Evaluating Open Source 110
CowboyRobot writes "Jordan Hubbard cofounded FreeBSD and now oversees the Darwin implementation of BSD for Apple. He describes open source as 'finally being openly acknowledged as a commercial engineering force-multiplier and important option for avoiding significant software development costs.' And thus, companies need to know how to evaluate open source engineering as an option for them. In a new article titled Open Source to the Core, Hubbard goes through a typical open source adoption process."
Re:Evaluating Open Source: (Score:2)
Great. What's your ip address?
avoiding significant development costs.. (Score:4, Insightful)
Just in case the server crashes and burns... (Score:4, Informative)
The mirror of http://acmqueue.com/modules.php?name=Content&pa=s
Re:Just in case the server crashes and burns... (Score:1)
Re:avoiding significant development costs.. (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:So will we see Darwin open sourced? (Score:4, Informative)
Re:So will we see Darwin open sourced? (Score:5, Informative)
Aqua is NOT.
And at opendarwin you can find a x86 port of darwin.
Re:So will we see Darwin open sourced? (Score:1)
Re:So will we see Darwin open sourced? (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:So will we see Darwin open sourced? (Score:1)
Re:So will we see Darwin open sourced? (Score:2)
Has anyone done a study of the various licenses out there? I know some software is available under a license that allows you to see the source, but not distribute it or any changes you make. What I don't know is if this makes any money, or if pirates kill the business model. I'd really like to know how "successful" the various licenses are. Maybe I
Interesting Article (Score:2, Insightful)
It has a few paragraphs on dealing with the various liscenses, and on the effort you should put into giving back to the open source community if you use some of the code.
Re:Interesting Article (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Interesting Article (Score:4, Insightful)
Companies, generally, do not "get" the organic process of improving open-source software.
open source engineering = portability (Score:2, Insightful)
not true (Score:3, Insightful)
But why (Score:2, Interesting)
Why would you want to cut down soft.dev. costs if an engineer in India costs $400/month?
Re:But why (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:But why (Score:1)
Open source marketing. (Score:3, Insightful)
Linux hasn't really taken off into mainstream unti IBM started throwing it's weight and marketing Linux.
If someone could figure out a open source way of marketing and marketing studies to fuel product development, then we'll see a new era.
Re:Open source marketing. (Score:2, Funny)
Re:Open source marketing. (Score:5, Insightful)
IBM started throwing its weight behind Linux because it was taking off.
Re:Open source marketing. (Score:2, Insightful)
Free marketing for free software (Score:3, Insightful)
I don't think that's such a sad thing. It'll be actively marketed in one way or another as long as someone sees a way to make money from it. IBM has found such a way (or believes that it has), but even if it stops then linux and open source will still be there for me to use --- complete with all of the enhancements that IBM provided.
I realise that it's not exactly what you're referring to, but in the past week or so I've been hearing Microsoft commercials on the morning radio, definitely peak time o
Re:Free marketing for free software (Score:1)
Who's doing the studies on what features people want and how to prioritize them? Who's deciding whether the software should be imaged as a high quality/high performance, or low cost alternative. Engineers don't necessarily know what's best for the customer and open source software can sometimes get over bloated really quickly.
It's pretty cool IBM and other companies like Red Hat are collaborating on the Linux front. Now
Short Shrift to Linux... (Score:1, Funny)
Re:Short Shrift to Linux... (Score:3, Interesting)
Marketing. First and foremost, your marketing people will (or should) want to have a prepared message about your use of open source, even if it's only to respond to any questions that may come up. Make sure that they also know enough to make correct assertions about it, or you may find yourself paying the price on Slashd
Re:Short Shrift to Linux... (Score:2)
Hopefully, anyone reading an ACM journal should be able to type "slashdot" into google.
Suprise! (Score:5, Insightful)
Maybe because:
Sound Planning For ANY Migration (Score:4, Interesting)
Isn't this true for just about every migration plans?
Investigate -- find out if this will do what you want it to do.
Evaluate -- dig deeper into the idea. Get a better feasibility study with numbers and monetary figures. Make cool looking presentations to the higher-ups that sign the checks.
Adoption -- this is where you SLOWLY incorporate the new with the old. Make sure everything is working well. People may have to do double-duty to work with both systems just so they can give it their blessing (that it all works properly). This is where you train a "core" group of support folks from each department so they burden you less.
Communication -- this really should be earlier on, before adoption. Find people who run this stuff already and communicate whether it may work for you too. See if you can get a "we'll help you through it" before you even adopt.
Again, this isn't anything strictly for Open Source. I'm sure there are nuances and cultures, yadda yadda yadda...but a good plan of action helps minimize risk with ANY project.
a few extra notes from someone using OSS (Score:5, Informative)
- Almost nothing works the first time. OSS engenders infinite flexibility which eventually reaches infinite permutations. The plethora of configuration options to a large project's source can be very daunting. Everything interlocks with everything else for maximum flexibility which means more work up front to understand how the pieces fit together.
