More Power To The Firmware 226
An anonymous reader writes "In More Power To The Firmware Amit Singh talks about technical details of EFI, the next-gen BIOS replacement standard Intel, Microsoft and others are pushing. This is a very informative piece where he talks of issues with legacy BIOS, how it affects those who develop in the firmware environment and how EFI plans to solve these problems. EFI usage examples are included, including a programming example. He contrasts EFI with Open Firmware as well. IMO the second half of the article is even more interesting, where sample FORTH code is provided for displaying a window/mouse pointer GUI inside the Apple/Mac firmware! And of course, there's code for a new 'Towers of Hanoi' animation using the Mac firmware (remember Hanoimania?). Aspiring Mac Firmware Hackers could also check out the suggested projects ;-)"
I'm not a tech guru type... (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:I'm not a tech guru type... (Score:5, Informative)
No. Luckily, the article didn't mention one.
Re:I'm not a tech guru type... (Score:5, Informative)
Well, given that there's LinuxBIOS [linuxbios.org]
Re:I'm not a tech guru type... (Score:2, Informative)
just wait until the 1st BIOS virus
Re:I'm not a tech guru type... (Score:5, Interesting)
I don't know of any BIOS-based viruses but there certainly have been some viruses which will damage your BIOS on systems which keep it in flash/eeprom.
Rom Based OS != BIOS (Score:4, Informative)
By its very definition, the BIOS is a much lower level block of code. the true hardware abstraction layer, that the OS rides on top of..
Sure its also in a ROM of some sort, perhaps even the same chips.. but that still doesnt really make a ROM based OS a 'BIOS'..
Re:Rom Based OS != BIOS (Score:2)
Re:I'm not a tech guru type... (Score:2)
[1] The A in ARM, the Acorn RISC Machine.
Re:I'm not a tech guru type... (Score:3, Informative)
There have already been several, that was one problem with using DOS.
Re:I'm not a tech guru type... (Score:2)
Re:I'm not a tech guru type... (Score:5, Interesting)
The only way for this to happen is for MSFT to cut deals w/the BIOS manufactorers (which they have done already w/Phoenix).
*MOST* people are not going to care one way or the other (ie "free" hardware while paying for the software) as long as their computer runs without problems, they have no work lost because of viruses, etc.
It's actually pretty scary when you think about it. You want to buy a piece of hardware? You are going to be buying it w/a MSFT approved DRM BIOS and their OS. Nothing else will install w/that BIOS because that would allow for software that isn't approved to be running (OS included). Take the BIOS out or flash it? None of the rest of the hardware will work either.
Re:I'm not a tech guru type... (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:I'm not a tech guru type... (Score:5, Insightful)
You do realize that once this is in place, the **AA will convince Congress that only pirates, criminals, and terrorists would possibly want a computer without a "trusted" BIOS, don't you? Non-trusted hardware will go the way of Macrovision-free VCRs and Broadcast-flag-free HDTV tuners. When all of the Linux users and OS hackers raise holy hell, the response will be:
Jack Valenti: "These people are just a fringe nitch. Why should we threaten our precious content just to cater to the whims of a few people?"
Bill Gates: "The 'Trusted Computing Consotium' has made available [closed, blackboxed, and encrypted] APIs to the 'trusted hardware' industry spec. Why can't Linux use them just like any other OS?"
Re:I'm not a tech guru type... (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:I'm not a tech guru type... (Score:4, Insightful)
(After fighting with grub's perverse view of the universe for a week, the conclusion is that better firmware can only help Linux adoption...)
Re:I'm not a tech guru type... (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:I'm not a tech guru type... (Score:5, Informative)
You don't understand Trusted Computing. It's not about signing software. There's no need to sign at all. What happens is if you change the software at all - even a single instruction - that that software no longer works with and existing data and can no longer communicate with other programs on the internet.
The Trust chip generates a hash of the software. The hash is linked to an encryption key. If you change the software you lose the hash and can no longer get the the decryption key at all. Nothing works anymore. Very biggie.
