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RMS Calls On Linux Developers To Replace BitKeeper 795

JakusMinimus writes "The developer of BitKeeper has issued fighting words to RMS and he has responded on the LKML,. I remember the flap about this way back when Linus decided on BitKeeper, now it seems many of the non-free concerns were warranted."
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RMS Calls On Linux Developers To Replace BitKeeper

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  • unbelievable. (Score:4, Insightful)

    by twitter ( 104583 ) on Saturday July 19, 2003 @02:03PM (#6479592) Homepage Journal
    It's hard to fathom anyone being so stupid as to make a threat like that, "the protocol every 6 months", to maintian incompatibility with a free version. With an "owner" like that, Bit Keeper needs replacement.
    • Re:unbelievable. (Score:5, Insightful)

      by crotherm ( 160925 ) on Saturday July 19, 2003 @02:42PM (#6479940) Journal

      As usual, people have not taken the time to read the whole thread. Here is one post by McVoy that sheads a bit more light on the subject. Please note that I am not trying to pass judgement one way or the other, but rather adding more information, since too few of the posters here have bothered to read more than Stallman's post.

      Below is one of Larry McVoy's comments in the BK thread

      On Fri, Jul 18, 2003 at 02:08:32PM -0700, David Schwartz wrote:
      My understanding of the relevant case law in the United States is that these types of restrictions are not allowed under copyright law itself.

      On Fri, Jul 18, 2003 at 10:23:30PM +0100, Alan Cox wrote:
      Actually your license is simply irrelevant in most of thre world. You aren't allowed to forbid reverse engineering for interoperability.

      "Judge, I want to violate this license on this product that I got for free because it's not free enough".

      "Judge, we give it out for free and we also developed technology to transfer the data out of our product and into a GPLed product, we do that at our expense and even host the competing GPLed repos for free and they still want to violate the license"

      Who do you think is going to win that one?

      Besides, have you considered that it is that license you appear to dislike so much which provides for the product, the hosting, the free public machines, the support, all of that? It's a pile of money and time and I don't see RMS steppng forward with an open checkbook.

      The license means we have a revenue stream. We use a significant portion of that revenue stream to help Linux. If the revenue stream goes away then so do the services we provide to you for free. They obviously have value or you wouldn't be using them.

      • Re:unbelievable. (Score:3, Informative)

        by crotherm ( 160925 )
        Don't mean to reply to myself, but I forgot to add that most of the replies in the LKML are favorable to BK and Larry.

      • Re:unbelievable. (Score:5, Insightful)

        by Anonymous Coward on Saturday July 19, 2003 @02:56PM (#6480042)
        "Judge, I want to violate this license on this product that I got for free because it's not free enough".

        Except, as Alan just pointed out, in the part that Larry has quoted, that the part of the license which forbids reverse engineering for the sake of interoperability is not enforcable in most of the world. If it isn't enforcable then you can't actually violate it.

        Besides, have you considered that it is that license you appear to dislike so much which provides for the product, the hosting, the free public machines, the support, all of that? It's a pile of money and time and I don't see RMS steppng forward with an open checkbook.

        Maybe someone should clue Larry in, but GNU have servers around the world hosting both the GNU project itself, the FSF and GNU Savanah. They manage to keep them running, I fail to see how keeping a few extra source control servers running would be an issue for GNU.

        Bitkeeper may be better than the current Free alternatives, but it isn't Free software. Larry seems to be of the attitude that a freebee licence and a couple of servers somehow means we should be building golden idols in his image. I don't buy it, sorry.
      • Re:unbelievable. (Score:3, Insightful)

        by mboedick ( 543717 )

        He always goes on about how he is doing Linux a huge favor, but his company is getting by far the better end of the deal.

        When was the last time you heard BitKeeper mentioned on any article or site where Linux was not also mentioned? Linux is probably the reason the vast majority of Slashdot readers have even heard of BitKeeper. Go to the BitKeeper [] site and look how almost all of their news items are about Linux.

        This guy is a complete asshole and almost a charicature of all the worst things about pr

      • Believe it or not, the American laws, the DMCA included, and the American Courts interpretation of those laws does not apply to the rest of world yet. Bush may eventually change that with his army, but for the time being, as Allan says, "reverse engineering for interoperability" is legal is most civilised countries (and even in some not-so-civilised ones).

        And FSF usually puts its money where RMS mouth is. Take Savannah [], for instance. An open SourceForge clone (product, hosting, free public machines, suppor
        • by Cyberdyne ( 104305 ) * on Saturday July 19, 2003 @05:47PM (#6481033) Journal
          Believe it or not, the American laws, the DMCA included, and the American Courts interpretation of those laws does not apply to the rest of world yet. Bush may eventually change that with his army, but for the time being, as Allan says, "reverse engineering for interoperability" is legal is most civilised countries (and even in some not-so-civilised ones).

          Including the US, as it happens, which is how Compaq created the first clone of the PC BIOS. The DMCA bars breaking access control systems, not reverse-engineering software. In some cases (software DVD players) the two overlap, but usually it's clear: reverse-engineering Office to make it work properly under Wine is fine, cracking CSS to make a DVD player isn't (you need to license the relevant algorithm, not just copy it from someone who has). The one caveat is that reverse-engineering a patented system doesn't give you any right to copy it: you still need a patent license. That's not US law, though, it's international law (Berne convention?)

