Decrypting the Secret to Strong Security 288
farrellj writes "Cnet has an excellent article by Whitfield Diffie, who has probably has forgotten more about crypto than 99.9% of us will ever know, explains why secrecy does not equal security. The article also addresses the whole "open source vs proprietary software" security issue. A definite *must read* for anyone concerned about security...and that should be everyone!"
Accuracy (Score:2, Funny)
What's the margin of error on that figure?
Re:Accuracy (Score:2)
>What's the margin of error on that figure?
How about (-0.0,+0.1)?
Re:Accuracy (Score:4, Funny)
Re:Accuracy (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Accuracy (Score:5, Insightful)
Anything that helps convince my crypto-less clients to use GnuPG [gnupg.org] is very, very helpful.
Re:Accuracy (Score:2)
> What's the margin of error on that figure?
I'm more intrigued by the obviously new tense introduced in that sentence. Its expressive possibilities are quite are staggering.
FP! ...anyway... (Score:4, Informative)
For an excellent treatment of this important point, that secrecy != security, read Bruce Schneier's "Secrets and Lies: Digital Security in a Networked World".
It's the best book on the topic available.
Re:FP! ...anyway... (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:FP! ...anyway... (Score:3, Funny)
And he would tell us all about it if he had a mouth [com.com]
Re:FP! ...anyway... (Score:2)
Re:FP! ...anyway... (Score:3, Insightful)
In discussing these things in a non-technical manner, Schneier gets you (as a developer) to stop thinking about which trendy algorithm or PKI you're going to tack on to your product to call it secure, and start thinking about the security of the system itself. So you use cryptography; so what? What's the point in encrypting your data if you don't also ensure its authenticity and origin? You're using PKI to secure communications; so what? Are you also ensuring the security and integrity of the keys' local storage? Security is a process, not a product, and the biggest problem with purely technical books on cryptography or security (they're not the same thing) is that they give the impression that you can sprinkle their code samples throughout your project and have it be magically secure.
It's a bit like me reading a book on security and declaring myself an expert because I read a book on security. Knowledge != understanding.
Re:FP! ...anyway... (Score:4, Informative)
It's the best book on the topic available.
Actually, I beg to differ. Security Engineering by Dr Ross Anderson is IMHO a far more rigorous treatment of this subject. Details are here [cam.ac.uk]. It's even just as easy to read as Schneiers book...Of course, Bruce is a far better at self marketting.
I am looking forward to getting Schneiers new Practical Cryptography book though (here [wiley.com]).
Easy Secure Encryption (Score:4, Funny)
Re:Easy Secure Encryption (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Easy Secure Encryption (Score:3, Funny)
I always use primes... everyone in crytology knows you need to use primes. So, you have to use two primes, like rot13 it 5 times, then 3 times. How do you think its going to work without using primes?
Another way to secure your data is to use rot(prime). I also found that you can rot3 and then rot23 it, or even rot7 and rot19.
Luckly I didn't do that to this post or else it might have been impossible to ever read.
Re:Easy Secure Encryption (Score:2, Funny)
Security (Score:3, Insightful)
To me, that says that making sure the programs used for a company's network security or documents or whatever actually work and protect the network. Too bad it seems that a lot of companies lack the protection that is supposed to be a "natural function" of the company's network/data security personnel.
He's right, you know (Score:5, Funny)
Re:He's right, you know (Score:3)
Re:He's right, you know (Score:2, Funny)
Re:He's right, you know (Score:2, Funny)
Re:He's right, you know (Score:2)
I wouldn't even think about bribing a rottweiler with a steak that didn't weigh more than I do.
Obligatory Simpsons Reference (Score:2)
Re:He's right, you know (Score:4, Funny)
I have a couple of rottweilers and make no secret of it. Wanna try some social engineering on them?
No problem. For my demonstration, I will require a large explosive robot dressed in a female rottweiler suit.
Secrecy DOES equal Security (Score:2, Funny)
Re:Secrecy DOES equal Security (Score:3, Funny)
So that must mean that most slashdotters are the most secure people on the planet.
Re:Secrecy DOES equal Security (Score:3, Funny)
Then what the hell was it that put a gold band on my ring finger??? Now I'm scared to go home, thanks alot.
random eyes (Score:5, Insightful)
OSS does need proper audit and change tracking.
I've looked thorough quite a bit of OSS, and I've fixed a few bugs,
But apart from a patch there's no real way to track what code I thought needed atention, what was good and what was a mess.
Patches are good for tracking maturity/stability if used well, a section of the code that hasn't been patched for a while is either very stable or needs looking at.