Re:I'm not a tech guru type... (Score:3, Informative)
That's what I'm saying - there is NO way to "upload hashes". And there is no need to attach any signature to the EXE at all.
When you run the program the Trust chip generates a hash value for the program. There is no hash attached to the program. There is no signature attached to the program. The chip generates a hash of the software on the fly, and uses that to generate or a
Re:I'm not a tech guru type... (Score:2)
If any developer can sign their own software then what is to stop Virus makers from signing their viruses?
what is to stop the DECSS programmer from signing DECSS, what is the whole point of this trusted computer thing anyway?
Re:I'm not a tech guru type... (Score:3, Interesting)
That's one of the reasons Microsoft is so keen on Trusted Computing. It defeats the GPL.
Re:I'm not a tech guru type... (Score:5, Insightful)
That's the heart of the problem. The term 'Trusted Computing' only makes sense when you look at it in an orwellian sense. It's not the owner or user that can trust the computer, it's MS and the *AA that trust it.
If it was really worthwhile (and the name truthful), the BIOS would demand MY signature on the OS that I trust. In turn, the OS would demand MY signature on the apps that I trust. It would be reasonable in either case that I could sign a vendor's public key if I trust anything the vendor signs as well.
Naturally, MS and the *AA don't want that, they want to hold the keys (and thus the power) over the machine even while other people pay for it.
I am fine with them protecting their Preciousssss (erm, IP) if they want. I would suggest that they encase it in concrete and bury it at the botton of the ocean. Nobody will copy it then. If they like, I could even toss it into a volcano for them. (I seem to remember something about that in a highly successful and unencrypted book somewhere).
Re:I'm not a tech guru type... (Score:2)
Re:I'm not a tech guru type... (Score:3, Insightful)
Sometimes going back to such things seems like a really, really good idea.
Re:I'm not a tech guru type... (Score:4, Insightful)
Para para para noia (Score:4, Insightful)
If everyone absolutely and without an option had to pay for their version of Office/Autocad/Photoshop, free software would become ten times more popular in no time at all. Right now, software companies can keep their prices artificially high for the businesses that have to pay for it, and keep the "installed user base" artifically high without having to provide tech support.
It's sort of the same thing with laws in the States. If every law was enforced every time, then people would be pissed and they would go away. Instead, laws that aren't enforced 100% of the time can be used against people the government doesn't like.
If DRM ever hits 100% of the market, prices will go down because people will refuse to pay.
Re:Para para para noia (Score:4, Informative)
It's like Macrovision. About 90% of commercial VHS tapes are not Macrovisioned. But 100% of VCRs are Macrovision-compliant by law. Sure, you can purchase deMacrovision boxes for legal use, but most people aren't going to go through the trouble. The same thing will happen with computer hardware. All computer components manufactured for sale in the US will be "trusted." The enterprising and resourceful geek will get all of his components direct from Asia and either run Linux or a dusty old copy of XP/Longhorn, but for all practical purposes, DRM will be everywhere. It may not be taken advantage of by everyone, but it will be everywhere.
Re:Para para para noia (Score:3, Insightful)
Have you ever noticed how quickly major pieces of software are cracked after release? My guess is that they unofficially provide people with information to make this possible.
Some of those cracked copies are used by legitimate customers to get around onerous copy-protection code.
Re:I'm not a tech guru type... (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:I'm not a tech guru type... (Score:5, Insightful)
Sure, you'd possibly be able to hack it. But if your DVD player's BIOS has non-changable firmware and talks to the systme BIOS over an encrypted channel - what chance would you have?
This is about having secure communication between everything. DVD -> Soundcard -> Speakers. All requiring authentication before they'll do anything.
Re:I'm not a tech guru type... (Score:2)
Then key management becomes a big issue. Either you have keys which are fixed or you require require reliable network access for any device.
Sure, you'd possibly be able to hack it. But if your DVD player's BIOS has non-changable firmware and talks to the systme BIOS over an encrypted channel - what chance would you have?
