SVG On the Rise 186
AShocka writes "The W3C has just released
Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) 1.1 and
Mobile Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) 1.1
as W3C Recommendations.
W3C Fellow Dean Jackson has an
article, on O'Reilly Network titled
SVG On the Rise,
in reply to Jacek Artymiak's article SWF Is Not Flash (and Other Vectored Thoughts).
Also check out Dean's SVG answer to Powerpoint presentations at Visualising the Semantic Web in SVG."
Correction (Score:2, Informative)
The W3C has just released Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) 1.1 [w3.org] and Mobile Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) 1.1 [w3.org] as W3C Recommendations.
For idiots like me - (Score:2)
Short summary of SVG (Score:3, Informative)
Re:For idiots like me - (Score:5, Informative)
The availability of libraries as Batik [apache.org] makes SVG-generation flexible and easy. One example: One project I was on concentrated on pulling numbers out of a database and visualising them as a graph. Filling a XML-document with values and applying XSLT we had instant SVG. Upside: Very scalable and interactive (our customer was very fond of "hotspots" on the graph). Downside: Lack of plugins [adobe.com]. Fortunately, it was for their intranet.
As to impact, I do hope this catches on. I much prefer coding Java + SVG than Flash, if just for the fact that not having the Flash-plugin doesn't prevent my regular development with SVG.
Re:For idiots like me - (Score:2)
The O'Reilly link mentioned use of gzip to effect this.
Should, say, a Monopoly Short-circuit that with some proprietary scheme,
one hopes that the market would break from its traditional hooverism and respond accordingly.
OK, I'm thinking wishfully...
Re:For idiots like me - (Score:2)
Re:For idiots like me - (Score:2)
At X, Y, the pixel color should be RGB
Rather, it's just a long array of data, with a few bytes of header information before that (to specify things like X size, Y size, color depth, etc.).
Some formats, like TIFF, are more flexible than this, but all formats generally follow the same layout.
Compressed image formats aren't much different, except that there's some extra information in the header that specifies things like where each scanline starts, the amount of compression, etc.
Re:For idiots like me - (Score:3, Interesting)
No widespread use. (Yes, I don't give a fuck if W3C is their mothers collectively endorse SVG, it was even dead before it got invented). Macromedia Swiff (.sfw) format is NOT closed source, and you have a better chance reaching your audience with it. Some people confuse
As for advantages, it's based on XML spec, but then again, not everything that carries the name XML is something to go nuts over.
In conclusion, I've been hearing how SVG was going to EXPLODE onto the web and portables in the next few years, and it never happened. That's what people were saying back in late 90's.
Re:For idiots like me - (Score:1, Informative)
I don't know, but that looks like it might be a good idea.
Re:For idiots like me - (Score:2)
Re:For idiots like me - (Score:5, Insightful)
Yes and no. Sure, it'll work fine for the majority of the web browsing public. But once browsers start shipping with SVG plugins (or just native support) by default, then so will SVG. No one is arguing that SWF is the more mature, and more widespread format at the moment. But what about the content itself? If it's all in SWF, then it won't appear on search engines, so you're far less likely to have visitors driven to your site in the first place. SVG content, on the other hand, will be picked up so that Auntie Millie will find her cookie recipe in Google, even if the site in question uses an animated cookie chef to convey it's information. Furthermore, she'll be able to get at the content even if she's blind and using a braille terminal, or if she's using her mobile phone. The same can't be said of SWF. I agree that Flash is a pretty good product, but it suffers from three critical flaws, which have prevented me from using it to date. Firstly, it doesn't degrade if you browser isn't able to support it. Secondly, it changes the usage pattern of a browser. You want to go to the previous page? Click the back button. You want to open a new tab? Press Ctrl-T. You want to search for a given string? Ctrl-F. But not in Flash. Admittedly, Flash MX has made some progress in that area, but it's still got a long way to go. Finally, search engines won't index Flash content. SVG remedies all of those deficiences, which is why I hope to see it succeed.
Re:For idiots like me - (Score:4, Informative)
Every time Flash comes up in a Slashdot thread, there's always some poster who hasn't heard of Flash MX [macromedia.com] saying "It doesn't support search engines, Unicode, accessibility, or the back button." The MX version has been out about a year now -- isn't it time to update your talking points?
"It doesn't degrade if you browser isn't able to support it." And that browser would be -- what, Lynx? Which also lacks SVG support, and always will.
As for "the majority of the Web browsing public," that's a very mild way of saying that the Flash plug-in is (according to Macromedia) the most pervasive software in the world, with over half a billion users [macromedia.com]. Given that Flash MX has strong XML support, and that it's now targeting "rich Internet applications" instead of ordinary vector animation, SVG has a long uphill battle ahead.
Re:For idiots like me - (Score:2)
"It doesn't degrade if you browser isn't able to support it." And that browser would be -- what, Lynx?
Yes, and the browsers in mobile computers. And the browsers that blind people use.
Which also lacks SVG support, and always will.
Doh! That's why the fact that SVG degrades gracefully is important! SVG can have XHTML or GIF alternate code embedded.
Re:For idiots like me - (Score:2)
Yes, and the browsers in mobile computers. And the browsers that blind people use.
There are Flash players for various models of cellphones and PDAs already, and more in the works. And Flash MX supports what Macromedia calls "assistive technologies functionality." It complies with government standards for .gov Web site accessibility by the blind and disabled.