- Forget about binary portability. OSS is designed to support source code across platforms in the same way Windows is designed to support binary backwards compatilbity.
- Expect complexity and plan for it. OSS supports every platform under the sun which breeds extra complexity.
- Have lots and lots of patience.
Just my two cents from having developed embedded x86 and ARM Linux for the last two years.
Re:a few extra notes from someone using OSS (Score:4, Informative)
Re:a few extra notes from someone using OSS (Score:2, Funny)
Great for you. Unfortunately, it's a real pain in the ass to have to mess around all over the supposedly working code. And I have my own problems to deal with, more than full time. That's my job. I don't have extra time to deal with a bunch of buggy messes left by others for the "fun" of doing extra work before a deadline.
oh, that's how a shared library is loaded from disk into memory
Re:a few extra notes from someone using OSS (Score:2)
Well, in a way you do. Most complex products (cars, ASICs, software, maybe even bridges) are built these days by buying/licensing/borrowing/copying designs from someone else and kludging them together. The added value is in picking the right parts and getting them to work together, just as for open source.
Not that I think the open source market is properly developed. There is no really good way yet for you to pay $x to get the linker quality improved, oth
Re:a few extra notes from someone using OSS (Score:5, Funny)
Shop A: Pays $65K for a VB and ASP
Shop B: Pays $65K for Python developer to work on Debian with PostgreSQL/Apache.
Who do you think will get the better programmer?
Re:a few extra notes from someone using OSS (Score:5, Interesting)
I joke that you learn a lot with Linux, et al, because you *have* to. Show me someone who is running Linux (or BSD) at home and I'll show you someone who knows and likes computers.
Re:a few extra notes from someone using OSS (Score:1, Insightful)
If anything, the time savings offered by microsoft's very good development tools allow you to focus on a better architecture and UI.
Re:a few extra notes from someone using OSS (Score:4, Insightful)
It's much easier to be a bad programer and get away with it in a good environment. While I wouldn't call Python, Debian and PostgreSQL/Apache a bad environment. If you are able to set it up and program in that environment it means you have to have a certain level of skill. On the other hand to setup ASP.NET, Win 2003 and MSSQL/IIS doesn't require anywhere near as much skill. That doesn't mean that the program isn't as good but it does mean the skill range is larger.
Eg. If you compare someone who can just do VB with someone who can do C++ and VB you'll find that the C++ person will often be better. Why? Because C++ is harder than VB which means more people can program VB which means your more likely to find someone that's not as good if you look for VB.
That's why there are alot of Crap VB programs around which is good. Lots of people learning and it's easy to throw a program to gether but it's also bad lots of people that can throw a program together think their good. Compare that with C where it's alot harder to throw a program together an while some of them as still bad most of them a better than the VB ones because it's harder so you have to be better to get it to work. Drop the C programer back to VB and they can still write good code just faster.
Re:a few extra notes from someone using OSS (Score:1)
Re:a few extra notes from someone using OSS (Score:4, Insightful)
While I'd agree that a Python/Debian/Postgre/Apache developer is probably more adept, I don't think it has to do with the language. It has to do with the fact that (generally speaking, of course) OSS people are more heavily self-taught amateurs-turned-pros. To me, that displays a passion for the craft that others might not have (though to be fair, many MS-based developers are self-taught too, albeit on systems that are much less in-your-face from a learning perspective... OSS developers have to spend a fair bit time learning the systems first, before the development skills, while MS'ers don't necessarily). Add to that my opinion that autodidacts have skills that are generally more flexible and adaptive, and "B" is definitely preferable.
But the differentiator is not the language. In reality, while B is better than A, a developer that can excel at both A and B is better than either an A or B; a truly gifted develeper isn't limited by language. Overall, B is more desirable to me because I know a B has likely invested more time and passion in learning and honing their skills, not because they know <insert language here>.
Re:a few extra notes from someone using OSS (Score:2)
I do ASP+javascript+CSS+(x)html programming and VB for a F500Corp with ADO and Access/MSSQL on IIS + win2k.
I also do python and postgres and mysql and php on debian (sarge), redhat (not so much these days) and xml-rpc. (consulting, some custom projects, including multipoint remote backup systems for media (can you say multigig uncompressible files?))
I can tell you I like the latter better of the genuine mindbending.
I don't even know where my asp book is, since I've gr
Re:a few extra notes from someone using OSS (Score:2, Insightful)
> Shop A: Pays $65K for a VB and ASP .NET developer to work on Win 2003 and MSSQL/IIS.
>Shop B: Pays $65K for Python developer to work on Debian with PostgreSQL/Apache.
>Who do you think will get the better programmer?
IMHO, it's anyone's guess... You've neglected a multitude of other variables: understanding the business, usability, clear design, ability to get things done, etc.
