Want To Make Video Games? 307
Invader Zim writes "Looks like Levelord, of Ritual fame, and some folks at id, and Ensemble Studios have teamed together with Southern Methodist University to create a new school for people that want to work in the video games industry. It's called the Guildhall. Also a story about it at GameTutorials."
Thank God! (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:Thank God! (Score:5, Insightful)
If they either don't teach or don't require some or most of those "other things", this would turn out to be the MCSE of the game programming world, if it survived at all...
anyone who's even slightly familiar with programming knows that game programming involves math very heavily...
Re:Thank God! (Score:4, Funny)
Re:Thank God! (Score:2, Interesting)
Oh man. I guess you don't want to know that. . . . (Score:2)
Here's your course work for your first sememster as a games programing major:
*English* 101
Physics 101
Calc 101
Intro to Computer Science - which will consist mostly of theory, but don't worry, you'll get to write "Hello World!" in four different languages.
The English programming language (Score:2, Informative)
english? Hmm. Never programmed that language...sounds like some kind of hokey scripting language...is it like Perl?
The English programming language [wikipedia.org], used with the Pick operating system, is more like SQL.
Southern Methodist??? (Score:2, Funny)
Just wandering about the curious choice of school, given the problems we've seen lately with WalMart not carrying theose "ultra violent" games. Free speech and so on.
Re:Southern Methodist??? (Score:5, Insightful)
Nor does a school deciding whats appropriate material for coursework.
Freedom of speech has nothing to do with people listening to you.
Once you graduate you can write whatever game you want, and if retailers dont want to sell it, thats their freedom of choice being excercised. No one persons rights (percieved or real) may infringe on anothers.
Re:Southern Methodist??? (Score:2)
I have to say that when I see any religious University or even religious SOUNDING University on a resume, the red light imediatly goes off for me. I would not risk hireing a person who whould bring their religion to work with them. I've had bad experiences with religious people in the work place in the past. Attending a religious school indicates a possibility that the potential employee is a religious fundamentalist evangelical... ect, ect.
Therefore, when it come to getting a job, any sort of degree from Sounthern Methodist could be as much of a hinderance as it is an asset. Anyone else share my oppinion out there?
Re:Southern Methodist??? (Score:2)
What if Wal-Mart crushed the competition in your small town and now you have no choice but to shop at Wal-Mart?
Re:Southern Methodist??? (Score:3, Funny)
> do our shopping for entertainment products at
> Wal-Mart, I'd agree with you.
Actually, a "you must buy everything at Wal*Mart" addendum was quietly slipped into the homeland security bill at the last moment before it was passed.
Re:Southern Methodist??? (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:Southern Methodist??? (Score:4, Funny)
Re:Southern Methodist??? (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Southern Methodist??? (Score:5, Funny)
Oh, so it's Southern Methodist...
Re:Southern Methodist??? (Score:2)
Re:Southern Methodist??? (Score:2)
SMU (Score:5, Funny)
Had me worried for a second. But a school in Texas would probably be an okay place to learn how to code first person shooters.
I had nightmares about what kind of video games a truly christian university would focus on.
Re:SMU (Score:3, Funny)
Re:SMU (Score:2)
Re:SMU (Score:2)
Ehm, rather messy scenes come to my mind associating 'Death Penalty' and football...
I guess it would become a rather 'bloody' kind of game. Well perhaps more mess in the arena means less mess in the stadium and on the streets, who will say? I'm not sure yet however, thinking of our Roman ancestors...
Re:SMU (Score:3, Funny)
Yeah, the possibility of games where your character is rewarded for something other than stealing, killing, or picking up prostitutes...that terrifies me too...
Re:SMU (Score:2)
If you want the Christian hang-ups, you'll have to travel a few hours south to Baylor [baylor.edu]. One of the worst Nintendo games of all time [seanbaby.com] was probably conceived by some righteous Baptist from Waco, Texas.
