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Call for Papers: Chaos Communication Camp 2003 130

Aldert Hazenberg sent in this note about a Call for Papers: "Papers are being solicited for the second Camp of the Chaos Computer Club e.V., Germany, to be held near Berlin, Germany, on 7/8/9/10th August 2003. The Camp is intended to promote the interchange of technical, social and political ideas and concepts to find ways to make this world a little bit more friendly to intelligent beings."
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Call for Papers: Chaos Communication Camp 2003

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  • ha (Score:2, Funny)

    by Anonymous Coward
    Slashdot send many webservers into chaos all the time. Maybe the should attend... :P
    • Re:ha (Score:2, Funny)

      by Anonymous Coward
      You know how the GI's can call in an air strike when they encounter resistance? Here's how it works in Slashworld ;)

      michael types away in IRC

      michael: Dam, who's this nitpicking fewl pointing out my speling erors??? Ah, its an IP from some computer club in Germany. Their is even a web sight!

      Lightbulb appears above michael's head.

      michael: *type* *click* *copy* *paste* He he

      Slashdot: Aims a laser pointer at the CCC web server

      Slashdot readers: All your server are belong to us!

      CCC: It's yo... khh...

  • Hack the planet! (Score:1, Interesting)

    by Anonymous Coward
    A lot of the recommended topics seem to be security oriented... does that imply that intelligent people should hack systems for their advantage? Exactly what does this Chaos Computer Club group stand for?
    • Truth, Justice, and Morgan Webb. I mean, dayum. *whistles*
    • About that long, they've been around. Sheesh. As I recall they're government funded in Germany, sorta gives all their "haxors" a place to get something constructive done... to some extent. As I recall also part of their tradeoff was that they help out in cases of national crises or criminal hunts if recruited... but that's just rumors I recall... I don't speak/read enough german to read all that stuff.

      In reality they're a club of hackers, crackers and slackers who got themselves a national club... mostl
      • by Fefe ( 6964 ) on Friday April 25, 2003 @08:25AM (#5807316) Homepage
        No, CCC is not government funded.

        In fact, the Camp is one of the way in which they try to get in enough money to finance their activities. So please attend and consider donating as well if you liked it.
        • I would love to but I can't fly to germany, I'm stuck in the US of A for now... planning to move to sweden or some other place back in europe again... just because more people are EDUCATED over there. America is too full of TV brainwashed rednecks... not enough educated people... Makes having a conversation in this country on any "controversial" topic something I have to seek foreigners or old professors for. Other than them, most of them think "hot diggety dawg" and go nuts.

          So yes, If I can afford to vi
          • "Other than them, most of them think..."

            Other than the aforementioned foreigners and my former professors, most of the denizens of this land, natives or otherwise are a tad too brainwashed and go up in arms over any little thing without even thinking it through or asking for complete logical and damning proof before sending our kids to die or get poisoned (and die later, off the air so the prez doesn't take the fall, read assertation on DU vs conventional ammo)... but they never do. They just go nuts and
  • by sigxcpu ( 456479 ) on Friday April 25, 2003 @03:32AM (#5806652)
    As someone once said to Carl Segan, after his speach about searching for extraterastrial intelligance.
    - "First lets see if we can find any Intelligance on Earth."
  • by Anonymous Coward on Friday April 25, 2003 @03:35AM (#5806656)
    Sticking "chaos" into a name is so 1990's.
  • C9 (Score:1, Funny)

    by Anonymous Coward
    Cunning Computer Consultants Call Chaos Computer Club Camps Crazy
    • When I was at college there was the ultimate (genuine) C club name...

      Corpus Christi College Cambridge Cross Country Cycling Club.

      C8... but genuine... nice...
  • Not on this planet I fear. The human condition seems to be one of destroying ourselves. Prehaps the film Equilibrium got it right and prehaps we should all just stop feeling with drugs. Then again once people found feeling they wanted it.

    Prehaps we are all doomed or we might just all grow up

    • by xaaronx ( 660963 )
      "Prehaps the film Equilibrium got it right and prehaps we should all just stop feeling with drugs."

      Don't forget Brain Candy. A horribly underrated movie, though not as good as it should have been.
  • The Facts (Score:4, Funny)

    by Talisman ( 39902 ) on Friday April 25, 2003 @03:46AM (#5806679) Homepage
    Let's look at the facts about this seemingly innocuous meeting:

    "Papers are being solicited for the second Camp of the Chaos Computer Club e.V., Germany, to be held near Berlin, Germany, on 7/8/9/10th August 2003."

    'Camp of the Chaos Computer Club' can be reduced to the initialism 'CCCC'. You'll note it is 4-letters in length. The fact that 'NAZI' is also 4-letters in length strikes me as a bit too much of a coincident.

    Just like 'HAL' in the movie 2001 was actually 'IBM' rolled back one letter, 'CCCC' is actually 'NAZI' if you roll the first 'C' forward 11 letters, the second 'C' back 2 letters, the third 'C' forward 23 letters and the last 'C' forward 6 letters.

