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Building a Stable and Clustered J2EE Environment? 43

royles asks: "I am working with several J2EE Application Servers and all seems fine until I start to scale and cluster. The goal is to ensure a web and EJB session is maintained across a pool of Application Servers. The level of complexity to achieve this straightforward requirement is proving too much. It quickly becomes evident that vendors claims of 'robust and scalable' go straight out the window in favour of extortionate support and consultant costs when the installation becomes large. Anybody else experienced this type of problem? What are other peoples experienceâ(TM)s in this area? Any recommendations on Application servers that âdo what they say on the tinâ(TM)? Any good online resources for achieving a highly scaled and robust solution?"
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Building a Stable and Clustered J2EE Environment?

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  • WebObjects (Score:1, Informative)

    by Anonymous Coward
    WebObjects [] is inexpensive, stable and scalable plus it runs on pretty much any J2EE server environment:

    Develop apps quickly

    Provides a powerful integrated development environment

    Allows you to create web services or three-tier Java server apps

    Generates code-free prototypes in minutes

    Build services dynamically

    Allows you to create or use web services based on SOAP, XML and WSDL

    Includes tools for code-free generation, configuration, and testing of web services from existing database assets

    Integrates easily with

  • JBoss does this now (Score:5, Informative)

    by GOD_ALMIGHTY ( 17678 ) <> on Wednesday June 25, 2003 @09:51PM (#6299522) Homepage
    First of all, do not store data on the application server. Secondly, make sure that all of your objects associated with a session in either the EJB layer or the HTTP session implement Serializable.

    I'd recommend running JBoss + Tomcat on Linux with Apache frontending it with mod_jk2. Put all your static web content on Apache to free up Tomcat. The easiest way to do this is to use a load-balancing solution in front. Have it pass the sessions through to the Apache server which will offload any JSP/Servlet requests to Tomcat. Have the JBoss/Tomcat installation on each node of the cluster clustered using JBoss' JavaGroups based clustering. You can also use the JBoss Farm service to deploy the EAR file to one node in the cluster then have the other nodes pick it up from there.

    If you use a seperate set of machines for the database cluster than the JBoss/Tomcat nodes can be set up as copies of each other with no data on board. Using Linux boxes, this is easy (dd the drives). If a node goes down for some reason, swap it with a spare. Any session info is already serialized and passed to the other nodes in the cluster, and the load-balancer w/ failover should handle the client end of that.

    By the way this thing scales to at least 100 boxes from the stories I've heard. I've done it my self in small (5 box) installations. I've also used F5 equip for the load balancer/failover on the front. Everything worked well.

    Buy the JBoss docs to help with the clustering. I've also got some docs I wrote on setting up JBoss clustering somewhere around here.

    You'll be suprised how simple clustering is with JBoss once you understand a bit how JBoss works and is configured. You will also be amazed at how well it works.

    The best part of course is that it's all Open Source, so no license fees. Hell, I'll set it up for you for 30% of the licenses and support you would have bought if you want. ;-)
    • by oz_ko ( 571352 )
      You really should read the Jboss clustering doco. Then read them another 2 times.

      It took about 1 week for us to set up our cluster with hot deploy and session replication working properly, though I think the next time round it would be a lot quicker.

      I don't think there are really any big issues in setting up a cluster though to set up a _good_ app server cluster you need to understand how the clustering implementation of your app server works and decide what is best for your solution.

      Unfortunately there are

  • check out Resin (Score:4, Informative)

    by ubiquitin ( 28396 ) * on Wednesday June 25, 2003 @09:54PM (#6299541) Homepage Journal
    Caucho's resin application clusters [] are a great way to get load balacing and distributed sessions into your appserver farm. Cost is around $1k per server, so real enterprise jocks will laugh at it, but unlike some of the "three engineers per server" solutions, it really works without having to spend all your time troubleshooting and hand-coding things.
    • Re:check out Resin (Score:2, Insightful)

      by Anonymous Coward
      first, let me say that I am a huge fan of Resin. I looked at the major servlet/JSP containers about a year ago and found Resin to be the top (mostly in terms of price/performance).

      That said, Resin is *not* a "set and forget" solution, unless you are happy with the default configuration. It takes some trial and error for tuning, and the error messages it gives don't typically make the real problem obvious at all.