Re:SMU (Score:2)
I suppose I shouldn't be surprised, after all christianity has a poor track record when it comes to tolerance of non-conformist opinion, but still, I think you actually manage to cast your fellows in an even worse light than they necessarily deserve.
Well done.
Don't do it! (Score:4, Insightful)
Besides, do you really think a Methodist church is going to teach you how to create First Person Shooters?!
Re:Don't do it! (Score:2)
in Texas? yes.
joking aside, I know Priests that play FPS, and DnD for that matter.
Re:Don't do it! (Score:5, Funny)
Other than a few graphics. . . (Score:2)
None that I can see.
There's a way around nearly every idiotic bias,at least for those with the intelligence to be game designers in the first place.
Re:Don't do it! (Score:2)
Why would that make it more difficult?
I *almost* went into programming but decided to go into 3D art instead. Boy am I glad I did. As an artist your calling card is the animation/artwork you do. I have no idea how I'd distinguish myself as a programmer.
Re:Don't do it! (Score:2, Insightful)
my school (Score:3, Interesting)
cogswell.edu [cogswell.edu] for those interested
Re:my school (Score:2)
The Guildhall? (Score:3, Troll)
Seriously, they should probably be going out of their way to appeal to creative non-geeks, artists and writers who can come up with new ideas and revitalize the stagnant game market. Sure, you can always eke out a few dollars from the latest boring iteration of a proven formula, Grand Theft Auto 7 or Warcraft VI. What the industry needs is fresh ideas from different sorts of people.
The very problem with the foundering game industry is that it's run by, well, let's just say the people who were picked last in kickball. Games appeal to the most antisocial element of society, because that's all their creators know. I guess it's too optimistic of me to ask this of the founders of this school...they're probably geeks themselves, with not a creative bone in their bodies.
Re:The Guildhall? (Score:2)
really don't want people in the game industry if they don't understand the industry, or clients.
the problems you point out are not the the people who do the work, but with the producers who want to churn out 'proven hits'.
Re:The Guildhall? (Score:2)
Where did you get this idea that geeks are not creative? I'm confused.
Re:The Guildhall? (Score:2)
You need to be a motivational speaker. I was feeling all down because I only have my HS diploma, and what I've taught myself. But I'm unfortunately not a programmer like I would like to be. :(
And you come along and remind me that I can do so many MORE things better than most of the people in the gaming industry. Hell, I can run down the block with my nine year old and not keel over with cramps! (Oh, and I've actually had sex to produce my 3.3 children :P)
Re:The Guildhall? (Score:2)
At least they're not going by goofy nicknames...oh, wait...
Re:The Guildhall? (Score:5, Insightful)
Ideas are cheap. Go to any game developer, be they an artist, programmer, level designer, or whatever, and you'll find dozens of interesting ideas for games.
There are two problems. 1) Creative doesn't mean good. An idea may just be stupid. A creative idea might even be interesting and exciting, but not actually produce something fun to play (like the inspired but unplayable Black and White). 2) The business types are cowards. Generic Fighting Game XXVII is seen as safe. It doesn't matter that there are (even after filtering out the bad ideas), many, many creative ideas available to them, they're only interested in low risk projects. It's harsh, but it's also their money.
All that said, while yes the industry is awash in clones and knock-offs, there is always some genuine innovation going on. In the last year for the PS/2 we've seen imaginative titles like Sly Cooper [techtv.com], Kingdom Hearts [techtv.com], and Rez [techtv.com] . On other systems we saw Animal Crossing [techtv.com], Freedom Force [techtv.com], Morrowind [techtv.com], and Mafia [techtv.com] . Head back a little further and you have brilliant titles like Ico [techtv.com], Jet Grind Radio [ign.com], or Pikmin [nintendo.com] . Yes, Grant Theft Auto: Vice City and Warcraft III are both derivative, but they're sequels to cutting edge games that changed expectations. Grand Theft Auto III redefined open ended game play and believable worlds. Warcraft effectively popularized real-time strategy games. Perhaps they're derivative, but they're fundamentally good games which have been continually refined and improved. Why pick on them if they shipping games that are genuinely fun? Instead, complain about Generic Real-Time Strategy II, Racing Game Number 8576, or Street Soul Mortal Ultimate Fighter Extreme Blade Combat IV.