Re:random eyes (Score:2)
Re:random eyes (Score:2)
Well that's a political issue, not a technical issue, and therefore would apply no matter what tools you use.
Then again... (Score:4, Interesting)
Yet asymmetric crypto (which I believe was publicised by Diffie and Helman (sp?) first) relies on one secret (the private key) being kept very very securely. Not only that, but if asymmetric crypto is to be any use, the secret should be kept for a fairly long time, as long as a signature needs to be valid. If you're going to use asymmetric crypto for legal purposes, to sign stuff, for instance, then the secret cannot be easily changed (unless there's some sort of central repository of keys that actually authenticates you properly when you ask to change your key, but even that is a bit dodgy).
Is it just me or does Diffie's statement, in a generalised form, kind of nullify the usefulness of asymmetric crypto? Or maybe I've missed the point...
Re:Then again... (Score:3, Informative)
Everybody can know the RSA algorithm, it's no secret. If everybody knows the code then the "good guys" and the "bad guys" can look at it. So, if in all this years nobody from the "good guys" found a flaw in it, it means that almost by sure it is safe.
Now image a crypto algorithm that is kept secrept. There are less eyes looking at it. The "good guys" don't waste much time reverse-engineering it, but the "bad guys" do. So the probability of a "bad guy" finding a flaw before the "good guys" is much bigger.
The secret is in the key, not the algorithm. Keys are easially changed, algorithms no
Re:Then again... (Score:3, Interesting)
Yes, and this is true.
asymmetric crypto (which I believe was publicised by Diffie and Helman (sp?) first) relies on one secret (the private key) being kept very very securely.
And this has what to do with the above statement?
You said it yourself: the private key being secret.
In any properly designed system, the key will be easy to change.
If you design (or use) a system, and can't change the key easily, then yes, it's a vulnerability.
Solution? make the keys easy to change.
does Diffie's statement, in a generalised form, kind of nullify the usefulness of asymmetric crypto?
No. Not Unless you use asymmetric crypto improperly.
Re:Then again... (Score:5, Informative)
I don't think it's quite that bad. Imagine you are maintaining a repository of signed documents (eg security patches for an OS). You sign these with a private key and make sur ethe public key is widely advertised, so people can check that your documents have not been compromised.
Now, assume your private key is compromised. This is bad but not the end of civilisation as we know it. You can make sure the world knows not to trust that key, at which point is as if your repository had never existed, and you are starting from scratch. You would need to get your documents back from a trusted archive (you did take backups didn't you:-)), and sign them with a new key pair. You are back in busines as soon as the new public key had been recieved and verified by enough trustworthy people.
So, loss of the secret is a big pain in the arse, but not disasterous. Just how painful it is depends on how well you have planned, eg having that trusted archive, having channels to quickly disavow your compromised key and the network of widely trusted people who know how to check that your new key really came from you.
in a legally signed document scenario, you might arange for an electronic notary to annotate your document with the date you signed it and then sign the annoted document. Then people could tell whether the document was signed before your key was compromised, and a fraudster needs to get at both your secret and that of the notary.
Re:Then again... (Score:2)
All your secrets are belong to us (Score:2)
If your secret (private key) becomes known, sure you now have the cost of creating a new key, revoking your old key, and making sure the trusted depository has both. Also, this does not eliminate some risks in others having trusted documents signed with your old key by your nemesis during the interim (or by those who fail to verify the key has not been revoked). But this cost is nowhere near the cost of designing a replacement algorithm were it the case we were using one which depended on secrecy to avoid being compromized. Not only would there be that cost of redesigning, but also the cost of having no reliable system in the interim. Instead, just one entity (you, if your secret key gets out) incurs the costs. This is also why keys should come with a set expiration date, so that those who trust them won't extend their trust too far.
It's 2003. Have you changed all your passwords, yet? Have you created new SSH keys and removed all trust of the old ones?
Re:Then again... (Score:2)
And, if the situations you listed are accurate, and those secrets really are hard to change, then yes, I think Mr. Diffie would agree with you that those systems are vulnerable.
Shared Secret (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Then again... (Score:3, Informative)
Diffie-Hellman key exchange relies on two secrets between the two people who are communicating (or three for three people, and so on), and these secrets are nothing but large, random integers. Since these integers don't have to have any specific properties (such as the key pairs in RSA) they can be thrown away at the end of the session, changed every hour, and so on. In the context of cryptographic algorithms, Diffie's statement is backed up by his inventions.
