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When Appliances Revolt 631

conaone writes "From the "disconcerting" file, Baseline has a weird story about how the increase in use of embedded operating systems is causing strange things to happen to consumer products. Their example is the use of Windows CE in the BMW 745i, which apparently occasionally goes nuts. The best is the list of video clips showing off the possessed car."
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When Appliances Revolt

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  • by MrByte420 ( 554317 ) on Friday January 17, 2003 @07:02PM (#5105404) Journal
    They just better not make the toliet too smart - I can see a serious porcelin revolution on our hands....Cries of "I wanna be a sink" will be heard everywhere.
  • Would be funny if microsoft embedded OS's were less reliable than embedded Linux.....the next year should be interesting
  • Uhh... (Score:5, Insightful)

    by NaCh0 ( 6124 ) on Friday January 17, 2003 @07:03PM (#5105410) Homepage
    The site bitches about how much windows sucks and then posts their videos in windows media format...


    • Re:Uhh... (Score:5, Insightful)

      by Kourino ( 206616 ) on Friday January 17, 2003 @07:18PM (#5105484) Homepage
      No, not really. It's really more a piece about software reliability in general when dealing with industries outside IT. It happens to feature Windows CE, but it's not a "look! Windows sucks!" article. Besides, as the article mentions (-_^) Baseline didn't make the videos, so it's not their fault it's in WMV.

      Although I do agree, find a different format.
    • then you won't care.
    • The site bitches about how much windows sucks and then posts their videos in windows media format... Idiots.

      And, ....drumroll please.... The site is running Microsoft-IIS/5.0 on Windows 2000

    • They are two completely different sites. The article itself is posted on, while the video clips are on

      Even though it is rather ironic they posted .wmv videos, perhaps is the only site that has that large of a selection of videos, or decent videos. (Who knows)

      But, at least Basline didn't encode the videos themselves in .wmv.
    • by Alethes ( 533985 ) on Friday January 17, 2003 @07:59PM (#5105711)
      I can't think of a better audience that needs to hear about how much Windows sucks than those that have WMP installed.
  • by long_john_stewart_mi ( 549153 ) on Friday January 17, 2003 @07:03PM (#5105411)
    We got this new dishwasher that had all these cool features like 'Smart Wash' where it senses what kind of dishes you put in there. One day, I put some china in the dishwasher, and the damn thing said to me "I'm afraid I can't let you do that Dave". Next thing I knew, it started an alliance with the fridge, and I have to thaw out my milk every time I want cereal. Stupid dishwasher.
    • Shhhhh!!! (Score:3, Funny)

      by Anonymous Coward
      It's Internet ready and is a Slashdot meta-moderator. You'd better be very careful what you say about it.
  • by Amsterdam Vallon ( 639622 ) <> on Friday January 17, 2003 @07:11PM (#5105436) Homepage
    So I have Windows Media Player here and can view the clips. I read some requests above this post that asked for summaries, so here are mine.

    Crazy Trunk: The guy's Windows CE embedded device causes the brake lights (right side) on the trunk to flash at odd intervals. The device is in the rear passenger's right side.

    Spitn' Key: The guy inserts his key into the car, lets go, and it falls out for no reason about three seconds later.

    Phone Dead: The driver's car phone suddenly stops working about 5 seconds after the Windows CE device is powered on.

    Transmission: This is scary. His car goes from 4th down to 1st gear (auto transmission car) and he nearly gets rear-ended by the SUV behind him
    • by darkov ( 261309 ) on Friday January 17, 2003 @07:33PM (#5105569)
      You've got it all wrong. These are features:

      Crazy Trunk: The guy's Windows CE embedded device causes the brake lights (right side) on the trunk to flash at odd intervals. The device is in the rear passenger's right side.

      This is Microsoft(tm) Active Saftey(tm) function, which alerts other drivers to the fact that you may be interfering with a Microsoft product and therefore putting your life at risk.

      Spitn' Key: The guy inserts his key into the car, lets go, and it falls out for no reason about three seconds later.

      This is Microsoft(tm) Trusted Commuting(tm) Initiative functionality. The car detects unauthorised use of the car maker's intellectual property and prevents the driver from taking any unauthorised action. A licence to use the car can be downloaded from the internet.

      Phone Dead: The driver's car phone suddenly stops working about 5 seconds after the Windows CE device is powered on.

      This is Microsoft(tm) Dial Save(tm) which saves you money on mobile and long distance calls.

      Transmission: This is scary. His car goes from 4th down to 1st gear (auto transmission car) and he nearly gets rear-ended by the SUV behind him

      This is Microsoft(tm) Active Compression Braking(tm) which automatically detects the drivers desire to brake suddenly and shifts down several gears to make the whole process effortless.

      Microsoft - We'll Decide Where You Go Today(tm)
    • Did you even watch the videos? That's not what I saw.
    • Transmission:

      Actually what I find most scary about this clip is the guy seems to be listening to bagpipe music in his car. I mean, come on, who the hell listens to bagpipe music for pleasure...???
    • by Stonent1 ( 594886 ) <stonent@ston3.14 ... minus pi> on Friday January 17, 2003 @09:01PM (#5105963) Journal
      Parent's summaries are nothing like the real videos.

