Microsoft Planning on Opening Up More Source 482
mhh5 writes "It's a bit surprising, but it looks like Microsoft is considering making some of its code open source. Obviously, Microsoft's OS or Office are not going to be opened, and it seems like Microsoft is just trying to get more developers, but it's a interesting change of policy."
Finally! (Score:5, Funny)
Ahh, you beat me to it (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Finally! (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Finally! (Score:3, Interesting)
seriously, it wouldn't surprise me if this is a camaflauged attemt to make a claim like that down the line. were somethign is so closlly obvious, shady claims and maybe a lawsuite can be made like they never could have done it without seeing the source code and they didn't cr edit the right sources..or c an we say SCO times 3?
I guess th
Re:Finally! (Score:5, Insightful)
I've always wondered who came up with the idea of the Windows registry in the first place. It gathers the system and program settings in the same place, making it impossible (to users) to separate the two. In addition, the registry grows like a black rubber sack full of waste food in a hot day, and is about as nice to use - programs typically scatter their settings all around the registry, and because the thing is so large, searching it with regedit is slow. All in all, another amazingly bad idea from people who brought us Edlin.
On the other hand, in Linux, you simply open the text file /etc/programname, and make whatever changes you please. Most Linux config files also contain plentifull help in the form of comments.
I don't quite understand why you think that the config files in Linux are unstructured. They are of the form key = value, and every line that starts with # is a comment. Simple and usable.
As for installation process, I think that writing "apt-get install programname" is about as easy as it can get, and certainly less of a bother than the installation routines in Windows programs, but to each their own...
Re:Finally! (Score:5, Funny)
BSOD (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Finally! (Score:5, Interesting)
How that turned into a talking paper clip only the mind of the most deranged MS programmer knows.
Re:Finally! (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Finally! (Score:5, Insightful)
One example of how this PR strategy has failed recently is the current situation of the Seattle Mariners. I know, I know, a professional sports analogy; don't worry, this will be painless. Anyway, during the 2000 through 2003 seasons, the Mariners won 60.6% of their games (393 out of 648); by all accounts, this was a very good team. But there were issues mounting behind the scenes. Players were getting older, and money was being wasted on players that had already passed their peak. Regardless, the Mariners front office kept reassuring fans that the team could compete. Sabermetricians (people who study baseball statistics) predicted that old age would end up biting the Mariners in the ass, but fans didn't believe that a team that had done so well recently would do so poorly now. Well, the Mariners are almost halfway through their season, and they have won only 41.4% of their games (29 out of 70). They have the worst record in their division, the second worst record in their league, and the fifth worst record in all of Major League Baseball! Still, the front office denies that there is anything seriously wrong with how the team is being run and maintained. Now the fans *know* that the Mariners are too old to play well, pay too much to crappy players in an attempt to improve their team, and that the front office is going to bullshit their way out of doing anything meaningful. By staying the course and saying that nothing serious is wrong, the Mariners front office is going to lose a lot of business and a lot of respect.
I'm not the kind of guy who would normally give free advice to Microsoft, but sometimes it's better for the emperor to admit that he's not wearing any clothes.
Re:Finally! (Score:5, Interesting)
It's not that much different with Microsoft. Microsoft has battled with Unix varients for a very long time, and has always managed to come out on top thanks to "pretty interfaces". Linux is certainly getting better, but many managers dismissed its supporters as biased. The moment Microsoft began a defamation campaign on Linux was the moment that Microsoft-friendly managers began turning their heads. Linux was no longer a toy in their eyes, it was a real product that Microsoft considered a serious threat. And if it was a threat to Microsoft, might it actually be better than Microsoft?
Re:Finally! (Score:3, Interesting)
I work in the Microsoft Universe, and I can flatly say that this is false.
Linux Hype has been going on in the IT Press for 5 years now, far longer than MS has done any specific anti-Linux marketing. MS-centric IT Managers have noticed and are taking Linux seriously, especially in application areas where it is very strong (LAMP, Java, and Oracle).