See: http://www.apocalypse.org/pub/u/seven/diffie.html
Ancient Knowledge... (Score:5, Insightful)
But, nontheless, it's silly that people don't know this inherently. A secure system is only as secure as its weakest point. If that point is compromised and cannot be easily fixed and/or repaired. It's useless.
Depending on the secrecy of the code or "Security through Obscurity" is useless. Anyone who tells you otherwise is a quack or is trying to sell you something and doesn't want to do all the work necessary to do the proper job.
If you want a secure system, you have to instantly assume that the system, code, and key will eventually be completely compromised, and then you can begin to think about. Now, if any of these were compromised, how can I fix the problem. The current solution is to reset the keys, and using modern mathematics (most of which was developed by Dif) You can do this securely.
Now, the only problem that remains with modern cryptography, is if the factoring problem is solved _and_ the elliptic curve problem is solved efficiently, then modern crypto becomes useless, and we are back to square one.
Albeit, Quantum Cryptography has some potential as it provides a mathematically verifiable form of perfect cryptography, since it is one time pads. It just currently cannot be done over long enough distances to be completely effective. When the technical/engineering details are solved for QC, then crypto is guaranteed secure. Assuming no one compromises your system directly (Human Error).
Dependence on Security through Obscurity is bad, incredibly bad, and I hope anyone programming security software out there will realize that, and begin to use proper cryptographic techniques.
** I am going to write a couple of journal articles soon reviewing the various techniques for those who are interested. **
Re:Ancient Knowledge... (Score:3, Informative)
Quantum cryptography solves one specific problem: to share (or, strictly speaking, expand) a secret over a distance. This secret can be a one-time pad.
However, sharing a secret over a distance is just one building block of a cryptosystem. There are many others it doesn't help with, e.g. sharing an initial key, or digital signatures.
Re:Ancient Knowledge... (Score:2)
I thought it was the discrete logarithm problem?
Re:Ancient Knowledge... (Score:3, Informative)
The discrete logarithm problem is related to the diffie-hellman key exchange.
Almost all of these problems though reduce to a simple NP problem, in which case, if one is possible to do efficiently, they'll all be likely solved.
Re:Ancient Knowledge... (Score:3, Informative)
If you want a secure system, you have to instantly assume that the system, code, and key will eventually be completely compromised, and then you can begin to think about.
Yes and no.
Kerck hoff's Law is certainly the starting point, and extending that to consider the system's reaction to key compromise is an essential step, but in the real world things are... messier.
In some cases, for example, it is impossible (or at least not cost-effective) to correct the security defects in a deployed system, and in these cases obscurity is a good choice.
For example: Consider a smart card system used for reloadable electronic cash transactions. There may be many millions of cards in circulation, and the security of the system as a whole relies to some extent on the ability of each card to keep its keys secret and to perform its operations correctly. Now suppose that the software on this smart card chip contains a defect which will permit an attacker to violate these security assumptions.
Is it better, for security, to publish the source code or to keep it secret? I maintain that it's better, under real-world assumptions, to keep it secret. Why?
First, recognize that publishing the code makes it *more* likely that the defect will be discovered. An attacker has a steep uphill climb to discover a defect in this particular code, since he first has to peel apart layers of metal cladding and silicon to get to the ROM to read the object code out of the transistors (and it's designed to make this as difficult as possible) before he can even begin to analyze it. Black box bug-hunting is extremely difficult as well, since the software is paranoid and a few failed transactions will cause it to refuse to operate any more. Keeping the code secret prevents all but the most determined attackers from even looking for holes, much less finding them.
Second, keep in mind that if a defect is discovered, "fixing" the hole is a very, very expensive proposition. All of those millions of cards must be replaced. If the source is open, the fact that "white hats" have discovered the defect means that it must be assumed that "black hats" have as well. If the source is carefully protected, the fact that finding defects is so much easier for the good guys makes it reasonable in many cases to assume that the bad guys probably have not.
Third, the fact is that any secure system design worth its salt does *not* under any circumstances place 100% of its faith in the technology. Monitoring the operation of the system and looking for indicators of potential breaks is essential. In the real world, a broken system can often continue to function just fine as long as those who successfully break it can be tracked down and thrown in prison. In fact, *most* of our real-world "security" relies on this notion of detection and deterrence rather than prevention.
Combine these facts together, and you can see that in this situation it makes more sense to: keep the code and any discovered defects secret (from the world, not from the system operator!); replace the defective devices in a slow, cost-effective trickle; monitor the level of abuse; track down the abusers; and, of course, be ready to shut the whole thing down if the level of abuse becomes intolerable.
