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Software For Ransom 288

rbp writes "I just received a message from Adam Theo on the Jabber Developers Mailing List about what he calls "The Ransom Model" for software publishing. The principle, according to the above linked site, is that the "rights to the source code remain restricted until a set amount of money is collected or a set date passes, at which point the code is freed". Seems like a very interesting way to make money and produce free software. I think it's worth discussion. Take a look at the Ransom Model webpage and join the Ransom mailing list! (You might also be interested in recent news about Blender)" Reader Apreche adds a link to a Freshmeat editorial piece which draws on Theo's idea, writing "This has some obvious problems, but it is worth discussing. The biggest problem I see is where vaporware fits into the equation."
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Software For Ransom

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  • by mattbland ( 260913 ) on Saturday November 23, 2002 @08:20PM (#4740566)
    i've got the money. please just don't hurt her!

    oh, sorry, thought you were someone else.


      Oh man that show is AWESOME!

      Any one see Zach Galifinakis on Conan?

      Zach: "So, is that show the 'Amazing Race' about white people?"

      Such balls! haha
  • by Anonymous Coward on Saturday November 23, 2002 @08:21PM (#4740569)
    They could atleast pick a word that doesn't carry so many negative associations if they wish for people to discuss it openly and fairly.

    Anyway, a third party should step up to act as a broker and hold the money until the software is ready. It'll help protect both sides.
    • by sterno ( 16320 ) on Saturday November 23, 2002 @08:34PM (#4740627) Homepage
      Coming form a perspective of people believing that software should be free, the ransom name seems apt. In contrast, I suppose Microsoft would be using the slavery model :).

      As for a third party, is it really that important? I mean, they develop the software, you buy it. If at some point they don't make their commitment to release it to the world, then you just stop buying it from them. If you can't afford to take the risk of changing away from it later, then don't buy into ransom software.
    • the other choices were just as bad ... "escrow" or (held in) "trust" ...
    • by Adam Theo ( 628691 ) on Saturday November 23, 2002 @08:47PM (#4740676) Homepage
      Others have brought up the negative connotations about the name, but far more have liked it. I personally like the name because it makes people stop and look, and because it is so bold it actually comes off as being a bit goofy of a name. Also, it very appropriately describes the entire process in one simple word. How many other projects can claim that? :-)

      Besides, end users are not likely to ever see the term "Ransom". I expect this model will mostly be seen and used by the developers and their sponsors, investors, and distributors/resellers (to use those terms loosely).

      • I can't trust people named Theo. It happened with Theo on The Cosby Show, then again with Theo de Raadt. And now it's you. Well it ain't happening again, brother! Ya hear me?! ;)
      • I agree, "ransom" is a good choice for simplicity and making its intent obvious. And "ransom" hasn't always had the negative connotations of the present. An older meaning is essentially equivalent to paying to get your property out of hock, more akin to escrow than to kidnapping.

        I think it's a reasonable idea. It lets the developer set the return they feel they need to get for their efforts, while in due course giving "extra value" to their product (personally, I view assured eventual source releases as incentive to buy a program now, particularly one I can't live without).

        I see it also can optionally tie this to a date after your major market is expected to have come and gone. That way it would function pretty much as copyright was originally intended to -- let the creator derive whatever "limited monopoly" benefit they can in a reasonable timeframe, then give their work to others to build on.

        The one point where this gets a bit sticky is if it's an ongoing process where a program has regular upgrades built on the same codebase. Even so, releasing source when support for older versions is retired would be a reasonable thing to do (a la idSoftware), and the goodwill may well be worth far more in future sales than what little commercial value is left in outdated source.

    • Nomenclature (Score:3, Interesting)

      by MacAndrew ( 463832 )
      How about...
      1. "The layaway plan"?
      2. "The wishing well"?
      3. "Cash for code"?
      4. "Pay now play later"?
      5. "The coding club"?
      6. "Nickle and dimed"? (oops, negative connotation)

      As for vaporware, a refund should be guaranteed on nonperformance. Escrow works, but has transaction costs. One puzzle would be defining performance -- what about buggy code? Who decides it's up to spec? Would problems lead to a full or partial refund? What circumstances?

      I'm sure these have been thought of; I'm just thinking aloud, and the random webpage won't load (wonder why). Neat, creative idea.
    • by yomegaman ( 516565 ) on Saturday November 23, 2002 @10:23PM (#4740972)
      When the source code is released, will it come in the mail with no return address and spelled out in individual letters clipped from the newspaper? If so, where are they going to find enough semicolons?
    • > a third party should step up to act as a broker and hold the money until the software is ready.

      See Bruce Schneier's Street Performer Protocol
      "We introduce the Street Performer Protocol, an electronic-commerce mechanism to facilitate the private financing of public works. Using this protocol, people would place donations in escrow, to be released to an author in the event that the promised work is put in the public domain. This protocol has the potential to fund alternative or "marginal" works.
  • by ejdmoo ( 193585 ) on Saturday November 23, 2002 @08:22PM (#4740573)
    I'm gonna blow away the code!"

    "No, man. You do *not* want to take this to the next level..."
  • by ekrout ( 139379 ) on Saturday November 23, 2002 @08:23PM (#4740582) Journal
    Rights to the source code remain restricted until a set amount of money is collected or a set date passes, at which point the code is freed.

    What happened to the "more eyes = better code" paradigm that so many Slashdotters and Open-/Free- Source gurus so frequently praise.