        • by autopr0n ( 534291 ) on Saturday July 19, 2003 @06:31PM (#6481219) Homepage Journal
          Believe it or not, the American laws, the DMCA included, and the American Courts interpretation of those laws does not apply to the rest of world yet. Bush may eventually change that with his army, but for the time being, as Allan says, "reverse engineering for interoperability" is legal is most civilized countries (and even in some not-so-civilised ones).

          Actually, it's not illegal in the US either. In fact, the DMCA explicitly allows reverse engineering of copyright controls for interoperability and cryptographic research. The DMCA doesn't say anything about things that don't have anything to do with copyright controls, but reverse engineering has always been legal in general.
      • Re:unbelievable. (Score:5, Interesting)

        by Minna Kirai ( 624281 ) on Saturday July 19, 2003 @04:51PM (#6480745)
        "Judge, I want to ignore this license which I never agreed to"

        The BK license is a click-through EULA like any other. Just like all of them, it's not valid.

        Unless your country decides to pass a law [] making them binding, it won't effect you. (Even if your nation allows electronic contracts, the software vendor would have to take some steps to record the agreement in a valid manner. BitKeeper, like most publishers, does not do that)

        If a person permits you to download his software without obtaining an agreement as to how you'll use it, you can do whatever you want (execute the code) so long as you don't violate copyright (make copies of the program, which is unnecessary if you've already got a copy from the publisher)
      • oh, go on. (Score:3, Insightful)

        by twitter ( 104583 )
        "Judge, I want to violate this license on this product that I got for free because it's not free enough".

        Who wants to do that? Copying Bitkeeper's feature set is all that's required. No one's dumb enough to say that can't be done are they?

        If they want to make it hard to get current work out, it's all the more reason not to put work in. The Bitkeeper people should be happy that people admire the feature set and work to make it better than free versions or simply charge for the hosting they provide. S

      • Sony was suing Connectix (now owned by M$) and Connectix won because the reverse engineering solely for the purpose of interop was considered legit.

        IANAL, but one of the issues is that copyrights protect expression but the actual useful ideas are not subject to copyrights but rather patents. So I see no reason to think this is a copyright issue per se.

        The license however is one which contains restrictions which *may* be valid under contract law. So this may be an argument of "You agreed not to by using
    • Re:unbelievable. (Score:4, Insightful)

      by phidipides ( 59938 ) on Saturday July 19, 2003 @03:25PM (#6480254) Homepage
      Others have already stated this, but read the entire thread on the Linux Kernel mailing list. RMS trolled, Larry eventually responded to a post about reverse engineering by saying (paraphrased) "Legally I must point out that to reverse-engineer the product violates our license. If I don't defend our license when it is challenged then I won't have a leg to stand on should it ever go to a court case."

      The conversation continued to the point where Larry (as usual) got exasperated and said (paraphrased) "We give free BitKeeper to the community for any use other than putting us out of business. We have made all DATA freely available, and you are free to use any tool, including CVS, to work with that data. Basically, if you want to use our tool you are doing so by our good graces, so quit complaining."

      While maybe not the most politcally correct person out there, I see nothing in Larry's statements to disagree with. BitKeeper is in use because it's better than the available free tools. The use of BitKeeper has done wonders for Kernel development -- the changelogs are the most visible example, but ask Alan Cox (who doesn't use BitKeeper) if Linus has been easier to work with since adopting BitKeeper. And if Larry wants to make it difficult for people to copy his product, that's his business -- he has gone out of his way to make the data freely available, and he has also gone out of his way to clearly draw a line between what is BitKeeper (his) and what is owned by the community.
      • Re:unbelievable. (Score:3, Interesting)

        by Antity-H ( 535635 )

        Larry eventually responded to a post about reverse engineering by saying (paraphrased) "Legally I must point out that to reverse-engineer the product violates our license. If I don't defend our license when it is challenged then I won't have a leg to stand on should it ever go to a court case."

        Please somebody point out the weak link in my reasonning. I can feel it is warped but can't fail it.

        • BitKeeper is (in at least is GNU/Linux versions) linked against the GNU C Library.
        • The GNU C Library is under t
        • Re:unbelievable. (Score:5, Informative)

          by Wavicle ( 181176 ) on Saturday July 19, 2003 @04:38PM (#6480670)
          You've allowed David Turner to skew your understanding of LGPL. Section 6 only applies if you distribute something statically linked against glibc.

          Make no mistake, GNU doesn't like the LGPL, and they are attempting to do revisionist interpretations of what the LGPL says in order to make LGPL software unappealing to companies which make proprietary, closed source software with restrictive licenses.

          Despite their apparent attempt to use ambiguous wording and specious re-interpretation, section 5 clearly states that no, BitKeeper is not subject to section 6.
  • by albalbo ( 33890 ) on Saturday July 19, 2003 @02:03PM (#6479597) Homepage
    So, the threat is now that BK will have a locked-down encrypted protocol if any Free Software gets anywhere close to talking the protocol nicely?

    That sucks so hard. This is what you get for dancing with the Devil.
    • No it doesn't. Look, the Linux community are getting a commercial product for free (i.e. no cost).