    11 - 2 + 23 + 6 = 28, i.e. 1928, the year the Nazi Party came to power in Germany.

    And where does this so-called 'Computer Club' call home?


    The cat is out of the bag, chumps. We're onto you like hair on a gorilla.

    MOD me up: +1 Sherlockish

    • by ChrisHanel ( 636741 ) on Friday April 25, 2003 @03:49AM (#5806684) Homepage Journal
      CCCC is only one character shift away from CCCP, and he goes for the "NAZI" Connection instead. Only on slashdot. :)
      • Technically CCCP is fine, but if you draw the communist connection don't forget the Nazi's came to power there because the plutocrats weren't happy when Communism was voted for earlier and elected. The Nazi party was elected for its anti communist stance as I recall... they became more anti jewish as time went on, but originally their platform was supposedly anti communist, since the communists weren't very good for the German economy (or public view of it for that matter).


        PS - I could be wro
    • You're trying too hard. Relax.
    • Re:The Facts (Score:5, Informative)

      by Olode ( 668483 ) on Friday April 25, 2003 @04:10AM (#5806732)
      The Facts are:
      1) The CCC has nothing to do with the nazis
      2) The number of fashism People in Germay is very small
      3) The NSDAP (the party of the Nazis) came to power in 1933. The election results 1928 were 3%

      => IMO we have got no problem with any kind of people. Not like in other Countries which are thinking they are the Policy of the world and give a shit about human rights.

      • by pubjames ( 468013 ) on Friday April 25, 2003 @05:34AM (#5806892)

        4) some Germans have difficulty recognising humor.
        • ok. I am very happy that this is humor.
          We in germany have to live with this history. And we have to make clear that we are not the country which it was 60 years before.
          And on the other hand I am member of the CCC ;-)

          • I am very happy that this is humor.

            Ok. Don't take offence at my post. It was supposed to be funny as well. I realise that English is your second language and it is often difficult to recognise humor in another language.
          • Axel, er macht nur Spass... MfG, Ray
          • Actually in all honesty... as a 23 year old north american. (Canadian actually)

            I've always kinda been fascinated at the German mentality of someone my age there. What is it like living in a Country that was so notorious?

            What do they think while playing games like wolfenstein etc?! It's like the past that the whole country wants to forget about.. but the whole world keeps reminding them.

            Frankly if I ever bump into germans my age, would it be appropriate to steer clear of ww2 topics?! Cuz I would feel wie
            • Re:The Facts (Score:1, Offtopic)

              by Lars T. ( 470328 )
              As a Candian you can certainly tell me: How is it like living in a country USAmericans keep making fun of?
            • It's like the past that the whole country wants to forget about.. but the whole world keeps reminding them.

              bullshit. there's a difference between "want to forget about" and "don't want to be made responsible every single fscking day".

              Frankly if I ever bump into germans my age, would it be appropriate to steer clear of ww2 topics?!


              Cuz I would feel wierd talking about it with them.

              why would you feel weird talking to people who are as much related to that crap as you are?


        • This gets tired fast. How would you feel if *every* post about the US was followed by a string of KKK references. If you were *only* ever treated as the son/grandson of a KKK member, if not a member yourself. How would you find it, you racist, violent piece of white trailer-trash? It's not so funny, is it?
        • 4) some Germans have difficulty recognising humor. 5) some people have strange definitions of the term "humor". cu 59cobalt
      • I'm not to sure what a fashism is exactly, but if it is anything to do with fashion, then you're right. The number of fashism people in Germany is indeed _very_ small :-)
      • I agree with the other posters, this post is more against crazy people who think up conspiracy theories than Germans.
        1. He was joking (more on that in item 2)
        2. People outside of Germany (particularly in the US) do not not take making references to Nazism as seriously as Germans do. As a matter of fact, this kind of joke is pretty common: "Come to think of it, I've never seen Richard Nixon and Mr. Ed at a party together."
        3. "and not give a" is probably what you wanted to say in that last sentence, assuming "other Countries" means the US.
        4. This is Slashdot, something to appreciated with a grain of salt.
        5. For those who don't know
    • "11 - 2 + 23 + 6 = 28, i.e. 1928"
      (11 - 2) + (23 + 6) = 38
      So that makes 9 + 29 = 38
    • coincidences are merely coincidences. you are the one reading between the lines and making the connections between 'CCCC' and 'NAZI'. the band 311 can also represent KKK (3 * 11th letter in the alphabet) but does that mean that they hate black people?
    • stop worrying, 11 - 2 + 23 + 6 = 38, not 28. Mod me up: +1 numerate.
    • How does this kind of ignorant racism get moded up? We can't always avoid bigots like this guy, but we can at least stop encouraging them.
    • 'Camp of the Chaos Computer Club' can be reduced to the initialism 'CCCC'. You'll note it is 4-letters in length. The fact that 'NAZI' is also 4-letters in length strikes me as a bit too much of a coincident.