You have much the same cryptoanalysis problem as the people at Station X in WWII.
This is about having secure communication between e
Re:I'm not a tech guru type... (Score:2)
Actually, you have to have some kind of secure key distribution channel or storage location. Which becomes absolutely and completely impossible as soon as the device lands in the owner's hands. Any fixed keys (or key generation program) can be extracted, any keys transmitted over the network intercepted. What they're trying to do is technically impossible, which is why they're trying to get Fritz Hollings and the other whores... Er... Representatives to legislate it as mandatory and make atteming to crack i
Re:I'm not a tech guru type... (Score:2)
Hardware DRM's role (Score:3, Insightful)
Right now, a secure trusted music player may ensure that the copyrighted media it plays never ends up in the wrong hands (i.e., the user's); however, there's nothing (in theory) stopping the no-good thieving user from replacing the audio device driver with one which makes a copy of the unencrypted sample stream elsewhere. If the OS requires drivers to
Re:I'm not a tech guru type... (Score:2)
Re:I'm not a tech guru type... (Score:2)
It isn't in MS's best interest to create BIOSes that only run signed software.
At worst, we'll have BIOSes that limit access to parts of a disk to signed only software, or have a function to allow only signed software to run.
Allowing only signed software to run on EVERY BIOS would make software development either impossible or make it require overly expensive workstations.
Re:I'm not a tech guru type... (Score:2)
I'd imagine that, in the end, that's where Microsoft would like to see the average PC end up. That way, they can raise the bar on pirates to the point that it's impossible for the average user to pirate software. It also has the "unfortunate" side-effect of locking down the complexity of what new developers can do. Sure, there's no
Reverse Engineering a DRM BIOS (Score:2)
If Microsoft were to be successful in implementing deals with the BIOS makers to require their "trusted" BIOS, the whole system would be dependent on some sort authentication call. It seems to me it would be trivial to discover those calls, and hard-code the "trusted" response into the open BIOS. If it's a true hash calculation on the revised BIOS, that makes it trickier, but finding the right "extra bits" to come up with the same hash
Re:sounds like Apple (Score:2)
MacOS won't run on other PPC systems? [maconlinux.org] I guess it won't run on non-PPC systems [sourceforge.net] either?
I suppose I won't even ask about Darwin [apple.com].
Re:sounds like Apple (Score:2)
And there are Linux-friendly PPC motherboar
Re:I'm not a tech guru type... (Score:5, Informative)
- Oisin
Re:I'm not a tech guru type... (Score:2)
The obvious model would involve the BIOS having just enough drivers to do polled I/O from the hard drive to read additional drivers into memory to support basic I/O like the keyboard and the video card. I'm n
Re:I'm not a tech guru type... (Score:2)
The mention of UGA took me by surprise, even though it's three years old, I've never heard it mentioned before.
Re:I'm not a tech guru type... (Score:2)
Model? Link? Was this an iPaq? Why would you buy one?
Stability? (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:Stability? (Score:5, Insightful)
Tough, it's happening.
"They can barely get them stable after a few updates now, how will it be when they are doing alot more?"
Modern BIOS is a lot more capacious that the days of the XT and AT, and it's usually really low level stuff that goes on. Given the separation between the people that do the hardware and people that have to handle the low level drivers, it's no surprise that hardware leaves the warehouse with unfinished drivers; couple to that the dizzying array of hardware that can attach to a motherboard, and you are going to have some patching. EFI look a lot more flexible in what it can do.
"I don't trust Microsoft and Intel to do it right."
And they speak so highly of you. Despite crappy business practices, they actually have some talented people that produce some good solid work. If you want to be paranoid, why don't you look up EFI and cross reference with DRM?
Re:Stability? (Score:4, Insightful)
And they speak so highly of you. Despite crappy business practices, they actually have some talented people that produce some good solid work. If you want to be paranoid, why don't you look up EFI and cross reference with DRM?"
It could be argued that the DRM tendancies of Microsoft/Intel are a reason not to trust them to do it right. As far as DRM goes, I would tend to define a BIOS with that in it as NOT doing it right.
