Mono 2.8 Released 78
mallumax writes "A new veriosn of Mono(2.8) has been released: Mono has now integrated SourceGear's webservice enhancements, and there has been a lot of improvement in XML, serialization and web services. Other features are new thread locking and ahead-of-time compiler optimisations. Check out the Mono website for more details." Congratulations are in order for the Mono team as well -- SourceGear was their first customer.
Re:Is it alive? (Score:1)
Re:Is it alive? (Score:1)
GTK# [sf.net]
QT# [sf.net]
Re:Is it alive? (Score:1)
It was Mono 0.28, not 2.8 (Score:5, Informative)
Re:It was Mono 0.28, not 2.8 (Score:3, Funny)
Re:It was Mono 0.28, not 2.8 (Score:3, Funny)
Re:It was Mono 0.28, not 2.8 (Score:1)
I was merely pointing out the obvious dsylexia of the article submitter.
As for the budget, I actually work for Gray Davis. Why do you ask?
Re:It was Mono 0.28, not 2.8 (Score:1)
I've been wondering about this. After the recall numbers are in, Davis' folks (you) can just move the decimal point and it's *voila!* Four more years!
(Or is that "40"?)
Re:It was Mono 0.28, not 2.8 (Score:2)
Re:It was Mono 0.28, not 2.8 (Score:2)
0.28 (Score:1, Redundant)
I almost thought the Mono devs were getting too close to Microsoft and started version inflating. Glad I RTFA
Mono - the most important OS project currently (Score:2, Insightful)
I think Mono is the most important open source project second only to linux, because it will make the most advanced software platform in existence available for free on unix and windows. It is also interesting that it is a useful tool for identifying those among us that are zealots and not software idealists.
can you smell the hype ? (Score:2, Insightful)
It's just a VM and it exists because it's the only way MS could rescue themselves out of their leaky boat of an OS.
Hanging on to the coat-tails gives it legitimacy, kind of like having Cytrix exist as a third source of x86 chips should Intel & AMD go bust.
Your list of languages is hardly a broad base to make such a sweeping statement.
Re:can you smell the hype ? (Score:5, Informative)
And it was a way for Microsoft to get rid of Win32 API progressively.
Re:Mono - the most important OS project currently (Score:5, Insightful)
My favorites are ruby and C#/.net and they compliment eachother so well.
I'm curious, care to explain how these languages compliment each other??
I think Mono is the most important open source project second only to linux, because it will make the most advanced software platform in existence available for free on unix and windows.
Saying .NET is the most advance software platform in existence does not magically make it so. I can come after and say "no, you wrong, Java is the most advance platform", and we would have gotten absolutely nowhere.
I disagree with your assertion, by the way. And I have a few hundred JSRs at JCP.org [jcp.org] to back me up.
Most of Java's development is done in the open. Which means tool developers have a heads up on what changes are coming and even have a say in it too boot.
It is also interesting that it is a useful tool for identifying those among us that are zealots and not software idealists. :-)
(i)I don't think that Mono makes much sense currently because it's a implementation of a development platform specifically designed to increase Microsoft's market share at the expense of everyone else.
(ii)Because Mono does not have any say in the spec it is implementing *and* the writer of the spec is historically hostile.
If that makes me some type of "zealot", I'll accept my title :)
Re:Mono - the most important OS project currently (Score:2)
Re:Mono - the most important OS project currently (Score:2)
That above is legal ... because in fact the compiler treats it like this:
Re:Mono - the most important OS project currently (Score:1)
As well as this, combined with unboxing - as Integer et al are final classes (and thus can't be extended) - the JVM could transparently replace Integer with a template style version.
The implementation makes these details fully recoverable from bytecode.
(Note, it's not perfect, as you might find that this gets passed to some 1.5 era code that knows nothing abo
Re:Mono - the most important OS project currently (Score:2)
Re:Mono - the most important OS project currently (Score:1)
If the bytecode looks like this
invokevirtual ArrayList::get()
checkcast Integer
then you can see this later on and shortcircuit the cast.
If the code looked like
invokevirtual ArrayList::get()
checkcast Integer
invokevirtual Integer::intValue
then it's fairly obvious you could eliminate this.
It is a LOT more work than a template based system, but you can be sure that if
Re:Mono - the most important OS project currently (Score:5, Insightful)
most advanced software platform in existence
OK, I'll bite. :) Most advanced platform in existence? Isn't that a bit lofty? C#/.Net can be described, accurately, as Microsoft's answer to J2EE. While I'm a pragmatist about this and I find things to admire and things to dislike about both platforms, history still favors J2EE as the better platform.