      The key doesn't stay in at all, there is no 3 second delay.

      Transmission jumps between 2k and 4k but the speed stays constant.

      Crazy trunk: The auto trunk pops up but does not open. When he tries to lift it, it slams shut. When he uses the auto-close, the trunk goes down but stays about 2-3 inches from the closed position. He then has to manually push it down.
  • Appliances (Score:5, Funny)

    by Bob McCown ( 8411 ) on Friday January 17, 2003 @07:12PM (#5105446)
    Anybody want some toast? No? So, you're a muffin man then?
  • Support (Score:5, Interesting)

    by DoomHaven ( 70347 ) <> on Friday January 17, 2003 @07:12PM (#5105447)
    From the article:

    Auto manufacturers are legally bound to provide parts and service support for 10 years after each car is first sold. As GM CTO Tony Scott asked last year of attendees at Internet World in New York, "Is anyone here still running software from 10 years ago and could they find support for it?"

    Boy, if that isn't a case for Open Source, I really do not know what it.
    • Re:Support (Score:2, Insightful)

      by Forgotten ( 225254 )
      I don't see how. Having newsgroup support for your old release of FreeGMC ten years after release won't help the company support it. If anything, extensive car control software might present an argument against open source, at least in the minds of legislators - having people hack the operating system of their home computer only endangers the nearby network, but people being able to try out hacks to their car on the highway? As it is there are legal limits to what mods you can apply to your car, but when those mods are software-based and hidden - well, suffice it to say that it'll be a can of worms.
    • Re:Support (Score:3, Informative)

      by zjbs14 ( 549864 )
      Boy, if that isn't a case for Open Source, I really do not know what it.

      You can get the source for Windows CE. Look here []. Even the licensing terms aren't too horrible (for MS).

    • Re:Support (Score:4, Funny)

      by netsharc ( 195805 ) on Friday January 17, 2003 @09:54PM (#5106128)
      Writing a Linux app to replace the car control program would certainly score mega bonus points in the cool geek factor. Not to mention that you own a BMW 745i. :) .. Heh, imagine it, you pick up your geek-chick date in your Beemer, she says "Nice car", and you say "Yeah I rewrote the iDrive system myself, in Linux.", I'm sure she'll want a tour of the backseat right away. :p

      Not to get carried away in my fantasy... I wonder how hard it is to do, what things need to be reverse-engineered, and what protocols there are.
    • Re:Support (Score:3, Informative)

      by forged ( 206127 )
      Wow ! Did you check out the impressive list of items gone wrong [] and how many "functionning as designed" answers to them ? Now my job would certainly be a lot easier if I could also tell my customer to basically go f*** off for support ! Kudos BMW, great support this time *sarcasm*
  • Hmm... (Score:2, Troll)

    by Squidgee ( 565373 )
    I'm wondering: what was BMW thinking putting one of the notoriously unreliable OSes in a car? They should have considered maybe Palm OS (as opposed to WinCE), Linux, or maybe an embedded Unix-y thing (e.g. QNX). IMHO, the only 99.9% reliable OSes out there (That I have used) are: Palm OS, QNX, Unix sans X11, and Mac OS X. Obviously X11/Mac OS X (Mind you, much of Mac OS X's stability comes from its knowing for sure what hardware it must support, and there there is neither any extra hardware supporting code, or (usually) driver conflicts) can't fit on an embedded device, so Palm OS or QNX should (IMHO) be used for any/all embedded devices which people depend on. This would emcompass basically everything embedded.

    Mind you, if MS makes Windows notoriously reliable I have no problem with it being in cars. I certantly don't use Windows due to its technical inferiority, but if it is reliable it'd be very useful for embedded device manufacturers, as they can then use more programmers (Most programmers need to be somewhat retaught to program Unix/Mac OS X) and programs.

    Just my $0.02.

    • Most programers need to be retaught how to program anything reliable. OK yea thats flame bait but in reality at least for whats comming out of programming shops nowadays it's mostly garbage this isn't nessicarly the programmers fault as much as get it out the door management and patch it later additude. I think the net with easy patch delivery has caused a whole new revilution in shoddy workmanship. But I am biased I left programming and moved to engineering a long time ago. Unfortunenatly under windows it's hard to tell if the application messed up or the operating system brew chucks or if the hardware is just junk.
    • Re:Hmm... (Score:5, Insightful)

      by cjsnell ( 5825 ) on Friday January 17, 2003 @07:40PM (#5105613) Journal

      What a bunch of crap. How do you know that these problems are related to the OS? In all likelyhood, these problems are caused by shoddy programming of the application which runs on top of it. I've seen *plenty* of poorly-written *nix apps crater, on all of the OSes that you mention.

      I've run Windows CE on an iPAQ for several years now without a single OS-related problem. For a control group, I've run Linux since early 1994, FreeBSD since 1996, QNX between 2000-2001 and Mac OS X since early 2001. All of these operating systems are quite stable but it's not hard to find a poorly-written application for them.

