Yet Another Perl Conference - Israel 38
Gabor Szabo writes "For anyone interested in Perl,
Yet Another Perl Conference is coming to Haifa, Israel on May 11th. Registration is now open. Though the schedule is not final yet the list of presentations
is already finished. There are going to be a quite some excellent presentations including Perl and .NET. This is a great way to get involved in the Perl community."
The One True language (Score:1, Offtopic)
And here I thought Hebrew was the One true language
$yapc++; (Score:3, Funny)
while (<ID_LIKE_TO_GO>){
if(in("Israel") == 1){
$too_expensive = 1;
Re:No thanks. What Israel is doing is not right. (Score:1, Offtopic)
My attempt at Israel-perl-code humor pales in significance to such a statement.
What's the point of having Excellent Karma, if one does not put it on the line?
Remember Rachel Corrie. [alternet.org]
Re:No thanks. What Israel is doing is not right. (Score:1)
I've actually read most of the above link.
Natuarally, it is extremely biased.
However, I have several remarks:
1) having seen these buldosers, and driven an armored vehicle myself, I can tell you that indeed they are not safe to be around, let alone waltz in front of. In fact, they are the cause of accidents even when no-one is acting like an idiot.
2) Gaza is a warzone. There is nothing that would satisfy the paletinian snipers more than to have the israeli soldiers leave the safety of their vehicles in o
Re:No thanks. What Israel is doing is not right. (Score:5, Insightful)
YAPC::Israel has nothing to do with the Israeli Gov't. There are people here, and about half of them against what the Gov't is doing.
Re:No thanks. What Israel is doing is not right. (Score:1)
I did. Did you?
Re:No thanks. What Israel is doing is not right. (Score:2)
i can't see many people willing to travel to isreal from afar, not even if they didn't have the west bank crisis(due to be being relatively close to a warzone), the whole region is a big mess and not recommended for travellers by anyone..
if they don't agree with their gov. actions they can either vote them out (eh, why has this not happened yet? why do pro-conflict people ge
Re:No thanks. What Israel is doing is not right. (Score:1)
You shouldn't be to hard on the Americans! Sure, the US is killing people all over the middle east, without ever being able to get the people they say they are after (Saddam, Bin Lade, Stallman, and so on.) However, something had to be done in Iraq and even if I had prefered the UN to have been behind the attack, I'm stil
Slightly offtopic. (Score:2)
It was NOT off-topic! (Score:1)
Read the title, please. It's about a Perl conference in Israel. So both the aspect "Perl" and "Israel" are part of the topic. If the Israel-aspect was not considered on-topic, then how come the non-critical Israel-related posts (about wanting to go there on vacation, jokes about Perl versus Hebrew als the one
Re:It was NOT off-topic! (Score:2)
Because it is flaimbait.
In fact, your first sentence is only an excuse for you to post your personal feelings which have absolutely no relevance to the topic at hand. Unless, of course, because of your political hatred of Israel, you want other to hate her too, and then not go. But, I believe *that* is flaimba
Re:It was NOT off-topic! (Score:1)
Oh, first it's off-topic, now it's flamebait? And are you sure you have read the line you quoted correctly? Do you really mean that all comments being "even critical of Israel" are undisputably flamebait? That really doesn't leave much room for discussion, does it?
Slashdot is not a political website.
"Not a political website"? Are you kidding? People discuss politics on this site almost as much as technology. How often do you visit Slashdot, anyway?
If it would cause a bunch of
Re:It was NOT off-topic! (Score:2)
Well, anything flaimbait, is also off-topic, unless the story itself was flaimbait. The actual moderation that moderators use (besides funny) is mostly of no use.
Not a political website"? Are you kidding? People discuss politics on this site almost as much as technology.
That is not true. Except with specific issues technology always beats out political issues. People talk about politics out of passion, and then only few do. Techology is what Slashdot is all
Re:It was NOT off-topic! (Score:1)
Ah.. so it's only ok to disagree when everyone else also disagrees. Ok, posting something that goes against the opinions of the majority of the readers of the board would appear to be flameba
Re:It was NOT off-topic! (Score:2)
No, it's always ok to disagree. But posting comments that are not exactly on topic is the question. On one hand they are connected to the business or country being talked about. On the other hand they cause many off-topic comments that just clutter the discussion. Because of the latter reason, I agree that they should be modded down as flaimbait.
However, when dealing with a company as opposed to a country, the second reason isn't as prom
You're right.. my post wasn't offtopic, but there is a method to the madness. When the moderations are meta-moderated, there is a chance that offtopic will not get the moderator banned from moderating, if there is any reason to give that moderator the benefit of the doubt (that perhaps the post was off-topic after all). Some moderators do not even think about this and will mark messages such as the one I posted as flamebait. Very often, both of these rankings will be marked as unfair, but it i
Fear not. Haifa is great spot for Perl conference (Score:1, Flamebait)
I think Haifa would be a great place to visit. See the Haifa Tourism Guide [tour-haifa.co.il].
I've never been there, but it looks [israelimages.com] stunningly [israelimages.com] beautiful [israelimages.com] and [israelimages.com] fun [israelimages.com] judging by these pictures [israelimages.com] (check Haifa and click Go for 101 pictures)
israel is too dangerous for me, and over the next couple of weeks lets face it it's only gonna get worse.
That's a popular misconception
Well ... (Score:2)
YES!! (Score:2)
So, any lovely girls still reading this article, please email me. Beseder?
Toda raba veLehitra'ot.