      If the guy that spent money developing the product asks that you not make a direct, compatible, free software GPLd competitor then I think under the circumstances that that is only fair. I mean, he's trying to make some money here, and he's not making it from the Linux community. That's certainly not illegal, and it's not inherently immoral (unless you're Richard Stallman). I mean look at Red Hat, Mandrake or

  • Jesus (Score:4, Insightful)

    by IamTheRealMike ( 537420 ) on Saturday July 19, 2003 @02:04PM (#6479603)
    McVoy has really shot himself in the foot this time. Does he really think he's going to get much sympathy from people when he writes things like:

    If you are trying to copy BK, give it up. We'll simply follow in the footsteps of every other company faced with this sort of thing and change the protocol every 6 months. Since you would be chasing us you can never catch up. If you managed to stay close then we'd put digital signatures into the protocol to prevent your clone from interoperating with BK.

    That sounds waaaaaaaaay too much like Microsoft for me. I vote for Subversion. I guess the distributed repository things would be a problem though.

    I mean, damn. That is openly hostile. I don't CARE if people are trying to write a competitor that can interoperate with out, those sorts of tactics simply aren't honourable.

    Next time, when RMS warns about things like this, I for sure am going to listen carefully.

    • Re:Jesus (Score:5, Funny)

      by SharpFang ( 651121 ) on Saturday July 19, 2003 @02:34PM (#6479885) Homepage Journal
      [i]That sounds waaaaaaaaay too much like Microsoft for me[/i]

      Naah. Microsoft would never SAY such thing. (they do this secretly)
    • Re:Jesus (Score:4, Insightful)

      by Yrd ( 253300 ) on Saturday July 19, 2003 @02:56PM (#6480036) Homepage
      Most of the time I take the opinion that RMS has some good ideas but is too uncompromising with them. However, it would seem in this case he was right. If the BK people are willing to do that kind of thing, then people should definitely be looking at making a Free replacement which can do everything BK can, preferably being able to at least import from BK repositories without information loss to enable the kernel maintainers to switch over easily.

      Although this would only be a problem if someone did try and replace BK with something BK-compatible... no reason for them to do it if they don't feel commercially threatened. But then I suppose having the Linux kernel use BK is a bit kudo to them, so they'd want to keep it.

      I don't think Linus would stand for much of that though, somehow.
    • Re:Jesus (Score:5, Insightful)

      by Anonymous Coward on Saturday July 19, 2003 @03:08PM (#6480121)
      Richard is as smart as a whip. If he groomed himself like a blue suit IBM type of yore, he would be unstoppable. The only excuse some individuals have for not listening to Richard is personal prejudice against Richard's way of life. Whatever you think of the way Richard lives, there is no denying his brilliance. He called it right on Bit Keeper from the start.
    • Re:Jesus (Score:5, Insightful)

      by flacco ( 324089 ) on Saturday July 19, 2003 @04:10PM (#6480514)
      Next time, when RMS warns about things like this, I for sure am going to listen carefully.

      I think the world will be surprised at how many of the "extremist", "paranoid", "ideological", "smelly hippy" ideas that Stallman has put forth will come true just as he has predicted them.

      the guy's a visionary on a level that even much of today's technical crowd can't fully grasp.

    • Re:Jesus (Score:3, Insightful)

      by HeelToe ( 615905 )
      • That sounds waaaaaaaaay too much like Microsoft for me. I vote for Subversion. I guess the distributed repository things would be a problem though.

      So why Subversion? Why not something like Arch, which handles this?

    • Re:Jesus (Score:3, Insightful)

      by arose ( 644256 )
      "I vote for Subversion. I guess the distributed repository things would be a problem though."

      There is always arch.
    • Re:Jesus (Score:3, Interesting)

      by nathanh ( 1214 )

      McVoy has really shot himself in the foot this time. Does he really think he's going to get much sympathy from people when he writes things like:

      He actually got a lot of sympathy on the LKML. One of the problems is that people hate RMS so much that they will rally around whomever RMS is debating, no matter the merits of the argument.

      I find it funny that RMS often predicts doom and gloom, people call him an idiot, and a few years later something happens (like this) and he's proven right. RMS said BK

  • by jd ( 1658 ) <<moc.oohay> <ta> <kapimi>> on Saturday July 19, 2003 @02:06PM (#6479624) Homepage Journal
    BitKeeper is a good piece of software, but don't imagine that it is perfect. There are lots of nifty devices which would be useful but which BK doesn't do.

    The bottom line is that if we work to simply play follow-up, we'll ALWAYS be behind, and BK will ALWAYS be seen as the superior choice.

    If, on the other hand, we design a system that is intended to super-set BK from the word "go", then BK is the one playing follow-up, because there would be no advantage in using them if they didn't match the software we had.

    One feature that would be nice would be the ability to "version" sections of an update. That way, you could test version X.Y.Z of a driver with version A.B.C of the kernel. (Useful, for example, if you distribute the driver seperately but want to test in-situ.)

  • by Homology ( 639438 ) on Saturday July 19, 2003 @02:07PM (#6479631)
    ... certainly need an upgraded PR department. At least the developer of BK is honest. It's seldom that we in writing sees such a clear committment to vendor lock-in.
  • by squarooticus ( 5092 ) on Saturday July 19, 2003 @02:10PM (#6479649) Homepage
    In some cases, a proprietary tool is the best for the job. The most popular free software source management tool (CVS) is a complete p-o-s in many respects and unsuitable for large projects and for those with automated builds.