In addition to this, the value of a layer of obscurity on *top* of good security should not be disregarded. This is why, for example, the NSA does not publish the details of the ciphers used to secure US military communications.
The common error, of course, is to believe that obscurity is security. It absolutely is not. But, when you understand that no real-world system will ever be perfectly secure, you quickly see that the job of any secure system designer is simply to place enough obstacles in the path of an attacker to convince him that he should go find an easier target. With that mind-set, it's very clear that obscurity can often be a useful source of additional obstacles, as long as one is careful not to overestimate the difficulty of penetrating them.
The current solution is to reset the keys, and using modern mathematics (most of which was developed by Dif) You can do this securely.
Only if you have a place to securely store the private keys. Ya still gotta have secrets at some point. (No, don't go off about how classic Diffie-Hellman has no private keys; you still need secrets for authentication, otherwise you're vulnerable to a MITM attack).
Well put! (Score:2)
There are just too many ways to reverse engineer something these days
This is why everything should be open source! If everthing is put in plain view (and not protected by rediculous laws and coprights), then people that use crypto programs are more likely to ensure that they are truely secure
If everyone's eyes can see the program, then security can better be kept without an excessive need for an abundense of secrets
Just my $0.02 cents
Hum (Score:2, Interesting)
On the whole, though, apart those 2 arguments, the article seems quite hollow imo, just your usual arguments on both sides... (NOT trying to start a flame war here, just expressing my opinion, to which of course you can disagree ^_-)
'Advocates of proprietary software' (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:'Advocates of proprietary software' (Score:4, Informative)
Then you must not get out much.
Alexis de Tocqueville Institution published a white paper (funded by Microsoft) that argues this very point. Do you consider them "slashdot trolls"?
How about Steve Lipner [landfield.com], manager of Microsoft's security response center? Is he a troll too?
Hmm, ZDNet has [zdnet.co.uk] another (unnamed this time) source from MS, who claims that too. You're saying that MS's spokespeople troll
I've also seen company websites (SoftArc comes immediatly to mind) that stated (in effect) "we don't release source code because it's more secure that way" - sorry, no link for this one, as they've changed their site... but there is a chice quote on their security page [softarc.com], where they explain that their products are more secure because "connections employ entirely proprietary protocols"
The thing is that this FUD is spewed about by people who don't know what they're talking about, and believed by others who haven't thought about it too much. "Security through obscurity" makes an inutitive kind of common sense, unless you think about it for awhile, or are exposed to the flaws (which aren't as intuitive.) It's the same kind of sense that got the DMCA passed.
Mr. Diffie isn't writing for the security community, but for the people outside the security community, who might be led to believe that obscurity does provide security.
IANAL, but... (Score:4, Funny)
Doh! That's obvious - Use the DCMA to sue their butts.
fun until someone gets hurt ... (Score:3, Interesting)
Perhaps its just me, but I'm reading between the lines that the issue really may not be Open Source vs. Commercial -- but who has the most to lose, in both intellectual property and in physical harm due to decryption by nere-do-wells.
I'm also seeing the same message over and over again, with this article, the book review previous [slashdot.org] to this article, and a few other articles [slashdot.org] that indicate that again, it comes down to human factors.
Again, the question becomes, how do we best secure the nut holding the keyboard?
sure, secret != secure, but... (Score:2, Interesting)
Well, it depends on what kind of secret, really (Score:4, Insightful)
while that's true, I'd like to bring up the navajo code-talkers of WWII. it was never broken. the code was a secret even from most navajo. knowing navajo only enabled you to learn the code.
so basically, we had a secret code, based in a difficult language, that was 100% secure. so, really, it's not that relying on a secret is a weak point in cryptography, it's just that it cannot be the sole means of preventing someone from breaking it. combining techniques is usually far better than just using one by itself.
Do not confuse "was never broken" with "100% " (Score:5, Insightful)
The whole enterprise depended on keeping a secret - that the radio traffic was being relayed in Navajo. Had that secret ever been revealed, the code would suddenly become vulnrable.
All it would have taken is one Japanese Navajo speaker - not even a fluent one, just one who could recognise that the language being spoken was Navajo - for the system to have been compromised. For example, an effective battlefield counter-measure would be to seek out and kill anybody with a radio that looked like he might be a Navajo. The code-talkers would have been fiendishly difficult to replace....
Make no doubt about it, that whole programme was a huge gamble, and had the war persisted long enough, it would eventually have been discovered and rendered useless.