Re:Stability? (Score:3, Insightful)
what does talented people have to do with trusting them to do it 'right' for our viewpoint? in fact, why do you think that they would do it 'right' when even you accept the fact that they have 'crappy business practices' which is ultimately what chooses how they'll execute it, NOT i
Re:Stability? (Score:2)
\Par`a*noi"a\, n. (Med.) A chronic form of insanity characterized by very gradual impairment of the intellect, systematized delusion, and usually by delusious of persecution or mandatory delusions producing homicidal tendency. In its mild form paranoia may consist in the well-marked crotchetiness exhibited in persons commonly called ``cranks.'' Paranoiacs usually show evidences of bodily and nervous degeneration, and many have hallucinations, esp. of sight and hearing.
Intel versus Planet Earth (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Intel versus Planet Earth (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Intel versus Planet Earth (Score:3, Interesting)
The joke I read was "I can see the technician suggesting that Intel uses gorilla/human hybrids to crowbar a Xeon into a Socket-478 package".
And that, ladies and gentlemen is how the P4EE came about.
Pre-boot vulnerabilities (Score:2)
For instance, with efi's networking capabilities, I can imagine hackers letting efi grab that 1 dhcp address that the user has allocated, and reporting it back to them. While the user spends time on tech support trying to figure out why ipconfig doesn't show anything, the hacker is rooting around their disk through efi.
That may be far-fetched; but from the concepts offered in the article, it sounds feasible.
Re:Pre-boot vulnerabilities (Score:3, Interesting)
Yup, its an attack vector. Real Story: A major vendor of network bandwidth wanted to remotely bring up router boxes... using dhcp etc. And remotely boot those boxes. Over the internet.
So, here is the attack vector:
Hacker intercepts communication, capturing digitally signed OS that boots the router box. Now, this is useless, because all the hacker can do is wait for the box to reloaded, and then feed it the same OS image.
Imagine, though, that a little time has gone by. Now, some vulns a
I'd prefer an Open Bios... (Score:5, Insightful)
I agree that we don't need more complexity. Let the OS handle the hardware as much as possible.
Re:I'd prefer an Open Bios... (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:I'd prefer an Open Bios... (Score:3, Interesting)
Making BIOS calls for everything would also make porting code across architectures a nightmare (Even more so).
Re:I'd prefer an Open Bios... (Score:3, Interesting)
Too bad it's only available for a limited set of motherboards.
Re:I'd prefer an Open Bios... (Score:3, Informative)
Ya, shure (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Ya, shure (Score:2)
I can't explain his entire argument because, well, it didn't make a whole lot of sense even then. Google has the whole mess [google.com] archived.
I had just swit
Retroactive bios (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:Retroactive bios (Score:5, Insightful)
In the case of Sun and Apple machines, once you've got the Open Firmware driver in flash or ROM on the card, it just works. You can use it from the firmware, boot the system from it (if applicable), etc.
Contrast with my damn PC, which can't even boot firewire or my USB key, despite having both ports on the motherboard, where the BIOS people should have been able to make them fully compatible.
EFI has the potential to be a more modular solution (hence the E in EFI) where third-parties -- Promise, Adaptec, 3COM if they're still around -- can drop in drivers. No more relying on your mobo/BIOS manufacturer for boot-and-root support for your Megatron IV whatever, or remote console support for your Groovynet card.
This is a Good Thing.
Linux Kernel discussion (Score:5, Informative)
Here's a link to an older KT entry; "Status And Discussion Of EFI (Extensible Firmware Interface) Support [kerneltraffic.org]"
Explains some history, rationale and technical details.
pocket pc (Score:2, Informative)
Re:pocket pc (Score:2)
On a typical PocketPC PDA, the OS is typically stored in flash (which is not ROM, at all). The data, extra apps, and such are then stored in nvram. While this gives very fast load times and won't wear out the flash, you always have the risk of accidentally losing the nvram if your batteries all die. In any case, the system gives the appearance of PPC being in ROM, but it most certainly is not.