SVG can have XHTML or GIF alternate code embedded.
Seems to me a Web page designer who can embed alternate XHTML code would find it trivial to implement a Javascript or other server-side check for the presence of the Flash client, then "degrade" to static pages as needed. Even if SVG becomes a widespread standard, I could imagine a lot of pages checking for Flash first, then "degrading" to SVG -- because Flash files are compressed binaries, far smaller than the equivalent SVG.
Re:For idiots like me - (Score:2)
There are Flash players for various models of cellphones and PDAs already, and more in the works.
The devices that Flash is deployed upon (e.g. Nokia's 9210 Communicator [macromedia.com], soon) are much more hefty than the ones SVGt is being optimized for (e.g. Nokia's 3650 and 7650 [w3.org]). Furthermore, SVG is being sold with the platform, such as TI's OMAP chipset platform [3g.co.uk]. That chipset has a huge percentage of the cell phone market.
And Flash MX supports what Macromedia calls "assistive technologies functionality."
Nevertheless, SVG's markup-based, HTML-integrated syntax is much better optimized for accessibility.
Flash's licensing model [macromedia.com] is inherently anti-accessibility because it does not allow the creation of competitive "viewers" including viewers optimized for blind people. SVG is not so-encumbered.
Seems to me a Web page designer who can embed alternate XHTML code would find it trivial to implement a Javascript or other server-side check for the presence of the Flash client, then "degrade" to static pages as needed.
Those are the kinds of hacks that make the Web much less easy to index, download and otherwise manipulate. Scripting is a fallback, to be reserved [com.com] for exceptional tasks.
Even if SVG becomes a widespread standard, I could imagine a lot of pages checking for Flash first, then "degrading" to SVG -- because Flash files are compressed binaries, far smaller than the equivalent SVG.
SVG files can also be compressed binaries [w3.org]. GZIP compression is a required part of the specification. That's the better way to do binary compression because almost every language and platform has a gzip implementation.And because they use mathematical animation rather than frame-based animations, they will often be smaller than Flash files. Try again!
To me, the issues are clear. Flash has a much better existing toolbase and a much larger deployed audience. SVG has a much stronger technical architecture and is achieving rapid uptake in all sorts of verticals. It will take years for SVG to seriously challenge Flash. But when it does, SVG will win because its technology is so much stronger and it is a true standard which already has literally hundreds of cooperating tool implementations for every language, platform and application and will have thousands in the not-too-distant future.
Flash MX does search engines? (Score:2)
Re:For idiots like me - (Score:3, Informative)
In other words, if you're looking to create a cartoon on the web with nice tools and full multimedia synchronization then take a look at Flash and its tools today, but if you want to add vector graphics to a corporate intranet and so, definitely look at SVGs. One of the biggest features of SVGs that got me interested in the first place was the ability to completely embed the graphic in the webpage: While this goes against the spirt of HTML, this composite page was a godsend for a site which allowed users to email or download single file (i.e. non-zipped) reports.
Re:For idiots like me - (Score:5, Interesting)
Other posts in this thread have listed some disadvantages of SVG, but omitted that a browser plug-in fully implementing the spec weighs in at several megs. This is in contrast to the Flash player, which is still under 500K in the latest version. Not an issue for broadband users, but they are still a minority in the Web world.
Re:For idiots like me - (Score:1)
Re:For idiots like me - (Score:2, Informative)
Last time I built Amaya [w3.org] it only weighed in at several megs itself -- and it's a browser, WYSIWYHYGOOB (What You See Is What You Hope You Get On Other Browsers) XHTML editor, and to the best of my knowledge, fully supports SVG and MathML (which although unrelated, is nice if you don't have LaTeX2HTML or HeVeA handy).
Re:For idiots like me - (Score:3, Informative)
One issue is the only viewer that actually implements all the spec is the Adobe one, which revs infrequently and doesn't work in Mozilla. For development I ended up needing to run IE with the plugin under Wine so I could work on Linux. Performance is also a concern.
So - this time around I'm using the Moz native support, which is pretty good. SVG may never replace Flash (and so what if it doesn't) but there are a whole host of uses for vector graphics outside animations on the web.
Re:For idiots like me - (Score:1)
flash - SVG (Score:3, Interesting)
Good kudos to Macromedia if they would.
Re:flash - SVG (Score:5, Informative)
the flash authoring tool cannot currently export SVG. However, it is possible to render SVG (or at least a subset) within the Flash Player.
For more info see:
http://actionscript-toolbox.com/svgnotes.php [actionscript-toolbox.com]
http://www.macromedia.com/desdev/mx/flash/articles /parse_svg.html [macromedia.com]
also, if you would like to see svg support within the Flash authoring tool, you can request it here [macromedia.com]. Please be sure to include why you would like it and what it would enabled you to do. mike chambers mesh@macromedia.com
no, but Adobe LiveMotion does (Score:1, Interesting)
What tool was used to create the evolve.svg file? (Score:1)
Re:What tool was used to create the evolve.svg fil (Score:1)
Most vector graphics packages nowadays have the ability to export SVG as well.
Re:What tool was used to create the evolve.svg fil (Score:1)
So... (Score:3, Informative)
SVG - Free format, but requires a foreknowledge of XML. Well supported by the mobile industry and some pretty heavy hitters [w3.org], but not particularily known by the public.
