SPF Design Frozen 105
Eric S. Smith writes "SPF, previously mentioned here, is a step closer to becoming a real, live RFC. We are encouraged to publish SPF records and thus to hasten the beginning of the end for annoying spam forgeries. SPF describes DNS TXT records that define the hosts authorized to send mail on behalf of users in your domain. Sites can then consult your SPF records and reject spam forged to look like it comes from you." (SPF stands for "Sender Permitted From.")
Semi offtopic, but... (Score:3, Interesting)
Does any of this make sense?
Re:Semi offtopic, but... (Score:2, Insightful)
And then it occured to me that spammers would probably find some devious way to use this feature to generate lists of valid email addresses. Rather than sending a zillion emails based on a dictionary attack, they could send a zillion emails to known good addresses.
Unless all the email servers in the world worked on the new protocol all the servers with the validation functionality would be MORE vunerable to s
Re:Semi offtopic, but... (Score:2)
Not really. Spammers have already forged my email address in the from line. You can check with my mail server, but my email address exists so it will report good.
Don't suggest that hashes of emails sent be saved, while it could be done, my ISP for email is from years ago, everything else is done though a different ISP, including sending email. Basicly you can ask my ISP if I sent something, but they have no way of knowing if I did because none of my outgoing email goes though them.
Re:Semi offtopic, but... (Score:2)
Re:Semi offtopic, but... (Score:1)
Instead of impossible, you might more accurately write ineffective only in delivering messages only to servers which perform this check. Spammers don't particularly care about bounces and forged headers now. This scheme would only be effective if almost everyone switched to it.
Re:Semi offtopic, but... (Score:2)
Re:Semi offtopic, but... (Score:1, Informative)
Could cut down on email spoofing because anyone spamming you would have to use a real email address which would allow you to complain to the domain owner.
It wouldn't cut down on spoofing - a spammer would just need to spoof a valid address, which
Re:Semi offtopic, but... (Score:2)
Read the article
Re:Semi offtopic, but... (Score:2)
Just hunt it down in google
Re:Semi offtopic, but... (Score:1)
There's always plenty of documentation on why something is a really bad idea. "'Considered Harmful' Considered Harmful". I clean out my spam folder once a week or more, and haven't found fewer than 1000 messages in it, usually 2000, for as long as I can remember. These are desperate times.
Re:Semi offtopic, but... (Score:3, Insightful)
What you describe sounds sort of like a challenge-response system (http://tmda.net), but more automated. The trouble with that is the same trouble with VRFY. That is, it can be used to determine whether an address is valid or not for future spam attacks. That's called RCPT harvesting.
My brother runs thille.com using sendmail and he didn't disable VRFY. Nearly all the accounts on t
Re:Semi offtopic, but... (Score:1)
I like it, but.... (Score:4, Insightful)
1) Increased network traffic at all points - where one mail server gets the email, and the network of the domain being sent from or forged. Imagine how this might increase AOL's or hotmail's network traffic, while they gain nothing from it. Every mail server in the world could be trying to contact their dns servers to check if they allow the mail. I hope you like lag if you use AOL.
2) Spammers tend to use made up domains anyways. This is bad with this method for several reasons. The first being that you will have delayed email receiving times because your mail server will be trying to contact dns servers that don't exist. The timeout would have to be short for this to work.... then on the other hand, if the timeout is too short, and a busy mail server can't respond in time, the email is rejected, which is just as bad as a real email getting flagged as spam, aka a false positive.
While I agree in practice with this technology, I'd like to see how people can solve these issues before I would use it at my company.
Internet does not work that way (Score:4, Informative)
Your points are both invalid.
1) Most mail servers already to a return DNS lookup on the IP of who the sender is. (The recived from lines in the headers) DNS takes so little bandwidth compared to normal activity (even compared to the payload of the email it is tiny, not consider all the web browsing, DNS is trivial)
2)DNS works by asking the root servers who owns a domain. The root servers respond either with the DNS for the domain, or with a no such domain. (Ever hear of Verisign's sitefinder? Verisign runs the root servers, and they started saying anything unowned belonged to them) Essentially no overhead is involved in this.
Re:Internet does not work that way (Score:2)
I realize dns is not a major network usuage offender, but more traffic is more traffic - I'm not saying it would be enough of a reason to not do it. I'm all about killing spam as soon as possible. If this helps, I'm all
Re:Internet does not work that way (Score:2, Informative)
Yes, that is incorrect. The root DNS servers hold the DNS glue records for each registered domain. DN
Re:Internet does not work that way (Score:2)
Re:Internet does not work that way (Score:2)
Re:Internet does not work that way (Score:2)
"Yes, that is incorrect. The root DNS servers hold the DNS glue records for each registered domain. DNS glue records are the NS records created from the DNS server information you specified when you registered the domain. So, you may be changing A, PTR, and CNAME records all you want, but the DNS glue records for your domain don't change unless you make a change with your domain registrar."
