Mozilla's Mini-Me 258
An anonymous contributor writes "LinuxDevices has a story by the leaders of the 'Minimo' (Mini Mozilla) project, an effort to reduce Mozilla's code and runtime footprints and optimize its display for the small screens on embedded devices. The Minimo authors believe Minimo will become the browser of choice on embedded Linux devices with 64MB of RAM."
As long as developers can make their pages fit (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:As long as developers can make their pages fit (Score:4, Informative)
Re:As long as developers can make their pages fit (Score:4, Informative)
I much prefer the way NetFront handles it, on the Zaurus, PalmOS and PocketPC. Unlike Opera, you don't loose any content- it just makes it fit on the page so you don't have to scroll left and right. Check it out.
Minimo has a CSS that does something similar. For instance, go to this site [squarefree.com], bookmark the "PDAize" bookmarklet, and then try it out on Slashdot or some other page. In essence, this is what Minimo is- it's just Mozilla built for Linux/ARM with a new browser-wide style sheet.
Re:As long as developers can make their pages fit (Score:3, Funny)
Or maybe just really, really sheltered.
Looks familiar? (Score:4, Funny)
Fat Bastard (Score:5, Funny)
Striving to be common
PocketPC (Score:5, Insightful)
It Would Be Nice, Wouldn't It?
Re:PocketPC (Score:5, Informative)
Worldgate and Mozilla/minimo (Score:4, Informative)
Worldgate was going to use Mozilla for it's next-generation browse-the-web-on-your-cable-box application, where the browsers all run in servers at the headend and send screen images down to the settops as MPEG stills. We ran over 20 copies of Mozilla (tuned in ways similar to minimo) on 500Mhz P3's with 512MB of memory, and performance was reasonable. We lived with scroll bars where we had to (we subverted a few things to let pages fit tighter, but we also had to use larger-than-normal fonts). For added fun we had no mouse, but we had keyboards.
The toughest part was "geometric navigation" of links/etc with arrow keys; before development on that ended when we sold off our patents/business we'd mostly gotten that working, but there are more edge cases than you can count (nested and inline frames, imagemaps, etc).
Re:PocketPC (Score:2, Interesting)
I agree (Score:3, Informative)
On my old macs, iCa
Re:PocketPC (Score:3, Informative)
Wow, only 64 MB of RAM? (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Wow, only 64 MB of RAM? (Score:5, Insightful)
Whenever you look at an old fossil of a computer, remember this: at some point, that was considered so much power that we would never be able to find a use for it all. We can't even blame MS - Linux gear is just as bloated.
Re:Wow, only 64 MB of RAM? (Score:4, Funny)
You could always just run Minix [cs.vu.nl].
Re:Wow, only 64 MB of RAM? (Score:4, Funny)
Dude, you are the shit.
Re:Wow, only 64 MB of RAM? (Score:3, Insightful)
I still like to upgrade to newer and faster stuff, but it just doesn't seem as amazing as the first time I got a 500 MB hard drive and could fit an entire encyclopedia into a little metal box.
Re:Wow, only 64 MB of RAM? (Score:4, Interesting)
Yep.. I did the same on a 486/33 w/ 8 MB of RAM
We can't even blame MS - Linux gear is just as bloated.
There is still plenty of Linux software that isn't bloated. The thing I like about Linux is you can get by using only CLI / text-based software if you want to, and its reasonable to do so for many tasks. For Windows, you have to load up a heavyweight GUI to do anything.
Re:Wow, only 64 MB of RAM? (Score:2)
I use to run a two node BBS in the background on 486 DX/2 66 with 16 megs of ram, and access the internet or write papers, all with good old OS/2. Windows 3.1 with 16 megs of ram, such a waste.
Now, I STILL can't archive shit using pkzip or whatever in the background without my machine slowing down noticably.
Re:Wow, only 64 MB of RAM? (Score:3, Insightful)
I was using OS/2 Warp on a 100MHz Pentium with 16MB RAM. Not command line, but full GUI. And it was responsive and quick. And OS/2's GUI was much more heavyweight than Window 95's...
Re:Wow, only 64 MB of RAM? (Score:3, Insightful)
I browsed the internet with Windows 3.1, trumpet Winsock, and Netscape on my 486 DX/66 that had a screaming 16 megs of ram.