Now for another WWII analogy, consider Enigma. One of the keystones behind its use was that it WAS considered secret and unbreakable - and that proved to be gravely mistaken. The problem with secrets is that the attacker is under no compulsion to reveal to you that he has discovered your secret, and if you continue using a system that hinges on a secret being kept secret when in fact it is no longer secret (and that it is no longer secret is a secret from you!) then you do yourself ENORMOUS harm.
So don't do that. Assume that secrets will be discovered, and quickly, and so base no security system around any fact that must be kept secret for a long time.
Re:Do not confuse "was never broken" with "100% " (Score:3, Interesting)
I was going to make the same comment, but since you already did, I'll just comment on your comments. :-)
The whole enterprise depended on keeping a secret - that the radio traffic was being relayed in Navajo. Had that secret ever been revealed, the code would suddenly become vulnrable.
And vulnerable does not necessarily mean breakable. It actually relied on more than one secret - that they spoke Navajo, and that you had to be able to interpret an unknown language.
All it would have taken is one Japanese Navajo speaker - not even a fluent one, just one who could recognise that the language being spoken was Navajo - for the system to have been compromised.
Again, all they would have been able to do was make a little dent in it. Part of the security was there were no other known Navajo speakers outside the continental US. That was a big plus. I think even if there were, they would have been able to break the code after they could make sense of the messages. It was possible, but not very likely. I think that you are right that perhaps eventually it could have been broken. But it was a novel idea that paid off.
For example, an effective battlefield counter-measure would be to seek out and kill anybody with a radio that looked like he might be a Navajo. The code-talkers would have been fiendishly difficult to replace....
Well, duh. Another battlefield counter-measure would have been to seek out and kill all of your enemies. :-)
Re:Do not confuse "was never broken" with "100% " (Score:2)
Poor security is worse than no security at all.
Re:Do not confuse "was never broken" with "100% " (Score:2)
In my post above, I of course meant weak encryption is worse than no encryption at all.
You feel that you're safe, and therefore send information in the false belief that you are.
Re:Do not confuse "was never broken" with "100% " (Score:2)
Its important to remember that this code was used for tatical communications. Even if the code was comprimized, provided it took longer then, say, 2 hours, to decrypt and analize then your still doing OK. In 2 hours youve already made that assult, or repeled the oncoming attack. The alternative would be to talk in the clear, or use another type of encryption that might take 30minutes to get a couple of sentences through.
Durring the fall of the USSR and the coups in the aftermath, the primary intelegence source used by top level US officals was CNN. Offical CIA chanels were to slow, primarly due to encryption. Of course, there wasent realy an enemy to keep the information from in that case....
Re:Well, it depends on what kind of secret, really (Score:3, Insightful)
You're making a common, dangerous error in believing that because a system was not compromised it was secure. It might have been secure as long as you didn't get your hands on a codetalker, but not otherwise. It's only secure if getting one was impossible.
It was clever and effective, but not 100% secure. A good lesson to take from that is that your goal is effective, not 100% secure.
My IP is Do your worst.
Aha! Here is a picture of Anna Kournikova saying "I LOVE YOU". Take a look.
Open Source encryption tools (Score:5, Interesting)
The code included a function specifically for a_times_b_mod_c using arbitrarily large numbers, and we used this function in the interest of speed. Unfortunately, there was a bug which caused the function to return a 0 result a little more often than expected (with C being "almost certainly" prime, it should almost never return a 0).
Fortunately, though, a 0 caused an error, rather than an insecure connection. When we got rid of the special function and instead used the overloaded * and % operators, everything worked fine.
I know there must have been more than a few eyeballs looking at the code in that function -- including mine -- but a potentially devastating bug snuck through. Heck, I didn't have a clue how that code was supposed to work. It was too mathematically complex for me.
The moral of the story? I suppose it's just this: the "many eyeballs" theory quickly breaks down in the face of esoteric algorithms.
Re:Open Source encryption tools (Score:3, Insightful)
But.. but...
You found the bug, and now the world at large knows about it. You are a living example of the "many eyeballs" theory in action. You don't *have* to spot the bug merely by eyeballing the code; witnessing it in the wild counts too.
Re:Open Source encryption tools (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Open Source encryption tools (Score:3, Insightful)
No, the moral of the story is that you found the error and corrected it, thus solving the problem. Could you have fixed it if you didn't have the source?
Programmers and designers make mistakes. Programmers and designers will probably always make mistakes. The real issue is how do you find and fix the errors, whether they are based in the code or the algorithm or in the application logic. If you can't see the source, that's just one more obstacle in the way, one more source of noise to work through.
Wow, I didn't know Jeff K. posted on slashdot.
