Mozilla And Opera Team Up For Web Forms Standard 50
darthcamaro writes "According to an article running on Internetnews.com today, Mozilla and Opera have teamed up on a web standards proposal for Web Forms 2.0 to be presented at a W3C working group this week. One of the proposal's authors is quoted in the article as saying '... that if a backwards-compatible open-standards alternative isn't created first, then 10 years from now the de facto Web application standard will be Microsoft's Avalon and the .NET framework.'
Are Opera and Mozilla the new 'rebel alliance' in the fight against the Microsoft Empire? Should we call this chapter 'A New Hope'?"
Are Opera and Mozilla the new 'rebel alliance' in the fight against the Microsoft Empire? Should we call this chapter 'A New Hope'?"
Well... no (Score:5, Insightful)
may the force be with them (Score:2)
This is turn would hurt the customers of any company when the web turns even less standardised than it is today.
This webpage can only be viewed with microsoft technology is coming to a site near you!
Re:may the force be with them (Score:5, Interesting)
if Microsoft's legal machine is able to fend off liberal judges, then we have a real problem. However, Microsoft is being torn to pieces by the courts, picked off bit by bit. Like a hydra, it just won't die unless it loses all its heads, but I believe it's injured to a degree that it can't venture into new technologies, dominate them, and evade the law.
Re:may the force be with them (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:Well... no (Score:5, Interesting)
Microsoft's goal is to lock everyone else out, and if there's anything they're good it, it's that.
Anyway, Moz and Opera working together can only be good. It would be even better if they could work with Apple and the kHTML guys too.
Re:Well... no (Score:1, Interesting)
What is patented about ActiveX? Or are you referring to Eolas' patent?
Re:Well... no (Score:2, Insightful)
ActiveX requires the Windows API and AFAIK i386 architecture as well, as ActiveX runs native Windows code on the client machine.
Re:Well... no (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Well... no (Score:4, Informative)
It all comes back to MSN (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:It all comes back to MSN (Score:2)
Nonsense. On the "evil" scale, the MSN story barely ranks above Microsoft Bob.
If you look at the context of the time when MSN was first created, you'll find that most people were using other proprietary networks like Compuserve and AOL. That's what MSN was mimicking and trying to comp
A New Hope (Score:5, Funny)
Re:A New Hope (Score:5, Funny)
Re:A New Hope (Score:5, Funny)
Re:A New Hope (Score:1)
Re:A New Hope (Score:1, Funny)
"This is not the style-sheet you are looking for."
Re:A New Hope (Score:2)
No, that would've been ... (Score:1)
Re:No, that would've been ... (Score:2, Funny)
Yeah, right (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:Yeah, right (Score:5, Insightful)
At this point, all Microsoft has to do to keep things proprietary is not implement the new standard. Why should they want to implement it when they can do some crazy com/.net solution that nobody can use except on a Windows PC?
That's where the competition comes in. A site may say, oh, you need a newer browser to view this properly. Well, Microsoft doesn't have it, so, um, sorry, use Mozilla/Firefox or Opera. As soon as people discover that IE is "broken", they become a lot more willing to switch away.
And then you have to get developers and whatnot to use your standard. An open standard has an advantage there, since -anyone- can do it without paying Microsoft.
On the other hand, IE -does- hold the upperhand, and web developers are always needing to maintain as much compatibility between browsers as possible (or, at least IE), so they might not use something most of the people can't use easily. So you definately have a point. It's not going to be easy to keep microsoft from exerting its market dominance
Re:Yeah, right (Score:4, Insightful)
We're not talking about web sites here, we're talking about web applications. When you go hunting for an application to do task X, and you find one but there isn't a version for your OS platform, you don't throw up your arms in rage, accusing them of crimes against humanity.
Just because we're talking about advancements in web technologies, doesn't mean we're still talking about websites as we know them now. Hell, we may as well not even be talking about web browsers.
The direction things are going in is towards "web application runtimes", like say a Gecko runtime engine that doesn't double as a web browser, but does run applications over the internet based on next generation web technologies.
If you look at what Microsoft are talking about with XAML and associated technologies, they're not talking about something implemented in a web browser or as a web browser, and largely neither are the Mozilla folks when they talk about XUL.
Re:Yeah, right (Score:2)
Yes, to a point. The way I look at it is that designers and developers will aim for Moz/Opera paltform, and essentially backport to IE. This means some sites will look better in Moz/Opera (which they do already) than in IE.
In droves, IE users are discovering that.
Re:Yeah, right (Score:5, Interesting)
This new standard isn't the same as the rest of the web. In most cases it will be targeted and used largely for web applications, not web sites.
If you build a web site you have commercial pressure to ensure that it will be viewable in as many browsers and on as many platforms as possible. You can't have system requirements on a brochure.
If you build an application, people don't by default expect it to function on all platforms and browsers. People develop applications largely for single platforms, so that sort of focus can carry over reasonably smoothly to web applications.
Having said that, if it's implemented by all the above mentioned companies/browsers, then your application will gain immediate cross platform support, with users even having a choice of browser platform within their chosen OS platform.
I'm not talking about the current generation of web applications here, the likes of web mail (Hotmail, GMail, etc). I'm talking about the next generation, where the application looks and feels much closer to what we traditionally consider to be an application. That's where these standards are going. They won't feel like the web we know now, and won't be treated in the same manner.
So Microsoft can go off and do their own thing, and that's fine. As long as the other platforms have their equivalent technology, web application developers won't be left out in the cold if they want to build cross platform applications.
Re:Yeah, right (Score:1)
You seem a little confused about who's side Apple is on.