If Java were just Sun, then .NET would probably quickly become a superior platform. I hate to say this. I like Sun, I dislike Microsoft. But I have to be honest with what I see. However, Java is not just Sun. There is a huge array of open source software for Java. Just tour the Apache [apache.org] software web site and the enormous variety of Java software available so developers don't have to reinvent the wheel.
Microsoft is often better at making software easier to use. They are often better at making software to make making GUI's easy. They are often better at making certain kinds of tools and certain kinds of integration between products.
But to those who think that Open Source is all about copying what others innovate (I'm not accusing anyone in this discussion of that), there are a great many J2SE and J2EE projects out there that disprove that straw man. (I don't know enought about J2ME to speak intelligently.)
In addition to Apache, check out Exolab [exolab.org]. These are just a couple of the organizations creating open source J2SE and J2EE solutions. The existence of these sorts of organizations, these projects, brings great power and maturity to Java that .NET doesn't yet have.
I'm learning .NET stuff because I'm pragmatic and there are indeed some very nice features it has. One is the ability to link many languages in a native way rather than having to go through JNI. (shudder)
All of this to say that I have to question not only calling any software platform the "most advanced software platform in existence," but especially the .NET platform which has not yet caught up to J2EE in functionality. Not for web projects at any rate.
Re:Mono - the most important OS project currently (Score:1)
There may be issues with microsoft calling and saying all C# derivatives are ours. I
Re:Mono - the most important OS project currently (Score:1)
Lets look at MS's implementations of
How about MS's
They are wrapping their existing products, nothing more. They are not creating a cross platform platform in any way shape or form.
Look at their MS SQL data class, it's not native, it wraps the native MS SQL classes present in win32.
Re:Mono - the most important OS project currently (Score:1, Insightful)
The GNU system is undoubtedly the most important open source/Free software project, bar none.
Neither Linux nor Mono would exist without the tools created as part of that project. I mean, what do you use to build your Linux kernels?
Re:Mono - the most important OS project currently (Score:4, Interesting)
a native port would be huge, but Bill would never give Linux that much power... here is hoping Apple gets a native port of
Re:Mono - the most un-quirky yet (Score:1)
What software designers want is a stable, un-quirky framework to develop applica
Re:Mono - the most un-quirky yet (Score:1)
Re:Mono - the most un-quirky yet (Score:2, Insightful)
I have the greatest respect for the work that Bill Gates and MS have done and continue doing; MS has revolutionized the way we compute. Today, computers are in hour houses and companies, featuring effective interfaces, powerful programming languages and developing environments. I believe new developments, like .NET languages and framework are
Re:Mono - the most important OS project currently (Score:1)
"for free" is not important. Neither is "open source". Mono is free software. That gives you much more than just getting it for free, or getting the code. In fact, its not the fact of getting it f
My views on mono (Score:5, Insightful)
Microsoft has built in a way to access the underlying Win32 API into .NET. Thus any .NET application that uses this functionality will never run under mono (except if wine can handle all the calls).
But that doesn't mean that mono is useless, far from it. MS' .NET was clearly created as a competitor to the java virtual machine. Mono is just another competitor to java and MS .NET as well. And the most important point is that it is fully free.
The open source communities have largely embraced java even though sun still imposes some restrictions through licensing. This has had a large negative effect on the spread of some java technologies (like JAI or java3D not being available on macOS).
Mono gives the open source communities a 2nd generation virtual machine design to call it's own. Forget about microsoft's .NET, view mono as a solution in and of itself and it looks very interesting.
Re:My views on mono (Score:5, Insightful)
That is what Microsoft want$ you to do. Then in 5 years or so when their IP is firmly entrenched in the Gnome/Linux landscape, a swawm of laywers will decend to argue over who actually owns what. Mono is probably more dangerous to Linux than SCO.
Re:My views on mono (Score:1, Troll)
Re:My views on mono (Score:2, Informative)
Re:My views on mono (Score:2)
Then in 5 years or so when their IP is firmly entrenched in the Gnome/Linux landscape, a swawm of laywers will decend to argue over who actually owns what.
Well, the worst they could do is force licensing fees to use Mono, or force the removal of that work from Linux. They couldn't use that to attack Linux itself unless somehow Mono became an integral aprt of the operating system itself.