So what, I have the capability to browse the Internet with my Commodore 64, RR-Net adaptor, and Contiki OS. However, it's a definate case of, "It's not the quality of his speech, it's the fact the dog speaks at all". Sure, you can access the Internet on a 286/386/C64 but you're probably not going to have niceties like Flash, CSS, Javascript, graphics, etc..
Re:Wow, only 64 MB of RAM? (Score:2)
Any modern ultralight browser will have to support those, and it won't be easy at all. I remember flash on my p166, and it wasn't pleasant. IMHO, people are right, Mozilla is such an extr
Re:Wow, only 64 MB of RAM? (Score:2)
It reminds me of the discussion that I had with some guy in #linux on irc.freenode.net that went by the name of ZMobyTurbo. I can remember getting the fastest speeds of anyone on the BBS systems with my Zoom 28.8 modem at the tail-end of the BBS era, as Wildcat 5 started introducing graphical browsing and web capabilities. My favorite terminal program of those days was "TELIX". There is a great Unix clone of TELIX called "Minicom",
Re:Wow, only 64 MB of RAM? (Score:2)
Now I may be wildly wrong here, but wasn't the original DOOM a DOS app, and wouldn't going to a DOS prompt from Windows (3.1) or just not loading Windows mean you were back at the 640k limit (less command.com and whatever was loaded from config.sys and autoexec.bat) and everything else was enhanced/extended memory? Was Win95 different?
Re:Wow, only 64 MB of RAM? (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Wow, only 64 MB of RAM? (Score:3, Funny)
Back when I was a kid, we used to carve our own ICs out of wood.
Re:Wow, only 64 MB of RAM? (Score:2, Funny)
Re:Wow, only 64 MB of RAM? (Score:5, Insightful)
However, lets at least take things into perspective. When you browsed the web with 32MB of RAM (hey, so did I) it was with "HTML 1.0" and small images.. remember back when web pages had mostly text, grey backgrounds, and a few pictures here and there?
These days we have:
- JavaScript - a full fledged interpreted language
- the DOM - complete read/write live access to the current document's structure
- CSS, which involves applying complex matching of style to document fragments and formatting of those fragments,
- new layout concepts like absolute and relative positining, floats, etc
- vastly more complex layout due to interactions of HTML rules and CSS rules
- plugins
- support for JPEG, PNG, animated GIFs
- HTTP 1.1 with reusable connections, pipelining, compression, smarter but more complex caching, and more
And thats the short list. And as much as you might say "that's just fluff! That's not the core of the web" you'd sure be complaining if your web browser didn't support all that.
The web is a lot more complex than it once was. You can't harken back to the days of Mosaic without realizing all the technologies that go into a modern web browser.
Re:Wow, only 64 MB of RAM? (Score:3, Interesting)
It supports the vast majority of those technologies.
KHTML also seems to run well. I had it running on my 32MB iPaq at one point.
Re:Wow, only 64 MB of RAM? (Score:5, Funny)
And all the viruses make it worse...I don't know how many times I've had to re-install the internet on my PC...
Not to be pessimistic... (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:Not to be pessimistic... (Score:2)
yes (Score:5, Insightful)
Yes: it will be able to be modified freely, ported to more platforms, and incorporated into open source software.
Re:Not to be pessimistic... (Score:2)
Re:Not to be pessimistic... (Score:4, Informative)
If he has a Zaurus it probably is.
Re:Not to be pessimistic... (Score:2)
Re:Not to be pessimistic... (Score:2)
Re:Not to be pessimistic... (Score:3, Informative)
Contrast with Mosaic circa 1994 (Score:5, Interesting)
Of course we thought it was an enormous resource hog back then too :-). And I didn't see how the web could possibly replace gopher!
Re:Contrast with Mosaic circa 1994 (Score:5, Insightful)
Furthermore, you can get quick release cycles or careful coding, but not both. Most desktop software (Windows, OS X, Gnome, KDE, etc.) is developed and optimized only as much as is needed to make it run on current hardware.
When looking at Mozilla's memory footprint, also keep in mind that most people run it with significant in-memory caching.