Attracting the best of the best (Score:4, Interesting)
It's ironic that this happens and yet it's considered a poor-man's profession. Programmers in this field are generally poorly treated, with poor contracts, little chance of advancement, and little cross-skillification that would allow a programmer to move into a more respected arena. This is, in part, because it's an entertainment area, and in part because for every superskilled programmer who is able to push the arena into a new paradigm, there must be a hundred who can barely put together a bunch of assembler instructions to copy memory from one place to another without it taking five times as long as it ought to, and containing bugs.
This quagmire of the more innovative area of programming being hampered by a low perception of the people involved and the skills they bring to the table will not disappear by itself. Unless people are prepared to actually act, not just talk about it on Slashdot, nothing will ever get done. Apathy is not an option.
You can help by getting off your rear and writing to your congressman [house.gov] or senator [senate.gov]. Tell them you value programmers who have the imagination and skills to create entirely new technologies for the manipulation of complex graphics, and who have the cut needed to understand the essentials of good game play. Tell them that you appreciate the work being done to create wonderful new games but that if good programmers are put off by poor working conditions and salaries, you will be forced to use less and less secure and intelligently designed alternatives. Let them know that SMP may make or break whether you can efficiently deploy OpenBSD on your workstations and servers. Explain the concerns you have about freedom, openness, and choice, and how poor working conditions detering the best of the best harms all three. Let them know that this is an issue that effects YOU directly, that YOU vote, and that your vote will be influenced, indeed dependent, on their policies on elite computer game programmers.
You CAN make a difference. Don't treat voting as a right, treat it as a duty. Keep informed, keep your political representatives informed on how you feel. And, most importantly of all, vote.
Re:Attracting the best of the best (Score:4, Insightful)
That is because most of the word still hears when you say "game programer" is really "I play games for a living".
At some point in time this will change but not in the near future.
I wish them good luck, and I would love to "play games for living".
Re:Attracting the best of the best (Score:2, Insightful)
This is not my perception of the gaming industry. I think there are far more programmers who want to work in game programming than there are jobs available. Especially the big names (Blizzard, id, etc.) can afford to be extremely selective, taking the cream of the crop of programmers. I seriously doubt that the insurance industry inspires the same response.
Also consider that of all programmers, probably 0.001% work on video games, and the rest work in run-of-the-mill transaction-based business systems, embedded systems, etc.
Any game programmers out there who can back me up on the relative difficulty of finding work in this area?
Re:Attracting the best of the best (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:Attracting the best of the best (Score:2)
What's the alternative to letting your legislators know what concerns you? Letter bomb attack? Going postal? Clearly, ensuring your democratically elected representatives are aware of your concerns is the more reasonable and peaceful of the available solutions. We support a democracy for a reason, because it is right that peaceful solutions be found for all solvable problems, and that people obey the rigid rules of society for the sake of one another. Peaceful co-existance can only be achieved through reason, through peaceful liberation and open debate.
At the end of the day, what your senator or representative chooses to do to resolve this particular issue will be based on the facts, based on hearing all points of view and based on the essential values of fairness and decency. It may be that legislation is required, it may be that existing regulations can solve the issue. It may be that deals can be struck, or that the industry can be made more attractive so that more companies want to join in. It may even be that the best solution is for an elected representative of the people to meet and sit down with the managers of the computer game industry, and, in the civilized atmosphere of the tea room or coffee shop, reason with them.
Surely that's better than resorting to terrorist solutions?
