Interview with Andrew Tridgell 165
Jeremy Allison - Sam writes "See here for a *great* interview with tridge. My favourite quote: 'In 50 years' time I doubt anyone would have ever heard of Samba, but they'll probably be using rsync in one way or another,' Tridgell says. Cheers, Jeremy."
50 years? (Score:1)
We <B>might</b> have hologram storage by then.
Re:50 years? (Score:2, Funny)
Re:50 years? (Score:1)
Samba versus rsync (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:Samba versus rsync (Score:1)
i want this sequence (Score:1, Informative)
Tridgell says that he recently discovered a certain combination of data which, when sent down the wire to a Windows server, rebooted it. "Every NT server just completely rebooted. We decided not to emulate that. We contact Microsoft about these bugs, and we get back emails saying, 'Have you got your computer switched on? Are you sure you've got all the latest patches?' Of course, you idiot! Just put me through to someone who knows what they're doing," he says.
Re:i want this sequence (Score:4, Interesting)
Here's one gem (Score:1)
and XP reboot so I don't really want to be
compatible! (tridge) */
Re:i want this sequence (Score:5, Informative)
Not just Microsoft... (Score:5, Interesting)
So I downloaded a bug report form from the IBM website, filled in all details and sent it off. After a while I got a response. I could not make heads or tails of it. It was in some kind of IBM speak. (IBM speak really exists. Do they still call a harddisk a "hard file"? :-)
So I forwarded the message to Timothy Sipples, who had been very active on Usenet and had just started working for IBM. He translated it for me: I was not a big account customer so they would not accept the bug report. Sigh...
Soon after that, Linux became my main OS.
(I actually made a patch for smbclient [jacco2.dds.nl] so that it would not kill OS/2, but I never forwarded it to the Samba people).
Good article, but don't let RMS read it!!! (Score:4, Funny)
Hear that "whirr"? That's Stallman spinning in his grave, and he's not even dead yet!
Re:Good article, but don't let RMS read it!!! (Score:2)
Re:Good article, but don't let RMS read it!!! (Score:2, Insightful)
I think you're making some unwarrented assumptions here. Why should a free implementation of SMB upset RMS? It's better than a non-free implementation of SMB. If you're in a position where you can control what you're running on your organisation's file servers, but you can't control what's on the desktop, using Samba is currently the only ethical course of action available to you.
What might even be better, or at least ethically equivalent and practically easier, is to have a free software implementation of NFS for non-free platforms like Windows (I'm not aware of any), as you don't have to reverse engineer, and re-reverse engineer every couple of years, a secret, proprietary standard to make it work. And it means that some proprietary networking software on the client machines has been replaced by free software.
The article is actually quite good (the AFR is the only Australian paper worth reading). It uses the term "free software" several times and doesn't even mention that "open source" fad from a couple of years ago. Whatever happened to that, BTW?
Re:Good article, but don't let RMS read it!!! (Score:2)
It's not named GNU/Samba. :-)
Re:Good article, but don't let RMS read it!!! (Score:1)
Read the original post - "Torvald's free operating system..."
GNU/Torvald's OS
Re:Good article, but don't let RMS read it!!! (Score:1)
It had to happen eventually. Journalists' errors are finally like banner ads to me! At least now I'll be able to read an article that says something like "Linux, the freeware alternative to Microsoft Windows created by Linus Torvalds in 1991..." without blowing a gasket.
In 50 years, I doubt many will know what Unix is.. (Score:1, Offtopic)
If we haven't upgraded our systems by then to the next OS, I'll eat my hat. [I suppose a lot of developers ate their hats too two years ago.]
Re:In 50 years, I doubt many will know what Unix i (Score:1)
Re:In 50 years, I doubt many will know what Unix i (Score:1)
Re:In 50 years, I doubt many will know what Unix i (Score:1)
Re:In 50 years, I doubt many will know what Unix i (Score:1)
With the quality of modern computer systems, and the rate at which they're being updated - do you honestly forsee yourself running any of your current machines a decade from now? Certainly not in any form of mission-critical applications, I'd wager. My screaming fast Athlon XP with DDR RAM will likely be relegated to a backup DNS server by that point, providing it's still alive of course.
So two decades from now - what will we be running? Likely our 'antiques' will be hardware purchased in or about the year 2012. Judging by AMD's Processor Roadmap [amd.com], we'll be seeing the [Claw/Sledge]Hammer procssors within a year or two, and based on the proliferation of current processors (PII/P4, ThunderBird/Athlon/Athlon XP) I'd bet they'll be either commonplace or outdated by 2012.