Re:Contrast with Mosaic circa 1994 (Score:4, Insightful)
Determine the pounds of documentation necessary to specify the set of "web standards" required to comfortably view the Web, now vs. 10 years ago. That includes Javascript, CSS, DHTML, if not flash and Java itself. HTML itself is a mere drop in the bucket!
And with the proliferation of broadband, pages are getting more and more content rich (aka bloated). Sure there were "inline images" back then, but if you were to plot the average number of images per page (or flash apps, or HTTP requests per page, etc) over the past several years, what would you find?
Are programmers really producing bloated and wasteful code? I'd argue the Web itself is more to blame.
A T-Rex's footprint? (Score:3, Funny)
Brilliant Idea (Score:5, Funny)
Why not just use LYNX? (Score:2, Interesting)
But seriously... why doesn't someone start low-graphic mini-browsers. They could use LYNX or some other text-based browser. After all, when you're looking at a very limited amount of real-estate on your screen, do you really care about missing out on those stupid "Punch The Monkey" ads?
Pheh... give me the good old days of BBSes.
"You've got no kids, no w
Re:Why not just use LYNX? (Score:2)
Re:Why not just use LYNX? (Score:2, Funny)
Re:Why not just use LYNX? (Score:4, Informative)
The first HTTP/HTML browsers were GUI-driven, yes. But I would point out that if you define "web browser" as an application that lets you publish and browse ONLINE internet content, the first "web browser" was Gopher. Gopher was text based and released a good two years before Mosaic.
For a time, gopher was much more stable, usable, and popular than HTTP/HTML.
Ah... That reminds me of the days before AOL connected to the internet. Makes me all weepy eyed.
Qualify (Score:2, Informative)
Embedded *free* browser of choice maybe. Opera still has a rather large development advantage on small screen devices.
Whatever (Score:3, Interesting)
These Mozilla guys need to smoke less crack and get their act together.
Re:Whatever (Score:4, Informative)
Re:Whatever (Score:5, Informative)
"We have run the same tests using Opera and Pocket IE on 32MB device form factors, and neither can make it though the page load test based on their lack of browser content and standards support, or they just simply run out of memory trying to display the pages."
I don't think they are talking about the size of the binary distribution, but the size of all the components loaded into RAM and rendering compliant webpages.
Re:Whatever (Score:5, Informative)
Firefox is only about an 8 MB download, and Mozilla is around 12-16. Sure, they're both bigger than Opera, but the size of the executable says nothing about how much memory it will use while running.
Okay, say you have a program that, when run, calculates the digits of pi. The program itself may be only a few tens of kilobytes, but it may allocate fifty megs or so as a holding area for calculations.
Or, an even more basic example:
while( true )
Compile it, and the executable is tiny. Run it, and it will quickly eat every bit of RAM in sight. With the loading of files, creating of data structures, caching of results, etc., it's unusual to find a program that doesn't use significantly more memory than is required to fit the executable alone.
Please, smoke less crack and get your act together.
Wow. (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Wow. (Score:3, Informative)
Plans for other devices? (Score:4, Interesting)
Mozilla, VLC, and a decent MP3 player would make the PocketPC almost bareable.
Re:Plans for other devices? (Score:3, Interesting)
You're sort of Fscked (Score:2)
Re:Plans for other devices? (Score:3, Interesting)
I'd love Mozilla for PocketPC. PIE is a bit dumb and basic.
Why not make it a main browser? (Score:4, Interesting)
If the browser works well in a 64MB platform, why won't it run well in a 256MB system?
I didn't see anything as a downside to using Minimo as opposed to Mozilla.
Re:Why not make it a main browser? (Score:3, Informative)
Chances are, most desktop users are going to prefer the latter. But if you're trying to cobble together some older hardware, it might be an option for you. Speaking of which, does anyone know of a distro targeted specifically towards older machines?
Already been done. (Score:4, Informative)
Re:Already been done. (Score:2)
We're Sorry but this Project hasn't yet uploaded their personal webpage yet. Please check back soon for updates or visit SourceForge
Re:Already been done. (Score:4, Informative)
When you try visiting http://projectname.sf.net/ and get an error like that, switch to http://sf.net/projects/projectname/ instead.