Indeed, and an excellent example of why. . . (Score:2)
There's no way to even tell it's a troll until you're most of the way through it.
A brilliant piece of work.
Southern Methodist University ? (Score:2)
Man Gets 70mpg in Homemade Car-Made from a Mainframe Computer [xnewswire.com]
Already another program in the area (Score:5, Informative)
It's called the "LARC", for "Laboratory for Recreational Computing", and was started in 1993. Check it out here [unt.edu].
The lab is run by a professor (Ian Parberry) who has published a few books on game programming.
Nice idea ... but ... (Score:5, Insightful)
< Venting >
Thats great that they're going to share some of their "trade secrets", but it won't do anyone any good if they can't land a job!!
So basically, they're going to help flood the programming world with young, ambitious "game" programmers that won't know how to or want to do anything but make video games
This will lead to flooding the market (even worse than it already is) with badly designed games that have a couple of pieces of eye candy
Actually, I wonder how many apps Blizzard just got for their Unix sysadmin position
The biggest problem will be the number of lives a school like this will ruin
Trust me
(btw: our games don't make money
Who cares? Do it the id way. (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Nice idea ... but ... (Score:2)
This is especially true in the games programming industry in Dallas ironically enough. I know a guy (not well) who after looking for over a year for a job has settled with volunteering his time on a project to at least keep the resume up and running. He even sounds competent. Icky, icky icky....
Re:Nice idea ... but ... (Score:2, Funny)
They forgot to mention... (Score:2, Troll)
I guess that isn't important to the typical geek however since the closest most have come to a girl is chatting on AOL with some guy pretending to be a 13 year old girl.
Re:They forgot to mention... (Score:2, Troll)
and thats not saying much...
Over-rated (Score:3, Insightful)
The pay is crap too.
Fine Print (Score:5, Funny)
With Romero on the staff you might see admissions by 2007 ;-)
18 months... (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:18 months... (Score:2)
When did a degree, let alone something like this 18 month "expanded seminar" ever come with a job?
If you're looking for that kind of hand-out, may I suggest that call the phone number that bald dude gives in the late-night ads for the school that trains air conditioning repairmen. I believe he guarantees you can keep the tool belt they give you.
It's the only education of which I am aware that comes with any guarantee, beyond you're getting out of it some measure of what you put in.
geez... kids today...
I would steer clear (Score:5, Insightful)
I have just applied to universities here in the UK, and I looked at the few computer game design courses available.
Most of them are very poor, they have low enterance requirements (someone at my college got in without even a maths A level!), and aren't run by any of the good universities (imagine Oxford doing a BA in computer game design - hardly).
I've opted to do a generic as possible degree, a masters in computer science, at a good, respected university (either Oriel college Oxford, Durham or Bristol).
I can't imagine why anyone would want to do one of these fashionable degrees like "wireless computing", "internet technology" or the computer games ones. People who want to do game design should study maths, physics or pure computer science.
Think of it like this, how many really good directors or actors went to one of these film schools one sees advertised in the back of film mags? Probably not many.
Re:I would steer clear (Score:3, Informative)
Do yourself a favor and major in Mathematics. It will help you tremendously.
Re:I would steer clear (Score:2)
There's partly an advertising issue - unless you run a degree titled "Computer Game Design" or "Wireless Computing", people may not realise that that sort of topic is offered as an option in the "Computer Science" degree. They'll think it just covers the 'dull' subjects (from their point of view) and won't want to go to your university.
But yes, a generic degree in Maths or Comp. Sci. will certainly make you more employable, and will in many cases be more useful.
Re:I would steer clear (Score:2)
not my experience... (Score:2, Insightful)
Most of the courses are at Ex-polytechnics, with the low requirements that go with them, however on the most part the are excellent courses that do well to teach generic work as well straight games applications.