Which is exactly why Microsof
Re:Finally! (Score:5, Interesting)
I can attest to this myself. I have a client that was/is pro-micrisoft for everything. I wanted for a long time to use a linux on an old box for a internet router so I could have some more control using ssh and the likes. After being told no for several years, suddenly out of the blue I recieved a call saying it might be a good idea to go ahead and do it. Some of the key points of the conversations was, we won't have to worry about viruses on the linux server and it is definatly cheaper then the win2000 server and IIS. It serves the internet to about 40 workstations, hosts the email, scans all messages with a virrus scanner, and spam filter, gives me ftp and ssh access were I didn't really have it before, runs one of the worlds best firwalls (iptables/netfilter) and cost about $1800 less to start up. Also it allows the other win2000 server to be used to alieviate some stress from another server that runs a data store that I wouldn't allow on a box with a direct conection to the internet.
There is now talk about placing another linux box in running a sql server and dumping a couple of data bases into it for a working backup that would survive the next big windows virus/hack attack. This wouldn't have ever been possable without Microsoft and others bringing attention to linux as a competitor (AT least in this shop). My client reviewed these decisions with some asociates in other buisinesses and they are considering doing the same. One of the plusses is there would be limited vendor lockin so other options would be viable when microsoft (or some other windows only app) riases licence fees'. Also the thought of having workable backup solutions that are immune to the same virus/update/whatever bugs is pricless. If somethign hits and takes down the servers, bam a few config changes and everythign is back to normal while the problem is being sorted out. I don't think we would switch entirely to linux there but I also didn't think linux would have been there in the first place.
Re:Finally! (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Finally! (Score:5, Insightful)
Keep in mind that Microsoft was in the perfect position to portray IBM as a mainframe "has-been". They could have easily targetted IBM directly with a campaign stating that IBM is attempting to bring back the days of Big Mainframes. IBM even makes it easy with their special versions of Linux that run on big iron!
Microsoft could then point out that Oracle is also a "has-been" that failed to take the top TPC against SQL-Sever. Thus they're jumping on IBM's bandwagon of selling their products to a small niche market of Linux lovers.
While all of that may be stretching the truth, it would still keep Microsoft from having to say anything about Linux other than "it's a toy created by a bunch of hackers." Thus Microsoft's mistake was in attempting to attack Linux directly as if it were backed by a company. Linux doesn't actually have a company to attack directly, so it was about as effective as bombing Internet nodes. Had they gone focused on Linux's corporate support infrastructure, they could have effectively dismantled Linux's Enterprise attempts without directly killing Linux. (A bit like bombing the internet nodes to Washington DC. Far more focused and effective.)
Worse than that (Score:5, Interesting)
A number of us in my department (we joked that it was the "armpit of Microsoft," but I forget who coined that phrase), noticed that Microsoft seemed to be pursuing greatly differnet and conflicting strategies relating to the saturation of the PC market and the threat to revenue that this engenders. On one hadn you had software assurance as an attempt to create a stable income source as PC's live increasingly long lives, and on the other you have
This is yet more evidence to me that Microsoft is NOT acting in a unified and coherent manner but us taking a shotgun approach out of fear (interestingly, not fear of Linux, but Linux contributes to an already bad situation).
Re:Worse than that (Score:3, Interesting)
I don't think it is just Linux (Score:4, Insightful)
Microsoft's biggest and most dangerous competitor is, well, legacy Microsoft software. This is the cudgel which could destroy their current business model. And I think that this is what scares Microsoft so much.
You see-- if only half as many people buy Windows (because they already have a version that works for them), then they will have to charge nearly twice as much for each copy or cut way back on research and development. Both strategies force them into a chicken-and-egg cycle where the costs go up, the demand goes down, so the costs go up, so the demand.....
So what to they do?
1) Product activation (to forestall the cycle a little while)
2) Software Assurance (to stabilize their income)
4) Longhorn DRM to get consumers to move so they can have "must have" content.
5) Outsource technical support to India
Enter Linux. Linux is at best for Microsoft a current distraction from the market problems above but it is important strategically because it prevents Microsoft from using its monopoly power with market impunity. Linux is a small but seriously growing threat, and while it is nowhere near the threat to Microsoft that Windows 98 is, it provides subtle damage because it gives customers a third option (stay where you are, upgrade, or move to Linux). This third option is a major issue for Microsoft and they know that it could eventually be as bad as the first (stay where you are) option. So they are trapped.
