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PPK debuts the tiny programming challenge 67

kernelistic writes "Looks like the great folks at are running a developer challenge. They're looking for smallest executables that match the posted criteria. The rules look fairly straightforward. Anyone up for some fun?"
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PPK debuts the tiny programming challenge

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  • howto of sorts... (Score:5, Informative)

    by raulmazda ( 87 ) <adam&lazur,org> on Sunday November 24, 2002 @11:54PM (#4748348)

    Looks like they want a binary similar to the one described in A Whirlwind Tutorial on Creating Really Teensy ELF Executables for Linux [], except it has to print text and not just return 42.

    If only I had some spare time to play along at home...

    • His solution was 45 bytes. I think the 2500 byte limit in the rules is going to encourage some solutions whose writers will be crushed by the winner.

      It's a nice challenge, but I think they should have been a bit more specific in the rules ('Preferably no fastcall binaries') and stated a more challenging task than putting out a string.

  • Linux syscalls (Score:2, Interesting)

    by Anonymous Coward
    Hang on a sec .. they say they'll accept Linux syscalls being used, but to call them you need to use the 'fastcall' approach, that is, put your arguments in the registers and run an interrupt (int 0x80 in Linux.)

    But rule 3 states that you have to use a stack-based approach, no fastcall allowed! Wtf?
  • by AJWM ( 19027 ) on Monday November 25, 2002 @12:05AM (#4748423) Homepage
    Just for comparison's sake, the quick'n'dirty approach:

    char *msg = "The deep gray mouse runs after the holy yellow cheese.\n";
    write(1, msg, 56);

    produces, stripped, a 3200 byte binary -- too big to qualify by 700 bytes.

    • Using GCC 3.2 with -O3 -s gets things down to 2900 bytes. 400 bytes to go.
      • Okay. That 3200 number was with GCC 2.95.

        Tweaking the generated assembler and doing my own _start and -nostartfiles gets it down to about 1700 (yay!) except that I can't get it to exit cleanly, it segfaults after printing the string, even with a call to _exit (boo!).

        Ah well, enough playing for one evening.
        • by Anonymous Coward
          Put it in an infinite loop. All they said was:

          • 5. Returns control to the operating system without causing any segmentation violations.

          That doesn't mean you have to return control to the OS. All it means is that if you do choose to return control to the OS, you have to do so without causing a segfault.
  • by Anonymous Coward on Monday November 25, 2002 @12:27AM (#4748539)
    After some of the comments on here:

    • 3. Uses a stack-based approach (ie. No fastcall binaries!).
    has changed to:

    • 3. Uses a stack-based approach (ie. Preferably no fastcall binaries).

    • ... as long as the output is a valid ELF image.
    has changed to:

    • as long as the output is a valid x86 ELF image.
    Also they added:

    • Hate bloatware? This is your chance to show it!
    for some reason. Probably a slur against Microsoft, knowing what this lot is like.
  • Beat this... (Score:3, Interesting)

    by andfarm ( 534655 ) on Monday November 25, 2002 @12:49AM (#4748650)
    At one point I wrote a Mac OS (Classic) program that displayed the phase of the moon (as text AND a graphic) in a dialog box.

    The catch? I did it in 5,038 bytes, including a nifty color icon.

    Beat that.

    • Re:Beat this... (Score:3, Interesting)

      by photon317 ( 208409 )

      Heh, a freind of mine and I, about 8 years ago we had an x86 assembler programming contest between us. This contest was to reproduce a pager program under DOS (like the "more" command) that would take a filename argument and page it to the screen, one page per keystroke. He beat me just barely, the final numbers of bytes were like 97 and 102.

    • The DOS demo scene had a lively following in the mid 90's. One thing they liked to do was show off their assembly skills by packing the most visual effects they could into a little tiny binary.

      My favorite is called It's little more than a 320x200x256 display of a rolling, rotating, reflecting, textured, light-sourced torus with some MIDI synth for background music. After you exit the demo, there's an additional full screen of ASCII art before you get your prompt back. The most impressive part was that the torus did all of it's stuff in realtime with no slowdown at all on my 16MHz 386SX. To this day I'm not sure how they did it since that machine can't even run DOOM acceptably. (This demo is a bit skippy but works under dosemu, minus sound.)

      Another one I have is of several (5 or 6) seemingly random (but impressive) 3D scenes stitched together. No sound or anything, but it clocks in at exactly 4096 bytes.