I'm not an idiot - I realize that the root servers registe
Re:Internet does not work that way (Score:1)
Start here [tldp.org].
Re:Internet does not work that way (Score:2)
If your network cannot handle the additional load from this DNS extnetion then you have bigger problems than this extention. DNS is such a tiny amount of traffic, even after this is implimented that it won't appear on your statistics.
You can't do a DOS attack on DNS with email in this way, because DNS is caching. If someone is spamming your domain all over, DNS servers will remember after the first time what you returned last time and just return the cached result. (Unless you have rediculiously low tim
Re:Internet does not work that way (Score:3, Informative)
Re:I like it, but.... (Score:4, Insightful)
2) Most mailservers don't accept mail from domains that don't exist (eg, they already query the DNS servers of the domain in question) and since the timeout for a DNS response is rather short, it shouldn't affect mail receipt that much.
Actually the whole thing could be handled in 1 query, just look up the SPF record for the domain in question, if it comes up with NXDOMAIN, that domain didn't exist in the first place. if it didn't fail, but didn't find the SPF record, then we try TXT, if that dosn't show up, then we just allow the mail through.
if a mailserver has a problem accepting mail it also returns an error message, basically telling the remote server to try later, or another mailserver. so no mail is lost (unless the servers remain loaded down and un-responsive for about a day)
Oh, and I've already setup the record for my domain, and I'll be updating my MTA to query them soon!
Re:I like it, but.... (Score:3, Insightful)
1) Increased network traffic at all points
I expect that after SPF gets into wide usage, that spammers will no longer forge from those domains. So by adding SPF records for your domain, you lower the spam bounces and joe-job BS that you get. Besides, a DNS query is cheap, much cheaper than an email, particularly since it can be cached. And you are using your ISP as a cache, right?
Worst case, no caching, you add about 400 bytes of traffic per email. That's nothing; the rest of the traffic involved in s
Re:I like it, but.... (Score:2)
Not in my experience, not anymore. Many MTAs will, by default, bounce mail that doesn't come from a genuine domain. So spammers use real domains, or real email addresses. "
Well, most of my spam comes from forged domains which don't exist, usually with a few constants here and there with a bunch of numbers thrown in.
" The timeout would have to be short for this to work....
Why? If you're waiting for a response, you're not burning CPU. The timeout can be
Re:I like it, but.... (Score:2)
Then your mail server needs to be reconfigured. There is absolutely no point in accepting email from bogus domains. I've never used a mail server that did so.
In my business, deferred email, even 4 hours, is just as bad as not getting it most of the time. Email is a benefit to our business because it's instant. So, delaying it for hours is a bad thing for us.
AOL and hotmail don't gain? (Score:3, Interesting)
Well, they do gain, actually -- if the plan works, it will blot out quite a lot of spam. AOL and Hotmail spend an astronomical amount of money dealing with spam in the current situation (it doesn't help that lots of spammers forge AOL or hotmail return addresses... I'm sure those bounces crank out the bandwidth required). If they need to pay for more bandwidth and more servers to support SPF, I have to im
Re:I like it, but.... (Score:2)
That's at least 20 emails a day I have to sit down and respond to, educating users on how to read email headers. Then, on top of this, 99.9% of the spam we RECEIVE is from spoofed addresses--- THAT adds up to the hundreds of megabytes per day category.
This system, even if it adds 400 bytes
Not helpful to me (Score:1, Interesting)
Besides my residential IP with its dyndns name, I maintain two ot
Re:Not helpful to me (Score:2)
I use a couple of sendmail rules to relay mail to aol and hotmail through my ISP, and everything else goes directly. Maybe you could do something like that.
Re:Not helpful to me (Score:1)
Re:Not helpful to me (Score:1, Insightful)
Assuming SPF is successful, there would be less need for manually-created "residential" IP lists that ban you. It would all be automatically handled by your DNS provider. (However, this put an anti-spam burden on DynDNS etc)
So this is the way out for you.
Adoption Rate (Score:4, Informative)
http://www.infinitepenguins.net/SPF/register.php [infinitepenguins.net]
This system serves to monitor the take-up of SPF. So far, 274 domains with SPF records are known.
As yet, only a count of registered domains is displayed; more analysis tools will appear once the number of domains increases.