Now, I don't believe for a moment that Microsoft will go out of business over this. But they are beginning an extremely difficult transition, and it is anybody's guess what sort of business they will have when they emerge.
Re:Finally! (Score:5, Funny)
Ha! From the article: "There's more of that on the way," said Microsoft's Stephen Walli...
That's like a fat chick showing you a boob and saying, "There's more where that came from."
Just one thing (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Just one thing (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Just one thing (Score:5, Insightful)
We don't need to see the code, we just need to know what goes in and what comes out documented. Then we can write our own damned code to do it which will be untainted by MS's code, of little return value to them, and allow us to compete directly.
Which is why you won't see it happen other than under duress.
After that seeing the actual code is just like seeing MS in its underwear, fun to point and giggle for a little while, but after that more and more disquieting and revolting.
Re:Just one thing (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Name one (Score:5, Interesting)
OK, Here's the Latest (Today) IIS Exploit (Score:5, Informative)
"Name an instance of IIS being automatically exploited. I'll cite you two Apache holes in return."
Here you go [cnn.com], freshly under investigation, spreading as I type.
From the article: "Government and industry experts warned late Thursday of a mysterious, large-scale Internet attack against thousands of popular Web sites. The virus-like infection tries to implant hacker software onto the computers of all Web site visitors. [ ... ] The mysterious infection appeared to target at least one recent version of software by Microsoft Corp. to operate Web sites, called its Internet Information Server, popular among businesses and organizations."
That was fun. Your turn.
Re:Just one thing (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:Just one thing (Score:5, Insightful)
The "Americanism" that you refer to (that the GPL supposedly violates) is the belief in individual liberty coupled with civic responsibility--the idea that, if it doesn't infringe on anyone else's personal rights, you have the freedom to do what the hell you want and the duty to use that freedom to benefit society as a whole.
OSS is thus right in line with the original American values. As long as it doesn't mess up anyone else, the KDE developers can do whatever the hell they want with their computers: they choose to write code on them and give me a copy, so I can post this here.
Now there is a trend toward the reliance on the law, on legally-binding agreements and codification, rather than on a shared duty to be benevolent, to make people play nice. Whether this is a good thing or not is a discussion for another time, but it is certain that large organizations--chiefly, corporations and IP-holders--can make greater use of this new reliance on contracts than individuals can.
The GPL is simply a creative rechanneling of this current trend to protect individuals--who would like to protect the altruistic and hackable nature of their products--rather than those who wish to profit from them.
I wish the GPL didn't need to exist--that developers could release software with a statement to the effect of "I'd like this code to remain open and distributed free of charge. Please do me the respect of acknowledging me as the original offer, and of honoring my wishes for this work." But since, in today's climate, people (read: corporations) are bound not by honor and ethics but only by law, the OSS community needs the GPL to *protect* the original American values inherent in open source software.
Re:Just one thing (Score:5, Insightful)
You must think Microsoft's licenses are "totalitarian," or maybe not. Maybe you think they have a god-given right to profit?
People releasing the product of their own labor under the terms of their own choosing (the GPL) is evil? It's unamerican? Should they be forced to work for Microsoft, or only sell their labor and products of their labor under terms approved by you, or Microsoft, etc? Would that be more "american," less "evil" and less "communist?"
Re:Just one thing (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Just one thing (Score:5, Interesting)
windows media player
various drivers
windows scripting host
internet explorer
imagion.. IE with real DOM support
or how about 100,000 volunteers hunting vulnerabilities?
outlook express
visual studio and all it's bits
microsoft management console
source safe
msn messenger
remeber the desktop toys?
countless more.. but i'm starting to get board with this.. must.. must.. eve..
Re:Just one thing (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Just one thing (Score:5, Insightful)
Hell, even if they did participate in creating open document standards, they would probably add special proprietary "enhancements". Visual J++ anyone?
Re:XML office file formats (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:Just one thing (Score:3, Insightful)
The thing that seems very strange to me is that they start opening up source code with real open source licenses, then they go on several notable tirades directly, and indirectly about how open source is inferior and costs more money than you expect. Can you say the same for the utilities they've released themselves?