Case in point being my current favourite: Hull
An old style university doing Computer Science With Games Development
Entry requirement being BCC
Don't confuse low entry with bad courses, they dont' always go together, I have been to Oxford on the open days (i'm predicted AABA for A level) I'd have to say their courses are great theoretical courses, but seem to be incredibly low on practical applications.
Just my views though YMMV
Re:I would steer clear (Score:3, Insightful)
You are completely right. For example, the broad-based education that I received at ITT Technical Institute has given me the confidence necessary to become the director of MIS at a Fortune 500 firm.
(Sorry, that won't be funny to foreigners.)
Re:I would steer clear (Score:3, Informative)
I think the assumption that many have made here, that this is a degree program, is false. It's a certification and a set of courses for learning and professional development. The tracks all require that you submit prior art and samples before being admitted. I would say that this is more for people with time and money to burn that also want a good structured program for game development/design. These students will also need some sort of background in their respective fields (if not a little game programming as well) in order to get in and succeed. Definitely not for your average high school/college dropout that plays Everquest 23 hours a day and thinks that he could make a better game by taking some classes from John Romero and Tom Hall.
You know it's a good college when... (Score:2, Interesting)
" Tuition for the first term includes a fully loaded computer specially configured for digital game development."
After further review, it appears that this is _quarterly_ rates. (6 term, 18 month program.)
wow (Score:3, Funny)
H ollywood
I s
O ut
O f
I deas
S o
W e
N eed
U niversity.
Yeah, I got nothin'.
Cogswell (Score:5, Informative)
The school also has a Game Development Club where many students get together and develop games each semester in the same process that most game companies do. Check out their website: http://www.fuzzywoto.org/
(it'll soon be changing to www.gameclubworldwide.com)
Re:Cogswell (Score:2)
The problem is... (Score:3, Interesting)
Video game colleges are not the only path (Score:2)
Video games are becoming more "academic" as they become more complex, and games these days are a catalyst for continued innovation in areas such as graphics, AI, and physics simulation. Therefore, the intersection between video games and academia in general is growing all the more.
A traditional computer science/fine arts/film/music/etc. education to get the foundations of your chosen trade, be it programmer, artist, musician, etc. will serve you well compared to schools that just inject you with the latest "buzzwords" and techniques which will soon become obsolete as soon as the next big programming language/3D package/etc come out -- those schools to game industry what certifications like "MSCE" or "CNE" is to the IT industry: you can use your skills but don't expect them to last without additional training.
I am not criticizing gaming school as I am indeed aware that some of them do indeed have highly regarded programs that focus on the development of general technical and thinking skills, but do not think you MUST go to a "gaming" school to work in this industry, and if you choose to go that route, evaluate what they teach you very carefully.
Re:Video game colleges are not the only path (Score:2)
Hmmm (Score:2)
Re:Hmmm (Score:3, Insightful)
Robin and Rand Miller (Myst) didn't have a comp-sci background. Nor did Roberta Williams (King's Quest). And Moru Iwatani (Pac-Man) was a graphic designer! Some of the best computer games in history came from non Comp-sci, non-engineers.
Linear algebra only become hot in computer games in the past decade, with the 3D glut. Q3 is fancy, but boring and one dimensional, same with Wolfenstein to some extent
A good game starts with a vision, not physics and math. Most of these computer games classes are teaching design skills so that game content gets better.
Just because you have a PhD in physics and compsci doesn't mean you will make the world's best game.
It's like classical musicians: they master their instrument, but hardly any of them [can] actually compose!
Romero Teaching: Repeat Story, Repeat Commentary (Score:2)
The first such school of its kind (Score:3, Informative)
All that for just 40K+ (Score:3, Insightful)
Hmmm... that would make the computer worth about $2.00 by the time you graduate (which you can tack onto the $1.00 your degree will be worth).
What ever happened to the old way of learning how to code (be it for gaming or any other software centric industry)? Go to a normal university and study CS.