      Tried to find web or ftp links to both of these, but no luck. If you want them, track down my email address and just ask. They're really tiny so I have no problem sending them.
  • by wcbarksdale ( 621327 ) on Monday November 25, 2002 @01:21AM (#4748807)
    At least they've chosen a challenge with practical implications.
  • by Just6979 ( 185617 ) on Monday November 25, 2002 @04:33AM (#4749625) Homepage
    justin@joker:~/tmp[1]$ cat small.s
    ; Justin White
    ; entry

    %define STDOUT 0
    %define SYS_exit 1
    %define SYS_write 4

    section data
    msg db "The deep gray mouse runs after the holy yellow cheese.", 0x0A
    msg_size equ $-msg

    section text
    global _start
    ; write
    push dword msg_size
    push dword msg
    push dword STDOUT
    mov eax, SYS_write
    push eax
    int 0x80
    ; exit
    push dword 0
    mov eax, SYS_exit
    push eax
    int 0x80
    ; end _start

    justin@joker:~/tmp[0]$ nasm -f elf small.s
    justin@joker:~/tmp[0]$ ld -x -s -o small -nostdlib --stats small.o
    /usr/libexec/elf/ld: total time in link: 0.006606
    /usr/libexec/elf/ld: data size 184328
    justin@joker:~/tmp[0]$ ll small
    -rwxrwxr-x 1 justin justin 516 Nov 25 03:22 small*
    justin@joker:~/tmp[0]$ ./small
    The deep gray mouse runs after the holy yellow cheese.

    that's using FreeBSD kernel calls.

    that's the smallest it'll be without doing ELF header tweaking like in that tiny binary tutorial.

    actually, can save like 8 bytes by using just AL and not all of EAX to hold the syscall numbers.

    now, if they said, do it without using the kernel, that would have been a challenge :P
    • I've done it in 169 bytes now. It's still a valid ELF image.

      No, I'm not telling you how I did it. [grin] Figure it out on your own. Or improve on my attempt. Whichever.

      Just tell me if you improve on it.

    • [krakrjak@krakrjak tinyASM]$ cat waaytiny.asm
      ; For entry in
      ; Zac Slade
      ; waaaytiny.asm
      BITS 32
      org 00001000h
      db 7Fh, 'ELF'
      dd 1
      dd 0
      dd WW
      dw 3
      dd filesize
      dd _start
      dd 4
      xor ebx, ebx
      inc ebx
      xor edx, edx
      jmp short Contin
      db 0
      dw 34h
      dw 20h
      dw 0
      dw 0
      StrLen EQU 55
      Strng db 'The deep gray mouse runs after the holy yellow cheese.', 0Ah
      Contin: mov Dl, StrLen
      xor eax, eax
      xor al, 4
      mov ecx, Strng
      intsta: int 80h
      xchg eax, ebx
      jmp short intsta
      filesize EQU W - WW
      [krakrjak@krakrjak tinyASM]$ nasm -f bin -o itstiny waaytiny.asm
      [krakrjak@krakrjak tinyASM]$ ll itstiny
      -rw-rw-r-- 1 krakrjak krakrjak 123 Nov 27 10:58 itstiny
      [krakrjak@krakrjak tinyASM]$ chmod +x itstiny
      [krakrjak@krakrjak tinyASM]$ ./itstiny
      The deep gray mouse runs after the holy yellow cheese.
      [krakrjak@krakrjak tinyASM]$

      There's My entry. Maybe someone else's entry is better than that but I'm hard pressed to get any better than that. That is using fastcalls, but it get's the job done.

      Stupid lameness filter.... I'll just ramble and see if it'll let me in...

      Perhaps maybe the Dollar Signs. I'll replace those with the letter W. Now the compression Filter. That's okay another paragraph here outta do it. I've taken most tabs and also added some CAPS stuff to get through the Filter.

      Has anyone heard of a better way for this one yet. Someone told me they had it smaller but they wouldn't show me how. Maybe if you can use some of the characters in the string as instructions then maybe it's possible to get some of it done that way. The only real problem is jumping into memory takes space too and doesn't save anything if you only execute one instruction.
  • Smallest Possible ELF Executable? []

    The answer was 45 bytes, but probably don't fulfill the criterias set in this challenge.
  • I've managed to tweak a solution down to 99 bytes. Hows that?
    • That sounds about right. You may have the
      optimal solution there, if you disallow schemes
      which algorithmically compress the output string.

      Now that you've done your homework and
      applied all the basic published techniques to
      shrink the straighforward write of static data down
      to it's minimum size, you can start to *think*
      *creatively* and work on dynamically allocating the
      buffer and generating its contents from code in
      fewer than 56 bytes.
  • Solved (Score:1, Funny)

    by Anonymous Coward
    I have just discovered a 35 byte solution.

    Unfortunately, the source is too long to give here.

Hackers are just a migratory lifeform with a tropism for computers.