Of these:
84 parse cleanly
0 parse with warnings
173 parse with errors
17 are yet to be checked by this system
Re:Adoption Rate (Score:1)
173 parse with errors
Although I'm not sure, I assume this is due to changes in the SPF format. I created my records many moons ago, and now I (nor the automated checking tools) don't even recognize the new format.
With the freezing, the errors should be getting less soon.
Re:Adoption Rate (Score:1)
Ahm, I've just added my domain, was easy to do with the SPF wizzard [pobox.com], you just answer the questions, and it tells you what to enter into you bind config files. (And even explains what it means you're adding). But then, going back to the checking tool [infinitepenguins.net] you mention, I get this:
Domain: uea.org
Record Found: "v=spf1 a a:co.uea.org include:cistron.nl -all"
Errors: Malformed or truncated domain 'co.uea.org' in 'a' declaration in rule part 3 (a:co.uea.org)
Malformed or truncated domain '
Re:Adoption Rate (Score:2)
Law of Beta strikes again (Score:2, Informative)
Unfortunately some of you caught the parser while it was buggy... it *should* be fine now.
It's also correct that some of the records were produced before the standard was finalised. All these bugs should now be out of the system (I'm going to regret saying that)...
Re:Adoption Rate (Score:2)
Re:Adoption Rate (Score:2)
I've published SPF records for >100K domains for my employer, and that's just one sample.
these statistics aren't terribly optimistic ? (Score:2)
It's probably not obvious (see also: article on /.) but those stats are voluntary ones based on people that -might- have read the mailing list that -might- have put something into a web form.
It is certainly not exhaustive.
Re:Adoption Rate (Score:2)
Soo... looks like they'll need to be prodded into adding that functionality to their DNS tool.
How does this reduce spam in any shape or form? (Score:4, Insightful)
But that aside, how does it reduce spam? The spammers will always be able to find a domain to stick in the "From:" header. They can choose to use a domain that they do not control that has not yet added SPF to their DNS or they can choose to use a domain that they control. In either case it's trivial for them to get their mail from their system to yours, and that's all that they really care about anyway -- the "From:" header has always been meaningless to spammers anyway, it's not like they would be forfeiting the ability to receive replies or something.
Note that in the case of using a domain that they don't control, we're back to the issue of "until everyone on the planet does this, there will always be some domain somewhere that can be forged." And even should those run out, spammers can just register anything for $7 a year, or less for bulk registrations. (They already do this when they're playing hosting tricks, to bounce you around from one host to another.)
Now, you might say that at least with this implemented you could discover what those domains are that the spammer is registering for use with his spamming. That is true. But, we've had the concept of a blocklist for ages, that's nothing new. Everyone has ranges of IP addresses that they won't accept mail from, and some very kind organizations have even maintained lists of "bad IP addresses", so you might expect a similar thing to happen with domain names. But all you have to do is look at the current state of blocklists and you'll know this doesn't buy you much. We already have blocklists, and they're riddled with problems. You're back to playing whack-a-mole with the spammers. They make a spam run with example.com, you block example.com; they make another run with example.org, you block example.org. You're always one step behind, while the spam piles up in your inbox. You might make the point that this inconveniences them, but you have to realize how many domains there are out there that are available for forging. The SPF-protected domains will be the vast minority of all domains for the forseeable future.
So, in summary: This might be moderately effective at preventing joe-jobs. It will not make a significant change, however, until everyone on the face of the earth that's not a spammer both updates their DNS and updates their MTA software to check these records. The likelyhood of this happening any time soon is quite small. And even if this were to happen, the spammers would still be able to deliver piles and piles of garbage to your inbox though domains that they control. You're back to blocklisting, which we've had for quite some time now.
So, I ask seriously, what does this do to combat spam that is really all that significant? I applaud any developments on the antispam frontier, but let's not get too carried away with visions of this somehow "plugging the insecure SMTP hole", or anything remotely resembling it.
Re:How does this reduce spam in any shape or form? (Score:2)
The big ones (yahoo, hotmail) are on board already; that's going to put some fierce pressure on ISPs to use this.
Re:How does this reduce spam in any shape or form? (Score:2)
Re:How does this reduce spam in any shape or form? (Score:1)
Are they? I don't see any txt records for hotmail nor yahoo, and the checking tool" [infinitepenguins.net] doesn't see them eighter.
Exactly (Score:3, Insightful)
* Folks hate spam, and will glom onto anything that claims to reduce it with the gullibility of a cancer victim being scammed by a faith healer.
* It's easy for IT folks to implement. The CIO can say that he "implemented an initiative to reduce the most frequent user complaint, saving the company N
Re:Exactly (Score:1)
Could you back up those claims with facts?