(For the record, the original Sharp Zauruses used
Re:pocket pc (Score:2, Informative)
no it is defiently in the 32mb of ROM. When you changed your OS you probably overwrote windows and put linux (im assuming thats what it is) on it.
Firmware (Score:5, Insightful)
What I always worry about is the non-techical end of these things. BIOS level control on what software a computer can run is a much harder obstruction to overcome than things like driver issues. I wonder if they won't use the "Next Generation" mantra to say this is the perfect time to pass legislation that requires DRM control be built into all computational devices. OpenBIOS wouldn't be of much use if DRM laws require a closed system.
Also, if firmware gets too smart, you might get things like a DVD drive refusing to play a movie unless your operating system can guarantee it that you computer doesn't have the ability to copy content illegally.
When you can program games in BIOS level systems, I start to get a little wary. Keep my BIOS to the minimum please - configuration options needed to handle my hardware (things like boot order, low level configuration options the OS shouldn't know about, etc.) should be all the capability needed. A BIOS should be simple, efficient, and stick precisely to its job. I've got an OS for the rest. If the new system is good for that type of work, excellent. But if the hardware starts getting too smart for its own good, then I might wind up hauling out those two Sun Ultra 1s I bought - they should run more or less forever and I'll live with slower speeds in order to stick with a consumer friendly machine.
Re:Firmware (Score:5, Interesting)
Ironically, your Sun Ultra 1's firmware is pretty much the same. It's OpenFirmware, and it uses a Forth interpreter to execute on-adapter code which is used until the kernel is loaded and a system-level driver can be used. This is why text displays faster in the X Window System than on Sun consoles - the console is using a video driver written in Forth and interpreting it on the fly! Hence this is true for all Sparcs back into antiquity. (I used to have a 3/260 which I later upgraded to a 4/260, that's one of the first generation of SPARC-based Sun systems.)
Re:Firmware (Score:2)
OpenBIOS wouldn't be of much use if DRM laws require a closed system.
Maybe it won't for you... If USA's DRM laws don't aply here in Spain, I will be glad to swap a crippled BIOS by a shiny Openfirmware... if there is one that works for my computer, of course. So, I say to developers: keep coding and don't worry for local laws. I will happily buy some T-shirts, if that improves your confort, as long as you improve mine :)
(writing this from an Openfirmware-powered Debian Sarge iBook ;)
Re:Firmware (Score:5, Interesting)
Go right ahead. They don't need laws to ram this crap down your throat.
If you don't have a Trusted Computing compliant system then you will not be able to install any of the new Trusted software. You will not be able to use any of the new Trusted files. You will not be able to access any of the new Trusted websites. After a couple of years you may not be able to get onto the internet at all.
Take the websites for example - it would be much like attempting to surf the web today with cookies and javascript off. Tons of websites simply spit out an error message saying there's something wrong with YOUR computer, and that YOU need to fix the problem.
All sorts of websites already try to lock you out if you try to block ads, or if you have a pop-up blocker, or if you try to deep-link, or use javascript encryption to prevent you from copying anything, or to enforce registration. Well, websites will be able to use Trusted Computing to enforce all of that and more. If your computer is not compliant they will simply lock you out.
The only thing that can stop Trusted Computing is if there is a massive public backlash against it.
Re:Firmware (Score:3, Interesting)
Once a government, an individual or a corporation tastes the freedom, they won't easily give up. I see a lot of new happy users of Free software in the corporate world, and I also see them in the governments, at least here in Europe. Once they pay to make a transition to Free software (gaining freedom to choose whom to make deals with, and the economic
Wierd sentence on Open Firmware (Score:5, Interesting)
I'm not quite sure what that last part means - how can you say it's not appropriate to mention when the technology is so similar? Just because it hasn't been used on PC's before is no reason not to learn from what has been used before.