    That said, a proprietary tool can never be the best for the job if the author/copyright holder is a complete dick. If it was known that the author of BitKeeper was a dick before Linus started using it, then the tool should not have been introduced; regardless, it is clear now that the guy IS a dick, and therefore RMS is absolutely correct in urging the kernel developers to play chicken and either force BK to play nicely with others or shoot the moon and wind up losing its free advertising.
    • The most popular free software source management tool (CVS) is a complete p-o-s in many respects and unsuitable for large projects and for those with automated builds.

      A proper comparison would be with Subversion []. CVS, while certainly not a POS, is showing its age. Subversion is supposedly "CVS brought up to date".

      Why did Linus go to BitKeeper in the first place?
      • by nathanh ( 1214 ) on Saturday July 19, 2003 @08:12PM (#6481622) Homepage
        Why did Linus go to BitKeeper in the first place?

        Because subversion wasn't anywhere near ready, CVS is broken by design, and the email/patch system that Linus previously used was wasting his time and harming the rapid development of Linux. A commercial SCM would have done the job but who can afford the exorbitant license fees of something like Clearcase? Larry offered a free license to use BK so Linus gratefully accepted it. It really was a no-brainer.

        No matter what anybody says, Larry isn't the bad guy. His software isn't cheap yet he offered the gift of a free multi-user license to Linux developers. That's a pretty generous donation in itself, but Larry also wrote extensions that Linus requested, built a CVS gateway, and has been very responsive to the needs of Linux developers. Ok, so Larry has all the tact of an axe murderer but that's part of his charm. His blunt and abrasive nature doesn't detract from the quality of BK.

        Just keep in mind that nobody is wrong here. There are no bad guys. There are just people who have different priorities. For Linus, Linux is #1 priority. For RMS, free software is #1 priority. For Larry, BK is #1 priority. Cue the thunder and lightning.

    • by axxackall ( 579006 ) on Saturday July 19, 2003 @03:34PM (#6480303) Homepage Journal
      I consider as a mistake the fact that Aegis [] was not considered when they moved the kernel from CVS.

      Just check this features:

      • Aegis supports large teams and large projects.
      • Aegis supports change sets.
      • Aegis is designed around incremental development. It records these increments as file change sets, and can reproduce any historical increment.
      • Aegis is designed for repository security (availability, integrity and confidentiality).
      • Aegis supports distributed and multiple repositories.
      • Aegis supports multiple lines of development and multiple simultaneous active branches.
      • Aegis supports branching to any depth.
      • Each project is a separate repository, with separately configurable policies.
      • Aegis enforces a development process which requires that change sets ``work'' before they may be integrated into the project baseline. Works includes requiring that change sets build successfully, and (optionally) that they include and pass tests. It also ensures that code reviews have been performed.
      • Aegis supports both push and pull distribution models, and many distribution topologies. Aegis' normal development process is used to validate received transactions before accepting them.
      • Aegis supports long transactions, also known as ``branches'' or ``lines of development''. This allows appropriately created changes to be treated as if they were projects, and thus to have changes made to them. This allows a hierarchy of changes within changes, to any desired depth.
      • Aegis runs on almost any flavor of UNIX (including even cygwin). Self configuring using a script generated by GNU Autoconf.
      • The error messages of Aegis have been internationalized. This means that error messages can be in your native language, if a translation has been provided. More translations are welcome.
      • There is an intranet Web interface, which is installed automatically when the install script discovers a web server. This interface allows browsing of much of the Aegis meta-data, of all publicly accessible projects.
      • There is a script-based reporting facility, allowing many custom reports to be generated from the Aegis database. There are also many report scripts distributed with Aegis.
      • Aegis is mature software - it was first released in 1991.
      Now tell me, what are features of BK, that are missied in Aegis *AND* are essintial for Linux kernel development?
      • Now tell me, what are features of BK, that are missied in Aegis *AND* are essintial for Linux kernel development?

        Someone posted earlier in this article that one of the key things Linus wanted was the ability to run the project via e-mail, which BK allows. Does Aegis offer that?
  • Sound (Score:5, Insightful)

    by CaptainZapp ( 182233 ) * on Saturday July 19, 2003 @02:10PM (#6479655) Homepage
    I think it would be appropriate at this point to write a free client that talks with Bitkeeper, and for Linux developers to start switching to that from Bitkeeper. At that point, McVoy will face a hard choice: if he carries out these threats, he risks alienating the community that he hopes will market Bitkeeper for him

    Actually Mr. Stallmans opinion is quite a sound one. There's a very fine line when you're commercializing in the free software space (mind you, not that it's necessarily morally wrong or violates licenses). Red Hat for example must also be very, very careful not to piss off the community, but

    If you are trying to copy BK, give it up. We'll simply follow in the footsteps of every other company faced with this sort of thing and change the protocol every 6 months.

    This statement just about pisses on every value, which RMS represents and despite his personality - his achievements are beyond dispute.

  • by the gnat ( 153162 ) on Saturday July 19, 2003 @02:11PM (#6479667)
    I didn't follow this controversy too closely when it came out (I could care less about kernels), but my impression then was that the best argument for moving away from BitKeeper was that Larry McVoy clearly had some personality issues. Now that he's promised to deliberately break interoperability with any compatible product, RMS looks reasonable in comparison. I know Linus is very agnostic about licenses, but it doesn't seem wise to collaborate with someone who has stated his opposition to one of the main reasons so many people use Linux in the first place. Is it really worth dealing with that asshole?

