AudioScience GPLs Hardware-Abstraction Layer 22
Rob Dye writes "According to an article at RadioWorld Online,
has GPL'ed their hardware abstration layer
that allows access to the DSP power provided on
their audio interfaces. Stating that 'Linux is becoming more important to the broadcast and professional audio industry,' they also released
full documentation for this code and intend to
release ALSA drivers for their boards.
This is terrific news for professional sound
under Linux,
especially considering the reluctance of
video card manufacturers to open their HAL's."
About time (Score:2, Interesting)
Doubtful (Score:4, Informative)
In an audio processing card, the "magic" is in the DSP firmware loaded onto the card, which a GPL driver will simply treat as a binary blob of data stuffed in by a user space program when the driver module is loaded.
Once that "blob" is loaded, the audio streams are fairly simple, and the "magic" of the DSP is not reveiled by feeding the audio streams in - you feed in 44.1kS/s 16x2 audio, you get an MPEG stream - that operation reveils nothing about how the MPEG algorithm is implemented. Additionally, the MPEG algorithm is well documented and public knowledge (NOT public DOMAIN - public KNOWLEDGE!)
In a video card, the "magic" is in the chip's hardware design - in that respect it is simillar to the audio card.
With one significant exception: the way you "feed" the data into the card reveils MUCH about the implementation of the underlying algorithms, many of which are trade secrets.
So while I applaud AudioScience for this move, and while this move provides a good example to the video card makers, their situation is sufficiently different from AudioScience that, at this time, I doubt this will make much difference to them.
Now, if things progress to the point where Linux is a significant fraction of the video card manufacturer's market....
Quick question (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Quick question (Score:3, Informative)
Consider what must happen every frame of your frag-fest in UT2003:
1) The game must hand a list of polygons to the card. This poly-list contains the position of the poly in 3 dimensional space and what texture map to use.
2) The game must also tell the card where the camera is looking, how wide the field of view is, and the rate at which depth changes effect the view.
3) The card must then transform the 3D polys into a list of 2D poly.
4) The c
Re:Quick question (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Quick question (Score:3, Interesting)
But that is exactly what the hardware venders DON'T want to do, and that is why they don't open their drivers.
Re:About time (Score:2)
the light is shining (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:the light is shining (Score:1)
This may change the entire hardware industry! (Score:2)
Yes...we need more control!! (Score:1)
off topic, but... (Score:1, Offtopic)
Why not GPLed ?
English is not my mother tongue and I wish to comprehend the logic of this gramatical construction.
Using names for verbs is, if not correct, admitted practice in engineering circles (at least). But using acronyms as verbs seems much more uncommon.
Can someone explain what is the "norm"(if there is one) for such constructions (UPPER vs lower, ' or not ',
Re:off topic, but... (Score:1)
Why not GPLed ?
Audioscience can GPL something.
As audioscience GPL's something (some sort of present progressive, I think...)
Audioscience GPL'ed something (past tense).
The reason for the apostrophe is not to indicate posession, but to deliniate the end of the acronym . Expecially with mixed-case acronyms, or perhaps a medium restricted to all upper-case, it can be difficult to tell where the end of an acryonym is and the modifiers begin.
Re:off topic, but... (Score:2)
No, this was in my high school English text, and that was a while ago.
Some newer texts, esp. MW, advocate only using an apostrophe in the case of an abbreviated acronym (the M.D.'s are on call) and using mixed case for non-abbreviated acronyms (the CPUs are fast) but if you're WRITING IN ALL CAPS AND YOU SAY THE CPUS ARE FAST it's hard to know if S is part of the acronym or not, so the apostr
Re:off topic, but... (Score:1)