Will both be implemented equally or will one ever edge out the other? Are we really going to have to suffer through Flash for much longer?
SWF is not a proprietary format. (Score:5, Informative)
SWF is the file format used by Macromedia Flash to deliver graphics, animation and sound over the Internet. Almost 95% of web users can view SWF content without having to install a new plug-in, and over 300 million people have downloaded the Flash player. Macromedia published the specifications for SWF in April 1998
Re:SWF is not a proprietary format. (Score:4, Informative)
Re:SWF is not a proprietary format. (Score:2)
The license does not allow the creation of Flash players that compete with Macromedia's, or the creation of tools that read Flash and output something else (like SVG). That's hardly open. [macromedia.com]
Re:SWF is not a proprietary format. (Score:2)
I don't see that anywhere in the license.
The license does place some restrictions on the contents of any SWF files produced (must not have errors, must be playable on latest player, etc.); but I don't see anywhere that it states that other file formats can't be output, nor do I see anywhere that it states that competing products cannot be created.
Unfortunately, I can't download the specification itself, because the form requires that Javascript be enabled to be able to download the specification.
Re:SWF is not a proprietary format. (Score:2)
The license does place some restrictions on the contents of any SWF files produced (must not have errors, must be playable on latest player, etc.); but I don't see anywhere that it states that other file formats can't be output, nor do I see anywhere that it states that competing products cannot be created.
The license says: You aren't allowed to use specification to create applications that do NOT output SWF: i.e. other players. Don't you think that if they wanted to allow products that either "import" or "output" SWF they would have said so? They didn't, so they didn't mean that.
Re:SWF is not a proprietary format. (Score:2)
The only thing I see that comes close are restrictions 3d and 3e, which I interpret to mean that if the product outputs SWF files, then it must adhere to those restrictions.
If they wanted to state that the product must output SWF files, they should have made that statement unconditionally, and then stated the types of SWF files that must be output.
For example, instead of "You agree that your Product must output SWF files that can playback without Errors in the latest versions of the Microsoft Windows, Apple Macintosh
The restrictions in their license are analogous to "You must speak quietly in the library", which doesn't mean that you must speak and speak quietly, but rather means that if you speak, you must speak quietly.
So I interpret those restrictions to be in effect only if my app outputs SWF files, not that it must output SWF files.
Even if statements 3d and 3e mean that the product must always output SWF files, it doesn't mean that the product can't output other things (such as video output to the screen).
Just output the SWF file to
Caveat: IANAL, but my interpretation seems sensible to me.
Re:SWF is not a proprietary format. (Score:2)
Sole purpose. No other purpose. I.e., not for the purpose of import or viewing. Why would they use the words "sole purpose" if they intended to leave other options open? why would they use the word "output" without mentioning "input???"
Re:SWF is not a proprietary format. (Score:2)
Re:SWF is not a proprietary format. (Score:2)
(I am sure, in that case, that the wise thing to do would be to put the thing in front of the company's corporate lawyer, and/or possibly ask Macromedia for clarification on that point.)
I was instead thinking about somebody implementing an open-source version of an SWF player, or an open-source utility that converts SWF to SVG, etc.
However, I have since actually read the spec (after getting it from another source that did not require me to enable scripting in my browser), and have determined that that somebody will not be me.
SVG appears to have nearly everything that SWF does, and many things that it doesn't.
(The only exception (that I can find) is the ability of apps outputing SWF to gracefully degrade the SWF stream on-the-fly, depending on network conditions.
Since SVG files, unlike SWF streams, are non-sequential, it is much more problematic, if not impossible, for apps to so this on-the-fly with SVG files.)
Re:SWF is not a proprietary format. (Score:2)
Since SVG files, unlike SWF streams, are non-sequential, it is much more problematic, if not impossible, for apps to so this on-the-fly with SVG files.)
In order to use SVG in printers as a replacement for Postscript, it is necessary to have support for streaming. I have reason to believe that this will be supported in the next iteration of SVG. There will probably be an SVG subset (perhaps with appropriate declaration) where all references are backwards.
Re:So... (Score:2, Informative)
Re:So... (Score:1, Interesting)
Again, people can create what they want with any technology. It's not the fault of the technology. Sure Flash Intros are annoying. Guess what, SVG intros will be annoying too.
Why is Macromedia a "big, stinky corporation"? Thanks.
SVG && Printing (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:SVG && Printing (Score:2)
You consider that an advantage in SVG?
SVG and web authoring don't mix, and why would anyone want to print Gifs or PNGs? Clarify please.
Re:SVG && Printing (Score:2, Insightful)
SVG and web authoring don't mix, and why would anyone want to print Gifs or PNGs? Clarify please.
This makes no sense. In the real world most intranets now have HTML reporting functionality (with CSS printing layout), and users print this. SVG is another step in the evolution of that being a credible data information system for corporations.
Re:SVG && Printing (Score:2, Informative)
Re:SVG && Printing (Score:2)
As all graphics are vector based, SVG also has the potential to provide crystal clear, high resolution print-outs instead of the blurred GIFs (or PNG if anyone cares) we get to today.
Well, I think he meant to say that when you're using SVG (instead of some other (raster) format), all the elements of your graphics are vector-based. Even though it sounded that way grammatically, since he said "all graphics", he couldn't have meant "all graphics, everywhere, are vector-based", since that would just be too absurdly dumb, and especially since he also specifically contrasted vector graphics with raster formats like GIF. If he thought GIF was vector-based, then what would he think was different about SVG?