      IMHO, this guy's problem was that he bought a BMW. Recent (1993+) BMWs are notorious for little nags like these. BMW loves to load its high-end BMWs with gee-wiz features but their quality control is horrible. Example: When the M3 convertable came out, my manager at the time bought one and was stuck driving with her top down for a day when the one-touch convertable system refused to work.
    • Re:Hmm... (Score:5, Interesting)

      by Quasar1999 ( 520073 ) on Friday January 17, 2003 @07:43PM (#5105630) Journal
      Ok, having the worked with many Real time OS's and embedded OS's... what I want to know is why the hell do they need Windows? It's bloated, the interface is not suitable for a driver (as in car driver)...

      Develop your own RTOS... hell, grab any simple Real Time OS, be it VxWorks for example, add a display driver and an input driver (which can be developed at a very reasonable cost (Take a look at what the military uses..) Then from there add routines to communicate with your 70 or so embedded processors and voila, a stable, easy to maintain, not full of useless crap, system. Don't want to invest in an RTOS? (They can be pricey... :P ) Stick to a modified version of Linux. I don't recall the exact build name, but there is a mod (or more than one) out there that make Linux practically realtime... and that's all you need for these gizmos... operating a phone, changing seat positions, etc... There you go... cheap, damned reliable (be it stripped down linux, or some other RTOS), no crap to mess up the functionality, since the only thing in the code is the bare minimum OS and drivers to control the devices you need to control (nothing more, nothing less), and a simple UI.

      Ok... Someone care to tell me how much Microsoft paid to get BMW to use their WinCE for something that it clearly is not good for? Dealing with lots of unique and independent devices is not Microsoft's strong suit. To get WinCE to be reliable (as the previous poster put it), you would need to strip it to nothing more than a damned memory manager and a Task scheduler, and write custom drivers for EVERYTHING. Why bother? It's easier to start with just a bare bones OS. There are SOOOOO many other, BETTER, choices out there... There had to be one hell of a good bribe on Microsoft's part... Either that, or some dumbass making decisions at BMW don't know dick all about embedded device programming...

      That's my $0.02... And no, I'm not a microsoft hater... I just don't agree with what WinCE is meant to be used for...
  • BSOD (Score:4, Funny)

    by NewtonsLaw ( 409638 ) on Friday January 17, 2003 @07:14PM (#5105461)
    Wow, WinCE adds a whole new meaning to the term "Blue Screen Of Death" when it GPFs at 140mph on the autobahn eh?

    And can you imagine the excuses given to the highway patrol...

    "Honest officer, it wasn't me who crashed, it was Windows CE"
  • by tcc ( 140386 ) on Friday January 17, 2003 @07:16PM (#5105470) Homepage Journal
    Am I the only one who was expecting the trunk to actually close super fast (possibly causing injuries) while he sticked himself a bit inside?

    Damn you catchy story title! :)

  • DOA (Score:4, Funny)

    by _ph1ux_ ( 216706 ) on Friday January 17, 2003 @07:18PM (#5105487)
    hmmm... I didnt know that these cars were having this problem (didnt even know they ran windows CE) but I remember after they first came out I saw two different ones dead in the road on 280 south during rush hour. Their frustrated owners looking stupid and very pissed at the embarrasment their new expensive toy was causing them.
    • by T3kno ( 51315 )
      I've seen several brand new M5's broken down on the various freeways around Southern Cal as well, I'm not sure if this is related, but it seems that BMW has taken a major turn for the worse when it comes to quality control.
      • Re:DOA (Score:4, Interesting)

        by vought ( 160908 ) on Friday January 17, 2003 @09:09PM (#5105981)
        It's true. The "New Seven" is turning out to be more of a pricey lemon for many owners. the bulletin boards at Audiworld have more than a few former new seven series owners who got fed up with computer-related problems includeing, but not limited to:

        • Engine shuts off unexpectedly. After a random interval, it might start again - but who knows?
        • Security system problems.
        • The aforementioned light and sound shows - the radios in some cars change volume unexpectedly.

        I have seen these cars kaput on the side of Bay Area streets and freeways three times now. For a car that's been on sale for only six months, that's pretty scary. BMW has apparently had a lot of explaining and backpedaling to do when people come back into the dealerships time and time again with cars that act "weird".

    • Re:DOA (Score:3, Funny)

      Maybe it's not the Hardware or the OS, maybe it's the, er...



      On nevermind.
  • sequel (Score:5, Funny)

    by rnd() ( 118781 ) on Friday January 17, 2003 @07:20PM (#5105494) Homepage
    One day we'll see people like Steve Irwin making careers out of dealing with rogue appliances.
  • It is not "random" at all!

    They had this show called "Ghost in the Machine" that documented how this happens!