If so, could you say by using their own rhetoric that using Microsoft products are just to
This is about a viral spread of "shared" code. (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:This is about a viral spread of "shared" code. (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:This is about a viral spread of "shared" code. (Score:5, Insightful)
The reason people are pointing out the trap in MS's devious "Shared Source Initiative" is that a lot of trusting people won't realize that they don't like the terms (ie: they fall for the trap), and will use it. Unlike your "let the buyer beware" attitude, some people actually don't like the idea of other people being scammed, and will voluntarily do something to help them before it's too late.
Re:This is about a viral spread of "shared" code. (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:This is about a viral spread of "shared" code. (Score:4, Informative)
Not quite. It's "Damned if they don't, and damned if they don't", because they haven't done what people think they've done. They haven't Open Sourced *anything*, they've only "Shared Sourced" some stuff.
I have the source... (Score:4, Funny)
Re:I have the source... (Score:5, Funny)
What about GOTO's?
Surely there must be at LEAST ONE GOTO!
Re:I have the source... (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:I have the source... (Score:5, Funny)
They do use a lot of gotos, for exiting out of loops for cleanups and such.
It's a hell of a lot nicer than 10 level if statements.
Open Development Process (Score:5, Interesting)
Many Microsoft developers now discuss projects openly on Blogs and Forums, and some projects (i.e. Internet Explorer) now have community sites where the public can interact directly with the development team.
Personally I like this transparent process, and hope it becomes popular within Microsoft. They have some of the best developers in the world and this sort of restructuring could lead to some excellent software being produced.
I like it too. (Score:3, Insightful)
developers, developers, developers! (Score:4, Funny)
Obligatory Admiral Akbar (Score:5, Interesting)
It's a trap!
...ok, dumb jokes aside, this is probably not as good as it sounds. I'd advise the Wine guys to stay as far away from this code as possible!!
Remember, these are the guys who "recommended" Baystar to SCO. They are NOT open source friendly.
SCO caused Linux a lot of problems with their whole "code pollution" bit. I'll betcha they're planting seeds to do the same thing with their own code base later on down the road.
Stay away from this, folks. FAR away.
Re:Obligatory Admiral Akbar (Score:4, Interesting)
I'm not old enough to have witnessed the evil juggernaut that was IBM, but I do occasionally hear the elder people talk about days past when IBM would own your soul if one would even look at an IBM compatible piece of junk. There was no greater evil then IBM and it was cursed and spit at.
Now look at IBM, they turned OS into a viable business model and are a nice enough player in the OS world. Who is to say MS can't change into a nice enough OS player? The quality of their software aside, it's a good thing to see they ACKNOWLEDGE OSS to start with.
And, that can be used against them if they claim OSS is a $strRandomNastyLethalDisease. If they do, remind them they use it themselves.
Re:Obligatory Admiral Akbar (Score:3, Insightful)
The fact that this is not going to happen unless something makes it happen. A company like Microsoft isn't going to change its ways spontaneously.
IBM changed like this because they died. They got bitchslapped by their customers and by the U.S. DOJ and had to rebuild from nothing. Neither of these things are happening to MS right now or in the forseeable future-- and in fact, the DOJ and MS's customers seem to basically just be bending over as far
Insightful (Score:4, Insightful)
I was going to make a crack about how obvious this comment was, but you got me thinking about the success of Micro-Soft's marketing campaigns.
Micro-Soft has managed what seemed to me to be an impossible task; turn the obvious security advantages of Open Source into a debate about who has the better security. There are actually people out there convinced that Windows' security is superior due to the success of their marketing, contrary to all reason and evidence.
Micro-Soft have managed to turn TCO into a debate about which is cheaper, Windows or FLOSS, despite the fact that it is blindingly obvious that the cost of Windows is a gazillionfold.
Perhaps your comment is the first of many, as "Micro-Soft supports Open Source" and "Shared Source and Open Source are the same thing" become the new frontiers in their reductio ad absurdem marketing campaigns that seem so successful with the gullible.
Re:Insightful (Score:5, Insightful)
Perhaps your comment is the first of many, as "Micro-Soft supports Open Source" and "Shared Source and Open Source are the same thing" become the new frontiers in their reductio ad absurdem marketing campaigns that seem so successful with the gullible.