If we give him the benefit of the grammatical correction, then it's a valid and interesting point, though it's really more an argument for vector formats in general, and I don't know that I'd have marked it all the way up to (+4, Interesting). I mean, like, duh -- high-resolution rendering has always been, like, the whole point of vector graphics; why else are TrueType and PostScript fonts better than bitmaps?
Re:Two whiff posts in a row. Wrong again. (Score:1)
SodiPodi (Score:5, Interesting)
SodiPodi [sodipodi.com] is an SVG editor for Linux and (recently) Windows. It's not complete yet, but from the look of it it should be pretty good when it is.
dont forget karbon. (Score:2)
Karbon Pics [xs4all.nl]
SVG not (yet?) for presentation (Score:5, Interesting)
I took a quick look at SVG for a proposal. It required animation with syncronized audio narration so SVG wasn't a possibility. I still don't see that SVG supports this and can't imagine SVG to be even remotely as useful as SWF in the realm of multi-media presentation. Sure it makes sense in more technical applications like mapping or calculated interactive diagrams, but I don't fear we'll be subjected to a rash of slow-loading SVG page banners any time soon. Bit of a shame, actually.
Re:SVG not (yet?) for presentation (Score:5, Informative)
Re:SVG not (yet?) for presentation (Score:2)
Sweet, dude! Muchas gracias for the excellent link, I had never heard of SMIL before. (Half the time I post, it's just trolling for more info. ;) It doesn't look so mature, have you used it or know of any examples you can point me to?
Thanks again.
Re:SVG not (yet?) for presentation (Score:2)
I took a quick look at SVG for a proposal. It required animation with syncronized audio narration so SVG wasn't a possibility.
Perhaps not with the implementation you had available, but SVG was always meant to be used with the Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language (SMIL) which can certainly handle syncronized audio narration.
I still don't see that SVG supports this and can't imagine SVG to be even remotely as useful as SWF in the realm of multi-media presentation. Sure it makes sense in more technical applications like mapping or calculated interactive diagrams, but I don't fear we'll be subjected to a rash of slow-loading SVG page banners any time soon. Bit of a shame, actually.
If this is your only complaint with SVG then you don't really have a complaint with SVG. Tell Adobe, Corel and the other implementors that you want more of SMIL implemented. You also have the option of using Javascript to generate sound, of course...
Re:SVG not (yet?) for presentation (Score:2)
i thought one of the advantages of svg was that it was open, and didnt rely on proprietary / closed technologies? last i checked both the adobe and corel players were both closed / proprietary programs.
SVG is a specification. There are open source and closed source implementations of the specification. That's the virtue of having a standard. You can choose to use the product that has the licensing that you agree with. Proprietary products do not give you that freedom.
of course, you could just write your own player, but then everyone has to worry about yet another implimentation, and its quirks and problems, leading to lowest common denominator programing, which is generally a pain.
Why would you write your own player rather than working with librSVG and Mozilla SVG?
Apple's Keynote (Score:1)
Re:SVG not (yet?) for presentation (Score:2, Informative)
Version 4 of Adobe SVG Viewer (renamed Adobe Image Viewer [adobe.com]) also supports synchronization of video elements. Unfortunately Adobe Image Viewer only supports viewing SVG files that are embedded in Acrobat PDF files.
Ahh, the advancement of graphics. (Score:3, Funny)
I predict that within the next 5 years W3 will have another new, "better", standard. It will rely on embeding the graphics in the web pages themselves, similar to SVG. But, it will greatly simplify programming with its Reduced Instruction Set Code(RISC). The code syntax will consist only of Peek(x,y) and Poke(x,y). Simple huh?
Some Goodies (Score:5, Informative)
Flash Usability [flazoom.com] (Flazoom!)
SWF Extractor [imagespro.com] (Windows prgrams that extracts images and mp3 files from a SWF file as separate files)
Unlock SWF [buraks.com] (Open up compressed SWF files)
SWiSH [swishzone.com] (Low cost alternative to Macromedia)
Re:Some Goodies (Score:5, Informative)
fyi, the link to the linux flash player you have is 4 years old.
you can download all of the latest flash player, including linux, solaris and os x from:
http://www.macromedia.com/shockwave/download/alter nates/ [macromedia.com]
More Goodies (Score:2)
Convert various stuff to SVG [flashdeveloper.nl]
Please take my advice (Score:3, Insightful)
In theory, it is a good idea, but it is only "widely accepted" (pronounced: "anticipated") by programmers who have been talking trash about Flash usability and want to play with vector art without losing face.
Stick to Flash until SVG picks up some steam. The World Wide Web Consortium has been very optimistic about it, promoting its native-ness in future browsers, but my money's on Flash until it gets all sorted out.
Re:Please take my advice (Score:5, Informative)
In theory, it is a good idea, but it is only "widely accepted" (pronounced: "anticipated") by programmers who have been talking trash about Flash usability and want to play with vector art without losing face.
SVG has wide usability and even popularity in tasks far beyond Flash's ability. For instance SVG is the standard display format for geographical applications [academy-computing.com]. SVG is used for some scalable KDE icons. SVG can be [kde.org] natively produced [sourceforge.net] using open source software on open source operating systems. SVG is going to be embedded in the next generation of cell phones [w3.org]. SVG is going to be embedded in upcoming printers as a page description language [svgopen.org]. It is possible to print to SVG as you might print to Postscript or PDF. It is also possible to directly [mattercast.com] render PDF to SVG. And you will soon be able to output Visio diagrams [xml.org] as SVG. I've even heard of an SVG front-end for NetHack.