"forgotten more about crypto than 99.9%" ? (Score:3, Informative)
For those of you who don't know, he's the co-inventor of public-key cryptography. Bow to him, because we're not worthy!
Incongrous Thinking... (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:Incongrous Thinking... (Score:3, Insightful)
What happened instead was, as soon as consumers heard about the vulnerability, they had the option of patching it themselves, namely, going to Tires-R-Us and getting a new set of tires. The argument was not "study => security" but "secrecy != security" and "easy fix => security"
So many bugs (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:So many bugs (Score:4, Funny)
The paradox of security (Score:3, Insightful)
I'm not saying throw the security away, but think about this: trusting on a secret can make you complacent just as Diffie writes. Knowing your code is Open Source and everyone can look at it should help you focus on the real problem, which is that security is a moving target and needs constant evaluation.
car analogy in article (Score:2, Insightful)
I agree with WD's theme, but his defense of Open Source has a weak/irrelevant point.
I think auto-manufacturer responsibility is anchored in legal liability. If the wheels come off, the builder is sued, no matter whether the engineering diagrams are freely available to the car's owner.
Yes, but it doesn't mean someone is. He's arguing in favour of a (legally liable) vendor.
As noted by other posters, the basic arguments have been written in more detail by people like Bruce Schneier -- see his Cryptogram [counterpane.com] newsletters for some well-thought-out writing.
A nice little article, suitable for sharing with less-technical coworkers.
To those who bang on that... (Score:3, Interesting)
Can you explain what a password is if it isn't security through obscurity?
Consider a website that has on the front page a login box with the prompt "Admin Password:".
How is that any more secure than an "security through obscurity" approach, whereby the developer has made himself the following admin URL:
Both the password, and the hidden URL are equally hard to guess. Yet people go on about how security through obscurity is no security.
Is anybody with me on this?
Nope. (Score:5, Interesting)
If you want to be really secure, change your password daily. Or hourly. Or after each transaction.
But once your obfuscated URL is discovered - and discovering it is trivial - then the secret is out, and what little protection it did provide is lost until you can change the obfuscation.
For the best example, see the CSS system used on DVD players. That security system hinged on keeping something secret. Once it was discovered, there was no way to put the cat back in the bag without changing the key on everything that needed to be able to read DVDs - and obviously, the MPAA couldn't do that without rendering all the DVD players out there nonfunctional.
Secrets, as part of a security system, are BAD. They only become acceptable when they can be quickly changed once compromised. If they cannot be changed quickly, they render you more vulnerable than if they were out in the open to begin with.
Re:To those who bang on that... (Score:3, Informative)
Yeah - and just wait until that gets into Google
Wait, that's given me an idea....
Re:To those who bang on that... (Score:5, Interesting)
*sigh* I hear this all the time, and it's fundamentally flawed logic.
Obscurity is keeping something a secret that could be found out by some other means.
A password is a method of authentication - you prove you are authorized to do something because of something you know.
A properly administered password is not obscurity because the only way to get it is for someone who is authorized to tell you explicitly.
A password is *not* obscurity - unless you store your passwords in a publically accessible place, and think that "nobody will think to look there."
How is that any more secure than an "security through obscurity" approach, whereby the developer has made himself the following admin URL:
Both the password, and the hidden URL are equally hard to guess.
And this is the perfect example of what I'm talking about.
They are equally hard to guess, but there is a _huge_ difference between the URL and the password in your example, because the URL can show up in other places (like, say, referrer logs!) if you link to _anything_ in that page that you don't have 100% control over, your URL will leak to the outside world, and your server is compromised.
Or what about a browser cache? Or URL history? Both methods will make your URL "security" method useless.
And what if someone looks over your shoulder at the screen? The URL is printed in plain text right in the browsers address bar.
Re:To those who bang on that... (Score:2)
You can achieve security by using a password that is obscure, if your password is involved in a system of being changed frequently and being complicated enough to serve as a barrier. Just because the adjective 'obscure' is used, does not mean that keeping X private is done through obscurity.
The password is obscure in that with only a handful of characters, in a user / pass PAIR, the obscurity of it (difficulty to brute force) can approach infinity. Which in turn is a secure method of preventing X from being accessed.
If you follow the scope the article is talking about your example of the URL is obscurity, that there is no barrier to accessing X as long as you know in general where the holes are and that the URL exists. Remember any dorko with unsecured IIS could thwart some of the worm scripts just by not using the same path names the worm assumed were in place. (Don't put your idq files in the scripts directory! Duh!) Renaming folders without closing the hole made the obscurity of IIS install unique, only that one server has that pathname used, therefore a worm is ineffective against it. That is obscurity, but is still sure as heck is not secure, as anybody who knows the pathname can get right in.