Re:All that for just 40K+ (Score:2)
They can't even program their own website (Score:2)
Anyway, there is no DOCTYPE in the page, sending the browser (Phoenix/Moz/Gecko based) into quirks mode, and the navigation is just a pain in the ass. It's a challenge of can I move my mouse fast enough over the other layers before the disappear or if I can move to the 2nd/3rd links before the sub-nav layer appears on top of the primary nav.
I'm glad they have this, and I think it is good, especially when being driven by these companies, but they should be able to present themselves too. After all, will you send your kid to a school that can't even present themselves? You are paying a lot of money...
Damn, same ole crap (Score:2, Insightful)
Weed out the weak, fight to the death, king of the mountain, competitive CRAP!! While this is the world of many games, this is totally inappropriate in education. Education should never be a boot camp. Damn competition! Let it be about teaching and nurturing, guiding, and learning for Christ's sake! And this is supposely a Christian college????
SMU? WTF? also the site doesn't work.... (Score:2, Funny)
SMU: So what is the name of your project you are working on?
Student: Well I'm thinking of making an add-on to "Omnikron"
SMU: Oh and what do you do in this game?
Student: Well the game originally dealt with you transfering your soul into a character in another world through your game but you end up losing it to this demon and....
SMU: Excuse me but I don't think that would be a suitable game for our viewers!
Student: But i'm going to make it so Jesus saves you from hell
SMU: Oh, well in that case you get an A
*on a side note - the site wouldn't work on my Mac (as in I kept getting errors when trying to click on the links) - but on my PC it worked fine - nice going SMU!
Uhhhh (Score:2, Insightful)
And, moving on, I teach myself lots of things in the programming field. I resent the idea that people somehow think I'm "dumb and don't understand the real world" because I'm smart enough to realize that guidance in learning is a good thing. It seems to be a fairly common opinion on Slashdot that kids in college are mechanical robots who can only do what teacher's taught them. I don't confuse this with knowing everything - but I have confidence that I'm smart enough to learn.
Don't waste your money (Score:5, Insightful)
Look at the cost.
For a time commitment of 18 months, you will find yourself $37,000 in the debt. After which time you will hold a 'certificate' that only qualifies you to work in a single industry. Since this is not a degree, but merely a certificate (what is a MSCE certificate worth?), you won't have much to fall back on if the game career doesn't work out.
Look at what you get.
You get a 'fully loaded computer' for an extra fee of $5000. A great deal of the cost is probably software, but you can build a phenominal computer for less that $2000, and since they are probably getting the software at educational discounts, even if they are installing SoftImage, Maya, 3DSMax, Photoshop, and Lightwave for artists. The software required for programmers is probably less. A copy of Visual Studio for Windows since they will probably teach game programming for DirectX. As a student at about any university, you could get the stuff for less.
Who is doing the teaching?
It is not really clear, but from the endorsements of the industry leaders who say such things as " I can't wait to teach at The Guildhall", it seems to infer that the people listed on the sight might be doing the teaching. If this is the case, then consider
John Romero - did level design at id and thought he was God. Part of the braintrust at ION Storm (along with Todd Porter and Tom Hall ) that blew through over $30 million of Eidos' money with only Daikatana and Anachronox to show for it. Not the model of success that you want to emulate.
Kill Creek - aka Stevie Case. Claim to fame was beating John Romero in Quake, getting the opportunity to yell "Suck it down, bitch" back to John Romero, posing nude for Playboy, and marrying John Romero.
Tom Hall - okay, Tom has a decent rap sheet with Anachronox, Rise of the Triad, Terminal Velocity and a lot of earlier stuff that was very pretty good at the time.
What does this certificate qualify you for?