    Listen, people -- if these new, deviant "random" coders start projects with expiration ("freed code") dates of 10 years down the road, no one will ever learn, improve, or assist innovation in the realm of software engineering. We will simply end up with thousands of under-funded vapourware applications, which in turn will stifle innovation for years to come when one considers all that *could have* been produced in the same amount of time with a more reasonable development model, such as Microsoft's Shared Source or ESR's Open Source.
    • by Anonymous Coward on Saturday November 23, 2002 @08:29PM (#4740610)
      The code could still be public, but not "open," allowing more eyes, and even suggestions, but not permitting someone else to use the code without permission.
    • Would be to have the code open but have the 'threat' to shut down public access to the code and new releases on a certain date if a certain amount of money isn't raised.

      Ideally this could be automated, ie the core developers could set how much they want a month and let it run itself.

      In this case there is incentive for users to pay to keep the development open so that external contributors can help and so the software they use gets better faster.
    • expiration dates (Score:2, Interesting)

      by Adam Theo ( 628691 )
      true, the Ransom model is "loose" enough to allow for expiration dates of 10 or more years, but I've decided to let the Ultimate Force govern here, as well: the free market. I'm sure users and contributors will be wise enough to check out the details of a project before helping it, and if they are happy with 10 years, then hey, that's all I want. :-)

    • by MikeFM ( 12491 ) on Sunday November 24, 2002 @12:17AM (#4741408) Homepage Journal
      I usually go with a GPL license from the start and offer companies the option of an alternative license that'd allow them to distribute without releases of their own changes. I've considered the idea of switching to a 'ransom' model where customers get a tempory license allowing them to distribute without releasing code and after I got $xxxx.xx back to pay for the development costs dual license the code as GPL/BSD. So far I've resisted such a model though because I dislike the BSD license in general. I'd rather keep control over all exceptions to the GPL.

      I was going to do ransom on per-version basis though. Each new release would have to be paid for again (just the costs of that release) if they wanted to be able to base their software off the newest code base.
    • There's a lot of problems with the above post!

      First, let's get the nitpick out of the way: Why do you call someone starting a new software project "deviant"? "Free software is a matter of the users' freedom to run, copy, distribute, study, change and improve the software." [] Surely this also includes the freedom to fork or start new projects.

      Next, the vaporware point - there are two counter-arguments here. If you don't like giving money to vaporware, don't! Support released projects, if you feel it's worth it. Also, the page linked to in the article specifically mentions: "Details: In short, Authors (the programmers of the software) first publish their work under a Ransom License (a special proprietary license)." (My italics.) It's not about paying for vaporware, it's about buying software if you think it's a worthwhile investment, with the possibility that it may become Free in the future, with all the associated benefits.

      I believe that this model may be suitable for a great number of projects. I am sure many people's gripe with Microsoft, RIAA et al is not that they sell their digital information as a commercial product, which we can choose to buy or ignore, but that the business model they use does not reflect the real costs. It costs a lot of money to design, code, and market a product, but then it's cheap to duplicate that product. Trouble is, we are made to pay for these items long after the amortised cost of development has been returned - hence the astronomical profits of some successful companies.

      These factors apply at different scales to many different products - and some scales are currently out of reach for Free Software. The principle is that it does take an investment of time and money to do some things (whether you personally think they should be done that way or not), and that this method may be a good way to gain a reasonable return on that investment without locking the product into a higher price in perpetuity than necessary.

      Yes, it's similar to copyright - you get a limited time to exploit a body of work in order to realise a return, but then it's available for The Public Good. Do you think a non-profit organisation could have made the LOTR trilogy without being able to deliver some commercial benefit to its backers? How cool would it be, now that it has made millions for the studio, if legitimate high quality digital copies were available for the cost of making the DVD?

      I'll finish (finally) with an example - a group of programmers would like to create an advanced compatibility driver set for GNU/Linux, to match or beat the drivers already available for Windows, for a large range of hardware. However, to buy one of each piece of hardware for testing, to look at the detailed product documentation (which is all freely supplied by hardware makers, naturally), to write the drivers, test them, to have somewhere to do it, and to publish them will take money. Say, $500,000 - even if the programmer's time is gratis. More if they need to eat and/or sleep. With Windows, you pay for that cost, a real cost, in every copy of Windows you buy for every computer. Let's say it contributes $5 to the retail price. But with the Ransom model, you decide - is it worth $5 to me to have the advanced compatability set? If yes, you hand over your $5, and when the development group has been returned their $500,000, it becomes Free for everyone.

      You still have the product that you decided was worth $5, except now it's Free software.
      You may not have decided it was worth $5, but now it's freely available, you can get the benefit, some time later.
      The developers were able to access the funds to this project because they were able to show how they would return the investment.
      This project got done where it would not have been done otherwise, because of such backing.
  • Yo, boss, we can make more money if we charge $50,000 for each user who wants the source code to windows.

    Bill G.: I don't know...there's a lot of people out there who are seeing a lot of windows for free lately..
  • I'm surprised this hasn't been thought of before, it's reasonable solution to what I have always seen as one of the major holes in the open source movement. Beats nagware any day.
    • by Robotech_Master ( 14247 ) on Saturday November 23, 2002 @08:59PM (#4740727) Homepage Journal
      Actually, it has been thought of before [], in the form of the Street Performer Protocol. Granted, the SPP as written assumes that it's going to be applied to textual works, but it doesn't seem like a great leap to apply it to the programming world.
    • Re:Great Idea (Score:3, Interesting)

      by magnum3065 ( 410727 )
      This has been done before. Anyone remember Blender ( They did this months ago when they were on the verge of bankruptcy their shareholders agreed to release the code if they received $100,000 in donations. It seemed to work out well for them, but they already had a well established program developed by full-time programmer and had quite a significant following of users. I'm not sure they would have been able to pull this off if they had tried to do it early on.
    • nagware (Score:2, Insightful)

      by Adam Theo ( 628691 )
      yes, it certainly does beat nagware. If you are even mildly interested, sign up for the Ransom mailing list [], even if it is just to watch (although I hope to draw in most subscribers. This model needs feedback).
    • It amazes me that nobody else has pointed out the obvious yet. We already have this model. In fact, in the US, there's even a provision in the Constitution for it. It's called intellectual property. Y'know, the thing that says you can't copy stuff, or use a patented technique, for a while after it's first created, and then everyone can have it? (Readers planning to rant about Disney and the extension of copyright dates may save their fingers; we all thought it, and it doesn't change my point.)