Apple is allowed to fight MS in digital media, but when it comes to OSX they toe the line. If they don't then MS threatens to stop making Office for the Mac. When the time comes, assuming Apple is still behaving, MS will license Avalon to Apple.
I'm happy to stake my personal credibility on the prediction that Apple will behave and MS will license Avalon to them.
OSX is o
Re:Yeah, right (Score:2)
I'm happy to stake my personal credibility on the prediction that Apple will behave and MS will license Avalon to them.
If I were a cruel man, I'd note that down and remind you of it in a few years time. Although you may get your chance to feel a fool sooner than that, with Apple's WWDC coming up later this month, and the potential for announcements along these lines at that event.
What rendering engine is Apple's web browser based on? KHTML, from the KDE
Re:Yeah, right (Score:1)
I think that Apple WILL implement any new standards based web technologies that Mozilla and Opera develop. And they will do so quite loudly. MS won't mind because if you add Safari market share to Mozilla and Opera it is still tiny. But then Apple will later license Avalon.
When I said that Apple wasn't allowe
Re:Yeah, right (Score:2)
Re:Yeah, right (Score:1)
Re:Yeah, right (Score:2)
I never even brought up XAML in relation to Apple. So after attacking me and saying I didn't have a grasp on Apple, you've now come out and agreed with me that Apple will implement the new standards, then tried to twist it into a "but they will *also* license Avalon later on!".
So what? who cares if they license Avalon? As long as they're supporting the standards, which is the issue which you originally attacked me on, but now agree with.
Having said that, I still say you're living in fairy lan
Re:Yeah, right (Score:1)
What I said was that you misunderstood who's side Apple is really on.
What I mean is that, regardless of what they do at their conferences and in their ads, they will do what benefits MS where it counts. I'm not suggesting anything sinister: those moves will also benefit themselves and they are a business, but they sure won't benefit the OSS movement.
In particular, they will license the technologies that allow them to support MS's direction on th
Re:Yeah, right (Score:2)
Re:Yeah, right (Score:1)
Re:Yeah, right (Score:2, Informative)
He hasn't been modded up, he has excellent karma which gives him a +1 bonus. I get the bonus, too, but I switched it off for this message, because this isn't anywhere near insightful ;-)
Re:Yeah, right (Score:1)
I see now that his comments are +1 for karma, and they have a starting score of 1.
Why the starting score of 1, I thought that all comments started at 0?
Re:Yeah, right (Score:1)
Logged in users start at 1, anonymous cowards start at 0.
give MS enough rope (Score:2)
It would be better to keep applications like Mozilla and Opera on the table running on windows AND anything else exactly the same way. Right now in terms of number of options, the "pure" MS environment is a lame duck. It will take time for businesses to see that, but that's where the OSS alternatives can offer to "fix" those deficencies while
Re:Yeah, right (Score:1)
Microsoft was not interested in "winning", per se. They just didn't want anyone *else* to win. It never was about who had the better product - only about Microsoft not losing the war. A war it misunderstood for years, joined late, and then used terrorist tactics to "win". They produced a technologically-incompatible product, disgourged massive amounts of marketing FUD about the incompatibilities that they, themselves, invented, and, finally, ga
Anyone know technical details? (Score:4, Interesting)
The "Web Forms" name is so generic that Googling it is basically useless.
Re:Anyone know technical details? (Score:4, Informative)
1.3. Relationship to XForms [hixie.ch]
This specification is in no way aimed at replacing XForms 1.0 [XForms], nor is it a subset of XForms 1.0.
XForms 1.0 is well suited for describing business logic and data constraints. Unfortunately, due to its requirements on technologies not widely supported by Web browsers, it has not been widely implemented by those browsers itself. This specification aims to simplify the task of transforming XForms 1.0 systems into documents that can be rendered on every day Web browsers.
Re:Anyone know technical details? (Score:2)
I don't understand how adding an extra spec to learn in addition to XForms can be called a simplification. For whom? Browser implementors and presentation layer programmers. Not for businesses who have to hire
Re:Anyone know technical details? (Score:2, Informative)
Technical details:
XPath is in Mozilla, has been for years. The XPath extensions needed by XForms look easy enough, although no one has signed up to do them yet.
Schema-based node validation is not in Mozilla. No one has come up with a plan yet to integrate an existing validator. T. V. Raman has suggested using Xerces wholesale, but the footprint hit seems big (1MB was a guesstimate). This is the big ticket item in the work to be done. Volunteers who know their way
Unfortunately... (Score:2)
well, at least that is mho.
Never underestimate the power of the buzzword! (Score:1)
While it's true that people won't generally develop for a platform that isn't used, the usage of platforms isn't frozen in time. More importantly, if a developer's client happens to hear all about the new, cross-platform, next-generation Web standard that's all the rage in the technology press (like WIRED), he may just ask his CTO, "hey, how come we don't have that?" And suddenly, there's a market for this snazzy new technology. The key word (well, phrase) here is 'media coverage'.
Re:Never underestimate the power of the buzzword! (Score:2)
as long as they make sure the smaller browsers like firefox keep up to date, then adding another browser is smaller than many windows patches!!!
Avalon and .NET vs. Macromedia Flash Remoting (Score:3, Interesting)
Either way, this seems to me like it's going to be "Browser wars, round 2, FIGHT!"
Re:Avalon and .NET vs. Macromedia Flash Remoting (Score:2, Insightful)
Macromedia sells another similar product called "Flex" at $10,000 per server. Yay!
Anyway, the article author should apply for the "forum drama" award, it's really pathetic