There will come a day when 64-bit on the desktop will be the 'norm', and there will be weirdos {cough} still running "Those really old 32-bit processors", just like we now have people running C=64s. :)
UNIX will be prepared for its D-Day with more than a decade of breathing room; mark my words.
Re:In 50 years, I doubt many will know what Unix i (Score:2, Informative)
There is nothing about 32-bit processors that prevents 64-bit datatypes from being emulated. Many Unixes are already migrating; the new time_t structures really are 64-bit. Java time, and I'm sure there's lots of other examples, is 64-bit as well.
Re:In 50 years, I doubt many will know what Unix i (Score:1)
At the rate of DRM/Palladium/Whaever being pushed, yeah, maybe!
Re:In 50 years, I doubt many will know what Unix i (Score:2)
I dunno (Score:2)
Re:I dunno (Score:2)
just 1
i dare you.
(seeing as - to the best of my knowledge - no open/free licence has existed for more than 16 years it would be tough).
Your problem is that closed projects burst fully formed (although mostly deformed) into the public arena, open projects are kicking around in public from the start of their process.
interestingly this also applies to security fixes, where in the free world the fix is released on the basis of a theoretical exploit, whereas in the closed world a practical exploit is in the wild before you see a security patch.
Re:In 50 years, I doubt many will know what Unix i (Score:2, Informative)
I suppose my point is that if we were able to survive the y2k bug without much of a real problem (sure some things were broken, but compared to what we were told was going to happen, it was really smooth), we ought to be able to do the same with *nix, only much easier.
Re:In 50 years, I doubt many will know what Unix i (Score:5, Informative)
Re:In 50 years, I doubt many will know what Unix i (Score:3, Funny)
If I were you, I'd start stocking up on canned food, and non-electronic forms of currency like rolls of toilet paper.
Y10K (Score:2)
Re:In 50 years, I doubt many will know what Unix i (Score:2)
Congratulations, you have just been selected for the ultimate geek award!
Hint: people that don't know about 1024 would have probably said either 300 billion years or 301 billion years.
Re:In 50 years, I doubt many will know what Unix i (Score:1)
Hello! UNIX doesn't have a Y2K bug! Y2K is over! (Score:1, Flamebait)
Besides, Y2K is over!!! Earth to McFly!!!!
Re:Hello! UNIX doesn't have a Y2K bug! Y2K is over (Score:2)
back in 1998 I was working for a HP VAR. We had several customers who could not upgrade their systems from HP-UX 9. Unfortunately HP's Y2K "solution" for HP-UX 9 was upgrading to HPUX 10 or 11. Most of these users were planning on setting the system clocks back 32 years.
There were a number of vile hacks put into place to get us past Y2K such as pivot dates and setting system clocks back. Hopefully these hacks won't come back to haunt us in a few years.
Re:In 50 years, I doubt many will know what Unix i (Score:2)
But actually the true doomsday is not until about 2100, because this is only for *signed* 32-bit integers. If you assumme unsigned then you get twice as long from 1970 before it overflows. You can also do "sliding window" hacks like those proposed for Y2K that will allow code that relies on negative values to work as long as the negative value is not too big.
Another reason that this is not a problem is that the 1-second resolution is increasingly becoming a problem and I expect virtually all uses of time in Unix to be replaced before then with some higher-resolution thing. Hopefully when this is done they will add enough extra bits so there is no overflow problem for many millenia. Probably 64 bits where 65536 is one second would be a good replacement. 64-bit IEEE floating point might also be good, it would allow short time intervals to be accurate to less than Plank time and allow Universe-age time intervals to be represented with a fraction of a second of accuracy, though the fact that addition is not communative might make people not want to use this.
Heh (Score:3, Redundant)
Re:Heh (Score:2, Funny)
More Important Question (Score:5, Funny)
Re:More Important Question (Score:3, Funny)
I'm bookmarking your post as prior art.
Re:Heh (Score:1)
Re:Heh (Score:2)
Re:Heh (Score:2)
Don't understand SMB...we'll do it for you! (Score:2, Redundant)
Good to know that at least somebody understands it...
Re:Don't understand SMB...we'll do it for you! (Score:5, Insightful)
While the Samba folks have done us Linux folk a tremendous favor (reverse engineering *any* protocol is difficult) in encapsulating all of the SMB details via Samba, they have also performed a huge service to MicroSoft and the rest of the closed-source world by hammering on the various platforms that come out of Redmond. As the article points out, every new version (or patch release) is put through it's paces against Samba. Although their primary goal is to ensure compatibility, the secondary effect is extremely valuable to non-Samba users: bugs in server software from a closed source vendor are exposed (and hopefully fixed).