      Their documentation is lackluster, but you can generally find the answer you need if you are
  • by crstophr ( 529410 ) on Wednesday June 25, 2003 @10:00PM (#6299570) Homepage
    We are implementing a 3 tier high availability cluster using weblogic as the application layer. We have them clustered though a weblogic provided apache module on our load balanced web layer. It also survives the failover of the database layer as well. These things do still need consideration in the code you write (mainly the part about reconnecting after a database failover). Weblogic seems to handle the redundancy and load balancing fine if you let it maintain it's persistance by storing it's que and object data in the database layer. --Chris
  • one tip (Score:2, Informative)

    by Anonymous Coward
    with clustering is to do setup pairs. sharing session cross three or more servers is tricky to configure and setup. It requires a lot of experience and care. It works best in pairs and you have to know what your doing. It's best to play with a stagging environment and do some serious load testing to see first hand how misconfiguration can create cascading problems. On one project, we had a BEA consultant come in to configure the clustering. It took him a week to do it and he had prior experience setting up
    • Sorry, this is horribly off the mark in the general case. If you're talking about some particular software, you should be more precise. Someone following your "advice" (rated informative, no less, by an Esteemed Moderator) might be led to believe many doors were closed, when in fact the field is wide open. Use many little servers, or get a few "big iron" boxes, but, geez, pairing will demand a much larger investment in infrastructure and ongoing administrative effort than having, say, 6, or even 12 inst

    • Hmmmm.

      WebLogic only replicates state between pairs, never between three or more.

      It's not necessary to understand the details of this as it happens automatically - essentially WL picks a secondary server that it knows is on a different physical machine.

      If your BEA consultant has only ever set up a cluster once, and that for a version of the product dating from four years ago (I assume you mean WL 5.1) it sounds like he was an impostor.

      Apart from these little criticisms, I have some sympathy with your "lo
  • by villy ( 199943 ) on Wednesday June 25, 2003 @10:40PM (#6299763)
    "If you upgrade each of your current servers to the quad-processor GigaFLex, you'll have no problems."

    "Do you have any perfomance metrics for that? How about a customer we could reference on that?"

    "Ummm, no... those results are from our research lab."

    (you get the idea)
  • by MrBlack ( 104657 ) on Wednesday June 25, 2003 @11:22PM (#6299919)
    Isn't the purpose of EJB to meet these sort of goals without having to do anything special? Well, except architect your app. a certain way. If doing this is non-trivial then doesn't it mean that EJB has failed to a certain extent? If I have to hear about Data Transfer Object Factories and CMP entity beans again I think I'll puke....
    • Yes, the EJB design pattern helps with clustering by abstracting out many bits of code that make clustering hard (e.g, direct database access); your code simply trusts the app server to manage those bits for you. However, EJB support in an application server of and by itself does not constitute clustering. That's an extra, layered feature that a good app server supports...and JBoss is definitely one of the good ones.

    They create a SDK for creating appilcations that run over multiple systems and is extremly fault tolerant.
  • by mlq ( 236146 ) on Thursday June 26, 2003 @12:58AM (#6300296) Homepage

    Clustering *is* hard. And even the best application server in the world can't reduce that complexity. It can just try to not add any complexity of it's own.

    Front-end load balancing, internal load balancing policy, cache settings, fail-over settings, setting up the LAN correctly... these are all *extra* things you need to do under a clustered J2EE server that you don't need to worry about normally. Clustering is hard

    Having said that, I've been involved in commercial projects using clustering under Weblogic and JBoss. We have been able to get them going without too much trouble.

    Also, some things J2EE allows some things in non-clustered mode that it explicity warns won't work in clustered mode. For example, objects in Sessions must be Serializable when clustering.

    =Matt []

    • For example, objects in Sessions must be Serializable when clustering.

      I have a question about that I've been wondering about for a while. How does the session know to replicate an object that's changing? For example, if during a request/response a mutator method is called on that object?

      Say, for example, I have a Vector stored in the session. And each time a request is processed, something is added or removed from that Vector. If you never actually call set...() on the Session (just get the vector, t
      • Yep, you've hit upon the clincher.

        How does the session know to replicate an object that's changing? For example, if during a request/response a mutator method is called on that object?

        This is the problem. The session doesn't know, in this situation.

        The only time a (key, object) pair in a session gets replicated is if Session.set...() has been called for that pair during this request/response cycle.

        If you call a mutator on an object (where that object has been pulled out of the session), then that

        • The only time a (key, object) pair in a session gets replicated is if Session.set...() has been called for that pair during this request/response cycle.


          This seems impractical. You either lose your abstraction by having to make the session available to any part of the app which might change your object's state, or you lose efficiency by just having to assume that it's changed and force a 'set' every time it *might* have changed.

          Perhaps the Java Servlet API needs to include another interface.
  • by jawahar ( 541989 ) on Thursday June 26, 2003 @01:30AM (#6300387) Homepage Journal
    Chief architect of JbossGroup

  • You can use a Cisco localdirector(s) at the front of the farm of your application servers, and just enable sticky cookies. This will cause the localdirector to keep the requests on the same application server, and reduces the complexity of having to implement software load balancing solutions in your code and on your servers.
    • This is a small performance tuning step only. You cannot presume that you have increased the availability or reliability of your site by using sticky sessions or session affinity or any other means of sending same-transaction/same-session traffic to the same set of servers.

      If you ignore the remaining layers of an N-tier architecture, then when a server/node goes down, your user session/transaction is...gone.

      This is usually unacceptable to users. And thus to site owners.

