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Third Open Source Content Management Conference 2

word spreader writes "The Third OSCOM conference on free and open source content management is happening at Harvard Law School May 28-30, 2003. The conference theme is 'Leveraging content with CMS: authoring and syndication towards the semantic web.' It is organized in conjunction with the Berkman Center at the Law School. The keynote will be given by Dave Winer (author and co-inventor of numerous important Internet technologies). A second keynote will be delivered by Jon Udell from Infoworld."
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Third Open Source Content Management Conference

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  • I am astonished at the lack of commentary on this subject. I cannot believe that I am the only person on Slashdot who cares about CMS (Content Mgmt. systems). Isn't there at least one Plone, OpenCMS, or Bricolage afficiando here?

Hackers are just a migratory lifeform with a tropism for computers.