Agreed, AC. They've tailored the term "shared source" to sound very much like "open source". I assure you I have not swallowed the Kool Aid on this.
Open source is much much different than shared source. Anyone who disagrees is welcome to get the source to Internet Explorer, fix the bugs, and then release it on their own CD. It'd be an expensive way to prove the point that the two are not the same. Consider it a thought experiment, though.
My point was that MS knows that it's open source that will someday sink their boat. There is a motive here that remains to be discovered. Goliath sees David. He knows what's coming.
SCO's attack at least had the possibility to damage open source. The amount of open source people who jumped in to defend open source is proof enough of that. The problem is that SCO's claim simply had no teeth. Now, imagine for a moment if it did. What if Linus had put some foreign IP in the kernel? What then?
And MS knows that. So why not pollute the stream a bit? Loose some code, and see where it turns up over the next 5 or so years? With any luck, it'll turn up somewhere...important. And then MS will pull the same stunt, and heaven help us all. They can afford enough lawyers to where it would make sense to measure them in metric tons.
And that's my point, really. Avoid this code like the plague, folks. Do not look at it. Do not touch it. Do not download it. Do not acknowledge it. Do not give the pack of rabid IP lawyers that will be coming 5 or so years from now any stick to beat us with.
Re:Obligatory Admiral Akbar (Score:3, Insightful)
How sweet. (Score:3, Interesting)
I find it interesting that Windows is so widely deployed, yet so few people are truly "in love" with the operating system. You'll find people willing to die for Mac OSX, for OpenBSD, for BeOS, for Amiga, for Gentoo, or for any number of other systems -- but to date, I've never met a single person that was truly satisfied with Windows, much less happy or fanatical about it.
People use Microsoft for a number of reasons, none of them at all related to customer satisfaction. Corporate desktops are assumed to be running Windows with Office unless stated otherwise. Data centers are assumed to be running some Windows server edition, to let the admins use Group Policy and other platform-dependent tools that almost make managing those desktops bearable. People use Microsoft because of their monopoly, and Microsoft exploits this.
And remember, no one got fired for choosing Microsoft.
Re:How sweet. (Score:5, Funny)
Oddly enough, most people only use operating systems to facilitate whatever work it is they happen to be tasked with accomplishing. When it comes to love, passion, etc, these same weird folk usually look towards members of the opposite sex (or the same sex, even) and not penguins, devils, or peices of mealy fruit. Crazy, huh?
Re:How sweet. (Score:3, Insightful)
Why should computer geeks all of a sudden attempt to think in such a utilitarian fashion about their tools. A quality tool that you interact with day to day should be a pleasure to use. Anyone who thinks otherwise doesn't believe in enjoying life.
If you wait until the 8 hours at work is over to enjoy life you are missing out on a l
Love, "Don't violently hate" is improvement. (Score:3)
I hope Windoze users don't have the same feelings for their spouse as they do for their computers. Every place I've worked where windoze was deployed, there was not a single day that I did not hear someone cursing loudly about how the "computer" ate a few hours of work. They would beat their keyboards, as if they could not believe the thing had locked again. Then some discouraging words would be sh
If the Office source code was released (Score:5, Funny)
We used to have a joke at Bell Labs regarding the source code for the 5ESS. If we ever wanted to eliminate any competition, we would send them a copy of the source, and they would go bankrupt trying to figure it out.
Tcp/Ip stack (Score:5, Funny)
For those who can't see why MS is opening code (Score:5, Insightful)
Just my two cents, heh.
Re:For those who can't see why MS is opening code (Score:3, Insightful)
2. Microsoft's source code isn't "open."
3. "Shared source" as a brainwashing technique -- interesting theory!
Old news. (Score:4, Funny)
Why? (Score:5, Informative)
This is purly a business move aimed at PHB's. IBM has made money telling people that Open Source is good and MS is getting in on the right for free.
It could also be that they are trying to get in on the good side of budding developers. I don't know any other CS majors that use Windows on their main desktop and I know of no CS majors who write their code in Windows. At Georgia Tech everything in class is done in Linux after the first Scheme class. If the future coders don't know Microsoft stuff they won't use it or push it in their jobs.