The difficulty is that the rest of the world (and probably MicroSoft in particular), either doesn't see, or see's but turns a cold shoulder none-the-less to the open source community.
Thank you Andrew for your work and the work of your team.
Re:Don't understand SMB...we'll do it for you! (Score:2)
``A lot of the really technical people who really understood the protocol appear to have left Microsoft."
From the rumors surrounding the release of Win2000, I suspect that this loss of technical expertise is not limited to the SMB protocol alone.
In 50 years... (Score:2, Funny)
Oh, I don't know 'bout that... it's been at least a few centuries since Waltz was invented and I know a few folks who still cut the rug in 3/4 time! *rimshot*
Re:In 50 years... (Score:1)
wasn't one of the developers (Score:5, Funny)
Re:wasn't one of the developers (Score:3, Funny)
Re:wasn't one of the developers (Score:3, Funny)
How's that for a coincidence?
Re:the more you know (Score:1)
Re:No Stupid!!! (Score:1)
Re:No Stupid!!! (Score:2)
PS, Try going to FAO Schwartz sometime (if you haven't) to see some of the most amazing Barbies. They have Irish Princess Barbie, Asian Goddess Barbie, Marilyn and James Dean Barbie, to name just a few of the FAO Schwartz exclusive collection of Barbies. (Seriously, It's an amazing toy store)
TTFN (Ta-Ta-For-Now)
Re:No Stupid!!! (Score:1)
And you got three negative mod points. One person thought you were funny.
Posting messages designed with the goal of simply eliciting a response has a name: it's called "trolling".
Judging by a couple of your other message, you qualify - e.g. the hologram storage thing (I could post a reply with just as many explanation points pointing out how yes, you can store information in a hologram); and the Unix Y2K bug, which aside from the various Unix Y2K issues that did exist, is also the term often used to refer to the two-billion-second rollover that'll occur in a couple of decades.
So, you're either a troll, or a somewhat technically ignorant person who instead of asking questions, enjoys displaying his ignorance in an attempt to get responses. Which is still a troll.
I thought it was original, in a sort of blatant stereotypical knock off brand of original.
At least you're not deluding yourself too much...
Oh Jesus, yous'isn't trolling, yous really a dork (Score:2)
You shouldn't have had to asked if I was troll in the first place. I made it about as blatently fucking obvious the first time. You sir, need to develop some convictions.
I bet when you were in high school or college (if you're not still in school) you didn't clue in that a lack of eye contact really meant she didn't want to dance with you. She's not shy, she's trying to ignore you in as polite a way as she can.
I can understand one wanting to hedge thier bets, but this is silly. I was obviously troll and NOT an 11 year old girl, but I said nothing, knowing you were playing it safe (despite blatent clues)
This time, you have no other option, but to conclude that I'm a very blatent troll.
So, you're either a troll, or a
If you had any convictions, you wouldn't have made it to the ", or a", even if the other option boils down to being a troll. It's superfluous and just plain silly!
Earth and Justice to You, Fucko!
JohnDenver is pretending to be a troll... (Score:2)
It's kind of amusing to use high-class trolling techniques, such as rhetorical statements and sarcasm, on someone whose ability to comprehend is as limited as yours. My original post was not "playing it safe" - I knew you weren't an 11-year old girl. That's the "rhetorical" bit, when you grow up and become a real troll, you might want to look into that.
Anyway, I can't help a sneaking suspicion that you really are impressed by FAO Schwarz, in which case you're emotionally an 11-year old girl, if not physically. So I guess my message worked on multiple levels. I'm even more of a genius than I originally thought I was! M4d propz to me!
If you had any convictions, you wouldn't have made it to the ", or a", even if the other option boils down to being a troll. It's superfluous and just plain silly!
Kind of like your first message? I dunno, I thought mine was original, in a sort of blatant stereotypical knock off brand of original. If both conclusions lead to the same thing, what does that tell you? Wouldn't that be sort of a clue? Perhaps a little too subtle...
Anyhow, I can only assume that with your stratospheric user ID, you're still learning the ropes. I look forward to the day when you join the ranks of the great trolls of /. I'm sure it'll be a few years yet, but probably by the time the UIDs reach the millions, you'll do it. I have complete faith in you. In the meantime, just try a bit harder, willya?