Though, I think the article missed something by not adding that security can be enhanced by obscurity, and obscurity can be enhanced by security. Using BOTH is the best way to keep the baddies from getting X. That's what the government does, only a few people know (obscure or secret) and those that do have to use security (password, fingerprint or whatever) to access information X.
The problem is, to the uninitiated, obscurity looks like and seems just as good as security After all, who is going to guess that I wrote my PIN number on the other card! Rather than noting that the best way to keep a PIN number secure is to not use birthdates (be obscure) but also memorize it and not write it down (secure).
quite insightful.. (Score:2, Interesting)
The author has rightly pinpointed the pivotal dilemma of quite a many software designers. The problem is more about defining boundaries for modules handling security of the system. Do you integrate it strongly with the rest of the system? That creates a problem if a vulnerability is discovered and you have to invest more time and finances into taking care of all those 'integration points'. Do you design like a true pluggable module and let the system interact with it using few interfaces? That makes your whole system more transparent (some closed-source companies may whine here) and there may be possibilities of someone spoofing this external interface altogether. A balance is definitley required, but surprisingly most software designs seem to miss this point completely.
open versus closed is not as simple (Score:2, Insightful)
But is it?
Can you be sure that each and every code change is reviewed by competent individuals trained and experienced in security and with a comprehensive knowledge of the architectural issues with the work product? By each and every we include device drivers from every source under the sun that are in the kernel and thus have the ability to do good things or ill.
Who maintains the security model, the design documents, the overall architecture? Who argues that this code, while it speeds things up wonderfully, violates architectural principles that are important to the security of the entire system? And who can make the decision stick...that security is more important than functionality or speed.
Yes OSS could be more secure than most proprietary products by virtue of the quantity of eyes.
But perhaps it is possible to make a product even more secure by following great developmental practices, ones that are only enforceable in a proprietary world. And submitting it to peer review by acknowledged experts.
Compare the assurance requirements contained within the Common Criteria to the practices followed in most OSS product development and maintenance. OSS has some real problems.
Not that it isn't wonderful
Re:open versus closed is not as simple (Score:2)
Depends very much on the popularity of an application. From my own experience, probably only the Top 500 (maybe the Top 1000) get enough feedback to maintain some level of quality.
On the other hand, every day design flaws and bugs are found in some proprietary applications. The fact that in the 'proprietary world' you could enforce 'great developmental practices', apparently does not mean that it is really done.
Furthermore, customers look for features, and certainly do not easily perceive the value of good design in the code they never see. Therefore, in the 'proprietary world' there is little (or no) incentive to follow 'great developmental practices', whatever these may be. If anywhere at all, I would expect good design in OSS where return on investment is much less of an issue sometimes.
VERY WEAK ARTICLE (Score:3, Insightful)
It addressed secrecy as a form of security...proprietary software is NOT secrect software.
I just feel that someone with his credentials should have been able to come up with some arguement or form of support. All in all I wouldn't recommend the article to be read at all, for it lacks any insight on the topic it was supposed to address.
Passwords (Score:5, Insightful)
I've always wished for a system like RSA'a SecurID cards. They give you a password that changes every 60 seconds, and you carry around a token that shows the latest password for you. Unfortunately, such technology is priced out of the range of individuals like me.
Re:Passwords (Score:2)
Sorry, I can't buy the argument that this is "...priced out of the range of individuals...". There are free and low cost systems available that provide this type of security.
All a SecureID card is is a one way hash of the date and time along with the serial number of the SecureID card.
The back end is a Kerberose style system that validates the authenticity of the card, verifies that it belongs to you, and lets the system you are logging into know what rights you have at this time.
This can be done with PAM and plugins that provide the appropriate features, as well as authentication module that works off of a similar function.
As a result of the fact that two clocks rarely maintain syncronicity over long periods of time, the back end authentication system generates hashes for one or two minutes around the current minute. (hashing down to the second would be useless as most of these systems require manual entry of the hash value.) If matches are regularly found to be offset by one or two minutes over some period of time the back end starts adjusting the time tossed into the hash tree to reflect the drift relative to the mobile card.
Building a software based system for this would be fairly simple, and in-expensive. Building hardware based versions would not be particularly difficult either, and if you are going to build them in bulk would be very inexpensive as well.
Of course even with this level of security you will want to use passwords and or passphrases in some combination to deal with the prospect of someone walking off with your MobilKey.
Good luck.