The point is that SVG can achieve popularity much greater than Flash's without displacing a single Flash animation. And once it has done that, it will be a small additional step to wipe Macromedia's proprietary, binary crap off of the face of the earth. ;)
By all means, use Flash for the time being. It is the best tool for many jobs. But don't think that SVG is a "theory." It is used by thousands of people in practice, in both commercial [corel.com] and open source [mozilla.org] projects. There are many businesses dedicated [savagesoftware.com] to [bitflash.com] building [zoomon.com] SVG [universalmap.com] tools [roitsystems.com], and whole industries being re-imagined [umtsworld.com] around SVG. Its recent growth curve is amazing and I'm convinced it will be remembered as being as important as other major W3C specs such as XML and HTML before it.
Re:Please take my advice (Score:2)
Okay then, you give ME some links as I gave. Show me KDE icons in Flash (as I showed KDE icons in SVG). Show me Flash being used as a page description language by a major printer manufacturer. Show me someone rendering PDF to Flash. Show me a tool for doing "Print to Flash". Show me Web phone standards like 3GPP which require Flash. Show me an open source Flash editor for Linux. etc.
Re:Please take my advice (Score:2)
SVG is for vector graphics. If you haven't noticed, FLASH is much more than that.
The point is that SVG is the last important piece of the suite of Web standards that will make Flash redundant. Javscript replaces Actionscript. SMIL replaces Flash animation. And finally, SVG replaces Flash vector graphics.
And FLASH will always be popular for dynamic graphics and interactive content.
Here's a hint no technology will "always" be popular. Technology evolves. If you're in the "Flash business" then you owe it to yourself to ask what will eventually replace Flash. If it isn't SVG then it will be something else.
Re:Please take my advice (Score:2)
Sure. But I still don't see much point in comparing FLASH and SVG.
It is true that pundits tend to focus on this when it is not the biggest deal.
SVG is just a graphics format. It is closer to PDF than it is to FLASH. SVG+DHTML will not replace FLASh though, simply because DHTML sucks.
There is no such standard as DHTML. The standards that can work together to replace Flash (and do much more than Flash can!) are SVG, SMIL and ECMAScript. Of course you can also mix in XHTML, XSLT, XForms and other XML vocabulary but that takes the mix far beyond Flash.
90% of your work will go towards work-arounds, and it will still be slow, unstable, and disfunctional.
Javascript implementations are converging on the ECMAscript standard. But let's presume that this was not the case. What you are saying is: "standards can be implemented in a non-standard way and this causes problems." But think about that, who is implementing the standards in a non-standard way? Mostly Microsoft. Why? Because they want to kill standards because interoperability promotes competition. You're making Microsoft's argument for them. And Macromedia is deep in bed with them also. For your own protection you should be criticing the source of the bad "dHTML" implementations (Microsoft) rather than the standards that are being abused.
I do not like FLASH because of the software. They also just raised the price believing they can pull an Adobe on the market.
In the absence of standards you are at the whim of the monopoly vendor.
But I have stronger doubts when it comes to these so called web standards. They are just adding to the heap of spagetti-bloat-ware.
Quite the opposite. Whereas proprietary standards like PDF, Flash and VML share _nothing_ in syntax or semantics, XHTML, XForms and SVG share a lot of syntax and concepts which allows implementations to be smaller and less bloated. If we just cede the Web to proprietary vendors, the whole thing will become nightmarishly bloated because the bits from Microsoft won't be integrated with the bits from Macromedia which won't be integrated with the bits from Adobe. etc.
And it is going to be quite some time before SVG reaches critical mass. FLASH already has. And FLASH will let you do more, more reliably. That is what FLASH developers pay for.
It is not correct to say that Flash is "more popular" or "more reliable" without addressing the audience and market. Among cartographers, SVG is more popular. SVG either already is or soon will be more popular among scientists. SVG is already more popular as an interchange format between graphics programs and as a visualization for XML-based data. SVG already ships with chipsets for mobile phones and will probably soon ship with the phones built on top of those chipsets. Flash is more popular and reliable for public applications on the public Internet. Yes. But SVG can become more popular than Flash -- in total -- without even touching that particular application. But of course there will be a day where SVG and Flash compete head to head and it will be the young Turk versus the established veteran. Irresistable force versus unmovable object.
I believe SVG will win based on the fact that it has superior technology, it is better integrated with Web standards and XML, it is standardized and backed by more companies (e.g. Adobe, Corel, Canon, Nokia, to a certain extent Microsoft) and based in large part on the fact that Flash has failed to live up to the promise of vector graphics. Most vector graphics on the Web are NOT Flash: they are GIF/PNG. That's a very sad fact and if Flash was going to solve the problem it probably would have done so already. SVG is the solution. Handling the 10% of vector graphics that is in Flash is a small side-task compared to the main one of banishing GIFs of words, lines, circles etc.
I am sure you've seen enough bad FLASH to make you sick of it, but just wait til you see the bad SVG.
I'm not concerned about the quality of the work produced. I'm concerned about the quality of the technologies themselves. Flash is poorly integrated with Web architecture and it would need a complete architectural overhaul to fit better. (XML syntax, gzip compression, embeddable in XHTML, open license, support for style sheets, etc.)