Things have changed and that's the point. (Score:3)
That's not true anymore. Sure, GA Tech boys are bright enough to learn enough in a few days to maintain someone's old VBscript / Access nightmare. It's never been that hard. Now, however, they are going to know how to get the job done faster and cheaper with free software. The tools have gotten much better and it's easier to replace things with Linux tha
MS software unfriendly to competing vendors (Score:4, Insightful)
Microsoft's 2 open source projects (Score:5, Informative)
Well, a bit of Googling turned 'em up: Windows Template Library (WTL) [sourceforge.net] and Windows Installer XML (WiX) [sourceforge.net].
Re:Microsoft's 2 open source projects...are CPL (Score:5, Informative)
This led to the question of what is the CPL and how does this differ from other licenses. A little Googling on my part turned up this site that compares the open source licenses. [openfoundry.org]
The most significant difference between the CPL and the GPL involves the license of derivative works.
LOTR analogy (Score:4, Funny)
Yes, I'm a nerd.
It's not from today (Score:3, Informative)
This change is not from today, the change started with WIX [sourceforge.net] under the CPL [ibm.com].
Anyway, if you make a CPL program better(and if it's not yours) you can't earn money with this, only if it helps you to make other things, but who created the program can earn money with your code.
The want the media atention and to be the good guys with this things. Them whem someone talk about Microsoft be against open source software they will say: "we released XX softwares under open source licenses, how we can be against our softwares?"
What are the extra ground rules in the CPL? (Score:5, Interesting)
From the article:
I would argue that the GPL [fsf.org] has "clearly delinated ground rules", and I'm not sure what extra value is added by the CPL [eclipse.org]. The FSF licence list [fsf.org] gives some hints that the CPL imposes extra requirements:
Does anybody have any examples of why a corporation would prefer the CPL to the GPL?
Re:What are the extra ground rules in the CPL? (Score:5, Interesting)
Change of policy? (Score:4, Insightful)
1) Embrace new methodology
2) Extend new methodology in a way that locks users into Microsoft products
Let's look at Microsoft's take on "open source":
1) Embrace OSS' idea of providing developers access to source code.
Would anyone care to guess what step #2 will be?
I got my hands on some of it... (Score:4, Funny)
void main() {
//**Secret Proprietary Microsoft Code Removed**
while (true) {
if (rand() % 2)
Microsoft's new openness (Score:5, Interesting)
http://channel9.msdn.com/ is an impressive effort, and shows how far MS is going with their community outreach.
It's scary how much you can learn from blogs.msdn.com. There are a lot of smart people working at MS, but what are they all working on? The quality and thoughtfulness of the posters there indicates that they must have some killer internal projects.
Re:Microsoft's new openness (Score:5, Interesting)
It was interesting--thanks for sharing the link...
However, this is a good opportunity to consider the differences between being smart/witty/intelligent and being driven, visionary, and willing to work in a project that may not succeed (b/c it's not in backed from the get-go with millions). I can say this b/c I've been exposed to ms developers, startup develops (myself included), and developers somewhere in between. I, personally, am not impressed with devs that don't seek the highest level of excellence in what they create. Most ms devs I've seen are so high in the Microsoft ivory tower that they've lost all sense of reality and priority. They are unconsciously in the mindset that the world revolves around them. Keep in mind this phenomenon isn't a MS thing--it's what happens to celebrities, wealthy people, and powerful people that only spend their time inside their courtyard.
To spare boring details, I've repeatedly witnessed MS teams not fix trivial bugs/issues because of the testing (ie added budget) they'd "need" to do on the changed code (despite that any dev could look at the code and tell the PM that there is *no* risk). *That's* why even the smallest issues and problem tend to go unfixed for so rediculous amounts of time.
Dilution of the Soundbite Market (Score:4, Insightful)
PHBs will just think "open-source is good trend" and "Microsoft 'does' open-source".