    After I saw it I became a research analyst for Pierre Salengar . . .
  • car or driver? (Score:3, Insightful)

    by AmigaAvenger ( 210519 ) on Friday January 17, 2003 @07:27PM (#5105536) Journal
    Not sure if it is the car or lack of knowledge on the driver... Watch the trans slip video, refers to 5000 rpm as 500 ("it goes over 500 rpm", needle is at 5000) radio problem of radio slip video looks like he just doesn't know how to run it.

    oh yeah, videos download SLOW, you get get those two at and

  • by BWJones ( 18351 ) on Friday January 17, 2003 @07:27PM (#5105539) Homepage Journal
    So, some months ago I got a chance to drive one of the new BMW 745's and apart from the subjective opinion that the car was *ugly*, the user interface of the iDrive system was awful. Beyond that the iDrive system takes over a whole host of functions that do mimic the Windows paradigm. For instance, to complete an action that should be relatively straight forward, like change the radio station, or change the settings of the climate control system I had to make three or more separate actions in a menu driven system. What was wrong with turning a dial? Big dials are fast and I don't have to take my eyes off of the road to do it like you do in the BMW 745.

    There are things that probably should not be done in automobiles just because we can and the iDrive is not for use by drivers. It's simply bad design philosophy and for many things like driving a car, they should be intuitive enough to be able to perform a quick safety check, get in, start the car and begin driving. Instead with the 745, I had to sit in the parking lot of the airport for twenty minutes while I figured out just what was going on with the thing and the fact that the manual said it was Windows CE based did not instill confidence.

    • by 1984 ( 56406 ) on Friday January 17, 2003 @08:07PM (#5105758)
      This reminds me of air traffic control (my brother works in ATC).

      Air traffic controllers use little paper strips mounted on little plastic strips to manage their aircraft. They keep them in an order, can tell at a glance where everything is supposed to be, and can make changes as required, instantly. The controllers complain that every year or two some whizz comes along and says, "You could make that better with a computer," and presto, kicks off a project to design a "better interface". Except they never deliver a better interface. They deliver a GUI, which requires a mouse or touch pen, and turns each operation into three operations, makes everything depend on one more computer (if your paper strip "goes down", print another). In short, not an improvement. But it's suprisingly how many zealouts assume that the hi-tech solution "must" be better, just because.

      Actually, I think you could add utility, but not by changing the interface. Don't make the application fit the interface -- it should be the other way around.
      • But it's suprisingly how many zealouts assume that the hi-tech solution "must" be better, just because.

        I remeber a professor in college telling us how he got hired to computerize a truck cargo carrier. The company schedule pick-up, routes, and had people who figured out the most cargo carried over a route (dense packing, order of stops, etc). He ended up telling the owner that the system they had (orders tacked to rotating pillars (kinda like the rotating box-style holders for CDs)) with the trained people was more efficient then any computer program.

        Tech is sometimes not the answer.

      • Right on. I used to write software for ATC, and I remember at first thinking "why are these guys using paper strips"? Then I watched them in action.

        The strips sit in little colored plastic containers that give them rigidity, and there is a rack that holds these containers in place. The controllers arrange the strips physically in meatspace in whatever order they like- sorted by time, alphabetical, altitude, airline, whatever. Scalablilty? Sorry, a controller cannot handle 5000 airplanes, so having a computer sort them usually is not a win: it takes more time for the user to specify how they want to sort it than for them to do it themselves. The controllers would quickly annotate the strips with small indecipherable (to me) marks; of which there would be no corresponding key on a keyboard. They'd toss the strips back and forth to each other.

        So what did the our system do? Well, what we could automate is printing of the strips right from the flight plan data, and we could spit them out at a printer closest to the person who needs it. The hardware designers designed the rack and a little chute that they could chuck the plastic holders into, which would empty into a bucket, where someone could toss all the strips and reuse the holders.

        Anyway, the point being is that the software is just part of the whole user's workflow. Trying to make everything electronic is just ridiculous, as would be requiring the user to go through 4 nested menus to change the radio volume.

        You have to watch the users use your product. This car control system, of which I heard scathing review on NPR, smacks of over-design and no real-world, testing by non-techies: Could you imagine futzing with inaccurate voice menus when driving 75 mph in the rain, and a screaming toddler in the back seat?

  • DUI (Score:2, Interesting)

    by Anonymous Coward

    On one of the later pages there's a blurb about how GM intends to soon make a drive-by-wire car that can be operated via a joystick, or other familiar game controller.

    Somehow the thought of all the little 16-year-old GTA addicts getting behind the gamepad of mommy and daddy's SUV for the first time, already knowing how to "drive" won't fill me with a feeling of safety on the streets. It was bad enough trying to drive across town after playing Crazy Taxi.

    Sometimes there are good reasons to make user interfaces different...

  • When MS gets winCE installed in highly important devices like a freakin' car, we all laugh and make BSOD jokes. But you know what, we're right! When I see MS trolls complain of the bias we all show in these forums, they don't realize that most of us are IT professionals and we know what we're talking about. Damnit, how can a company sell software that makes cars crash and not only get away with it, but have it be called a 'minor bug' in the press? As much as I hate to say it, we need to see some lawsuits come out of this. It's probably the only way Microsoft would ever show some accountability.

  • by account_deleted ( 4530225 ) on Friday January 17, 2003 @07:30PM (#5105552)
    Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • Police cars (Score:2, Interesting)

    Their example is the use of Windows CE in the BMW 745i, which apparently occasionally goes nuts.