    Oh, and LKML's web server isn't a very good advertisement for free software right now.
  • by BuildMonkey ( 585376 ) on Saturday July 19, 2003 @02:19PM (#6479743)
    SCM is how I earn my living. I install, maintain, and development SCM tools, processes, and automation. While I haven't used BitKeeper, I've worked on a whole raft-load of others. ClearCase, while monsterous in its complexity, is the head-and-shoulders winner for large scale development.

    ClearCase is a version database with a powerful query language. You can select file versions by label, date, owner, attributes, branch, etc. Because ClearCase is its own filesystem, it can (but doesn't have to) transparently update your view to the latest versions. (This feature is nice for server rollouts. If something is wrong, change the query and you're instantly back to the old.) Also because it is its own filesystem, ClearCase provides audit builds that tell you everything that was touched when creating a derived object.

    Updates for your view are lightning fast. And it can version directory trees, which is sorely missing in most other products. It has a documented Perl API.

    On the downside ClearCase is roughly as difficult to administer as Oracle. It is expensive in terms of dollars, server hardware, and network resources.

    • by Anonymous Coward

      There is an open-source clone of ClearCase (my favorite SCM system), called Katie. You can search for it on Freshmeat.

      I don't know what level of quality its at, but I believe the author is eating his own dog food and using Katie to develop Katie.

      Personally, I would love nothing more than to see him adapt Katie as a front-end for SVN (Which has a good overall architecture).

      Katie also uses PostgreSQL (ClearCase uses Raima's dbVista, btw). Subversion uses BDB and really needs a better back-end eng
  • by Animats ( 122034 ) on Saturday July 19, 2003 @02:28PM (#6479836) Homepage
    Linux was switched to BitKeeper because CVS is painful. Now there's a chance to redo it.

    It's clear now that you want a real database in the back end. Every major app that had an ad-hoc database in the back end has eventually run into problems. Look at Sendmail, BIND, etc. The replacements that work well have a relational DBMS in back. SCCS, RCS, and CVS all had the same problem.

    Now that we have several good open source databases available, there's no need for ad-hoc databases. This simplifies the application enormously - all you need is the logic for version management and monitoring.

    One thing I'd suggest for a replacement is heavy use of message digests (MD5, etc.) as identifiers and checks. Everything should have an MD5 of its uncompressed version carried along. I'd go so far as to store files by MD5, not name, so that if two copies of identical bits are stored, they're not duplicated. This makes efficient renaming and sharing, the curse of version control systems, effective.

    On the user interface side, take a look at Tortoise CVS. It's very convenient, although the integration with CVS is a bit painful, because the protocol (text messages from the server) is ill-defined.

  • by tmoertel ( 38456 ) on Saturday July 19, 2003 @02:30PM (#6479848) Homepage Journal
    Maybe we need a fundamentally better CVS replacement than Subversion or arch. From the Quick Reference Guide to Free Software Revision Control Systems [], the most interesting candidate is darcs []. Under darcs, any checked-out copy of code is a fully functional branch repository, making distributed developement easier than under traditional one-master-repository systems. Plus, any revision control system whose author has developed a formal Theory of Patches [] can't be all bad. ;-)

    It's worth a look, if only for the ideas.

    • Aegis? (Score:3, Interesting)

      by axxackall ( 579006 )
      The comparison is missing Aegis [] and I think on purpose, b/c Aegis is much better than any solution from the list.

      First, it's very mature. Second... just check the feature list for yourslef.

  • People please read (Score:4, Informative)

    by linuxislandsucks ( 461335 ) on Saturday July 19, 2003 @02:34PM (#6479886) Homepage Journal
    ah people do not make the saem mistake that RMS did in not reading MCVoy's org post..

    He was asked by the community to do a protocol rev and he was commenting on someoen else volating the bitkeeper license and how his reeactions to community requests with new fixes in protocol and etc will always defeat someone wanting to violate the license..

  • by bruns ( 75399 ) <bruns@2m b i t . com> on Saturday July 19, 2003 @02:35PM (#6479894) Homepage
    Here [] is the article that RMS responded to.

    Has some more interesting stuff in it.
  • by PeeCee ( 678651 ) on Saturday July 19, 2003 @02:51PM (#6479997)
    Everyone should probably read where the discussion came from ( before commenting on it. Here's a copy.


    With apologies to the list for the off topic post (I'm really trying to
    not annoy you guys but some stuff we can't let slide due to legalities).

    On Thu, Jul 17, 2003 at 01:05:05PM +0100, Rory Browne wrote:
    > Would the conduction of research(and publication of results of same) on
    > the bitkeeper formats/protocols, preclude users from using the Free version
    > of Bitkeeper, for the research project?

    Yes, for the research project and/or anything else.

    > Would the carrying out of such research using the free version of
    > Bitkeeper, prevent them from developing a product which contains
    > substantially similar capabilities of the BitKeeper Software in the
    > Future, assuming that all copies of Bitkeeper were destroyed before the
    > development started?


    > Would previous activity in the area of developing a product which
    > contains substantially similary features to Bitkeeper preclude users from
    > using the Free Bitkeeper software?