      Just like 'HAL' in the movie 2001 was actually 'IBM' rolled back one letter, 'CCCC' is actually 'NAZI' if you roll the first 'C' forward 11 letters, the second 'C' back 2 letters, the third 'C' forward 23 letters and the last 'C' forward 6 letters.

      11 - 2 + 23 + 6 = 28, i.e. 1928, the year the Nazi Par
    • The Name CCCC is just a ruse to throw people off on the real organization behind the meeting. Notice the 4 letters...Yep, this is a front for KAOS. It is held in Germany at the bequest of KAOS mastermind Conrad Siegfried.

      and we all know, the only way to counter KAOS is through CONTROL. It is time to reactive Agent 86 and 99.

      This should only be said under the cone of silence, but I think Agent 13 will be happy to end his stint as a Saddam double.
    • > 'Camp of the Chaos Computer Club' can be reduced
      > to the initialism 'CCCC'. You'll note it is
      > 4-letters in length. The fact that 'NAZI' is
      > also 4-letters in length strikes me as a bit too
      > much of a coincident.
      > Just like 'HAL' in the movie 2001 was actually
      > 'IBM' rolled back one letter, 'CCCC' is actually
      > 'NAZI' if you roll the first 'C' forward 11
      > letters, the second 'C' back 2 letters, the
      > third 'C' forward 23 letters and the last 'C'
      > forward 6 letters.
  • Info (Score:5, Informative)

    by Hrshgn ( 595514 ) <rince2001 AT gmx DOT ch> on Friday April 25, 2003 @04:20AM (#5806752)
    The CCC is acutally quite well known and respected in the german speaking area. They get media attention whenever there are hacker/privacy issues and the media needs an expertise. At least that's how I perceive the club.

    Right from their website's [www.ccc.de] faq:

    Q: What is the CCC?

    A: The CCC is a galactic community of human beings including all ages, genders, races and social positions. We demand freedom and flow of information without censorship. Although we enjoy to discuss and analyze recent advances in information technology, our focus is on addressing the issues of our time by giving targeted recommendations for a public policy able to deal with these issues in an intelligent manner. While this also includes more or less spectacular endeavours the focus of our work is on creating a public awareness for the need to approach issues like (e.g.) security, privacy and key escrow from a more informed, open viewpoint. If you are interested in supporting these goals, then the CCC is for you. If not, you might want to consider looking at other, more technically oriented computer clubs. We do NOT select our members on some dubious "elite" criteria. As it will be difficult for you to contribute to our efforts in Germany, in case that you are interested I suggest that you contact us again (identifying yourself with your real name) for a contact at the CCC-Bay Area (our only overseas operation so far). Sorry, the rest of this FAQ is in German only. If you'd like to translate this stuff, please mail!
    Remember also that the famous Blinkenlights [blinkenlights.de] were their celebration of the club's 20th anniversary.
    • Re:Info (Score:3, Informative)

      by Hrshgn ( 595514 )
      Forgot to add that one of their members [icann.org] is on the board of directors at ICANN.
    • Isn't the Chaos Computer Club one of the older existing hacker groups in the world, at least by the modern definition? I believe the Cult of the Dead Cow hacker group started quite a bit later than CCC.
    • I heard a representative from the German Parliament's infrastructure committee talking about their recent policy on open software. One of the grounds that the parliament had against Microsft was the privacy concerns. Microsoft were anxious not to lose an important customer so they invited the parliamentary comittee responsible for infrastructure to send reprentatives for a code inspection of Win 2K/XP.

      The German Parliament stated that they have no expertise on this and proposed a member of the BSI (a sort

      • contd (hit submit too soon)

        The fact that the German Parliament recommended the CCC shows they are, in a way, considered as respected public representatives in the area of computer security. A long way from the early days when is was more famed for cracking.

  • The scheduled keynote speaker is Professor Chaos hailing from South Park, Colorado.
  • grow up (Score:1, Flamebait)

    by d0ggi3 ( 470141 )
    talk trash about this group.... but ask yourself, what are you doing to benefit the world?

    ignorance is bliss not an excuse
  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
    • Re:Chaos? (Score:3, Informative)

      by Fefe ( 6964 )
      Actually, CCC was founded in the 80ies.

      But yes, the guys from the 80ies and 90ies are mostly still there.
  • Baaah. Pooh pooh! Sounds like a bunch of pretentious nerds discussing news about Star Trek, Star Wars, LOTR, Anime, and D&D. How lame! And yet, how vaguely familiar .........
  • And that's about the long and short of it.
  • I cannot even begin to count the number of cute girls that stopped dating me because I used a computer.

    We should have a talk about that.

    CCC seems like the right place for such a social activity/talk.

Hackers are just a migratory lifeform with a tropism for computers.