Re:Exactly (Score:2)
First, this is nothing more than an authentication system. It's designed to allow a server to authenticate itself as a trusted source for a domain's email. However, the designers chose to use DNS as a transport mechanism. Not a good idea. DNS is designed to be lightweight and low latency, not to be secure. It's pretty easy to spoof DNS responses. Plus, DNS data tends to get cached. All you need to do is spoof a response, the nameserver's cache is pois
Re:Exactly (Score:2)
SPF was shot to ribbons on the IETF ASRG list, but obviously someone decided to go ahead with it anyway.
ASRG SPF pointers; not shot to ribbons (Score:2, Informative)
but offers no pointers to allegedly valid objections. Here are some [ietf.org] pointers [ietf.org] into the ASRG discussion. I didn't see any compelling criticisms of SPF there. The criticism [ietf.org] that SPF "is not a serious technical effort" is odd, given that an implementation exists.
SPF flaw in a nutshell (Score:2)
Then the spammers build up a database of SPF information, and whenever they get access to a server to spam through, they make their software use one of the correct SPF-allowed domains for that server, to generate the fake From: addresses.
e.g. they 0wn 1000 Windows boxes of Comcast users, so they look up the SPF info from Comcast's DNS records, and use those domains to generate the fake e-mail addresses when spamming using those 0wn3d boxes. When spamming via their
Re:SPF flaw in a nutshell (Score:1)
Re:SPF flaw in a nutshell (Score:2)
Re:SPF flaw in a nutshell (Score:1)
Re:SPF flaw in a nutshell (Score:2)
Uh, no... in a world with a high adoption rate of any reverse-MX solution (DRIP, DMP, SMTP+SPF, RMX), the spammer can only use a FROM: domain that is valid from the IP address of the 0w
Re:Exactly (Score:2)
The people doing the shooting down made no substantive arguments and instead engaged in a series of vitriolic personal attacks against the people making constructive proposals. Basically some folk who had a position in the anti-spam world wanted to make sure nothing challenged it.
IETF is pretty much an i
Re:Exactly (Score:2)
Used alone, it is extreme, though I know a number of people that happily use whitelisting in instant messaging environments.
The biggest use of whitelisting, however, would likely be in conjunction with other solid antispam methods.
Re:Exactly (Score:2)
Limit email amplification.
Great. How? People have been trying to do this since the mid-90s with little success. Remember that amplification is a very valuable feature of email ("send this message to everybody in marketing").
Require one of a number of pay or auth systems for email.
Ha. The
Re:Exactly (Score:2)
Re:Exactly (Score:2)
Re:How does this reduce spam in any shape or form? (Score:2)
Re:How does this reduce spam in any shape or form? (Score:2)
I use SpamAssassin. The SPF record could be used to alter the score.
Some people use RBLs with a time lag. SPF-passed mail could bypass the lag.
It's another step.
Re:How does this reduce spam in any shape or form? (Score:2)
Your argument regarding DNS entries that spammers control is valid, but weak in that *any* solution must allow a domain holder to still send mail. What it *does* do, is stuff
Re:How does this reduce spam in any shape or form? (Score:2)
Re:How does this reduce spam in any shape or form? (Score:2)
Re:How does this reduce spam in any shape or form? (Score:2)
This is an important thing however
Re:How does this reduce spam in any shape or form? (Score:2)
nice summary. SPF becomes useful long before everyone on the planet starts using it. In fact, once you get yahoo.com, aol.com, hotmail.com and a hundred other
Re:How does this reduce spam in any shape or form? (Score:1)
Re:How does this reduce spam in any shape or form? (Score:2)
Re:How does this reduce spam in any shape or form? (Score:2)
You raise some good points, I'll try to address some of them.
SPF is not designed or intended to stop all forms of spam. In fact, I see SPF doing as much to protect people from phishing and joe-jobs as reducing spam. UBE is not the only form of email abuse.
SPF gives domain name owners a voice to communicate which IP addresses, if any, are authorized to send email using the domain name. Anyone who wants to listen to what the domain owner has to say is free to
Re:How does this reduce spam in any shape or form? (Score:1)
Here's how I think things might go if everything works out.
1. Some key large domains publish SPF, and a few large ISPs start checking for it.
2. Some of the mail that is forged using the big names is downgraded or dropped.
3. Spammers start to spoof the addresses of other names instead.
4. Pressure is on for the owners of those other name
Will make filtering much easier (Score:3)
Certainly it's true that nearly everyone will need to get on board for this to work. Fortunately, it should be an easy update on both the MTA and DNS ends.