So yeah, this is a good, though Machievelian move, by Microsoft.
piece by piece is interesting... but (Score:5, Insightful)
Why is this important you ask? Well let me put a hypothetical case:
1) you have the source code to office
2) the office file format is encumbered
3) you use the source code to do anything with regards to that file format(read, write, export, clean up, syntax-highlight it doesn't matter)
4) you are in violation of their patent, and can(and likely will) be dragged before a court
It doesn't matter that they opened up their source in this case. Should anyone who hasn't been following, that means that open source benefits end users most when linked to open formats. What this smells like to me, is a PR move related to stock valuation, they announced they would follow the trend, but without naming the products, to gauge the impact on stock price, and they are evaluating which product will be released, based partly on market reactions. If their focus groups say "bad juju" they'll pull up something like ms dos 2.11 or microsoft notepad, and claim they open-sourced it to encourage innovation in the text space
[sarcasm]implying that they are leaders in the text-only field[/sarcasm]
There are a lot of technologies that Microsoft started, like WMI, that would actually benefit from an influx of third party developers, actually, the number of technologies at Microsoft that wouldn't grow with an influx of third parties is actually pretty close to zero.
However, if we want our computing to be unfettered, we have to keep insisting on what's really important, and not be swayed by Microsoft's "No" "No" "Maybe" "Yes but only if you give me the Moon first" routine. The data on our computers, belongs to us, the computers, they also belong to us, the software on it provides a useful service, it is true, but it does NOT grant control to Microsoft over that, and we need to react forcefully to anything that lessens our control over our property.
msdn and web apps. (Score:3, Insightful)
Microsofts MSDN is full of source code examples, tools dlls components etc. Yes many of these tools you do not get the source code too. But as an example Microsoft site server, or commerce server as it is now was full of useful source code for developing your site server applications. Yes it wasnt open source, but it was free to use with your application if you had a license.
I guess what Im getting at is, they offer many examples, source code with licenses, and tools, yes there not open source, but if thats what people want, then they will write it them selves and release it as open.
Should be called Sample Code, not Open Source (Score:4, Insightful)
Sample Code is released to show how to use APIs. It is open source in the sense that you download and modify the source code, but the build isn't useful for distributing in its own right, unlike a TRUE Open Source project.
True Open Source projects tend to be portable between platforms. Many projects on SourceForge can be built on Win32, Linux and Mac OS X.
But what can Windows Template Library (WTL) and Windows Installer XML (WiX) be built on?
My perception is that Microsoft's open source initiatives are simply a means of encouraging use of the Windows platform. They're making available source code to show how certain things can be done, thus giving developers an example of how routines should be written, but also meaning that these "open source" offerings are little more than extended sample code that you expect to get with a Visual Studio install.
Stephen Walli, Interix, POSIX Subsystem... (Score:4, Interesting)
He's a smart cookie, and has given multiple presentations at Usenix on Interix. It's based on a modified version of the POSIX subsystem, and runs directly on the NT kernel rather than under the Win32 subsystem.
I wonder if they're considering open-sourcing parts or all of the POSIX subsystem? Heck, even documenting and opening the NT kernel interface without releasing any of the code would be a huge step forward.
An analogy (Score:4, Insightful)
The media (amongst others) will pick one and then the two terms become one in the same in the eyes of everyone except the geek sector. We end up looking like we're quibbling over the semantics of two things that most people will consider to be identical. For example, "I can see the code, what's the difference?"
Re:They just want free development (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:They just want free development (Score:4, Insightful)
A step in the right direction? This? No, this is not a step in the right direction. This is them releasing a bunch of code under a GPL-incompatible (and certainly BSD-incompatible) license. The code is open, certainly, but not free. Which means that while we can possibly submit patches, etc, to Microsoft, we cannot fork it or even use small pieces of it (even if they were written by someone else in the community) in our own code.
The GP was absolutely right: they just want free development. They hope that we will hack their code, but it's still their code. All of it. You can't reuse it. You can't change it. You can't fork it. It's absolutely useless. Even studying it is dangerous: if you looked at their code and then implemented something free (as in freedom) that did the same thing, they could probably claim that you're violating their IP/copyright because your code isn't "cleanroom".
Open source non-free software is very dangerous for the community, because we cannot use it, or be inspired by it -- and yet it's there, like Pandora's box, waiting to be opened. And since so many people confuse open source with free, it isn't long before some well meaning coder takes a bit of their code, edits it, and submits it somewhere else.