      Before anyone asks me to go RTFA, yes, I realize that this does not make provision for also releasing the code when a certain amount of money has been raised, but this has happened regardless in some cases. (See, for example, iD's release of the code for their earlier games well before it would have been out of copyright. They were ahead of the game on shareware, and on that, too.)

  • by ( 562495 ) on Saturday November 23, 2002 @08:24PM (#4740586) Homepage
    The code/design that is reviewed and critiqued from the start is always better than the code that is the critiqued after the implementation. Again with the Ransome model, the design will not be as good as the opensource design model. []
    • sendmail, wu_ftpd and bind have proven that this is not true.

      Open source does not give any advantage simply because almost nobody actually reads the code.

      In theory, yes you can read it, in real life however, almost nobody takes advantage of this to audit the code and search for problems.

      The fact that open source allows you to read the code doesn't mean that people actually read it.
      • I don't know what specific vunerability of wu_ftp your refering to, but I personally think sendmail and bind have both benifited from the OSS model.

        OSS doesn't mean there won't be any vunerabilities, it means it will be easier to spot them when people go looking. It also means decreased time to patch. (and many other benifits)
    • Not so fast...

      First, the opensource model is great and all but it only serves right when is used to develop very common software, something almost everybody wants or something that can be built in small steps.

      But there is a lot of software that simply doesn't fit the opensource model, because it will be used by very few people (which can't contribute with much developers, but surely can with lots of money), or because it represents a really big effort before a barely useful product and no group of developers could dedicate themselves to such kind of effort unless they are jobless.

      This ramson model seems to fit the gap between the purely commercial software and the purely opensource software, and remember that a software fits in any class because functionality and target users, not only because the beliefs of the programmers. That includes technical beliefs.
  • by mt2mb4me ( 550507 ) on Saturday November 23, 2002 @08:34PM (#4740628)
    The problem with this whole situation is this IMHO... first of all, this will cause people to (a) pirate what used to be free source anyways. (b) cause people like me to wait out the time limit so that i will always be two steps behind what is current unless we will fork out ca$h, (not bloody likely) (c) cause the free source community to stop doing it for the reason they started in the first place... Its a hobby, they enjoy it, and they want to make the computing world a better place. I am not trying to be flaimbait, but if i have to pay for *nux, or any software really, I would just stick with microsoft, due to the full featured compatibily and mainstream acceptance. Granted *nux is more robust, and far more efficient. Overall I am more inclined to do things by my pocketbook.
  • by fferreres ( 525414 ) on Saturday November 23, 2002 @08:34PM (#4740630)
    If you expect the ransom will be relatively "cheap", and they promise it to be ransomised in the future you may start using it now. And as many people use it, they have more and more incentive to increase the ransom.

    At some point you may either find the ransom is not what you expected (and way off the hooks) or that you have been left locked into a 100% propietary solution and have a huge cost to move to another one. Also, the "other" solution may not be arround, because everyone was using this "good looking" ransom app.
  • duh. (Score:4, Informative)

    by ToadSprocket ( 628571 ) on Saturday November 23, 2002 @08:34PM (#4740633)
    The problem that Ransom solves is that many open source developers work very hard on their software projects, and usually end up giving their work away, due to the nature of open source
    That nature being what? A lot of OSS developers do it in their free time, of their own free will and with their own resources. In a perfect world, yeah they would get paid, but holding the code until they get paid? Doesn't seem like the best way to go about it. What if their code sucks? No one will use it and they won't get paid. What if it is a cool app? Still no guarantee they are gonna get paid. Why would I throw money in their direction, in the hopes that the code gets released? What if it never does? What if they never hit their magic number? Can I get a refund? The cool thing about OSS is that the cool apps seem to rise to the top, people become interested and contribute their free time, thus enhancing the project. Money Grubbing doesn't enter into it as much. Why would anyone help out on a project where the code may never get released? I say ransom blows.
    • That's why you have escrow agreements: a third party holds the source. Legal bindings etc...
    • What if it never does? What if they never hit their magic number? Can I get a refund?

      Yeah, I think that's a pretty bad problem. What would have happened to all the Blender money if they had been short of the $100,000? I assume it'd have been refunded, but what an organisational nightmare.
    • Re:duh. (Score:2, Insightful)

      Not off-topic. Please bear with me.

      I remember during a telethon by a local radio station, they had a very successful bit called "Give Us Money or We Play the Carpenters." If I remember the exact rules, they had a certain number of Carpenters songs they intended to play (30-ish), and people could call in and buy up a song, keeping it from being played. It was working wonderfully until a small but vocal group of Carpenter fans started giving them money to play more songs. :)

      Why not something along that line? You could implement a ransom system where the code is set to be released at a given date, but people could give money to shorten that date. Until the GPL does kick in, the goal is to make the code useful enough that people want to support it.

      But I do see your point. If someone tries to do this, and then starts messing with the conditions of the agreement, or started getting money based on some feature he's promising to implement at some unspecified future date, the whole model would become suspect.
  • Money pit? (Score:3, Insightful)

    by Froobly ( 206960 ) on Saturday November 23, 2002 @08:35PM (#4740639)
    Alright, so what happens when you "donate" to one of these projects? You give money, and if enough other people think it's worth their money, you get the software. Doesn't this mean that unless you're willing to finance the project in whole, there's no guarantee that you'll ever see the software? While I can see a good number of people supporting ransomed software out of good will, I can't see it working as a real business model, as people generally want some reassurance that they'll receive that for which they've paid.
  • by rmohr02 ( 208447 ) <mohr DOT 42 AT osu DOT edu> on Saturday November 23, 2002 @08:36PM (#4740643)
    1: Write Code
    2: ???
    3: Profit!
  • Looks like more and more projects are capitalising on "free speech."