Re:Please take my advice (Score:2)
SVG Support (Score:3, Informative)
The biggest problem I've encountered so far is with Mozilla. Unfortunately, Mozilla's SVG capabilities are non-existant and the current Adobe SVG plugin doesn't work with the brower.
SVG Support & Mozilla (Score:5, Interesting)
It also suffers from a licensing problem: it uses libart [gnome.org], which is licensed under the LGPL, which (for some reason) means it can't be included as standard in mozilla builds.
There is also an Adobe plugin [adobe.com], which does claim to work with mozilla, but it crashes more often than not
Adobe SVG does crash Mozilla 1.x (Score:5, Insightful)
Basically, Adobe used an "unfrozen" API that changed between version 0.9.9 and the 1.0 release, breaking the plugin around the end of March 2002. The bug report contains an interesting back-and-forth between Mozilla and an Adobe developer, where basically the Mozilla developers admit that they completely fucked Adobe with their plugin interface.
(In order to allow scripting with the SVG plugin, they had to use some unfrozen interfaces. Although the interface that seems to cause the most crashes is the network code (nsHttpChannel), if I'm reading the crash dumps correctly.)
It's now 2003, and it appears that Mozilla has sucessfully gotten Adobe to say "screw this" and stop supporting the Mozilla browser all together. I'm hoping that with the release of the 1.1 SVG spec, Adobe will finally release an SVG plugin that works with newer Mozilla builds. But I think the tech evangelism team has successfully made that highly improbable by completely and totally pissing the developers at Adobe off, and this is highly unlikely.
Re:SVG Support & Mozilla (Score:1)
For instance, visitors to recent nightlies may notice two options for Win32:
Which uses a GDI plugin for rendering SVG on win32 and:
Which uses libart
(BTW, both builds also include Calendar)
Re:SVG Support & Mozilla (Score:2)
libart is incompatable because it needs to be availabe under the Mozilla tri-license, but on Windows it uses GDI+ now anyway so that's only a concern for Linux.
Re:Why can't they arleady do this? (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Why can't they arleady do this? (Score:3, Informative)
libgtk-1.2.so.0 =>
GTK is certainly LGPL also!!!! What exactly is the problem here again?
Re:Why can't they arleady do this? (Score:2)
Mozilla team rejects libart (LGPL) and at the same time includes GTK (also LGPL). Strange, isn't it? But it doesn't look strange if you'll try to read some discussions in their bugzilla, like this one [mozilla.org], where they buried out XFORMS b/c Why not just do it all in html and keep extending html. Basically, "we don't need any new standards, we need just some bugs to be fixed".
Look at other Mozilla projects having been promising and now dead [mozdev.org]. Look at their Roadmap [mozilla.org] - only version numbers, no info about any planned features (compare it with, for example PostgreSQL TODO [postgresql.org] list).
Gecko is (or was?) the most promising GUI technology I see today. It allows much more than HTML browsing - it allows to build real applications on the web. And several non-browser projects have been developed (i.e. mail). But tell me the name of any Gecko project newborn in last 6 months? Or old one riched its v1.0 quality in last 12 months? Did I miss something or nobody cares about Gecko anymore?
I think that for a long term Mozilla as project is slowing down and it may eventually die. At least with its current development team.
Very well done ! (Score:2, Funny)
Why not a standard for bloating websites (BDF - bloated document format), unreadable graphics rubbish (BEDL - bleeding eye document language) and web browser incompatibility enforcing documents (HCML - hypercrash markup language) ?
Mozilla and SVG (Score:3, Informative)
While we are still a long way away from full SVG support, the subset currently implemented is already pretty useable. We have support for all basic shapes including beziers, stroking and filling with opacity and much of the DOM.
The samples at croczilla.com/svg/ should give you a good idea of the features currently implemented.
Big areas where we're still lacking include text, clipping, filters and declarative animations.
Vectors Rule! (Score:3, Interesting)
After all, complex 3D models rendered for video presentations, simulations and movies are just complex vectors and can allow easy and proportional scaling.
Not to mention that most vector data compresses alot more than storing a high resolution raster image.
I am all for an open/portable format thats compatable from CAD programs through rendering/moddeling software and raster paint packages. Postscript can do some of this but I find postscript a little too bloated in alot of cases..
Re:Vectors Rule! (Score:2)
I agree, CAD type 3D models via ASCII format is the Holy Grail. In Architecture, our computer tools are still baby-faced. It will be at least another five years before it is common practice to link specification, manufacturing, and schedule information to a 3D object, a model of not only the building but the whole project. (Something most industries, such as aerospace, already do today.) And yet, I think SVG is the first glimpse into this possibility.
Mozilla Support (Score:2)
Piracy (Score:2, Insightful)
For instance, if the author creates a fancy animation routine as a Flash library and links it in the SWF, other Flash authors cannot easily copy that library and use it in their own projects. With SVG, however, being a pure-text human-readable format, what's to stop an author from viewing the SVG source and doing a cut-and-paste of the library into his own projects? From what I understand of SVG, there is nothing to stop unethical authors from stealing from the hard work of their more talented peers.
This is the one example where SVG's implementation in XML is actually a bad thing. And in my book, it's a huge disadvantage of SVG that Jacek Artymiak's article failed to address. Perhaps it's even the reason why SVG has failed to overtake SWF on the web.