They have just forced us to be even more vigilant. Don't you see that we get nothing at all? No rights? No freedom? But they get everything. Our manpower, our mindshare, everything. For nothing.
This is worse than not good. It's evil. A perverse bending of the free software model.
Re:They just want free development (Score:3, Insightful)
This is worse than not good. It's evil. A perverse bending of the free software model.
They're acting in their own interest while paying lip service to what they view as the fad of the month. What did you really expect them to do?
Re:They just want free development (Score:5, Insightful)
Do you have any legitimate reason for disliking the CPL, other than the fact that MS uses it?
Don't be so antagonistic about topics you clearly have no clue about.
Re:This is why (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:They just want free development (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:They just want free development (Score:3, Interesting)
They have done no such thing. The software isn't Open Source (the article has it wrong), it's "Shared Source" which is meant to get overly credulous people to think MS is making an overture of goodwill to the Open Source community, when what they are really doing is attacking it (as usual).
Re:They just want free development (Score:3, Informative)
Which (take a look at the URL) is OpenSource.
The SSI is a different beast.
Re:Open vs. Shared? (Score:5, Informative)
Re:Open vs. Shared? (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Figures (Score:3, Funny)
Re:MS is *not* open sourcing anything (Score:3, Informative)
They have stuff under the CPL [opensource.org], such as WIX [sourceforge.net].
The SSI is something else, it is aimmed at companys, and includes stuff like WinCE.
Re:MS is *not* open sourcing anything (Score:3, Interesting)
They have stuff under the CPL, such as WIX.
Stuff? How about "thing" then. Amend my above comment to "MS has only ever released one minor Open Source project" (or two things if there are two, or whatever). The overall meaning of my post does not change. SSI is a sham. Let them truly embrace Open Source--I don't mean that they have to release Windows or Office or anything, just simple things, like SAMBA and the Office document format.
Apple does well with mixing Open Source with proprietary so
"Shared Source" vs. "Open Source" (Score:3, Insightful)
Microsoft calls it "Shared Source" with a completely different license, not the GPL, and somehow they're trying to confuse and dilute another term called "Open Source?" What's so confusing about it? Couldn't be any more confusing than GPL, LGPL, CPL, XPL, BSD, etc.
Seems rather silly. Especially since Microsoft has been sharing their Windows source with universities for years. In fact, it was a Linux machine at a company called Mainsoft
Re:MS is *not* open sourcing anything (Score:3, Insightful)
You first, Starks.
You're obviously looking for reasons to criticize Microsoft.
You don't know me, friend. I'm attacking MS's SSI because it's being touted as though it's Open Source, and it isn't. The more people believe that it's a legitimate example of Open Source, the more damage they do (and it's no secret that MS both wishes to and profits from damaging the Open Source movement).
YES, SSI is crap. This we know.
Not everyone. I'm just trying to catch those who might now know SSI is cra
Re:Another angle of attack (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:apartment analogy (Score:3, Funny)
Ah! That's how they got Windows XP! I was wondering about that...
Re:COINCIDENCE?! (Score:5, Interesting)
IE is pretty much worthless to Microsoft, and always has been. They added it to make Windows better, in the fact that it had a browser for anybody who wanted to use it. Now that it's added, it's kinda like Disk Defragmenter. Sure, they COULD improve it loads... but why? It works. Working on it would bring down the wrath of Anti-trust people (Both cases. It would be 'using their market dominance to suppress other companies'). And in neither case would it bring in a single cent of extra revenue.
If they open sourced IE (And, to continue the analogy, Disk Defragmenter), they would gain a legion of coders who would improve the product, making the overall experience better for the end user, and at a far lower cost to themselves. Sure, it wouldn't bring in more revenue, but it'd make the customers happier...
Re:Excessive Bias (Score:4, Insightful)
So yes, chances are virtually everything they do is devious in one sense or another. But the same goes for IBM, Novell, Sun,
Re:Excessive Bias (Score:3, Insightful)
So long as said corporation obeys the law. But we know for a fact that Microsoft doesn't do that; and I do mean 'fact', given that they've been tried and convicted of illegal acts.
Making money is a beautiful thing...unless you're doing it through patently illegal activities. At which point you're no better than the local crack dealer.