    Personally, I have made lots of money selling and installing modified/original BSD software, and donated a considerable amount of that back to those projects.

    The GPL prevents me from doing this, because I don't necessarily want to release the source code to the changes which I have invested in. And I certainly don't want to release my code under the GPL.

    This 'ransom' thing prevents people like me from donating to the project at all. Ironic, really.
  • Two Questions... (Score:3, Interesting)

    by stevezero ( 620090 ) on Saturday November 23, 2002 @08:44PM (#4740667)
    Forgive me if I'm being obtuse but... (I know it's a great way to start a post)

    How does this affect me, a person who enjoys using Linux/Open Source applications, but have no need to modify them...I just install the binaries and run (yes, I do pay/support when asked)

    Secondly, what's to stop some "evil corporation" from buying the rights to the software while it's still in the "Ransom" phase, and then "resetting" the expiry date, or the new Ransom amount?
    • what's to stop some "evil corporation" from buying the rights to the software while it's still in the "Ransom" phase, and then "resetting" the expiry date, or the new Ransom amount?

      Law: sound contracts/licenses written and reviewed by lawyers.

      The word ransom is inciting this general fear of "what if the terrorist runs away with the hostage" kind of reaction. -- chill out, we're not on a battle field, this is a licensing issue, and if done properly, parties will stick to their terms till the end...

  • by jamesjw ( 213986 ) on Saturday November 23, 2002 @08:49PM (#4740684) Homepage
    Gangsta code brokers..

    "Ya see Jimmy, ya gets the .c files now, half now, half later... thens ya gets the .h files and the configure script.. donts be trying anything funny eh Jimmy?"


  • "This has some obvious problems, but it is worth discussing. The biggest problem I see is
    where vaporware fits into the equation."

    In this case, vaporware = "profit"

    Given that you have marketed it correctly.
  • This sounds just like the way Drug Patents are handled plus the idea of being able to free the product with enough cash.

    Currently, afaik, drugs patents last for 10-15 years after which anyone can manufacture the drug with out the creators permission.
    • I'm not sure I understand the analogy -- drugs must become public domain when their patent term expires, just like copyright -- but just FYI I believe the standard patent term is 20 years, plus possible 5-year extension [], plus any special legislation Congress might see fit to enact. Of course the patent can be sold or given away like any other property, but it's not worth a nickle after expiration.

      Drug patents are a hot issue to say the least. Prescriptions of Prozac dropped 80% immediately upon the end of its patent. A generic typically costs a fraction of the branded price. There's an industry wisecrack that the first pill costs millions, the second costs 30.

      The ransom plan sounds to me more like a sort of layaway plan.
  • 1) Vaporware. Simple. If the product hasn't shipped, then don't donate. After all, the point is that the software exists now (either for free with a suggested donation or for a normal price) but the license is restrictive and the source is closed until the goal is met. People used Blender before it went open source. Now it is open source. If you are donating before a product even ships, then you take that risk.

    2) Shifting release conditions. It seems to me that by paying for the software, you are entering into a contract with the copyright holder. They are licensing the product to you for a price and in return you get the right to use the product and the promise that when certain conditions are met, the product will be open source. If the conditions are changed, then the company has violated the terms of the license and the license holders should have a cause of action for a lawsuit for breach of contract. A reasonable settlement would be to make all the code open sourse at that point.

    3) The name. Change it to GoalWare. The developers have a goal and the users have a goal. They work together as a team to reach it.

  • by qwijibrumm ( 559350 ) on Saturday November 23, 2002 @09:03PM (#4740741)
    "Give me back my code!"
  • ...just like the way other developers release their code under an open-source licence after a set time, only that they're announcing their intent before they sell bucketloads?

    Example: id software and Doom.
  • For programs that are mainly written by one person - use GPL, but encourage users to donate. If you like what you have, you should pay some $$$ for it if you can. Peer review still exists, and the author can at least get a couple hundred dollars... if not more (depending on popularity). As with piracy it's a social problem. We want things for free, but we aren't understanding (as a culture) that free still costs money. Like music, if you like it, buy it! or in this case.. donate money!
    • I can imagine the following scene: just before xconfig launches properly, we get the following:

      --> insert generic "PayPal - Donate!" image here, and the sound of a thousand keyboards typing, "NO, you suckers! All this for free!" <--
  • by Billy the Mountain ( 225541 ) on Saturday November 23, 2002 @09:06PM (#4740760) Journal
    "Ransom is a software publishing model where the rights to the source code remain restricted until a set amount of money is collected or a set date passes, at which point the code is freed".
    This model is fair, legally sound, practical, and easy to understand. In the Ransom model, the programmers are paid by the simple demand and quality of their work, not by selling copies of their work by creating artificial supply restrictions.

    The problem that Ransom solves is that many open source developers work very hard on their software projects, and usually end up giving their work away, due to the nature of open source. I firmly believe that their social-mindedness and generosity do not qualify as reasons why they shouldn't be fairly compensated for their work. It is impossible to ensure payments through closed source software use, so the rules of publishing the software in the first place need to be changed.

    Current models do not work since they are not fair to all parties. Purely "closed source" softwares not only severely restrict the user's abilities and freedoms, but also ignore the laws of value by ignoring software's ability for unlimited supply using a simple 'copy' command. Purely open source software removes any chance of reliable income from the programmer and leaves them to the whims of gifts and benefactors. Neither of these are acceptable.