The real advantage here, I think, is that it will make filtering and blacklisting much easier. Instead of trying to filter on 18 zillion weird rules and scads of IP addresses, some of which may have some valid users, you just need to filter on domain names.
For this to work, we will need one or more trustworthy registries of bad domain names. And it should probably be distributed, with a way to continually update it by automatically propagating the list of bad domains to all clients. There should be a way to get a domain into the blacklist very quickly if anyone receives spam from that domain.
Alternatively, a system could be in place to treat all new domains as bad by default. That has obvious problems though -- how would you get your domain trusted? Would it require a VeriSign like identification process? I would oppose that -- I think people should be able to buy domains and freely run email servers on them without paying some central "authority."
My biggest concern with this idea is that I run a domain where I give out POP email addresses to people. I'm still trying to figure out how that will affect me.
Re:Will make filtering much easier (Score:2)
Why is this a problem? Are not those users doing SMTP to *your* MTA running under *your* domain?
Re:Will make filtering much easier (Score:2)
Guess I could install a POP-before-SMTP type system.
Ok - RFC ? I don't think soon (Score:3, Interesting)
If they couldn't get consensus inside the IRTF's spam working group, what makes them think they can get it in the IETF community at large (I love the note to the RFC editor - HA)
Re:Ok - RFC ? I don't think soon (Score:2)
The MTAs (postfix, sendmail) will probably implement one of the (4) solutions and admins will start using it by default.
I doubt we'll s
how do I get all the server names? (Score:2)
How do I get all the names of their outward facing servers, which may not leave my original mail.swbell.net in headers as my first stop?
Speaking of editing headers, what's to stop the Asian remailers from having their servers ge
Re:how do I get all the server names? (Score:1)
I'm not quite sure what you're saying at the end there... A remailer will have to be on the SPF record for the domain they're trying to deliver for, yes, and they'll still get through fine, but if there is also a destributed blacklist system (or responsive DNS registrars
Re:how do I get all the server names? (Score:1)
Regarding headers, SPF is able to drop the connection based only on the SMTP commands, before you have sent any headers. Headers are part of the DATA step in the transaction which is like 4th, MAIL FROM step is 2nd.
If you're not adding it directly to the mail server, you can analyze headers after the fact, but
Re:how do I get all the server names? (Score:2)
Re:how do I get all the server names? (Score:1)
Spammers definitely take great advantage of how confusing all those extra headers are, and the smtp transaction has a couple of steps to go through before the headers even arrive. Luckily most mail servers will record their part of the transaction, the HELO command is "received from", the Mail From is the Return Path, etc. But it's still kind of tortured.
Summary for mail & network admins (Score:4, Informative)
That's it. That's really it, at least for publishing your permissions. So simple I already did it for my domains.
This sounds a lot like RMX (Score:1)
Re:This sounds a lot like RMX (Score:2)
How to make this work (Score:1)
Without this default ("v=spf1 a mx ptr -all"), spammers will be able to find domains that don't use SPF.
SPF is too limited (Score:1, Insightful)
I have run a vanity domain for myself and a handful of friends from high school since the mid 90s. They use their vanity accounts to get mail, since it forwards to wherever they happen to be now. I want them to be able to send mail as those accounts, but SPF won't let that happen.
The SPF-approved answer is "have them relay through you with some
Combines well with Bayesian filtering (Score:2)
But, those new domains won't have any data in people's Bayesian corpus; they will be neutral in affecting spam probability scores.
On the other hand, domains that publish SPF records will be protecting their domain names, which means that those domain name tokens in people's Bayesian corpuses will count positively towards the message not being spam.
In other words, p
spf is moronic (Score:1)
for a "valid" record. existing RBL-publishing software can be used, existing RBL-scanning clients can be used, we won't need to set up DNS-over-TCP servers, and we don't give any information we don't have to.
note, and this is very important. what we're looking for is what would better be called a "reverse MX"--
Tradeoff between "simple" and "useful" (Score:1)
There is a careful tradeoff between "too simple" and "too complex". I have seen other similar proposals doomed by getting too complex, because they bow to what the users want and then nobody wants to write the code. At the same time I have seen proposals doomed because they were not flexible enough to handle most cases
Re:Tradeoff between "simple" and "useful" (Score:1)
Spammer software will just get smarter. (Score:1)
You still get the spam, it even looks more authentic!
Re:Spammer software will just get smarter. (Score:2)
Such Old News (Score:2)
Re:Such Old News (Score:1)
This SPF is different. Since spam and sunblock are NOT related, no one is gonna confuse the two SPFs.