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CodeCon Program Announced 13

Len Sassaman writes "CodeCon 2.0 is the premier event in 2003 for the P2P, Cypherpunk, and network/security application developer community. It is a workshop for developers of real-world applications with working code and active development projects. CodeCon registration is $95; a $15 discount is available for attendees who register online prior to February 15th. CodeCon 2.0 will be held February 22-24, noon-6pm, at Club NV (525 Howard Street) in San Francisco." Here's the site for more codecon info. Read on below for a list of scheduled presentations.
"Presentations will include:
  • Advogato - Good metadata, even when under attack, based on a trust metric
  • Alluvium - p2p media streaming for low-bandwidth broadcasters
  • Bayonne - Telephony application services for freely licensed operating systems
  • Cryptopy - pure Python crypto
  • DeepGreen - Agent Oriented investment analysis designed to be self-funding
  • GNU radio - Hacking the RF Spectrum with Free Software and Hardware
  • HOTorNOT - A working example of well-designed website user interface
  • Hydan - Steganographically conceal a message into an executable application
  • Khashmir - A distributed hash table library upon which applications can be built
  • Mixminion - A next-generation anonymous remailer
  • Neurogrid - Decentralized Fuzzy Meta-Data Search
  • OpenRatings - An open source professor ratings engine
  • Paketto Keiretsu - Interesting and Useful Techniques for TCP/IP Networking
  • YouServ - A communal web-hosting system for the masses
  • A panel on future directions in version control"
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CodeCon Program Announced

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An age is called Dark not because the light fails to shine, but because people refuse to see it. -- James Michener, "Space"