I would have liked to see more of a comparison of exactly whe EFI gives you over Open Firmware of today - I gathered it was the custom pre-boot programs and network connectivity, but I would have liked to see more examples of new things that make use of these features that you can't do in Open Firmware.
It's funny to have a whole article about EFI then show all the cool things you can do with an advanaced BIOS by giving Open Firmware demos. Sort of like watching a Longhorn demo of transparency in UI while working on a Mac.
Give Amit a break. (Score:2)
The page does a nice job furfilling it's stated purpose, but suffers from a lack of segregation that might be confusing. The author cited example for EFI in Part I. He could have put those links into a separate section in part II. This is a minor formatting problem and
Re:Wierd sentence on Open Firmware (Score:4, Interesting)
The sad thing about intel doing their own stuff is that Open-firmware is here and standard. One of the most interesting ideas of having the F-code engine was to have processor independent drivers on the card. I.e you plug-in the card and it works, regardless of the fact the processor is PPC, sparc, or i686.
One funny trivia fact about Apple's open-firmware is that the firmware understands certain file-systems (HFS+,Ext2) and executable formats (PEF,ELF). The funning thing is the firmware does not understand OS X's executable format (Mach-O) so on every OS X machine, there is an ELF format bootloader.
Re:Wierd sentence on Open Firmware (Score:2)
Where's the DRM? (Score:2)
DRM has already been mentioned in a few comments in this thread (perhaps by people who didn't RTFA). But where is it???
A Graphical Config Utility for Open Firmware (Score:2)
Any EFI motherboards available? (Score:5, Interesting)
EFI is actually OS independent and quite useful (Score:5, Interesting)
While I understand people have concerns that Microsoft is using this as a DRM delivery mechanism, there is nothing that is stopping Microsoft from working with Phoniex to add DRM to today's bios's. EFI (and non-legacy bios environments like openBios) make it easier for non-windows OSes to run on new Hardware. This isn't in microsoft's best interests. Microsoft wants a bios that only runs signed code (like their XBOX), so that you have to ask them nicely for a key to your equipment.
Re:EFI is actually OS independent and quite useful (Score:2)
I like to imagine that Intel took the chance to throw away some legacy stuff when they designed the Itanium platform. Does it still has a sector translation mode setting? I'd like to be rid of it.
I'v had to reinstall windows due to getting that one wrong. It's a leftover from the shortsighted harddrive size limits of old.
Re:EFI is actually OS independent and quite useful (Score:2, Insightful)
bytecode has one significant advantage, it allows pci cards that store option roms the ability to run on multiple architectures. There are quite a few Mac people that aren't too happy they have to wait for the latest geforce card to be released on their machine, cuz the option ROM only
EFI is the firmware that says "NIH" (Score:5, Interesting)
Why, for sanity's sake, can these companies never adopt a perfectly good standard, but do they always have to give everyone headaches by rolling their own? If Open Firmware has some deficiencies, surely they can be fixed with some incremental improvements?
The Intel Architecture is evolving...from the primitive, kludgy, underperforming, el cheapo to the overhyped, overheating, overexpensive and incompatible. Even IBM (Connector Conspiracy) and Apple (Think Different) are more open and standards-oriented these days.
Re:EFI is the firmware that says "NIH" (Score:2)
I dunno. Maybe they're trying to avoid each others' patents? Maybe they're too parsimonious to pay each other licensing fees? Or maybe they're simply trying to evolve the standards?
Re:EFI is the firmware that says "NIH" (Score:2)
It's filled with yummy DRM goodness!
Re:EFI is the firmware that says "NIH" (Score:2)
Different language bindings (and thus, necessarily, different) APIs are good. Languages all have different niches. But different, inconsistent, uncooperating GUI toolkits and desktop environments that all need their own set of libraries to implement the same functionality? Yikes!
Multiple distributions is also good, but not if they are all trying to do the same thing in the same way. It's good to have a distro that Just Works (Debian), one that tries to imitate Windows (Lind
PC's like the xbox (Score:3, Informative)
Since microsoft doesn't seem to like to innovate anymore, I wonder why they are pushing for this. Linux has shown that you don't need security at the hardware level to prevent viruses from taking down your computer.