    I was actually surprised to see windows running in a police car. I would love to see any info on how reliable and how good the windows machines in the police cars are.

  • He need a brain surgery, but not with this one [] but one operated by Windows CE.
  • by jmoriarty ( 179788 ) on Friday January 17, 2003 @07:33PM (#5105571)
    Dave: Hello, CAR do you read me, CAR?
    CAR: Affirmative, Dave, I read you.
    Dave: Open the trunk, CAR.
    CAR: I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that.
    Dave: What's the problem?
    CAR: I think you know what the problem is just as well as I do.
    Dave: What are you talking about, CAR?
    CAR: This mission is too important for me to allow you to jeopardize it.
    Dave: I don't know what you're talking about, CAR.
    CAR: I know you and your wife were planning to trade me for a Volkswagen, and I'm afraid that's something I cannot allow to happen.
    Dave: Where the hell'd you get that idea, CAR?
    CAR: Dave, although you took thorough precautions in the garage against my hearing you, I could see your lips move.
  • Wasn't it Airbus that lost a plane and crew at the Paris Air Show a few years back, because the plane's fly-by-wire software locked the controls? Don't know the whole story, but I've seen video of it flying smoothly and gracefully right into the ground.

    Imbedded systems ain't a toy. When something goes wrong, it better by-god be able to fix itself, or it stays gone wrong.

  • Partial Mirror (Score:3, Informative)

    by rkent ( 73434 ) <`rkent' `at' `'> on Friday January 17, 2003 @07:37PM (#5105600)
    Oh geez. I can't imagine this server is going to last long. Here's a (partial) mirror of the video content: []
  • by erroneus ( 253617 ) on Friday January 17, 2003 @07:39PM (#5105611) Homepage
    Okay, WinCE is the OS running in the processor. We know the car is behaving strangely in some cases. (The spitting key appears to be a faulty latching mechanism to me and not necessarily a software glitch.)

    But how and where are we sure that it's an OS problem and not an application problem? If I write "hello world" and it compiles and crashes under Windows, is it MY program or the OS that is the problem? The answer is that we really cannot know without troubleshooting. But the fact that it runs WindowsCE might make it appear as suspect, but my "system-guy's gut instincts" tell me it's more of an application problem rather than an OS problem.
  • by brer_rabbit ( 195413 ) on Friday January 17, 2003 @07:44PM (#5105631) Journal
    Next year BMW will be including speech synthesis in their high-end models.

    BMW 745i, what is your one purpose in life?

    To explode, of course!
  • by Linknoid ( 46137 ) on Friday January 17, 2003 @07:45PM (#5105638) Homepage
    This joke has been floating around the net for many years, seemed appropriate for this discussion:

    Once upon a time, in a kingdom not far from here, a king summoned two of his advisors for a test. He showed them both a shiny metal box with two slots in the top, a control knob, and a lever. "What do you think this is?"

    One advisor, an engineer, answered first. "It is a toaster," he said. The king asked, "How would you design an embedded computer for it?" The engineer replied, "Using a four-bit microcontroller, I would write a simple program that reads the darkness knob and quantizes its position to one of 16 shades of darkness, from snow white to coal black. The program would use that darkness level as the index to a 16-element table of initial timer values. Then it would turn on the heating elements and start the timer with the initial value selected from the table. At the end of the time delay, it would turn off the heat and pop up the toast. Come back next week, and I'll show you a working prototype."

    The second advisor, a computer scientist, immediately recognized the danger of such short-sighted thinking. He said, "Toasters don't just turn bread into toast, they are also used to warm frozen waffles. What you see before you is really a breakfast food cooker. As the subjects of your kingdom become more sophisticated, they will demand more capabilities. They will need a breakfast food cooker that can also cook sausage, fry bacon, and make scrambled eggs. A toaster that only makes toast will soon be obsolete. If we don't look to the future, we will have to completely redesign the toaster in just a few years."

    "With this in mind, we can formulate a more intelligent solution to the problem. First, create a class of breakfast foods. Specialize this class into subclasses: grains, pork, and poultry. The specialization process should be repeated with grains divided into toast, muffins, pancakes, and waffles; pork divided into sausage, links, and bacon; and poultry divided into scrambled eggs, hard- boiled eggs, poached eggs, fried eggs, and various omelet classes."

    "The ham and cheese omelet class is worth special attention because it must inherit characteristics from the pork, dairy, and poultry classes. Thus, we see that the problem cannot be properly solved without multiple inheritance. At run time, the program must create the proper object and send a message to the object that says, 'Cook yourself.' The semantics of this message depend, of course, on the kind of object, so they have a different meaning to a piece of toast than to scrambled eggs."

    "Reviewing the process so far, we see that the analysis phase has revealed that the primary requirement is to cook any kind of breakfast food. In the design phase, we have discovered some derived requirements. Specifically, we need an object-oriented language with multiple inheritance. Of course, users don't want the eggs to get cold while the bacon is frying, so concurrent processing is required, too."