    Each question above can be restated as "Would it be OK if we used BK
    in violation of its license?". The answer is no and if you did that we
    would be forced to come after you, if we don't and some large company did
    the same thing we would have a much tougher time enforcing the license.
    Trademarks and licenses tend to lose their value if you don't enforce

    Your questions indicate one of two things: you either have a burning
    desire to work on BK itself or a burning desire to copy BK. If it's
    the former, that's easy, send us a resume and if you are a good engineer
    we'll hire you, we need good engineers with a solid understanding of file
    systems, distributed systems, graphs and sets, and/or human interfaces.

    If you are trying to copy BK, give it up. We'll simply follow in the
    footsteps of every other company faced with this sort of thing and change
    the protocol every 6 months. Since you would be chasing us you can never
    catch up. If you managed to stay close then we'd put digital signatures
    into the protocol to prevent your clone from interoperating with BK.

    Instead of trying to copy our work in violation of our license, you'd be
    far better served by doing some new work. If you like SCM then either
    work here, work on some other SCM unrelated to BK, or expect a costly
    discussion with a lawyer. I realize this is an unpopular position but
    that's tough, it's our code and our license and you obey the rules
    or suffer the consequences. The license is a contract and it's an
    enforceable contract, we have gone up against a company who spends more
    on lawyers in a week than our annual gross revenues and successfully
    enforced it.
    Larry McVoy lm at
  • by peripatetic_bum ( 211859 ) on Saturday July 19, 2003 @02:56PM (#6480039) Homepage Journal

    Message: 16
    Subject: Re: Bitkeeper
    From: Alan Cox
    Cc: Larry McVoy , Richard Stallman ,
    Linux Kernel Mailing List
    Date: 18 Jul 2003 23:16:57 +0100

    On Gwe, 2003-07-18 at 22:54, wrote:
    > Now what's this about the "simply irrelevant"?

    "in most of the world"

    If everyone spent the time replacing bitkeeper instead of beating up
    Larry they'd get a lot further. I appreciate beating up Larry is more
    fun but....

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  • by 4of12 ( 97621 ) on Saturday July 19, 2003 @03:07PM (#6480109) Homepage Journal

    The right way to do open source development is to add real value to your freely-released product.

    The difficulty is that if your project is popular and successful, then other open source developers may release open code that moves in the same direction as what you're doing. Your special super-duper improvement to foo, foobar may be rendered obsolete by foobaz in a few short months.

    That's a brutally competitive position to be in. The challenge to making money then is to develop lots of really good code add-ons or plug-ins more quickly and better than the buzzing swarm of random open source developers.

    This kind of competitive landscape is absolutely fantastic for consumers, but can make life for the developer trying to make a living difficult. The only room I see is for services: configuration, mainenance, custom-patches for special customer orders. A genuinely useful, general purpose add-on to a piece of free software will be replicated freely in some given amount of time, particularly if it's not difficult to do and/or you charge too much for your add-on.

    Strictly, Richard Stallman is right and correct. That if you give in on your principles about free software, then you cannot complain if the software owner suddenly locks up the work and suddenly starts charging you an arm and a leg for the product. But though Richard is right, has high principles and thinks everyone ought to be similarly principled, generous, cooperative, etc., this leaves festering the practical issue of earning a livelihood doing something related to computer programming.

    Richard never provides a comforting answer to all the good-hearted programmers thinking "Yes, I'd like to be a generous individual and give away my software and prevent anyone else from caging it by stapling it with the GPL."

    "Now that I've done this nice generous thing, how do I live nicely and not like a pauper?"

    Good idealistic programmers should love programming so much they do it for the love of it in their spare time, like artists. From what I know of artists, 99.8% of them work at something else that doesn't pay too well. Few get to earn a decent living doing what they love to do. That's a hard reality to face for a budding programmer.

    I'd be really curious to hear what Peter Deutch (Aladdin Ghostscript) and the commercial SSH developers have to say about idealism, commercialism, earning a living, competing against their own earlier free software, etc.

  • by Alowishus ( 34824 ) on Saturday July 19, 2003 @03:12PM (#6480153) Homepage
    I can't believe this wound up on Slashdot. First of all, the vger list admin already shitcanned the thread from LKML because it's just inappropriate there. Now it moves over here for further idiotic discussion.

    If you read the original thread between McVoy and Rory Browne, you'll see that Rory started the whole thing by posting a BitKeeper licensing question to the LKML. I'd almost say Rory was just trolling. From there, McVoy's personality took over and he tossed out a worst-case scenario (rewriting the BK protocol to stay ahead of people trying to reverse-engineer it), and that's what spawned RMS's post.

    Okay, so I won't disagree that having open protocols and open software is a good thing. But this is hardly a good example for RMS to pick on. There are completely open CVS and SVN gateways into BK, so at no point is the Linux Kernel code at risk. Major kernel hackers such as Alan Cox don't even use BK themselves - they use CVS or SVN to do all their kernel development.

    If you read further down the thread, you'll find that even the most rabid of anti-BK people on the list concede McVoy's point - it's his product, protected by his license, and he can do anything he damn well pleases with it. There should be no more upset over this than when the Linux community went after Linksys to get them to obey the GPL for their router software.

    The thread ends with a number of posts by people thanking Larry for what he's done by providing tools that make our kernel get better. That and a number of other "we don't need to rehash this again" messages. It's apparent that people are tired of this issue.
    • Here's the problem:

      McVoy's answer to the proprietariness problem has always been "there's no equivalent free program - if you want one write your own, but we're not GPL'ing bitkeeper." (Note, I'm paraphrasing)

      The problem here is that he's saying not only can you not use the bitkeeper code, and not only can you not work on a competing project, but you can't even publish information about what bitkeeper does (i.e., reverse engineer the protocols). This is not "don't use our code", it's Don't mess with our file-format lockin.