I mean, Mono running under Solaris or MacOS certainly wouldn't give Microsoft an in to destroying those platforms.
Re:My views on mono (Score:2, Insightful)
If the idea is to build a new VM from scratch, MS be damned, why ever should it be built around their specifications? Why ever should it use their uninspired Java clone as the standard language? Why not build on the existing attempts at a free Java environment (GCJ, ClassPath, etc.), or other original and truly free language/platforms like Python or Ruby?
As it is, creating an almost-workalike of Microsoft's
Re:My views on mono (Score:1, Insightful)
System.Windows.Forms in Mono (Score:1)
Microsoft Visual Studio .NET and their CLR, including Windows Forms and everything else, ARE the standards
Mono's implementation of System.Windows.Forms [go-mono.com] isn't done yet, but it's apparently coming along nicely. There's a heavyweight version implemented in terms of Winelib and a lightweight version that wraps Gtk# [sourceforge.net]. Publishers of apps that stick to the Gtk# compatible subset of Windows.Forms (i.e. don't P/Invoke Win32 and don't override Wndproc) will be able to put a penguin on their boxes as an extra bulle
there was no money to be made in doing that.
It entrenches Microsoft's standards further
hey, i like microsoft. clippy, passport and outlook are my favourite software
the ONLY reason for mono to exist is to provide a 100%-compatible environment for running apps written to the Microsoft standard on non-Windows platforms
nope, thats a job for w
Re:MOD PARENT UP (Score:1)
Mod above +3 Scary please.
Re:MOD PARENT UP (Score:1)
Re:My views on mono (Score:1)
Name one truly new useful idea that has been created by the "open sourcers" that wasn't just a lame copy of some pre-existing proprietary product.
How about RTLinux, whose invention resulted in a U.S. patent? (The patent is licensed for use in any GPL program [fsmlabs.com].)
Re:My views on mono (Score:3, Interesting)
I support Mono for several reasons:
C# is a very good language
Creating Windows(like) GUI in C# is a pleasure
In a all-out struggle of good vs. evil it is wise to hedge the bets and Sun (and therefore Java) seems to be on decline right now.
But having Ruby or Python grow up to be an alternative to .NET would have been much better choice.
Ruby Application Server anyone?
Re:My views on mono (Score:2)
Re:My views on mono (Score:1)
Re:My views on mono (Score:1)
If you're used to Visual C++ or Visual Basic, I suppose it is... in the same way that losing a finger is "very good" compared to losing an arm.
Re:My views on mono (Score:5, Funny)
And when
"If you will not be turned. You will be destroyed. Young fool. Only now, at the end, do you understand." - Emperor to Luke
Re:My views on mono (Score:5, Insightful)
It's only "fully free" until Microsoft sues because of the patent infringment. It's only a matter of time.
Re:My views on mono (Score:2, Insightful)
P/Invoke needs full trust (Score:2)
Microsoft has built in a way to access the underlying Win32 API into .NET.
As I understand it, only an application fully trusted by an administrator can P/Invoke native code such as raw Win32 APIs.
Re:My views on mono (Score:2)
Mono on FreeBSD or OSX not usable - anyone? (Score:1)
Several days ago I posted a thread on mono-devel [ximian.com] about FreeBSD 4.8 not working and only got two replies - both confirming the problems. OSX seems to have the same basic problems.
This is even for console (text) applications - they just won't run.
Has anyone been able to get a working mono on FreeBSD 4.8 or 5.1? Can you tell us how?
Is Microsoft really behind .NET? (Score:3, Insightful)
Unless Microsoft throws their full weight behind .NET it will have all the problems of Java with no advantages over it.
Re:Is Microsoft really behind .NET? (Score:3, Insightful)
The .NET and XP beta periods overlapped substantially, if I recall correctly. There wasn't any way to get the completed runtime into the XP release.
This is a bit misleading. It certainly applies if you are writing thick client (win32) applications. But it's irrel
Re:Is Microsoft really behind .NET? (Score:1)
I also have very similar concerns about how much Microsoft is behind some aspects of
Re:Is Microsoft really behind .NET? (Score:2)
Absolutely agree about the marketing cockup with naming. There was a time when .NET got confused with all kinds of unrelated or partly related crap (like passport) and for some bizarre reason they decided to call Windows CE 4.0 (or was it 4.1, anyway...) Windows CE.NET
Wow! 2.8 Where have I been....? (Score:1)
It's at version 0.28. Somebody put the decimal in the wrong place!
Oh well, am just glad that it's still going strong!