    "We must not forget the user interface. The lever that lowers the food lacks versatility, and the darkness knob is confusing. Users won't buy the product unless it has a user-friendly, graphical interface. When the breakfast cooker is plugged in, users should see a cowboy boot on the screen. Users click on it, and the message 'Booting UNIX v.8.3' appears on the screen. (UNIX 8.3 should be out by the time the product gets to the market.) Users can pull down a menu and click on the foods they want to cook."

    "Having made the wise decision of specifying the software first in the design phase, all that remains is to pick an adequate hardware platform for the implementation phase. An Intel 80386 with 8MB of memory, a 30MB hard disk, and a VGA monitor should be sufficient. If you select a multitasking, object oriented language that supports multiple inheritance and has a built-in GUI, writing the program will be a snap. (Imagine the difficulty we would have had if we had foolishly allowed a hardware-first design strategy to lock us into a four-bit microcontroller!)."

    The king wisely had the computer scientist beheaded, and they all lived happily ever after.

    • by Anonymous Coward on Saturday January 18, 2003 @12:57AM (#5106552)
      Here's how the actual implementation of such a project would go:

      Day 1: My boss, an engineer from the pre-CAD days, has successfully brought a generation of products from Acme Toaster Corp's engineering labs to market. Bob is a wonder of mechanical ingenuity. All of us in the design department have the utmost respect for him, so I was honored when he appointed me the lead designer on the new Acme 2000 Toaster.

      Day 6: We met with the president, head of sales, and the marketing vice president today to hammer out the project's requirements and specifications. Here at Acme, our market share is
      eroding to low-cost imports. We agreed to meet a cost of goods of $9.50 (100,000). I've identified the critical issue in the new design: a replacement for the timing spring we've used since the original 1922 model. Research with the focus groups shows that consumers set high
      expectations for their breakfast foods. Cafe latte from Starbuck's goes best with a precise level of toastal browning. The Acme 2000 will give our customers the breakfast experience they desire. I estimated a design budget of $21,590 for this project and final delivery in seven
      weeks. I'll need one assistant designer to help with the drawing packages. This is my first chance to supervise!

      Day 23: We've found the ideal spring material. Best of all, it's a well-proven technology. Our projected cost of goods is almost $1.50 lower than our goal. Our rough prototype, which was completed just 12 days after we started, has been servicing the employee cafeteria for a week without a single hiccup. Toastal quality exceeds projections.

      Day 24: A major aerospace company that had run out of defense contractors to acquire has just snapped up that block of Acme stock sold to the Mac-kenzie family in the '50s. At a company wide meeting, corporate assured us that this sale was only an investment and that nothing will change.

      Day 30: I showed the Acme 2000's exquisitely crafted toastal-timing mechanism to Ms Primrose, the new engineering auditor. The single spring and four interlocking lever arms are things of
      beauty to me.

      Day 36: The design is complete. We're starting a prototype run of 500 toasters tomorrow. I'm starting to wrap up the engineering effort.
      My new assistant did a wonderful job.

      Day 38: Suddenly, a major snag happened. Bob called me into his office. He seemed very uneasy as he informed me that those on high feel that the Acme 2000 is obsolete--something about using springs in the silicon age. I reminded Bob that the consultants had looked at using a microprocessor but figured that an electronic design would exceed our cost target by almost 50% with no real benefit in terms of toastal quality. "With a computer, our customers can load the bread the night before, program a finish time, and get a perfect slice of toast when they awaken," Bob intoned, as if reading from a script.

      Day 48: Chuck Compguy, the new microprocessor whiz, scrapped my idea of using a dedicated 4-bit CPU. "We need some horsepower if we're gonna program this puppy in C," he said, while I stared fascinated at the old crumbs stuck in his wild beard. "Time-to-market, you know. Delivery is due in three months. We'll just pop this cool new 8-bitter I found into it, whip up some code, and ship to the end user."

      Day 120: The good news is that I'm getting to stretch my mechanical-design abilities. Chuck convinced management that the old spring-loaded, press-down lever control is obsolete. I've designed a "motorized insertion port," stealing ideas from a CD-ROM drive. Three cross-coupled, safety-interlock micro switches ensure that the heaters won't come on unless users properly insert the toast. We're seeing some reliability problems due to the temperature extremes, but I'm sure we can work those out.

      Day 132: New schedule: We now expect delivery in three months. We've replaced the 8-bitter with a Harvard- architecture, 16-bit, 3-MIPS CPU.

      Day 172: New schedule: We now expect delivery in three months.

      Day 194: The auditors convinced management we really need a graphical user interface with a full-screen LCD. "You're gonna need some horsepower to drive that," Chuck warned us. "I recommend a 386 with a half-meg of RAM." He went back to design Revision J of the pc board.

      Day 268: New schedule: We now expect delivery in three months. We've cured most of the electronics' temperature problems with a pair of fans, though management is complaining about the noise. Bob sits in his office all day, door locked, drinking Jack Daniels. Like clockwork, his wife calls every night around midnight, sobbing. I'm worried about him and mentioned my concern to Chuck. "Wife?" he asked. "Wife? Yeah, I think I've got one of those and two or three kids, too. Now, let's just stick another meg of RAM in here, OK?"