    Details: In short, Authors (the programmers of the software) first publish their work under a Ransom License (a special proprietary license). There exists the stipulation that the code will be automatically freed to a set Open Source License ([OSI]/[FSF]-approved or the public domain) once a set amount of funds have been collected from Contributors (satisfied users, grateful corporate customers, or distributors/resellers) or a set amount of time passes, whichever comes first. You can read details of the complete step-by-step process.

    The public gets completely open source software, and the programmers are fairly compensated for the real work they do, not the amount of "copies" they sell. Public interests are protected by legally-binding guarantees and oversight organizations. You can read details of all features and considerations.

    Issues: The current issues being discussed are:

    The list of Ransom Licenses (such as: /Simple).
    The list of Free Licenses.
    Whether Ransom should allow authors to completely hoard their source code until the full Ransom amount has been paid, not even selling restricted copies.
    Discussion: All discussion of Ransom occurs on the Ransom mailing list, to which you can [subscribe, unsubscribe, or manage]. The list is not moderated, but you must subscribe to post. You can also [read and search the archives] of the mailing list.

    Background: This project began as an idea from a friend, Eric Murphy, on how to finance a digital identity system (which has now grown into [PingID]). I took the idea and posted to [Crynwr's Free Software Business list] about it. This project is the final realization on how to achieve financial compensation for producing open & free software.


    This is a valid model, used by Blender amongst other projects. However, I think the use of the term 'Ransom' creates a rather negative perception - do you really want an open source model associated with kidnapping? -- RichardDonkin

    Perhaps a better name would be: 'Appreciation Model' or 'Threshold Model'. -- PipStuart

  • by V.P. ( 140368 ) on Saturday November 23, 2002 @09:06PM (#4740762)
    Check for example Kelsey and Schneier's "Street Performer Protocol", published a couple years back in First Monday:

    The Street Performer Protocol and Digital Copyrights []

    There the idea is that the "author" promises to deliver his "work" (a novel, software, anything), as soon as he receives a certain amount of donations. Stephen King actually tried to publish a book like that, chapter by chapter, a few years ago, but I think he concluded that the time wasn't right for it yet.

    • King did it wrong (Score:5, Interesting)

      by samael ( 12612 ) <> on Saturday November 23, 2002 @09:53PM (#4740880) Homepage
      If King had said "I need $10k for the next chapter." he'd have been fine. By saying "x% of you need to pay" he was doomed to failure.

      If I downloaded at home and work, then I screwed his calculations. If people downloaded 20 copies to screw with the system, they succeeded.

      If a writer just decided what the market is worth for the story/novel and asks for it, then they're being fair and the system is more likely to work.
      • Re:King did it wrong (Score:4, Interesting)

        by istartedi ( 132515 ) on Saturday November 23, 2002 @10:27PM (#4740986) Journal

        A better way that is known to work is serial publication in a magazine or newspaper. I am reminded of this because I was watching "History's Mysteries" the other night and they were talking about original manuscript pages from Uncle Tom's Cabin which was published serially in a newspaper. IIRC, a number of other famous American works were originally published in this manner and went on to do well.

        In the 19th century it worked because newspapers were widely read, and it was unlikely that someone would go through the trouble to clip the stories and bind them to make a personal "book". Those who didn't get the paper heard word-of-mouth from people who had, and got the book when it came out.

        I'm not sure how this could work on the web, because the works can be copied so readily now. Reading things on the screen is a pain, so people might not read the whole novel, and even if they did read it they'd send their friends the link, not a recommendation to buy it.

        Things get more interesting when you have easy-reading screens. Combine that with exclusive distribution through one subscriber service, and you duplicate the 19th century serial publishing model.

        Trouble is, the author still has to cut a deal with the publisher. So... this doesn't really compare with King's experiment which was direct to the customer. Also, King is King. Joe B. Hacker is "nobody" so even if he writes great fiction, how will he get people's attention?

        • If King had said "I need $10k for the next chapter." he'd have been fine. By saying "x% of you need to pay" he was doomed to failure.

          Yup, that is EXACTLY what King did wrong. It made me wonder if he was trying something sneaky and back-handed, to pretend to empower new writers, and then demonstrate to them that "even Stephen King can't make this work". Perhaps he did so in collusion with the very publishers he pretended to spurn.

          King is King. Joe B. Hacker is "nobody" so even if he writes great fiction, how will he get people's attention?

          IIRC, the original SPP (or one of the variants that was floating around at the time) suggested that Joe Hacker should release the first few chapters into the public domain to convince people that his stuff is worth reading. Then he can ransom subsequent chapters one by one.

      • by etxjrh ( 599093 )

        Yes, I agree. You need to decide up front how much money your project is worth. Base this on the number of hours invested and your experience/skill/creativity.

        I know some authors may write one superb application that could have made them millions, but instead pays them for the effort they invested. That's unfortunate, but they are still rewarded as their reputation should allow them to raise their price / hourly rate next time around.

        You must assume some risk to enter the scheme, but you're your own boss. You should get paid for the work you do, provided it's accepted and used by customers. If it's not, then do you deserve payment?

        I think this is an excellent model for music distribution as well. The artists/studios etc. paid for the work put into producing and marketing an album. The quality of the work and the artist's reputation can be reflected in the price. Finally, customers eventually "own" the music, and can p2p it legally after a certain point, so formerly popular titles can be easily obtained after the event. It also discourages the unfair practice of bundling a load of garbage with 2 or 3 good songs and releasing the lot as an "album". Each track could be individually valued, with proportional contributions being made from each compilation sale.

        Surely this is a good compromise serving everyone's best interests?