Re:a few extra notes from someone using OSS (Score:1)
With regards to linux and fixed-purpose computing (embedded is a bit cliche a word, these days...) I would say that the one thing to always remember is that it ain't running until you've built some hardware
The Problem With Darwin (Score:4, Insightful)
Maybe things have changed since the last time I tried Darwin but there are a few problems with it, such as:
1. No partitioning/formatting options during install
2. No way to setup Airport
3. No way to add users/groups without knowing arcane NetInfo commands
4. Some commands do not make use of the full console dimensions; probably because no one wants to fix Termcap.
5. No security announcements lists or patches.
6. No binary releases have being generated since 7.0.1.
Furthermore, I have seen people who wanted to use Darwin as a server (on a remote Macintosh) told to use Mac OS X Server instead. It seems to me that this is the wrong attitude, that people should actually want Darwin to be useful as a server and and a Unix workstation. It is a shame.
Re:The Problem With Darwin (Score:3, Insightful)
i mean, why duplicate an airport driver in the core system when the actual product has a really good one? why create an intuitive user/group system when the actual product is really damn good at managing them? i think the point of darwin is to maintain
Re:The Problem With Darwin (Score:1, Interesting)
Maybe I feel Darwin should useful on its own. Otherwise, there is no point in it being opensource other than to get free engineering for Apple.
Re:The Problem With Darwin (Score:2, Insightful)
You're saying that without Airport support it's not useful? That's a rather narrow definition of useful.
Re:The Problem With Darwin (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:The Problem With Darwin (Score:2)
Because there is no point in wasting time doing that. There is nothing (significant) Darwin could offer that OS X [Server] doesn't already.
Re:The Problem With Darwin (Score:2)
Wrong: Darwin offers freedom. For many folks, that is significant. Those folks might like an OS which offers the features of OS X without the proprietary code.
Of course, I'd just use Linux, but that's me. I don't know if Darwin offers any value over *BSD.
Re:HowStuffWorks: Open Source (Score:1)
Nothing new about open source (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Nothing new about open source (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:Nothing new about open source (Score:1, Insightful)
Sure. Just like the universities all collapsed as soon as people started giving away knowledge and teaching materials over the internet.
Oh, wait...
Target audience is critical to understanding. (Score:2)
Re:Nothing new about open source (Score:1)
A slight problem in this logic (Score:2, Insightful)
Sounds like that to me... isn't the point of open source to "Give a little back to recieve alot". A "One for all, all for one" approach to software?
Open Source: Best damn thing for the economy (Score:4, Insightful)
It lowers the barrier of entry. Small local businesses can thrive in an environment like this, and anyone is eligible to obtain the necessary knowhow and skill to get a job or start a business in the field.
I have pretty much one criterion in my mind regarding economics in the USA. If it ups the barrier of entry: automatically bad. It divides the haves and have-nots into perpetually irreconcilable camps. If it lowers the barrier of entry, any perceived "loss" or "recession" is due to the fatcats getting outdone by nimble startups or their own customers. In other words: automatically good.
Lowering the barrier diminishes corporate power; diminished corporate power means diminished corporate influence on government; and that means more power to the REAL PEOPLE.
Re:Open Source: Best damn thing for the economy (Score:1, Interesting)
Re:Open Source: Best damn thing for the economy (Score:2)
Just look for the real puppet masters behind OSS before you contribute your own src code to this plot to take the power of the programmer.
The 'power of the programmer' is the power to enslave the user. As a user, I don't want to be enslaved. As a programmer, I do not wish to enslave.
Re:Open Source: Best damn thing for the economy (Score:1)
Re:Open Source: Best damn thing for the economy (Score:2)
cometition is competition, If you complaining about who you are competing against then odds are you have been doing somethign wrong in your business model and arer scared others will find out. (ie. charging too much and getting away with it because there was no competition.)
This is really no different the a 7-11 store opening up across
Paving the way for business to compete with you. (Score:2)
I fully understand that this article is coming from an open source advocate and therefore it will reflect that movement's philosophy. The same thing could be said of Mark Webbink's article about licensing [groklaw.net] and much (if not all of) ESR's articles. But I don't think that means there is license to misstate history. Hubbard notes:
Devil's address: 1 Detail Lane. (Score:2)
One of the biggest disputes concerning GNU GPL compliance has to do with binaries that are uploaded to equipment (sometimes called firmware) and binaries that are executed or run on the computer as drivers. Sometimes the complete corresponding source code is not supplied thus creating a situation where the complete GPL-covered work becomes non-distributable because one cannot comp
Re:Paving the way for business to compete with you (Score:2)
He made one of the more common errors about the GPL. It does not have to be free of charge. He apparently has heard about the free as in speech/free as in beer thing, and accidentally thought both are required. Free as in Beer is not a requirement, or else Mandrake, SuSE, Redhat, etc. would not be i
I describe open source (Score:1)
Open Source is good. Get over it.
What is happening to language? (Score:1)
Is "force-multiplier" the mot-du-jour?