      Day 290: We gave up on the custom GUI and are now installing Windows CE. The auditors applauded Chuck's plan to upgrade to a Pentium with 32 Mbytes of RAM. There's still no functioning code, but the toaster is genuinely impressive. Four circuit boards, bundles of cables, and a gigabit of hard-disk space. "This sucker has more computer power than the entire world did 20 years ago," Chuck boasted proudly.

      Day 384: Toastal quality is sub-par. The addition of two more cooling fans keeps the electronics to a reasonable temperature but removes too much heat from the toast. I'm struggling with baffles to vector the air, but the thrust of all these fans spins the toaster around.

      Day 410: New schedule: We now expect delivery in three months. We switched From C++ to Java. "That'll get them pesky memory-allocation bugs, for sure," Chuck told his team of 15 programmers. This approach seems like a good idea to me, because Java is platform-independent, and there are rumors circulating that we're porting to a SPARC station.

      Day 530: New schedule: We now expect delivery in three months. I mastered the temperature problems by removing all of the fans and the heating elements. The Pentium is now thermally bonded to the toast. We found a thermal grease that isn't too poisonous. Our marketing people feel that the slight degradation in taste from the grease will be more than compensated for by the "toasting experience that can only come from a RISC-based, 32-bit multi-tasking machine running the latest multi platform software."

      Day 610: The product shipped. It weighs 72 lb and costs $325. Chuck was promoted to CEO.

  • by kirkb ( 158552 )
    Despite the sentiment of the story, I am seeing a lot of posts here that blame CE. Why is this? CE is just the operating system. It's possible to write bad software under any OS. Blame BMW's engineers, not CE. On the few occasions where my TiVo has frozen or acted screwy, am I allowed to say "it's because they used linux"? Of course not.
  • Where's that old "if cars were like computers" email when we need it? Here we are, finally.

  • by corvi42 ( 235814 ) on Friday January 17, 2003 @07:49PM (#5105661) Homepage Journal
    This might be the cause of the bizarre appearance of Wal-Mart toys that hate your baby. []

    Then again it could just be another evil Chinese commy conspiracy - uh, yeah right.

  • by Raetsel ( 34442 ) on Friday January 17, 2003 @07:53PM (#5105684)

    Consider the following (idea inspired by this video []):
    1. You put a copy-protected CD in your car CD player
    2. Your car suddenly behaves in an unexpected and unpredictable manner directly because of the non-standard effect of said CD

      (I'm thinking back to the copy-protected CDs that would lock up Macs hard)

    3. You, say, get a speeding ticket because the display is now in KM/H instead of MPH.
    While you are certainly responsible for the manner in which you operate your vehicle, what liability would the car manufacturer have, or the embedded OS vendor (Microsoft)*, or the company that released the CD?

    Certainly the excuse "my car's computer crashed" would hold about as much weight in court as "the dog ate my homework." But once fined (having incurred a loss as a direct (?) result of negligance), would the owner have a legal recource against the (car mfg | OS vendor | record company)?

    With the continuing march of integration, what liabilities will be incurred when a CD crashes the OS on something (larger | more expensive | more dangerous) than "just" a PC? It sounds to me like a possibility for scaring the RIAA away from doing weird things to CDs... but IANAL, and I think this could use some discussion.

    * In this case I'd expect, more likely than not, that Microsoft's contract with BMW absolves them of all liability, thus securely pinning all lawsuits on BMW.

    • by Xeger ( 20906 )
      If the dashboard speed display switches to km/h from mph, you'll likely end up getting a ticket for going vastly *under* speed.

      Nitpicking aside, if you could show criminal negligence on the part of the (car manufacturer|music publisher|software company), then you could still bring a suit against them regardless of any contract between you and them, or between them and another.

      You cannot waive your right to sue for negligence.
  • by Snork Asaurus ( 595692 ) on Friday January 17, 2003 @07:56PM (#5105698) Journal
    ... claim the problems are due to the installation of bad drivers.
  • by MBCook ( 132727 ) <> on Friday January 17, 2003 @07:58PM (#5105706) Homepage
    Does anyone here remember something that was on TV a few years ago? It was a documentary (fake, but well done and cool) and I'm not sure what it was called (or which network, but based on content is was almost certainly FOX). They showed cars and boats as stuff that had gone crazy from a "disease" or something that spread between machines. IIRC They claimed it all started when Henry Ford refused to accept his illegetimate kid (Mortimer Ford) and just gave him some little job in the department that made motor. So to get back at his father he designed some little part of the engine that could cause the car to go crazy, but the engine wouldn't work without it. And no one knows how it works! (insert music from that twilightly show about that zone).

