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Roll Your Own Yahoo! News RSS Feeds 22

An anonymous reader submits "O'Reilly Developer News is reporting that one of Yahoo's employee's has hacked together a way roll your own Yahoo! News rss feed. Jeremy Zawodney, said hacker, is also an editor of Linux Magazine. News search over RSS is a feature Googlites have been pining for. It's interesting that Yahoo has, in a round about way, beat them to the punch on this one."
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Roll Your Own Yahoo! News RSS Feeds

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  • Interesting (Score:3, Funny)

    by floydigus ( 415917 ) on Wednesday October 08, 2003 @09:27AM (#7162613)
    one of Yahoo's employee's has hacked together a way roll your own Yahoo! News rss feed.

    In other news, one of Slashdot's employee's has hacked together a way roll your own misconstructed sentences.
    • MOD PARENT UP!!!! (Score:1, Interesting)

      by Anonymous Coward
      Reference to an editor's ineptiture while it's the original submitter who introduced the mistake in the first place is always a reason for a good heartily laugh on Slashdot.
  • This is very cool but it not like yahoo can even compete with google. Google's search, toolbar, and news is still better. Yahoo needs to improve there page layout to expand with the size of your screen. Half of the screen is white space on yahoo's news area. We run high resolutions so that we can see more without having to scroll.
  • Not worth effort (Score:4, Interesting)

    by Apreche ( 239272 ) on Wednesday October 08, 2003 @09:33AM (#7162646) Homepage Journal
    With the relatively widespread use of RSS I'm really surprised that we are constantly forced to "roll our own" feeds. I mean, all I want is the front page of google news. Is it really that hard that all these news sites and such can't set up RSS for us? Freakin' Penny Arcade has RSS.
    • by Anonymous Coward
      RSS is too concentrated, has too much potential for usefulness, and is too adfree. It's the wet dream of everybody who learnt to know that port 80 protocol before the web crossed the 50/50 ratio between screenspace for adverts and information.
  • Link to the article (Score:5, Informative)

    by utahjazz ( 177190 ) on Wednesday October 08, 2003 @09:44AM (#7162730)
    Thanks for the links to Google and Yahoo.. How about a Link to the article [zawodny.com]?
  • http://jeremy.zawodny.com/blog/archives/001001.htm l
  • It would seem that it only works for one word searches.

    "sco" works, where "sco linux" does not work. I'd really look forward to this for my daily dose of SCO news...
  • Google News RSS (Score:3, Informative)

    by Webmonger ( 24302 ) on Wednesday October 08, 2003 @12:52PM (#7165199) Homepage
    It's not offical, but it's been there for ages:

  • by costas ( 38724 ) on Wednesday October 08, 2003 @02:29PM (#7165729) Homepage
    [Plug] My newsbot [memigo.com] does News Search alerts plus context alerts (news articles it thinks you may like based on your past read/rated articles) and they are all available via customized RSS [memigo.com] and PDA feeds [memigo.com].
  • It's interesting that Yahoo has, in a round about way, beat them to the punch on this one.
    Huh? How is this in a round about way?
    • Infobeing [infobeing.net] has over 12,000 news RSS feeds it scours and then sends email alerts for you. While it might not be exactly the same features, i am surprised how at how the infobeing site works. I have found it doesn't alert to duplicate stories, but the emails really get flowing if you search with a generic term. Best of all it is free and looks like is it based on OSS software! Surprised no one else posted this site as an alternative.

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