Oh, and try not to break character so easily, too. It's always depressing to see that in a young troll...
Re:JohnDenver is pretending to be a troll... (Score:2)
Kind of like your first message? I dunno, I thought mine was original, in a sort of blatant stereotypical knock off brand of original. If both conclusions lead to the same thing, what does that tell you? Wouldn't that be sort of a clue? Perhaps a little too subtle...
Q: What do you call a troll who's perfectly capable in exploiting irony, but unable to detect it?
A: A figment of his target's imagination, and a pretty good clue...
SOME GUY: Jail! I don't give a damn about jail!
You can take me to jail!
POSSE: Take me to jail!
SOME GUY: Lock me up!
POSSE: Lock me up!
SOME GUY: Throw away the key!
POSSE: Throw away the key!
SOME GUY: I ain't afraid of fucking a man's ass!!!
(turn table scratches, music stops, people stop dancing)
POSSE: Whoah...
SOME GIRL: He trippin'...
SOME GUY: Ain't you ever been in the shower, and the suds go down the crack of a man's ass and......
HA! I was fooling ya'll! Those were jokes!
Don't feed the trolls...
Re:JohnDenver is pretending to be a troll... (Score:2)
Where? Did I miss one?? You don't mean TRoLLaXoR, surely...
Re:JohnDenver is pretending to be a troll... (Score:2)
Yum Garrg Garrg Garrg Garrg
Re:JohnDenver is pretending to be a troll... (Score:2)
Sometimes you have to be a bit over-the-top... (Score:2)
I'll be looking forward to your meaningless lack of insight.
Re:Sometimes you have to be a bit over-the-top... (Score:2)
Joylessness indeed! Why, I included a whole exclamation point in my previous post - and there are three in this one!
Freude trinken alle Wesen
An den Brüsten der Natur;
Alle Guten, alle Bösen
Folgen ihrer Rosenspur.
There you have it - we tread the same rose-covered path, you and I, despite my inherent goodness and your unleavened evil. Wait, do I have that the right way around? It's so confusing these days, what with the good guys laundering drug money for the evil ones and all...
A troll with a cause, how droll!
But I'm the Good Troll from the North! (Score:2)
You're too clever and persistant for me, especially with your German poetry, which I had to translate with Babelfish.
I tired of trying to be evil. You sir/madame are truly wise as a snake and as harmless as a dove.
I was going to go into some pointless rant on how truely insightful trolls have a cause, but I don't care anymore. I just want to go back to work.
Thanks for sucking the joy out of trolling for me...
Re:But I'm the Good Troll from the North! (Score:1)
Anyway, I was all ready to let it go at HAND, but you didn't want to.
I'm sure CmdrTaco and No More Trolls [slashdot.org] are pleased with my work here today...
BTW, the German poetry is from Beethoven/Schiller's Ode to Joy, and it just seemed like a good antidote to the stuff you were quoting, like garlic for a vampire... :O)
(Imagine a /. where all the trolls are pretentious... Oh wait, that's kuro5hin.)
Re:No Stupid!!! (Score:1)
And the kicker: Who's stupid now? Huh?
(Well, I guess I am for taking to time to post this comment, but...)
Ha! (Score:2)
Oh wait, your not trolling...
(Psst... I know your trolling. I love you're method. Now you write back, but don't let everybody else know...)
Re:No Stupid!!! (Score:1, Offtopic)
'Nuff said.
A mere 50 years? (Score:1)
What does this man know that I don't? No, I don't mean about networked file system protocols either, although if you could give me an exhaustive and comprehensible list of that I'd appreciate it.
Thank You. (Score:5, Insightful)
Andrew, thanks for envisioning this project, and getting up all started. Thanks also to your wife for putting up with it, I'm not sure mine would have
The developer list is growing, and I've never even read messages from some from some of you, but it's worth taking the time to personally express thanks as individually as this forumn allows.
Jeremy Allison
Andrew Tridgell
John Terpstra
Chris Hertel
John Blair
Gerald Carter
Michael Warfield
Brian Roberson
Jean Francois Micouleau
Simo Sorce
Andrew Bartlett
Motonobu Takahashi
Jelmer Vernooij
Richard Sharpe
Eckart Meyer
Herb Lewis
Dan Shearer
David Fenwick
Paul Blackman
Volker Lendecke
Alexandre Oliva
Tim Potter
Matt Chapman
David Bannon
Steve French
Jim McDonough
*Luke Leighton
*Sander Striker
Thank You. You have done a great service for us all, and we are very much in your debt.