Re:Piracy (Score:1)
Things can always be done better. Does it make one a pirate if he sees the point in this?
Am I not an artist if I choose to "give" my art to the people to use and learn from?
Does it make me somehow a bad artist if I don't want to get paid for my stuff?
What the heck do you mean by piracy anyway? All the great artists have been copied/plagiarized and most of the great artists have done it themselves. We can even check that out if you like, try classical composers, try painters, try modern musicians... The difference is, nowadays we have big corporations who think they are doing losses because of piracy. I believe the artists aren't often even asked about their opinion in this or then they have been lied to to make them think badly about "piracy".
Are you an artist? Do you want people to enjoy your work, or do you want to cash in by stupidity?
- Voice of Ambience -
Re:Piracy (Score:1)
I wasn't talking about doing things better; I was talking about taking another person's work and making it your own. For example, it's difficult to take a JPG image and change the text of that image. But with SVG, one could easily change the text of a logo from "Your Company, Inc." to "My Company, Inc." -- just do a search-and-replace using a text editor -- while preserving the font, colors, and everything else in the image.
Am I not an artist if I choose to "give" my art to the people to use and learn from?
With SVG, I'm saying you don't have a choice. It forces you to make your code viewable to anyone who views the image, whether you choose to or not.
Does it make me somehow a bad artist if I don't want to get paid for my stuff?
My point is not "art vs. money". I'm saying that if I paint a picture in SVG, the XML nature of that picture allows the image to be modified and decomposed easily by others. This is not possible with other image formats, such as GIF, JPG, or SWF.
What the heck do you mean by piracy anyway?
You're right; piracy is the wrong word. I guess what I should have said was "copyright infringement". SVG makes this much easier than other image formats.
All the great artists have been copied/plagiarized and most of the great artists have done it themselves.
You're talking about stealing artistic styles and ideas. I'm talking about stealing the actual code. One could not easily take the original Mona Lisa and change the background landscape to a picture of a city skyline. But if da Vinci had published his famous work in SVG, then that sort of thing could be done in a simple text editor without altering the original foreground image in any way. Okay, maybe that's a silly example, but I think it gets my point across.
The difference is, nowadays we have big corporations who think they are doing losses because of piracy.
I'm not thinking of big corporations; I'm thinking of myself. Let's say I make a logo in SVG for my webpage and spend a lot of time working on a nice gradient for the background. Then let's say some other webpage author visits my site and says, "Hmm. That's a pretty cool gradient. I don't want to take the time writing SVG code to implement that same gradient, so I think I'll open his SVG code into my text editor, delete the part that draws his logo, and replace it with my logo." So this guy was able to steal my work ("art") and use it for himself, possibly to make money, without any compensation for my time.
Are you an artist?
Do I make a living by creating art? No. Do I make logos and graphics for my web pages? Yes.
Do you want people to enjoy your work, or do you want to cash in by stupidity?
Why can't I do both? I believe an artist should be compensated for his time and effort so that he can continue to make great art.
Copyright law is good enough (Score:2, Informative)
what's to stop an author from viewing the SVG source and doing a cut-and-paste of the library into his own projects?
Title 17, United States Code.
The Berne Convention.
What else do you need?
A Question of Trust (Score:3, Interesting)
Not mentioned anywhere by anyone so far: should we trust Macromedia's plug-in? One reason I don't allow the Flash plug-in to be installed on my computer is that I don't understand everything that it does, and how an author can mis-use the language to do things they shouldn't. Paranoid? Of course.
So I did a search here [cert.org] on the CERT site to see the kinds of headaches that have been reported with Flash. The returned response shows that the plug-in isn't too awful, but still it is bad enough to tilt the scales in my case to not supporting Flash at all, on any platform. YMMV
The same search of the CERT size for "svg" didn't yield anything, but that just means no one has found the hole yet, if there is one. Separating SVG and the multimedia functions means less opportunity for screwing up, or at least confining the exposure of any screwup. Maybe.
Besides, I have yet to find any good use of Flash as a customer -- but then again, I'm a proponent that Web pages should inform, not entertain or mesmorize. Corporate America won't like my attitude, I'm sure.
Re:A Question of Trust (Score:1)
here is a link to listing of flash privacy / security resources:
http://www.markme.com/mesh/archives/000068.cfm#000 068 [markme.com]
http://www.macromedia.com/v1/developer/securityzon e/ [macromedia.com]
http://www.macromedia.com/desdev/security/ [macromedia.com]
I think one reason you find more security reports for the flash player than any SVG players, is that the Flash player is more widely distributed, and thus more people look for issues in it.
Also, the main SVG player, by adobe, is also closed source, so you run into the same issues of not know what it is doing.
Macromedia has been very responsive about addressing security issues with new player updates, and I don't think there are currently any open security issues which have not been addressed.
The advantages of SVG (Score:2, Insightful)
1 -- It's just XML. Whatever can emit XML can emit SVG, from a perl script to a huge j2ee system. Andthe perl script doesn't take long to write because SVG is a compact format that should be intuitive to anyone who understands scene graphs (and anyone else really).
2 -- It's scriptable and interactive. In fact, SVG has an object model that integrates with that of a web page. This makes it easy to provide interactive charts or SVG graphic elements that participate in navigation -- and they'll do the same thing whether they're hosted in a web page or in an application or whatever.
