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Unix Operating Systems Software BSD

USENIX 2003 Report 17

BSD Forums writes "Dustin Puryear attended the USENIX Annual Technical Conference (ATC) this year in San Antonio, Texas and presents this report. USENIX offers attendees an interesting mix of papers and talks by academia, well-known industry professionals, and researchers working for companies across the world. What exactly did he really learn from this conference? He says research is as strong as ever within USENIX and open source communities. Samba is making significant progress with the ever emerging Active Directory networks. FreeBSD is emerging as one of the few key OSes of choice for web hosting. Finally, he says that Microsoft is competing for server business with their Microsoft Windows Services for UNIX products."
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USENIX 2003 Report

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  • I guess no one cares.
  • by Anonymous Coward
    It's getting harder and harder to get excited about confrences... since most of the companies won't send their admins. The only person I know here that gets to go to USENIX regularly only does so because it was part of his agreement of employment. Something I very much wish I had done. I can muster the $100 or so bucks to keep my USENIX/SAGE membership current, but $600+ for confrences? I requested to go to FAST, which is only like $750 and was turned down, PLUS it's in the Bay Area so I don't need to t

Your own mileage may vary.