Kevin Anderson
Re:Thank You. (Score:1)
Thanks for helping so many of figure out how to hack at TiVos!!1!!!!
Where is that reboot code? (Score:1)
Samba will be remembered as the Microsoft D-Day (Score:3, Interesting)
The best thing is that our Samaba soldiers will still live on to write other great software to help us rid our lives of Microsoft software.
Thanks samba team even though I rarely use your Samba software anymore. I use rsync all the time on my Gentoo systems!
rsync (Score:5, Funny)
I made it so.
I'm a good husband.
Besides, these things are not just toys right? It was damn easy. Buying as much as an NT server still costs no less than $500 on ebay. samba cost about 5 minutes in FTP to get the latest for RedHat. On my K6-233 Asus tx97x its flawless. Flawless i say.
Ramble on.
Everytime I login I feel a little geekdom. Everytime my wife *doesen't* complain about the computer I feel like THE MAN. You see in my house I am Bill Gates. If windows breaks, I get the blame. If Linux is too confusing, I get the blame. So what we have here is the best of both worlds. BTW, i used to get pissed at the IT department for taking so long to launch new OSes. Now I am about to take XP off my computer because its loosing faxes and the printer dont work on it, etc... Its affecting my love life
Re:rsync (Score:1)
Re: About Losing faxes... Possible "fix" (Score:1)
I went through this as well.
I tried backing up any importatnt stuff and doing a reinstall, I thought that a "bug fix" broke it (like that ever happens
No go. The lost faxes, they weren't really lost, you just can't see them in the fax app.
Being a former Windows support tech I know how stupid some of the fixes can be, so I started mucking around.
It turns out that the fix for this was to move all of the faxes out of the outbox and inbox, then fire up the fax app and import them back in. I had to do this a few times before it imported all of the faxes back in. But it worked and has continued to work, so who cares.
Good luck.
Re:rsync (Score:2)
I could have never guessed this.... (Score:1)
Gee, now I'm really surprised...
In 50 years? Think so? (Score:4, Interesting)
Think so? The Univac was state of the art in 1952. Considering that the progress of technology is accelerating over time (check out The History of Computing Timeline [computer.org]), do you really think that the ideas behind rsync are going to be relevant? Network throughput is already getting massive. If we could fast-forward to 2052, I imagine we would barely recognize the technologies in use.
Do you think that Turing could have even fathomed performing a billion operations a second and having a almost a terrabyte of storage available and (almost) accessible anywhere on the planet at megabit data transfer rates? In our homes? For an inflation adjusted price of under $100? You have to be kidding me -- it would have blown his mind.
In 2052 CPU power will be effectively unlimited (imagine doing a billion billion operations per second), storage constraints meaningless, and, if networking trends continue and/or quantum plays out (as it may), effectively instantaneous access to that data.
Think we'll still be diff-ing data to squeeze the most out of the net? In 2052 that is the last thing we'll be bothering with.
All this only hold true of course if we assume that technology will improve as fast as it historically has and that we don't hit a cataclysmic end to human progress in general (plague, nuclear armageddon, etc). But if the last 50 years have been any indication, what we will see in 2052 will bare little resemblance to what we have in 2002.
Re:In 50 years? Think so? (Score:2)
Oh, and I forgot to add, Samba rocks, rsync rocks, and Andrew Tridgell rocks. I don't mean at all to take away from the contributions of an amazing individual in the open source movement.
But what you've not accounted for... (Score:4, Insightful)
Not to mention fully volumetric video feeds.
Re:In 50 years? Think so? (Score:3, Insightful)
That said, historically raw computing power has increased more rapidly than network bandwidth. Rsync is essentially about using compute power to save bandwidth, using hashes and checksums to avoid transferring unnecessary bytes. So the cost/benefit will likely still hold. The network may be faster, but the files will be bigger and the CPU will be faster still.
That said, rsync as a command-line utility will almost surely be gone, but the ideas in rsync may well migrate directly into the application layer or even the network stack. At least, it's more likely to be around than samba, which is a fantastic yet special purpose tool for a specialized problem (Windows compatible file-sharing).
Besides, tridge got his CompSci Ph.D. for his rsync work, so nobody should be surprised he's proud of it.
Re:In 50 years? Think so? (Score:2)
Fifty years ago people thought that we all would be flying around in personal airplanes by now.