Working in the game industry, which by the way, pays very poorly. Game companies staff the production teams with one or two senior members who actually earn a real salary, and then staff the rest with kids fresh out of school who will work the typical 70 hour weeks for peanuts and not complain because the job is cool. While this is exceptional fun while you are young, if you ever decide to settle down, get married, have kids or buy a house, you will find yourself looking in a different industry for work. However, game programming skills, if you have a rock solid education and phenominal math and programming skills, can get you hired writing simulators for military contractors. Trust me, though, you won't be learning what you need for these types of jobs in 18 months.
If you decide to leave the gaming industry, you won't be qualified to work in any other field. This game programming certificate is probably even worse than the Devry/ITT schools that convince people that they will make lots of money with a two year tech degree.
My personal experience is that most of the programmers who do well in the gaming industry have degrees in Computer Science with a strong math and physics background, or a physics degree with a strong programming and math background. You can't really try to shortcut the process down to 18 months and expect to have the qualifications that employers are looking for.
My own $0.02 so you don't waste $37,000.
Re:Good idea (Score:5, Funny)
course testing only pays $8/hr. to start, but right now, they're giving him 80+ hours a week, so i think he's happy with em.
80 hours of games a week, that would be a light week for an evercrack head, right?
actually that could be a hell job (Score:2)
Re:Good idea (Score:5, Informative)
Re:Good idea (Score:3, Funny)
I remember one guy saying that he had to test every single play in a football game to make sure that it's consistent with what the interface shows you. Can you imagine that? It'd be as tedious as spell checking a
Re:Good idea (Score:4, Informative)
You should see 'test sheets' at some places, detailing the scene and goal of the scene, and listing all the different posibilities, and a checklist that the tester has done all of them. It feels like this:
Game testing has about zero appeal. Most people think "that would be fun" because they are ignorant. They see the final product and think it's easy. That just means the creators did good work.
Game programming is similar. The hours are crazy, the pay is low, expectations are high, deadlines are tight, specs keep changing, and the stress is insane. Sure there are a few (as in not very many, as in you won't ever get one) game jobs that don't have the problems, but it isn't the common case.
I would LOVE to see everyone who wants to program games actually be forced into the game market for one year. After the year, there would be enough decrease in demand that salaries might go up to a reasonable level with a corresponding drop in stresses.
Re:Good idea (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:Good idea (Score:2, Funny)
So it's like Everquest?
Game tester personal account (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Good idea (Score:2)
Re:Good idea (Score:2)
A nice article on what its really like to be a game tester. [penny-arcade.com]
Re:Nintendo? (Score:2, Informative)
Re:Nintendo? (Score:5, Funny)
Re:If ... (Score:2)
Re:Sociology, folkdancing, and now this (Score:2, Insightful)
I hate to point out the obvious, but that's kinda how things are as we speak.
Re:Whoa they want you to have Experience already? (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:Whoa they want you to have Experience already? (Score:2, Interesting)
It's a logical progression that after you've written a few games yourself, you'd join a free game project or start your own. Then you're on your way. If you've already done some college (like they're requiring) then you should know how to lay out a project correctly.
I suppose you'd get some industry contacts, a skookum computer, and some friends doing the same thing as you. You'd also have the free time to actually concentrate on your gaming skills (instead of having some pesky job in the way). And okay, you get a nice certificate..
Okay, it sounds like it might actually be useful..
Re:Life is like Evercrack. (Score:2)
No, but every other fantasy writer that's published in 2003 will.
Re:math (Score:4, Interesting)
you know.. I wanter to rate it +1, the truth, but it's not listed so here's my tale:
Get as much math and physics down as you can, because if ANYTHING matters, it's that. These days everybody can fire up a direct9 wiz to create 'a game', spinning some polygons and acting on some input, but networking, math, physics, and platform experience are the things that count.. and you can only dream to get the last one if you can conveince people with the first ones..
Of course, a healthy appetite for working, clean, fast, interesting, pretty, funny and playfull code should not miss the list, but the main thing is to get as much understanding of all things math and physics, because basicly it's your ticket into the metal. Once you're there, you're 'in'.
Re:math (Score:2)