3 -- SVG is predictable and easy to handle. Bitmaps are horrible for presenting detailed technical data -- you can't zoom, you don't know how they'll print, you can't edit them easily when they're finished, they take up space. SVG is small, predictable, and can be 'fixed' by making changes to the text of the file.
4 -- SVG is accurate. It is easy to generate SVG according to precise algorithms and know that the SVG renderer will draw the resulting lines in a predictable way. You do not have scaling/rasterizing issues (at least not as much).
Overall, we have found SVG to be easy to teach, easy to distribute, and produce very good-looking and interactive results. I think it's a big, serious advance in presenting complex data, especially if you need to present it over the web or interactively. I do not see SVG as a replacement for Flash/other pretty picture formats, I see it as a replacement for
It's also a geek-freindly technology -- lots of cool filter toys, easy to integrate with your silly scripting language of choice. I love it
why SVG is better than SWF (Score:1)
I have to disable flash everytime I update a browser or macromedia program, which is very annoying. I have no problem with SVG, since it doesn't make my computer start playing annoying music when I load a web page.
Re:why SVG is better than SWF (Score:2, Interesting)
the current main svg players are closed source.
there is nothing stopping you from writing your own flash player. The flash 6 file format specification is avaliable at:
http://www.macromedia.com/software/flash/open/lice nsing/fileformat/ [macromedia.com]
the issues you have seme to do with the implimentation of the technology, and not the technology itseld.
zerg (Score:2)
So where's the SVG authoring apps? (Score:2)
Re:So where's the SVG authoring apps? (Score:2)
Re:So where's the SVG authoring apps? (Score:2)
As time goes on, the web is becoming less of a hypertext document repository and more of an interactive page definition language document repository. SWF, SVF and all just make more so that way. One of the original ideas I like about the web is that I could control the look and feel of the pages I browse.
Re:So where's the SVG authoring apps? (Score:2)
Illustrator (Score:2)
Flash vs SVG is more complicated (Score:4, Informative)
Here are some great places for SVG demos:
Pinkjuice/svg [pinkjuice.com]
KevLinDev [kevlindev.com]
Adobe SVG zone [adobe.com]
And here are some SVG examples more "in the wild", which are usually mapping or graphing:
http://www.netency.com/netenmap/index.php?p=demos [netency.com]
Anyway, educate yourself and see where SVG can be applied. Good luck.
Karbon (Score:2)
In this interview [ofb.biz] they talk with the authors of the Conectiva Crystal icons, and about using karbon to make them. They link to this screenshot [xs4all.nl].
Even though this is my first venture into vector art, I must say I like it - it looks like it could even make an artist out of me!
Every Technologies has +/-s. Just be aware of them (Score:2, Informative)
I feel developers should always try to be as aware as possible about the technologies they use, without bias. Sometimes a client may request something be done in Flash, other clients may require that everything be as XML conformant as possible. Whatever the request, the developer needs to be aware of the pluses and minuses of each, and inform the client where need be. Flash has it's place, especially as Macromedia is putting in effort with MX to get it to address accessibility issues.
There is another possible advantage to SVG, being XML compliant, that I have not seen addressed here, and that is SVG media/documents can be formatted on the fly, using XSLT for various media. CSS addresses media types for (I know the support for all is not there yet, but it is getting there)
I saw Dean Jackson's presentation at the OzeWAI 2002 Conference [ozewai.org]. From what I could see, he was using Mac OSX, and Python XSLT tools to produce his PowerPoint like SVG slides. In this format, one should be able to configure completely different behaviour, look and feels for any of the desired end media formats. Without a file format based in structured markup, this becomes much more difficult to address. For this purpose, this is far more flexible.
I do feel that as/if SVG is eventually built into browsers natively, there will need to be some user configurability to control the behaviour of the SVG, (and other media) in the browser. If there are animations the user needs to be able to easily turn them off (if they want too), or allow the user to turn them off by default. Users obviously want this type of control as each user is different, some may love animated web pages, others may not. SVG and user-agents need to be easily configurable and controllable. This should be pretty obvious given Mozilla's and Opera's preferences to allow the user to manage the DOM, and the market in Popup blockers for IE that manage the DOM and http refreshes and the like.
As a side note, I really do not think the W3C is trying to box in/out developers. I try to follow most of the discussion groups associated with Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) [w3.org]. I can see how it would be easy to form the mistaken opinion that this bunch of people basically want a web driven by Lynx (or some really bland HTML). I ask those of you here that find the process of the W3C draconian, to just follow any of the active W3C discussion lists [w3.org]. I find a community of people that, for one have taught me a lot about how to work as a collaboration of people with different views and agendas, that are working with everyone to try and find a way to present the web in the most universal and open standards. There is often very healthy debate, and many people trying and working very hard not to limit the standards. The W3C is not the Web Police, it's just a standards body trying to build an equitable, accessible web (Maybe I'm really naive).
Admittedly they do not do such a good job of marketing themselves and educating developers, but it is a democratic process, if you really don't like something and feel you have better solutions, or can improve, or help, join a working group and help improve the web.
If you do follow a discussion list for a few months, and do not find what I stated, well.. you can email me a tell me what a flamin idiot I am (you may not be far wrong).
Re: (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:.SWF Is Not Flash? (Score:2, Informative)
No, because Flash is the program necessary to read that SWF file.
Re:The good thing about SVG being XML (Score:2)