It's not usually valid to stretch a trend out beyond a decade. Unlike the last 20 years of computing, we are running into the fundamental limits of physics: the size of the atom and the speed of light. Not saying that we won't come up with something clever.
Re:In 50 years? Think so? (Score:1)
That's a great interview? (Score:1)
All this tells me is that we (computer industry) are still in our infancy if we need to create emulators to share files? We have to create an entire code-base to share files? We need to get way passed this and set some sort of standard. Samba's a good product, but it's just adds to the complexity: one more thing to break and one more thing to admin.
Anything with less than 100 comments was recieved less than favorably by the readers. This makes 99.
"Look. In twentieth-century Old Earth, a fast food chain took dead cow meat, fried it in grease, added carcinogens, wrapped it in petroleum-based foam, and sold nine hundred billion units. Human beings. Go figure."
Re:That's a great interview? (Score:3, Insightful)
This isn't a tech piece on Linux Orbit.
this is a mostly technically literate puff piece on linux in the newspaper that the suits of a modern nation read (roughly equivalent to the Wall Street Journal or the Financial Times).
thats what's newsworthy about it.
Plus Tridge lives in Canberra so he's all right unlike the rest of you bastards who pick on us (sorry, local grievances there).
Re:That's a great interview? (Score:2)
The SMB is a standard protocol (originally designed and created by IBM). SMB is merely a pipe and messaging mechanism (sort of like IPC for networks). CIFS is an RPC mechanism that sits on top of SMB. The SNIA workgroup has published a standard for CIFS that Microsoft has contributed to.
Unfortunately, one of the big problems is that if the Windows implementation is broken, everyone else has to be too. Furthermore, Windows is always adding new calls to CIFS that of course are undocumented.
Samba is not an emulator. It is as much of a CIFS server as a Windows machine is.
Almost over my head (Score:2, Funny)
It took me a second read to realize that asking for the "wrong thing" from your waitress might get you that proverbial slap in the face!
Rsync good (Score:4, Informative)
Also (Score:3, Informative)
And he's a good bloke (Score:1)
In fact, thinking about it now I kinda wish I'd got his autograph... Oh well.
Tom Rowlands
(Sorry, I can't sign this.)
Whither rproxy? (Score:2, Interesting)
Does anyone have empirical evaluations of deltas (including, but not necessarily limited to, rproxy) on today's workloads?
SMB not necessary? (Score:1)
Re:SMB not necessary? (Score:2)
If you're dealing with a free Unix (Linux, BSD etc), the most 'standard' way for mounting network partitions is using NFS (the Network Filesystem. [sourceforge.net])
Several companies will sell you NFS utilities for Windows. nfsAxe [labf.com] is by the people who make WinaXe, a Win32 X server. A quick search doesn't turn up a standard Windows open-source solution for this.
SMB has been rebranded by Microsoft as CIFS, the Common Internet File System [samba.org]. Microsoft have all the official docs, but of course samba.org have more information about it than they do.
Samba is supported by all Windows machines. It doesn't even work too badly for sharing filesystems between unices (I have a public SMB share on a FreeBSD file server machine mounted on my Linux gateway: you wouldn't know it wasn't a local FS.) The permissions model isn't perfect, of course, but for a shared FS, it works good.
Your question asked "is there a better way." Well, without getting into what's wrong with Samba, it's hard to answer. If you want Windows interoperability (and it's hard to find a situation where it's not a plus), you can't go wrong with Samba. It's a very mature, stable, complete solution.
Re:SMB not necessary? (Score:1)
Re:propaganda (Score:1)
I believe 204 came with the green one.
Re:propaganda (Score:1)
If Windows fits the bill.. more power to the poster.
I'm using it right now actually (The 2000 version, not 200!) =)
Pretty much every post can be attacked on a grammar and spelling basis if you sit and stare at it long enough. This one included!
Re:Back to life... Back to reality (Score:1)
Re:Back to life... Back to reality (Score:5, Informative)
Samba isn't developed my Microsoft; SMB is. And the problems SMB solves are fading even now; in 50 years there's no way that SMB will be useful. Microsoft will have moved on to something else.
And, of course, rsync isn't part of the rlogin/rsh/rwhatever toolset. It's completely independant.
The reason that rsync might still be used is that it implements a really powerful algorithm to do its job, which is being adopted in many cutting-edge projects. I don't know if those cutting-edge projects will have relatives which are still in use in 50 years, but they have more of a chance than Samba.
A couple you missed (Score:2)
Re:Samba infringes on Microsoft's patents (Score:1)