$BottlesOfBeerOnTheWall = 99; 93
Noodleroni writes "The First Maybe-Annual 99-Bottles-of-Beer-on-the-Wall-Proggie Contest is now under way! We are looking for your most compact, obfuscated, or other wise cool code to print out the entire lyrics of the aforementioned, very long, song. Maybe we'll even get some submissions written in Malbolge?"
I hate these competitions. (Score:3, Funny)
Some good suggestios... (Score:5, Funny)
Write an obfuscated proggie that roots the system, searches for the file beerlyrics.txt and if it finds it pipes it to stdout (followed by /etc/passwd), and then proceeds to spread over the network following the same actions on each machine
Write a program that calls 911 on the modem, and then drunkenly sings the 99 bottles of beer song to the 911 operator by using 56khz 1-bit audio :-P (calling internationally works also ;-) )
Write a karaoke 99 bottles sing-along proggie, which records his vocal patterns and then calls the whitehouses and uses his prerecorded phonetics to generate a terrorist threat towards the president in his voice!
I'm sure you can come up with more than this, but these sure seem to be winners to me.
blech. (Score:5, Funny)
My roommates, while amused for the first 10 minutes or so, threatened grevious personal injury a few hours later.
Re:tsarkon reports - banned use of lame diminutive (Score:1, Offtopic)
What's the point... (Score:5, Informative)
Re:What's the point... (Score:2)
For example, my entry was short and obfuscated. (Those two have (according to the page) a "weigh factor of 2".) Granted, the obfuscation was kinda lame, but (not counting the REBOL headers) it was only one (> 300 char) line. (And no, I didn't just remove the newlines. You'll see.)
Re:What's the point... (Score:2)
Re:What's the point... (Score:1)
That said, it's a tiny program and ran quickly. Maybe I could try writing one in python, the site did say you could enter 3 times.
Re:What's the point... (Score:2)
Fuck me running.... sendmail? (Score:3, Funny)
Indeed. Any "99 bottles" programming list complete enough to include the infamous sendmail [ls-la.net] version is more than enough. No contest need be held.
Besides, "99 bottles" is boring. Use the programmer's version:
99 little bugs in the code,
99 little bu-u-u-ugs,
fix a bug,
compile again,
100 little bugs in the code.
(Subsequent verses increase the number of bugs by powers of two, i.e., 99, 100, 102, 106, 114, 130, 162, 226, ...)
Re:Fuck me running.... sendmail? (Score:2)
...make that 488 languages (Score:1)
99 Bottles of Beer in InstallScript
(c) 2003 Project Insomnia
Released under GPL for http://99-bottles-of-beer.ls-la.net/
Requires: InstallShield Professional 5 or greater
#include "ifx.h"
NUMBER nBottles;
STRING szTitle, szStatus, szTitleS, szStatusS;
Disable ( BACK
My version (Score:3, Funny)
echo you\'ll be dead before this song is over;
My program (Score:5, Funny)
Undoubtedly, the first 5 million entries will be along these lines. So I fully expect Mr McLean to disable internet access, and/or modify the page at http://www.noodleroni.com/beerlyrics.txt to say "SUCKER!" or something like that.
Re:My program (Score:1)
Re:My program (Score:2)
Re:My program (Score:2)
Re:My program (Score:2)
wget --http://www.noodleroni.com/beerlyrics.txt ; cat beerlyrics.txt
All we have to do to disqualify obvious entries is post them here.
Malbolge is truly evil (Score:5, Informative)
A solution in Malbolge would be really really amazing. No-one has shown that it is possible to do loops in Malbolge yet; and a program with that much output would be really hard to make.
Someone did finally come up with a "Hello World" in Malbolge! Well, almost. He managed to make a "HEllO WORld" program by writing a genetic algorithm that took a few hours to find the program.
This is the source code:
(=<`$9]7<5YXz7wT.3,+O/o'K%$H"'~D|#z@b=`{^Lx8%$XmrSee http://www.acooke.org/andrew/writing/malbolge.html [acooke.org].
Re:Malbolge is truly evil (Score:4, Informative)
Re:Malbolge is truly evil (Score:2)
Advanced translation system? That's my best guess. I doubt a human could code in Malbolge in a reasonable amount of time...