        One final thought. Can you charge for successive versions. If you write an popular application and almost give it away (small ransome) can you charge each of the established users a small amount for the extra coding going into the next version, generating a lot of revenue for a small amount of work by virtue of the popularity of the app?

      • And maybe if he'd written something more worth reading -- I can't remember the title but I do recall that most of the reviews were rather negative, and .. well, I didn't get off the first page. And of course it's hard to get into a book where there's no guarantee you'll ever get to read the whole thing. Presumably software is only sold once finished, not in some half-compiled state. :)

        So.. ISTM if a ransomware product is worth buying, enough people will buy it to make the author's wallet happy.

    • mod parent up (Score:5, Insightful)

      by mattmunz ( 256529 ) on Saturday November 23, 2002 @10:33PM (#4741009)
      A while ago, a friend of mine asked me how he could apply a sound economic model to the distribution of digital (a.k.a. easily reproducible) media. He wanted a system that fully accepted the near-uselessness of DRM technology. I told him about the "Street Performer Protocol".

      This is the only model that makes sense to me in that it is clear, well-defined, and simple, yet complete. As the world "gets smaller", the information (knowledge) economy seems to be converging on a sort of minimum -- where the moment a piece of private information becomes public, it becomes public with a capital P (anyone who wants it will get it whether you like it or not). Digital technology allows the game of telephone to be played ad infinitum, and the message at the end of the line is the same as it was at the beginning. Sure, we can try to stretch the Copyright and Patent laws to fight this, but isn't the more intelligent solution to adapt to the new environment in a profitable way?

      I have heard economists argue that "secrets" will become the most profitable asset in the information economy (as if they aren't already). This certainly applies to international politics and military affairs already.

      In any case, it seems to me that SPP is in sync with all of this. And of course it applies to source code! I think that distributed development deserves a distributed payment system, based on SPP or something like it...

      As for practicality, please note that SPP is not new or untested. Public Radio & Television, for example, has been doing it for decades: "We'll give you a quality stream of news/entertainment if and only if you pay us $X by date Y". And guess what -- it works. The government backs out of more of its commitment to funding public media each year, and yet the industry is here.

      Probably the name is the worst part of the whole idea. I thought SPP was bad, but "Ransom" -- that's near idiotic -- the kind of name that makes great soundbites for the RIAA. Yeah, "Ransom" sucks. The idea of SPP is great though -- I just wonder why more folks aren't on the bandwagon yet?

      BTW, the whole Stephen King experiment is an awful example of this, since there are so many external contributing factors. A fair first experiment with this concept would use a medium that is commonly distributed in digital format. While people do read from computer screens frequently, they do not tend to read novels on the computer. A more fair test would be in the distribution of music, software applications, software documentation, digital images, etc.

      OK -- rant done.
    • A few years ago, Elizabeth Moon set up The Storyteller's Bowl [] to try out this idea, but it didn't go anywhere.
  • by cos(0) ( 455098 ) <> on Saturday November 23, 2002 @09:12PM (#4740777) Homepage
    Nullsoft did something like that a few years ago -- Winamp used to be shareware. Then, at version 2.50 [], Nullsoft thanked all those who purchased it, and turned Winamp into freeware.
    • A similar but less-known issue in which we would have liked to have had the source code, as we still don't with winamp, is Discplay. Discplay was the best (IMO) CDDB-enabled CD player app for Win32. I registered it. Then later development ceased, product downloads were discontinued, and the product's functionality was rolled into some megalithic media player with a bunch of functionality I don't want. As a result I am even more leery of paying for shareware now than I used to be.

      Hence from now on the only shareware I will be paying for is utility software, no applications. Luckily most of the application software is free as in speech or totally commercial, as in adobe or macromedia, or a game.

  • by lunenburg ( 37393 ) on Saturday November 23, 2002 @09:18PM (#4740793) Homepage
    They'd definitely be feelin' the Ransom love.
  • Xopus no joy (Score:2, Interesting)

    by euroderph ( 598144 )
    Similar pains in the Xopus project. Someone who has actively contributed, please comment.
  • Everyone seems to be equating the release of the app with the release of the source -- i.e., the "What about vaporware" question in many posts. Isn't the ransom just for the source, not the app itself? The ransom might take the form of a payment for the app itself -- i.e., "If enough people buy my app, I'll release the source under the GPL," vaguely like Id does with previous-generation games. This sounds like a nice idea. Most folks won't pay cash money for a crappy app, so the ransom model equates to "if the app is good enough for people to want the source, I'll release it!"
  • A bunch of issues (Score:4, Insightful)

    by CFN ( 114345 ) on Saturday November 23, 2002 @09:41PM (#4740854)
    I got a bunch of problems with this model. I'll mention them. Feel free to disagree.

    I'm assuming that the binary must be free and freely distributable, otherwise, who would ever know about this project, and who, then, would donate money towards it. (Or, of course, this could have already been a commercial product that was not freely distributable, but that has a wide following.)

    1) If a user does not care about every seeing the source code, he has no reason to pay for it, because again, he already has an unlimited right to use it as much as he wants.

    2) Even if a user would like to see the source, he knows that it will one day be released, regardless of making a donation.

    3) Even if a user would like to see the source as soon as possible, unless he can afford the entire ransom amount, he has no reason to believe that his donation will make the source released earlier: either not enough other people donate, so his donation is meaningless, or more than enough have donated, in which case his donation is unnecessary. (Do a google search on Kitty Genovese to see what I'm talking about).

    Anyway, it doesn't seem like there is any reason for someone to donate, except for the same reasons they donate to OSS projects now. In fact, people might donate less, because nobody likes to pay "ransom" for anything.
    • I don't see this as being applicable to free software. Rather, as a model for software that people would LIKE to write, but simply can't spare the time if it means they have to give up making a living to do so. So, I think it's more applicable to small-publisher commercial software with a limited lifespan, like games and utilities.

