem servers need to be changed to not map the whole store into memory, which is not too difficult. For large files, some interfaces need to be changed, which is a bit harder but still doable."
On the todo list http://savannah.gnu.org/cgi-bin/viewcvs/~checkout
For nfs:
"Implement async I/O"
On FileSystem Support:
"Filesystem implementations (using libdiskfs) for other popular formats. Importantly, MSDOS FAT format."
So does anybody wish to tell me that all is good and well in the world of HURD? I've already been modded down into oblivion for this post which is sad considering just how bad off HURD really is. Just because its free or open source software doesn't make it good.
Easy to separate HURD and Linux (Score:2)
Hurd isn't really usable, unless you're doing it for the pure diehard ideology of it. It isn't technically notable (at least at the current time) and doesn't even begin to compare to Linux from a performance point of view.
When you see an announcement about Linux, it's usually something along the lines of "new major feature annouced that makes Linux better at foo than operating system baz". With Hurd, it's usually "Basic UNIX functionality foo now works, sometimes, assuming you don't push it too hard".
There are a lot of (better) kernels out there. BSD. Linux.
Frankly, the only people that get excited about Hurd are the uber hard core FSF folks.
With luck, in six years the Hurd might be up to where Linux is today.
Finally, one last point: the main reason Hurd exists is so that Stallman can slap the FSF's "GNU/" on top of an OS. It isn't to address some specific technical failure of Linux.
Re:Easy to separate HURD and Linux (Score:4, Interesting)