However, in this particular case, the project has been discontinued. [sf.net]
why mozilla? (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:why mozilla? (Score:2, Informative)
It's happened to me, but a fix for it was to type about:config and set 'browser.cache.memory.enable' to 'false'
Re:why mozilla? (Score:5, Interesting)
Actually, firefox is built around the mozilla engine. It is based on the mozilla trunk, and picks up code changes to the trunk automatically. Mozilla is EXTREMELY modular. Mini-mo takes the kind of approach that was taken to make firefox (strip out stuff you don't need in a browser, simplify the UI, tweak settings for desktop use) to improve performance on PDA's.
It would not have been a benefit to start from the firefox codebase, since most of the firefox work is UI-related, which is radically different in mini-mo.
Well done to Minimo (Score:2)
However I suspect people will buy WinCE devices and run IE because they want something as similar to their desktop PCs as possible.
For regular desktops? (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:For regular desktops? (Score:2, Insightful)
Computer storage is cheap. My time is not.
Re:For regular desktops? (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:For regular desktops? (Score:3, Informative)
That has nothing to do with inherent performance of XUL, that has to do with the fact that the UI runs in the same thread as the rendering engine.
Re:For regular desktops? (Score:3, Informative)
Shrinking things (Score:2, Funny)
My Shrink: "Delusional."
Me: "I swear, its a 5 inch tall dinosaur living in my glovebox!"
My Shrink: "Sure, Nurse please get this man a tranqil... um.... mint from the special jar."
Xul and ECMAScript Cross Platform on PDA? (Score:2)
Qtopia port? (Score:5, Insightful)
Mozilla for Qt (Score:2, Informative)
Minimo would gain a lot of users if they made a Qtopia port.
It starts [mozilla.org].
Re:Mozilla for Qt (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Qtopia port? (Score:2)
My laptop has 64 MB RAM! (Score:3, Interesting)
Getting a decent web experience on the thing is a pain; even Firefox skirts the edge of usability. Dillo is ok for vieweing software docs but is hit-or-miss on the "real" intarweb.
Something like Minimo would be nice for those of us who're still a little behind the times, portable-wise.
Re:My laptop has 64 MB RAM! (Score:2)
mozilla OS (Score:5, Interesting)
I know, i know... not too soon [mozilla.org]. Nor should Mozilla worry about the hardware side of things... So let's just say you boot linux and "use Mozilla as your shell", whatever that means.
But imagine the consequences of a beautiful, persistent, PDA platform-independent "netGUI" that was extensible and modular... Sounds like Microsoft may soon perceive its toes to be stepped upon again. The next showdown? Mozilla vs WinCE.
Is Mozilla becoming a reasonable platform for PDA application development? Sounds like that...
According to the Simpsons, it's not possible (Score:5, Funny)
Salesman: Well, do you need a paperweight? 'Cause if you buy that machine, that's all you're going to have, an expensive paperweight.
Homer: Well, a paperweight would be nice, but what I really need is a computer. How about that one? [points to a second machine]
Salesman: That technology is three months old. Only suckers buy out-of-date machines. You're not a sucker, are you sir?
Homer: Heavens no!
Salesman: Oh good, because if you were, I'd have to ask you to leave the store.
Homer: I just need something to receive email.
Salesman: [whistles] You'll need a top-of-the-line machine for that. [shows Homer a top-of-the-budget machine] That's the same computer astronauts use to do their taxes.
Homer: I was an astronaut.
Salesman: Of course you were.
Backporting ? (Score:4, Informative)
Think Opera, it is a nice, fast web processor weighting about 5Mb when statically compiled (for Linux). And it also runs embedded. Maybe the folks at Opera managed to capitalize from the parallel development of an embedded and a desktop version of the same browser ... of course, they benefit from using Qt/QtEmbedded too I guess!
Re:Backporting ? (Score:3, Informative)
They do, as it happens. As you could verify yourself by looking at the CVS logs.
Isn't 64M still too big? (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Isn't 64M still too big? (Score:3, Interesting)
I started my online life with a 486 laptop with 8 MB running Windows 3.1. Browsing with IE, Netscape and Opera (the fastest). Even ran a web server, Wsplug [compuserve.com], to server my first homepages.