  • by WillWare ( 11935 ) on Saturday November 23, 2002 @09:47PM (#4740864) Homepage Journal
    There have been a few expressions of concern about vaporware. The solution to this is simple. What is held for ransom is the source code, but a working executable could be released, sufficient to demonstrate that the programmer really has written the program in question. There would still be an incentive to pay the ransom. An executable isn't as valuable to the average user as a program whose source has been released, because with the latter, it's possible to get peer review, upgrades and modifications, etc.

    The server was slashdotted before I could read more than the front page (see Google cache []), so I missed the "step-by-step process" description.

    People have mentioned concerns about sky-high ransoms, but the free market will vote with its feet so that doesn't worry me. Likewise, the problem of a programmer who raises the ransom after the initial announcement will be solved because people will get disgusted and won't pay.

    But there's a problem of fraud. Joe Programmer wrote Foo Program and I've donated ten bucks to have the source released. But I don't know if Joe counted my ten bucks toward the ransom, or simply pocketed it. If I'm patient and trusting, I can wait for market forces and reputation to filter out the programmers who pocket donations.

    But Joe can do better by posting a list of donations. For donors who prefer to be anonymous, he assigns them a number and emails a copy of the number to them, so they can verify that their donations have been counted. Anybody can grab a snapshot of the donation list and throw it in a spreadsheet to verify the current tally.

    Anybody whose donation was ignored can gripe in some suitable forum (Slashdot, Usenet, wherever) and if there are enough gripes that don't look like kooks, Joe's reputation will suffer.

  • It sounds like a good idea, until you start trying to explain it to the public.

    Salesguy: "Okay, yeah, the first thousand people to pay for this, get it... and so does everyone else."
    Customer: "Even the people that don't pay for it?"
    Salesguy: "Yup! That's how it works."
    Customer: "... Why would I pay, then? I can just wait for someone else to."

    Unless the ransom's low enough that the few people that really want it do pony up right away make the difference, it seems like people will end up waiting indefinitely. And forget about it when it doesn't come out.

    You could maybe make the case that the instant gratification urge will win, and they'll want it right now even though they could have it free later, but I wouldn't be sure enough of that to put money on it.
    This wouldn't apply to libraries and such, though, so maybe -- but what's really in it for those sorts of developers? The biggest draw I can see for this sort of license is for people who are going to deliver straight to the public. The cut-down version for the small fee draws them in, provides funding, and then once the ransom is met, you get a full release. ... But that can be done without a Ransom License anyway!
  • My company [] has been doing this sort of thing for years, only we decided to call it Serviceware [] to more accurately reflect that it is based on the model of software as a service, where the code is made free once that service is paid for. So it's good others are seeing value in the concept, but it's a shame the publicity goes to someone that names it so poorly.
  • Its creator's M.O. is the ransom model. He released the game engine of his best game, Dink Smallwood, after he felt he had earned enough from it.

    Now there are tons of modules that you can get for that game. Its inspired a lot of creativity. Of course, he didn't do it just because it was ransomware. He did it because it was about to become abandonware.

    This seems like a good strategy for companies. If he released another Dinkesque game he'd have an instant fanbase bolstered by the freeware engine and the knowledge that eventually it would become another freeware engine.
  • by Fefe ( 6964 ) on Saturday November 23, 2002 @10:34PM (#4741016) Homepage
    1. people should not start software projects to make money. It's good if you can make money off software, but software written not because you enjoy it or you need this particular problem solved usually sucks.

    2. typical free software projects need external help the most in the very beginning. Most projects fail before the first working prototype is finished. Because of that, I won'd be contributing to ransom software; I can't even be sure that the software will be released as free software because I have no way to know how much money will be donated.

    3. accountability. How do you know the author will not lie to you about how much money he made so far?

    4. disincentive to cheat. If the author survival depends on this, he has an incentive to let you pay through your nose for updates and upgrades and new features, and you will probably hire him because nobody else knows the source code like him so he can be faster than others.

    In my experience, free software projects work best if they are a) not paid for at all (you do it in your spare time) or b) they are paid for by one company who really needs this problem solved but you are allowed to release the software as GPL, too.

    Even better: c) you start the project as GPL but get your work funded by some company who needs the problem solved. Many of my projects are category c) and it's really in the best interest of you (because you get the money and you get to write free software), the company (they get their problem solved and they get the source code and random people off the net will help them improve their software for free), and the world (because the world gets new free software as part of the creative commons world heritage). In contrast to the street performer protocol this is actually known to work in practice ;)
  • Transgaming is doing this ... kind of. Except that they ask people to pay without actually making promises of what level of money must be attained before the code becomes GPL'd.

    They've promised that, at some point, it all gets handed back to the community, but there has been zero discussion of when this might be.
  • How many times have we heard developers say: I'm doing this for free, because I feel like it and it's none of your business telling me what YOU want ME to do. FUCK OFF!

    I think this could be a great way to get developers interested in things the users want like good GUIs, better usability, better manuals, Wizards. We users could set up projects and stock them up with money to stimulate developers which could compete with each other to see who gets it. The Free Software Foundation could administer the prize money to see that there are no scams or to redirect it (with previous consent of the clients) if there are no takers or the project dies for some other reason.

    This could even work as a project inside a distribution like Mandrake or Lycoris. I'm sure there would be a lot of ideas on how to do this!

    There would be a far better interaction between users and developers than what is even thinkable with closed-source software. I think that for a fraction of what we pay for closed source, we would get in much shorter time greatly superior OS Software.

    I think this could be the missing link for letting OOS fly and fly away!
  • Check out the entry in my Advogato diary where I discuss whether I should copyleft [] an article I wrote on C++ [].

