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PHP Programming

Play Blackjack with PHP 28

Zack Coburn writes "The latest Codewalkers PHP Coding Contest invites PHP programmers to compete by creating a PHP script that interfaces with a special PHP library to play the game of Blackjack. Judging will happen as follows: 'A number of random decks will be generated, for each random rules will be used. Each script will then play all these decks, so each script will play under exactly the same conditions. In the end, the sum of all the money gained will determine the winner. In case of a tie, the running time will be the tie-breaker.' Some of the sixteen prizes include Cerberus Encoder, PHPEd, Macromedia Studio MX, SourceGuardian Pro, and Zend Studio." Here's a hint: count cards. :)
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Play Blackjack with PHP

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  • by rylin ( 688457 ) on Thursday February 26, 2004 @10:16AM (#8397341)
    Hey, I've been blacklisted at casinos for doing that, you insensitive clod!
  • Good Timing (Score:5, Funny)

    by DrunkBastard ( 652218 ) on Thursday February 26, 2004 @10:41AM (#8397607) Homepage
    Nice, post about this when there's only 3 days left to submit your scripts...
  • by Acidic_Diarrhea ( 641390 ) on Thursday February 26, 2004 @10:41AM (#8397610) Homepage Journal
    Just a word to the wise, the deadline for submission to this contest is February 29th. Clearly it's possible to write this type of script in a short period of time but for hobby-type programming contents, perhaps it would be more worthwhile to get this contest posted a bit before the deadline?
  • by vslashg ( 209560 ) * on Thursday February 26, 2004 @10:56AM (#8397739)
    From the contest rules:
    If both you and the dealer bust, the hand is a tie.
    I don't know what game that is, but it's not casino blackjack. If your plan is to quickly translate some blackjack code you've already written into PHP, you're going to have to compensate for their misunderstanding of the real rules.
  • No matter what you do, it seems the winner will still have a little luck. Sure you can count card, but that just helps your odds. If you can figure out how to program luck then you definitely should win.

    • Re:not a good test (Score:5, Insightful)

      by funbobby ( 445204 ) on Thursday February 26, 2004 @01:16PM (#8399515)
      My first reaction to this is that they test them all against the same deals, so there's not much luck, but on further reflection there is luck, it's just more subtle than the luck you deal with in the casino.

      The luck in this game is whether or not the deals that everyone gets are the type of deals that your scripts handles well.

      So based on this, I think the winning strategy is the following:
      Write a script that will do very well against a certain kinds of draws, and poorly against others. This would be a poor strategy if you were playing for money, and got to keep the net, but that isn't the game. The game here is that if you do the best (or one of the best) you win, and everything else loses. So losing badly isn't any worse than doing well but not the best. So take advantage of this by writing an aggresive strategy that will lose on most draws, but is sure to win on some. This is much better than writing a conservative script that will do well on any draw, but will always lose to whichever aggressive script happened to hit on the particular draw that was used.

      When they run the contest, most of the entries will play a conservative strategy, and end up in a nice bell curve around a reasonable return. But the winner will be some off the wall script that does something crazy that happened to pay off against the draw they used.

      How crazy it will take to win will of course depend on the number of entries.

      You can be a sure winner if you get enough friends to enter with different aggresive strategies to cover all possible draws.

      I wish I wasn't too busy to do it myself :(

      - Funbobby
      • Forgot to mention above, if you use my idea and win, let me know. I don't care about the prize, I'd just be happy to see it work.
      • Re:not a good test (Score:1, Informative)

        by Anonymous Coward
        I'm sorry to say that your idea is great, but not correct. The best way to play any card game is to play in the statistically best way possible. The way you determine what your odds are is by collecting information. i.e. counting cards is blackjack is the way a good player collects information. In a game like Hold'em, you watch the cards, but you also try to watch the players and collect information that way too.

        Once you know the odds on the best play to make, in the end if you play that best way every
  • by Anonymous Coward on Thursday February 26, 2004 @11:15AM (#8397932)
    Looking around the web, and in my inbox, I see a total lack of anything like an online casino. Now that everyone has been told how to do php blackjack, maybe someone will get off the ball and fill in this much-needed online niche! Way to go!
  • Things to ponder (Score:5, Insightful)

    by arrow ( 9545 ) <> on Thursday February 26, 2004 @11:31AM (#8398098) Homepage Journal
    Counting cards dosent really help you untill atleast half way through the deck. Hence why most good cheats will bet the minimum every hand and count the cards as they play, then bring in another player to bet the max while relying on signals from the player who has the count.

    I'm not saying player swapping is nessisary in a PHP implementation, but anyone working on this should not rely on the count data untill atleast half the cards are gone. Which will leave another loophole for the programmer to account for: there can be anywhere from 1 to 10 decks.

    A good blackjack player (not just a cheat) can not only count cards, but intimately knows their favorite version of the blackjack odds table [], and most importantly how to bet to minimize the risk to their seed money and maximize profits when the cards are in their favor.

    Another thing that must be compensated for is the greatest tool in any players bag of tricks. The ability to just get up and walk away. If the cards aren't treating you right, move to another table. This dosen't work in tournements, but is a great tactic for limiting your losses.. which is casino speak for "winning".

    Oh, and when testing, make sure your shuffle is truely random [].
    • Re:Things to ponder (Score:3, Informative)

      by T-Ranger ( 10520 )
      The vast majority of counting strategies are based on adjusting your bet. As a counting player, you always play the 'basic strategy', and adjust your bet according to your count.

      Well, almost 'always', anyway. If your in third base, holding a 12 against a dealers 3, and the last 7 cards have been faces, then a hit would be a good thing, even though it is against basic strategy.

      The other exception is if you are keeping a side count of faces, you can use that information to choose to take insurance. Playing

    • Re:Things to ponder (Score:2, Informative)

      by allstarska ( 316238 )
      I don't know about the math behind it - but I have read and heard that shuffling is not truely random [].
  • Count cards (Score:3, Funny)

    by Burb ( 620144 ) on Thursday February 26, 2004 @12:22PM (#8398690)
    Count cards .. Count cards .. K-Mart sucks .. Who's on first .. Count cards .. Fly Quantas we never crash .. K-Mart sucks .. There are 1002 toothpicks on the table .. memorise phone book A-L .. who's on first .. count cards...
  • by Anonymous Coward on Thursday February 26, 2004 @01:24PM (#8399651)
    Here's a hint: count cards.

    Bad hint.

    Card counting will be of limited value, since:
    - the number of decks you are playing is so low compared to the variance of the game that you are not even close to the "long run". Luck will dominate.
    - the game has some non-standard rules (i.e. push if you and dealer both bust; player blackjack loses to dealer blackjack) that most strategies out there are not correct for the game.

    Given the low number of hands to play, you should exploit tournament strategies, not card counting.

    Posted anonymously since I don't want to end up in the Griffin book.......
  • It's a known fact that when playing blackjack that high cards favour the player and low cards favour the dealer.

    I wish I had read this earlier and had the time to code a program using a simple algorithm that I think would work great...regardless of how many decks there are.

    I think if someone were to use a constant integer (starting at a value of 0) that either gets incremented or decremented depending upon each card played you could adjust your bet accordingly.

    Say the first 2 cards dealt out are face car

How many surrealists does it take to screw in a lightbulb? One to hold the giraffe and one to fill the bathtub with brightly colored power tools.