      Let me repeat that. He's saying "Don't mess with our file format lock-in."

      That's what's wrong with Microsoft Word, that's what's wrong with proprietary software in general. He's crossed the line from not sharing with his competitors to actively trying to thwart them from competing with him at all by locking his customers into his secret format. Not sharing is grudgingly acceptable to most; secret file format lock-in is immoral.

  • by cduffy ( 652 ) <> on Saturday July 19, 2003 @03:19PM (#6480199)
    As for McVoy, my first interaction with him was through MontaVista Software, my employer at the time. We were using BitKeeper for developing Free software, and took advantage of the no-cost license (letting our changelogs be published to BitMover's site). McVoy changed the license such that we, specifically, would be out of compliance -- and terms were such that we were obligated to upgrade to any newer beta and accept its license or cease using BitKeeper. Being much smaller than presently, MVista had to fold and go back to CVS -- and fun that was *not*.

    Even forgiving its author's antics, I'm still not fond of arch. Back at the time, its repositories tended to corrupt at the drop of a hat, and grow far larger than need be (particularly compared to the alternative I'll be introducing shortly).

    TLA, the C version of Arch (a version control system by Tom Lord), has much more promise. It has the same distributed repository paradigm as BitKeeper, but is under a Free license. It doesn't have the graphical merge tools, but is written such that adding one would be very easy -- and it *does* have some nifty extra features such as the star merge algorithm (which prevents spurious conflicts in the case of multiple branches which are merged back and forth -- a common situation in open source development).

    Ever wanted to make your own branch of a project but didn't have write access to the repository? Been annoyed by CVS's lack of support for versioning things like directory moves, file renames and the like? If files are given internal tags in arch, the VCS will even detect file renames *automatically*, without being told at all!

    One final, strong, item in favor of arch: The repository format is simple and well-documented, and by its design unlikely to corrupt in ways that can't be fixed by hand. None of the crud like CVS's rewriting ,v files (and thus permitting opportunities for a power cycle to kill all of a file's history).

    So, to sum up: Arch is nifty. Arch is good. Arch is written by someone who is much less of a $@%#% rat bastard than Larry McVoy. You should try arch.

    Oh, you want to know where? See the arch wiki [] or Tom Lord's home page [].

    Have fun!
  • by ClosedSource ( 238333 ) on Saturday July 19, 2003 @03:31PM (#6480282)
    I suggest if someone wants to take the time to create a better program, go ahead. I don't see why they should do so now just because RMS has called for it. Let him spend his own time doing the work, if he's so hot for it.
  • McVoy writes:
    If you are trying to copy BK, give it up. We'll simply follow in the footsteps of every other company faced with this sort of thing and change the protocol every 6 months. Since you would be chasing us you can never catch up. If you managed to stay close then we'd put digital signatures into the protocol to prevent your clone from interoperating with BK.
    To which RMS response:
    I think it would be appropriate at this point to write a free client that talks with Bitkeeper, and for Linux developers to start switching to that from Bitkeeper. At that point, McVoy will face a hard choice: if he carries out these threats, he risks alienating the community that he hopes will market Bitkeeper for him.
    I really don't see how that response is raving and fanatical. RMS is simply suggesting that because of that possibility, we need to develop a Free client and convert to it. In as much as possible, it would talk with BitKeeper; but, if McVoy made license efforts to prevent that, then we'd just have to tough it out.

    It's his (McVoy's) license, and he can do any damn thing he wants with it that will be enforced by the courts. Period. He can update it rapidly, to prevent interoperability, he can use digital watermarks to prevent interoperability, and do any number of other things to stiffle BK-compatible projects. Indeed, McVoy can partake on a scheme to try to lock developers into BitKeeper as much as he can possibly do using both his license and various schemes with the software.

    And, quite frankly, I don't think RMS is challenging McVoy's right to do that. It's exactly because of McVoy's right to do that that RMS is worried. Because BK is proprietary, it is very possible that McVoy could pull such a move. And, ya know what, I don't think that RMS is saying that he can't do that, or that if he does we should violate his license. Of course, he might advocate that in so-far as the courts won't enforce McVoy's anti-reverse-engineering strategies, we should reverse engineer for compatability.

    Now, whether or not RMS read back through the thread -- and whether or not /.ers did -- is irrelevant. Perhaps McVoy was only saying that as an example of a worst-case scenario, but the point is that he could do it. In that case, the only thing off the ball about RMS' comment is the "at this point". From the beginning, a Free client that talks with BitKeeper with similar capabilities should have been in development. I do agree with subsequent posters that a Free alternative with similar capabilities has to exist first; RMS is simply suggesting that we mobilize an effort to do so.

  • How about all of you take a much nicer tilt on this, and ask McVoy (who's already giveing you the software free) his price to GPL bitkeeper.

    McVoy is giving the software away for free, as in no cost. Let's not confuse that with Free as in freedom.

    As for buying out BitKeeper and GPL'ing it vs. developing a replacement, it's purely a strategic decision, based on -- I think -- two factors.