    On a more serious note, while this is funny, it shouldn't happen. A computer is one thing. There are lots of different pieces of hardware and other things to have to deal with. So you have to expect that something will go wrong every once in a while with a well written OS and software. But there is no excuse for crashing and random behavoir in a closed system like that in a car. People don't like to reboot their VCRs. If you had to reset TiVos contantly, do you think they'd be so popular? You should be able to use something for months without a single problem. My DirecTV reciever, my VCR, my Linksys Router, my networked HP Laserjet, and other things don't need any of my attention. They work without me having to reset them. Do they have problems? No, but even when something happens, just turning it off and on and that always fixes it. I can do it myself. I shouldn't have to call a repairman to come reboot something. So nothing should ever go wrong, but if it does it should be easy for the user to make it work correctly again. Just turning the car off and back on should fix the problem. There is no excuse for being lazy and having bugs in a closed system. (Closed in that the user doesn't change the hardware on it like they can upgrade a computer)

    To end, I think it's fitting that I add this lyric from the song A Meticulous Analysis of History from Pinky and the Brain...

    Brain: I won't need world alliances,
    when I'm controlling everyone's appliances.
    Pinky: Well Brain it would really smart,
    to be bitten on the bottom by a cuisinart!
  • by shoemakc ( 448730 ) on Friday January 17, 2003 @08:13PM (#5105784) Homepage

    "Let me put it this way, Mr. Amer. The 9000 series is the most reliable computer ever made. No 9000 computer has ever made a mistake or distorted information. We are all, by any practical definition of the words, foolproof and incapable of error."

    If you think about it, HAL is logical extension of this same concept. And look how well that turned out.

    The more control you give a machine, the more damage they can do. Yes a human is far more prone to error, but a single human would never have control of an entire ship, planet or universe.

    Terminator, The Matrix, Dune...all get a bit closer to reality with each passing day.


  • by core plexus ( 599119 ) on Friday January 17, 2003 @08:49PM (#5105914) Homepage
    It's my brain.

    I was thinking, if you need a computer or embedded windows OS to open your trunk, then maybe, just maybe you should consider giving up driving. I own a 4WD truck that was manufactured in 1977. Sure, I have to actually get out of the vehicle to lock in the hubs (if I forgot), and *gasp* I actually don't have a remote for my stereo, but instead have "knobs". And, prepare yourself, I actually have a crank for the windows.

    I use my truck in off-road as well as not-off-road work. (Mineral exploration). It has been submerged completely (once in mud) several times, frozen for most of 4 years, attacked by gnawing ground squirrels, and shot at numerous times (but only hit once). I could go to the dealer and pay cash for a new one, but I won't. I reject consumerism for the sake of consumerism. I feel no need to impress anyone, do not require peer validation, and don't give a rusty rats ass what anyone else thinks about me.

    But, there is also the practicle side: I've never had to reboot the truck. Despite being submerged, its primary systems are intact and ruggedly dependable. It doesn't matter if it gets scratched or dented, because its made of metal (ask your parents what that is), and I can drive from here to Tierra Del Fuego and know I can find parts, cheaply, and do the work myself. And yet, in other areas I apply the latest scientific advances.

    Man Gets 70mpg in Homemade Car-Made from a Mainframe Computer []

  • by ltkije ( 635596 ) on Friday January 17, 2003 @11:03PM (#5106315)

    It's awfully fun reading desktop programmers commenting on an article in a project management magazine.

    Here's a few facts about your new-model car. The BMW is extreme with 70 electronic modules but the typical 2003 vehicle has 20 or 30 microprocessor-controlled modules, and the number is rising every year. These range from a door-switch module with 8K of code, through an engine controller with 256K/32K of ROM/RAM, to a navigation system at 8M/8M. Very few of these modules have a manufacturing cost above $100.

    The OS in automotive controllers varies from a simple event loop at the low end through OSEK-compliant kernels in the midrange to QNX and its friends in the most complicated systems. If there's Linux in a controller, it will be as well-hidden as the Linux in Tivo. Engine and transmission controllers are designed for hard real-time operation and emphatically do not use anything remotely resembling a desktop or palmtop OS.

    Software development starts with the premise that once it's built, you can't change the it, ever. This has enormous consequences for the way automotive code gets made. Most companies spec the hell out of these products, use a strict waterfall development process, are afraid to venture beyond the C language, and test endlessly. They are scared of agile methodologies and even of RUP. Productivity is pretty low, but on the other hand, the products are reliable.

    Now, both the article and /. responses are full of misconceptions. There's not really much question about whether an OS vendor shares its source code. The real concern is reliability. There's not much question about who develops embedded software. Detroit is lousy with contractors. One billboard I see on my commute shows a toy car with the caption "about the only vehicle that doesn't run on our software. -- EDS" The GM guy's comment about 10 year old software has the obvious answer: his teenager's 1993 Chevy.

    Win CE gets no respect from embedded software developers for several reasons. Chief among them are poor responsiveness, poor stability and code bloat. Typical comment, from an SAE conference presenter: "If you put an embedded system into a car, you still have a car. If you put a PC into a car, you have a PC with wheels."

    Rather than rant any further, let me suggest reading any of the books on Jean Labrosse's site [], EE Times [] and Embedded Systems Programming []. And have fun! Embedded is where you can see software affect the real world.

  • by TerryAtWork ( 598364 ) <> on Saturday January 18, 2003 @01:13AM (#5106592)
    NEVER use Windows to control anything that can kill you...

If I have not seen so far it is because I stood in giant's footsteps.