    On the one hand, I think I would do a lot of good to the community if I copylefted my article. A lot of people might read it who otherwise would never come across it. On the other hand, allowing the only copy to be on my website generates a lot of valuable traffic that helps to advertise my consulting business. But on still another hand, maybe having the copylefted version in the wild would do even more to publicize my business.

    John Levon suggested that that particular article is probably best where it is. I'm thinking now that he's probably right.

    But I have other articles that I am thinking of copylefting. I have started writing a column on cross-platform software development []. My thought now is that I will copyleft my articles, say, six months after they are published. The one article I have posted so far is older than that, so if I decide to do this I will copyleft it right away.

    That way there will be traffic to my cross-platform site [] from people looking for new articles, but ultimately they will have the most positive effect if they are picked up by linux distros, for example.

    I'm still undecided about it, I probably won't make a decision right away. Yes, I want to help people. But I'm sorry to say that it's been challenging to be a self-employed software consultant since the dot-com crash. My articles take a lot of work to write, and I don't get paid for writing them, in fact I take a lot of time off to write that I could spend doing billable work for my clients. They are an effective advertising medium. The decision of whether to copyleft them is going to have to be based in large part on what I think would be best for my business.

  • Stephan King uses this sort of model already for many years. He writes a book and publishes a chapter after a certain amount of money reaches a bank account. He has been very successful with it too.
  • by Minupla ( 62455 ) <minupla&gmail,com> on Saturday November 23, 2002 @11:02PM (#4741121) Homepage Journal
    If this solution were to be implemented, it would only work if there was a 3rd party that could be trusted by all sides of the deal. The 3rd party would 'release' the software when the conditions of the agreement were met, and would certify that the software performs to the specifications made public.

    Otherwise the scheme would tend to generate mistrust on the public's side of the equation. Perhaps someone like the EFF or the GNU people could hold the rights in escrow until the appointed date/cash level is reached.

    Personally I prefer that we could all just trust each other to be reasonable.
  • by mtec ( 572168 ) on Saturday November 23, 2002 @11:59PM (#4741341)
    be written by pasting different sized letters cut out from a newspaper onto typing paper?
  • --I see on their site the plan is to use paypal. I don't see yet if there's a provision or a scheme about the micropayment theory. I'd rather have a sort if system like that, where I could donate x-amount-cash, and then be able to login and donate a buck here a buck there to several projects, all at that same time, on that single transaction, but have the total transaction only be skimmed one time by paypal(or whomever),not every single transaction to every single project. And it should have a cap, that skimming part, and not very high, as frankly,I can't afford the minimums to make it worthwhile to the developers. I imagine a lot of people feel this way and are in a similar situation. I'd love to be able to shoot ten bucks or more to every project I'd like to support but that isn't happening. Is there a work around for this or am I reading this idea wrong?

    As an aside, I'd like to support the distro releasers as well this way, and here's the rub, for my pet distro and even the distros I don't normally use, it still wouldn't bother me to send them "a buck or two" now and then if it was cheap and easy for me to do this without incurring the high transaction fee financial pain threshhold. I'd like the ability to only incur ONE fee for supporting MANY projects, so the developers get the most loot, not paypal or another middleman. I don't mind they get "some" just make it low enough so that more folks might be interested because it's cheap and easy to do so. Like, you login and are presented with an extensive menu and set of checkboxes, your cash level to donate is carved in stone at that time for that transaction, depending on how many checkboxes you check, that's what % of your loot gets transferred, within some sort of minimum reasonableness, make it a dollar maybe. The default on the checkbox can be like any shopping cart, it's zero-empty, you can manually change that if you want say 1 or 2 or 3 to go one of your favorite projects, singles to others, or whatever, up to your limit for that transaction. Some folks got no probs dropping a franklin that way, other folks can drop a jackson and still be contributing at least something, and it can get spread out better/faster/wider.
  • But why not release a beta of the code, and if people like it, then use the ransom model. Seems like a good compromise. "hey this code has potential, I'll donate and see how the finished version looks."
  • I'm hearing a lot of "But what about vaporware? What if I donate money and the software is never finished?" That isn't what the developers are asking you to do.

    From the article,
    In short, Authors (the programmers of the software) first publish their work under a Ransom License (a special proprietary license). There exists the stipulation that the code will be automatically freed to a set Open Source License ([OSI]/[FSF]-approved or the public domain) once a set amount of funds have been collected from Contributors (satisfied users, grateful corporate customers, or distributors/resellers) or a set amount of time passes, whichever comes first. You can read details of the complete step-by-step process.

    So, basically:
    1)Write software.
    2)Release software, but not source code (aka freeware).
    3)Request donations, tell people that once you reach $X you'll release the source code under an open license such as the GPL or donate it to the public domain.
    4)Once a certain amount of time has passed, or you've reached your goal of $X in donations, release the software's source code.
  • Being just a cross between work-for-hire and shareware, this idea's been around for a while. I've had it [] for a few years now, though I haven't had the time and gumption to put it into practice. In short, I'm concerned that the community won't tolerate temporary hoarding, in fairness I may have to allow totally proprietary derived works, and the psychology it'll take to reach the ransom isn't clear.
  • Seems dumb (Score:4, Insightful)

    by jez9999 ( 618189 ) on Sunday November 24, 2002 @06:40AM (#4742445) Homepage Journal
    This model seems stupid to me.

    1. Software is released under a 'Ransom' license.
    2. People don't buy the software, waiting for it to become free once x others have bought it.
    3. No one buys the software.
    4. The software never becomes free, and no one uses it.

    It's wholly unfair that some people get to use it for free whilst others pay for it. Opensource developers SHOULD code apps because they like doing so, and because they're useful, and they should make their wages doing maintainance/individual projects for companies.

Hackers are just a migratory lifeform with a tropism for computers.