    (1) Which will produce a GPL'ed product that Linus and other developers who like BitKeeper's features as fast as possible? Buying out BitKeeper may or may not be the choice. It might take longer to raise the money to buy out BitKeeper than it would to develop a Free alternative with comparable features that Linus and other's would switch to. There's no reason why both can't be done in parallel. Indeed, the best strategy is to do them in parallel, so that McVoy feels pressure -- once a Free alternative is developed that Linus and other's would switch to, the effort to buy out BitKeeper is off.

    (2) Which will be cheaper? Financial considerations are important. It may or may not be cheaper to develop it ourselves.
  • McVoy's comments (Score:3, Interesting)

    by dh003i ( 203189 ) <dh003i@gma[ ]com ['il.' in gap]> on Saturday July 19, 2003 @05:27PM (#6480947) Homepage Journal
    RMS says:
    I think it would be appropriate at this point to write a free client that talks with Bitkeeper, and for Linux developers to start switching to that from Bitkeeper. At that point, McVoy will face a hard choice: if he carries out these threats, he risks alienating the community that he hopes will market Bitkeeper for him.

    To which McVoy response:
    Our license states that you can't use BK if you are developing a similar system, i.e., a clone. Without using BK it's impossible to reverse engineer BK to create the clone. So your message seems to be saying "it would be appropriate at this point to violate the BitKeeper license in order to write a free client which talks with BitKeeper".

    Well, I believe that only your free (as in beer) license says that. And that may very well be upheld by a court, because you're giving it away for no money. However, a similar provision in your for-money BitKeepr license might not be held up. Court's have ruled that -- despite what licenses say -- reverse engineering is acceptable for the purposes of developing products with interoperability. It is highly unlikely that McVoy's license on the pay-for version of BitKeeper would hold up, as that grants no extra rights not given by law, and in fact tries to deny rights to reverse-engineering given by law.

    And it is precisely for this reason that RMS wants people not to use BitKeeper. Just as MS has taken measures to lock people into using MS Office, so too can McVoy take measures -- both technological and licensing-wise -- to lock people into using BitKeeper.

  • by earthforce_1 ( 454968 ) <earthforce_1&yahoo,com> on Saturday July 19, 2003 @07:39PM (#6481494) Journal
    But damned if he isn't right most of the time. He just has a habit of rubbing people the wrong way and letting his ego show, so many people reject what he has to say. But despite that, he is worth listening to.

  • by pennystinker ( 548132 ) on Saturday July 19, 2003 @10:30PM (#6482177)
    In general, RMS's position with regard to "free software" (as in freedom) is RARELY off-target. This is because his motivations are simply an outcome of the reasoning that code, like any other form of expression, is crystallized thought, and as thought should be cherished and spread to as many as possible to share it's benefits (and, in some cases, drawbacks). The GPL is one tool that helps ensure the spread of thought in code form. It truly is a disease to think that thought products (affectionately known as "intellectual property") can truly be contained. So why not embrace the fact that we as human beings are tremendously adept at copying, processing and synthesizing thought products.

    The other tool at his disposal is a relentless pursuit of the goal that all software should be "free" (again, as in freedom). Software that is not free is always suspect: the "owner" that reserves rights to restrict others in their ability to utilize "their" software is prone to an "absolute power" syndrome. Their intentions may start out noble, but that can change at any moment. Sad to say, but it appears the Mr. McVoy may be on the verge of this. I remember reading the mailing-list archives when this first blew up. Mr. McVoy really has drawn a mental line in the sand that he's not willing to cross. It is unclear if he has the strength of character to let go of his "closed-source" ways. It would really be nice if he did.

    Unfortunately, in pursuit of his "free" software goal RMS is likely to piss people off, hence the established rancor at him. Fortunately, RMS has the resolve to see past this and move on. It will be a rocky road to enlightenment for most (it certainly is for me, and I can't even begin to claim any form of enlightenment), but it certainly is liberating.

    A replacement for BitKeeper should be developed post-haste, subversion looks promising, but needs many features to completely replace BK. I personally use subversion in my own projects and found it to be quite workable.

    Food for though (pun intended): Are your thoughts yours? Do you own your thoughts? If so, how do you exert thought ownership rights? If you never existed would your thoughts exist in others? Now, granted, there clearly are expressions of my thought process that others recognize as "me", but at work, if others were confronted with the problems you work to solve every day what is the likely-hood that others would produce the same or similar solutions as yours? I find it amazing looking at all of the various Web site building technologies out there built by many others how similar many of their solutions are to the ones I produce. The evidence that elements of "my" thoughts are going on in other people's heads oh so clearly demonstrates the fact that "intellectual property" are hollow words. Pursuing the task of squirreling away your thoughts and jealously guarding them is the labor of sick-minded people. Even writing what I writing now is not new. Most of you have read "drivel" like this before, but it is still worth mentioning. Just think about it.
  • by Theovon ( 109752 ) on Saturday July 19, 2003 @11:27PM (#6482391)
    The slashdot article makes RMS look like a crackpot. He may be, but the detail is that he's not saying "replace BitKeeper! replace BitKeeper!". He's saying "if Larry McVoy (CEO of BitKeeper) threatens to change the protocol every 6 months, thereby making it hard for free software to be compatible with it, then BitKeeper needs to be replaced." This is a reasonable thing to say. RMS is only saying to replace BitKeeper if the developers become unfriendly to the free software community.

Per buck you get more computing action with the small computer. -- R.W. Hamming