Re:Malbolge is truly evil (Score:2)
Re:Malbolge is truly evil (Score:2)
Re:Malbolge is truly evil (Score:3, Interesting)
89-character Malbolge "Hello World" []
Re:Malbolge is truly evil (Score:1)
for bottles 99 1 -1 [
print rejoin [ bottles " of beer on the wall..." ]
You get the idea.
Re:Malbolge is truly evil (Score:1)
Good luck to all those who enter.
Re:Malbolge is truly evil (Score:2)
Re:Malbolge is truly evil (Score:1)
It needs a surgeon general's warning.
Mmmm.... alcohol poisoning.... (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Mmmm.... alcohol poisoning.... (Score:1)
won bottle of beeeeeerrr,
drink er down, passhh it aroun
hey, wheresh all da beer?
gotta go get shome more... *hic*
2 policemen in a squad car,
2 policemen,
One gets out and makes an arrest,
1 policeman left in the car.
99 drunks in jail,
99 drunks in jail,
Add one more and whadya got,
100 drunks in jail.
In case you're wondering, I'm making this public domain.
Re:Mmmm.... alcohol poisoning.... (Score:1)
I was hoping you'd release it as free (beer).
Re:Mmmm.... alcohol poisoning....done with expect (Score:2, Interesting)
The final verse in one run
11 botqle off baer oc tbe wakl,
1 botplo of beer,
take onne da, pass itt arounm,
0 yotglees oof beeeer on tte walll.
Re:Mmmm.... alcohol poisoning....done with expect (Score:1)
Re:Mmmm.... alcohol poisoning....done with expect (Score:1)
Re:Mmmm.... alcohol poisoning....done with expect (Score:1)
No, but I did know that the screensaver was from a movie, I just neglected to mention it :-).
Re:Mmmm.... alcohol poisoning....done with expect (Score:1)
Here it is in COW. (Score:2)
Re:Here it is in COW. (Score:1)
Re:Here it is in COW. (Score:1)
In K (Score:4, Interesting)
I'm sure I can cut at least ten characters off of that. I doubt it will be anywhere close to the smallest, though.
Re:In K (Score:2)
Re:In K (Score:1)
Smaller (Score:2)
Been there done that? (Score:4, Informative)
Re:Been there done that? (Score:2)
You have absolutely got to try... (Score:1)
Spell out the quantity... (Score:2)
You mean, like... (Score:2)
It helps to use a language that has number-to-english-cardinal built into it (hint: it's the ~R entries in the format string).
My 3 line python entry (Score:2)
f = urllib.urlopen("http://www.noodleroni.com/beerlyr
#heh, heh, heh
Nope, nope, I'm sorry... (Score:3, Funny)
I am a grown adult, you see. I am capable of speaking in complete words.
"The kids today used to say stuff like hizzook when they meant hook, like "off the hizzook". Now they just say 'hizzle'. It's as if, having added a syllable to the word, they're now too ignorant and lazy to bother finishing the damned thing."
Re:Nope, nope, I'm sorry... (Score:1)
477 y0ur b4s3 4r3 b3l0ng t0 h4x0rs. U R 0wn3d.
7h3r3 g035
My perl version (Score:2)
Or, using my WWW::Mechanize [cpan.org] module,
php (Score:1)
99 botles on the wall... [mducharme.com]
Any idea how to reduce it?
Re:php (Score:1)
- change
Re:php (Score:1)
- change <?php to just <?
- get rid of the <br>
Re:shortest c program? (Score:1)
by the way, i got my java program down to 589 bytes
I messed up, down another 15 bytes to 224 (Score:2)
down, pass it around,\n":"%d%s bottle%s of beer%s%c\n%s",n,(!n?"\bNo more":""),"s"+(n==1),l==1?"":" on the wall",",."[l==3],"\n"+(l!=3||!n));}}
Progg? (Score:2)
My attempt (Pseudocode) (Score:1)
Function Drink (Bottles):
Print_or_verbalize (Bottles);
if (Bottles !=Done)
Drink (Bottles-1)
Drink (Bottles)
heh (Score:1)