Credit cards (Score:2)
The "funny"/scary thing is that the majority of credit card usage/processing falls under this statement.
Think about it. People shred there cc receipts, they demand secure links to ecommerce sites, they shroud their credit cards and SSN's from prying eyes. Yet, you hand your CC to Joe Sixpack at the gas station or the waitress at the restaurant. I remember back in the day when I worked at a service station, I relized back then that I could simply collect peoples CC#'s and use them surreptitiously. Yes there are more safeguards now, but it still is simple to do. Anyone who thinks that their CC is truely secure is fooling themselves.
So what you do is to make reasonable efforts to keep things secure, but ALWAYS check your statements, and be ready to act if something happens.
Re:Credit cards (Score:2)
You're right-it was only a few weeks ago a friend of mine had a similar thing happen to them, although for him it was a debit card. Apparently the gas station had a little gizmo between the card swiper and the actual debit card unit, so that when the victim swipes their card it keeps a local copy of the info. By the time he got home they'd taken more than two thousand from his account.
Secrecy (Score:2)
I shred all personal documents (and junk mail and crap) to make it more difficult if someone wanted my personal information. It isn't foolproof, but it doe smake me a harder target, which is all I want.
(Two men are in the woods, they run into an enraged bear, one of them takes off running, the other says "what are you doing, you can't outrun the bear". The first replies "The bear? I only have to outrun you")
Secondly anyone can copy my CC number, you just need to look at the card, perhaps take a picture. I rely on the fraud protection to protect me.
It isn't perfect, or even secure, but I think if I put enough barriers up, it might just be troublesome enough for people to avoid.
Re:Secrecy (Score:2)
Re:Credit cards (Score:2)
Having the numbers embossed on the front of the card is simultaneously a relic and a backup for when the hypercom goes down and the merchant has to run the credit card on the little swipe machine thinger.
But if we didn't need that, or perhaps in the future Visa/MC will just decide to remove the embossed numbers, or part of the numbers (or better yet, you have a credit card you use with merchants that have no embossed numbers...and then you have one at home with embossed numbers for when you are ordering stuff online and need to know the number.)
As for the form of fraud when they swipe the card through another reader to capture the numbers, other than an encryption system, which I don't have much faith in at this scale, that's what fraud protection is for.
Re:Credit cards (Score:2)
And that's the scary part. Fact is that you don't see exactly what their doing. They take your card and disappear for several minutes, more than enough time to jot down the number/name (or simply save off the receipt) and also copy that 3 digit check code that everyone wants nowadays. Not too hard at that point to look the person up in the phone book to get their address, which is most likely their billing address, and then start charging. Now you may not be able to get things shipped, but you can certainly charge for services without a problem.
Oh and I forgot to mention the issue with students. Any student is completely hosed when it comes to security since your SSN is almost always used everywhere. I would assume that identity theft amongst students is rampant.
My take on it (Score:2)
Extending the Analogy (Score:3)
To which I would add: I regularly check my brake fluids (and other stuff). However, most people I have seen who are not pilots don't even do a walk-around of their vehicles, they just jump in and go. Certainly I am not proposing each user become a "mechanic", but some basic training would go a long way.
This little penguin doesn't forget favors [xnewswire.com]
Pretty Low-brow (Score:2)
Building Secure Software (Score:2)
For another excellent but more technical book on security I would recommend Building Secure Software [amazon.co.uk].
Building Secure Software has a foreward by Schneier in which he writes: "Read it; learn from it. And then put its lessons into practise."
Chapter 4 in the book is "On Open Source and Closed Source".
A most own book if you are interested in software security.
Re:Employee at Sun Microsystems (Score:2)
Re:Employee at Sun Microsystems (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:100% secure (Score:2)
You forgot to throw it into a safe, etc. Many people forget that PHYSICAL security can be just as, if not more, important than "logical" security. After all, how many times in movies have we seen the likes of Tom Cruise access a "absolutely secure" system by "simply" breaking into the location of the system?
Re:100% secure (Score:5, Insightful)
yes, another good point. Which simply stresses the importance of taking a, uh, holistic approach to security and to not to get too wrapped up in just a single aspect. We've all been in companies where they spend good money trying to secure their systems against "crackers" but yet anyone in the company has access to the server boxes and/or the passwords are written on the side of the monitors, etc.
Re:100% secure (Score:2)
I'll be here all week folks!
Re:Dear Mr. Diffie, (Score:2)
Re:Funny it should synchronise with this ... (Score:2)
I hope that the governments in question insist on some evidence that the code that Microsoft shows them corresponds exactly to the executables Microsoft ships.