This 400 MHz K6 laptop with 160 MB is blazingly fast with Firefox (or whatever it's called this week), almost overkill :)
Re:Isn't 64M still too big? (Score:4, Informative)
But that's not the goal here. Look at all the stuff Lynx isn't doing. I'm not sure it even does tables properly.
My impression is that the goal is to take a mostly standards-compliant browser and make it suitable for handhelds, without sacrificing that compliance. Consider all the standards that involves, none of which existed in the early browsers you mentioned: CSS, Javascript, XML, DHTML, the list goes on. Further, I'm guessing they'll want to try and keep the user experience as similar as possible, which means keeping things like graphics display, popup blocking, plugins, XUL, etc.
Also consider the fact that handhelds are surfing the same Moore's Law as desktops. The RAM just keeps on coming. The trend that made this project inconceivable two years ago, and possible today, will make it almost a non-issue a few years down the road.
Re:Isn't 64M still too big? (Score:3, Informative)
its 1mb, can run off a disk/network whatever, runs on most all windows. only http 3.2 standards, but thats images+frames, so its nicer than lynx
Does it run x86? (Score:2, Interesting)
KHTML ? Already used in your Zaurus PDAs ... (Score:4, Insightful)
Screenshots include Google [openzaurus.org], Slashdot [openzaurus.org], and even The Onion [openzaurus.org].
Whats more is that the it is a fully featured browser (SSL, screen resizing, etc). And it does not require X to run.
Sunny Dubey
Re:KHTML ? Already used in your Zaurus PDAs ... (Score:2)
Sunny Dubey
Re:KHTML ? Already used in your Zaurus PDAs ... (Score:5, Informative)
COPYRIGHT!! (Score:2)
Heh I'm a little surprised after all the copyright trouble they've had with names that they used this one.
(Note: Before you hit the reply button, I'm not saying that they are in violation of anything, I'm thinking more about 'knee-jerk danger avoidance'....)
Re:COPYRIGHT!! (Score:2)
64Mb... ? (Score:2)
Ummm call me an old fart here but I don't think that is exactly a small, or could be considered embedded. Given people have written decent browsers (e.g. Opera, and a few cracking J2ME ones) which run in 10s of K and at make 100 this really isn't anything special or challenging.
1995 - NCSA Mosaic, IBM PC, 16Mb of RAM.
I for one am not impressed at a project that considers embedded devices as having to have 64Mb of RAM, that is just a PC with a small screen.
Move on folks, its only on Slashdot because they
I'm not as sad as Dostoyevsky (Score:2, Informative)
So, just for clarifcation:
MiniMo is built from exactly the same codebase as Mozilla / Firefox / Thunderbird. If you want to build MiniMo, you can do so straight from a standard Mozilla CVS pull (see the Mozilla.org site for build instructions). That means a lot of the work done to make MiniMo 'lightweght' has had a direct effect on the 'main' Mozilla codebase.
Mozilla and Firefox are mostly the same backend code. MiniMo has a different GUI f
Meh! 64 Megs (Score:5, Interesting)
I'd love to have 64 megs of RAM for the devices I develop for.
- On J2ME, you have 64K of JAR size for most small devices. And that is in Java, mind you.
- On J2ME, you have less than 200K or RAM,
- On Brew, you have in the likes of 300-500K to run your software.
- On Palm OS (older versions) you have 128K to run your stuff.
- On most PocketPC, you have to restrain yourself to a few megs TOP. More than 4 megs and you are bound to have problems due to the small slider indicating how much RAM is allocated to storage and how much RAM is allocated to software.
- On most Smartphones, you have to restrain yourself to maybe 8 megs.
64 megs... *sheesh* I'd wish!
Palm OS browsers (Score:4, Interesting)
While I'd love to see the "ultimate" browser made for Palm OS, the fact that we have a few decent choices already may be why you're not hearing the chorus of "me too's" that you're hearing from the Pocket PC crowd. Or maybe it's that Palm OS users don't read /. (ha! beat you to it...muhahahaha).
naming problems (Score:3, Funny)
uhhh.... (Score:3, Interesting)
64 mb of ram? what about the majority of embedded systems with less than this?