      I'm not saying implement "in y

  • by Anonymous Coward on Thursday June 26, 2003 @09:46AM (#6301978)

    Excuse my ignorance, I'm just beginning to learn EJB. But as I learn more about them, I can't help thinking: "what's the deal?".

    I mean, what's wrong with having your MVC webapp being based on JSP/Servlets, plus plain-old Java objects for the business-logic (accessing the DB via JDBC). Tomcat itself has support for load-balancing among several Tomcat servers; and as for the business-logic objects, these would be acting like client apps in a traditional C/S fashion, so they can be distributed without problems (and the transactional stuff should be taken care of by the DB, that's what RDBMS are for, no?)

    So again, what's the big deal with EJB? Training wheels for programmers who don't grok databases and transactions; who think tha JDBC is too complicated??? Seriously, I'd like to be enlightened on this.

    • by elemur ( 7613 ) on Thursday June 26, 2003 @09:59AM (#6302115)
      EJBs are going to be in a guarenteed transactional state throughout the cluster, which simplifies all of your access. The containers should be caching some types of beans as well (CMP), so that you end up with a very fast transactionally complete solution across the environment. You can use JDO or other data solutions, add your own cache, manage it across the cluster.. and that may work well for you. Other beans are useful, such as the Message Driven Beans, for building a J2EE standard event driven component. Straight data mapping solutions don't provide this.

      That said, personally I find many people don't need to worry as much about clustering, so as long as you are working on a good environment, thats probably more important. I use hibernate more these days with a good solid MVC design. I have servlets set to start at boot that become by queue listeners, and it works quite well. I can use XDoclet to generate my hibernate mappings if I want, and get up and running quickly.

      The good thing is that you have alot of options. The bad thing is that you have a lot of options.

      It comes down to picking the right technology for the job.. and your team. JDBC, JDO, OR-Mapping, EJB, etc all provide good tools to complete the job.
      • by Anonymous Coward on Thursday June 26, 2003 @03:03PM (#6305189)
        It comes down to picking the right technology for the job.. and your team. JDBC, JDO, OR-Mapping, EJB, etc all provide good tools to complete the job.

        Agreed, but in my opinion any application which needs heavy multi-user data processing (think OLTP) is better served with the more "traditional" way of doing things: let the RDBMS do the transactions and cacheing, because they do it best. Call me a data modeler or SQL buff you like, but I still fail to see the advantages in letting the "application server" do these kind of things.

        About the only thing I see useful in EJB (vs. POJO+JDBC) is that they give you the networking infrastructure to make them remotely callable, so that you don't have to mess with RMI or the like.

        A good article I read recently by Martin Fowler, "Domain Logic and SQL" [] covers some of these points, and reinforces my opinion that neither EJB nor any other O/R mapping tools are suited for heavy OLTP apps. Or am I missing something?

        • Hey, what'd you post anon for? I would have missed this if I hadn't changed my filter settings for this thread. Sigh...

          Poster is dead on. At the risk of regurgitating that which has been opined upon so much in the past, EJB is not a high-performance solution. EJB is not a "load-balancing" solution, intrinsically. It is a bringing together of data/function --- and a way of making that data/function available "anywhere" (i.e., from multiple disparate data sources or processors, to multiple disparate dat

        • Well.. to me, there are certain operations that should be performed in the database, and some that don't *need* to be. If you are going to be processing alot of the rows in a table or multiple tables.. getting that logic as close to (inside) the database engine is the best bet. Keeping as much data off the wire is key with that.

          When you get into other systems.. say a site like slashdot or similar, the forward caching that the EJB container gives you in a CMP world can bring a nice performance benefit to
  • I'd second JBoss for clustering. The middle tier, EJBs and the like 'just works'.

    The front end is tricker: e.g. setting up DNS round robin + virutal IP takeover in case a front end server goes down.

    And the back end (database) is also fun. e.g. setting up a distributed file system. Or setting up database replication. Both doable, but hard to do right and get great performance.

    I had one customer use our VPS servers to help them get clustering going.

    They can set up several virtual servers (with the

  • If you plan to cluster, be sure to evaluate your use of session. If you intend to replicate your session objects across each instance of the cluster, they will need to be serializable so that the container can move them around. From past experience, you will need to consider the size of these objects as well -- if each session footprint is large, you may have some scalability limits. As an alternative, you can choose to not cluster the session objects and leave them on the original container. To do this,
  • Thanks for all the responses and detail. JBoss comes up a lot... I will investigate this further. Good points about sessions and DB usage.

    I thought at this stage in J2EE development, clustering would be well understood and available 'out of the box'.

    Thanks, Royles

  • If you are working with multiple servers, you should look at Coherence [].

    We do a lot more than clustering app servers. Our product serves as an in-memory data store in a clustered application tier. If you have experience with high-scale J2EE applications, you'll probably have experienced what I call the "single point of bottleneck": the database. For some of our customers, we've reduced their database usage by 99.9%+ and their overall infrastructure costs by over half. With the replicated cache, each appl

  • Why do you need such 'Application Clusters' anyway ? er s.html


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