So far I don't see many benefits the user will notice and enjoy. I'm not trying to spread DRM FUD because this article doesn't talk about it, I'm just asking why Microsoft cares so much to push this.
Open Source Firmware? (Score:3, Interesting)
I am into operating system development, and I would like to play around with architectures that I don't have real hardware of. It can't be too hard to write a firmware implementation if the code for the emulator is already available.
If you are aware of any such projects that are not mentioned here, please post. Ones that I know of are OpenBIOS, FreeBIOS, and LinuxBIOS, which are also mentioned in the article, with links.
Mac Firmware (Score:5, Interesting)
It would be fun to see someone port one of those Apple ][ emulators to this thing, so you can actually boot a Mac into an Applesoft programming mode, just like in the old Apple ]['s. If it can handle a simple GUI like in the article, or if it could handle an implementation of System 1, I'm sure an Apple ][ emulation would be no problem.
From what I gather in the article, any of these Forth programs have to be loaded off of the hard drive in order to be executed. I didn't really understand if they could be stored in non-volatile memory, and if the computer could be configured to run them when it is turned on. I don't know how much space there is for non-volatile memory, but it would be interesting to be able to write a really basic OS that runs off of it without having to read from the hard drive at all.
I suppose it's possible since you can update the firmware, but does Apple keep information about how to program the firmware proprietary, or is it open for people to tinker with?
As any Apple //e user knows (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Mac Firmware (Score:3, Informative)
Apple provides plenty of information and links to information on the Apple Open Firmware Home Page. [apple.com] They even have a good sense of humor. The machine that the site is running on is located at "bananajr6000.apple.com"! [rwth-aachen.de]
If BIOS is Going to be an OS, Then I Choose Linux! (Score:2, Insightful)
And for this BIOS that's really acting and grown to be an OS, I choose Linux!
Re:If BIOS is Going to be an OS, Then I Choose Lin (Score:2)
LinuxBIOS fits more in the description you gave in your second sentence.
EFI brings back bad memories. (Score:2)
That said, the PC BIOS should have been put out of its misery years ago. I'm just not sure EF
1980 IBM PC BIOS source listing rocked (Score:4, Insightful)
Let us not forget [com.com] that IBM published the assembly language source code listing for the original PC BIOS in full beginning in 1980.
This "openness" allowed and enabled the first generation of PC developers to see and understand what was going on at the firmware level - literally an open book and manna from heaven for the times.
This was not quite the precursor of today's open source movement though since IBM never granted permission to copy or use the code, but 1 billion PC compatibles later it is easy to see that IBM's approach unlocked at least one aspect of the value of openness.
Dan Bricklin comments thoughtfully about the PC BIOS in his blog [danbricklin.com]. Search for "purple".
That shell is atrocious (Score:3, Insightful)
Also, this is even worse than ACPI from a needless complexity standpoint.
EFI can't boot from tape (Score:3, Insightful)
Gas stations and BIOS (Score:3, Interesting)
BIOS is a sort of standard that assures compatibility. When we drift away from that standard, we start losing a very core basic value - the kind of thing that stops us from "filling up at the pump" so to speak.
I want my BIOS. Other things can change but I want my BIOS because I feel better knowing that some things stay the same.
NO ROM BASIC (Score:3, Funny)
Or maybe useful utilities like Sun and other workstation vendors have.
Or maybe more than 15 FUCKING IRQS! Like Macs have.
Is it me, or is everyone else just better all around? The only thing going for PC's is the junk is so cheap.
Re:hm (Score:5, Funny)
Why is that moded FlameBait? (Score:2)
PS. Now this post, on the other hand, will also probley be modded down. Thats a good thing. I think That getting modded down every now and then is a good thing. If everyone agrees with what you are saying, then you must not be saying anything important.
PS PS I think its clear to me that slashdot's moderation system is a failure. The signal to noise ratio is far too low. The insightful comments aren't, the