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ACiD Productions Releases Final Artpack 46

Jason Scott writes "Among the people I have interviewed for the forthcoming BBS Documentary are members of what was known, throughout the 90s, as the 'ANSI Scene'. They released artpacks of ANSI art on BBSes across the world, and then later on the Internet. Among these were members of the group known as ANSI Creators in Demand, or ACiD. Besides inventing the artpack, the group has continued to release them for the last 13 years... until now. The group's leader, RaDMan, has announced the arrival of the 100th and final artpack. Clocking in at a mind-boggling 400 megabytes plus, it contains high-rez, ASCII, and of course ANSI art, as well as a huge selection of music. It even has a rap featuring RaDMan himself claiming domination over the art scene. The download page lets you grab it in FTP, HTTP, and Bittorrent. If you ever spent an evening poring over the latest 'pack', now's the time to see ACiD's last hurrah."
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ACiD Productions Releases Final Artpack

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  • Art or girls (Score:2, Informative)

    by Gregg Alan ( 8487 )
    The art thing is good and fine.. but what about her []. She's a chick. That's better than art!
  • by lordscarlet ( 304417 ) on Wednesday January 14, 2004 @10:29PM (#7981781) Homepage
    This site is only partially finished, but you can see an online ANSI art gallery (of all groups) at []. Hopefully it won't crash too hard from /. :)
  • Farewell ACiD, its been a long crazy trip..

    It's suprising to note that there are still a handful of groups still releasing ansi art packs.. I guess just as any other form of art, the medium just adds to the excitement and challenge in expressing your views.

    Napalm Death [Former ACiD Productions] - nd@efnet
  • by Rimbo ( 139781 ) <rimbosity&sbcglobal,net> on Wednesday January 14, 2004 @10:53PM (#7981952) Homepage Journal
    No really... go download it. It's good. It has music by Pinion on it. And me. Even though I haven't used a tracker to write stuff in years.

    It's odd though... all that tracker usage taught me quite a bit about music production. Little tricks and tips that I stole from folks like Purple Motion and Necros that've even impressed professional studio engineers I've met.

    Rad Man's put a lot of effort into this puppy. Those of you raggin' on him for not producing "art" need to back off; he's the one who did all of the crap putting these packs together that no one else wants to do. That shit takes work.

    OK, enough rambling, why are you still reading this and not downloading the pack? Go do it now!
  • yay for ACiD!

    and yay for pHluid!

    I'm glad to be a part of this wonderful group. pHluid itself was the group that started my interest in tracking, and now I'm a part of it.

    Thanks everyone!

    subliminal / pHluid
  • I used to BBS a ton. Still did, though a lot less, well into 1999, visiting a few places until 2000 or 2001 very rarely, until the last Citadel 86 BBS I called went down. I never was much into the art scene, but did enjoy downloading the occasional pack to see what cool stuff people did in ANSI...
  • ACiD will be missed, but this will obviously not be the end of ASCII/ANSI art. As long as we are still using command lines and text interfaces there will be ASCII and ANSI art. This is really an art form, and art forms rarely die off...

    ACiD is good, but they aren't the only ones...
  • by Radius9 ( 588130 ) on Wednesday January 14, 2004 @11:06PM (#7982051)
    Wow. I had no idea that ACiD was still around. They did some BBS ads for me back in 1988 or 1989 I think. May have been as late as 1990, but I don't think so. I had no idea that they were still around. Its a good to see that you guys lasted this long, and its a shame to see another era end.
  • This release also marks my last release with Phluid. It's been fun folks, this pack is monumental for many reasons, other than it's size. Please watch for the next Acid e'zine coming shortly with articles by myself, and many other members past and present. Troll - Phluid (see you around!)
  • This ANSI artist (and ex-member) will sorely miss you. Shatterstar
  • ACiD forever. (Score:1, Interesting)

    by Anonymous Coward
    it never gets old: legends never die.
  • ACiD still rocks it, rad man should've started rapping a long time ago, he could've been a white kid from detroit... We're all still doodleboys at heart.
  • by Anonymous Coward

    ACiD-100. The 100th Acquisition Update. The Final Artpack.

    At the start of this year, ACiD announced the release of their 100th and final artpack, ACiD-100. This may ring a small bell for some of you, and no bell at all for others; however, to refresh, from 1990 to 1997, ACiD was the household name for all your ANSI art / ascii art / high-resolution artwork needs, especially toward the promotion of private bulletin boards systems (BBSes).

    Of course, with the advent of GUI operating environments and

  • by moosesocks ( 264553 ) on Thursday January 15, 2004 @12:05AM (#7982383) Homepage
    Yes. A 400mb slashdotting will put an end to just about anything.
  • Thanks ACiD (Score:3, Interesting)

    by FauxReal ( 653820 ) on Thursday January 15, 2004 @10:03AM (#7985363)
    I used to love checking out all the different ANSI screens on dialup BSSs back in the day. I tried playing with TheDraw but I sucked! I remember listening to really simple ANSI music tunes too...

    ACiD put out some pretty neat stuff... I remember there being some RIP Script art too.. that stuff was neat cause it was VGA quality graphics... anyone still doing those? I never did get a chance to play a RIP based game on a BBS! RIP died before it even got off the ground where I'm from.
  • You know, i've found it a little hard to find a telnet client that has good support for ANSI graphics... I still telnet into an emulated MajorBBS back in my home town.
    • If you're on a Windows or (no joke) OS/2 box, try mTelnet [] []. It's got (near as I can tell) perfect ANSI support, and it's got genuine old-sk00l flava in the interface. It's an excellent BBS client.
  • Close, but.... (Score:3, Informative)

    by Chester K ( 145560 ) on Friday January 16, 2004 @01:26AM (#7995613) Homepage
    According to the site:

    A monumentally final chapter in the ACiD artpack legacy is upon us as we rapidly approach the release our landmark 100th ACiD Acquisition Update. It's not for me to say what happens afterwards, but this will be *my* final release with ACiD.

    (Emphasis mine)

    It's not the end of ACiD at all.
  • Nuff respect to groups like ACiD and ICE for doing what they do with pride. While these two are arguably the biggest players in the ANSI and now "VGA" scene, they're certainly not the only ones still doing it and actively discussing it.

    Be sure to check out telnet BBS's - same as the old POTS equivalent but with way more lines and generally better bandwidth (althogh displaying ANSI's is smoother via dialup). A list of active telnet BBS's can be found at The BBS Corner [].

    Before there was ANSI art ther

"I shall expect a chemical cure for psychopathic behavior by 10 A.M. tomorrow, or I'll have your guts for spaghetti." -- a comic panel by Cotham
